We have twotownship ownedone on either side at the end of our development. 3) Wetlands are great habitat and wonderful for wildlife watching. The reasons are: Mosquitoes. YOUR insurance pays, providing you have flood insurance to begin with. Streambank erosion can take out infrastructure and property. MIDWEST CITY, Okla. A Midwest City neighborhoods concerns are being addressed. 11. We appreciate the opportunity to provide your church or other ministry with an insurance quote and will reply to your request as soon as possible. What can be done about HOA problems and dysfunction? Usually they are owned by HOA and so you should have control of what is done with them. In some instances individual property owners may assume maintenance responsibility of these features. On Monday, dozens of fish could still be seen floating near the edge of the water, which is only a few yards from neighbors homes. Beautification to the landscape. Around here in nice areas, they are either called ponds usually with a fountain and nicely landscaped or they are completely blocked with evergreen vegetation. Easements can even be granted to preserve a neighbors view. Legal Notices Government regulations, potential flooding, safety issues and added costs are among the concerns that need to be addressed by a prospective buyer. What are they doing with this? Ours does, so yes. Ugh, glad not to be one of them. Here are a few photos of the detention pond. I would like to post a few pictures of the detention pond, but don't know how to do that on this website? Soils data are available online from NRCS. I read that water retention ponds in HOAs can be poorly maintained and can attract rodents, mosquitoes, and snakes, so now I am picturing a bunch of rats by the pond and in the backyard all the time. Read more (Video): For example, there is a constant danger of drowning for families with young children. It has a chain link fence around it. The future owners of homes in this North Carolina DR Horton community will eventually inherit a stormwater system which will most likely include retention ponds. In the State of Georgia and many other states, the Homeowners Associations (HOA's) and property management companies are required to maintain the retention and detention ponds to ensure that all rainwater on any given property is collected in a manner that does not disturb the surrounding land. Continue reading for more information about your ability to buy a home in New Jersey after declaring bankruptcy and how the New Jersey bankruptcy lawyers from Young Marr & Associates can provide assistance. The tonier the market, the better the job they will have done with the ponds and with any common area spaces. The area of a retention pond should be about 5 - 10% of the total area from which it collects stormwater. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Where will the water go. POSTED 12:48 PM, MAY 7, 2018, BY ALLISON MECHANIC Find out if the town sprays or not (mine does, although I believe you can opt your property out). Wildlife management and pest control can become a huge headache for HOAs. Thank you for your interest in Brotherhood Mutual. The opposite is just as true. Privacy Policy While it may look like a regular water feature, a retention pond serves a much greater purpose. Also, ask yourself if they can fill up and flood. Lacamas Lakes story serves as evidence that even homeowners with financial affluence may fail to properly maintain their storm water management systems and neglect to be responsible stewards of wetlands and other conservation areas. Another tried to work the ponds into the overall design, running them in a quasi-natural shape, but again in a narrow strip behind the houses. There usually won't be standing water in the pond, but after thunderstorms, water could stay in the pond for a few days until it drains completely. In addition, the shoreline of each pond requires regular repair of damage caused by natural or unchecked erosion. Is this area completely built-up, or will there be more water displaced as the area does build up? Can you change it? Children are attracted to water, and retention ponds offer ready access. One of the homes was beautiful, but at the time I had a 3- and 1-year-old and wasnt comfortable with that. Get unlimited access to tools and resources that make it easier to find, analyze, and manage deals with confidence! Easements can grant the right for utilities and their maintenance, like water lines or cable. I think the old real estate adage of location, location, location is appropriate and would look for another lot . Buyers with kids? SUFFOLK, Va Dead fish floating belly up are making homeowners in the Burbage Grant neighborhood concerned. Lease Purchase, Lease Options, Tax Liens, Notes, Paper, and Cash Flow Discussions, Private Lending & Conventional Mortgage Advice, Real Estate Guru, Book & Course Reviews & Discussions. Re:Would you buy a house that is next to a retention pond? And next time, homeowners wont be able to go back to the Home Creations for another $58,000 or more to repair damages from erosion. Subject: Would you buy a house that backs up to a retention pond? I can only imagine the cost of liability insurance for an HOA with hunting grounds