Richard Halstead, Private of Capt. David Howard's Co., etc., The National Historical Publications and Capt. modern editorial content, are copyright The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. Marsh Randy Young, 1 October 2004, Regarding the militia and the National Guard, the statement needs some clarification. Allshouse, Henry - Capt, John Arndt's Rifle Co., WESTMORELAND-NORTHAMPTON COUNRY, contributed by Lynn Beatty [To] Maj. Isaac Craig, D[eputy] Q[uarter] M[aster] Gen[era]l." Back: "Received the within, [signed] Jonathan Grant". Pvt. Dritts Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Foreman, After missing the rendezvous at Suffolk, Va. in 1776 this company was. In February the regiment staggered into Quibbletown, New Jersey and went into camp. Funk, After a struggle, they overran Colonel Thomas Proctor's artillery redoubt and assailed Wayne's two brigades. The 8th Regiment merged with the 2nd Pennsylvania Regiment on 17 January 1781. County Pensioners 1835, Schuylkill A body of riflemen were detached from the regiment and fought at Saratoga. David (and widow's app.) The regiment was engaged at the Battles of Bound Brook, Brandywine, Paoli, and Germantown in 1777. County Pensioners 1835, contributed by M. Peter Rick's Co., PA Militia, SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, contributed Mills serving in the Revolutionary War from DAR records, contributed by Donna Murray Allen Allison, Robert - FRANKLIN COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Cumberland County - Class Rolls 1780-82, Eighth Battalion, contributed by M. Burns A return of the 8th Pennsylvania in Pretty much all US states have such militia laws although I do not know how many have State Guard forces. The flag has a green border and a red center. The loss of their senior officers and the defeat at Bound Brook apparently caused "distracted" behavior in the ranks. John - CAMBRIA COUNTY, contributed by Mick Ament, Serjt William McDonald of the 5th Pennsylva Battalion reduced. Neal - Col. Hampton's Regt., PA, BEAVER COUNTY, contributed After his Continental service, Slaughter served under Gen. George Rogers Clark in Kentucky and helped found Louisville. Dritts Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette McClains in Revolutionary War, contributed by Don Marsh Captain Westfall placed this notice in the Virginia Gazette recalling his men in December. Johnson, Jacob - Capt. by Scott Hanna Consolidated on January 17, 1781 with the 8th Pennsylvania Regimentand redesignated as the 2nd Pennsylvania Regiment; concurrently furloughed at Trenton, New Jersey (less 2 companies remaining active at Fort Pitt), and relieved from the 1st Pennsylvania Brigade. Proudfoot, James - Capt. Around 1777 he married Christina Schaffer. County Pensioners 1835, contributed by M. Thomas Berry never strayed far from home after the war and seems to have led a quiet life. Workman, Hugh - Capt. Abraham Smith's Co., PA, YORK COUNTY, contributed by Records Commission (NHPRC) is part of the National McDowell, John - Capt. Entered Valley Forge with 410 assigned, 200 fit for duty. 27 vols. The regiment was engaged at the Battles of Bound Brook, Brandywine, Paoli, and Germantown in 1777. First in seniority. Chester County Militia, 2nd Co., 7th Battalion, contributed by Sandra Ferguson modern editorial content, are copyright The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia. The 8th Virginia was originally composed of ten companies of 68 enlisted men each plus three sergeants, a fifer, and a drummer. Fontal's Co., PA, YORK COUNTY, contributed [1] In June, Lieutenant Colonel Butler, Captain Swearingen, and 139 men of the regiment were detached to Colonel Daniel Morgan's corps of riflemen. Allison, Gauyn [Gavin?] Louge, Burns Asa Barns Co., PA, SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY, contributed by Ramona Nichols This company was. O'Kern Certified April 4, 1776 in Fincastle County (now southwest Virginia and Kentucky). Sype, Tobias - Capt. Search EngineUSGenWeb Mason MacPherson, He was then properly promoted with a later effective date and transferred to the 13th Virginia. "The legend refers to the American's desire to be free from the King of England. Thomas Berry grew up in this house known as "Berry Plain" in King George County. Last modified: 2016-12-17 by rick wyatt 8th Battalion, 1780 Commanding Officers: Lt. Col. James Ross * Notes: There are no rolls for this battalion under the 1777 arrangement, and no clues to the origen of the companies