Ryan said students and staff at the high school, which enrolls 1,400 students, had been anxious and on high alert since late September, when anonymous threats about planned attacks were reported to police. / CBS Philadelphia. Meanwhile, it's back to class today for students in the Coatesville Area School District. Sixth through 12th grades left at 10 a.m., and elementary students at 12:30 p.m. New pediatric guidelines aim to treat obesity without stigma. 2023 FOX Television Stations, shooting threats made against several schools, 3 people injured, one critically in South Philadelphia triple shooting, police say, Barbie debuts Anna May Wong doll for AAPI Heritage Month, Study finds link between long naps and obesity, high blood pressure, Watch: Surprised principal darts after bear pops out of school dumpster, US to end most federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates next week. The district attorney says this was the 14th threat, a tip of potential violence in three weeks. All rights reserved. Police said the anonymous report was made to the Safe2Say Something PA (Safe2Say) website. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Coatesville Area Senior High receives another safety threat . The. California residents do not sell my data request. The Chester County Sheriffs Department searched the school for weapons, but found nothing and school was dismissed. Dominique Ware says it's frustrating and not only impacts the school directly, but other schools in the district that share the same bus system. Secondary schools were placed on restrictive movement Thursday morning to limit hallway traffic during the early stages of the investigation. Rich in Diversity, Committed to Excellence, 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM We are working with local, state, and federal authorities to put an end to these false reports and will prosecute, to the fullest extent of the law, anyone who engages in this unlawful behavior. It was the 16th threat received at Coatesville, largely from the anonymous Safe2Say tip line. School officials also say while students were moved to the stadiums, a fight broke out between six students that resulted in a large police presence between more than 30 agencies to help regain control of the situation. In a release, the district says it canceled school for students in grades 8 - 12 on Tuesday to give everyone a moment to "take a breath.". Dismissal times for grades 6-12 . A spokesperson for the Coatesville Area School District tells CBS3. PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- Friday night football was canceled this evening at two area high schools due to safety concerns. On Monday, the district received a message on Safe2SaySomething, a statewide tip line for schools meant to prevent school shootings, bullying, and more, that said explosive accelerant inside the Coatesville Area Senior High School was set to go off at noon, interim Superintendent Richard F. Dunlap Jr. said in a statement. The program teaches youth and adults how to recognize warning signs and signals, especially within social media, from individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others and to say something before it is too late. The chaotic situation Monday prompted the district to shut down the high school Tuesday, as district officials and multiple law enforcement agencies including the Caln Township Police, FBI, and Pennsylvania State Police investigate the latest in a litany of threats. Nearly 1,500 students and over 100 staff members were evacuated to the football stadium Monday. The investigation into the other threats is still ongoing. Officials say a 17-year-old student responsible for at least one of those threats is now in custody. Jasmine Payoute joined CBS3 Eyewitness News as a reporter in June 2021. The CBS News Philadelphia Staff is a group of experienced journalists who bring you the content on CBSPhiladelphia.com. Coatesville Area Intermediate High School, CASH AP Exam - US Government and Politics, CASH AP Exam - English Literature and Composition, CASH AP Exam - Comparative Government and Politics, 2023-2024 Kindergarten Pre-Registration - English, 2023-2024 Kindergarten Pre-Registration - Spanish, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Friday's cancellation marked the second time in as many weeks that Coatesville has had to cancel classes due to threats. Treer says the repeated lockdowns and threats of violence continue to interrupt the new school year for her son. Students were instructed to continue their schoolwork remotely on Thursday and will remain remote on Friday. The announcement of the threats to Coatesville comes in the wake of shooting threats made against several schools in southern New Jersey Friday. A letter was issued to parents and guardians just after 7 a.m. stating all buses for the 8th and 9th-grade building and the 10th to 12th-grade building were being sent home to ensure the safety of the students. Chester County District Deb Ryan said the coordinated agencies among law enforcement agencies will help put an end to the threats and bring those responsible to justice. The recent threats have caused lockdowns, evacuations, and the cancellation of school and student activities. SEE ALSO: FBI joins investigation after multiple threats target Coatesville Area Schools. Investigators were able to track the IP address to the guest Wi-Fi at the Technical College High School on Boot Road in Downingtown. Students were evacuated and moved to the school stadium where they were meant to wait while service explosives detection canine went through the campus and their personal items that were left in classrooms. Coatesville and Downingtown East students participated in the Presentation of Colors prior to Friday night's football game. Coatesville was forced to cancel its home football game against Downingtown due to credible threats of violence. We are in agreement that we simply cannot take a chance with the lives of our staff and students and must act cautiously as we work with law enforcement authorities to evaluate each tip and threat, Dunlap said. While this is not ideal, it can help us to keep our students learning during this troubling time of disruption.. The teen was. His report noted that the bomb was going to go off at the school by noon Monday. 