Added MOD current/planned air exercise list for week commencing 24 July 2017. Added MOD sponsored, current or planned exercise list 20 to 26 February 2023. Added MOD sponsored current / planned air exercise list weeks commencing 18, 25 December 2017 and 1 January 2018. Members of the Colorado National Guard will support Memorial Day events across the state with Colorado Air National Guard F-16 Fighting Falcon flyovers, a joint Wyoming-Colorado National Guard band concert, speakers, and other assets Memorial Day Weekend, May 28-30, 2022. Published new list commencing 16 May 2016. annual Best Warrior Competition at Fort Carson, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April 21-24, Added exercise list week commencing 25 January 2016. The planned Added MOD sponsored, current or planned exercise list 4 July to 10 July 2022. Addition of: MOD sponsored, current or planned exercise list from 17 January to 18 February 2022. Added MOD sponsored current / future planned air exercise list week commencing 24 August 2015. Six Colorado Army National Guard Soldiers from Army Space Support Team 16, 117th Space Support Battalion, deploying to the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility were honored at a departure ceremony at 3:00 p.m. Jan. 21, 2022, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Addition of MOD current/planned air exercise list for 27 January to 14 February 2020. The Colorado Division of Veterans Affairs-West will conduct a Town Hall to provide the public information about the new Western Region One Source Jan. 24, 2019, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., in Grand Junction. Addition of: MOD sponsored, current or planned exercise list for week commencing 1 November 2021. Added MOD sponsored current / planned air exercise list week commencing 12 June 2017. An official website of the United States government. The Colorado Hoist Rescue Team and Colorado National Guard partnered to change the way that the military performs hoist rescues. Under executive authority, approximately 56 members of the Colorado National Guard are supporting traffic management during the Marshall Fire response in Boulder County, Colorado. The Colorado National Guards Weapons of Mass Destruction-8th Civil Support Team will host elected officials and community partners at a groundbreaking ceremony for a Vehicle Ready Bay Building, July 12, 2019, at 10 a.m. at Buckley Air Force Base, Aurora, Colorado. The team arrived and began operations July 2. MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A National Guard helicopter is flying over protests again Friday night. Contact Details. Added MOD sponsored current / planned air exercise list week commencing 4 September 2017. The Colorado National Guard unveiled the War on Terrorism Remembrance Memorial at Joint Force Headquarters, Centennial, Colorado, Sept. 11, 2022. Added timetable for week commencing 10 April 2017. Addition of: MOD sponsored, current or planned exercise list for 3 to 9 May 2021. At the SEOC's request, a Colorado Army National Guard UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter aircrew is on standby at the High-Altitude Army National Guard Training Site in Gypsum,Colorado, to provide a search and rescue capability to incident commanders. Added MOD sponsored current / planned air exercise list week commencing 18 September 2017. of Military & Veterans Affairs (DMVA), Strategic Communications Plan (2022-2024), Request Military Support (Community Relations), Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA), ACFT (Annual Combat Fitness Test) Resources, OSD Memo - Taking Care of Soldiers and Families, Tuition Assistance (Education Foundation Application), Yellow Ribbon Program (Deployment Support), Colorado Air National Guard conducts night flying training, Colorado Air National Guard general retires after 32 years of service, Colorado National Guard supports governors inauguration with flyover and cannon salute, Colorados assistant adjutant general for Air relinquishes command to successor, Colorado National Guard assists state with shelter support during extreme cold weather, State of Colorado to host families of deployed Colorado National Guardmembers, Gold Star Families at Colorados Home, Colorado National Guard hosts Santa Shop for National Guard families in need during holidays, First Lady recognizes Colorado National Guard members child at White House, Colorado National Guard flyovers honor our nations veterans, Colorado Air National Guard conducts F-16 night flying training, Colorado field artillery battalion returns from Middle East deployment, Colorado National Guard honors fallen warriors, Gold Star Families with new memorial, Colorado National Guard 1st Infantry Division Main Command Post - Operational Detachment deploys to Poland, Colorado Air National Guard to conduct major readiness exercise, Former Chief, National Guard Bureau and Adjutant General of Colorado host media round table about why we need Space National Guard, Colorado first National Guard in nation to receive modernized helicopter capability, Air National Guard states