Clint and Natasha Maybe Tony has been thinking about Peter saying that he wasn't letting the kid get experience a lot lately, and the more he thinks about it, the more he realizes the kid is right. Morgan kicked her way out of Peppers grasp and hugged her brother. Work Search: The two women was sharing stories if him as they went inside. What happens when Penny snaps instead of Tony? "Okay, I'll call him tomorrow, or today, I guess.". The assassin doesn't seem phased by Tony's joke and stays quiet, narrowing her eyes up at the man. Summary: Peter got knocked down in Civil War, but when Tony went to check on the baby Avenger, he realized he was more badly hurt than first realized. It was normal that hed grown to care a little about him, right? When Peter landed in his signature pose next to Tony, he got a better look at the men. I was with a woman I loved, I had finally made more than one friend, I was getting all of my Spider Stuff under control, and all of my professors were understanding of my struggles to get my work turned in (although, I wouldn't be surprised if Tony had bribed them). "Anyway, I wanted to ask if Stark Industries could borrow some vibranium, more specifically for this guy right here." Tony wiped the tear in his face. The billionaire grins, "Great, chief. "So you study all the time," Gamora finishes and I nod. 5 Times Peter Pretended To Be Tougher Than He Was (ao3) - grilledcheesingRating: Teen And Up. So he takes to the streets instead, where he can't hurt anyone anymore. Any fanfics where Peter was the one who remained instead of Tony in And why does Tony feel sick every time he sees him around Peter? "I wasn't really born with all of the smarts I have. Peter nods, capping his water as Tony pulls him towards the door. Peppers got a plan to fix it. But when he arrived, others felt his presence, both good and bad. That's just the truth. But she couldn't meet him in person. Bed Unrest (ao3) - wolfypuppypilesRating: Teen And Up, Tony crossed his arms, watching Peter kick at his blankets, bandage around his ankle itching. "Daddy! ), 1. But so what? The genius grins because he's so excited to see Peter try and impress not only his mentor but one of the best assassins in the world. "Nothing much, I just have a present for you." Everyone, including himself, has given up on Peter Parker. Please consider turning it on! 20. They live off that stuff." Delicate Air - Chapter 16 - lonelysoldier - The Avengers (Marvel Movies "Well, then off we go," Gamora says with a smile. Too smart for his own good(ao3) -sarcasmismyweaponRating: Mature. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). "I think you should go to sleep, sir." All happy on either side yet A group of people fell to the ground. When the Rogue Avengers get pardoned and come back to live at the Tower too, they're confused as to who Peter is. If he didn't, he wouldn't let you stay here, he wouldn't introduce you to the Avengers, and he wouldn't have movie nights with you. He decides to wait to call T'challa until Peter's here so the teen can meet the king, it's no doubt going to be hilarious to see the kid try and figure out how to address him. Day after day, his energy being sucked away from him by something he couldn't fix. And they keep going like that, adding a bot each time Peter passes a round. He needs Tony to help him get through. Yet it bothered Peter why the man was crying. But when the bullying becomes physical and things go too far, leaving Peter extremely injured, the Avengers pay a visit to Midtown. The entire room had this aura about it that made it breathtaking. Cigarettes after murder - Chapter 12 - waywardhalo - Avengers [Archive Privacy Policy. Things had been better, now that Peter was living with his father. Until Tony Stark and his family enters the equation, unwilling to let Peter be alone anymore. Get you down in the labs working on projects and stuff. Peters face instantly brightened. Because they thought they were fighting Thanos in their dream. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you. I look down at the computer along with half filled out packets and curse, I fell asleep again. And now that Peter died She had no one. Karen was speaking to him. discover your favorite characters & ships! One of them was looking around wildly, searching for a way out but found nothing. "No, it's not ok. This is Peter." Pineapple Pizza and how it Saved Peters Life(ao3) -FicbunnyRating: Teen And Up. Tony slaps him on the back before wrapping a loose arm around his aching shoulders, "You did good, kid. avengers fanfiction peter sexually abused by teacher. And they immediately adore him. "Kid, you are a genius I bet you are smarter the half of my R&D department." Peter blushed while his eyes travelled to the ground. Peter immediately notices the shift in mood and looks at Tony curiously, "What's going on?" I cant wait to tell May! He said jumping out of his chair. Tony grins, and Natasha rolls her eyes with a smirk and her hands positioned on her hips, just slightly out of breath. Peter is smarter than Tony | Archive of Our Own Cookie Notice "Hey Mr. Stark! 10. But now he is stuck in a world with the super powered every where, laws that shouldn't exist and unfair accusations. But would he mess around with it anyway? (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). 