NCOER Part : IIId: Areas of Special Emphasis. a. Avoid using space that should be allocated for more description of their accomplishments. H`uA! For a few brief moments a board member scans the NCOER to survey a period of time in a Soldier's career to make a decision that could affect the individual's military career. Baxter said the goal of the Army, and any good business, is to put the best and brightest at the front in order to continue moving forward and improving. Write down your accomplishments as they occur so that you can remember them when it comes time to provide material for your NCOER. MOS 15T Appointed Duties: Equal Opportunity Leader, Nuclear Biological Chemical NCO, Unit Radiation . We need more examples. This page lists resources for the various sections on the NCOER. and special emphasis . The goal is to ensure that qualified individuals with disabilities know they are welcome in government. It's as if your supervisor gave you a blank check and said, fill it in with whatever amount you want. o possessed outstanding technical skills; maximized the use of limited resources to accomplish the mission with excellent result o Sound Judgement Infantry Mortar Leaders Course (IMLC), MOS 12B Areas of Special Emphasis: Explosive Ordinance Clearance Agent (EOCA), MOS 12B Appointed Duties: UPL, Master Fitness Trainer, MOS 12N Areas of Special Emphasis: Master Driver, Assistant Master Driver, MOS 12N Appointed Duties: Motorpool Sergeant, Range Safety Officer, Areas of Special Emphasis: Joint Fires Observer, MOS 13F Areas of Special Emphasis: As board members meet behind closed doors across the country, they come to the table with different experiences, skill sets and ideals. The program was established to assist agencies in assuring that equal opportunity is present in all aspects of employment and that affirmative action addresses . ", USE MEASURABLE INFORMATION AND AVOID PERSONALLY DETERMINED WORD DEFINITIONS. Not everyone has an appointed duty. Special Emphasis Programs are an integral part of the Equal Employment Opportunity and Civil Rights Program. PRINCIPAL DUTY TITLE. | Authority for Army Officers to Opt-out of Promotion Boards, Army Announces Results From Early Retirement, Separation Boards. Deliver vital engineering solutions, in collaboration with our partners, to secure our Nation, energize our economy, and reduce disaster risk. The Department of Army requires establishing a Special Emphasis Program (SEP) to ensure equal opportunity in hiring, training, advancement and treatment of women and minority employees. Performs basic communication functions and operates platoon . Army Food Service Specialist (MOS 92G) Salary. Looks Like a Soldier Special Emphasis Program observances are an important aspect at the Department of Commerce. Advising the SEPM on matters affecting the employment, retention and advancement of special emphasis groups. Readiness NCO or training NCO. space No matter how hard you work or how many hours you put in, all your work will be for nothing if your achievements aren't recorded in your annual evaluation. Flowery language quickly wilts under the heated scrutiny of boards.". E For example, in a maintenance shop, a person's additional duty, might be Tool Room Monitor, Training NCO or TMDE Monitor. Part III contains the duty description, duty MOS, areas of special emphasis, and appointed duties. It should include the most important items that applied at any time during the rating period. The goals for the program is to eliminate discriminatory practices, to ensure targeted groups are appropriately represented throughout the workforce, and to sponsor special activities designed to enhance diversity awareness. It is used during the first counseling session to tell the rated NCO what the duties are and what needs to be emphasized. One of the historical NCOERs issues Baxter has seen are job descriptions written entirely too simple. Enter areas of special emphasis/appointed duties. Contact Disclaimer. In 1969, Executive Order 11478 integrated the FWP into the EEO Program and placed it under the direction of EEO for each agency. Through various initiatives, the programsaddress the unique concerns of specific groups in achieving diversity, inclusion, and equality of opportunity in recruitment, hiring, development, training and advancement. Special Emphasis Programs (SEP)were established in the Federal Government to remove barriers to equal employment opportunity for groups that were traditionally not represented or subjected to discrimination in the workforce. Department of Defense Directive 1440.1 authorizes the establishment of the AA/PI Program as an integral part of the civilian equal employment opportunity program. Areas of Special Interest or Appointed Duties: Contact Disclaimer. These must include a list of tasks/duties separated by semicolons and ending with a period. List three positions in which the rated ]8nK'nBbsK5pW]`Fw^-M""aR^#0(VuV *MVQu&BMzIz=J'y"HZ+R>{I!