Application for Occupancy Permit for a Place of Public Entertainment. A building permitis not requiredas the shed is less than 10m and less than 2.4m in height. WebPlanning Permit Application Proposed Motel Development, 705-711 Geelong Road, Canadian . An accessway can also be a driveway. & Partnerships, Available Once received, City staff will reach out to you with further information. Make an Enquiry. WebGreenlight is an online planning portal used by Council where you can lodge all planning permit related matters. As part of these works, the contractor/ works managermust re-instate affected infrastructure to Council standards. A 4.0m(L) X 2.4m(W) X 1.8m(H) freestanding steel garden shed is proposed to be installed at the backyard of a dwelling close to the rear and side boundary. A building permitis requiredas the retaining wall will be supporting orprotecting adjoining land. Minneapolis/St. By clicking Remember Me, you allow Metro Transit/Metropolitan Council to create a cookie that is installed on your computer and remains there for seven days. WebA completed Application for Permit Form and plan check fee paid. 2 0 obj The City of Ballarat provides many services to help you and your family thrive in our city. Office Hours: 8am-5pm, Mon-Fri The permit is valid for 6 months. %PDF-1.7 WebCarson Permit Application Process When the City Hall is Closed to the Public 1. Local councils undertake the majority of parking enforcement and look after parking issues in local streets. What you need to provide with your application, Check if an unsealed road is scheduled for works, How we're improving the way we manage roads. 1334 0 obj <>/Encrypt 1324 0 R/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<057827AF65220640AA1F3E0FAB2A5F88>]/Index[1323 20]/Info 1322 0 R/Length 75/Prev 657841/Root 1325 0 R/Size 1343/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream A building permit is required to upgrade the building to reach the minimum standards required for the new use. Read our blog about it today. Find out everything you need to know about living in our beautiful city and in our communities. Web225 Lyons St North, Ballarat North, VIC, 3350 | 535m 0448 658 870 Trigg Constructions Builders & Building Contractors, Ballarat, VIC 3350 Less info Closed 0417 157 284 View Website Ballarat Lifestyle Builders Builders & Building Contractors, Ballarat, VIC 3350 More info Open until 4:00pm 0499 586 966 View Website H. Troon Pty Ltd endstream endobj startxref WebComplaints from government agencies, including councils, should be emailed to not lodged through the portal. WebApplying for Permits. You can request to extend your 'Works within a road reserve' permit for another 3 months (maximum). @#OM&/Bow#rcG.RPLD[5 1 WebAnnual Permit Instructions for Annual Permit App; Annual Permit Application (PDF) or use the optional Annual Permit Application (PDF) (no electronic fields) Fill out the application WebSign In. %%EOF the reason you are requesting an extension, how long you want the permit extended for. 0 Police, Safety on The Division also manages the Citys permit system which coordinates and streamlines the construction permit process. Find out by visiting the, Californias Building Energy Efficiency Standards are in effect starting July 1, 2014. If the application is for a community event, there is no fee. Single Trip Permit Application (PDF) (no electronic fields), Annual Permit Application (PDF) (no electronic fields), Vertical / Horizontal Clearance or Bridge Weight Rating Change Forms, Special Conditions for Holiday Travel (PDF), CalOES: Power Outage and Fire Recovery Resources, Transportation Permits (Oversize/Overweight Vehicles), During normal office hours, call: (916) 322-1297, Office Hours: 8am-5pm, Mon-Fri (Closed on State Holidays). Breas Building & Safety Divisions plan check, inspection, code enforcement, and Building Official are all International Code Council (ICC) Certified. Its best to consult an expert when planning a concrete crossover. RECEIVE CITY NEWSGet the Brea Line Newsletter, City of Brea1 Civic Center CircleBrea, CA 92821Phone: 714-990-7600, SB 407: Water Conserving Plumbing Fixture Replacement. Wq@vMiY\/9@F:w? D&'^m*yo};mkAd9'g70"KKj'[ZO""P'g*"9,UT.V!Oaagy\A.{U#)rc~mH~a*(-]G/seL8!K2"([I2v/'Q%IkHfd? On corner blocks, front and side masonry/brick fences greater than 1.2m in height, within 3m of the front or side street boundary. 3 0 obj Contact details of the contractor who will be responsible for the reinstatement works. A permit is also needed for small projects WebHam's squatting map of Victoria (1853) Maps can help you to trace the development of a goldfields town. A verandah is proposed to be constructed attached to a building. 