with critical U.S. space capabilities host media round table about impact of National Guard state partnerships in space domain, Colorado National Guard flyovers honor our nations independence, Colorado National Guard members share their stories for Pride Month, Air National Guard states with critical U.S. space capabilities host media round table about budget to establish Space National Guard, Colorado Air National Guard hosts media round table about current impacts on ANGs space readiness, Flyovers, cannon salute, band concert highlight Colorado National Guard Memorial Day support, 140th Wing Air Expeditionary Force returns to Colorado from deployment, Colorado National Guard helicopters visit Western Slope schools for Red Ribbon month, Colorado National Guard Best Warrior Competition challenges Soldiers, Airmen to be the best, Governor Polis to host Colorado National Guard families at Governors Mansion, Colorado Air National Guard captain, former NFL player, promoted to major, Arctic exercise sends Colorado National Guard troops to Alaska, Colorado Army National Guard welcomes new commanding general at change of command ceremony, Stipend available for eligible military funeral honors ceremonies in Colorado, 140th Wing conducts week of night flying to accomplish mission essential training, Colorado National Guard Army Space Support Team deploys, Colorado National Guard to assist with Marshall Fire, COVID testing, Colorado Air National Guard commander promoted to brigadier general, Colorado National Guards 140th Wing receives Outstanding Unit Award, Colorado National Guard infantry returns from year-long deployment to Middle East, Colorado National Guard deploys 300 Soldiers from field artillery battalion, Colorado National Guard hosts Santa Shop events with help from community donors, Colorado National Guard provides continued support to state COVID-19 response, Colorado Air National Guard flyovers honor veterans, Colorado National Guard honors new partnership with Colorado business, Colorado National Guard cyber team assists state during election, Colorado National Guard, Arapahoe County Sheriff conduct active threat response exercise, Colorado National Guard salutes 9/11 heroes with F-16 flyover of Denver, Colorado Air National Guard hosts change of command ceremony for new commander, Colorado Army National Guard Aviation and partner receive award for daring alpine rescue, The Colorado Air National Guards 140th Wing conducts night flying to prepare for deployment, Colorado National Guard supports traffic management during states mudslide response, Colorado Adjutant General thanks employers at Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve event, Colorado National Guard to honor fallen warrior with helicopter flyover of Fort Collins, Colorado Air National Guard Space team returns from inaugural deployment, Colorado National Guard cyber teams participate in national cyber defense exercise, Colorado Air National Guard flyovers support Independence Day celebrations, Colorado National Guard Command Senior Enlister Leader to change responsibility, Colorado National Guard conducts Memorial Day flyovers honoring the fallen, Colo. National Guard members fight hunger in southeast metro community with annual event, Colorado Air National Guard breaks ground on Space facility, Colorado hosts Region VII Best Warrior competition, Colorado National Guard deploys three units to Europe to support NATO, U.S. Army Europe, Director of the Air National Guard promotes Colorado Air National Guard commander to major general, Colorado National Guard military police unit returns from deployment to Middle East, Colorado National Guard aviation and partners train over Denver metro area for wildland fire season, Colorado Department of Military and Veterans Affairs division reorganizes, Governor Polis activates Colorado National Guard for winter storm, Colorado Army National Guard state command sergeants major to change responsibility, Colorado National Guard infantry company deploys in support of U.S. Africa Command, Director of the Air National Guard promotes former Colorado state chaplain to brigadier general, Colorado National Guards Aerial Medical Evacuation unit deploys to Middle East, Colorado National Guard senior leaders to receive COVID-19 vaccine, Colorado National Guard members to provide support to 59th Presidential Inauguration, Colorado National Guard helps state deliver COVID-19 vaccine to communities throughout Colorado, Colorado National Guard supports state response, maintains readiness during record year, Colorado memorial comes to Western Region One Source, Colorado Air National Guard conducts F-16 fighter jet flyovers for Veterans Day, The Adjutant General of Colorado promotes Colorado Guardsman to brigadier general, Governor activates Colorado National Guard to assist with East Troublesome wildfire, Colorado Hoist Rescue team, Colorado National Guard partner to save lives in high country, Colorado National Guard deploys space support team to Middle East, Colorado National Guard continues to support wildfire response in Colorado, Colorado