Big Point Flora Subdivisions. Jackson Select a city to view an interactive map, list of zipcodes and current weather of that city. Corinth Map of Cities in Mississippi, List of Mississippi Cities by - whereig Stonewall Below are 82 Mississippi counties ranked by population information. Mississippi | Alpha Lists [3][4], Downtown Jackson, the capital and largest city by population in Mississippi, Gulfport, the second largest city by population in Mississippi, Southaven, suburb of Memphis, Tennessee and third largest city in Mississippi by population, Biloxi, Mississippi's fourth largest city by population, Hattiesburg, Mississippi's fifth largest city by population, .mw-parser-output .legend{page-break-inside:avoid;break-inside:avoid-column}.mw-parser-output .legend-color{display:inline-block;min-width:1.25em;height:1.25em;line-height:1.25;margin:1px 0;text-align:center;border:1px solid black;background-color:transparent;color:black}.mw-parser-output .legend-text{} County seat. Fayette Tutwiler Mississippi is divided into 82 counties and contains 300 municipalities, consisting of cities, towns, and villages. At time of incorporation, municipalities with populations of more than 2,000 are classified as cities, municipalities containing between 301 and 2000 persons are classified as towns, and municipalities between 100 and 300 persons are classified as villages. Duck Hill is the fastest growing city in Mississippi over the past 10 years, having grown 83.74% since 2010. Big Creek village Top 10 biggest cities by population ; Top ten largest cities by land area ; Natchez is a historic river town with many antebellum homes. The largest city in Mississippi is Jackson, with a population of 143,776. Below please see all Mississippi cities and towns which are listed in alphabetical order. Pontotoc Click the link below to download the JSON file. Tremont Map of USA & Arkansas. Alma; Arkadelphia . In the state of Mississippi there are 433 towns and cities. These municipalities are spread across a total of 82 counties. Shubuta One thing to note is that the schools there have struggled some, but there are still good options for those people who are willing to look hard enough. Check the list of 82 Counties in Mississippi and their County Seats in alphabetical order by populations, areas, date of formation and more at Much of Mississippi is relatively flat with low-lying terrain, with an average elevation of 300 feet above sea level. [1] The largest municipality by land area is Jackson, which spans 111.05sqmi (287.6km2), while Sidon is the smallest, at 0.12sqmi (0.31km2). This is list of Cities and towns in Mississippi by population, land area in sq mile, county and density. List of Cities and Towns in Mississippi - alphabetical order Quitman MISSISSIPPI COUNTIES LIST. Rainfall patterns vary throughout different regions; for example, coastal areas receive more rainfall than inland areas, while northern parts of Mississippi experience colder temperatures than southern regions during winter. Greenville. Tupelo. List of All Counties in Mississippi - Roxie Cities in Mississippi that begin with the letter "B". A comma-separated text file is a computer data file that has each line of text separated by a comma. Postal Code Database. Aberdeen Marks The above blank map represents the State of Mississippi, located in the Gulf Coast region of the United States. There are a total of 433 towns and cities in the state of Mississippi. Woodland village The above outline map represents the State of Mississippi, located in the Gulf Coast region of the United States. 2023 NFL Draft order: Full list of every second- and third-round pick Montrose km, the State of Mississippi is the 32 nd largest and the 34 th most populous state in the USA. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. In the state of Mississippi there are 433 towns and cities. According to the 2020 United States Census, Mississippi is the 32nd-most populous state, with 2,949,965 inhabitants and the 31st largest by land area 2) of land. The Mississippi River is one of the longest rivers in the world, as it stretches 2,340 miles from its source at Lake Itasca in Minnesota to its outlet at the Gulf of Mexico in Louisiana. Coahoma ZIP Code Database. This fitness certification includes an indepth courseware leading to an online exam. Mississippi is tied with Arkansas for the most counties with two county seats, at 10. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Crenshaw It was a significant trade route for Native Americans, French, Spanish, and English settlers. Golden Any area that has a population exceeding 2,000 is classified as a city. Among them, Adams County is the oldest one (established in 1799) while Humphreys County is the youngest (established in 1918). 100 Biggest Cities In Mississippi For 2022 - HomeSnacks Rounding out the top three is Southaven, which has a population of 52,589. Comprehensive: Over 108,000 cities and towns from all 50 states, DC, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. The U.S. state of Mississippi has 82 Counties. Cities in Mississippi that begin with the letter "I". West Hattiesburg Caledonia Summit Hattiesburg. Manage Settings CVS files are good for making spreadsheets. 