According to sources, Fontana spent more than a decade investigating the case and collected over 400 hours of footage. Yet, according to PPD's Officer Doug Burgess in a 2012 interview with KHQA, "We don't have any confirmation that she's in the area." Christina Whittaker, seen here with her mother Cindy Young, is the subject of a new true-crime docuseries. Records show Blackwell received a call from Christina at 10:30 p.m. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. (discovery). Whoever Christina last spoke with on her cell phone probably knows more than they are telling. On the night of Friday, November 13, 2009, Christina Whittaker went missing from Hannibal, Missouri. Christina Maxine Whittaker. She told him she would pick up food for him at a local restaurant. According to Merna, 15% of human trafficking victims in central Illinois come from out of state (not counting foreign-born individuals). As soon as Christina Whittaker changed into said missing and the investigations into her disappearance started out, the handiest piece of reliable proof police recovered turned into her cellphone. Eight months after Whittaker vanished, leaving behind a six-month-old daughter, filmmaker Christina Fontana met Whittaker's mother while filming another documentary about the families of missing . In reading about some missing person cases, it seems natural to wish that investigators had easy access to one-stop resources that included the victim's personal records, information, and other material that could help track them down. cast: Takehiro Hira, Kelly Macdonald, Ysuke Kubozuka . As Chellie Cervone, writing for the Las Vegas World News, observes, "A 21-year-old girl who is the mother of a 6-month-old baby and who allegedly either speaks to or sees her mother daily just ups and disappears, but she wasn't reported missing right away can, I'll admit, seem strange. Young was out of town but immediately began heading home when she learned that her daughter was missing. In today's investigation we are exploring the disappearance of Christina Whittaker from Hannibal, Missouri. Christina then walked to River City Billiards, 603 Broadway, now the Rialto Banquet Hall, and then to Sportsmans Bar, around the corner on Seventh Street, where a family friend of Christinas was bartending. Eyewitness accounts contradict each other. ", JODI ARIAS FORMER CELLMATE SAYS CONVICTED MURDERER IS A FLIRT WITH A LOT OF HATE: DOC, Christina Whittaker, seen here with her mother Cindy Young, is the subject of a new true-crime docuseries. Around 8:45 p.m. on Friday, November 13, 2009, Blackwell dropped Christina off at Rookies Sports Bar, 611 Broadway. It would have taken her 56 minutes, according to Google. "We have some pretty big revelations in the latter part of the series. The town of Hannibal, Missouri, the childhood home of Mark Twain. Lets be honest. eventually, she became asked to go away because her behavior for the duration of intoxication bothered other customers. "She was always trying to make people laugh. According toGrunge, Young accused Blackwell of being unconcerned and emotionless after Christina disappeared and that the 10:30 p.m. call between Blackwell and Christina likely became a heated argument. Facebook. The show flew Blackwell and Johnston to Connecticut in January 2010 for the taping, and the episode aired in February 2010. Is that cold enough to kill someone? A personal conversation with Cindy Young about her missing beautiful daughter Christina Maxine Whittaker who was taken on November 13th, 2009 in Hannibal Missouri. - A new true-crime show set in Missouri premieres on Discovery Plus this week. However, they have never arrested anyone for her disappearance. The other primary issue is Christinas behavior and tendency to take her prescription medicines irregularly, regardless of having been on them when you consider that 18-years-old. At the age of 21, Christina Whittaker resided in the Oakwood neighborhood of Hannibal, Missouri, with her 6-month-old baby girl called Alexandria. Young claims on her FB page that she has spoken to people who talked to her daughter. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'truecrimediva_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_8',123,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-truecrimediva_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'truecrimediva_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_9',123,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-truecrimediva_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0_1'); .large-mobile-banner-1-multi-123{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}I know he would never do anything to hurt her, Young said. This characterization of Whittaker's genuine vulnerabilities only serves to underscore her potential for endangerment. Her height might be around 5 feet 5 inches. Christina Whittaker Missing since November Cynthia Young of Hannibal, Mo., said police have no leads on the whereabouts of her daughter, Christina Whittaker , who is bipolar and has anxiety and . "She very much still believes her original theory - that Christina was asking people for a ride home, which there are witnesses to attest to that, and she was picked up by some men, brought to Peoria, Illinois and was being held against her will and put into sex trafficking," said Fontana. From whispers of domestic violence to human trafficking, more happened