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COATESVILLE, Pa. - The Coatesville Area School District sent students home early on Thursday as local law enforcement investigated the threat of a school shooting, officials . They, along with local officials, are looking into what's caused multiple disruptions at the school over the last three weeks. COATESVILLE Coatesville school officials received multiple threats late Sunday night, and another more specific one Monday morning, forcing administrators to cancel classes at Coatesville High School and Coatesville Area Intermediate School. The article 16th Threat Of Violence At Coatesville High School appeared first on West Chester Patch. The FBI is now involved in this investigation. Another threat was received by the school Friday, forcing administrators to cancel school for the day. Students were dismissed early that day, as well. A spokesperson for Ryans office said its unclear if the teen arrested Wednesday was responsible for all the threats made against the high school. A heightened police presence was placed at all schools in the district upon receiving the threat. While investigating the threat, federal agents assisting local law enforcement traced the IP address of the message to the WiFi network at Technical College High School in Downingtown, investigators said. "You want to feel safe as a parent sending your child to school, at this point, not necessarily feeling safe.". COATESVILLE, Pa. (CBS) - A 17-year-old is in custody and charged with making terroristic threats against the Coatesville area high school. October 17, 2022 10:01 am. In recent weeks, similar threats have canceled a homecoming football game at the senior school and led to restrictions at other games for parents and students. We are committed to ensuring the safety of everyone in the district and take that responsibility extremely seriously, Ryan said. View the Schedule #villementality #villementality #villementality Follow us on Instagram @coatesville.football Ortega Becomes Winningest Coach in Coatesville History (2021) . COATESVILLE, Pa. - The Coatesville Area School District sent students home early on Thursday as local law enforcement investigated the threat of a school shooting, officials said. COATESVILLE, Pa. - Officials with Coatesville Area School District announced the school has received numerous threats within the last week. The school district said it plans on holding high school homecoming activities as planned. #160th ranked school for athletes in the nation. A 17-year-old student at Coatesville Area Senior High School called in a false bomb threat Monday that forced an evacuation at the school and sparked a series of brawls as tensions simmered, prosecutors said Wednesday. They found that an iPhone of the teen accessed the IP address at TCHS on Oct. 17. Mondays threat follows two threats that also threw the high school into lockdown and canceled a football game earlier this month. The teen, who is a senior at the school, has been charged with. These false reports have caused tremendous hardship and trauma to our students, parents, staff, and law enforcement, and it must stop now.". Both schools were closed Tuesday as a precaution as investigators continued to gather evidence on the threats. "CASH students, teachers, staff and parents have been anxious and on high alert for three weeks because of persistent and scary threats of violence that have disrupted school and the lives of everyone associated with CASH," District Attorney Deborah Ryansaid. Mondays evacuation led to fights among students as they waited outside, according to Caln Township Police Chief Joe Elias. Pictured Above Casandra Jones, Senator Muth and Jason Palaia Coatesville High School was. COATESVILLE, Pa. (CBS) A 17-year-old is in custody and charged with making terroristic threats against the Coatesville area high school. Officials are investigating the threats. Maggie Mancini We have no choice but to err on the side of caution to ensure everyones safety. There, they found evidence that the student was at that school at the time the threat was made, and that his phone had been accessing the network. 2022 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. / CBS Philadelphia. Several shooting threats made against Coatesville Area Senior High School and nearby Coatesville Area Intermediate High School also prompted Dunlap toclose those schoolsFriday amid a police investigation. Law enforcement will continue to thoroughly investigate each and every one of these unfortunate acts and make decisions collectively with school officials that are in the best interest of public safety. COATESVILLE Coatesville school officials received multiple threats late Sunday night, and another more specific one Monday morning, forcing administrators to cancel classes at. He was also charged with one misdemeanor count of false reports. Police Chief Joe Elias. All Rights Reserved. Coatesville Area School District had received more than a dozen threats since the start of the school year. Authorities are actively pursuing