1 overall pick by the Panthers. Delaware 9. Mississippi is a state located in the East South Central United States. A. Marietta Toccopola List of Cities in Mississippi | Excel PDF - Sunflower Bentonia The coasts along southern Mississippi are adjacent to numerous small islands, including Ship Island, which once connected to Biloxi before being split off due to erosion caused by storms over time. Gautier Heidelberg The US50 - Cities and Towns in Mississippi State Box 21032 Lake We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Press the A-Z button to select this. List of cities in Missouri - Wikipedia Coffeeville Courtland Among Mississippi counties Yazoo is the biggest county by area. Sylvarena village Lena Click the button below to see a dropdown of list. The Mississippi River runs through the state and has been an essential part of its history. The open office software has been downloaded over 300 million times and is widely used. Cities & towns in Mississippi. Sturgis Paden village Mantachie Maps of all cities of the World | List of all cities in the World This fitness certification includes an indepth courseware leading to an online exam. Alphabetical Index of US Cities and Towns - ExpertRating Duncan We offer downloads for both open office docs and sheets. 124. Noxapater Ashland Mound Bayou Beaumont Jackson, the states most populous city, has a population of 170,674. Beach Resorts (a list) Ski Resorts (a list) Islands (a list) Oceans and Seas; This list appears in the following group(s): This list has the following Keywords or Tags: Alphabetical list of National Football League Teams, Alphabetical list of current US House of Representatives, Alphabetical list of High Blood Pressure Medications. Mississippi Maps & Facts - World Atlas Kosciusko Lynchburg Potts Camp Sumrall Jackson, MS. Population: 184,256 (US Census 2000) Gulfport, MS. Population: 71,127 (US Census 2000) Biloxi, MS. Population: 50,644 (US Census 2000) Reverse Alphabetical order is where the items are arranged from Z to A. Oakland Seattle Seahawks: Cameron Young, DT, Mississippi State. 1. Poplarville If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Populations of Mississippi (MS) Cities - Alphabetical Listing of Cities Chunky Total number of cities and town : 433. Maben Clarksdale New Hebron Taylor village The list below is all 50 state capitals and their respective state in alphabetical order. Cruger The capital of Mississippi is Jackson which in fact the largest city in the state. Columbia They also permit both reading and writing operations, which makes it easy to make edits without the need for converting the file first. Cities in Mississippi that begin with the letter "M". Hickory Hills Amory Merigold Top 10 biggest cities by population are Jackson, Gulfport, Southaven, Hattiesburg, Biloxi, Meridian, Tupelo, Greenville, Olive Branch, and Horn Lake while top ten largest cities by land area are Jackson, Gulfport, Meridian . It flows through or borders ten states: Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Mississippi. Crystal Springs Diamondhead List of Cities in Mississippi. New Mexico - Ohio. Laurel Puckett village Forest The capital city is situated on the top of an extinct volcano, that is found 2,900ft below the surface and is, therefore, the only US city with this feature. Listing of all Zip Codes in the state of Mississippi Pascagoula French Camp C.J. Cleveland The Mississippi River flows along the states entire western border. Decatur Mississippi. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Madison Cities in Mississippi that begin with the letter "K". Average temperatures range from highs in the upper 80s (Fahrenheit) during summer months to below freezing during winter. South Dakota - Vermont. Cities and Towns in Lee County, Mississippi, Cities and Towns in Jackson County, Mississippi, Cities and Towns in Leake County, Mississippi, Cities and Towns in Lafayette County, Mississippi, Cities and Towns in Lamar County, Mississippi, Cities and Towns in Kemper County, Mississippi, Cities and Towns in Lauderdale County, Mississippi, Cities and Towns in Jones County, Mississippi, Cities and Towns in Humphreys County, Mississippi, Cities and Towns in Itawamba County, Mississippi, Cities and Towns in Lawrence County, Mississippi, Cities and Towns in Jasper County, Mississippi. These files are text-only, so they can easily be opened by spreadsheet programs like Excel and other spreadsheet programs. Places like Biloxi and Gulfport have the best hotels and resorts, since they are the centers for travel in the state. Iuka Mantee village Bruce United States Cities Database. This is list of Mississippi Counties and County Seats in alphabetical order along with check their population, areas and the date of formation. Baldwyn Bogue Chitto Mississippi is the 34th most populous state with population of 2961279 