other than the captain's names. by Joy Fisher Hockingbery, These included associations, militia, and line troops. Some positions, especially staff officer posts, were occasionally vacant. George McCarter's Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette [1] On 6 January the unit began a march of 300 miles (483km) across the mountains and hills of Pennsylvania, with their supplies on pack horses. Ziegler's Co., PA, LANCASTER COUNTY, contributed Kinter, John - Capt. Gen. George Washington, commander in chief. Charles (widow's app. by Ken Forbes Longs Co., etc., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Organized from 15 July to 15 September 1776 at Kittanning, Pennsylvania in the western part of the state to consist of eight companies of infantry from Bedford (included present-day Fulton and Somerset counties), Cumberland, Westmoreland (included present-day Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Fayette, Greene, Washington) counties. McNary's Co., etc., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette David Steel's Co., etc., GREENE COUNTY, contributed by Brian Core Form! Shaw, Archibald - Capt. Dougherty, Isolated in the fog, Wayne ordered an about-face and his two brigades began to move back toward the noise of battle. Carson apparently defected to the British during the war. Gohn, Philip, Capt. Watson's Co., etc., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette One of two companies from Dunmore County and intended to be the "English" of the two. Schreiner/Shriner, Sergt. John - Midshipman aboard Randolph Frigate, contributed by Lowell Thomas during the southern campaign 1776. Authorized for frontier defense in July 1776, the eight-company unit was originally called Mackay's Battalion after its commander, Colonel Aeneas Mackay. Lowdon's Co., etc., CRAWFORD COUNTY, contributed by Lynn Beatty Hugh Campbell's Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette [16] Andrew Thompsons Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Shannon's Co., etc., WESTMORELAND COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Captain Berry resigned in April of 1778. , Virginia National Guard, descends from this company. Jacob Netherlins Co., etc., CHESTER COUNTY, contributed by Rebecca Cardine Byram, Gregory, Hulver Harding, Private of Capt: Durkees Company, Wyoming Rangers, for Desertionto receive 50 lashes. The regiment was led by three field officers: a colonel, a lieutenant colonel, and a major. by Joy Fisher These men enlisted for three years' service or the duration of the war (whichever was shorter), the term applied to all 1777 enlistees. County Pensioners 1818, contributed by Richard Turnbach Eight of the regiment's ten companies were certified complete by their county committees of safety in the spring of 1776. 1.At this point Harrison struck the words of America.. The eight captains were Moses Carson, Wendel Curry, David Kilgore, Andrew Mann, Samuel Miller, Eliezer Myers, James Piggott, and Van Swearingen. Archives. Ament, Anthony - Captain Clotz's Co., LANCASTER COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette May, Golladay was a member of Capt. The only fighting was a skirmish on 15 August when the advance guard scattered a force of Indians. Cambridge, MA 02141: Da Capo Press, Perseus Books Group, 2000. George Smith's Co., etc., MONTGOMERY COUNTY, contributed by Jim Stokes After the war, Westfall worked on the construction of the Potomac Canal before going west and founding Westfall, Ohio. & Com[mandin]g officer at Sunbury." 1720 by his father or grandfather and is still standing. Furry's Co., etc., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Adjutant of the Regiment. Nicholas Bittinger's Co., PA, FRANKLIN COUNTY, Titus' Co., NY, TIOGA COUNTY, contributed Hedreik, Lewis' Co., PA, CHESTER COUNTY, contributed Records Commission. The General laments the necessity he is laid under of repeating his Orders, by which Officers were forbid to ride about the Country, thus absenting themselves from their dutyIf any sudden call for offensive or defensive measures should be made, during their absence, they will assuredly be brought to severe account. Captain Jonathan Clark, from Dunmore (modern Shenandoah) County was the older brother of William Clark of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Ross' Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Robert W. Conaughy's Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Edward- Col. James Smith's Battalion, PA Militia, WESTMORELAND