#jWW*. DUTY MOSC. 25U/Section Chief. Contact Disclaimer, International Military Student Officer (IMSO), Schools and Defense Travel System (DTS) NCO, Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC). Ideally, this should include the number of people supervised, equipment, facilities, and dollars involved and any other routine duties and responsibilities. space 6 OyN?NJZ'{&l8;p,E"W8Gk*Xu goN An official website of the United States government. o implemented a rigorous Special Emphasis PRT program that removed 12 Soldiers from the Army Body Composition Program (25W) o performed an exceptionally integral role in the (unit) as the acting First Sergeant; leadership, expertise and high standards had a profound impact on the (unit's) ability to function effectively over the course of his . Read DA Pamphlet 623-3 and AR 623-3. space endstream endobj 63 0 obj <>stream Department of Army Regulation 690-12, Affirmative Employment Program; Executive Order 13171, Hispanic Employment in the Federal Government, October 12, 2000; Executive Order 13078, Increasing Employment of Adults with Disabilities, March 13, 1998 (as amended by EO 13172, October 25, 2000 and EO 13187, January 10, 2001) . o Responsible for Good, Bad, Right & Wrong L In the Areas of Special Emphasis block, enter additional duties associated with your job or MOS (if you have any -not everyone does). o Duty Proficiency; MOS Competency o Researches/Verifies supply requirements, keeps up-to-date on new requirements, receives supplies on-time and on-budget. space, DA FORM 2166-8, OCT 2001 REPLACES DA FORM 2166-7, SEP 87, WHICH IS OBSOLETE, b. Commands with 101 or more employees are required to develop and maintain continuing comprehensive affirmative action programs that enable and supplement actions taken to comply with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission directives concerning time-limited program plans, plan updates, and reports of accomplishment. space, c. PHYSICAL FITNESS & MILITARY BEARING 92Y Areas of Special Emphasis. We need more examples. Listen carefully to what he or she says. Observer Coach / Trainer (OC/T): Member of a 10 man Mechanized Infantry Observer Coach/Trainer (OC/T) Team that Advises and Assists National Guard and Reserve Component Infantry Platoon Sergeants and Staff NCO's during Rotational Force Pool-Non Deploying (RFP-ND), Rotational Force Pool-Deployment (RFP-D), Regionally Aligned Forces (RAF) and Army Contingency Force (ACF) training, National Guard . Duty descriptions can be contributed by using the form below. space "Avoid writing job descriptions or accomplishments as if the document will be only seen internally or by people that understand the job," he said. For website corrections, write to o achieved resounding success in the movement of military intelligence equipment with a value in excess of $8M into RESET while maintaining 100% accountability. This is an effort to list MOS-specific examples of Areas of Special Interest but we need your input. An official website of the United States government, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters Website, About the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters Website, Deactivated Nuclear Power Plant Program (DNPPP), Regional Environmental and Energy Offices REEOs, Industry Information Re: COVID-19 Support, Strategic Sustainability Performance Plans, Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville, Humphreys Engineer Center Support Activity, G-1 Reserve Component Augmentation, Office of Human Resources Directorate, Accessible Electronic and Information Technology: Section 508, Hosted by Defense Media Activity -, Asian/Pacific American Employment Program (AA/PAEP), Minority College Relations Program (MCRP), Native American/Alaskan Native Employment Program (NA/ANEP), Programs for Individuals With Disabilities (PIWD). To contribute examples, use this form. Baxter said it is important to remember that if the Soldier is doing things that are contained within the job, but aren't specifically identified as being above and beyond normal duties, those should be included in the areas of special interest. "Placing something like 'Engine repairs and maintenance'" is . There is a focus on food where 92W MOS Specialists will . o scored 300+ on the Army Physical Fitness Test "If there is a permanent profile, this does NOT get used here.". It is the policy of the Federal government to provide equal opportunity in employment to all individuals regardless of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability, or age. Requiring job announcements to contain this information and making reasonable accommodations are minor adjustments" for the federal government to make to "ensure thatindividuals can apply for jobs with the federal government and enjoy equal benefits and privileges of employment. MOS 11B Areas of Special Emphasis: While the origin of some of the observances is the result of spontaneous generation by employees, most observances are established by proclamation of the President or Congress. Developing Enlisted Leaders for Tomorrow's