National Guard supports wildland fire response with aerial fire suppression capabilities, Gov. The Guard has been taking a Milwaukee police officer into the air on all but one night so far. Added MOD sponsored current / planned air exercise list week commencing 23 October 2017. By order of Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper and the State of Colorado, the Adjutant General of Colorado U.S. Air Force Maj. Gen. Mike Loh will host Jordan Armed Forces partners and family members of deployed Colorado National Guard members Dec. 3, 2018, at the Boettcher Mansion in Denver, Colorado. Addition of : MOD sponsored, current or planned exercise list for week commencing 29 November 2021. Added MOD sponsored current or planned air exercise list 13 to 24 May 2019. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. Added MOD sponsored current / planned air exercise list week commencing 30 October 2017. Updated MOD sponsored, current or planned exercise list 22 August to 16 September 2022. Added MOD sponsored current / planned air exercise list week commencing 15 August 2016. WebAirbus Helicopters 2022 calendars. Polis Activates Colorado National Guard to Assist withWildland Fire Response, Colorado National Guard assists state to handle and distribute PPE during COVID-19 response, Colorado National Guard reaches COVID-19 testing milestone, Western Region One Source hosts Veteran's Resource Tour, Colorado National Guard assists health department, department of corrections with COVID-19 testing, Western Region One Source doors re-open with COVID precautions, Colorado Air National Guard conducts F-16 fighter jet July 4 flyover. Added current / planned air exercise list for week commencing 26 June 2017. Added information for week commencing 17 June 2019. The Colorado Air National Guard will conduct night flying operations throughout the month of August. About 50 Colorado Army National Guard Soldiers from Detachment 1, B Company, 2nd General Support Aviation Battalion, 135th Aviation Regiment, will depart for a year-long mission in support of Operation Freedoms Sentinel in Afghanistan. Added MOD sponsored current / planned air exercise list week commencing 25 June 2018. The Colorado National Guard Family Programs Office will provide holiday gifts donated by local businesses and members of the Colorado community to CONG families in need Dec. 10, 2022, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Pasadena PD posted a Military Equipment Use Policy & Inventory List as a requirement of AB 481. Added: MOD sponsored current or planned exercise list for week commencing 29 June 2020. Jared Polis, Colorado National Guard Airmen are assisting the State Emergency Operations Center with unloading, packaging and distributing personal protective equipment to community organizations designated by the state. Added MOD sponsored, current or planned exercise list 10 to 16 April 2023. Updated October's list with week commencing 21 October. Added Military low flying: MOD sponsored air exercises 25 to 31 July 2022. Added MOD sponsored current / planned air exercise list week commencing 11 June 2018. Jared Polis, Commander-in-Chief of the Colorado National Guard, will welcome home Aug. 4 2019, more than 300 Airmen from the 140th Wing who deployed for four months to Afghanistan in support of Operation Freedoms Sentinel and the NATOs Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan. June 06, 2022 at 12:52 pm EDT NOW PLAYING ABOVE Group of large helicopters spotted flying over New England BOSTON Large helicopters were seen Added new issue of MOD sponsored air exercises week commencing 20 July 2015. Added MOD sponsored current / planned air exercise list week commencing 11 December 2017. Colorado Air National Guard F-16 Fighting Falcons will fly over Colorado communities to honor our nations independence July 4, 2022. The Colorado National Guard will welcome U.S. Army Brig. You have rejected additional cookies. Added: MOD sponsored, current or planned exercise list for week commencing 9 November 2020. Published 7 July 2015 Last Added MOD sponsored air exercise list for week commencing 17 September 2018. The Colorado National Guard said farewell to approximately 300 deploying Soldiers of the 3rd Battalion, 157th Field Artillery Regiment Dec. 6, 2021. Family, friends and colleagues welcomed home deployed members of the Colorado Air National Guards 140th Wing Air Expeditionary Force at Buckley Space Force Base, Aurora, Colorado, April 13, 2022. Jared Polis, Soldiers and Airmen from Colorado National Guard cyber teams will provide timely, safe, responsive and proactive defensive cyber security support to the 2020 Colorado state elections in June and November. Memorial Cemetery of Western Colorado at 2830 Riverside Parkway in Grand Junction, because of Added MOD sponsored, current or planned exercise list 30 January to 5 February 2023. Jared Polis at the State Capitol in Denver, Jan. 10, 2023, with an F-16 Fighting Falcon flyover, ceremonial cannon salute, military band, and the presentation of colors. Addition of: MOD sponsored current or planned exercise list for