The guide set starts out with a hook keeper above the cork handle, then one medium sized Fuji ceramic stripping guide, followed with hard chrome snake guides. This is the best way to determine subtle differences between rods. A 10wt is when you start fly fishing with a 2x4, my suggestion is to get the lightest 10wt u can. Well also ship it to you for free, and since we are in Montana, there is no sales tax. The Echo Carbon XL at $169.00 got the perfect score of 10, while the highest priced rods like the Asquith and the Orvis 3F and 3D got 7.5 and 7.8. Douglas Lifetime no-fault warranty program for original owner only. All the best rods we tested have medium fast, to fast action profiles. All are important. It makes it the rod that will be able to fish the lighest as possible. As Tim explains, this rod was designed to be an inexpensive but versatile rod, and in this respect he has hit a home run. The rest of the guides are the best nickel/titanium snake guides. They can take a basic design and fine-tune it to perfection, making a few tweaks and design changes along the way to end up with that perfect rod the situation and techniques demand. I couldnt cast off the tip of the rod nearly as well as with the Sky G. This was the best distance for the Centric and I was forming perfect loops with very good accuracy. The rods stiffness hurts the feel a bit in close and Im not getting the kind of feel or accuracy that I had with the Sky G. Im able to form nice loops with ease, and the rod tracks well. Also, these rods go from 2 weight all the way up to 10, so you can choose what works best for you. Then there are a lot of other guys I know that are also great anglers like Jerry Siem at Sage, Jim Bartschi at Scott, Tim Rajeff at Echo. Very unusual, but great looking as well as functional. Yes, they are fairly long, making maneuverability a bit hard, but they do allow for long casting distances. With the SA Amplitude MPX in WF-6-F, we could easily load 90 yards of 20 lb. 2020 10' 3wt fly rod Shootout 07/23/2020 - T-and-Co In the modern nymphing technique, the 10 #3 is the most standard fly rod used for white-water fishing. For rods that retail over $250, a $55 handling fee is charged. The finished blanks are then shipped to the G. Loomis factory in Woodland Washington, where the rods are completed. Nylon washers on the upper side of the rings help provide a very secure lock up. The best rods here are almost always the lightest in swing weight, especially when you are doing a lot of false casting, as you often are fishing dry flies. The Centrics ability to control loop shape and line speed at any distance gives anglers a wide range in versatility. Weve found that the Galvan Torque reels also have a wider range of drag adjustment than most other reels, making it easy to fine tune the adjustment, which is especially important when you are using light tippets like 5X and 6X. We rated it one of the best in our Indicator Nymphing category, just behind the NRX+ and Centric. At 50 feet, you shouldnt have to double-haul to get the rod to perform. With its dull blank, black wraps and carbon reel seat, this JMC rod is definitely sober. It has a good mix of responsiveness and sensitivity, and it allows for long casting distances too. For perfection in both wraps and coatings, the T&T rods are in a class by themselves. Any tip section on any multi piece rod that is within the warranty period can be replaced at no charge other than a $25 shipping fee. Certainly enough power to go long, and as good as the Helios 3F, but didnt have the guts to match the more powerful rods like the Centric, Avantt or the Loomis rods. Ive been in the fly-fishing business now for over fifty years, as a guide, fly shop manager and finally owner. The guides start out with a hook keeper on the butt, then two SIC stripping guides, with the rest hard chrome single foot guides. The Sector brings breakthroughs in fly rod innovation to the market in more ways than one and is an incredibly durable and high performing rod. We quantify the reactivity in cpm. Better feel (and lighter) than all the other 6-weight rods at mid-range. The rod size is marked just above the cork handle. Fun to Fish/Got to Have 10 points available. This buyer's guide is designed to help anglers of all skill levels with any price-constraint find, Some people dont like that it is fairly stiff. The CFF of the Vision Nymphmaniac which has a real power of #2 is 77 cpm. This actually hurts the rods swing weight. The wraps are dark brown, with gunmetal trim wraps on the butt. The