Im a fan of your band and your exceptional music. Please "Like" and "Share" our Facebook page to help spread the word! The song menu is varied from 60's surf music throug. CIVIC CENTER SUNDAYS WITH DEB & THE DYNAMICS. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. "She's a pro," Johnson says. Ms. Biela lived in Virginia Beach, Va., for four years prior to moving her home base to Florida in 2000. She Caught the Katy. On a Tuesday afternoon in early March, I met her at Sonic Recording Studio in Cape Coral, where the Dynamics rehearse, for a few questions and to make some photographs. His instrumental music has been used in PBS documentaries and Rick is also is an award winning artist whose work has garnered numerous awards, and is on display in galleries, museums, and private collections worldwide. I have a retired doctor neighbor who plays harmonica at a very high level. Biela who got married in November and changed her last name from Salyer fell in love with the blues when she was 15 in Waterbury. It was in Virginia that she joined an all woman - all original band, "MOXXIE", in this band Deb would be the lead singer and play bass guitar for several years.Collaborating on their original compositions Moxxie put a lot of time into those songs and it paid off. DEB AND THE DYNAMICS GO BACK TO THE ROOTS OF THE BLUES ROCK IN ROLL SOUL MOTOWN R&B AND PUT THEIR OWN STYLE TO IT. And keeping this little legacy I have with Deb & the Dynamics. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Click Here for Our Offices: If so, what was the last one you remember? Currently available in white. News; Reviews. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Tickets for the "Deb & The Dynamics Rocks!" are $22 for members of the Center for the Arts Bonita Springs, $27 for non-members and $32 for all at the door (if available). Harnessing a big, full sound, the Dynamics are tight and soulful on stage, with the shimmering excitement of brass and showmanship. "In all honesty, I'm always shocked to see a festival that we're not a part of now!". Summer we rehearse twice a week. "It makes people lighten up a little bit and realize it's going to be fun.". THIS BAND STARTED AS A 2 PIECE WITH THE BASS PLAYER AND A GUITAR PLAYER WITH A STOMP BOX FOR DRUMS. The lineup is as follows: DEB SALYER: Originally from Conneticut Deb has played in several hi-profile bands. Jim "Chicky" Deptula was my drummer in earlier bands and could play well had great hair but was a . By 16 she had landed her first real gig and at 18, after forming a band with her sister, she hit the road. Deb And The Dynamics Band Members, Calvin And Hobbes For One Crossword Clue Currently seeking: Drums. On keyboards, Michael Baer is a self-taught piano player who grew up near Detroit, Mich. So she joined The Palm Tones, and soon she'd taken over as band leader, added more musicians and changed the group's name to Deb & The Dynamics. In the mid 1980s, she formed and became lead singer of an all-original girl band called Moxxie with the late Deborah Coleman, an acclaimed blues guitarist with seven albums to her name, according to Wikipedia. I look back and appreciate it now more that Im older, all the stuff Ive done. Some come and go and she has also added several new players in the last few years, including two brothers from Virginia Beach who are both in their early 20s one of them named Robert Morris after the legendary blues guitarist Robert Johnson. KING, JANIS JOPLIN, WILSON PICKETT, THE BAND,SAM AND DAVE, ETTA JAMES THAN YOUR GONNA LOVE DEB AND THE DYANMICS! Baritone sax player Don Hulgas chuckles at the band's hectic schedule: Four to six gigs a week, not counting rehearsals. Don Hulgas, horn player, got to play with the 19050s band The Del Vikings at a DooWop festival, and even blew the horn solo for the famous song Come and Go With Me thatnight. The lineup is as follows: Originally from Conneticut Deb has played in several hi-profile bands. By THE MEMBERS OF THIS BAND HAVE A LOT OF HEART. The Waterbury, Conn., native learned that professionalism from decades in various bands in Virginia Beach, Connecticut and Florida, including two years of touring the world with blues singer-guitarist Deborah Coleman. ". "Old stuff, field & chain gang hollers, recorded on 78s. But definitely the boating. At the moment, the band boasts two sax players, a drummer, a keyboard player, a guitarist and Biela on bass. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Making the trek all the way up north to Chautauqua Lake, Deb Biela, can't be more excited about this adventure. His contribution to that show was the source of much of the energy and passion displayed during their heyday as one of the area's popular show bands. A lot of band members have come and gone since then, but Biela has always been the driving force and band leader. They are currently collaborating on orginal songs for an upcoming CD project. DEBANDTHEDYNAMICS.NET Fort Myers based band DEB & THE DYNAMICS are a They also recorded two albums: Livin on Love (2001) was produced by the legendary Jim Gaines in Memphis, Tenn. And Soul Be It (2002) was recorded live in Chico, Calif. Deb & the Dynamics has become one of the regions most popular live acts with a blend of rock, soul, blues, funk and R&B hits. The kids in the band. King. And there is lots of music here. Her favorite period includes 1970s rock, blues and soul and she was also influenced by many of the musicians she worked with along the way. Last year she also picked up Roberts younger brother, Thomas Morris, on drums. For bookings and for more info on Deb and the Dynamics, visit, or email Deb Biela says with a grin. The band consists of seven artists that bring an individuality to the carefully selected song list that showcases all members, keeping the audience entertained throughout the show. TheDynamics are made up of Biela (bass), Dan Keady (guitar), Don Hulgas (saxophone,percussion), Newt Cole (saxophone, percussion), Michael Baer (keyboard), Matthew Rongstad(saxophone, flute), and Willie Miller (drums). It's that simple. It was just awesome. Other bands would follow, including the soul-oriented R&B All-Stars and the rock band Moxxie., Your email address will not be published. Deb and the Dynamics - Band in Matlacha FL - Deb & The Dynamics - Song #2 (Berts Bar, Matlacha, FL) After Moxxie broke up she formed a trio, again with Coleman, called Mis Behaven. With over 250 shows a year for the last 16 years DEB & THE DYNAMICS have proved to be the most popular band in South West Florida. After moving to Florida Deb got a call from her friend Deborah Coleman asking her to go on tour, Coleman had gotten a contract with Blind Pig Records and now eight years later she was playing bass again with Coleman. Deb & The Dynamics | Dogtooth Sports and Music Bar, Naples, FL | June EW: What is the best and the worst things about being a musician? 617 talking about this. DB: Sonic Studio. There she was offered a gig with her old friend she used to play with in Virginia, Deborah Coleman who was with blind pig records out of Chicago at the time. Seventeen years ago, she started a band called Deb & the Dynamics. That's where Deb & The Dynamics got its start 11 years ago. New to the Chautauqua Gran Fondo event this year is Florida-centered bandDeb & theDynamics. More new merch on the way! "I took over just like a woman!". "Let's play the blues!". The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. ", Genre: Blues mixed with rock, country, soul and other genres. So it was awesome. Debra Biela of Deb & the Dynamics at Sonic Recording Studio in Cape Coral. EW: What advice would you give an aspiring musician? Hes got the vocals and the playing ability. Her next project combined her and guitarist Deborah Coleman from "MOXXIE" in a power trio named, "Mis' Behaven" a group that set the audience's on fire, winning showcases for major labels and opening for acts like Delbert McClinton and KoKo Taylor. "Any time we get a chance to take a road trip we're all on it, Biela said. Popular Searches Deb And The Dynamics Deb & the Dynamics DEB & THE DYNAMICS ARE A SEVEN PIECE ROCK N SOUL BAND THATS BEEN ROCKN SOUTHWEST FLORIDA FOR THE PAST 20 YEARS. You know what I mean by selling out? Otherwise I would have quit a long time ago, I think. Thank You for your entertaining music! Ive been trying to listen to a little more jazz music. MOST OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BAND HAVE TRAVELED WITH MAGER GROUPS, HAD RECORD CONTRACTS AND OR TRAVELED THE WORLD LEARNING THE SKILLS OF ENTERTAINING FROM THE GREAT ARTISTS THAT INFLUENCED THEM.THIS BAND IS LOVED BY ALL AGES . You can go see a band every night of the week. THEY JUST DONT GO ON STAGE AND PLAY THE SONGS, THEY FEEL EVERY NOTE AND MAKE EVERY NOTE COUNT. The band's live shows are full of danceable beats, intense solos and songs that start out slow and build to a dramatic, energizing climax. GoTonightSM & WhereWillWeGoTonightSM are service marks of GoTonight, LLC Tenor sax player Newt Cole, 71, is the only member who's been in the band since the beginning. Now he's in just one. For the country club settings, they have an option of having a jazz duo with sax and keyboards as well as a full band dinner set followed by party dance music. A GATHERING IN THE PARK AT THE ST. JAMES CITY CIVIC CENTER A NEW SEASON IS UPON US. RICK RUSSELL: Born and raised in Western N.Y. Rick was influenced early on by Chicago blues, New Orleans funk & driving blues rock. And that's exactly what she and her band does on this recent Thursday night: Churning out high-energy blues, soul, rock, funk and even a little country all nailed to the floor by bluesy riffs, playful improvisation, tight grooves, dance-worthy drumming and Biela's Janis Joplin rasp. Music has run through Ms. Bielas veins from a young age. But Im always going to like 70s and soul music. I do all the setup myself. Debra Biela with Deb & the Dynamics bandmates, from left: Michael Baer, Dylan Young, Thomas Morris and Robert Morris, at Sonic Recording Studio in Cape Coral. I pick him up around 11 oclock. Hi Deb We will be in the Fort Myers are from Feb 18 thru Feb 24 I see only one show posted feb 18 in B/Spgs are any other shows