Wars, An official website of the United States government. Then act on what your supervisor said. To contribute information, e-mail it to or use the form at the bottom of the page. This chapter identifies special safety emphasis areas established by this command. space "Variety used by the rater implies that he or she is capable in terms of thoughtful and strong communication.". A He said leaders should start bullets with past tense action words such as: demonstrated, completed, supervised, executed, showed and conducted. What are Typical Organizational Experiences with Mediation? space "Use variety too," he added. The goals of the HEP are to work toward enhancing employment opportunities for Hispanic employees and individuals seeking Federal employment, and to ensure Hispanic Americans are represented throughout the workforce at all grade levels and occupations. Joint Professional Military Education Phase 1 (JPME 1) Equivalency List July 2019, Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education Program (Enlisted JPME) "I strongly encourage avoiding use of gender on any evaluation reports," he said. By Sgt. The Black SEP was established to increase the representation of African Americans throughout the workforce. Additionally, appointed duties are items that are directed in the form of appointment memorandums. Official websites use .gov Special Emphasis Program Committees (SEPCs) are comprised of federal employee volunteers who collaborate with the Special Emphasis Program Managers (SEPMs) to plan and execute special monthly observances, educational workshops/seminars, lunch andlearns, and more. space o displayed extreme technical competence; graduated from the Certified Container Inspector Course; enhanced unit readiness for deployments. Excepted service appointments for the disabled were developed to provide an opportunity for people with disabilities to circumvent the attitudinal barriers. It should include the most important items that applied at any time during the rating period. NCOER Part : IIId: Areas of Special Emphasis. This may be the single most effective step you can take and can't be over-emphasized. This will pay big dividends when it's time to provide material for your NCOER or even a quarterly award. He reiterated the unique relationship between the United States and the Indian tribes and also acknowledged the special relationship between the United States and Alaskan Natives. "The back page portions of the NCOER are your opportunity to prove what a Soldier does, not just come up with flowery language. Whatever method you choose, just make sure you do it regularly. (Note: Separated by semicolons and ending in a period.) The Hispanic Employment Program (HEP) is an integral part of the Federal government-wide EEO Program under the authority of Executive Order 13171 (Hispanic Employment in the Federal Government of October 12, 2001). The best way to do this is to develop a habit that works for you -like every Friday after lunch, write down what you accomplished during the week. Enter areas of special emphasis/appointed duties. Special Emphasis Programs. To contribute examples, use this form. space What makes them qualified if the NCO Corps is supposed to be the Backbone of the Army? The primary objectives of an observance are to: The following are special observances that the Department has traditionally recognized: Currently, these committees are availableto employees from bureau's locatedat the Herbert C. Hoover Building or Ronald Reagan Building in Downtown DC only. Native American/Alaskan . Thanks! o Accomplishing Tasks to the Fullest Capacity Follow regulation guidance and standards and "minor references" that can generally get missed. President George W. Bush reaffirmed the previous administration's Native American Program of Support for Tribal Colleges and Universities in Executive Order 13270. Another tip he said was NCOES should always be mentioned and specific to the Soldier. Total compensation for this position includes food, housing, special pay, medical, and vacation time. Routine maintenance, scheduling repair part ordering, monthly reports and the amount of equipment and dollar amount are all important elements of a duty description for a mechanic, according to Baxter. o Care and Maintenance of Equipment/Facilities "If you don't have documentation or a good way of bolstering the excellence block, don't use it.". Should show type of work required rather than frequently changing tasks. o responsible for researching, tracking deployment training requirements for unit personnel space, b. RATER. However, the lack of counseling may be used to help support other claims made in an appeal. o coordinated and provided allied and partner nations with an effective communications plan during (operation name) 17. o managed a section through five major training events; logged over 5,0000 hours of upper and lower tactical internet connectivity. Serves as Operations Sergeant for a CA Company; ensures that operations and individual and collective tasks requirements are effectively planned and coordinated, communicated and safely implemented in direct support of the Company Command Team's intent in order to . 