leads and Action News is told an arrest - or arrests - is expected soon. said Treer. Prosecutors say 14 threats have been made against Coatesville Area Senior High School since late September. SEE ALSO: Coatesville Area Senior High receives another safety threat, forcing protocols at football game. "Learning is not happening.". "It's not good because that's the time they should be focusing on school and now they have to sit at home wondering if something will happen," Jallah said. Coatesville Area School District officials decided to close schools early Thursday after receiving a threat on social media. "When it happened, the school was on lockdown. Coatesville Area Senior High School in Caln Township, Chester County. We have elevated this situation well beyond our school district, and we are grateful for the support and collaboration of these agencies, he said. So, I checked my email and said oh not again.". No serious injuries were reported and two students were arrested for unspecified charges, Dunlap said. Anyone with information regarding threats made against Coatesville Area Senior High School is asked to contact Chester County Detectives at (610) 344-6866. Officials said they take all reports seriously and warned against false reports of threats. PHILADELPHIA (KYW Newsradio) All Coatesville Area School District schools are dismissing students Thursday morning after the district received a threat on social media. The 17-year-old senior at Coatesville Area Senior High School who sent in a bomb threat Monday using Pennsylvania's anonymous school violence tip line, prompting the building to be evacuated, is facing criminal charges. Someone has a boom bag full of glass bottles, THE GLASS BOTTLES ARE FULL OF GAS AND ALCOHOL AND a lot OF TISSUES he said hes gonna light it off at 12, the teen wrote, according to Ryan. Parents, frustrated they were barred from campus, began fighting as well, Elias said. Shortly after the lockdown and closure, Coatesville school officials met with officials from the FBI, Chester County Emergency Management Services, the Chester County DAs office, Caln Police, Coatesville Police, the Pennsylvania Attorney General, and the director of Safe2Say tip line. Last week, authorities announced the arrest of a 17-year-old who is allegedly responsiblefor the many threats the district had been receiving. 2023 WWB Holdings, LLC. All Rights Reserved. "We are extremely grateful to the Chester County District Attorney's Office and to all of the local, state and federal law enforcement agencies that have supported us through this difficult time," Dunlap said. According to authorities, the Chester County District Attorneys Office, as well as Caln Township police officers are actively investigating at least four different threats to the school. The kids could not get home for 3 hours," said Ware. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. CASH AP Exam - Comparative Government and Politics, 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM Please enter valid email address to continue. Ultimately, no weapons or explosive were found, Dunlap said in a statement. None of the threats ever materialized, and Chester County detectives are investigating the other threats. Mondays incident was the 14th anonymous tip about the high school that investigators received through Safe2Say, an online reporting tool run by the state Attorney Generals Office. If we determine a threat was made to disrupt school as a joke, we will hold those accountable for their actions and prosecute them. Board Announces Candidates for Three Board Seats, Charter School And State Educating Funding Button, Feedback Needed on Coatesville Facilities, Master Facilities Plan Update - March 2023, Join Us for Connecting Coatesville - April 13, 2023, Flexible Instruction Day on Friday, February 17, 2023, Comprehensive Plan 2023-2026: Request for Community Feedback. FBI investigates threats made against Chester County schools. ", DA Deb Ryan said, "Any person who makes a credible threat to a school in Chester County is on notice that law enforcement takes these extremely seriously and will investigate each one. In a letter to the school community, he acknowledged the investigation and noted a fight that broke out among students after the high school was evacuated. Its important that our students and parents understand that anyone who makes threats on this tip line for the purpose of disrupting school will be disciplined and possibly face criminal charges, Dunlap said in a statement. COATESVILLE, Pa. (CBS) -- In Chester County, a high school football game was canceled Friday after police say a number of credible safety threats were made. We continue to be extremely frustrated with these disruptions and are talking with multiple authorities about how best to continue to address them, Dunlap said. 2023 FOX Television Stations, 3 people injured, one critically in South Philadelphia triple shooting, police say, Barbie debuts Anna May Wong doll for AAPI Heritage Month, Study finds link between long naps and obesity, high blood pressure, Watch: Surprised principal darts after bear pops out of school dumpster, US to end most federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates next week. The teen, whose name has not been released, has been charged with terroristic threats, threats to use weapons of mass destruction, and related crimes, according to Chester County District Attorney Deborah Ryan. Parents should have received an email of dismissal times. SEE ALSO: Football games at Coatesville, Roxborough high schools canceled due to threats, safety concerns. The district says after about 60 minutes, a fight broke out between six students causing