1 0 obj Building a new driveway entrance, changing an existing driveway entrance or building an additional one). We consult with you on many of our projects and policies to better serve your needs on our roads. Home. A plan of the position for your proposed crossover is needed when forwarding your application. If you have no existing access to off-street parking, a driveway or driveway crossover you will have the option to apply and may be eligible for a second and third permit. 4 0 obj <> Your building surveyor can advise on this. WebPlanning permit steps: Information on the necessary steps taken when your planning permit is referred onto Department of Transport and Planning for consideration. Construction & Demolition Recycling Program, 2022 California Green Building Standards Code, Frequently Asked Question: Will my construction project increase my property tax? Inclusion, Try the Metro Transit Apply online for a Works within a road reserve permit, Download a 'Permission to do works within a road reserve' application form. To apply for a building permit, submit for plan check, or apply for a Certificate of Occupancy please email your application and all necessary documents to A building permit is needed for all major building projects including new homes, home extensions, garages and commercial projects. 2023 Office Holiday Info (PDF), After-Hours Permit Emergencies: Garden sheds This is accomplished through the implementation of the building, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, and energy codes, as well as code enforcement regulation of local and state laws for all buildings in the City of Brea. Crossovers: Information regarding crossovers. We have a free advisory service for the industry and our community for all building control questions and queries. Wastewater treatment system. Please note, it has been detected that you have scripting disabled in your browser, this may cause some limitations to apply, and some functions may not be available at all, Your personal information is being collected by the City of Ballarat for the purpose of processing your request. A building permitis requiredto upgrade the building to reach the minimum standards required for the new use. This is because public liability insurance to the value of $20 million is required in order to get a Works within a road reserve permit. They can also be enhanced with decorative elements like bricks, pavers, or cobblestones to give them an even more unique look. Step 3. Only image files, Microsoft Word Documents and PDFs are accepted. I state that the details I have given are true and correct. ABN: 32 210 906 807, Apply for a crossover permit or to do works in a road reserve, Infrastructure must return to its original state. Retaining walls See the website for more details on the Residential Parking Permit, including a map of the parking zones. Construction of a steel or timber garden shed in the backyard of a dwelling, which has a floor area less than 10m and is less than 3m in height, or less than 2.4m in height when within 1m of a boundary. This allows Parking check Public holidays A crossover is an area that connects an accessway or driveway of a property to the road. Cardinia Shire Council acknowledges and pays respect to the traditional custodians of these lands, the Bunurong and Wurundjeri people. the Transit Police, Metro Transit All building permit applications should be made to a registered building practitioner. Upon submittal of plans, one set of plans will be distributed to Fire Department for review. App, API Resources for ?ZFDFO 472 d+rvd&ojD69b9{" iw!mODdA,`T2io9&&Hy "%P ']'.l$0PyPBL>9S1lPfFhwiyr> 4$BJH01 Q3CQjm}ys}zp# eX:H'(,2M6xIU/$0x1 2:hwC:KD[Cp_E6^nRwqx\{#*! If you have previously registered to pay your Rates by Direct Debit, you do not need to re-register for this payment option. hbbd```b``~"o ),"K$#W. "-b`bd` &@gs@ \]# For example, compare these maps of Dunolly from 1857 and 1859. A qualified contractor needs to do the works. Replacement of non-structural external building components, for example weatherboards, doors or windows, if the building is not on a Heritage Register and the work will not adversely affect the public. Building Investigation Request. 1120 N St., Sacramento, CA 95814 Building permits are needed for these projects regardless of the cost to build. To find out if a building project needed a permit, visit the planning desk at the City of Ballarat, The Phoenix, 25 Armstrong Street South during business hours. Bring a detailed floor plan, site plan, and copy of title for assessment and advice. A plan of the position for your proposed crossover is needed when forwarding your application. Complete the form most relevant to your application: Single Domestic Works/New Dwellings/Extensions 2 or more dwellings Commercial/Industrial Fees Legal Point of Discharge application cost $149.30 For crossovers, its The Department of Transport that will handle such cases. Property Information Request. Bring a detailed floor plan, site plan, and copy of title for assessment and advice. Other properties with access to off-street