that night than many people prove willing to let on. I have read that victims rarely tell someone else about their situation, and many do not acknowledge being victims. The bouncer claimed he saw her come back in briefly with another male. however, there have been proclaimed sightings of Christina in Illinois, with police officers being unable to identify/seize her definitely. . In an interview with KHQA, she said Christina Whittaker might also suffer from depression exacerbated by postpartum depression. Discovery+ released the sixth and final episode of its true-crime docuseriesRelentless on Monday, and it leaves us with one final lead in the Christina Whittaker missing case. Maybe she wanted to leave home because of certain things. She called Blackwell at 10:30 p.m., saying she had a ride home. I know he would never do anything to hurt her, Young told the Herald-Whig. And nothing is what it seems. According to KHQA News, a store clerk in Peoria believes she saw Whittaker after she was reported missing. That's why she hasnt returned home to this day.". 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. And I really do believe that we have pushed the case forward. According to, interactions between bipolar medications and alcohol can prove incredibly dangerous. As a leading Forensic Artist for the last 15 years, Diana Trepkov has witnessed first-hand the pain and suffering of families who have loved ones who have gone missing. Did she accidentally fall into the nearby Mississippi River and drown? Police have confirmed that human remains found on Wednesday in a field in Anna, Texas, are those of Christina Morris, who vanished in 2014 from a suburban Dallas shopping center and whose . There have been reported sightings of Christina Whittaker in Peoria, Illinois,adding fuel to the speculation about her vanishing. Some even say the town itself holds secrets about the night the 21-year-old woman vanished. But in 2009, a new young mother disappeared after a night out with friends, in a case with multiple theories but no solid evidence. According to the Mark Twain House & Museum, the writer moved here when he was 4 years old. Follow us for breaking news and latest updates: What Happened to Christina Whittaker, the Missing Woman From Hannibal, Missouri in. Her friend, Bree Anna, would later claim on the Steve Wilkos Show that she didn't go outside to offer Whittaker a ride because she "didn't need to go to jail.". She also claimed a history of extreme domestic violence existed between the two. Height and Weight 5'5 - 5'7, 155 - 165 pounds. The Hannibal Police Department said it's . At the time, the woman worked at Raedenes Country Cafe, 101 N. Highland. He was here.. View NamUs missing person case MP3264 for Christina Maxine Whittaker missing from Hannibal, Missouri. In fact, he was the one who notified Cindy that the young mother never returned home, and she waited until the next day, the 15th, to file a report. When he saw that Whittaker had still not reached home, he immediately called her mother to inform her of Christina's absence. Soon after Christina Whittaker disappeared, suspicions turned to her boyfriend, Travis Blackwell. It is unclear if the police received any leads after the airing. "And the family didnt want to put everything out there because they were afraid people who knew the truth wouldnt want to speak out or go in hiding to avoid attention. So between 10:30 and 11:45 p.m., something happened to her ride, or Blackwell lied. In an interview withHerald-Whigfollowing the shows airing, Young changed her tune and said Blackwell would never hurt Christina. She recalled that Whittaker arrived at her establishment just as they were getting ready to close. Whittaker never showed up. With who? Christina Whittaker has been missing since November 13, 2009.Read an update on this story (and all previous stories I have done) by clicking here: https://w. Peoria medical hospitals, like OSF St. Francis, have psychiatric wards, but there is no stand-alone mental hospital in Peoria anymore, and there wasnt one in 2009, either. Tiffany 'Kaelin' Whittaker (mother) LeeAnna Warner was a young girl who disappeared from the city of Chisholm, Minnesota, on June 14, 2003, in a suspected abduction and murder. A couple of minutes later, she turned around to see Whittaker sobbing and running out the back door of the bar. The bartender said Whittaker was becoming combative and was escorted out the back door. The series chronicles director Christina Fontanas 11-year investigation into the young mothers disappearance, which took place November 13, 2009, when she was just 21 years old. My True Crime Stories notes that Whittaker suffered from fibromyalgia, anxiety attacks, and bipolar disorder for which she took daily medication. Distinguishing Characteristics Multiracial female. Why didn't police learn of her disappearance sooner? It changed into mendacity at the ground within the 2 hundred block of the seventh road, mere blocks from wherein she became ultimate seen alive. Christinas disappearance has several theories floating around on the internet and in Hannibal. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Moreover, Cindy explained that Christinas then-boyfriend took a polygraph test after the show at the Hannibal Police Department and passed. ", FORMER PRISON WORKER FLIRTED WITH INMATES BEFORE HELPING TWO KILLERS ESCAPE, DOC SAYS: 'IT WAS A FANTASY', Christina Fontana said a lot of surprising revelations about Christina Whittaker's case were made in the docuseries. He agreed and dropped Whittaker off at Rookies Sports Bar between 8:30 and 8:45 p.m. Progress of Christina Whittaker Disappearance Case. The bar currently has a closing time of 1:30 a.m. Fox News Flash top entertainment and celebrity headlines are here. does steven weber have a brother; charlie bears lantern; My Cart. In aHerald-Whiginterview published after the February 2010 airing of the show, she said Blackwell would never hurt her daughter. The next morning, her phone was found on the ground. Market data provided by Factset. Young said on the talk show that Christina had called Blackwell twice that night, the first call at 10:30. But by the end of the evening, Christina Whittaker had disappeared, and each theory about what happened to her that November night in Hannibal is stranger than the one before it. Due to her disappearance, she missed a court date on December 18, 2009, and now has a warrant out for her arrest. it is still uncertain turned into it a disappearance, suicide, or murder? Cindy Young described her daughter as mentally fragile, nave, and prone to childlike behavior, as reported by True Case Files. Why didnt she call a cab? 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. July 18, 2021. It details filmmaker Christina Fontana's obsession with finding out what really happened to the 21-year-old who vanished on November 13, 2009, leaving behind a 6-month . Christina Fontana said a lot of surprising revelations about Christina Whittaker's case were made in the docuseries. However, by the fall of 2009, Christina, 21, was dating Travis . A detective from Tokyo scours London for his missing brother, who's been involved with the Yakuza and accused of murder. If it wasnt Blackwell, then who was it? The disappearance of Christina Whittaker from Hannibal, Missouri, is the subject of a new true-crime docuseries on discovery+ titled "Relentless." It details a filmmaker's obsession with finding . It was definitely her. Relentless will follow Christina Fontana search for what happened to 21-year-old Christina Whittaker, who disappeared in the small town of Hannibal, Mo., leaving behind her 6-month-old daughter. Although Whittaker's frantic flight took place in a commercial area with multiple bars, no surveillance video from that night has emerged. Almanac reports that on November 13, 2009, Hannibal experienced a low of 39.9 degrees Fahrenheit. Christina Whittaker went missing on November 13, 2009. That was the last time anyone had seen her.". The former failed both and appeared nervous when Wilkos called him out. ANNA Volunteers looking for kidnap victim Christina Morris had searched three times in the wooded area where she was eventually found . They lied to her, they conned her, and once they got her in, it was too late, she couldnt get out, the source said. Light brown hair, green eyes. It details a filmmakers obsession with finding out what really happened to the 21-year-old who vanished on November 13, 2009, leaving behind a 6-month-old baby girl. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. This is the only piece of physical evidence in the case, and unfortunately, it went through multiple sets of hands before it finally reached authorities. Theyve now not closed Christinas case yet, and it seems like they dont plan to achieve this until its far totally and absolutely solved. It was lying on the ground in the 200 block of Seventh Street, mere blocks from where she was last seen alive. Fox News Flash top entertainment headlines for July 22, Tim Bachman, guitarist for Bachman-Turner Overdrive, dead at 71, Louis Vuitton transforms South Korean bridge into massive runway, Miranda Lambert shares the 'secret sauce' to her happy marriage, Memorabilia from 'Cheers,' 'Breaking Bad' among items being auctioned in Texas, Meghan Markle's estranged family speaks out: 5 biggest bombshells from their tell-all interview, Aerosmith announces farewell tour as Steven Tyler faces sex abuse charges, health concerns. According to KHQA, Officer Doug Burgessof the Peoria Police Department stated, "We do have prostitution and drug activity. Christina Maxine Whittaker was born on March 28, 1988, and lived with her mother, Cindy Young, in the 1700 block of Ruby Avenue in Hannibal. The Rev. Despite her please, Whittaker's friends still refused to leave. Reporter Rajah Maples interviewed Whittaker's mother and two officers from the Hannibal Police Department (HPD), Lt. Jennifer Grote and Lt. Jacob Nacke. Was it a disappearance, suicide, or murder? Main Image: Christina Whittaker pictured in Relentless courtesy of Discovery+. I know she was taken, Young told the Hannibal Courier-Post. With that said, however, there have been proclaimed sightings of Christina in Illinois, with law enforcement officials being unable to identify/catch her positively. Christina Whittaker hasn't been seen or heard from since November 13, 2009. Eight years after her daughter's disappearance, Cindy Young stated that Christina Whittaker is alive and most likely the victim of human trafficking, as reported by Hannibal'sCourier-Post. I explored the Mark Twain Cave in Hannibal, Missouri, during a school field trip as a child. HPD also conducted a dig in autumn of 2018, but no evidence or human remains turned up. I believe someone known to Christina killed her on November 13, 