chaos with the 1400 students present. CALN Authorities were investigating a shooting threat at Coatesville Area Senior High School Wednesday. By Jasmine Payoute, CBS News Philadelphia Staff, October 19, 2022 / 7:05 AM "Whatever happens there, trickles down and affects other schools in the district. This policy of non-discrimination extends to all other legally protected classifications in accordance with state and federal laws including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Section 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Critics say theyll make bias worse. First published on October 19, 2022 / 7:05 AM. The safety of students, teachers, and staff at school is of utmost concern, especially given the school tragedies at Uvalde, Parkland, Sandy Hook, and far too many others. By clicking Sign Up, I confirmthat I have read and agreeto the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. The intermediate high school was put into lockdown due to the threats. Coatesville to Receive Funding Boost for Reading Instruction Senator Katie Muth Secures Funding for Literacy Instruction in Local Schools. Coatesville Kids to College provides academic, emotional and spiritual empowerment to children and youth in Coatesville from pre-K to college. A spokesperson for the Chester County District Attorneys Office said law enforcement will always take threats seriously. The teen was charged with making terroristic threats and related offenses. On Friday, the intermediate high school and senior high school both closed due to shooting threats. PHILADELPHIA (KYW Newsradio) Coatesville Area Senior High School is once again being evacuated because of a threat. The teen, whose name was not released, sent an anonymous tip Monday that homemade bombs would be set off in the school. PhillyVoice Staff, Philadelphia Fire Department to host citywide fire drill Thursday night, N.J. sues oil companies for concealing information about impact of fossil fuels on climate crisis, Bucks County property connected to notorious 2017 murders listed for sale, SEPTA to close 10 subway stations for upcoming weekend cleanings, General Mills recalls Gold Medal flour due to salmonella contamination, 'Breaking Bad' stars Bryan Cranston, Aaron Paul appear on 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia' set, NFL rumors: Eagles-Giants is the 'leader' to be first Black Friday game, Breast cancer screenings for Black women should begin earlier, study finds, Bryce Harper could return to Phillies' lineup on Tuesday. 2022 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. He won an Associated Press award for his 6-part series that took a deep look into poverty in Chester County, which eventually brought about changes. Local law enforcement agencies were informed and present on campus as buses turned around. Classes were expected to resume Wednesday. He was also charged with one count of false reports, a misdemeanor. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Coatesville was forced to cancel their homecoming football game against Downingtown due to credible threats of violence. The school's surveillance footage shows the teen was inside the building when the tip was made Monday, and investigators determined that his iPhone accessed the school's IP address. Many students had arrived at school, and school buses were forced to take students back home. By clicking Sign Up, I confirmthat I have read and agreeto the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. An arrest or arrests are expected soon, Dunlap said in a Tuesday statement, though it was unclear who would be charged and what those charges would be. READ MORE: High school football game in Chester County canceled due to threats. A 17-year-old senior at Coatesville Area Senior High School is facing criminal charges for making a bomb threat that prompted an evacuation Monday and a school closure Tuesday. COATESVILLE, Pa. (CBS) - The Coatesville Area School District has cancelled all classes Tuesday at both, the high school and middle school because . According to authorities, the Chester County. Officials said the anonymous report was made to the Safe2Say Something PA (Safe2Say) website on October 17. "We hope this arrest sends a clear message that anyone responsible for making these threats will face serious consequences, both by the judicial system and, if they are a student, our school system.". At the time, school officials said they were working with police to investigate, and there would be no school for students from grades 8 to 12 on Friday. These threats have prompted lockdowns, evacuations and the cancellation of student activities. Shooting injures 3 people in South Philadelphia, FBI joins investigation after multiple threats target Coatesville Area Schools, Coatesville Area Senior High receives another safety threat, forcing protocols at football game. The teen, whose name was not released due to his age, made an report on the state's Safe2Say website alleging that someone had a "boom bag full of glass bottles" filled with "gas and alcohol and a lot of tissues," Chester County District prosecutors said Wednesday. The threat was the 14th threat or tip of potential violence against Coatesville Area Senior High School made since Sept. 29, prosecutors said. All of the threats this school year, including Mondays, were found to not be credible, a spokesperson for the Chester County District Attorneys Office said. The area was put on lockdown after receiving a threat of an explosive accelerant that was to go off in our school at noon. A 17-year-old student at Coatesville Area Senior High School called in a false bomb threat Monday that forced an evacuation at the school and sparked a series of brawls as tensions simmered, prosecutors said Wednesday. CASH AP Exam - Computer Science A. COATESVILLE, Pennsylvania (WPVI) -- A Chester County school district is providing new information about a string of threats that led to classes being canceled at two schools. The 17-year-old has been charged withcharged withmaking terroristic threats, threatening to use weapons of mass destruction, criminal use of a communication facility and making false reports. 