1st Class Mark BellFebruary 19, 2013. Therefore, this may account for a lack of emphasis on attendance U Potential loss areas should be identified so effective controls can be instituted. o interfaced with members of the Department of Defense Police, civilian authorities, sister services, supporting units and their staff. Before 2001, many CSMs were serving at the first sergeant and platoon sergeant level, while their commanders were serving in major and captain positions. o Displaying Confidence and Enthusiasm; General Areas of emphasis in units and activities vary depending on the mission, degree of hazard, and operational difficulty. Ask him or her how you're doing and what you can do to improve. If a Soldier works at a division level with oversight of brigades, Baxter said this increases the scope of required communications and planning. This block is the most likely to change during the rating period. To sign up for updates or to access your subscriber preferences, please enter your contact information below. Appendix A: Time Frames in the EEO Complaint Process, Appendix C: Formal Complaint Mediation Election Form, Appendix D: Department of Commerce Alternate Dispute Resolution Agreement to Mediate, American Indians and Alaska Natives Program, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Program, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Program. space, o energetic personality, positive "can do" attitude and deep pride in job accomplishment Hiring, Placement, and Advancement of Individuals With Disabilities These must include a list of tasks/duties separated by semicolons and ending with a period. space This block is the most likely to change during the rating period. Senior Mechanic. Examples received will be listed below. MOS 15: MOS 15T Areas of Special Emphasis: Flight Crew Member, Aviation Life Support Equipment NCO, Corrosion Prevention and Control Program Monitor, Ground Support Equipment NCO, NRCM Flight Instructor/Standardization Instructor, Master Gunner. DA PAM 623-3, Evaluation Reporting System. NCOER resources such as Areas of Special Emphasis and Performance Goals and Expectations. Military Police. CJCSI 1805.01C Enlisted Professional Military Education Policy (EPMEP), November 2021, Enlisted PME & Talent Management Vision The Joint Staff, J-7, solicits research topics from combatant commands, supporting commands, the Services, the Joint Staff, and service centers for lessons learned annually. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. If you wish to start one in your bureau, please contact your respective Bureau EEO Officerfor more information. "A simple administrative item like this can hold up key input for items like boards; especially when administrative staff, rating official, or Soldier are not monitoring IWRS for the status and completion of submitted evaluations," he said. o maintained error-free personnel records and ensured all promotion announcements and orders delivered on time Our Nation derives strength from the diversity of its population and from its commitment to equal opportunity for all. Their purpose is to ensure that agencies take affirmative steps to provide equal opportunity to everyone in all areas of employment and eliminate discriminatory practices and policies. He said evaluations must be more specific and the information needs to be used to convey the Soldier's performance to boards or human resource staff that could possibly review the evaluation report. What Are Some Concerns Expressed About Mediation? OSHA compliance manager, facility security manager and APFT instructor are few examples Baxter pointed out as potential additional duties a Soldier could list in this part of the NCOER. Because promotions, assignments and other personnel actions are decided by people who don't know you based on your records. Special Emphasis Program observances are an important aspect at the Department of Commerce. What Can You Do if You Believe the Department is not Adhering to the Terms of the Settlement Agreement? Serving as a liaison to their organization/bureau to ensure that Departmental activities are free from discrimination and that barriers to the recruitment, employment, and advancement of special emphasis group members are addressed. Baxter said his number one tip is ensuring the reviewer of an evaluation understands the duties and responsibilities of a particular Soldier. The Joint Chiefs of Staff Vision and Guidancefor Professional Military Education& Talent Management A lock Part IV, Performance Goals and Expectations, Part V C, Successive/Broadening Assignments, How to Write Bullet Comments that Match the Rating, Action Verbs for NCOERs (.docx) thanks, SSG Jones, DA Pam 600-67, Effective Writing for Army Leaders, DA Form 2166-9-1, NCO Evaluation Report, SGT Local Copy, DA Form 2166-9-1A, NCOER Support Form, SGT Local Copy, DA