The grants are made possible by President Bidens Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which provides an unprecedented $5 billion to transform the nations fleet of school buses. This 2023 Grant Program is separate from the earlier 2022 Rebate Program, and interested applicants must apply to the Grant Program if interested in this funding opportunity. Electric vehicle charging infrastructure must be installed by electricians certified by the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program (EVITP) or a comparable program approved by the Department of Labor. Dr. Heather Cruz is the Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services for the Cartwright School District. School officials said 16-year-old Brayden Bahme was in P.E. Victoria Farrar manages procurement and special projects for Cartwright School District. EPA will provide a combined funding amount to cover both bus and infrastructure costs for all awardees requesting electric school buses. Un joven de 17 aos obtuvo su diploma de High School y tres ttulos universitarios, Un joven de 17 aos obtuvo adems de su diploma de High School, tres ttulos universitarios, Arizona mom stung 75 times saving kids from bee attack, Viento y polvareda para empezar la semana laboral en Arizona, Heat stroke vs. heat exhaustion: How to know the difference, 160 aos de historia pura fueron descubiertos en una escuela primaria de Maryvale, 'It is evidence that the Hopi clans traveled through there': New documentary explores real history of the Grand Canyon, Historic basement bowling alley unearthed in downtown Phoenix, Phoenix experienced its first population boom decades ago. 83. One wall is lined with shelves filled with dolls, toys and trinkets. A hand-cranked washing machine. EPA worked closely with the Department of Labor to ensure this program also supports the workforce needed to support a clean energy economy. She has taught special education, regular education, and ELL. Photo courtesy Cartwright School District #38. A signature from Mrs. Sarah E. Cartwright on the inside of the family Bible. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. 4 0 obj She spent 6 years as the principal of our school John F. Long Elementary. July 6, 2021 I mean, the hair on my arm stood up, just, wow, wow, this -- this really is a treasure trove," he told 12News, barely able to contain his excitement. President Bidens Investing in America agenda is growing the American economy from the bottom up and middle-out from rebuilding our nations infrastructure, to creating a manufacturing and innovation boom powered by good-paying jobs that dont require a four-year degree, to building a clean-energy economy that will combat climate change and make our communities more resilient. She entered school administration as the assistant principal of a preschool. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Cartwright School District's 19 schools adopted a four-day week for its 14,000 students. Californian homesteader, Tom Brockman, donated the land the school now sits upon. Phoenix, AZ 85031. Right now, the exact future is unclear. And they are incredible caretakers of it. Raul is a former middle school teacher for English Language Learners. And Phoenix's Official Historian Steve Schumacher believes that it's the oldest thing in the entire building. She received her MBA from Grand Canyon University and graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Texas at Dallas with a Bachelors's Degree in Political Science. Cartwright School District board members vote to continue with online learning. By clicking Sign Up, I confirmthat I have read and agreeto the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Flu symptoms are more intense and usually come on suddenly, and can include a high fever. By expanding the national clean school bus fleet, we are taking a significant step in improving public health and reducing childhood asthma, said U.S. Representative Jahana Hayes (CT-05). Ema. Marc T. Atkinson Gifted Academy & IB Middle School, Ral H. Castro Academy of Fine Arts Middle School, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Webschool district.9 Parents may request the joinder of an additional party by submitting a written request. Applicants will be asked to describe their plans to conduct workforce planning to ensure current drivers, mechanics, and other essential personnel receive training to safely operate and maintain the new buses, as well as clarify protections to ensure existing workers are not replaced or displaced. WebAn Emmy award-winning journalist joined Cartwright School District as Director of Public Relations in 2022. Grant applicants may submit proposals after the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) which is publicly posted at, To learn more about the grant program, applicant eligibility, selection process, and informational webinar dates, visit, As the wheels of the new, clean school buses go round and round, carbon emissions and pollution is gonna keep going down and down,, Investments in clean school buses are investments in cleaner air, healthier communities, and good-paying jobs,, With more than 400,000 diesel school buses on the road, investments in clean transit solutions are critically important. 