2023 COATESVILLE RED RAIDERS Defending 7X Consecutive Ches-Mont National Champs THE STANDARD IS THE STANDARD . It was deemed there were no credible threats," Interim Superintendent of Coatesville Schools Richard Dunlap said in a release. The threat did not identify a specific school and claimed that it would occur sometime next week, according to district officials. Threats of violence against schools especially in this day and age will never be tolerated, Ryan said in a statement. Anyone with information regarding the investigation should contact Chester County Detectives at 610-344-6866. The district attorney says this was the 14th threat, a tip of potential violence in . The Coatesville Area School District closed its high school and middle school Tuesday after it received its third threat of gun violence or explosives in less than two weeks, the latest in more than a dozen threats since the start of the school year. FOX 29 Philadelphia. The teen, who is a senior at the school, was charged with two counts of terroristic threats, two counts of threats to use weapons of mass destruction, and criminal use of a communication facility, all felonies, officials said. If you have difficulty accessing the website , contact Technical Support at 610-484-2400 or ITHelpdesk@casdschools.org. High school football game in Chester County canceled due to threats, California residents do not sell my data request. "Threats of violence against schools especially in this day and age will never be tolerated. A 17-year-old from Valley Township was arrested in connection with this incident, District Attorney Ryan's Office said. Oct. 18COATESVILLE Classes were canceled Tuesday after authorities continue to investigate threats received at Coatesville Area Senior High School and Coatesville Intermediate High School. Police said there were threats of violence at Coatesville High School. He has won many writing awards over the years, including ones for editorial writing, investigative writing, spot news, feature writing and hard news. 2 local football games canceled due to threats, safety concerns. A 17-year-old has been arrested and charged in connection to a recent threat of violence to Coatesville Area High School, according to the Chester County District Attorney's Office. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Coatesville High School students were dismissed early on Friday and all school activities for the day and evening were called off. Shooting injures 3 people in South Philadelphia, Coatesville Area Senior High receives another safety threat, forcing protocols at football game, Football games at Coatesville, Roxborough high schools canceled due to threats, safety concerns. COATESVILLE, Pa. - Officials with the Coatesville Area School District say the Senior High School was evacuated after the safety of its students and staff were at risk following a threat that was . First published on October 27, 2022 / 8:02 AM. CASH AP Exam - Environmental Science, 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM All of the agencies are now employing additional resources and are collaborating on a joint effort to put an end to false tips and threats, Dunlap said. COATESVILLE A 17-year-old juvenile from Valley Township has been arrested in connection to a recent threat of violence to Coatesville Area High School that occurred on Oct. 17, 2022. I've been here for 13 years, it hasn't gotten better, only gotten worse.". "You can't be overly cautious you just gotta take each threat seriously it's crazy out there," a local resident said. The threat forced the Coatesville Area School District to shut down its high school and middle school Tuesday. These disruptions and attempts at causing fear will not be tolerated.. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. The intermediate high school was put into lockdown, but no weapons were found after a search, according to a statement from Richard F. Dunlap Jr., interim superintendent of the Coatesville Area School District. A statement sent to the school district community. SEE ALSO: Coatesville Area Senior High receives another safety threat, forcing protocols at football game. An investigation is underway and updated information will be released accordingly. As a District, we are also increasing the urgency to ensure that each CAIHS and CASH student has a Chromebook so that we can quickly move to virtual instruction. The buses on lockdown. Students were moved to the football stadium and then to a gym in a neighboring school building while the high . Caln Twp Police Chief Joseph Elias said, "No threat toward our community and schools will ever be ignored or treated as a mere prank. "We assured the community that every threat would be taken seriously and thoroughly investigated, and anyone responsible would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law," said Caln Twp. A 17-year-old senior at Coatesville Area Senior High School is facing criminal charges for making a bomb threat that prompted an evacuation Monday and a school closure Tuesday. According to census data recorded between 2010 and 2019 . 17-year-old charged with making threat against Coatesville school.
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