parking, a driveway or driveway crossover may not be eligible for a second or third permit. Installation or removal of structures on the footpath or nature strip. Ifyou find it useful, chip in to supportPlanningAlerts. Step 2. When uploading documents please make sure the file title includes the name of the document and the address of the property e.g. 039 ABN Checked. This independent project is run by a local charity, the Front and side masonry/brick fences greater than 1.2m in height, within 3m of the front boundary. You can talk to our Building Services team during business hours on 5320 5500 or contact them online viaeServices. However, according to section 63 (1) of the Road Management Act, homeowners must obtain written consent from the coordinating road authority. Development of two dwellings and two lot subdivision, Use of a medical centre and a reduction in car parking, Use and Development of a Dwelling and Removal of Native Vegetation, Buildings and works comprising the construction of two dwellings and associated two lot subdivision in a General Residential Zone, Design and Development Overlay and Heritage Overlay, Use of land for shipping container storage in a Rural Living Zone, Use of existing premises (including footpath) for a wine bar, signage and reduction of carparking. Once received, City staff will reach out to A crossover is a path that connects an accessway to the main road. Applications for construction projects are submitted to the Building & Safety Division where the review process is coordinated among several departments. (a) A garage is proposed to be used as a habitable room. Webthe amendment to which the permit applies comes into operation) Signature for the responsible authority: Permit No. Transportation Permits Training, Presidential Declared Emergency for California, Route 710 Open to Permit Loads in the Port of Long Beach. Many maps include the names of long-forgotten towns, leads (gold bearing areas) and mines. A building permitis requiredas the pergola is greater than 20m. WebUnderstanding the Residential Development Standards - Planning New pergolas with a floor area greater than 20m, Permeable shade sails with a floor area greater than 20m, Converting a garage or shed into a habitable room, Changing the use of a room/area in a residential or commercial building, New swimming pools or spas capable of a water depth greater than 30cm. is very simple: We will never share your personal information What Are Crossover Claims? WebApplication for a Driveway Access Permit - Baw Baw Shire Council +61 3 5622 3654 - T F +61 3 5624 2411 - E W - PO Box 304 Warragul Victoria 3820 Application for a Driveway Access Permit WebeService requests are monitored during council business hours Monday to Friday, for urgent assistance please phone 03 5320 5500. ( 7 ratings) Hired 16 times on hipages. PlanningAlerts is powered by small, tax-deductible donations from the people who use it to stay informed about changes to their A crossover is a claim where the recipient is eligible for both Medicare and Medi-Cal, where Medicare pays a portion of the claim and Any side fence, between properties that is greater than 2m in height. For further information on how your personal information is handled refer to the, Property Information and Legal Point of Discharge Request. Building permits are needed for these projects regardless of the cost to build. WebWorks on Council Land or Roads to obtain a permit to construct, remove, alter or upgrade a vehicle crossing and a requirement of the Road Management Act 2004 to obtain written consent of the coordinating road authority to conduct any works in, on, under or over a road. Transit Your information will be stored in Council's customer database and used to identify you when communicating with the City of Ballarat and for the delivery of services and information. If you have no existing access to off-street parking, a driveway or WebDisabled parking permits Rates, Valuations and Land Information Application for rating reclassification Application for farm rate classification Single farm enterprise exemption Pension concession on municipal rates Section 32 certificates Valuation objections Waste Apply for a kerbside waste service at a commercial property Contractor's details, including contact numbers of works manager. Victorian Building Authority Goods Shed North 733 Bourke Street Docklands Vic 3008 If you cannot provide these details your application cannot be processed. Note: High-piled storage Front and side timber fences greater than 1.5m in height, within 3m of the front boundary. Still experiencing issues accessing a form? The property owner is responsible for paying any costs to do with works on a crossover, including fixing a crossover or building a new one. The permit takes 28 business days to process. The permit is valid for 6 months. If works have not been completed by this time you will need to apply for a permit extension. Partial Demolition and Extension to Existing Dwelling. dlhz)'Z,lL4=K KN;3~+23yw/^4-i~'_'\H9L0 I\?YO5/LGfZQW\|K`K_3Y?k'-/e TmTye$ILGCoeDdG;[kfnTVpI8NCJBGf-T:JtkB4>o3(pjS"4o"-l42JJ!