inhabitants as of 2020 United States Census, and the 31st largest by land area, It cover an area of 46,923 square miles (121,531 km2). Schlater Blue Mountain All in all, when you are looking into Mississippi, you should be able to find happiness in just about any part of this great state. Shaw Scooba Rolling Fork Batesville Brandon County government. Jackson is the state capital and has a population of about 200,000. Pass Christian Download this list in CVS format. It is the largest city in Mississippi and has a rich history. Shoreline Park The State of Mississippi is divided into 82 counties. Tylertown Okolona With 1,500 miles (2,400 km) of inland waterways, Alabama has among the most of any state. Mississippi is a state in the Southern United States. West Point Shelby There are a total of 82 counties in the state of Mississippi. Algoma Bassfield Cities In Mississippi - Map - AreaVibes Cities in Mississippi that begin with the letter "W". (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Mississippi is one of the states of United States of America, which is located in the South-eastern region of the country. List of All Counties in Mississippi. Canton Mayersville Ruleville . The local government Mississippi provides a lot of services to the people of Mississippi counties. Lyman Select a city or town from the list below to view an interactive map, list of zipcodes and current weather of that city. There are many good things about the state of Mississippi that should be highlighted for those people who are looking to relocate. Sebastopol Itta Bena Petal Table of Contents. Ripley Mendenhall Port Gibson With an area of 125,443 sq. Goodman Conehatta Pittsboro village Standing Pine Full list of every pick from the 2023 NFL Draft They offer a high level of security and can be accessed on multiple devices. Cities in Mississippi that begin with the letter "D". Utica Rienzi Wesson Marion State Abbr. The courseware equips you to undertake the roles and responsibilities of a certified personal trainer and aim for the best personal trainer jobs. Woodville Metcalfe Columbus Cleveland Browns (from . List of counties in Mississippi - Wikipedia Carthage Wade It is sortable by clicking on the headers. Ethel Vicksburg This is the only city in Mississippi that has a population of over 100,000. List of Cities and Towns in Mississippi - alphabetical order. The UCR subdivides its major categories into Murder, Rape, Robbery, Assault, Burglary, Theft, and Vehicle Theft. [1] Mississippi is divided into 82 counties and contains 300 municipalities, consisting of cities, towns, and villages. Click on the button below to view, copy or download the list in comma-separated format. Taylorsville You can copy and paste this list directly into your . Biloxi However, some points in the state are much higher; for example, Woodall Mountain in Tishomingo County is the highest point in Mississippi at 807 feet above sea level. Click any county on the map for additional information. Helena 99201, Copyright 1998-2023 | Online Policies | Site Design By: Zipline Interactive. The state capital location was usually chosen for the city's population size, a city of historical importance like what town in that state was settled first, or even a central location. Long Beach Ocean Springs Glen The State of Mississippi is located in the Gulf Coast region of the United States. Gulfport The river establishes Mississippi's 300-mile western border between Memphis and Fort Adams. Naturally, at 0ft, the coast is Mississippi's lowest point. Pearlington Cities in Mississippi that begin with the letter "C". Picayune Gloster List of Cities and Towns in Mississippi. Below is a list of the largest cities in Mississippi ranked by population. Richland Title. Shannon We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Winona P.O. Crosby Belzoni Home > Mississippi. The richest county in the state of Mississippi is Madison and Holmes County is the poorest county. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Bude 125. Sidon Kossuth village Tunica Glendora village Clinton [1], Municipalities in Mississippi are classified according to population size. Hernando cities, towns, unincorporated communities, This page was last edited on 3 April 2023, at 03:53. Cities in Mississippi that begin with the letter "V". If you change the order you can always use the DEFAULT button to reset the items to the original sort order. 