2009. Christina Fontana traveled to Hannibal, Missouri to learn about Christina Whittaker's case. The night began at Rookie's, located at 611 Broadway, on the east side of town. Because some of the leads that we follow up on are things like with psychics and just very strange and odd tips.". Cervone hypothesizes that Whittaker may have disappeared more often than the family let on. Maybe people wanted to harm her because of certain activities that were going on in her life that we uncover in the show. Inexplicably, her friends refused to leave with her. (discovery+). According to My True Crime Stories, within two weeks of Whittaker's disappearance, an informant gave the Hannibal Police Department its first solid lead. She lived with her mother in the Oakwood neighborhood, roughly a six-minute drive from Rookie's and a 52-minute walk (via Google Maps). How Does Elisabeth Fritzl, Girl In The Basement, Look Now. And if she were trafficked, her captors would have changed her appearance so no one would recognize her. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. She really did become a very big part of my life. Chellie Cervone with Las Vegas World News wrote, A 21-year-old girl who is the mother of a six-month-old baby and who allegedly either speaks to or sees her mother daily just ups and disappears, but she wasnt reported missing right away can, Ill admit, seem strange., Captain Jim Hark of the Hannibal Police Department, though, says its not as odd as it may appear. The birthplace of literary giant Mark Twain (via the Mark Twain Museum), the town's supposed to be as Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer as it gets. Her friends were there waiting for her. And you had people who were trying to manipulate things for their own reasons. Blackwell stayed at Cindy Young's house that night to babysit Whittaker's six-month-old baby girl, Alexandria, in Whittaker's absence. Broadway, the street Rookie's bar sits on, dead-ends at boat slips. And even a member of Peorias police narcotics unit thinks he may have run into her in February 2010, but she ran away before he could confirm her identity. He stayed with the baby until he could find a family member to watch her. Why didnt she ask Swank for a ride home? She said she would be home around midnight and told him that she would call him back if she couldnt find a ride. Whittaker, 21, was described as white, 5-foot-5, and weighing 180 pounds. Investigators found the cellphone near the 200 block of the seventh road, just a few blocks far from which she turned into ultimate seen alive. As per reports, though, shed planned to be home by midnight after stopping at a nearby restaurant to get her boyfriend, Travis Blackwell, something to eat. Whittaker's friend, Bree Anna, corroborated the phone call fight in her interview with Steve Wilkos. They are just so passionate about finding her. Seriously, how much of an asshole are you for not giving this vulnerable young woman a ride home? Young waited until Sunday to file a missing person report. Because the stories of those most closely involved with Whittaker (aka Tina Young) keep changing. Please comment below if you watched Relentless and want to add info to my article! Lt. Jennifer Grote noted that FBI agents even came to Hannibal two months into the case to investigate. Plus, even Cindy has admitted that Christina had made suicidal statements in the past. Later, more pieces would get added to the puzzle. According to Burgess, a female looking similar to Whittaker ran from a PPD narcotics officer after he made initial contact with her. About two weeks after Christina vanished, an informant contacted the Hannibal Police Department claiming a group of men had trafficked Christina to Peoria, Illinois, and forced her into sex work. One friend, Bree Anna, later said, I didnt need to go to jail.. Why arent there more reports about Christinas actions inside River City? Later, authorities recovered her phone a few yards from Sportsman's, in front of an apartment complex on the 200 block of SeventhStreet near Church Street. According to the article "Alcohol and Cold," by researcher P. O. Granberg, "Alcohol is a dominant cause in urban hypothermia." Meanwhile, one of Whittakers friends said she saw Whittaker talking to two males in a dark car outside Rookies before she was asked to leave. Portuguese products available Online we mail to all lower 48 states. By Valerie Wigglesworth. Pinterest/ Cindy Elzea Young. In this episode we will learn about filmmaker Christina Fontana and her docume 00:37:49 Hannibal, Missouri, sits alongside the Mississippi River, 30 miles south of Quincy, Illinois, one of my favorite towns in my home state. How Young, who was out of town at the time (via the "Steve Wilkos Show"), came by this information, she hasn't explained. Missing Person Awareness Network/Facebook. During Monday's broadcast of "The Steve Wilkos Show," taped about a month ago, Young appeared with her husband, Alex, to talk about the November disappearance of her daughter, Christina Whittaker. Whittaker, circa 2009. When you was out there on the property, out there on the creek, you was close you was very close. She said Whittaker got removed from Rookie's for yelling over the phone. She also claimed he had passed a lie detector test administered by the Hannibal Police Department. She gave birth to a daughter, Alexandria, in 2009. Hi all. About The Missing Girl