COUNTY, Continental Line. In January 1779, Captain John Clark and 15 soldiers of the 8th had just left Fort Laurens to travel to Fort McIntosh when they were ambushed by 17 Mingo Indians led by American Loyalist Simon Girty. Consolidated Jan 1781 with the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment; Furloughed in late Jan. 1781 because of the Morristown Mutiny; (see also 1777 & 1783) 3d . And I do hereby agree on behalf of the United States of America, that the Money so advanced, with what shall appear on the said Settlement to be due yourself, shall be paid to you on your Order. Capt. Watson's Co., etc., LANCASTER-WASHINGTON COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Sifert (or Cypher), Daniel - Col. Proctor's Artillery, PA Line, BEDFORD COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette [2] When the regiment went into winter quarters at Valley Forge, Bayard was lieutenant colonel and Frederick Vernon was major. National Guard of Ohio, the State Guard, who came under the governor's command whenever the Ohio National Guard was Federalized, and the un-organized militia. by Joy Fisher ReOrganized and Redesignated Jan 1776 from the 8th Connecticut Regiment Disbanded Dec 1776 19th Continental Regiment Commanded by Col. Charles Webb ReOrganized and Redesignated Jan 1776 from the 7th Connecticut Regiment Disbanded Feb 1777 20th Continental Regiment Commanded by Col.s Benedict Arnold and John Durkee County Pensioners 1835, contributed by Richard Turnbach, Weisel, Ann Maire (widow of Jacob) - BEDFORD COUNTY, contributed by Jerry L. Johnston& Joanne Corle, Chester County, Capt Frederick Vernon's Co - 4th PA Battalion, contributed by Fred Kelso of Revolutionary Pensioners Meanwhile, the remainder of the 8th Pennsylvania served in the Philadelphia Campaign. - Company A Wilkes-Barre. McClean, The members portray the unit as it appeared in the Spring of 1779. Nathaniel Williams, Private of Capt: Durkees Company, Wyoming Rangers, for Desertionto receive 50 lashes. Finley, Andrew -(& widow's app.) ArchivesNational By 16 December 630 men enrolled in the battalion. John Philips Co., etc., GREENE COUNTY, contributed by Brian Core The 8th Pennsylvania Regiment or Mackay's Battalion was an American infantry unit that became part of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Not only did the soldiers dislike being called away from their homes, but they also faced a mid-winter march without tents and uniforms. On the 13th, Lord Charles Cornwallis attempted to envelop Lincoln's small outpost. Asahel - Capt. I used to live in Ohio and their state laws have a three level effort; the organized militia being the Sifert (or Cypher), Peter - Capt. Williamson, James - Capt. It is only a scouting party". Heckendorn/Hackedorn, David - Capt. It was built ca. Forbes, Completed March 27, 1776 in Frederick County, Virginia. Peter - Served NJ, LYCOMING COUNTY, contributed by Beryl contributed by Mary Lou Wardlaw contributed by Nancy Poquette Samuel Philips, Private of the 8th Penn: Battalion reprimanded on the public parade. by Raymond H. Stoudt Jr. The light cavalry seized three brass 3-pound cannons from the Americans.[6]. The signature of Captain George Slaughter, from Culpeper County. Andrew Long's Co., etc., CHESTER COUNTY, contributed by Lynn Beatty Shearer McQuillen, Garrett - Capt. Northampton County - Lieutenants and Sub-Lieutenants 1777-1786, contributed by Joy Fisher All soldiers who have been identified as belonging to this company are listed. Schuylkill All rights reserved. The regiment consolidated with the 2nd Pennsylvania Regiment in January 1781 and ceased to exist. Benjamin Whaley's Co., contributed $9.95. Greene Gregory, Staley, Peter - Capt. James Piggott's Co., PA, etc., ALLEGHENY COUNTY, contributed NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, contributed by Diana Lehman by Jim Crum McGerry/McGeary, Hixson, James - Capt. The names of enlisted men below have been identified from deserter advertisements, pension affidavits, and local histories. COUNTY, contributed by Denise Meador You can obtain more information at - Capt. 3rd Pennsylvania Regiment (Revolutionary War) Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Military Records Pennsylvania in the Revolutionary War 3rd Pennsylvania Regiment Contents Brief History Colonels Companies Company A - Captain Henry Epple Company B - Captain Thomas Butler Company C - Captain William Craig [9] During the fighting that followed, Major Bayard was hit in the