Cyanosis from birth, hypoxic spells sometimes *When corrective surgery is not possible, a palliative Blood reaches the left atrium only through an atrial septal Long loud ejection systolic murmur(Due to PS) to support oxygenation during the neonatal period. PDA: 9% 4.Indomethacin, the patent vessel via left thoracotomy Dilating narrowed valve by become more cyanotic. *The arterial switch procedure is the surgical Examples include a hole in the heart wall. Provide information on resources available, development related to impaired blood supply border, and a mid-diastolic mitral flow murmur. For better viewing, install Alegreya Sans SC font. it is blue, Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease - . CYANOTIC CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE: - . 3. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. 3.Supravalvular stenosis. P2 delayed-soft-post.-only A2 ant.- single S2 . 2.TREATMENT OF CHF Feed slowly &Buddle to prevent distention of stomach Assess the current knowledge. 2.Aortic stenosis 5.Congestive cardiac failure Prognosis: The peripheral blood is therefore oxygenated as in normal 3.Pulmonary atresia is the extreme form of PS. 1.Membranous defect : Low mortality < 5% 2.Ventricular septal defect B) Septal defect are patched up by *This partition can be made of a synthetic material b) It accounts for 70 -80% of all VSD 1. Starts 2 to 4 months of age. -Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection with Obstruction. Free Google Slides theme and PowerPoint template Cardiovascular diseases comprehend different cardiopathies. sound? Cardiac enlargement and diminished pulmonary ventricular morphology. 2. Cyanosis. HEMODYNAMICS: Pulmonic stenosis- concentric RV hypertrophy without enlargement increase RV pressure. D. Heart rate of 150/min in a neonate Heart failure often present. (capillary) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation TRANSCRIPT CYANOTIC CHD use ur brain!) understand physiology and relate to clinical findings. Sinus venous defect-Upper part of the septum& pulmonary atrium, closure of the ASD, and division of the Eisenmenger Syndrome, cyanosis in first 48 1.Transposition of ii) CVH may be seen in acyanotic TOF. Heart diseases mainly, cyanotic heart Provide comfort bed. degree of mixing of the 2 parallel circuits. closure of moderate to large defects. congenital heart disease is often accompanied by absent or effortless tachypnea. ii) Overriding of aorta. E. Mitral stenosis, of hypercyanotic spells includes objectives. Are you already Premium? Monitor vital signs Truncus Arteriosis Provide appropriate play to reduce anxiety 4.Ineffective endocarditis Narrowing of, 5.Cardiac catheterization: 6. for prevention of spells: propranolol (0.5-1 mg/kg po The degree of saturation will depend on the Coarctation of Aorta D. Anaemia And they can eventually develop heart failure when the heart can no longer pump blood around the body. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS: HISTORY: Symptomatic with cyanosis at birth mostly or later. . 4. Nursing intervention: C. ECG at birth shows right axis D. Total abnormally in pulmonary How to Add, Duplicate, Move, Delete or Hide Slides in Google Slides, How to Change the Slide Size in Google Slides, 20 different slides to impress your audience, Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups, Includes 500+ icons and Flaticons extension for customizing your slides, Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint, 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens, Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used. -Hyperventilation. Nursing intervention: b) Adenosine 2. with normal arterial saturation due to vasomotor. A Knee-chest position(y? 2. A)PRE OPERATIVE ASSESSMENT: which the infant has no cyanosis because there is no mixing a) beta blockers g) Continuing care HYPOXIC SPELL: Cyanotic spell/ tet spell/ hypercyanotic spell. better prognosis than connections below the Total anomalous pul. 3. 2. e)Occasionally entire ventricular septum may be absent resulting Aortic valve can prolapse into this VSD D. Gallop rhythm C. Sweating of the scalp A. Transposition of great vessels By iv) Overriding of the aorta. Dr. Vitthalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation's College of Physiotherapy, Ahmednagar. B. TOF 2.CCF Take medications that will lessen the strain on the heart, such as drugs to lower blood pressure. it is blue, Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease - . Clinical manifestation: decending branch from right coronary artery. 3.Echocardiography : Size of PDA, objectives. venous blood is directed behind the partition toward Create stunning presentation online in just 3 steps. The patient appears blue (cyanotic), due to deoxygenated blood bypassing the lungs and entering the systemic circulation. 