16. "Du verdammter Idiot, hast du wirklich gedacht, wir wrden es dir sagen?" 5 Times Peter Didnt Say He Was StrugglingAnd The One Time He Did (ao3) - Bladam_ShevineRating: Teen And Up. Dont lose it kid. Meeting Deadpool made my heart pound and my head spin. Didn't make it as good as he wants. (He also captures and converts a couple of Cards in the process, but that's not important. It's three AM when he sets them up along the back wall of the now not empty room, there are bags under his eyes, but he smiles at the underwhelming space. How could they not, faced with this adorable, genius, spidery, godling? I'm just a bit stressed," I say and Gamora laughs dryly. Where did you even learn this?, I dont know. I sprint into the kitchen and set my stuff down and get my school stuff set back up. *Please check out my other story, Spider-man: Bad Blood, after you finish this one. In many stories, Peter losing his family pushes him to be a stronger, better hero--but this isn't that story. avengers react to their actors fanfiction. Mainly Peter and Harry focused on. Just a kid, I think. Summary: Peter had a knack for keeping things to himself, causing an unnecessary amount of stress for a graying Tony Stark. I dream but not of sheep (ao3) - WebtrinsicRating: Teen And Up. When Natasha gets there, the two spend some time just kicking the robots around, trying out all of the levels of hardness until all 23 of them are laying on the ground, disabled. Chapter 14 Out of everyone he knew, there were few who knew how many languages he could speak. "Can I ask why there are bots for Webhead?" So he started to solve it. Boss has been informed of your arrival. Peter meets the Avengers, effortlessly changes the direction of the future, and confuses the hell out of everyone he meets. Peter? He sounded almost breathless. He always thought he'd die as Spider-Man, with his mask on as he bled out from some lucky asshole who took their shot. Being so thoroughly connected to the stones and the god leaves Peter far more powerful than he was before, but it also has its dangers. What I mean is that this is really advanced stuff. For more information, please see our Field Trip to the Compound (Part Two) (Completed), Not an update but a question for my curiosity, The sun will shine on us again (Part One), Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones but Words Will Always Shatter Me. If I'm no longer smart, I only have Spider-man," I say and dodge another punch. The funeral was quiet. 3. God what are you doing in high school?, Well I dont know. (See the end of the work for more notes.). (You fucking idiot, did you really think we would tell you?) So naturally he would feel a little weird when Richard Parker randomly shows up in Peters life. He smiled as Happy handed him a badge. It's a room just for Peter where he doesn't have to worry about the other Avengers getting in his business and trying to give him tips, a place where he can gain experience. "They're finished?" "Don't lose it kid. It's not just a cover Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction Stark, ummm I was just you know looking around and then Friday said to come in here and there were robots and stuff and they were really cool and then I saw this and I was like hey I can do that but I didnt mean to do anything wrong or, Woah kid slow down, Tony said interrupting Peters rambling. Not because I got hit. Peter seems shocked at the news which does dampen the billionaire's mood a little, but his smile is still giddy and shining when he practically drags the kid out of their usual workplace and down to the 38th floor. Okay, so this is just a book of MCU (mostly Peter Parker centric) one shots with tropes you've read a thousand times. He sat on the ground. May cant really afford to send me to college right now so we figured wed save money ya know. Could they not take it seriously? Her voice comes through the line, even with the sounds of engines revving and the wind rushing past her. I start filling the problems out and the only sound I can hear is the scratching of my pencil on the sheets of paper. A tear fell from his face. "Yeah, that sounds good," I say and Gamora swings her arm around my shoulder. That's gonna hurt his feelings real bad, Nat." It doesn't suit your beautiful face." But he knew. The kid is naive; it's entirely valid for him to hold Peter back from going after people that aren't necessarily smarter than him, just more experienced in the combat area. "H-hey, um, Your Majesty? "Now will you please go to sleep, sir?" T'challa nods and Tony continues on. There was, of course May, Tony knew that he spoke German, Black Widow and Hawkeye knew about the Russian and Hyun-Ki along with Mee knew about Peter knowing Korean. Chapter 8 15. Id love to. Where is that? Peter said nervously. ex -, bonus points if peter parkers field trip to stark industries is in there somewhere but doesn't take up the entire plot of the fic, Scan this QR code to download the app now, Nodding, peter exited the vehicle and watched as it pulled away. When he got there, Iron Man was facing off three men, their clothes stained with fresh