1-202. Thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure & Jobs Law I led to passage as majority leader, over $400 million in grants are now available to help transform school bus fleets across America and put our students on the road to a brighter future and a cleaner commute. "They are not only passionate about this project. Sign up for FOX 10 email alerts, newsletters. RELATED: Is it the flu, a cold or COVID-19? Manufacturers are marketing eye drops with amniotic fluid -- a liquid that surrounds an unborn baby during pregnancy -- to treat conditions without federal approval, the FDA said. Historic family Bible found at Maryvale elementary school, believed to date back to the 1860s. Thanks to the historic funding that we provided in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, EPA has been able to supply school districts across our country, especially those in communities most impacted by pollution, with grants to purchase American-made clean school buses. Cartwright School District #38 unveiled its new84-passenger Blue Bird All American RE electric school bus during a ribbon-cutting ceremonyon June 30, according to a news release from the district. The IIJA included the Clean School Bus Program, an initiative I led in Congress, to replace old diesel buses with new, cleaner buses. For most of his twenty-five-year career, Jeff Stratman has worked for or with public entities, including public school districts and local-level governmental organizations. Lori Vallow murder trial day 19: Witnesses take stand during 4th week of testimony, FDA warns against using eye drops with amniotic fluid, Teen killed after eye gets impaled during PE class in 'tragic accident'. Linda Parker is an Executive Assistant for Superintendent Dr. LeeAnn Aguilar-Lawlor. "I know that we just, we always want our community to feel proud," he said. The grants are made possible by President Bidens Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which provides an unprecedented $5 billion to transform the nations fleet of school buses. Arizona Department School Year "The first thing that really crossed my mind was my grandmother, and then the stories that I always heard from my grandmother," Rodriguez said. x\6}W:x'{bY^cbfJ^wUIj~O8+xB&#'dN;YZhJT6h7s?,7m\\1LpGcn?O&/3E=o)2-m1{4blnprcfsNIlnLe6{`4l\7s[lKv1tI?1 efGQ$18E XRi Z['*:l8,0eP0 {>l$B*Ow$QmoTu=d[+9\gK\0%!w+TM'@@0wD_'U[?]/4-+xp[]J f{y_T:U_E7N%0u`r12|2[iS+,htMlqFE@it#&QTVhD\Q])&N.DvS$f)?h{F@n&fh7| class when the gruesome, freak accident occurred. The decision was not a tough one for the Cartwright school board, who voted unanimously to continue distance learning. Schumacher knew the house held historical significance. Here is whatthey are saying about the Clean School Bus grant program: As the wheels of the new, clean school buses go round and round, carbon emissions and pollution is gonna keep going down and down,saidU.S. Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (NY). But despite its remote location, the Cartwrights started a farm right in the middle of what would eventually become Maryvale. The districts decision to purchase the electric buswhich is reportedly the first in the state was influenced by Chispa, a grassroots community nonprofit program that organizes for climate action. I am proud to join Administrator Regan in announcing this $400 million grant program, which will help meet the growing demand for school bus electrification. The list of candidates to run the state's second largest school district includes nine educators who have applied; four from California and at least two from 83. Expect a common cold to start out with a sore or scratchy throat, cough, runny and/or stuffy nose. Schumacher says it's the key to answering all of the team's questions. Previously, he served as the Director of Special Services and is looking forward to leading the District's Operations plan in a future-focused way. >>Editor's note: Dates in this article have been updated to more accurately reflect the timeline of the Cartwright Heritage House. Phoenix tied a record for heat Sunday with a high temperature of 102 degrees. Thank you board members for making it a reality. This commonsense solution is a win-win, said U.S. A quilt that took almost 20 years to make. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the district implemented a four-day school week for its 14,000 students at 19 schools, giving students Fridays off. Cartwright School District #83 currently serves 17,000 students at 21 schools, according to Blue Bird. Christine is passionate about serving the community of the Cartwright School District and loves working in education to assist students and their families. Savings, in addition to providing clean-power transportation, make it easy to see how students and the community can benefit from a Blue Bird electric school bus, and thats the case at Cartwright [School District #38]., Blue Bird Reports 500 Electric School Bus Orders, Deliveries in North America. No one This 2023 Grant Program is separate from the earlier 2022 Rebate Program, and interested applicants must apply to the Grant Program if interested in this funding opportunity. Symptoms for coronavirus COVID-19 include fever, coughing, and shortness of breath. And the Cartwright Heritage House is one more piece of the puzzle. Some of these items were donated later, but many of them are from the earliest days of American settlement in Arizona: Used, loved, and left by the family that brought them here. This is a competitive program where applicants will be scored based on how well their proposal meets the criteria set forth within the NOFO. The previous record was set in 1943. The school district said A Cartwright School District campus building had been on the National Register of Historic Places for years, but no one expected the treasure trove hidden inside. The district has already started work to convert the house into a space that the community can visit and walk through to learn about Phoenix's history. 