50 US States in Alphabetical Order: List of States in USA Embed this in your blog Preview. Washington Snow Lake Shores Mississippi is ranked 34th in the nation in terms of population, with a total estimated population of 2.9 million as of 2017. Belmont Mississippi Counties | Mississippi Association of Supervisors Mount Olive Natchez Lumberton JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and it is a lightweight data-interchange format. Richton Osyka Braxton village There are 82 counties in the U.S. state of Mississippi. Raymond Learned The data is from the US Census Bureau. Stroud . Ecru Ackerman Nettleton Pickens Waveland Cities in Mississippi that begin with the letter "O". This list is available in word format. The total area that Mississippi occupies in the country is 46923 square miles which accounts for 121,531 square kilometres. The following are popular HTML formats for web designers and developers to use in their code. Satartia village Mississippi "A" Cities & Towns - HomeTownLocator ZIP+4 Database. FIPS State Code State MS 28 Mississippi FIPS County Code County Name 031: Covington County : 033: DeSoto County : 035: Forrest County : 037: Franklin County Open office is a free, open-source office suite. For example, apples, beans, carrots. Historic Illinois Towns Along the Mississippi River - Leisure Group Travel Tchula ExpertRating offers an online Personal Trainer Certification for people who would like to become certified fitness trainers. Alphabetical order means the items are arranged in order, from A to Z. Vaiden Hickory Brooksville Bay Springs By default, the first item in the list is selected and every subsequent selection will deselect the previous selection. New Albany To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Pace US States and Capitals List - 50states Alabama 2. List of all Zip Codes for the state of Mississippi, MS. Includes all counties and cities in Mississippi. Sherman Morton Mississippi County Map, List of Counties in Mississippi with Seats Lucedale [3] Places may be incorporated to become a city, town, or village through a petition signed by two-thirds of the qualified voters who reside in the proposed municipality. cities, towns, unincorporated communities, census designated place. Moss Point Morgan City Moorhead Abbeville Mississippi's postal abbreviation is MS and its FIPS state code is 28 . US Cities Database | Myrtle Monticello Government. Isola There are 82 counties in the U.S. state of Mississippi. Oxford Cities in Mississippi that begin with the letter "E". Additionally, two important bodies of water cut through the statethe Yazoo River and Big Black Rivereventually emptying into the mighty Mississippi River itself. Gulf Park Estates ( See also city and urban planning .) Mississippi is the only state in the United States named after a river. Memphis village February 23, 2023. Starkville Gattman village Southaven Magee Cities in Mississippi that begin with the letter "P". Most of Mississippi's big lakes - including Arkabutla, Sardis, Enid, and Grenada - are designated flood control reservoirs. Meadville The second most populous city is Gulfport, which has half of the population count of Jackson with 71,856 inhabitants. Liberty Cities (a list) Countries (a list) U.S. States Map; U.S. Cities; Reference Pages. We used the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics (UCR) reports on Violent Crime and Property Crime. An ordered HTML list is one where every item is numbered. Holly Springs This page is an alphabetical list of cities and towns in Arkansas. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Reddit WhatsApp Telegram. Alligator Missouri. Saltillo Cities in Mississippi that begin with the letter "L". Wiggins McLain Meridian Station List of Cities in Mississippi - [3] The major function of municipal governments are to provide services for its citizens such as maintaining roads and bridges, providing law, fire protection, and health and sanitation services. Hickory Flat While primarily a rural state, Mississippi has many beautiful cities as well. The smallest county in the state of Mississippi is Alcorn. It was designed to be easy to read and write in both human-readable forms, as well as in a compact, machine-readable form. The 2023 NFL Draft kicked off Thursday night in Kansas City, and quarterbacks went early and often, with Bryce Young starting the party as the No. Mississippi is tied with Arkansas for the most counties with two county seats, at 10. Prentiss Population counts between 301 and 2,000 give the designation of a town, while populations between 100 and 300 are classified as villages. Collinsville Slate Springs village Silver Creek Crowder This page was last updated on January 25, 2023, All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions 2023, Andrew Jackson the 7th President of the United States, Teddy Roosevelt 26th President of the United States, Ronald Reagan - 40th President Of The United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower the 34th President of the United States, The 7 Best Small Towns In Nevada To Chill Out, 11 Coolest Small Towns in Washington for a Summer Vacation. Plantersville Beauregard village Nellieburg Cary Kilmichael Burnsville Pearl River Walthall village Artesia It is the largest city in Mississippi and has a rich history. Arcola Renova Oxford. Cities in Mississippi that begin with the letter "H". Alphabetical list of Mississippi Cities | Alpha Lists The biggest cities of Mississippi are Jackson, Gulfport, Southaven, Hattiesburg, Biloxi, Meridian and many more. . Oklahoma - South Carolina. Tupelo Mississippi has a diverse geography with unique topographical features and is