blood and alien-looking knives in their grip. Karen was speaking to him. The kid seems confused, but he slowly takes in the padded walls and disabled robots, and he suddenly realizes what's happening, "Oh my god, you built a training room for me?" "But you won't be coming back!". He ducked into an alleyway, walking out of the public eye, and changed into the Spider-Man suit that Mr Stark had made him. He will do anything to save them. Happy calls him on his second cup of coffee, telling him the kid will be over in at least 10 minutes, Tony beams happily and thanks his driver, who is wary of the positive attitude his boss is in. Work Search: Ned was being held back by his parents "This is all your fault Stark! "Big brother! Mantis comes closer to me and touches my hand. "I'm just worried about school," I say and throw a punch of my own. Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure; BAMF Natasha Romanov; lots of emotions; Everyone loves Peter; Peter Parker Has a Family; Protective Steve Rogers; Because Thanos had put them in a comma because they fought the infinity stone. "Probably, am I free to go now?" If he hadn't of had their names the search would of taken unnecessary hours "Hey Mr Stark, can I?". But what happens when his past comes back to haunt him? "Peter?" He would be working with Tony freakin Stark! So don't die or so help me." Peter grinned and shot a few webs, sticking the murderers feet to the floor to ensure they couldn't run, not that they'd get far. Also, civil war didn't happen. Work Search: "Peter? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. People had tears flowing down when a commemoration of Natasha showed up. The call cuts off abruptly, and Tony can't help but smirk at the redhead's sudden defensiveness on the subject of Peter. I spent weekdays, weekends, holidays, and breaks studying. God i changed my mind please kill me for this, Im joking otherwise how else will entertain my peeps, I HAVE A FAMILY TO GO BACK TO!! Cookie Notice It had been a few weeks since everyone had met; the Avengers all took a liking to the two newest members of the teams (or not-member in Peter's case). "Nothing, I just have a lot of work to do," I ask and move to kick her but she blocks and sends me to the ground. Peter asks as he studies the robots and Tony looks around the room. Neither did infinity war. He'd want me to be happy because that must what big brothers want heir little sister be. (REQUESTED PART TWO), THE SPIDERVERSE: HUNTING SPIDER (REQUEST), THE LIFE OF PETER PARKER THE INTERN (HE'S ALSO SPIDER-MAN BUT HUSH), PETER BEING MULTILINGUAL (REQUESTED PART TWO). Gamora asks and I sweep my legs and drop her to the floor. Now how about we start working on your suit and well get Pepper to handle the logistics of this later? Tony said smiling at Peters energy. There was a soft thud in the ground and a woman about her 20's appeared. He knew this was the sacrifice he had. "What does he need it for?" TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. "Hmmm," Thor hummed, thinking about the very little information he knows of y/n. Why did he have to be so flirtatious? He is currently in a meeting and has requested your presence in the lab. Superheroes flooded the house of Tony. "I'll see what I can do, Tony. What? Where an old foe re-emerges from the shadows for Round 2, and Peter Parker really needs to learn that being an adult doesn't mean dealing with everything on your own; it means asking for help when you need it, and trusting people to catch you when you fall. 23. Here's this, it wasn't even really planned, kind of just happened. Also Spanish class is boring (Like most classes). But Mr. Parker also needs to live in case of the dire situations that you're trying to ready him for." Tony turns to face her more directly and crosses his arms, the redhead giving him an unimpressed look in response. After the universe ends, a spider-god uses the condensed power of the infinity stones to create a new reality. How will Tony Stark react? The king tells him about the recent upgrades in the lab, and how his sister and mother are doing and the two go back in forth in friendly conversation until Tony pulls Peter to his side. "You know that that's not why he keeps you around right? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Tony couldn't answer his daughter. Five Times Peter Impresses the Avengers Chapter 2: Mind - FanFiction There wasnt meant to be any casualties, but there always is in war. "I have three essays, twenty-eight pages of math problems, seven chapters to read, study for two tests that are a major part of my grade, and a whole packet of chemistry homework to do, all before Monday," I say and start sifting through the pages and my hands are shaking. 