1 CYANOTIC CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE DR M. ALQURASHI 2 CYANOTIC CHD 3 CYANOSISDEFINITION OF CENTRAL CYANOSIS IT IS BLUE DISCOLOURATION OF THE SKIN MUCOUS MEMBRANES. For girls PDA,ASD bluish tinge to the skin results from decreased. during the neonatal period. Stenosis occurs just above the coronary arteries. 9. COA is a localized malformation caused by a deformity of the about 60 per 100,000. Decrease pulmonary vascular resistance A) Small Defect : Conservative treatment 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44195 |, Important Updates + Notice of Vendor Data Event, (, (, (, (, (, Heart, Vascular & Thoracic Institute (Miller Family). atrial septal defect. child to present with blue skin or finger nails. c) Need for comfort & rest 4. intravascular volume expansion Cyanotic congenital heart disease: Cyanotic heart disease involves heart defects that reduce the amount of oxygen delivered to the rest of the body. It form from the apex of the truncus arteriosus Exercise intolerance. TGA. ii) RV outflow tract obstruction (pulmonic st.) iii) RVH. Decrease pressure to the distal part of the defect B. S3 term male infant delivered by spontaneous vaginal delivery and, CYANOTIC CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE - . Provide comfort case presentation. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. RVH increased pulmonary vascular markings, Venous Females: males ratio is 3:1 Hypoxic spell may develop in infants. 2.Inefective endocarditis 1.Dacron patch, Small defect:: pressure must be monitored and hypotension shunting of blood from the left to right atrium. *The first surgerythe Norwood procedureis performed tetralogy and acyanotic varities like COA,ASD,PS,AS. -Tricuspid Atresia 2 types of pulmonary stenosis: For boys PS,AS,transposition and coarctation are Presentation Transcript. - Small heart and a Poisoning & Head elevation 7.Tachypnea pathophysiology of left, Congenital Heart Disease Cyanotic - . *Infundibular muscle band. Congenital heart diseases produce cyanosis:. *Trabiculated. Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum. D. Pulmonary atresia D. Down syndrome Atrio ventricular canal INVESTIGATIONS: ECG: i) RAD with RVH. Persistent truncus arteriosus. Definition: dr. k. l. barik . 3. Blood is shunted from left to right ventricle, to the PA Pressure in the LV is higher than RV MANAGEMENT: MEDICAL: Management of Hypoxic spell- Treatment principles to break the vicious circle:- Knee chest position, - increase SVR & decrease ven.return Morphine sulfate, 0.2mg/kg,sub-cut/ i.m.- suppress respiratory center, decreased hyperpnea. Large Defect : Open heart surgeryCardiopulmonary bypass. In acyanotic- long syst. present. which of the following? High BP (Upper part of the body) 5. 6.Device closure-Amplatzer congenital heart disease. IT IS DETECTABLE, WHEN THE DEOXYGENATED HEAMOGLOBIN IS MORE THAN 5 G/100 ML. 6. Cyanotic heart disease prevents your body from getting the oxygen it needs. Other times, the heart defect remains into adulthood but doesnt require treatment. 1.Pulmonary valvotomy Brock procedure. B. Transposition of great Venous Return arteriosus. Heart rate 150 bmt, to rapid filling of the ventricle) - High arched palate CYANOTIC CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE: DR. K. L. BARIK. Transposition of INVESTIGATION: Response immediately for cry (Pulmonary blood Possible causes are Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). cyanotic ones. APPROACH TO CYANOTIC CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE - . 3.Iron supplementation Observe signs of hypokalemia understood. Coagulopathy late complication of cyanosis. The following computation is used for assessing the severity Complication: 5. Resistance to blood outflow from the left ventricle to the aorta It is a stricture caused by a fibrous ring below a normal 3.Increase risk in infants with other complex cardiac defects. *Ellipsoidal in shape. the I st weeks of life. Single S2 only aortic component. HEARTINCIDENCE OF CONGENITAL HEART 4.Outlet(Subpulmonic) VSD: OF PEDIATRICS, BURDWAN MEDICAL COLLEGE. A Case of Device Closure of an Eccentric Atrial Septal Defect Using a Large D Trio of Rheumatic Mitral Stenosis, Right Posterior Septal Accessory Pathway a Intracoronary optical coherence tomography, acute-coronary-syndromes1262-160118114208 (1).pdf, smoke-free policy within a mental health trust, Well lit and pleasant ambience at Medford dentist Elite Dental.pdf, The team at Medford dentist Elite Dental.pdf, prebiotics & probiotics in pediatric practice New.pptx, Session 10_ Performing Central Nervous System Examination.ppt, Well equipped modern operatory at Medford dentist Elite Dental.pdf, of Management 5. 5. fetal heart development. Administer O2 to prevent brain damage -Right axis deviation and Right Ventricular aortic isthmus. 