located in the southeastern United States. Top 10 biggest cities by population are Jackson, Gulfport, Southaven, Hattiesburg, Biloxi, Meridian, Tupelo, Greenville, Olive Branch, and Horn Lake while top ten largest cities by land area are Jackson, Gulfport, Meridian, Hattiesburg, Tupelo, Clinton, Southaven, Biloxi, Olive Branch, and Vicksburg. The longest river in Mississippi is the Pearl River, which flows through Louisiana before entering the Gulf of Mexico near Pearlington. For example, you can find that Iowa is the 15th alphabetical state. Louise Falcon Hollandale Alphabetical list of Mississippi Cities. New Hope TIGERweb Decennial State-Based Data Files. Senatobia The area's two Illinois cities (Rock Island and Moline) retain thriving entertainment districts and historic downtowns. Cities in Mississippi that begin with the letter "A". Flowood Cities in Mississippi that begin with the letter "U". Coldwater Booneville Pope village Pachuta Home | Products | Learn About ZIP Codes | Find a Post Office | Search | Contact | FAQs. List of counties in Arkansas This page was last changed on 24 June 2022, at 03:40. Explore the Mississippi County Map, all Counties list along with their County Seats in alphabetical order and their population, areas and the date of formation. Jackson is the state capital and has a population of about 200,000. Arkansas State Capitol, Little Rock. Soso Cities in Mississippi that begin with the letter "F". The courseware equips you to undertake the roles and responsibilities of a certified personal trainer and aim for the best personal trainer jobs. Louisville Blue Springs village Duck Hill Alabama is one of the 50 states in the United States. Indianola Useful fields: From latitude and longitude to household income. Fulton There are a total of 433 towns and cities in the state of Mississippi. PDF files are the most common form of documents used in business and personal documentation. Jackson (143,776) Gulfport (70,663) Southaven (56,763) Biloxi (48,814) The biggest county by land area is Yazoo County (1823 km . Select a city to view an interactive map, list of zipcodes and current weather of that city. You can click here to see a full table of the full of the 100 biggest cities in Mississippi, along with every other place over 1,000 people big. Biloxi. Alphabetical List of All 50 States Numbered. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share . Meridian Byram While primarily a rural state, Mississippi has many beautiful cities as well. Olive Branch Pelahatchie Polkville village Hattiesburg JSON is often used for serializing and transmitting structured data over network connections or storing it in databases. Greenville Macon St. Martin The smallest village in the state is Satartia, which is located in Yazoo County and has a population of just 55 inhabitants. Newton For example zoo, yak, x-ray. A dropdown or a select box is an HTML element that allows the user of your site or app to select a single item. Vancleave There is a total of 299 incorporated municipalities across the state, which are designated as cities, towns or villages. Crawford Below is a list of the largest cities in Mississippi ranked by population. [2][3] Mississippi's municipalities cover 4.3% of the state's land mass and are home to 50.5% of its population. Winstonville ExpertRating offers an online Personal Trainer Certification for people who would like to become certified fitness trainers. This Gulf-Coast state covers an area of 48,441 square miles, and the presence of varied landforms, rivers, islands, and climates gives Mississippi a distinct character. Plain text means words that are not formatted in any way. Dumas Use the copy button or download buttons on the tool above to get this list in plain text. Vardaman The Quad Cities grew as steamboat traffic increased along the Mississippi River in the 1800s. De Kalb About this application: This application provides summary profiles showing frequently requested data items from various US Census Bureau programs. Mississippi shares the borders with Tennessee to the north, Alabama to the east, the Gulf of Mexico to the south and Mississippi river. Greenwood Like many other states, this designation is determined by population. Jackson is the capital city of Mississippi. The most populous county in the state is Hinds County with the population of 227,742. Shuqualak Guntown Connecticut 8. New Augusta When you look at a map of Mississippi cities, you will see some of the biggest cities are Jackson, Oxford, Starkville, and then the coastal areas. Doddsville Places like Biloxi and Gulfport have the best hotels and resorts, since they are the centers for travel in the state. Lambert [1] The city of Natchez is the oldest municipality in Mississippi, incorporated on March 10, 1803, and the city of Gluckstadt is the state's newest municipality, incorporated in June 2021. To use the map of Mississippi cities, simply click the colored clusters of cities to drill down to the city of your choice.
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