On August fifth, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen. Also, it's a political reasons. Terry dictator of Germany, within four years name is Erick Ludendorff. He woke up to one of his aides and the german officer giving him water those, soldiers, he thought were belgian, were german and they were the first to enter the fort. To the guy who rated one star you are clearly a moron. This is the part of the story after to where we are. We get into a war with Serbia. They may hear some german soldiers gun go off from the other side of town and start killing civilians. Thanks for sure this whole idea of frightfulness in order to cow, you know the people. Their opponent. Now in, to maintain these armies. all fields are on the way the appetizers over. There is not, apparently a chin, strap or a horseshoe missing. red scarlet for british troops has only recently given away Takaki and the french Army still war stuff that look like they belong in Napoleon's army. Published 03/07/22. great nations, claim for themselves might all of a sudden do that once they turn themselves into a super nation. If you did that the other thing that men-. organize terror groups put together by a bunch of young kids. As, Michaels, you run up against him in there tough and that, used to shatter all the propaganda, it's better to say that these evil? the football fields away, three hundred yards away and fire, other thing electronically, and they were still so close that they had to put, cotton wadding over their eyes, their nose and their ears, and they, the fire this thing, while their mouth was open or they blow. to show how much has changed since the last time. How strain, really ironic, though, that the people that are so, danced in those areas could have so many blind spots in areas that one would think are related to the higher culture aspects. this coming conflict and how terrible it was going to be and, of course, in his mind, hoping for an overthrow of all the existing regimes to be replaced by communism. At the time. They were, after all. breaking a man from behind, while he was fighting for his life against two assailants healed, great Brit. End quote. Guns that are this large, usually can only be put on ships. But maybe its more of a wormhole through time, and when this 19th Century group of people transitions through to the 20th century its not going to make it intact. Only one result absolutely certain. Now on August. It is guaranteed by the greatest powers of the age. I just quoted a guy named VON Moltke will have, change the way that the german war game system works before the first World WAR and he will, to put his foot down and take a career risking, moved and tell, Kaiser that no longer can they keep up with their tradition that whatever side the Kaiser is commanding in the german National WAR Games has to win. Bosnia, Herzegovina and. comment. What's more that. I have only learned since that. Just last weekend it wasn't there. Here's the thing, though there were, bought. Now the Germans don't have a lot to celebrate, In their military history in the Second World WAR, because the cause was so nasty doesn't matter, you know how many, good things their troops did in terms of military history. This goes out of his way to point out, involve lots of troops, sometimes that these executions are not done by special execution squads, as will be the case in the Second World WAR, sometimes, by regular units of the german army- he writes quote, victims included children and women, as well as men and the killings were systematic at ten means. It was if anything. They got all these colonies. They control. how the allies, which is what Britain, France, and many other countries. The Germans had been trying to plan for what they're going to do with the war. Download this episode in the store Click Here! The loan number is seven hundred and fifty thousand Germans, just, a high number is one point: five million and that doesn't even, the traditional four to hundred twenty mile border. Von Moltke was basically saying knock come out, quick knockouts, that's. Now even though they are still listed as free I can't get them to show up, only king of kings and onwards. That era, from like one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine to one thousand, eight hundred and fifteen, so awful in terms of military destruction, Crown crowned heads of Europe in the lesson was. the plane couldn't just drop from the sky and land on your house tomorrow. Chal, of the old states in their traditional wisdom. Here is often referred to as one of the great irresponsible responsible gambles and all german history and, the key element in the whole affair was Britain's, Asian to involve itself in the conflict, because one. Mounds of bodies and the Belgians can't figure out the best. latter part of the eighteen hundred people focused on militarism and the building of these amazingly technologically deadly armaments and the race for power? When do spirit, tenacity, resilience and bravery cross into madness? putting a road block in his way and guaranteeing the independence of Poland, Ignore that guarantee, when into Poland and Britain's in the war in the first World WAR, the same thing is happening with Belgium. Can you create a hole through bodies if you shoot through them with a machine gun long enough, or do we send out people to risk their lives to create holes in the bodies that we can shoot through? The way those old fashioned movies were in everything and it just doesn't look real, but you can go and you can see pictures, because they have saved the tunic. It might have occured to them men who, by the early 1960s, had grown up during and in the immediate years after the first World war. Based leaders, You can say what you want about a Stalin or Hitler, or even a Mussolini who's been portrayed again in the West, like some sort of clown, but all of those people were formidable individuals who wrote, through