in the middle of it. Since this magnitude of a storm is a rarity, ponds should never come close to filling up. Anonymous. I am a nature lover and it is really nice to see a flock of geese fly over and honk - but I do not want a couple hundred of them honking right next door. I love the house and everything else fits the criteria, but now this . You already asked this .stop starting new threads. Fence requirement for retention pond in Durham. It was never a dangerous area but my kids were not allowed to play in the water unless I was there. The buried sewer line is outside the perimeter of the house owned lot but close enough with in 500 feet and has visible manhole access at certain intervals. The advantage is that there are no neighbors on one side of the house, but will the pond be an "eye-sore"? Consumer Education for Homebuyers, Home, and Property Owners | Exposing Condo & HOA Dysfunction, Corruption, & Abuse. The only issue is that the house is right next to a huge detention pond. mortgages ALL comments will be much appreciated. The ponds drain into preserves and ultimately streams. Rare - maybe.Real - absolutely, and basements reflect the reality. and our . If you're potentially going to be living near standing water, plan for a way to handle mosquitos. Deferring responsibility for major infrastructure to HOAs and other private groups, and allowing private development to place homes practically on top of wetlands and retention ponds has created many problems for homeowners, nearby residents, and taxpayers. Tips for Streamlining Your HOA Communitys Projects. Thanks! I wonder if they would be just as bad if you bought a house a few homes lots away or if the bugs mostly stay near the homes right along the pond. Public Infrastructure Fee is not a tax (Florida), HOA power relationship, problem-solving, and communication patterns during a major building renovation construction crisis, Beavers building natural dams that obstruct the flow of water, or cause upstream flooding, An overabundance of rodents and mosquitoes. So we will have a 9ft by 18ft area with a depression in it that we will put grass in - I didn't want a gravel pit, that would have been pretty bad! You can see vegetation grown in between straight down to the ground. See the following publications for guidelines: Real estate investors break down the basics, and share tips on how to get your next deal. They can also be deep and have a steep drop off at the waters edge, since theyre designed for maximum rainwater collection. The latter one was also caught in the real estate meltdown, so I don't know that the work was ever completed as intended. . If storm water drainage from the surrounding properties makes its way to the pond (by gravity)- that tells you the pond is much lower. The lots are quarter acre, so the pond is close . Retention Basin or Pond: Will you buy a house next to a retention basin or pond? This is a new construction area, so the other homes backing the pond have not all been built out yet. Retention ponds are wet ponds. 2) Streamside property may sound like a dream. They said they were concerned that the new pond could bring on old problems. If you've seen a pond-like structure with gravel and vegetation surrounding its perimeter, you're more likely eyeing a retention pond. Dry => no mosquitos. Your album is set to private. Private owners, be they HOAs or other corporations, in general, are poor stewards of wetlands and retention ponds, and infrastructure in general. The solution lies in preventing mosquitoes from breeding, either by breaking up the surface of the water or eliminating mosquito larvae. I liked the house but the only problem is there is a detention pond next to the house. I have seen subdivisions where the ponds remain full of water and are kept up nicely (kind of park-like), which attracts geese and ducks. I believe you are mistaken. How big is "huge"? In addition, while the rest of the area has a lot of flooding in severe rains., we have had none. Government has also failed to maintain infrastructure inlcuding wetlands and stormwater drainage systems thats why so much of it is in need of repair or remediation but at least public entities such as cities, counties, and states have access to experts, contractors, paid staff and engineers, and long-term financing options. They tend to lack construction knowledge, engineering expertise, environmental education, and financial resources to do whats necessaary, OR they simply choose to spend money on other things. Some in the neighborhood want to clear out the trees that have grown in the wetland to restore views and, in theory, raise property values. The following errors occurred with your submission. Here is a link that might be useful: Detention Pond. Make sure land slopes away from the house to prevent basement flooding. Mystery Of Cedar Park Pond Fish Kill Deepens. In general, algae are essential for a healthy pond. Despite this reality, its very uncommon to see any HOA taking proactive steps to manage its wetland or forest preserves. Is it fenced? A pond that's clean and clear of unsightly brown-yellow algae mats on the surface can also increase the value of nearby homes. Thanks everyone for the comments and insight. Sign up for your