$.8.Q`H+'kat>OY 88Z%Nj*^0m {kZZKMkiF$SFZX\cA9q{py,c/mD'`c2 q-6QS|7T,>POThO* Evaluating Investment Outcomes If you live in Ballarat or own a property here, we can help you to get organised. Alterations to, or introduction of, an essential safety measure including fire hose reels, fire hydrants, exit doors, fire extinguishers, exit signs, emergency lights, sprinklers. The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has discretionary authority with respect to highways under its jurisdiction and may, upon application and if good cause appears, issue a special permit to operate or move a vehicle or combination of vehicles or special mobile equipment of a size or weight of vehicle or load exceeding the maximum limitations specified in the California Vehicle Code. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 13 0 R 14 0 R 15 0 R 16 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Pergolas(unroofed) The City of Ballarat acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land we live and work on, the Wadawurrung and Dja Dja Wurrung People, and recognises their continuing connection to the land and waterways. These concrete crossovers can be coloured or stamped to match a propertys existing design. ONLINE APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Before you can apply for an overload permit, you must first establish an account by submitting your Two (2) Lot Subdivision Use and Development of a Dwelling. Certificate of currency of your public liability insurance to the value of $20 million; please note that your home insurance doesnt cover this kind of work. Main Phone: (916) 322-1297 It's free! We need to know about these works so we can be sure our road reserves and infrastructure arenot damaged, and are returned to their original condition after works have taken place. Each vehicle owner will need to complete their own application. Change of use Any work that will be done on a road corridor will generally require permission from the road manager. A spa with a depth greater than 30cm and with a lockable lid is proposed. Paul, MN : PLANNING PERMIT GRANTED UNDER SECTION 96I OF THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT ACT 1987 PLP/2017/444 Planning scheme: Ballarat Responsible authority: Ballarat City Council You will require this permit if you intend to create or interfere with a vehicle crossing. Please correct the following and try again. OpenAustralia Foundation. (See below for more info). Development of the land and partial demolition for alterations and additions to a dwelling and construction of an associated crossover. All parking and stopping rules apply even if your vehicle has broken down or if you have your hazard warning lights on. The International Code Council is a member-focused association committed to protecting public health, safety, and welfare by developing model codes and standards used in the design, build, and compliance process. Some enforcement is also undertaken by police and other authorised agencies. CareerOpportunities, Become a Bus Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Metro Transit will only be processing orders for NEW Go-To Cards on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays until further notice. lom'^n&Ji/5$(o4\ju\rZ?qnWGH9[t+3^CF%{bTOn"*:Q=@nJj,%+A-2KLBRUYZH~ R =j]OT. If works have not been completed by this time you will need to apply for a permit extension. Carport There are issues with some of the information that you've provided. To apply for a building permit, submit for plan check, or apply for a Certificate of Occupancy please email your application and all necessary documents to 1342 0 obj <>stream YFw7kKjWzze`4)J$499qxzH Special Conditions for Holiday Travel (PDF) To find out if a building project needed a permit, visit the planning desk at the City of Ballarat, The Phoenix, 25 Armstrong Street South during business hours. Gi,tmO=KbQ A permit is also needed for small projects including sheds, retaining walls, fences, decks, carports, verandahs, swimming pools and spas. Want to know what is stencilled concrete? The way vehicles enter and exit the government road, The location, width, angle, and line of sight of the proposed crossover, The types of traffic and vehicles that will be using it, Status of the current road conditions in the area. Please attention your email to the Manager of Complaints and Scheduling Services. Privacy Policy Driver, Join Yes, youll need to get a permit to build a concrete crossover on your property. WebDescription. You only need to register once to undertake any of the following functions: Lodge a new planning permit application Apply to amend an existing permit or a permit under consideration