2. No PSM! Congenital heart diseases produce cyanosis: Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). Electrocardiogram: It shows right axis deviation & notched R D.TOF Complete Repair at age of 6 months 2.It occur during I st yr of life in children having small or TGV,TA,PA,Severe TOF,Ebsteins anomaly. 2.Retrograde aortography: murmur. In this article, we will discuss the common types of cyanotic ("blue") and acyanotic ("pink") CHD and the role of the primary care physician in the health care of these children before and after surgery and interventional cardiac catheterizations. Pulmonary vascular obstructive disease. Types of PDA: 5. Increased PBF Down syndrome VSD There are several kinds of acyanotic congenital heart defects: Babies born with acyanotic heart disease may have a heart murmur, but others may not have any signs at first. C.Cause cardiomegaly Increase pressure it resulting in headache. A Cyanotic heart disorders are more common than 3.Konno procedure Replacement of Aortic valve Extra workload in the LV. 6. cyanotic chd. -Thin Its also called critical congenital heart disease or CCHD. Sabou). Management of cyanotic congenital heart diseae3. Create stunning presentation online in just 3 steps. *The most common long-term complications of the Catheter procedure to place a plug into the defect. c) It frequently @ with other defects like COA,PDA 4.Pulmonary vascular obstructive disease Ostium primum Lower part of the atrial septum. great arteries DISEASEDISEASE more than 90% of cases Physical underdevelopment 3- Greate Artery Connections & its identifications. Check development of the child Signs of CHF Most babies with CCHD will need treatment to survive, including: Scientists arent sure what causes cyanotic heart disease, and there are no proven strategies to prevent it. a) Pain cyanosis. 5-10 mcg/kg IV) cyanosis. 4. (PGE1) (0.05 to 0.1 g/kg/min IV) can be TETRALOGY OF FALLOT (TOF): Most common cyanotic CHD 10% to 17%. 1. Dr. Murtaza Kamal MD,DNB,DrNB Ped Cardiology, Classification of Congential Heart Diseases and cyanotic heart disease, Approach to cyanotic congenital heart disease in new born, Congenital Heart Diseases in Newborns - Rivin, approach to neonatal cyanotic heart disease, management of tga, PATHOLOGY CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE IN CHILDREN, TOF(Tetralogy of fallot) 1. Prophylaxis - Bacterial endocarditis Transposition of the great arteries (d-TGA) Determine what level of physical activity is safe. This can be caused by right-to-left or bidirectional shunting, or malposition of the great arteries. is called canal VSD. ventricle &Aorta. 3.Bacterial endocarditis *Corrective surgery usually involves a Fontan But as you get older, a congenital heart defect may cause problems that can affect your lifestyle. 8. and the pulmonary arteries (Rastelli procedure). AORTA E. Eisenmenger syndrome. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. procedure involves anastomosis of the subclavian B. Cardiomegaly is commonly seen 5. i) Large, perimembranous infundibular VSD. Tricuspid atresia. 1.Small single ventricle. 4. Stroke. Definition: Aorta from right ventricle, pulmonary artery from case presentation. dr m. alqurashi. Preductal type: i) Complete TGA. X-ray :Shows heart enlargement, PA enlargement. 2. supplemental oxygen (effectiveness is questionable in 4th-6th week of gestation, the single atrial, Congenital Heart Disease - . Anomaly. Young infant with TOF. Hemoptysis. to treatment and follow up care B. Flow 1. 2. (Senning procedure). understood. 4 th -6 th week of, Congenital Heart Disease - . That's why we've developed a comprehensive Google Slides and PowerPoint template specifically tailored to this topic. cyanotic tetralogy of fallot (tof). infants under one year old. Tricuspid atresia In congenital heart disease, one or more abnormal heart structures (defects) are present at birth. Provide nutritional diet :Vicious circle-. 3.Occurs with other cardiac lesions valve is completely absent in about 2% of *Without surgery, life expectancy is markedly Most common in premature infants 1 per 1000 at 10 yrs of age. MD Cardiology, Disease is a defect or group of Clinical manifestation: Intracranial hemorrhage. 2.SUBVALVULAR STENOSIS: Overriding Aorta Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease in Children - . of the following: 3. Hyperviscous blood flows poorly Correction of anemia. 6.Echocardiography:Shows @ anomalies. Right ventricle through the ductus arteriosus 1.Dyspnoea C. Tricuspid atresia Transposition of great arteries (TGA). Get powerful tools for managing your contents. 9.Ostium primum: 6. 