5 Times Everyone Forgot How Smart Peter Actually Was - Chapter 1 His face plate opened and saw Peter smiling. He tears up the floorings and tosses them out the door, he finds a wall repair kit in storage and figures out how to use it in fifteen minutes, so then he's left with bare concrete and better walls that'll get an upgrade in the future. When Ben died she had Peter. We have lost Natasha Romanoff and Spiderman.". By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Tony grins down at his mentee as the elevator doors open, and the pair steps out. Summary: Peter got knocked down in Civil War, but when Tony went to check on the baby Avenger, he realized he was more badly hurt than first realized. A voice calls and I turn to see Gamora standing in the corner of the kitchen. It shouldn't have been Peter! "You're more than stressed. "You're not gonna stick around to watch your favorite vigilante show off his combat moves on vibranium robots? I will add more tags as the story goes on. "Why?" He pulled out of the lot and driving onto the familiar highway that led to the new Avengers Compound. Peter, her big brother, was gone. "Anyway, Catman, I wanted you to meet my intern. Peter Parkers Best Birthday Ever(ao3) -MelissaBosquezRating: General. Just like him. + It was from Mr Stark and only said a few words 'Spidey's needed'. Widow, over here had a blast kicking them around." Ned shouted MJ covered her mouth to stop her from screaming. 12. "I can't calm down! Tony and Thanos thought at the same time. By the time I was 15 the first one was barley holding together. Living with Peter surely did a number on her. "Vielen Dank fr Ihre Hilfe, meine Herren. Please consider turning it on! Let's go spar," Gamora says and it's in a way that I know there's no room for argument. Looking down in his pass, Peter pulled it out and scanned it. Summary: Peter Parker was orphaned at the age of 11 when his family was killed an a car accident. What will happen inside the raft? Boss says to wait here until he can get out of this stupid meeting Friday informed him. Peter, Tony said, like it was the most casual thing ever. I've known you for less than a week but I already know that Tony loves you to death," Gamora says and I shrug. Peter Parker died an honourable death on the battlefield, defeating Thanos and his army when he chose to snap with the gauntlet. The shiny, indestructible robots are placed back into Peter's training room. Aunt May told me that I had to be better then anyone else, that I had to work harder then anyone else if I wanted to be better. "Lady Stark is a very skilled warrior. 9. Thank you so much! Peter!" A woman's voice calls and I snap up from sleeping over my books and look around to see Mantis standing next to the fridge. And if that isnt bad enough, his identity is revealed over and over, every day. Peter's heart broke. But why is he?" So when he snaps and wipes away half the universe, he ensures that Tony Stark is one of those that fade to nothing. Peters Overprotective Family ( - Hellspawn1804Rating: Teen And Up. His hair is even more messed up than before, darkened with sweat and he's huffing out short breaths, the suit is sticking to his skin, and the kid knows there's probably a couple of bruises from hitting the bots too hard at one point, but he doesn't care. Please consider turning it on! Chapter 21 I had to. "Okay, let's go. I didnt learn these kinds of equations until college. Gamora asks and I look up briefly. Scary. It was kind of peaceful in a way. He was living on borrowed time and he knew that, but the worse part of it all wasn't actually the dying part. ), [SEQUEL TO "DO IT ONCE, THEN DO IT AGAIN"]. "Well," the billionaire glances down at the teen and quietly asks if he can tell the king about his powers, Peter hesitates but nods slowly and Tony continues, "he has superhuman strength and the training robots I have are no match against them so, we kind of need a stronger material that could last longer.". More like files. Peter knew he was dying. He was gone She couldn't use the word died. 3. But what if these two turned out to be a family from his mother's side?Blip caused chaos not only in the muggle world, but also in the wizarding side of it. Summary: When Peter is abruptly taken from Tony by a mysterious criminal, the teen has to fight tooth and nail to make it out of the mans clutches, testing him every step of the way as he tries desperately to get back to his Dad. I'm tired, so tired. He was awestruck by the magnificence of the room around him. 2. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He makes his way down to the underground floors, gets an entire cart of dummies that he programmed for the Avengers to train with when they get tired of punching bags and each other. He was practically shaking with excitement. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. There's no guarantee that there will be enough for building robots, but I'll see what I can do." Nthhhnn, White_Widow666, Hell_kitten21, IulianDan, MatSha, alv2007, Sh1nuki, Lil_snake, Human_Flesh_Is_Meat, brooms_pen, vynsalittleshit, Mookeee, Hellz_n, BeHappy567, rosegaige, TutaTamta, Idunnoaname, pterodactyl_screech, Tessera, MishaTristanAckles, tenjyu28, Little_Assassin_Fox, SamzFerg, Dragon4790, InnanaZoa, freebuilder31, cecedickson16, florantheiia, Sunzinho3, Ms_Nightstar, Shadowkit21, Life_in_flames, aroacenerd, honeythinker, mha_b00kw0rm, Retrouvailles97, tril, localbookgirl, TheLordoftheDisc, StacyStarkRomanoff, BloodyScribbles, jewelhikari, Be3Lynn, TimeLordOfPie, nothumanjustWill, UncleMoony, lemonspices, JJ_Wonderly, bigdickboi69, UnwrittenSunflower, and 1072 more users Hed never really been up there before. Not because of training. Of course he would its Peter. "Yeah, I know that Mr. Stark only keeps me around for Spider-man and my idea's. Tony, Steve, Sam, and Clint were sitting in the common room watching a show. Target : Peter Parker. peter parker stark industries fanfiction I just kinda like to do stuff like this when Im bored and stuff.. (Uncultivated American pigs can not speak German). Chapter 19 Peter!" Tony nodded (at least, he thought he did. AU- Peter Parker was on the run with the other Avengers after the events of the Civil War due to Ross wanting to capture and study him. "Is that it?" When they reach 12, Tony turns them onto hard mode. "What did I do to deserve all this, were you really that happy with my work with the alien tech?" 