slightly stiffer tip hampered the amout of feel and accuracy. I like the softer tip that gave me a good amount of feel. I liked this grip a lot. Farther down in our Shootout, just above the final results charts, well give you the latest details on each manufacturers warranty policies, repair and replacement prices. A stack of thin, high quality cork rings are used. A $50 handling fee includes $35 per broken section plus a $15 shipping fee inside the continental US. Hardy Ultralite 9 #6 $ 795.00. BeulahOriginal owner lifetime warranty for defects. To gain access to this PDF you can call us, e-mail us, or click on the window below and we will e-mail you a copy of it. The same is true with the new SKY G 6-weight. Those who are after a nymphing type rod designed to fish very light (beads from 2 mm) or dry fly at short distance, with a natural fly line parallel would be happy to use: the Greys GR80, the Soldarini Hydropsyche Elite Competition, the Sage ESN HD or the Syndicate Pipeline. I also own Reddington Predator 10 and 12 weights. You can read each persons opinions and notes by simply clicking on their comments below each of my individual rod write ups. The cork handle is called a snub nose half-wells, which has a long thin swell, with a little flare at each end. We hope that this 6-weight Shootout helps you to choose the very best rod for your needs. The Asquith and NRX+ were far better at long range. But at long range, the Centric couldnt match the kind of power I was getting from both the G.Loomis Asquith and NRX+. Maxcatch V-Access Fly Rod, 9', 3-10wt, Fast Action, Graphite, Rod Tube $ 86.35. Youll also want to pick one of the 6-weights with a short fighting butt. Most manufacturers are now using one-coat epoxy coatings over the guide wraps, but if they are not very carefully applied, they can be sloppy and this adds unnecessary weight. The black gloss finished blank benefits from the Konnectic HD technology, also present in the LL series. Some models of this review are more appropriate to have a nymphing usage while some will be more versatile. The Sonic is another very attractive rod from Sage with superb craftsmanship that weve come to expect from Sage. Here is one rod that really combines impressive power with smooth, tight loops. Only the Sky G and the two Loomis rods were better at mid distance. Only the Sky G and Orvis Helios 3F were better short. Over the past 50 years, it has become apparent to me that the best rod designers are people that are also great anglers. We gave it a perfect score for indicator nymphing, and at $795, its three hundred dollars less than the Asquith. The decision will depend on your budget, the look and the type of action you are looking for. It allows for long casting distances no doubt, but may be too long to maneuver in some cases. They are designed to create high line speed, and flat stable loops that are easily generated at any distance. This Contact series is built with a dark gray blank, the trims and wraps are brown olive, very pragmatic and change from the usual black. #1 Douglas Outdoors SKY G 9 #6 $795.00. For many, the most expensive rods may be seen as a status symbol. This 10 is made with 12 guides + 1 spare in a blister in case you would add one on the first piece. There are no other rods in our Shootout that are as smooth, dampen as quickly, or track as well as the new NRX+ rods. Ill usually start out at our middle distance, 50 feet, to get the feel of each rod at a distance Im fishing most of the time with a 6-weight. If you look at our deflection charts, youll see that the Asquith and the NRX+ are two of the stiffer rods in our Shootout, along with the new Hardy Ultralite. This gives an angler more feel combined with an enormous amount of reserve power. We looked at all the warranty policies in detail as some have changed slightly. This produces believable and meaningful results, and gives us a good way to rate one rod against another. Craftsmanship has always been excellent on the Helios rods. You call in and they charge your credit card $125 but you get a brand new rod in 3-4 days. $35 handling fee. Tracks beautifully and maintains wonderful loop control and accuracy. The Greys GR80, la JMC Pure Equipe, la Maxia SX, la Soldarini Hydropsyche Competition, la Syndicate Pipeline and the Thomas & Thomas Contact are moderate-fast action rods. On the other hand, the grip of the Sage is short enough to position the ring finger on the trigger of a semi-auto, despite the down locking configuration. Before you go out and buy a fly fishing