Christina Whittaker. Christinas home was too far to walk after a night of drinking. As days stretched into weeks, Cindy Young's concerns grew that her daughter had fallen prey to a predator. Christina wanted the good life. Whittaker, 21 at the time of her disappearance, was last seen at a Broadway bar in Hannibal the night of Nov. 13, 2009. Discovery+ released the sixth and final episode of its true-crime docuseries Relentless on Monday, and it leaves us with one final lead in the Christina Whittaker missing case. On November 13, 2009, Christina Whittaker, 21, vanishes without a trace. Hannibal, Missouri, bills itself as "Smalltown USA." Bree Anna? It is also known that consuming liquor with bipolar pills can increase the risk of suicide and injury as it turns individuals into impulsive and nave beings. Filmmaker Christina Fontana [] Suggest an edit or add missing content. Race White. John Heyward Jr. officiates during a funeral for an unknown girl on Dec. 2, 1983, as funeral director Jesse Woodson stands by at Washington Park Cemetery in Berkeley. Christina Whittaker, twenty-one, vanishes without a trace, but her mother Cindy refuses to give up hope. View gallery. Hannibal police were not initially concerned because Christina was an adult; maybe she needed to step away for a day or two. But Young told Steve Wilkos that Whittaker had "never been gone for more than two days in her entire life.". Christina or her remains have in no way been located, so its miles a one-of-a-type file within the HPD, particularly with them nonetheless taking hints at (573)-221-0987 or online. Christina Fontana, the independent investigator and filmmaker behind the series, noted, In Hannibal, Missouri, it seems like everyones got something to hide.. Again, dissonance surrounds the details. Some would say her case has gone cold. While some may wish to see these secrets remain buried, others desperately want closure for the Whittaker case more than a decade later. Market data provided by Factset. Yet another theory suggests that Whittaker may have vanished on purpose. Her boyfriend was to start visible as a person of interest, and he changed into the one who had contacted her for the remaining time. Fontana said there were many moments, long after cameras stopped rolling, that Whittakers case haunted her. TV-MA. Cindy Young is hopeful that Christina Whittaker can still be found. And no story may better illustrate this point than the disappearance of 21-year-old Christina Whittaker, according to Missing Persons of America. That used to be Glen Ledbetters place. Christina had been apprehended for driving with a revoked license quickly earlier than she vanished, so because she overlooked her December courtroom date for the equal, theres presently a warrant out for her arrest. 360p. HelpFindChristinaWhittaker/FacebookChristina Whittaker with her daughter, Alexandria. Of course, hindsight proves 20/20, as they say. However, Christina loved her own family, so nobody thought shed ever go away from any of them behind, as a minimum, not her daughter. Police had arrested her for driving on a revoked license before she vanished. Check out what's clicking today in entertainment. Christina Whittaker didn't have proper clothing to ward off the cold of a November night. Jim Hark, "It's not uncommon to have a person gone for a day or two, but after that, we start taking a hard look at what is going on.". The Hannibal Police Department has questioned over 200 people, worked with about 45 different agencies, including the FBI, and crossed out leads from coast to coast. At the age of 21, Christina Whittaker resided within the Oakwood community of Hannibal, Missouri, along with her 6-month-antique infant woman known as Alexandria. Christina Maxine Whittaker was born on March 28, 1988, and lived with her mother, Cindy Young, in the 1700 block of Ruby Avenue in Hannibal. I just finished the series. Christina Whittaker has been missing since November 13, 2009. Image Credit: Help Find Christina Whittaker/Facebook. for that reason, she walked away, apparently distressed. All rights reserved. The Romanichal there is some thats very treacherous. She was willing to follow up on nearly every tip in hopes it would lead to answers. All rights reserved. Keisha Morris and Tupac Shakur: Did They Have Kids? Her friends refused to leave with her because, as one of them put it, they didnt need to go to jail.. When the bartender kicked her out, why didnt any of her friends go with her? Why they didn't pick up the phone remains unexplained. Earlier in the series, Fontana said she had heard rumors about criminal activity within the local Romanichal community in Hannibal, as well as whispers that certain individuals within that group may have been involved in Whittakers disappearance though there is no concrete evidence to support those notions. Manage Settings Christina had requested numerous people for a ride home, but she simply walked off, visibly upset, when none agreed. Details don't make sense, and local secrets simmer beneath the surface. Wilkos interviewed Bree Anna, who corroborated the heated argument. Hed long gone on air to spread facts about his lady friends sudden vanishing with Christinas mother, Cindy young, and another circle of relatives contributors. On the night of Friday, November 13, 2009, Christina Whittaker went missing from Hannibal, Missouri.
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