Well, as usual, real-life trumps (no pun intended) fantasy and so with the Cobra .38. The barrel, breech block insert, and striker-type firing mechanisms are all made from steel. Gun was still cocked.wouldnt fire. Remington did them all one better when they introduced a two-barreled, over/under derringer in .41 rimfire in 1866. While accuracy over anything but very close distance really will be hit and miss, this model offers acceptably reliable functionality. AR15/M16 M203 Accessories. These two options are identical in every way except for the barrel and length. We treat Visa and Mastercard same as cash. Notify Me When Available. - EvilE424, There is a cool factor" that goes with these little guns. Then, I found a little Davis Derringer at a gun show for $50. So Ill conclude by saying that this gun should only be used by experienced shooters of which I thought I was after 50 years of shooting guns until I pulled that Cobra trigger the first time. adam01364. The notes also stressed the dangers of dryfiring to the firing pin and advised against + P. According to a local gunsmith one or more of the internal parts are plastic. Have not shot it yet just because that. Now I shoot 500 rounds a week, but each week with different guns. Cobra is not what you want. 12pm-6pm CST Mon . I do not stock these any more after having too many of them come back with problems. At one time Cobra offered a kit with two or three barrels to allow you to swap them around. Is it easy to do? da_ten_shi_yo_ha_ne 4 yr. ago Ill be damned if my inner-Hickok didnt turn into mush as several onlookers began snickering at my seemingly worse-than-newbie gun handling. This Italian company is now into the third generation of a highly respected family business. Ft. 1628 Range Ct, Diamond Bar, CA 91765. The Bond Arms Rowdy derringer will cause a stir wherever you sport it. However theres just something cool about them and ironicatbest would like to have another one. Cobra is one of the leading manufacturers of derringers, and their guns are known for their reliability and accuracy. JavaScript is disabled. I hear that. Bond Arms have maintained the traditional look of this iconic design but offers much more. JW, to each his own. Nothing wrong with a Velodog, as long as it still functions. (please do not just say everything, thats just a waste of time). But I say any gun that you are just going to take out a couple of times on a rare occasion need not cost much, and if you are happy, yay, good for you. But I said in the video, my first long term daily carry gun was a Davis derringer in .32ACP, which is the same gun as the Cobra. This is of course GunsAmerica, so most of you will prioritize your carry budget higher than Cobra derringer. But then after several hushed expletives, I remembered something I read, again online, about the trigger. Buy a Cobra Derringer on GunsAmerica. As with all Bearman derringers, the Cobra comes with a Guardian package which includes a hammer assembly, main springs, specialized trigger design, and a trigger guard. It would be great if you used the term Cheap for quality and Inexpensive for low cost.. or budget guns. Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! So, check out our reviews of the Best Pocket Pistols, the Best 380 Pistol For Concealed Carry, and the Top Smallest Pistols On Brownells on the market in 2023. The gun appeared to be a quality piece with beautiful rosewood grips. We will notify you when the product arrives back in stock. My personal carry gun is the original Springfield XD-S in .45 ACP, post factory recall mod. It sounds like 1 round going off. COBRA HEIZER DEFENSE . We do not sell or share your information with anyone. DO NOT chamber or fire .454 Casull, .45 +P, .45 Corbon, Oversized .45 Copper only projectiles, or reloaded ammo. This is all off the top of my head so happy to be corrected. As a footnote, she did get me my Bond Arms the next year I do love that woman !! Bond offers two versions of this model. Some guns just scream out, BUY ME! And I have to say, over about $300, I can resist the urge (well mostly). Unfortunately these both had the Guardian package which is a trigger guard. For those of you in the choir here, if you dont already own a Cobra derringer, Im sure you have considered one. As for the grips, these were made from ivory, pearl, metal, walnut, rosewood, and hard rubber. 