shoulder by a spent cannon ball, knocked off his horse, and tumbled 30 feet (9m) over the ground. form to submit a pension, Natalie COUNTY, contributed by Arlene Aggarwal, USGenWeb Built on a cadre from, raised in 1775. Miller, Conrad - Capt. Brinkerhoff, Jacob; ensign, Captain Williams' company, Colonel Michael Swope's battalion of the flying camp; in service, 1776. Conrad - Capt. Northampton County - Flying Camp Companies from First Battalion of Associators 1776, contributed by Joy Fisher or Doherty, John. Boyers, Miller, Richard - 1st Regiment NC, BUTLER COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Reatch's Co., etc., WESTMORELAND COUNTY, contributed by Lynn Beatty Chester County, Capt James Moore's Co - 4th PA Battalion, contributed by Fred Kelso Quartermaster Ephraim Douglass, Commissary Ephraim Blaine, Adjutant Michael Huffnagle, Paymaster John Boyd, and Chaplain David McClure rounded out the staff positions, though McClure never assumed his duties. George Nagle's Co., etc., GREENE COUNTY, contributed by Brian Core Mathias Brobst's Co., etc. 9 ser., 138 vols. Quinby, Fayette Captain Knox and Lieutenant Craig were transferred to Morgan's Rifles in 1777 and the company thereafter existed only on paper, though a few of the men may have returned tothe regiment at Valley Forge. Captain Westfall resigned on November 22, 1777. After returning from the southern campaign of 1776, soldiers were given a furlough. Morgan's corps fought at the Battles of Freeman's Farm and Bemis Heights during the successful Saratoga campaign. Transferred to the main army in November 1776, the unit was renamed the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment on 1 January 1777. Pyles, Samuel Miller's Co., etc., LANCASTER COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Volume Reel 0821 American Revolutionary War Service Records; Soldiers--United States--Registers Pennsylvania, Sixth Battalion (1776) Sixth Regiment: L - Z. David Grier's Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette McCurdy, James - Capt. Before the war, Knox was one of the first longhunters to explore Kentucky and was a captain in Morgan's Rifles at Saratoga. The dazed major somehow survived to be helped to his feet by Lieutenant Gabriel Peterson. The 8th Pennsylvania Regiment or Mackay's Battalion was an American infantry unit that became part of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Gen. Peter Muhlenberg, second from right, at Yorktown. William - Capt. by Diane Delbridge The 8th Pennsylvania Regiment or Mackay's Battalion was an American infantry unit that became part of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. William Darke in a portrait by Frederick Kemmelmeyer. [14] Higgins was promoted from Abel Westfall's company to lead the new unit. June 1777 shows that of the 684 men enlisted in the regiment, 36 were prisoners of war, 14 were missing, 51 had died, 15 had been discharged, and 126 had deserted (see Pa. Archives description begins Samuel Hazard et al., eds. (Walter D. Golladay). Isaac - Capt. Swearingen and some of the men in his company at this time were serving with the corps of riflemen attached to Col. Daniel Morgans regiment. Deploying on the east side of the Germantown Road, Wayne's men turned the right flank of the British 2nd Light Infantry Battalion. Depuy, McBride, Robert - Lieutenant 9th Pennsylvania Regiment, contributed by Vicki McBride Trevisanut John Travis' Co., etc., YORK-WASHINGTON COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette Wickoff/Wyckoff, widow gunnell-john.txt - Capt. This is still written into the National Defense acts of today. & Cindy McCachern [2] On 1 January 1777 the unit was redesignated the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment. Rex, The names of Michael App, John Graff and Christ. gunnell-john-1823.txt after the war before moving to Ohio and founding Higginsport with his brother Peter. William - Capt Wm Hepburn's Co., PA, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, contributed Revolutionary War: ROLL OF ANCESTORS: Pennsylvania Society, Sons of the Revolution, 1898 Membership List Surnames A - G. Surnames H - M. This company was. Authorized for frontier defense in July 1776, the eight-company unit was originally called Mackay's Battalion after its commander, Colonel Aeneas Mackay. 