rod, there are some main considerations to keep in mind. Shimano developed a special graphite tape, called infinity tape, which is wrapped on the mandrel on a 45-degree axis. This Abel fly reel should provide a lifetime of performance. The Asquith is one of the lightest rods in this Shootout. So now, back to the original post. Rods that score high in this category are also better for fishing streamers with sink tip lines, and have the backbone to help you land larger fish more quickly on heavier tippets. Over the years Ive worked with G. Loomis, Sage, Scott, Winston, Tom Morgan Rodsmiths, and Douglas in the design and testing of their rods. Heavier in hand than most, but not objectionable. Youll find handy alignment dots on each rod section. more info. But the amazing thing is how light it is in your hand considering how much power it has. Another reason youll want good butt power and performance at long range is chucking steamers. Fishing big, wind resistant rigs like a Chub/Rub combo, (a size #8 Chubby Chernobyl dry with a size #8 rubber legs nymph behind it), is far easier with a 6-weight rod. Using a T-5 kept the weight down to a light 6.1 ounces, with the reel fully loaded with line and backing. Hardy uses a half wells, cigar shaped handle with standard sized, extremely high quality cork rings, as we have come to expect from Hardy. Very impressive tight loops and great accuracy. Disclosure: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. They cast and turn over better than any of the knotless leaders on the market. Go to: to fill out the form. On the other hand the 3F was better at short distances and you can see this in the scores at 30 and 50 feet. When you pick up and cast one of their rods, it is apparent that they know exactly how each line size rod should perform. For this 6-weight Shootout we used our Clear Butt 9 foot 4X leaders. There is a 3-weight 11-footer; a 9 1/2-foot 5-weight; and the 8 1/2-foot 8-weight. When it comes down to it, most fly rods are between 6 and 10 feet long. The Sky G was in a class by itself here. But just this year Loomis is offering to replace the tip section for only $75.00. New custom rolling equipment also allows Scott to control fiber placement and density with new levels of precision as the rod is rolled. Top of the line REC nickel-titanium, flexible one foot guides are used the rest of the way. The alignment dots on each section are helpful, and the serial number is inscribed on each section, which helps if you have multiple T&T rods so that you dont accidently mix them up. Fishing streamers is a joy, as these rods have the power to drive a 10-15 foot sinking tip line with good sized streamers, right up to size 2, with ease. Hardy Lifetime warranty to original owner. It also comes with a nice waterproof carrying case with a strap that makes transportation even easier. The shorter the rod is, the more maneuverable it is, thus allowing for casting out of cover, plus this is good for short distance casting too. the Sage X Fly Rod (available at Amazon). He has been a very important and integral part of our Shootouts and tackle comparisons over the years. We have no doubt that the higher rated rods here will improve any anglers casting skills and his ability to catch fish. This is a rod that has a lot of beans, and is one of the more powerful 6-weights we had in our Shootout. Action is another important consideration to keep in mind here. Obviously, on a technical level, the Thomas & Thomas is the most accomplished in this category : it is very comfortable given its classic reel seat, it is the most responsive of the #3, and it has the delicious moderate fast action without any hard point on the blank, trademark of the Contact series. For those who would like an even less powerful model, the Vision Nymphmaniac has a real power tested at #2. If you need a well-balanced fly rod, this is a good option to keep in mind. Like on the 3F, there is no hook keeper on the Helios 3D. Sage tells us that this is a fast action rod like the X, built using their same Konnetic technology. If you want the best, youll likely be looking at spending $795.00 or more. With the best rods, a good caster can place a dry fly (in our case an indicator) within a foot or two of the exact target (for our Shootout, a paper plate) on most casts, unless there is a lot of wind. To my way of thinking, the most important thing when you break your rod is getting it back quickly, not so much the price youll have to pay. Dark blue wraps with 12 guides including 11 recoil single