2,086 Sq. They are typically small enough to conceal easily in a pocket, may or may not have rudimentary sights and are absolutely never semi-automatics or revolvers. i bought one in 22mag. For the same size and weight you can get tiny automatics that pump out six or seven rounds of 32 or 380 for $200 give or take a bit. Department: Firearms > Single Shot Pistols > Derringers. The original Snake Slayer and the Snake Slayer IV. They may have one, two or more barrels set together and may fire in either single or double action, via a hammer or striker. I know its hard to not get hung up on technicalities but the larger battle is making sure they have the right gun for the job, the right ammo for the job and training. Item Number: D-C22RBP. Derringer is state of the art concealed carry circa 1850. You are buying a new gun, not an old gun that is probably someone elses problem gun. I looked at some Bond Arms models and was put off by their prices. Another reason for the low price (which certainly does not affect performance) is that the Rowdy does not come with a sanded or polished frame. Nearby recently sold homes. The Cobra derringer 9mm is a single action, 14-ounce pistol that has a barrel length of only 2.75 inches, making it one of the most concealable guns of this caliber in the industry. I spotted a customer leaning over the glass case displaying the pocket-sized .380s of various makes. So whether you are looking to improve the conceal-ability of your standard Bond Arms Derringer, give it a different look or expand the caliber capability of your favorite conceal and carry firearm, you can be sure this Bond Arms accessory barrel will perform with the style and reliability you expect from Bond Arms. But get the conditions. They are no longer in production but I'm pretty sure you could find a good used one. To perfect it, you need to practice on a very regular basis. Go for a Cobra. Not I. it would be a great novelty but it would never sell well enough for any profit. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! After that, I read the manual.online.. and off I went to the range. A Cobra Derringer shoots about a 10 foot group at 10 feet. However 25acp and 32acp are basically on the way out so we are lucky if we get anything new. He is understood and for 10-14 years was SELLING DRUGS not ARRESTING DRUG SELLERS!! WRONG, WRONG ,WRONG ! Im in Key West this weekend, and my XD-S pulls down my shorts, so guess whats in my pocket? Rides very comfortably. Or do you answer just over $100 for a Cobra derringer? At one time Cobra offered a kit with two or three barrels to allow you to swap them around. Everything looks clean like it has hardly shot before I got it. I have one of the cobra derringer in 22mag. YetI like that. Read your piece about your visit to the Bond Arms factory what did you think of their 9mm semi-auto Bullpup? I have attached a PDF of their catalog below as well as instructions on assembling your derringer." Bond Arms Accessory Barrels will help you customize your standard Bond Arms Derringer to fit your needs. fits Bond Arms Derringer Grips faux Rattle Snake xl extended Excam TA-38, 38 Special Derringer Parts: Barrel, Cobra Bearman derringer grip and clip and speedloader combo "right side" 22lr, Cobra Bearman derringer color changing grip and clip "right side", fits Bond Arms Derringer Grips Rosewood Grips XL "Gentleman Scroll" XL Model NEW, fits Bond Arms Derringer Grips Rustic Texas Flag NEW, SHARPS 4 BARREL DERRINGER IAB ITALY R/H GRIP, Davis D32 .32 ACP Barrel Nice See Pics Free Shipping, Custom Smooth Grips Bond Arms and Cobra Titan Derringer Black, COLT KING COBRA BARREL 6" STAINLESS STEEL BARREL ** BAD SIGHT ** COLT, fits Bond Arms Derringer Grips Rosewood GOLD EAGLE Grips XL, High Standard DM-101 22mag Derringer Parts; Barrel w/ Extractor (Nickel), Davis Derringer D32 32 Cal. They may be built like tanks, but I cant justify the cost when I could buy a full size pistol for just as much. Add to Compare. (cobrapistols.net; 801-908-8300) The invention of the integral metallic cartridge spelled the end for the Philadelphia Deringer, however. Still in the box. Out of . If two shots are better than one, more would be better still. Only problem with those NAA pistols is one fall from waist height, even on safety notch, and the only in public accidental fire Id ever had occurred. . Pistols will no longer ship with braces. The MSRP for the Standard Derringer is $154, $187 for the Big Bore, and the Long Bore is $193. Prices listed reflect a cash discount. Five emails and two phone calls later to Bond Arms, this one has yet to hear back from them, and its