2. For a time it was a museum used to teach students about Arizona's past, but now the only thing closing it off was a small, cheap padlock. Prioritized applicants may apply for up to $395,000 when applying for larger school buses and associated infrastructure, and other applicants may apply for up to $250,000 for larger school buses and associated infrastructure. Bookmark +. Blue Bird helps school districts save thousands of dollars each year on fuel and maintenance, while prioritizing safety, added Trevor Rudderham, the school bus OEMs senior vice president of electrification. In 1869, a man named Reddick Jasper Cartwright brought his wife and as many as 14 children from Illinois to California. "Oh my God, I feel like I was really going back like over 100 years, you know?". Todays announcement represents another step forward in our fight to reduce our nations greenhouse gas emissions, more than a quarter of which come from the transportation sector., With more than 400,000 diesel school buses on the road, investments in clean transit solutions are critically important. In the meeting,school board members said current metrics do not allow for a return toin-person learning, because the threat of the infection remains substantial in the communities covered by the school district. A bookshelf in the side room holds school materials and photographs from the early 1900s. "I think the ultimate goal is to get it in a condition where children can come through there and understand what the area was like in the 1800s," Schumacher said. For the time being, school administrators have asked 12News not to disclose the exact location for security reasons. First child President Bidens Investing in America agenda is already transforming school bus fleets across the nation, passing on cost savings to districts while improving air quality. Jeff is actively admitted to practice law in the States of Arizona and Indiana and holds an active Superintendent's certificate in Arizona. The 3-day workshop is part of the process of developing a land use plan for the area's largest commercial district. A school district in Phoenix, Arizona, has added its first electric school bus to its fleet. April 28, 2023 | Posted in Press Releases Area Students Invited To Rep. Cartwright's Service Academy Information Night April 27, 2023 | Posted in Press Releases A copper license plate from 1927. Time went on and by 1958 the building transitioned from a home, to a district office, to a museum by the mid-'80s. That change was One of Rodriguez's school buildings was on the National Register of Historic Places, and Schumacher wanted to know more. A team of ASU researchers gathered at the Cartwright Heritage House. But on a little table at the back of the entryway is a small black book. Example video title will go here for this video. joined the Educational Services department in 2016 and served as the director of STEM/PLC and the Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services. She is an active member of Arizona School Administrators where she has served as president and currently serves as the treasurer and webmaster for the Best Public Education in Arizona Foundation. Patricia Lopez has more than 34 years of experience as a teacher and administrator. "The first thing I saw was that Bible and I'm quite literally, I physically changed. Throughout his 21 years in the Cartwright District, Raul has served as an Assistant Principal, Principal, Principal Coach, and the Director of Safe Schools. She has over seven years of experience managing all areas of school operations including human resources, transportation, business services, food service, maintenance, and accounting. School board members said there is a 31% positive rate, and mentioned that the case numbers, as well as hospitalizations, are not reaching the metrics put in place. 