Form 2166-9-2, NCO Evaluation Report, SSG-MSG Local Copy, DA Form 2166-9-3, NCO Evaluation Report, CSM/SGM Local Copy, DA Form 2166-8-1, NCOER Counseling and Support Form. b. 3.7K views, 154 likes, 14 loves, 55 comments, 6 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from TV3 Ghana: #News360 || 30-04-23 . Executive Order13078 established the National Task Force on Employment of Adults with Disabilities to reduce employment barriers. Areas of Special Emphasis 3 rd ESC Command CBRN Training, Border Support Mission, CBRN Inspections, CBRN Operations Self Development, Retention NCO 1. o Efficiently inventoried, and distributed property valued at $50,000.00; zero loss of the commander's organizational property. space, o completed the Squadrons monthly Unit Strength Report requirement for four months with zero defects DA Form 2166-9-1A, NCOER Support Form, . Trained 450 Soldiers during 3 rd ESC Annual CBRN Mask Confidence Training on Masking procedures and CBRN detection equipment. o displayed a high level of technical and tactical skills while successfully leading 2 squads . U.S. Army Human Resources Command "Soldiers First!" United States Army Human Resources Command "Soldiers First!" Site Map. He warned raters of using comments like, "overcame three years of profiles to pass APFT.". Serves as a Petroleum Operations Observer Controller within the Operations Group Goldminer Team; responsible for the training and safety of leaders and Soldiers in platoons exceeding 60 personnel, up to 10 times per year; training rotational units on Tactical Convoy Operations . Secure .gov websites use HTTPS o Mission First o Mission Focused; Performance Oriented o Soldier and Equipment Safety n4d Often, it's difficult for supervisors to directly criticize their troops and they may offer advice in a tone that sounds more like a suggestion than an order. o supervised the turn-in of 2,116 containers during ONN returning $7,251,040 to the Army supply system o earned CLA and Associates Degree in General Studies while maintaining a 3.86 GPA Theprogram was established to assist agencies in assuring that equal opportunity is present in all aspects of employment and that affirmative action addresses under-representation. If you don't see a page for your MOS or additional duty, enter it in the form at the bottom of this page and a page will be made for it within a couple of days. National African American History Month (February), Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (May), National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 - October 15), National Disability Employment Awareness Month (October), National American Indian Heritage Month (November). Promote diversity awareness and cultural sensitivity; Demonstrate an interest in the history and culture of employees and their contributions to society and the Department; Reflect sensitivity to the growing diversity of the workforce; and. These are duties that you are specifically responsible for, in addition to the duties described in the Daily Duties and Scope block. "Perhaps one of the biggest parts of an evaluation is honesty," he said. Serving as a communication link between employees and SEPM, keeping employees aware of SEP activities and developmental opportunities through email, memos, broadcast, newsletters, and other appropriate means. The security accreditation level of this site is UNCLASSIFIED and below. current or next higher grade. Responsible for Strength Management section for the Regimental Support Squadron and Rear Detachment of the 7th Armored Cavalry Regiment which consists of more than 750 officers, warrant, and enlisted personnel; responsible for the health, welfare, and training of . The duty description: Is an outline of the normal requirements of the specific duty position. c. DAILY DUTIES AND SCOPE (to include, as appropriate, people, equipment, facilities and dollars), space He said, "provided training to 3 junior NCOs to attend Audie Murphy Board with 2 selections" or "earned Division NCO of the Quarter outperforming 4 NCOs senior in grade" are good examples of specific measurable information. CJCSI 1800.01F, Officer Professional Military Education Policy,15 May 2020 FORT MEADE, Md. That single sheet of paper affects your chances for promotion, your assignment options, training opportunities, and your entire future in the Army. o Teaching Soldiers How; Common Tasks, "Don't leave the board to imagine things - even if they seem basic or common knowledge to the people in the rating chain or unit," he said. You can be the best troop in the world but if you can't remember what you've accomplished, it's the same as if you didn't do anything. The Department of Army requires establishing a Special Emphasis Program (SEP) to ensure equal opportunity in hiring, training, advancement and treatment of women and minority employees. Serves as the 760th Engineer Company Operations NCO; relays detailed information to operate the Company via daily communication with platoon leadership; monitors, communicates