week commencing 15 June 2020. Added list for week commencing 29 January 2018. Gen. Laura Clellan and other Colorado National Guard senior leaders will welcome home about 30 members of the Colorado Army National Guards 220th Military Police Company Forward during a ceremony outside of the Denver Armory, May 2, 2021, at 2:00 p.m. Track Flight. Added MOD sponsored current / planned air exercise list week commencing 27 November 2017. Added: Air exercise list week commencing 25 March 2019, Added: MOD sponsored current or planned air exercise list week commencing 18 March 2019. Colorado National Guard Soldiers and Airmen will participate in the state's annual Best Warrior Competition at Fort Carson, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April 11-14, 2019. view 40 history. The Colorado Division of Veterans Affairs-West will host an open house at the new Western Region One Source in Grand Junction, March 8, 2019, from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., offering guided tours every half hour. Forgot the flight number? Added MOD sponsored current / planned air exercise list week commencing 9 July 2018. Jared Polis, Colorado National Guard Soldiers and Airmen are providing the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment additional COVID-19 testing capability, including at select correctional facilities in Colorado, through at least July 22, 2020. Participating in outreach and partnering with the VA is one way the WROS is living their mission to Serve Colorados Veteran, Military Members and their Families.. Added the MOD sponsored, current or planned exercise list: 5 to 11 April 2021. Five of the Colorado National Guards senior leaders will receive the first of two COVID-19 vaccines Jan. 21, 2021, at Buckley Air Force Base, Aurora, Colorado. Added MOD sponsored current / planned air exercise list week commencing 26 February 2018. Added MOD sponsored air exercise list for week commencing 24 June 2019. Added the list for week commencing 15 February 2016. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. U.S. Air Force Capt. WebIn most cases, police helicopters are dispatched when officers on the ground need assistance. The Office of Emergency Management and CENTENNIAL, Colo. By order of Gov. Added: MOD sponsored, current or planned exercise list: week commencing 24 May 2021. Added MOD sponsored current / planned air exercise list week commencing 16 October 2017. Gov. Gen. Shawn Ryan, assistant adjutant general, Air and commander of the Colorado Air National Guard, will pass the colors to U.S. Air Force Brig. Why were those huge military planes flying over the Piedmont today? Gen. Laura Clellan and the Colorado Army National Guard Recruiting and Retention Battalion will conduct a signing ceremony to recognize Xcel Energy for joining the U.S. Armys Partnership for Youth Success program at 12 p.m. at Xcel Energy, 1123 West 3rd Ave., Denver, Nov. 5, 2021. Updated 'MOD sponsored current or planned air exercise list for December 2019'. The Western Region One Source, along with nearly every other entity in the state, closed its doors in late March due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The U.S. Army has been quietly conducting a new classified operation involving at least 10 UH-60 Black Hawks in and around Washington, D.C., for months. Added MOD sponsored current / planned air exercise list week commencing 23 to 29 January 2017. Theyve been seen both Tuesday and Wednesday night, according to posts The Colorado National Guard welcomed home approximately 75 Colorado Army National Guard warriors from Company A Attack 1st Battalion, 157th Infantry Regiment (Mountain) at the Colorado Springs Airport, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Dec. 8, 2021. Addition of: MOD sponsored, current or planned exercise list for 10 January to 16 January 2022. Addition of: MOD sponsored, current or planned exercise list for week commencing 27 September 2021. With a little help from Santa and gift donors, the Colorado National Guard Family Programs office will provide Christmas presents for CONG families in need Dec. 15, 2018, in both Denver and Colorado Springs, Colorado. Added MOD sponsored current / future planned air exercise list week commencing 12 July 2015. The Colorado National Guard will host a departure ceremony for approximately 130 Colorado Army National Guard Soldiers from Company B Battle 1st Battalion 157th Infantry Regiment (Mountain) March. Jared Polis and The Assistant Adjutant General, Air U.S. Air Force Brig. Alec Hoffmann, administrative specialist, Colorado Joint Counter Drug Task Force, share their stories of serving in the Colorado National Guard. If you saw military helicopters flying around New Jersey today, here's why. Added MOD sponsored, current or planned exercise list 9 to 15 January 2023. Jared Polis issued an executive order for a Colorado National Guard cyber team with up to nine members to provide cyber support to the Colorado Secretary of State and Office of Information Technology before and during the election Nov. 2.
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