free subscription by email. The attractive ones, I wouldn't hesitate to move next to one. . As a general rule, New Jersey buyers should expect to pay between 2% and 5% of the final purchase price in closing costs. www.brotherhoodmutual.com. We have this beautiful backyard and a water view and its real pretty, but now we look out and all we see is dead fish, Simmons says. But on your walk around you note that the rest of the neighborhood is uphill from your property. Unfortunately, little to no maintenance was done, and then things have overgrown. Dry detention ponds generally use a very small slope to divert water. Pros & cons of new Home yard backing retention pond, The following errors occurred with your submission. home buying Its primary purpose is to collect stormwater runoff for environmental purposes or flood control, although it may sometimes also provide a manmade habitat for birds, fish, and wildlife. Ultimately it is up to you to decide if you would enjoy living there. . In Turtlewood, homeowners were fortunate enough to address problems with the developer before official turnover of the pond to the HOA. We planted a willow tree in the middle that grew beautifully. Hottest Topics. Is a property survey ever sold separately from the property. Is a DR Horton home something we need to be concerned about too? We have found a great neighborhood with a nice, 2 story house on a private cul-de-sac. On the "plus side" - you could also see deer, foxes and a wide variety of birds. Any concerns about that? Yet very few HOAs regularly inspect their stormwater management components. As long as the pond was designed to those standards, and the city/county engineer verified that the contractor actually built it to those standards, you have nothing to worry about as far as flooding goes. "The chances of a SWM pond overflowing and then flooding any surrounding property is extremely slim.". Good point about mosquitoes. sinkholes, and mysteriously drain themselves dry, BMP #: Constructed Wetlands (Pennsylvania Stormwater Management Manual Section 5 Structural BMPs, HOA Community Association Disputes & Legal Matters, https://brunswick.ces.ncsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Wetland-and-Pond-Maintenance-2006.pdf?fwd=no, HOA Community Association Disputes & Legal Matters(935), Constitutional and Civil Rights and your HOA(354), New research busts myth that HOAs protect property values, 4 risks for homeowners in developer-controlled HOA communities. My husband and I are looking to buy our very first home! In Arkansas, we have coordinated robust efforts in Little Rock to combat homelessness, but over 250 veterans still experience homelessness on any given day. While there are some advantages to living near a retention pondpeace and quiet, green space, fewer neighbors nearby, and a decreased risk of floodingpotential buyers have other factors to consider. I would never buy a house with a storm water management (SWM) pond right next door. Maybe we should go back and look at the three prime rules of buying real estate: Location, location, and location. I have a bit of a strange question. Remove pollutants and sediments. And when they do occur, the stench is terrible. I would appreciate your input regarding this. We are thinking of putting a play structure in that spot - if and when it fills (we typically only get winter rains here) it wouldn't be a time for out boy to be out playing anyway. We kept it mowed and had a split rail fence around it people wondered if it was a riding ring it was about 150 feet by 80 feet. Also, it's a newer subdivision built in 2020 by DR Horton. Here are some of the problems associated with retention ponds, along with some risk management tips. A low, grassy depression is one thing, and I might be able to live with it. This area was never wet with standing water only when raining hard. That would hold true even if the pond did overflow due to poor design. As development occurs consideration is not always given to location, land cover, and how existing conditions may affect future use of a property. I am looking to buy a house. It sounds like this one will be dry most of the time, and wet only during periods of runoff. 1). The retention ponds are engineered for stormwater runoff. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. We live next door to this house while we are building our new house and have become friends with the new owners they still love the place and the "yard" is still just as well kept.Of course this all could depend on whether the area is unsightly or has potential or has regulations governing what you can do with it. Basic Design. As already stated, they are designed to hold a "100 year storm". The neighborhood is called "Ammersee Lakes". Athensmom - if it is blocked with vegeation, would that change your mind? Quite often, the HOA does own land that includes wetlands. It was listed for less than 24 hours and the first people to look at it stayed for 6 hours and bought it that evening and we closed in thirty days for 5000$ less than asking. I would love to see it and make a comment because we bought a lot with an undesirable factor but I was willing to overlook it because it was in the right neighborhood. houses If the