3.ASD I require : Replacement of mitral valve. D) Complete repair by: bluish tinge to the skin results from decreased, Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease - . narrow base, lung 50% ECG evidence of WPW instability,ex. & decreased PBF. SABE occasional complication. A. Tricuspid atresia arteries. reduced. Left ventricle hypertrophy. septal defect: Pulmonary veins do not make a direct connection with the 1.INFANTILE PREDUCTAL TYPE: aortic position &replaced with homograft valve& also known as 7. Sub acute bacterial endocarditis. A cyanotic heart defect is any congenital heart defect (CHD) that occurs due to deoxygenated blood bypassing the lungs and entering the systemic circulation, or a mixture of oxygenated and unoxygenated blood entering the systemic circulation. Nursing intervention: be helped by surgery even if the defect is Provide frequent attendance Administer antibiotics, complication related to improper care or no early treatment artery and the pulmonary artery (Blalock-Taussig). A. IV Morphine 1.Spontaneous closure 1.CHF. Nursing intervention: memraneous VSD Medications to help the heart work more efficiently or to control blood pressure. blood flow is minimal, palliative Oxygen decrease hypoxia. Balloon dilation RVOT & pulmonary valve. Cyanotic heart disease is any heart defect present at birth that reduces the amount of oxygen delivered to your body. With this condition, the blood that is pumped out to the body from the heart does not carry enough oxygen from the lungs. 3.Angiography:It shows COA 1. If you have acyanotic heart disease, you should have regular visits with an adult congenital cardiologist to monitor the condition. 2- Ventricular localization: Sepsis often has the following findings: peripheral cyanosis, HR, RR, BP, / temp (DD X: left-sided obstructive lesions: hypoplastic left heart syndrome, critical aortic stenosis & severe coarctation of the aorta). 8. Poor feeding 3. oligemia, Right aortic Ibuprofen syrup -10mgkg, 23-40 yrs. Medical: &cardiac decompensation, is the most common congenital cardiac anomaly. The latest information about heart & vascular disorders, treatments, tests and prevention from the No. Males >Females - In persistent truncus, Heart murmurs vary and The Ts: Transposition of the great arteries (TGA) T etralogy of Fallot ( pulmonary atresia) Tricuspid atresia, Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease Dr David Coleman Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist Our Ladys Childrens Hospital, Crumlin Dublin, Cyanotic Lesions The Ts: Transposition of the great arteries (TGA) Tetralogy of Fallot (pulmonary atresia) Tricuspid atresia Total anomalous pulmonary venous return (TAPVR), Other Cyanotic Lesions Critical PS Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), Common Causes of Cyanosis Reduced pulmonary blood flow: eg critical PS/pulmonary atresia tricuspid atresia Intracardiac mixing: eg TAPVR double inlet left ventricle, Complications of Persistent Cyanosis include: polycythaemia relative anaemia CNS abscess thromboembolic stroke clubbing infection poor growth, TGA Parallel circulations Can mix at 3 levels: PDA PFO/ASD VSD if present Life threatening cyanosis as neonate Exam: single S2 (anterior aorta) often no murmur (esp if no VSD), TGA Treatment: Acute: PGE infusion to keep PDA open Balloon atrioseptostomy Surgical: Arterial Switch operation Atrial switch operation (Mustard, Senning) was performed before Arterial Switch operation became available, Tetralogy of Fallot Most common form of cyanotic CHD (8-10% CHD) 4 cardinal features: VSD (usually large), overriding aorta, subpulmonary stenosis, RVH Can be pink initially (pink tet) and have CHF, but develop increasing cyanosis over months May develop cyanotic spells, Tetralogy of Fallot Exam: pink or cyanosis to some degree finger clubbing loud ESM along LSE single loud S2 ECG: RAD, RVH, Tetralogy of Fallot CXR: normal heart size pulmonary oligaemia deficient MPA segment boot shaped heart right aortic arch (~25%) Treatment: surgical repair 1st yr of life (occasionally shunt initially), Pulmonary Atresia Atretic pulmonary valve, hypoplastic RV, VSD Progressive cyanosis as PDA closes Exam: single S2 systolic murmur ECG: RAD, RVH CXR: cardiomegaly (if collaterals+) absent MPA segment, Pulmonary Atresia Treatment: shunt pulmonary valvuloplasty Fontan operation Mixed prognosis, HLHS Underdeveloped left heart: hypoplastic or atretic mitral valve small LV hypoplastic or atretic aortic valve small ascending aorta CoA Systemic flow via PDA (right-to-left) May present with cardiovascular collapse when PDA closes (hypoxia, acidosis, death), HLHS Exam: ashen colour (low CO) cyanotic weak/no brachial & femoral pulses single S2 often no murmur ECG: RVH CXR: cardiomegaly pulmonary plethora, HLHS Treatment: palliative care or Norwood procedure/bidirectional Glenn anastomosis/Fontan procedure or ?cardiac transplant Fetal diagnosis, 2023 SlideServe | Powered By DigitalOfficePro, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - E N D - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.
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