the ranks at some level, the same thing with american politicians. These are enormous metal and steel and concrete in a forts. The world has seen since Napoleon's day a hundred years before, one sided conflicts. Look at this as a, To them. So each division- this is equivalent to a rather nice sized early medieval army. The Germans felt that, one thousand nine hundred and seventeen that was, To be a reality, the Russians were completing major military reforms, major transportation reforms. You know a president. Some user-contributed text on this page is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. Those of you have listened to many of my shows. and when he got it, you know which the russian aristocracy didn't want to do, for the same reason that the european leaders everywhere didn't want to do it. Maybe you can't win a war against someone like the Germans, but you can. Happily, seems to be no reason why we should be anything more than spectators and quote well that turned out, obviously to be wishful thinking on the british Prime Minister's part, but historians like Neil Ferguson, who write revisionist works, like the pity of war, have suggested that if the British had stayed out, we have a better world today for all, Many of the biggest events of the 20th century, the most horrible saying this- never happens that never happens. Is there aren't really automobiles? Russia is going to attack us if Russia taxes. exposed to a lot of thinking out there by guys, like Norman Angle, we mentioned earlier, who are saying no one's going to jump, jumping would be suicidal everybody died, the golden goose would be killed, globalization would be destroyed, no one will do it, and now they had just done it. I mean they had a wonderful, it called the deaths head has ours which goes back to. Convulsive rattle in his throat caused by the loss of blood this, EAST, on arrival at the governor's residence, the two one. The Germans have, because all those forts are still active, he's keep. it looks like the whole days been a failure. Episode 54 - Blueprint for Armageddon V. 4:29:55. All. A quick note to cousin Nikki, you to low average roll on the monarchy dice. You cannot. Until we shut them down, fallen, were heaped on top of each other in an awful Baruch aid of dead and Woon. To do this, if the Germans figured. The United Nations set free from austrian domination and quote. You see when, master Hungarians in the Serbians mobilized. They need time they need time, written calls a peace conferences for the major powers of the could hash. That will happen. Looking for people to provide some help, they've got the, Not being on the dinner menu for the imperial german military. Blueprint for Armageddon IV (2:58:48). That's going to smash on top of the head of France. That continually gets threatened, like the russian roulette trigger being pulled is never going to happen. They can. They're taking on God bless them the Belgians. Why is when you have, Hitler to compare someone to all of a sudden. That would have been impossible, one hundred and fifty years before, because. There, swelled and grew into a crop of rumors of unspeakable villainies unsurpassed since the hordes of Jane Khan had rampaged and pillaged across Asia in, dancing in Britain. End quote. Please download one of our supported browsers. paid good money to only have the financial system collapse. Which is protected by this circle of forthright, with man in between all the forts. was coming on the anniversary of this historic defeat, their nose in the fact that Sarajevo is still held by a big non slavic empire and they're going to make France Ferdinand pay for that, And in the remarkably similar situation to the Kennedy assassination, for his motorcade is published ahead of time, going to be arriving and going down the main boulevards in an open car with his wife, multiple assassins line themselves up at very, intervals along the parade route and plan to kill the, too many other Serbs in the crowd nearby, the first few assassins, so the first few assassins don't try to make a run at him, eventually. For better or worse. Buy from Apple Music. A shell wrecked, the arcade under which the general staff were sheltering all light, extinguished by the force of the explosion and the, officers, ran the risk of asphyxiation by the horrible gases emitted from the shell, firing ceased. That's undefended leads this unit past the forts. I think the designer of the military plans couch leaf, had figured out, it was about nine hundred nine hundred and fifty hours that they had to. It was the most powerful land power in Europe. The Americans are coming, but will the war be over by the time they get there? The Hist, They had beaten in the Franco Prussian WAR in eighteen, seventy eighteen, seventy one that allowed them to proclaim the german empire, which they did, the french Palace of Versailles, which is sort of a rub, your nose in it kind of thing the, in the French, assumed they'd fight each other again. You eight, there's an ages ago. Majorly epic excerpt from Dan Carlin's Hardcore History podcast. to give orders and saw some soldiers whom I mistook for belgian gendarmes. Even if the odds were three or four to one, what if the Germans got lucky? Can suicidal bravery and fanatical determination make up for material, industrial and numerical insufficiency? the potential for someone like a princess, 19th century Europe, perhaps the greatest diplomat, Germany ever produced famously said that if there was going to be some giant global, I'm, I was going to probably break out because of some damn fool event in the Balkans, covering the Princip shot. This entire series is a great take on those four years when the world hacked out its first steps on the scary path to where we collectively find ourselves today. For fans and newbies alike, you can listen to some intriguing stories that are sure to give you a different perspective on a certain historical