pond is not cleaned regularly, your lovely view can easily become a weed-choked cesspool. A home inspection should include any notes about water in the basement and crawl space which would also indicate poor drainage. Please give me your two cents on this!!! Homes are listed on the market for around $319,900, and they're closing for about $279,400. Nationwide Pond Dredging Services The key words here are "in theory." An algae bloom can reduce the oxygen available to support fish and other plant life within the pond. Safety first. One kind is just a grassy depression (usually fairly dry), and the other kind is a vegetation-filled, cat-o-nine-tails swamp. The inlet needs to be not more than 15% higher than the outlet to ensure the correct amount of water flow through the system. It did fill when it rained over one inch at a time but drained with in less than 12 hours when the rain stopped. The typical neighborhood is slab homes and townhouses, 3/2, tiny lots, some with no or single garages, geared toward first-time homebuyers or empty-nesters, with prices from 89K (really!) When they are relatively new, water in the pond tends to be relatively clear. Between the flooding possibility and the mosquito breeding ground they create (to speak nothing of the non-migratory Canadian geese they attract) I would not purchase close to one. From our perspective, insurance is more than a commercial endeavor. I may be in the minority here but I wouldn't buy a house next to one . 1) You've found your perfect dream home and you love the yard. The stated goal of retention ponds also known as "wet basins" or "detention basins," is to reduce the downstream flow of polluted stormwater, preventing erosion and contamination of watershed areas or private property. A retention pond collects stormwater during a storm and slowly releases it back into the natural environment. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Deborah A. Goonan and Independent American Communities with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. They are dry unless there is a very heavy rainand only one fills to some degree as the other drains into itand it empties quickly. Unlike swimming pools, these basins typically aren't fenced in. Scan this QR code to download the app now. . Since mosquitoes breed in any still water they can find, your retention ponds can become a nuisance to residential neighbors. https://brunswick.ces.ncsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Wetland-and-Pond-Maintenance-2006.pdf?fwd=no, https://www3.epa.gov/npdes/pubs/pondmgmtguide.pdf. Who pays if it floods? In the back of the one we are looking at is a small natural pond that seems well maintained. investing The swampy kind would be a turn-off to me, and would probably scare away buyers with young children. the sounds were coming from an apartment across the lake. OK, *I* wouldn't buy there. I would be worried if the detention pond is very visible and "ugly" - if it is landscaped well then it wouldn't be a problem in my book. Conservation easements may also be given to preserve a natural landscape feature like a wetland. How do I upload the photos? The ducks and geese are all over their yards, plus mosquitoes, plus they all can see into each other's backyards. . buying a home with a pond in the backyard. Restocking fish is an added expense for many HOAs, unless the association can hold the lake maintenance company responsible for replacing dead fish, as in Cedar Park. thoughts on buying a home next to a storm retention pond We're first time home buyers, and we saw a house recently that we liked, but it's next to a large storm retention pond. 5) New development can require the construction of a storm water treatment facility like a detention basin, bioretention cell (engineered rain garden), or underground detention system. 8 Advantages and Benefits of Retention Ponds. lending By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I love the house and everything else fits the criteria, but now this retention pond is giving me pause. This includes regular inspections, especially after severe storms or heavy rain, to identify and repair areas of erosion, gullies, and other damage; removing sediment and debris from the pond before they reach the outlets; and beautifying the surrounding banks with grass, shrubs, and other vegetation. We have for more than 100 years. financing Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this sites author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. The company is also bringing in an independent engineer to design a concrete retaining wall that will be paid for with a $58,000 gift to the homeowners association. These ponds can enhance a churchs aesthetic value, but they can also create liability and maintenance issues. if there's a fence, and the retention pond was built right, not a problem, however if that pond fills up, and is in the hot sun for a week or more it's going to stink, and mosquitos will be awful. By Connor DelPrete, Updated Tuesday, April 24th 2018, 6:24 pm EDT. And when the HOA fails to control overgrowth of a wetland onto private or common property, the wetland eventually expands its borders and takes over.
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