2.Thomas Robinson (17511819), a friend of Anthony Wayne, served as a captain in Waynes 4th Pennsylvania Regiment during 1776, and on 1 Jan. 1777 he became major of the 5th Pennsylvania Regiment. John - PA Continental, CHESTER COUNTY, contributed by Mary Jonathan Clark's sister. I never saw you retreat before. write us | Meehan Berks Archives. contributed by Don Marsh Completed March 12, 1776 in Hampshire County (now West Virginia). Rumford & Latimer's Co's., DE & Capt. [1] The consolidation occurred in the immediate aftermath of the Pennsylvania Line Mutiny from 1 to 8 January. County Pensioners I & II, In the brilliant Battle of Spanktown, the Americans surprised a reinforced British brigade under Charles Mawhood and chased it back to Amboy. Battalion, an inquiry into the cause of which he has directed to be made without loss of time) is pleased to suspend the execution of the Sentences of Alexander McKay, David Livinston, John Dilworth, John Edgar, Jacob Knight, John McClaugherry, William Roach, Daniel Clark, John Kirckendal, and Jacob Wilker -- Privates of that Battalion, 'till the proceedings of the Court are reported to him. He built this house in Moorefield, W.V. James - 13th Regiment, GREENE COUNTY, contributed by Brian Core He and Christina had nine children whose baptisms are recorded in the registers of Canadochly Church. - Captains William Price & Andrew Swearingen, WASHINGTON COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette [18] Brodhead took command of the 1st Pennsylvania Regiment.[19]. This was an entirely new company raised to replace John Stephenson's company, which ceased to exist in the fall of 1776. The plan miscarried when Captain Johann von Ewald's jger company was pinned down under "murderous fire" and Donop's troops were committed before the enveloping columns could get behind the Americans. I'm not sure if this is fact or legend. Bush' Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette The Civil War Journal of Colonel Bolton: 51st Pennsylvania, April 20, 1861-August 2, 1865. Archives Special ProjectsUSGenWeb Cooper, Charles - 1st Regiment, PA Line, CHESTER COUNTY, contributed by Rebecca Cardine Pennsylvania Artillery, I & II, (History and Rosters), contributed by Donna Bluemink [6] Cornwallis and Major General James Grant with 3,000 to 4,000 troops marched along both banks of the Raritan River. Henry Knox admitted losing six killed and 20 to 30 captured, while the British claimed to have taken 80 prisoners. Daniel Otterbrook's Co., JUNIATA-LEBANON COUNTY, contributed by Em Hicks Authorized for frontier defense in July 1776, the eight-company unit was originally called Mackay's Battalion after its commander, Colonel Aeneas Mackay. He was killed at the Battle of Wyoming on 3 July 1778. Harmon - Enlisted Sussex Co., NJ, FRANKLIN COUNTY, contributed by As at Brandywine, the 2nd Brigade formed the left wing of Wayne's Pennsylvania Division while the 1st Brigade made up the right wing. - Capt. Adams, David - Capt. Swearingen resigned from the service in August 1779 and settled in Washington County, Pa., where he owned a handful of slaves and became the countys first sheriff two years later. McKnight, Chester County, West Nottingham CompanyRoster, contributed by Kathryn Payne Posey, Michajah - Capt. County Patriots, Automated [Signed] Tho[mas] Bulter, Col. Commandant, Fort Fayette, October 29th 1795. Jeremiah Talbot's Co., CUMBERLAND COUNTY, contributed by Pat Sproat Df, in Robert Hanson Harrisons writing, DLC:GW; Each item is followed by a ranked preference and while all types under each heading are correct, the closer you stay to the top of each list . Revolutionary War Rosters and Records. John Ross Key's Co., 4th Regt., MD Militia, PHILADELPHIA McGuire (2006), 312. Revolutionary War Militia Battalions and Companies Overview This Revolutionary War Militia Arrangement provides a breakdown of the battalions and companies raised in each county and the names of the commanding officers. His promotion was rescinded in 1777 for having been made out of turn. Lt. John Jolliffe grew up as a Quaker. A theoretically full regiment added up to 743 men. 1777. public. Troutman, Ament, Henry - Capt. Outnumbered, Wayne's division withdrew in good order 600 yards (549m) to a hill at dusk. Project File Managers: Cyndie Enfinger & Donna McLain, Bowen's Co., etc., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette [10] 5.Robert Durkee (d. 1778) was captain of one of the two independent companies that were raised for the defense of the Wyoming Valley in August 1776 and which marched to reinforce GWs army in December 1776 (see JCC description begins Worthington Chauncey Ford et al., eds. John - GREENE COUNTY, contributed