Apply for secondary consent or extension of time If your property is outside the CBD and in a street with parking restrictions you may be eligible for 1 free permit. Swimming pool or spa xq]aEe8d` |CX@7GZ&6W|keB&":wXs^D=)&O{ah-sD1.po1`wUxhymX`;.UzqVwTvT)n!C-0~T%i,DNEGk3ZF@m\Eq"$b>kx+fec5UTaTE]B@zzOLKGde2A~B/sz!,k*O80:(')3vvY g_ErfN>]NnnIY|. You will need to surrender the old permit before collecting your new permit. From 17 October, Consent for Working Within the Road Reserve (WWRR) permits applications will need to be submitted through the new Road Access Permits endobj : PLP/2017/444 Page 1 of 12 Permit No. If you have any questions or need additional information please call 714-671-4406. WebA building permit is needed for all major building projects including new homes, home extensions, garages and commercial projects. endobj A building surveyor is responsible for issuing a building permit at the start of a building project. Developers, Social WebVariance Permit - vehicles greater than 15'-0" wide, 17'-0" high, and 135'-0" long, or on special hauling equipment which exceeds the Department's standard method of weight 2023Metro Transit, Guaranteed Ride SoCalGas Pipeline Safety Information - Contact 811 Before You Dig. This is the registration number of the car that you will park on your street. The location, dimensions and type of works, Traffic management details (if applicable). WebOnline Application Requirements. Permits Self-Service Portal and updated Consent and MoA permit processes Accredited traffic management companies Nationally consistent traffic management Your personal information is being collected by the City of Ballarat for the purpose of processing your application for a Residential Parking Permit. Your information will be stored in Councils Customer Database and used to identify you when communicating with Council and for the delivery of services and information. On the other hand, an accessway is an area that provides access to a specific part of a property. WebApplication for Council Report and Consent to Build on Land Subject to Flooding or Designated Land. Please note: Properties in the CBD area are only eligible for one permit. stream Get alerts of new applications near here straight in your email. or The Building & Safety Division is committed to protecting the lives and safety of the residents and visitors of Brea, preserving the Citys quality of life, and contributing to the Citys economic development. Holiday Info: Request the review of your Builders will need to provide domestic building insurance when the cost of building work is greater than $16,000. The surveyor should be included at the very start of the process, and can advise on what is needed to get a permit. Please visit the following website to submit new No, a crossover and an accessway arent the same. endstream endobj 1324 0 obj <>>>/Filter/Standard/Length 128/O(\nZ*mzIa9+~P)/P -1340/R 4/StmF/StdCF/StrF/StdCF/U(O\(Bb_ )/V 4>> endobj 1325 0 obj <>/Metadata 118 0 R/Names 1335 0 R/Outlines 135 0 R/PageLayout/SinglePage/Pages 1311 0 R/StructTreeRoot 178 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 1326 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 1327 0 obj <>stream For more information, visit the, The 2019 California Building Standards Code is now enforceable as of January 1, 2020. Find out what's happening in your area. Still experiencing issues accessing a form?). To do this, email or send us a letter and include this information: If you have any questions about applying for this permit or doing the works contact our Engineering team on 1300 787 624 or, 2023 Cardinia Shire Council. Build over easement, Crossovers, Legal point of discharge, Traffic management and B Double & Higher Mass, stormwater Planning permits. Who pays for crossover (driveway entrance) works? Being professionally certified by the Code Council provides a nationally recognized credential that will only enhance the services provided to Breas residents and businesses. 25 ArmstrongStreet South As for the cost, you can expect to pay $120 for the permit fee once you submit your application. After the building permit is issued, the building surveyor will carry out inspections at different stages during the project to make sure the building work meets minimum standards. It is designed to be low-maintenance and durable. You can apply at the City of Ballarat eServices website or do so at their Customer Service Centre. Register your swimming pool or spa. A building permitis requiredfor all decks or landings. A building permitis requiredas the spa depth exceeds 30cm and a lockable lid is not an approved safety barrier. A 6m(L) X 4m(W) X 2.7m(H) timber and shade cloth pergola isproposed to be constructed attached to a building. If this doesn't happen, we will re-instate at the cost of the contractor/works manager. See the. jB6%XJ~ BPTLU!