been nearly six months. Yet. One comment , He said cocking every time if carried on half cock means not racking a slide or worrying about a manual safety, My paralysis was two years old by the time I decided to take my right arm off. The barrel, receiver, and frame are all stainless steel, while the receiver has a matte finish. As quickly as they were produced, they sold! $1,278,000 Last Sold Price. Later, my little brother got hold of and it disappeared A U.S Air Force combat veteran with over 25 years of service specialized in small arms and tactics training. It was thin enough to carry behind a pack of cigarettes. It has a tough-wearing rubber grip and comes with a cross-bolt safety feature. A Gatling gun really is just an oversized pepperbox. So successful were Deringers guns, they were soon copied by other gun makers across the nation. I did sand the contact points of the trigger and hammer to give it a lighter trigger pull and scrulpted the front of the trigger to make it more confortable. Add to this a cross-bolt-safety along with the spring-loaded cammed locking lever. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. They are easier to shoot. COBRAY M11/9MM Semi-Auto Pistol Parts. Bond Arms does make a quality gun, however, but if one needs to get something fixed, in this ones experience its an effort in futility. I had to have it. Eight weeks later I get it back and although they scratched and roughed up my 410 barrel, they filed the other barrels, put a new trigger spring into it and I have had no problems (WITH THAT). The point of this article is for when a friend who works at Starbucks asks you how cheap they can carry. Just remember the Cobra derringer option when your friend who works at Starbucks asks how cheap they can get into concealed carry. This also means that the caliber choice is yours. On top of this, the Cobra offers solid, robust use. Should I try a different version or just say the heck with it? Cobra Derringers are beautifully handcrafted with a wide range of calibers and barrel lengths that provides versatile and reliable service for a lifetime. All derringers fire from a fixed barrel. Pink Pistols For Sale | Pink Handgun For Women. . It went bang every time and gave me no problems reloading. I am not a gun smith and I am in no way giving gun smithing advise or any advise for that matter! As for added style, the wood grips are crafted and include checkering along with an engraved Texas star. I can shoot it quickly with one hand as well as slowly with two hands. However, this model is far more than just a pretty face. Derringers may be seen by many shooters as novelty guns, nice to have in a collection, or as range toys. Derringers have always had a particular BUY ME appeal for me. They really do scream out BUY ME, even if purely from a historical curiosity. I dont understand why people saddle their wives with a pile like this. Under $200, not so much, but these days there are very few guns even close to that price range. The one reviewed here is the Cobra .38 Special model that comes from their Long Bore family. The frames are zinc, and the guns are not particularly small, and are heavy. Ive been attacked and beaten and robbed many many times as I am a mostly paralysed male who can no longer walk due to horrendous treatment at a couple of nursing homes. I wondered about that at first, but apparently its not a NFA item. But having said all that Im still left where I started. Do you answer $300-$500 for a Taurus revolver? As to my el-cheapo Cobra .38 Spl, it is a true desperation gun when I carry it (sometimes as a backup for my primary EDC) and I adhere to the standards that made Old West gunmen deadly: 1. Fire it so you know how it works, and carry with confidence, American Derranger made in Waco, TX is great. All items must be ordered through a gun dealer when ordering. Bond Arms makes a superior weapon, but they cost as much as a Glock, fer cryin out loud! I am too tight with my money to buy a Bind Arms derringer, so I bought a Cobra 380 Guardian derringer and could not be happier! 24. Theresa at Cobra said with the guardian package the half cock function is not active. I figured I could just take it off but evidently its not that easy. Mine feels solid, but there are simply too many issues for it to be a primary carry-gun. lengths etc. These boot holsters are a sleeve with a rubber side outer that squeezes between boot and leg. Bond Arms have designed their derringers with the original build in mind but add their own personal touch of quality. If the barrels and chambers were one rotating unit then I believe it would be referred to as a pepperbox. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Ive only seen 2 of these in person and both chambered in .38 spl. The Cobra Derringer is a double-barrel pistol that fires two rounds at once. Thanks for the video !! Subscribe to our email list and get exclusive access to promotions, sales events and more! My sto Ken glock was recovered during a drug raid and never made it to the evidence safe, nor did my Springfield arm xd ruger 11/45 mk iv nor many many others. *Barrel Limitations: You must order through a dealer for any barrel purchase: Customers in Maryland are restricted to certain barrels for certain Bond Arms Models, but you are responsible for following the laws (click here for Maryland guidelines on which barrels you can purchase). This adds to the real rough and tumble look. Its the guns fault that you were carrying it in an unsafe manner? Also, I wonder why NAA doesnt make models in other rimfire calibers besides .22. Save cobra derringer barrel to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. You probably werent loading the gun on half cock. So last night, when I saw a Cobra derringer with an odd and unsightly trigger guard, I figgered Cobra had a lawyer do a redesign. The Bond Arms derringer range comes with a huge range of barrel configurations, and all standard barrels are interchangeable. For effective protection against snakes, load with .410 shotgun shells, and you are ready to go. As with all Bearman derringers, the Cobra comes with a Guardian package which includes a hammer assembly, main springs, specialized trigger design, and a trigger guard. Firearm availability is subject to change based on state/municipality regulations. Cobra / Bearman .22 Long Rifle . There is also the patented rebounding hammer to allow shooters faster follow-up shots. Man, now I got an itch to find another one, 40 years later. Davide Pedersoli began firearms construction in 1957. I really wanted to like this little gun. Avid gun collectors will want a derringer in their collection; those looking for a backup and an easily concealable weapon may also consider one. Its too dangerous and difficult to control for self-defense. Ya cant really blame her for calling it a derringer because some are larger than regular pistols. One that has an excellent reputation for designing top-quality reproduction weapons. These concealed carry handguns are compact guns for men and women. Ha! A forum community dedicated to all firearm owners and enthusiasts. I've got a Cobra(Cimarron) large frame in 38spl. I built and rode 4 motorcycles for 15 years but after continually being beaten by co p s like Chris janawski who complimented to steal from me and injure me. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. He is the owner of Brave Defender Training Group LLC, providing advanced firearms and tactical training. I cant even get rid of it because no one will take it on trade. SOLD MAR 7, 2023. Arent they more important than that to you? All came in .41 Short rimfire. if your cobra does this all you have to do to fix it (yourself) is get out your dremmal tool and being ever so careful, grind that inward dent to the breach out. Ill go out on a limb here and opine that the broader definition of a derringer would be a small pistol with one or multiple barrels with immovable ie, fixed, chambers, not just fixed barrels. recently. Wow! $166.49. This thing has a 4.1" barrel chambered in .410/.45LC, which is pretty standard for derringers like this. This top-quality derringer should be seen as a highly effective backup weapon. Loaded up with a double dose of 38 special ball ammo, cocked it, off went the safety (its both cumbersome and a bit hard to push), I pulled the trigger and.nothing. Double Barrel Shotgun Semi Auto Shotgun Pump Shotgun. Heres an update- Sept 2021 Had the weapon on half cock Safety off ( was hard to operate ) Sat down on a folding chair and my check book pushed the derringer up and out. While attempting to get 50 rounds through it a very small pin behind the trigger worked loose and I noticed it when it was almost completely clear of the frame. It is easily carried in your backpack, tackle box, pocket, or purse and has been built to perform. What Im wondering is this just the .38s with the Guardian on them or are all of the Cobras like this. Cobra Firearms Bearman Long Bore Guardian Satin/Rosewood 38 Special Derringer. Today at the range my f-ing trigger stuck and will not get unstuck. The simplicity of the design means these derringers have barrels and frames that are built using a single, very solid, and virtually unbreakable screw. 