event. each line of song. The creation of a nation in arms was the first. Publish Date:Sun, 17 Aug 2014 It also involves a Japanese society that's been called one of the most distinctive on Earth. Of the time see it too, we told, the field marshal in charge of Germany's war effort, the man known as VON Moltke, but he, pale shadow of his uncle, the man known as the elder VON Moltke, who command. I don't know how many avid civil war buffs American Civil WAR Box. The most important appeal to the gut, the that Belgium has is the propaganda slash pr side of this whole thing. these guys out because they are nice, young fellas, I think the show you just heard is worth a dollar Dan and Ben would love to have it a buck, a show. The Americans understand that the enemy needs to be, seen as violent, dangerous and bloodthirsty as bad, not comical, because he said the problem with portraying them. finding something you could label as a greater mistake. Theres never been a human experience like itand it changes a generation. Have them in the eleven day period, from the 18th to the 28th of August, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, Just another five hundred in France, the Germans also used civilians as human shields and raised numerous villages to the ground in, case in eighteen year, old girl was bayoneted to death. I mean I, Franklin Roosevelt. decided to go to Sarajevo and watch military maneuvers, which happened to Cohen. It didn't do. Not much happens. Now, Imagine a guy like Alexander the great who I love to mention all the time, but you can imagine Julius Caesar two guys, Probably never commanded more than eighty thousand people ever and, staff. This is a great account of the great war, and the best part is free, Its very easy to find out any matter on net as compared to books, as I found this post at this site. They're, going to wear red, pants and blue jackets, and, I carry sabers in their calvary's, going to have breast plates and horse hair helmets. Jim Hands, sliced off by sabres of crucifixions of babies, dipped into boiling water or swung for sport against brick walls. Ninety thousand man Army is roughly comparable to each other. They have a handshake deal and they're start to get a little bit worried about the handshake deal. lost as soon as the three soldiers who led the army bicycle into the boulevard DU regent, and ask the way to the Gadda Nord when they passed the human note passed with them. Every man they want to conscript as long as they need them will say, troops are born to be killed. Grenade would be a good way to describe it today, and he flings this hand grenade the archdukes open car. will be horrible in both world wars. By taking, things that were real facts and blowing them up to levels that just incense. All we're doing is bringing back traditional prussian martial practices that, Unbelievably efficient precision, drilling and all that those are rushing qualities that go back to Frederick the great and it freaked out, a lot of the countries in Europe. It was affecting in this episode to hear Dan Carlin talk once more about soldiers humanity in the middle of all that cruel wooden-headed stupidity. The battle of Kosovo way back from hundred. There goes the day. They base, we tell the people of France that the war is now, everything our entire focus. You know once you violate Bismarck's dictum of you- know, keep the Russians on your side and then the Russians and the french ally with each other and war breaks out, you're going to be fighting the French in the west and the Russians in the east. Much. That's undefended, but the reason the part-, that's that's undefended or less defended than this fortified, there is less defended is because it isn't on the border with Germany, on the border. End quote, he then goes on to describe the uniforms, which are pretty much, same color. operation of the courage of the military heart becomes something obscene. And if it takes you thirty days to get your reservists in uniform to the mustering point to the battlefield before they're ready to fight how, the deal. J, Sodomy of little children, end quote, but. Once a professional radio host, Carlin eventually took his shows to the web, and he now hosts two critically acclaimed independent podcasts: Common Sense and Hardcore History.Hardcore History, which has more than 3 million downloads, was nominated in 2012 for a Stitcher Award in the Best Educational & Learning . a bunch of neutral states these are going to. You know. Under a single king they created the greatest empire the world had ever seen. It was just narrow down to just Belgium, and the Germans were sort of naively hoping that the Belgians would just step aside, line there army up on both sides of the street and watch the Germans March through the british. Even as this story is going down in the guns are pulverising the fortune. When these belgian forts are built this, the period where it looks like modern tech is going to make these things like space age like something out of star wars, one of those planetary defenses, and they build these wonderful. Stephanie Avant will do. You have a very short window of opportunity to avoid the inevitable and that's where Europe finds itself after the, Everybody's worried about the same thing too. Nothing else can do and it moves people, faster than anything else can do so. And now the german fears of encirclement had become a reality. the order was given. End quote. The Atlantic Slave Trade mixes centuries of human bondage with violence, economics, commerce, geo-political competition, liberty, morality, injustice, revolution, tragedy and bloody reckonings. Right into the hands of the French. Ludendorff's actions that night remind us once again that, even though, as I've said several times, the machines have kind of taken over the dominant role in, count the human factor, in fact the human fact, adversaries that are somewhat evenly matched evenly matched me. Ive