@)P;>D{0qQi! Permits and forms. Single Trip Fax: (916) 322-4966 localarea. Vehicle crossover works (eg. The permit takes 28 business days to process. Request for Copy of Domestic Building Permit Documents (including house plans) License Checked. It allows vehicles to safely cross over the kerb and onto the street. Domestic building insurance covers up to $300,000 to fix structural defects for six years, and non-structural defects for two years. If you use Safari, make sure you have the latest version installed before completing the online form. %PDF-1.6 % Please note that home insurance is not the same as public liability insurance; your home insurance does not cover you for these works. Infringement Appeal. A building permitis requiredfor all attached verandahs. WebApply for a crossover permit or to do works in a road reserve You need permission If you want to do any works between your propertys fence boundary and a Council-managed (b) An existing retail shop is proposed to be used as a restaurant. Use of Land as a Restricted Recreation Facility (Gymnasium) and Display of Business Identification Signage, Single storey dwelling with attached double garage, Development of a telecommunications facility, Construction of an outbuilding associated with a dwelling, Vary Section 173 Agreement for The Sanctuary Mount Helen by removing clause 2 (vi) or in the alternative amend clause 2 (vi) to read cats or dogs kept on a lot must be secured within the lot, Use and development of nine (9) warehouses, Development of two additional dwellings, three (3) lot subdivision and creation of access to a Transport Zone 2, Development of additional dwelling and two lot subdivision. Statutory planning All Statutory Planning information is now available on the DoT website. Replacement of non-structural internal building components, for example kitchens, bathrooms and laundry units, if the building is not on a Heritage Register and the work will not adversely affect the occupiers. 202 million applications sent across Australia, 913 Pleasant Street South, Redan VIC 3350, 109 Gregory Street, Soldiers Hill VIC 3350, 222 Mair Street, Ballarat Central VIC 3350, 88 Humffray Street North, Ballarat East VIC 3350, 146 Eureka Street, Ballarat East VIC 3350, 38 Steinfeld Street South, Golden Point VIC 3350, Lot 2 Buninyong - Mount Mercer Road, Buninyong VIC 3357, 501 Nicholson Street, Black Hill VIC 3350, 204 Windermere Street, Ballarat Central VIC 3350, 1009 South Street, Ballarat Central VIC 3350, 122 Elsworth Street East, Canadian VIC 3350, 428A Sturt Street, Ballarat Central VIC 3350. Accessways can be made of various materials, such as concrete, gravel, and asphalt. Environment We are committed to making the transport system more sustainable and environmentally conscious. Construction of a timber pergola at the backyard of a dwelling, which has a floor area less than 20m and is less than 3.6m in height. Briefly explain the reason for requesting a replacement permit. Emergency Permit Procedures, Request Training: This provides the customer with a comprehensive single point of contact throughout the entire review and permit process. The Department of Transport assesses new access applications by considering the following factors: One thing to keep in mind is that The Department of Transport may put up conditions on a planning permit. WebIf your property is outside the CBD and in a street with parking restrictions you may be eligible for 1 free permit. without your explicit consent. WebApply to run an Event Apply for an Outdoor Dining or Trading Permit Start a Small Business Apply for a Residential Parking Permit Request Neighbour Details Appeal Animal Create an account You should also avoid touching all public services, such as water, sewer, of Transit Property, Events This is to ensure that the arterial road network will continue to operate efficiently and safely after constructing a crossover.Have you ever wondered, What are pave-cut concrete driveways? If so, read our blog today to learn about this type of driveway. If you want to do any works between your propertys fence boundary and a Council-managed road (the road reserve), or work on the road itself, you need to get a permit from us to do works within a roadreserve. Metro Transit is a service of the Metropolitan Verandahs (roofed) This post will discuss the most common questions about installing crossovers in Ballarat properties. The property owner is responsible for paying any costs to do with works on a crossover, including fixing a crossover or building a new one. WebIt simplifies the governments VicSmart application form, checklists, permit decision criteria, local planning schemes and government guides with planning advice in an interactive online guide to help you, step by step, with the VicSmart permit application process. zz$1\oTNF~uDUUc "G9/ew'23[ ++JesFzWzuC )ZD:*m6f L ~l\3 b$.cZMk3,TcY,U;J ]dQY:T=+v
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