leg. Rods are replaced, not repaired. We decided to use slightly longer distances for the performance evaluations for these 6-weight rods 30 feet, 50 feet and 75 feet. First you must zero out the scale, (we use a Brecknell postal scale that measures in tenths of ounces). If the strippingguidebeing close enough to the handle does not put you off for dry fishing, remember that these rods will easily cast a #3 line if the need arises. It is also one of the best 6-weights going if you like fishing larger dries like hoppers and chubbies, with a nymph dropper. Douglas was able to achieve this incredibly lightweight by using their proprietary G-Tec blank. fish on that rod. I like everything Hardy has done with this rod and was impressed with it when Howard Croston, Hardys head rod designer, brought it by our shop last fall so that we could to try it out. With your new rod they include a FedEx call tag so that it does not cost you anything to return your broken rod.New this year, G. Loomis is offering an Xpeditor Tip Service. This new resin system, along with a new scrim, results in a lighter but more durable blank. The Thomas & Thomas Contact 10 #3 is a 4-piece rod shipped with a made in USA protective cover and an aluminium tube. Check this out on our deflection chart, and youll see that the Ultralite has about as much power in the mid-section as the Asquith and NRX+. And they will wear you out less than streamer fishing all day long with a heavier rod. They are also better rods for fishing a variety of nymph rigs, especially when you are using multiple flies, some weight like split-shot, and indicators. On the water, the Centic proved to be great for roll casting and mending a lot more powerful than the previous Radian. WebThe Asquith10-weight is a very versatile rod, perfect for mid-sized tarpon, big permit, big cudas, big jacks and a variety of other gamefish. Take one look at the thread wraps and their finish on the Avantt and youll see the ultimate in perfection. Loomis gets the perfect score of 10 for the NRX+, as does Douglas and Echo for their less expensive replacement charges and quick turnaround. Then before casting, we stretch out the fly lines and leaders so that they will cast and turn over perfectly. We hope you have enjoyed reading our 2021 6-Weight Shootout! WebGet the best deals on 10 Wt Fly Rod when you shop the largest online selection at Sage gives us their new Sonic, which performed as well as the Sage X, at nearly half the cost. A great 6-weight can do it all. The Amplitude MPX is a ninety foot three colored line the 8 foot tip is buckskin, followed with a 35 foot belly that is moss green, and then the rest a running line that is a brighter optic green. WebMHX 90 6 wt. It was hard for me to purchase the recon full price with the voice in the back of my head telling me I could get a used 10wt of a $900 rod for probably the same price This reel won our 2016 5/6 Reel Shootout. The epoxy coatings were excellent. Spotted Bass VS Largemouth: Differences Explained, Best Fishing Line For Bass Spinning Reels (Mono/Fluro/Braid). Still extremely good tracking and accuracy combined with delicate presentations. Is It Safe To Eat? Overall, it finished higher than the Orvis Helios 3D that sells for $949.00. $75 handling fee. The casts may be a little hard in terms of their landing, but you can achieve long distances and a fair amount of accuracy too. All these rods in our top ten make very capable nymph fishing rods, but the more powerful rods with stiffer butt and mid-sections really shine when you are throwing nymph rigs with multiple flies, indicators and even split shot. A black graphite insert is used with the serial number of the rod inscribed. In looking back at the old NRX specs, these new NRX+ rods are slightly lighter in overall weightbut substantially lighter in swing weight. This is a 10 weight fly rod, making it ideal for thick lines, for big fish, and even for saltwater fly fishing too. If youd like to read more about the other 30 rods tested, we have prepared a PDF describing each rods action, performance and components. A wonderful rod for fishing medium distances. The best 6-weight rods make superb rods for nymph fishing, both at short and long range. 