been read a few of them since your podcast. I take taken hold. If you happen to be a communist revolutionary and you want to see the overthrow of governments and in one sense angles will get what he wants, at least in one country, but, military minds. http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/traffic.libsyn.com/dancarlinhh/dchha53_Blueprint_for_Armageddon_IV.mp3. We did something with this program. In, like five minutes, the Russians, This is the moment when the first outside power turns on their doomsday device. I guess you could say and take, out these forts if they have to, because these forts are blocking the roads. The French were, overthrown by leftist revolutionaries. places like Sarajevo had not been Austro hungarian. I mean it's kooky stuff. The alliance with Germany, hungry later Turkey and some other countries will be called the central powers, and so it's the triple on, papers and pillagers an looters, and it will be, the Germans will provide their opponents with the raw materials to not, to exaggerate too much at all. In this one, because so many of the other candidates you might put as your greatest mistake only happened because of this mistake before it the end, Belgium is a disaster for Germany on so many fronts, and that's what we're talking about here originally, had also been on the list of countries to be used as a highway for the german army, but since, time and is the war plans were refined. What are the odds of that happening?. between these forts. Germany's name was mud and now that she had condemned herself out of her own mouth, no rumor of beastial outrage was too vile to be believed. at one point, say they're going to desert us. You know. He does the equivalent of, Imagine trying to hold negotiations to ward off an explosion with a guy who's already pulled the pin on the grenade right. We were bored but, hour after hour passed, and there was no halt, no breathing time, no open spaces in the ranks. ( 15 customer reviews) $ 2.99. To legally drink alcohol in the United States is how all these people are, and then we're told. the high number you usually see, is seven hundred and fifty thousand men. Are you in? He wasn't trying. to happen as a result of the stipulations of those german war plans, I put it on my top ten list somewhere greatest mistakes ever made. The Atlantic Slave Trade mixes centuries of human bondage with violence, economics, commerce, geo-political competition, liberty, morality, injustice, revolution, tragedy and bloody reckonings. But that's not, first global conflict in a hundred years for to the British, this looks like a massive disruption of their extremely, profitable business ventures, they've been, illusion, written by Norman angle. John F Kennedy assassination, for example, And imagine that, in addition to Lee Harvey Oswald up at the Texas School Book Depository, you have a, another assassin on the grassy knoll is has sometimes been suggested and that, in this JFK assassination attempt. He couldn't cut his own food, for example, which is so embarrassing to a guy. The tunnels are blown. Again. hundreds of years before this time period. This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. His voice is perfect for this material. So they wait until the Germans arrive. They were taking advantage of huge french bank loans. What's interesting is you could conceivably put the name down of somebody who was historically speaking, you and nobody. Gentleman, if the war that has been hanging over our heads now for more than ten years like the sword of Damocles. Bear is no swarm of locusts has ever done before that. advancing german armies executed civilians, including women and priests. Get ahold of those stories, Turn them into the worst things you can ever think of the Germans, only began to get this. You had, flights in these sports new its search light on the german side. That's how you get them from place to place. most of their enemies right. That looks like it. Ready to shoot up german March columns, those if they're not taken before the big March starts. Famine, epidemics, general barbarism. He whips out his pistol and shoots him and his wife. We use cookies to enhance your experience, analyze site traffic, and serve tailored ads. Getting, you go into the motorcade and you get an idea of what they look like and it's all kind of moving a little too fast. The, 19th century. private armies that we move around our European Chess Board and oh ilost to you. traditionally been used. It's fan, big leadership and the Kaiser at one point thinks the war with Britain's off and he says great. the same time that the United States and Mexico are trying to corral Geronimo and a bunch of Apache's in the american southwest. The Austro Hungarians, declare war on July 28th exactly one month after the assassination and they're shelling Belgrade. I think the leaders of the United States after Kennedy is assassinated, are worried about in terms of worst case scenarios. Eastern Germany, and remind the German that you can't just leave your eastern border undefended and throw everything against France were still here and the Austro Hungarians are about to fight, out exactly why the Serbs have such a ferocious military reputation, all, Going to happen pretty much simultaneously and it's going to be the, hypothesis a sort of celestial. They look mean they looked Chauvin, They look like they wanted to take over your country, and then they were building this giant navy now, all of a sudden out of nowhere challenging Britain B, Kaiser had read that same book that Theodore, Roosevelt Red did, anybody do more damage than Alfred Thayer Mahan. This, you know new scholarship, all the time on the question of atrocities in Belgium, because, you know during the war. WWI is horrifying and fascinating and criminally unacknowledged in my humble opinion. What we had done was unthinkable. a shell that pierces armor concrete and then once it reaches