2h 22m left (Today 07:41 AM) $14.55 Buy It Now +$3.33 shipping Sponsored Davis Derringer D-22 Used .22 LR. ammunitions on all Cobra Firearms. Nearby homes similar to 2127 Derringer Ln have recently sold between $864K to $8M at an average of $520 per square foot. BOND ARMS DERRINGER BARREL- .45 Colt - 3 INCH POLISHED-w/WRENCH -ALL MODELS NEW! If you ask your local gun dealer candidly how many of them come back, they will tell you that a certain percentage have issues. What is wrong with this thing? personally I bought a charter arms under cover 38 spcl , Not a lot more weight , fits in jean pocket , and uses JHP Plus P which has a lot more stopping power, Got it a gun show for $200.00. Cobra Firearms is a firearm and accessory manufacturer located in Salt Lake City, UT specializing in American made derringers and handguns that are unique. Notify me about new product releases, reviews, and coupon codes. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Ive wanted a Bond Arms derringer for awhile (because they look cool and are made in Texas), but I cant justify the price for what would be a range toy of limited ability. two .25ACP loads with each trigger pull Not only did it go bang but it went bang with each subsequent shot I took and the bullet actually found its way to pretty much what I was aiming at. WowI never thought of it that way before. So some gun makers have added more. The round stuck out blocking the closure.A rapid reload is out of the question.Also the gun is incredibly loud.I really believe it is louder than a 30.06.After 4 rounds shot with a bare hand, I let someone else shoot it,so as to look for a glove as not to tear up my hand further.The Davis is not my favorite carry. The Purge Scenario Is A Real Possibility In Trumps America, The Smallest Minority Will Always Be the Individual, An Interview With The Godfather of Silencers, Dr. Phil Dater. The Snake Slayer IV Derringer is certainly a stylish weapon, but it also has substance. Bearman took over the production of Cobra Arms derringers in February 2020, and the choice of models remains good. Committed to designing and building . Every single time? Yes I said sexybecause they come in all kinds of colors and configurations that are bound to appeal to ones inner-Masterson. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. They are made of an alloy much like Heritage Arms(Rough Rider 6-shooters). Its a heck of a sexy gun, a connection to our more sordid and violent history and a great conversation piece. The President was attending Fords Theatre in Washington D.C. for a special performance of Our American Cousin. During the play, John Wilkes Booth burst into the Presidential Box and shot him in the head. Also, it puts out a lovely little fireball at night. 4 months later it came back. However, there may be times when a boot carry is more convenient. The Rowdy model is the second of the 3 best derringers available from Bond Arms. "Bearman Salt Lake City, UT" not Cobra. This is where the Philadelphia Derringer model comes into its own. LOL.good luck. Gamma Bronze OD Green Plum. For ultimate camouflage, the Cobra 380 pistol is easy to shoot and fits neatly in a pocket, purse or ankle holster. It must fire from a fixed barrel. Correct. DERRINGER 4.25 BARREL. I used to see deringers for $50 long ago- Davis comes to mind. I sent it in to Bond. Over the years, various manufacturers have adopted the term for small-sized handguns. In the winter I move up to my sig 220 in 45acp. The model reviewed comes with a stainless steel frame and barrels. The Cobra Derringer is a firearm that is proudly 100% manufactured in the United States and comes with a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer. It's got about a 40 pound trigger pull. Both rounds hit in HALF a second. Not as if I actually need one. But that is not the case with these five models. Kind of off topic, but along these lines, it would be great to see Ruger make a Wrangler in .25 ACP it would make a neat camp/kit gun. If you dry fire these rim fires, the firing pin will hit and dent the barrel breach, causing extraction of emptys to be very hard. When it comes to backup It has your back! cock and pull trigger , repeat .
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