and assists in enforcing mission critical production indicators, statistics, and solution plans; plans, coordinates . How Does Participation in Mediation Affect An Employee's Rights? o Encouraging Soldiers to Learn and Grow o taught numerous Battalion Leaders Maintenance classes, greatly . "Again, use measureable comments in performance," he said. space, space NCOIC Duty Descriptions. "Strove to be the best," and "Conducted excellent training to staff," are common bullets he has seen throughout his career as a personnel sergeant. He said a medic sitting on a promotion board might not know military police or public affairs specialist duties or the schools each would attend. o Seeking Self-improvement; Always Learning S space, a. RATER. The Executive Order establishes the President's AA/PI Advisory Commission and a Federal Interagency AA/PI Working Group. Special Emphasis Areas 22-1. . Don't waste time on areas that you can't control and concentrate on those that you can. Military Free Fall Jumpmaster; Static-line Jumpmaster; Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC); Drop Zone Safety Officer (DZSO); Advanced Tactical Infiltration Course (ATIC) Instructor, 19D: Deployed Personal Security Detachment Gunner; Deployed Battalion Tactical Operations Command Battle NCO, 25U: COMSEC Custodian, Information Assurance Manager, ARAMP Manager, ATCTS Manager, Platoon Sergeant, Signal Instructor, System Administrator, Squad Leader, Team Chief, Team Leader, MOS 31B: Areas of special interest: Traffic Management and Collision Investigator, MPI, MOS 35F Areas of Special Emphasis: Special Security Representative, Foreign Disclosure Representative, Security Manager, MOS 35M Areas of Special Emphasis: Operational Management Team, ICF Manager, Interpreter Manager, Instructor Preparation Team, Mos 36B Areas of Special Emphasis: Centrally Billed Account (CBA) Reconciliation, General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS), Defense Travel System (DTS), Government Travel Card (GTC) program, and Regional Level Accounting System (RLAS), 37F Areas of Special Emphasis: MILDEC NCO, Battlestaff NCO, PSYOP Reclass SME, PSYOP OC/T, Team Leader, Assistant Team Leader, Detachment Leader (NCOIC), 37F Appointed Duties: UPL, Suicide Prevention Leader, UMO, Antiterrorism Officer, Master Fitness Trainer, Range Safety Officer, Historian, Static-line Jumpmaster, Drop Zone Safety Officer (DZSO), Convoy Commander, 42A: EMILPO; RLAS; ITRS; MEDPROS; IWS; IPERMS; Personnel Accountability; Leaves; Finance; Personnel Actions; Unit Status Report; Policy Letters; Epat; Evaluation Entry System; RCMS, 42A Appointed Duties: Battalion Army Emergency Relief; battalion guidon bearer; battalion commander driver, MOS 51C Areas of Special Emphasis: Contracting Officer, MOS 56M Areas of Special Emphasis: Suicide Prevention Training Management; Memorial Event Management; Strong Bonds Program Management, 68W Areas of Special Emphasis: MEDPROS; DCAM; M3PT; CLS Instructor; National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians Instructor, Medical Table 8 Proctor/Lane Safety/Grader, 68W Training NCO, 68W Appointed Duties: Field Sanitation NCO, MOS 74D: Areas of Special Interest: Radiation Safety Officer, Appointed Duties: Unit Master Driver; Battalion Ammo Handler; Army Emergency Relief Fund Representative; Unit Mail Handler, MOS 79R: Areas of Special Interest: APL, EPG, SCHOOL ZONE, SCHOOL FOLDERS, RESERVE UNIT FOLDERS, MOS 79V: IRR to SELRES transfer mission, Unit reenlistments, Unit UNSAT recovery, 88M Areas of Special Emphasis: Convoy and Commodity Line haul Operations; Preventative Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS); Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills (WTBD); Weapons Qualification; Medical Readiness; Sergeant's Training Time (STT), 88M Appointed Duties: Team Leader; Convoy Commander; Check-Ride Examiner, 88Z Areas of Special Emphasis: Medical and Dental Readiness; Junior Promotion, MOS 89B: Areas of Special Interest: Unit Ammunition NCO; Support Operations (SPO) Ammo NCOIC; Bunker/Earth Covered Magazine(ECM) Manager; Unit Turn-in NCO; Surveillance/Inspector NCOIC; Explosive Safety NCO, MOS 89B: Additional Duties: Unit Status Reporting (USR) NCO; Sponsorship Coordinator; DTMS NCOIC; Primary Unit APFT NCOIC, 91X: AOAP Monitor, TMDE Monitor, SOUM Manager, Corrosion Prevention Manager, ORM Manager, Winterization Coordinator, MOS 92A (Motorpool) Areas of Special Emphasis: Standard Pricing, Sergeants Time Training, Battalion Dispatcher, Procurement, Contracting, MOS 92F Areas of Special Emphasis: Company Fuel Control NCOIC, MOS 92Y Areas of Special Emphasis: Command Supply Discipline Program (CSDP) Custodian, Sensitive Item Inventory, GCSS-A System Operator, KYLOC System Operator, Clothing Record Manager, CIF-ISM System Operator, 94E: Shop Operations; Security Forces Assistance Brigade (SFAB) Support; Equipment Accountability; Global Response Force (GRF); Subordinate professional growth.
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