3) Your saltwater fishing presents This is simple the lower the price, the higher the points. At 30 feet it matched the Loomis rods, but the Sky G was markedly better. This line has a heavier 60-foot head and a short front taper that makes turning over heavy rigs much easier, as well as an uncanny ability to cut through the wind. This is why both performed exceptionally well at 30 feet. Note that the Centric and Avantt are quite a bit softer in the butt and mid-section than the other rods and this is why they dont perform quite as well at long range as our other top rods. If you are getting one of the Ultimate 6-weight outfits, well throw in a SA Mastery MPX line for free (a $79.95 value). (Guide), What Size Hook For Cobia Fishing? Here I rated it at 19.5, equal to the Avantt and almost as good as the Centric and the G.Loomis Asquith and NRX+! They are a bit hard to control and dont always produce the best results. Not the easiest to maneuver due to length. Nearly all are charging a handling fee of $35-$100 to repair or replace your rod. They feature a lot of casting power and sensitivity too. In my casting, the Sonic actually outscored the Sage X, to make it into our top ten best 6-weights. We have been Scientific Anglers line fans for years, and their Amplitude MPX line is a perfect choice for these 6-weight rods. Impressive tight loops that gave me very good accuracy. Two chartreuse trims bring to the first piece a touch of flashy. This line is a half-size heavier than a normal Trout taper. We value your comments about the Shootout and invite any questions you might have about it or your tackle needs. A lot of anglers love to use a 5-weight as their all-around rod, but a 6-weight can make more sense in a lot of circumstances. Moonshine All rods have a lifetimewarranty to the original owner. The rest of the guides are dark colored hard chrome snake guides. The 3D and Ultralite were better, and the Asquith and NRX+ were in a class by themselves. At 50 feet you want a rod that will be light and smooth enough to do a lot of false casting, which you will do fishing dry flies like hoppers all day long. There is certainly a wow factor too with an expensive rod, when you pull that rod out of its case in front of your fishing buddies. At that point, they often do buy a more expensive outfit, and essentially end up throwing away the money they spent on the cheaper outfit. Another reason we decided to $25 handling fee on current rods. New Sintrix technology turned Hardys Shadow into a terrific mid-priced rod. The Ultralite is a relatively fast action rod. The 9/10 model is ideal for all but the biggest fish species. In our 5-weight Shootouts, the distances have been 25 feet, 45 feet and 70 feet. We see a lot of people wishing to economize getting into fly fishing and buying less expensive equipment. This is nice because you can break it down to size for easy transportation. Of all the top 11 rods, you can see that the Sky G has the stiffest butt section, but then one of the softer tips (the tip bends more). Breaks down into 4 pieces for portability. The handle itself is a mini half wells, with a medium sized swell and a nice flare at the bottom. Once you get your new rod or outfit, do some casting on the lawn, and if you feel it is not just what you want, (and has not been fished), well allow you to return it to us for a full refund, less the shipping charges. Rods are either replaced with a new rod or the broken section is replaced. Accordingly, we have revised our format and we are presenting the results first. The 10' 7# is possibly the most common rod size that we sell, its perfect for stillwater/ Loch fishing, If you are fishing in more difficult conditions, with spooky fish, then you might want to shift up to our 12-foot Clear Butt leader with tippets down to 5X and 6X. With more line out the rod loads better and now Im getting nice tight loops and great accuracy. As in the past, we prefer to set up all the test lines with our own Yellowstone Angler hand-tied leaders. Usually takes less than 2 weeks. Moderate-fast rods, some references in the review have an AA = to 65 which is typical for modern nymphing rods. Today the deflections of our top 11 rods are much more similar than they were ten years ago. The 3D has just a little more guts and power, which improves its performance at long range. A good 6-weight should also be able to cast 75-80 feet with a small damsel nymph or mini leech, and have the guts to keep that big angry lake brown out of the weeds. The NRX+ is an impressive improvement from the older NRX rods. If you are looking for that perfect saltwater outfit, then check out this link for our Favorite Saltwater Outfits. Rods outside of warranty, needing full replacement, have varying costs depending on series. Performance distances for the 6-weight rods. Usually takes 1-2 weeks. Performance at 75 feet 