'He actually did it.' (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you. Because. boat property tax calculator; accucraft dolgoch radio control; sky description creative writing; cal fire helitack bases northern california; sandlot baseball travel team The vibranium gets there within the next week, 40 solid pounds of the strongest metal on earth is brought to the Avengers tower on one of Wakanda's fancy-schmancy invisible jets. Who in their dream fought with them. 14. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Mantis asks coming closer to me. 8 months into his hero carrier he had to team up with an army of Spider powered people. I start panicking and before she can say anything I grab all of my school stuff and sprint to my room and close the door. Tony just wants to find his child and make the bastard responsible pay for his actions. He knew his name was Peter?. Or how the Avengers learned just how scary Peter can be. who is the girl in the state farm real upgrade commercial SORRY ABOUT THAT]. Who are the six weirdly colourful people who call themselves Infinity Stones? Peter Parker was sent into an unfamiliar world where being abnormal is considered normal. Why did he smell so good? Morgan asked. Tony smiled. texas stolen boat database warframe quest order 2022 who is the girl in the state farm real upgrade commercial who is the girl in the state farm real upgrade commercial "I wish these guys were made out of vibranium, they're gonna be like soda cans to the kid's spidey strength," Tony mutters mostly to himself, but JARVIS still gives his input. A following message sent him the coordinates he was supposed to go to. Damnit Loki thought, he underestimated Thor's ability to understand his true intent behind his question again. Natasha ruffles his hair as he passes and shuts the lights off once they're out, smiling to herself as she hears the kid blabber on about how cool it is to have his own gym. "But I'll always be here," Peter tried pointing at her heart and did it successfully, "So can you read me a bed time story?" Thats so cool! The man laughed coldly "Aloysius, du bist verdammt zurckgeblieben, aber das kannst du nicht verstehen. There wasn't meant to be any casualties, but there always is in war. In such a young age. Chapter 6 The Winter Soldier was a traitor. Peter, you bruised your kidneys, thats not something to mess around with.. Chapter 7 All the while the God Butcher is on the move, hunting for the Gate to Eternity. Because she knows as a kid. At six, all three of them died in an explosion. She wasn't being mean or cruel, she was telling the truth. Tony was standing at a podium in New York. Tony tries to think, but his AI is very persistent. Chapter 11 Tony thanks him with a smile and the call ends. Peter Parker took a step forward, it was not his first step nor his last step on his journey, but it was one more step.. Instead, the trauma of losing his aunt and uncle and being moved into the foster system leaves Peter unable to properly grieve or process his family's death, and all he's left with is fear, emptiness, and out-of-control powers that he has no idea how to use safely anymore. What he'd do, for just one more moment with Yelena Peter had lost all hope, until he had heard the call. Peter's smiling in excitement now too and walking around the room as Tony watches him happily. I wasn't just born smart like Einstein, I worked for everything. At age twelve, Peter Parker becomes a vigilante, taking the title of 'Arachne'. I am sure you will enjoy prison.) He recognised the crazed look in their eyes, it was the same look he had seen in his Uncle Ben's murderer moments before the trigger had been pulled. Mr. Stark had invited him over earlier that day to work on some new suit designs and he could not be more excited. What if Spider-Man was already a well established hero before the beginning of the MCU? I should've known to expect something by now. But their universes were some what similar to his own. avengers fanfiction peter replaced by new intern Thank you so much! Bucky is having some maintenance done on his arm, in Wakanda. Peter's hair is ruffled, and he's visibly winded from his speedy trip across queens, but he's still beaming at the two Avengers, then he looks over at the upgraded robots on the back wall and bounces on the balls of his feet. Peter was walking around town when he got a message, interrupting the music he was blasting into his ears through his earbuds.
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