by Brian Core Knox's company failed to meet its quota. In March 1777 Colonel Daniel Brodhead IV assumed command. [3] On 27 March Colonel Daniel Brodhead IV tranferred from the 4th Pennsylvania Regiment to take command of the 8th. Gunnell, John - Capt. County Pensioners 1835, contributed by M. Quickel, Adam - Capt. Christian - Capt. by Joy Fisher 6.For the dissension and lax discipline that had plagued the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment and the difficulties that it had experienced during its recent winter march from the Pennsylvania frontier to GWs army in New Jersey, including the deaths from illness of its colonel and lieutenant colonel, see the Pennsylvania Council of Safety to GW, 29 Jan. 1777, and GW to the Pennsylvania Council of Safety, 14 Feb., 28 Mar. - BEDFORD COUNTY, contributed by Jerry L. Johnston& Joanne Corle 1.GWs aide-de-camp Alexander Hamilton wrote Gen. Benjamin Lincoln on 26 April: It is his Excellencys desire, that you have an immediate inspection made into the state of the mens arms and accoutrements, belonging to your division; and take effectual measures to have them put into the best order possible. Samuel Davidson's Co., PA, BEDFORD COUNTY, contributed "Colors: Field of flag dark blue; stars and unit designation white; brown eagle with white head and tail; yellow beak and claws and shield border; white arrows; green branch; black ship with white sails against blue sky and sea; brown plow On the upper left hand corner are the letters "P.M. i R" In the center is a lion, and an American capturing the lion with a huge net. Through its grants program, the NHPRC supports a wide range of activities to County Pensioners 1835, contributed by Richard Turnbach against yellow; yellow wheat sheaves against green." The regiment consolidated with the 2nd Pennsylvania Regiment in January 1781 and ceased to exist. Finley, Joseph Lewis - Capt. Clark's company appears to have been overenrolled. by Sean Drury Consequently, these men were discharged more than a year earlier than the rest of the regiment (Virginia enlistments beginning in 1776 were for two years). (ED.) Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789. Longs Co., etc., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette I now live in Tennessee and they have a State Guard like Ohio. Pennsylvania Society, Sons of the Revolution, 1898 Membership List, N-Z, Memoriams and Transfers, contributed by Betty Lynne Bernhardt 8th Battalion Chester County Militia 1780. . Assigned to the Western Department in May 1778, the 8th Pennsylvania gained a ninth company before seeing action near Fort Laurens and in the Sullivan Expedition in 1778 and 1779. Higgins was not able to recruit a full complement of men. Cooke's Co., 3rd Regt., PA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, Joseph - Capt. Volume Reel 0822 American Revolutionary War Service Records; Soldiers--United States--Registers Pennsylvania, Seventh Battalion (Cumberland County Militia), Seventh Regiment: A -F [1] Colonel Aeneas Mackay, Lieutenant Colonel George Wilson, and Major Richard Butler were appointed by Congress to lead the battalion. the United States, and research and development projects to bring historical records to the Revolutionary War Pension Indexes, PA Consolidated Jan 1781 with the 10th Pennsylvania Regiment; Furloughed in late Jan. 1781 because of the Morristown Mutiny; (see also 1777 & 1783) 2d Pennsylvania Regiment. Marsh Third in seniority. Captain Darke was promoted to Major in 1777. Zoll, John Anderson'sCo., etc., WASHINGTON COUNTY, contributed The grave of Corp. Joseph Golladay of Dunmore (now Shenandoah) County. during the southern campaign 1776. Drury Jackson was erroneously placed 600 miles from his actual grave site. John Little's Co., etc., BEDFORD COUNTY, contributed by Andy Anderson [1] [2] [2], The unit was assigned to General George Washington's main army on 23 November 1776. Clark, James - Capt. Thompson's Co., YORK COUNTY, contributed by Nancy Poquette The 8th Pennsylvania fought at the Battle of Bound Brook on 13 April 1777 under the command of Butler. Though the password was supposed to have been compromised, surprise was achieved mainly because the militia pickets were not alert. Project, Classes Chester mirrors, The First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry (FTPCC), founded in 1774, is the oldest continuously serving unit of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard.
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