202. She is also the Chief Academic Officer and Co-Founder of Ribbit Learning Company. Children in communities like the one I grew up in are more likely to be exposed to polluted air, leading to higher rates of respiratory illnesses. With more grants to come this year and in the years to follow, more communities in Pennsylvania and across the Nation will get this opportunity to set students up for a healthier and brighter future all thanks to the infrastructure law., Running these clean, green buses will reduce harmful pollution, improve air quality in and around schools and communities, save money and reduce greenhouse gas pollution, said U.S. Representative Matt Cartwright (PA-08). As a well-known contributor and expert in the area of teacher supervision, school law, and policy, Dr. Cruz serves as an adjunct professor for Arizona State University and Northern Arizona University. This commonsense solution is a win-win,, Running these clean, green buses will reduce harmful pollution, improve air quality in and around schools and communities, save money and reduce greenhouse gas pollution,. Medrano said the cost of financing an 84-passenger e-bus like the one Cartwright has would be about $450,000. Updated: 4:16 PM MST April 26, 2023 PHOENIX On the corner of a Cartwright School District campus is a small red-brick building. She is a member of the Arizona Association of School Business Officials and currently serves on the membership committee. She has also worked as a facilitator with governing board members and served for 10 years as a Governing Board Member in her home district. It was like he'd been swept into one of her stories. Cartwright had been fired with a 5-4 vote in November after a surprise motion by Daniel Foganholi, one of several school board members who were appointed by Gov. of Little Rock, AR, 1935 - 2023. Serving Car & Truck Fleet Management Professionals, Serving EV Intenders & Professionals In Commercial & Public Fleets, Serving Corporate, Executive, & Financial Managers Of Large Commercial Fleets, Serving Leaders In Fleet Mobility & Emerging Technology, Serving Public Sector Fleet Professionals, Serving Medium & Heavy Duty Commercial Truck Professionals, Serving Transit Bus, Private Motorcoach, & Passenger Rail Professionals, Serving School & Pupil Transportation Fleet Professionals, Serving Vocational & Service Fleet Professionals. Dr. Juan Medrano has been a teacher, assistant principal, and principal. He has a Bachelors of Arts in English from the University of Texas at San Antonio, and a Masters in School Administration from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. Students with ASU's Public History program will help faculty discover, sort and document all of the items within the house. WebICYMI: For 30 years, the building sat unused on the corner of a Cartwright School District campus. Due to an editorial mistake, the article initially read that the house had been constructed in 1884. To learn more about the grant program, applicant eligibility, selection process, and informational webinar dates, visit EPA's Clean School Bus Program webpage. A lock (LockA locked padlock) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. The list of candidates to run the state's second largest school district includes nine educators who have applied; four from California and at least two from Texas. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Some In 1928, the district built and gifted a residence to Glenn L. Downs, the first Superintendent of Cartwright School District. % When he is not working, Victor enjoys spending time with his daughter or mentoring students from ASU Walter Cronkite School of Journalism through the ALMA programs and The National Association of Hispanic Journalists. Funding from the Clean School Bus program can also be used to support workforce training and certifications such as EVITP. With a land grant signed by President Ulysses S. Grant, the Cartwrights built their schoolhouse. It was a way to show kids how people in Arizona used to live, but its history dates back to before Arizona was even a state. Related News Three out of four winners of Congressman Matt Cartwrights 2023 Congressional District Art Competition are high school students from the Poconos. ", VERSIN EN ESPAOL: 160 aos de historia pura fueron descubiertos en una escuela primaria de Maryvale. As a board, we are aware of our community's need for better air quality and this is just one initiative we've championed, said Marissa Hernandez, president of the districts school board, in the news release from Blue Bird. Explore amAZing people, places and things across our state on our 12News YouTube playlist here. Researchers believe that a flood of donations contributed to many of the items now preserved in the home. But said he never expected to find something like that. She spent 6 years as the principal of our school John F. Long Elementary. She was an assistant principal of a K-6 school, principal of an elementary and middle school, the Director of Teaching and Learning, and currently is the Executive Director for School Leadership. She is currently one of two Executive Assistants to the Superintendent and Governing Board. %PDF-1.3 The Cartwright Heritage House has been unlocked for less than a month, and the district team has their work cut out for them. Applicants seeking to serve at least four school districts can apply through the third-party Sub-program to request between 50 school buses and up to a maximum of 100 school buses. Under President Bidens Investing in America agenda, funding from EPAs Clean School Bus Program will improve air quality in and around schools and communities, save schools money, create good-paying clean energy jobs and reduce greenhouse gas pollution, protecting people and the planet.
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