20 points available. Long-distance casts with decent precision are easy to achieve. Throws incredibly tight loops with ease, giving me terrific accuracy. It can handle some fast moving currents, it works well for long distance casting, and the guides are made for big line too. The Helios 3D rod is finished slightly differently from the 3F, in that the overall finish is a flat black rather than a flat gray. In this regard, G. Loomis continues to utilize their popular Expeditor policy. Every manufacturer now has some kind of Lifetime warranty. Usually takes 1-2 weeks. The NRX+ rods are an attractive dark steel gray color, with midnight blue wraps, that almost look black, and trimmed with lighter blue and silver on the butt section. So lets talk about the ones we offer at 239 Flies in greater detail. Complementary dark green wraps are used, and coated perfectly with multiple coats of epoxy. Call us at 406-222-7130, or e-mail us at [emailprotected] and we can discuss your needs and wants. Mint Sage TXL-F 4710-4 7'10" 4wt 4pc Top Rod in the 4wt Shootout. 4. All the other rods in this comparison have classic screw up locking reel seats. About the comfort while fishing, our ranking system gives the best mark (8/10) to the Sage ESN HD: the 73 gr and the down-locking reel seat promotes balance allow to take the lead in the ranking! Of all the reel seats, the one on Hardys Ultralite is the most unusual and attractive. This is a single uplocking seat with a large double-wide locking ring and nylon insert giving a very secure lock up. Line Capacity Line capacity is another pertinent consideration when choosing the right reel for Salmon. With an expert caster at the controls, the best 6-weights can easily cast all the line ninety to one hundred feet. Doing the casting outside was difficult if not impossible with the cold and gusting Livingston wind! International warranty claims may require an additional shipping fee. The new Hardy Ultralite that placed 4th in this Shootout, uses their latest in materials, Sintrix NSX. Nice and light in my hand. Below you will find the figures for price, overall weight, swing weight, and country of origin in our Objective Observations table. The best 6-weight rods have enough power in the butt and mid-section to get the job done easily. It also features an anodized seat, which means that it can handle saltwater no problem. The gray single uplocking skeleton seat uses a gorgeous bamboo insert, coming from the same factory that makes high-end Lexus steering wheels. They wont throw a heavy articulated fly quite like a 7 or 8-weight, but surprisingly theres a lot you can do with the best 6-weigths. If Fenwick determines that there was a defect, the rod will be repaired or replaced at no charge. Select your rod on the website and chose the correct weight and broken section from the drop-down menu and pay online. Guides on the 3D start out with two large sized titanium stripping guides with SIC inserts (the 3F has only one), followed by the best nickel/titanium snake guides that are flexible but will never break. As you might have noticed, this review article is specifically about 10 weight fly rods. Much of the time when Im fishing dry flies, and hooking smaller trout, Ill just strip the fish in, but if I hook a larger fish Ill try to play it off the reel, using the drag. So, lets see what are the optimum choices according to each kind of technique: Finally, note the perfect similarity of the power / action / reactivity values of the Thomas & Thomas Contact and the Maxia SX4. Terrific power on tap, when you need it. The Sonic cast quite well at all distances, but mid to long range was the sweet spot. A good 6-weight rod has the power to play bigger fish when you are trying to pull them away from undercut banks or underwater logs or boulders using 2X 4X tippet. Performance at 30 feet 20 points available. The epoxy coatings were all excellent. In our casting, well identify the best performing rods first, which are typically in the highest price category. The MPX is especially good with larger, more wind resistant flies like hoppers and stonefly dries. The final version of this 9-foot SKY G is just a fantastic rod, that produced an amazing performance in our Shootout at both 30 feet and 50 feet, picking up perfect scores from me at both distances. At long distance I gave it a perfect score, matching the NRX+. The good-looking Hardy Shadow put in a superb performance, and at $389.95, is our pick for the best mid-priced rod.
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