its maximum depth, then it explodes. Dish out really good blows, but they couldn't take very many good blows, most nations in the past could match that's? When suicide attacks become the norm? For the Russians would start to come in from the east with their armies now mobilized. The gun crew had to go. What angle was saying is that anything you would gain by launching a war would be dwarfed by what you would lose by destroying the system that was allowing everyone to make so much money, there's an old line that, opposite situation. Is you know I'm reminded of the old Godzilla films in the monster, zero films, where you have some planet and it would, a gun that would just rise up from the planet, surface, shoot and then go back down underground and that's what happened in these sports, cool that is. So maybe a little extra protection turn, out, though, that the driver in one of his you know little screw. Jellicoe commanded the greatest fleet the world had ever seen. What would Alexander the great had done trying to, higher math to try to do that, and when you hear about how the Germans had prepared minutely for this day that for so long had been called the day, dare tog this, hack into Belgium into overwhelm friends and everything you get in, idea of how much actual bean counting and planning is involved. From Germany's point of view, the first thing. 50-Blueprint-for-Armageddon-I-Hardcore-History-Dan-Carlin (1).mp3, Users who like 50-Blueprint-for-Armageddon-I-Hardcore-History-Dan-Carlin (1).mp3, Users who reposted 50-Blueprint-for-Armageddon-I-Hardcore-History-Dan-Carlin (1).mp3, Playlists containing 50-Blueprint-for-Armageddon-I-Hardcore-History-Dan-Carlin (1).mp3, More tracks like 50-Blueprint-for-Armageddon-I-Hardcore-History-Dan-Carlin (1).mp3. I mean all these things that the Germans really prided themselves in music mean an increase, Hg wells were intimidated by couldn't help admire them, but it was intimidated by how, how ahead of things they seem to be at how advanced they seem to be in all these areas. The Germans aren't sure about that when they come into Belgium, they're kind of, in the belgian army is either just going to stand aside. two people and he did so in a way that almost makes you believe in fate. Blueprint for Armageddon I The planet hadn't seen a major war between all the Great Powers since the downfall of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815. There are new, country on the stage and they think you're being treated like trash they're mad there there's a chauvinistic, that's how the British in the French and those people see them in just these upstart in a, but, as many historians have pointed out, there's no nation in the world that is up and coming that doesn't start to act like it and when they do the nations that already have it all don't like it, I mean how do how does the United, today, is sort of elbowing its way into the you know: power straw, here I mean we all understand they deserve it. That's what set those name! because this army was so intimidating, so scary. We have this splendid isolation and the Navy will protect us because, remember folks, look at a map of great Britain, the average, moat around their country and the greatest Navy in the world to protect it. That would be considered quite a blow. The french and the British have to worry about things that you know. The duchess cried out to him, that she slid off the seat and lay on the floor of the car with her face between his knees. Both sides in the US civil war used, but about one thousand, two hundred pound cannon. just sounds weird in the twentieth century shows you. Right as we are in the story of landing troops on the continent to aid, the French who are, finishing the last bits of the necessary ingredients, so they can launch an offensive. the conflict where you can't hide it anymore, and even though this, Elgin officer looks at this german assault on his food is something akin to the charge of the Light brigade, the famous doomed charge of that British Cavalry during the crimean war. The Archduke, by somebody in the motorcade that he's made a wrong turn and he has to back up. The women will make tents and clothes and serving hospitals. in a line of german advance during this time period was a very day. I history, In car, with his wife sitting next to him in. It held the mystery and menace of fog rolling toward you across the sea. You know the french or your historic enemies. Basically, this is life or death. All you have to do is hand us the keys to all your forts on our fortified border until the war in the east is over that, as. I? A tiny little neutral nation, that's less than a hundred years old and has never fought a war. american battleships, the last effective ones. You know the napoleonic wars earlier, actually, fashion has ours for helmet. But 99 years later the dam breaks and a Pandora's Box of violence engulfs the planet. He means London, which is in a terrible state of depression, and paralysis, is for the time being, all against english intervention. Even the winners. They they had more staying power. using the belgian road systems to fall on. get to that belgian road system that you need to get from Germany to France. There was like a day. You know in the my. Free the german people from this internal enemy, what the, sequence of this would have been was easy to imagine a new wave of persecutions, which now would have been justified and explained in the eyes of the whole world. Add a video, Do you know any background info about this track? He goes. What changed that the invasion of Belgium. That's happening here: ok, militarism, the entire. There are relatively new product. I have to be assembled and put together then, when they, fire. This whole. It flowed gray and ghost like then as dusk came in Caymanas, thousands of horses, hooves and thousands of iron boots continue to tramp forward they.
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