scheduled for that week? They came to see him, you know. I think its just the raw good talent that you have. the band has made 3 cdsLIVE AT THE PINE ISLAND BLUES FESTIVAL,FEELS SO GOOD ANDLIVE AT BERTS. Deb and the dynamics band (laughs). Flash forward 40 years. I set up all the wires, all the lights. And there is lots of music here. DEB AND THE DYNAMICS - Band in Bokeelia FL - Any time we get a chance to take a road trip were all on it, Biela said. It finally led her to Southwest Florida. I felt so privileged. DEB AND THE DYNAMICS: Band in Bokeelia, Florida. You may also remember him from "Newt and The Salamanders" opening for the "Average White Band", and most recently playing with "The Fabulous Horndogs". New to the Chautauqua Gran Fondo event this year is Florida-centered band Deb & the Dynamics. GoTonight - Deb & The Dynamics - Band Info and Upcoming Events Tonight Tomorrow Future Streaming Venues Artists More. Hes unbelievable.. He is on lead guitar, vocals and harmonica. Sax player Hulgas sets the mood every night by introducing the band with a wink and a smile: "We're Deb & The Dynamics, and we're a Justin Beiber cover band." Deb & the dynamics blues, funk, jazz,. He hired local musicians to play. And she was really sick that night. Other bands have come and gone in Southwest Florida in the past 11 years, but Deb & The Dynamics remain as popular as ever. NEWT COLE: Anothernative of Michigan and Long time friend of Grahams, Newt also played with the "Jellyroll Blues Band". It enables this VERY talented group to supply potential clients with a sample of their work with ease..Extended highlight video of this performance available soon for anyone who might be interested. Ill go back to Italy anytime. The concert is part of a weekend event today and Saturday with more bands and lots of barbecue. check out our schedule and Photos of the band and our fans! Search; Browse; My Account; Login; Join Now; Join Now . Deb & The Dynamics - Entertainment Events | Deb then formed her own nine piece band, "The R&B All-stars", playing the old music from Stax Records as well as the Temptations and Otis Redding, perfecting her "in the pocket" bass technique along the way. Deb And The Dynamics Band Members What Is A Patient Participation Group Deb And The Dynamics - Overview, News & Competitors - ZoomInfo After getting off the road in 2004 Deb started her own band Deb & the Dynamics eleven years later they are still voted best local band every year and are known as the hardest working band in southwest Florida Deb surrounds herself with class act musicians and is proud to be a part of the dynamics. A fine vocalist, songwriter, arranger, & guitarist Graham is deservedly referred to as the "heartbeat" of Deb & The Dynamics. GoBooking with Sheree Talent Agency, 2023 - GoTonight - Helping You Find Local Live Music. DB: I dream sometimes and sometimes Im psychic. (You can find a complete schedule of gigs on their website, www.Debandthe- Or: "We're an easy listening band. ABOUT Screen name: DYNAMIC DEB Member since: Feb 21 2008 Active over 1 month ago Level of commitment: Very Committed Years together: 5 Gigs played: Over 100 Deb & the Dynamics are a seven-piece rock n soul band thats been rockn Southwest Florida for the past 20 years. EW: What was it like opening for Chuck Berry? Deb & The Dynamics. Deb & The Dynamics are comprised of five unique & talented musicians. They had a ball for about three years and eventually went their separate ways. Flagship WOLF Preservation Society, Waves of Change & Blue Community, 2023 Flagship WOLF Reset Bahamas Waves of Change Voyages. DMCA NoticesNewspaper web site content management software and services, After 17 years, Deb & the Dynamics are still Rockin Southwest Florida. Add New Band; Add New Venue; Member Login; View My Page; Add Show; Logout; Search. Deb & the Dynamics are a seven-piece rock n soul band that's been rockn' Southwest Florida for the past 20 years. THIS BAND IS LOVED BY ALL AGES . Event produced by Chautauqua Region Music Alliance - CRMA. The Dynamics brass section lends a powerful sound with a trio of saxophone players. Making the trek all the way up north to Chautauqua Lake, Deb Biela, cant be moreexcited about this adventure. Deb & The Dynamics are comprised of five unique & talented musicians. EVAN WILLIAMS / FLORIDA WEEKLKY. These days, Ms. Biela often takes time to grab a nap or cook dinner for her husband a habit ingrained in her Italian heritage before her nightly gigs. She enforces a strict rehearsal and gig schedule, Johnson says, and she's probably the most punctual bandleader in Southwest Florida. "I was 16," Biela says, "and I'd go onstage barefoot and sing the blues.". Their style ranges from classic r&b, soul, rock, blues, jazz & 70s dance. There are a lot of bands. This seven-piece soulful band has been heating up stages in Southwest Florida since 2004. Of her young bandmates, Deb Biela says, It feels like Im passing on the whole legacy to a new generation. EVAN WILLIAMS / FLORIDA WEEKLKY. And Biela says she's going to do what she can to keep the band chugging along for years to come. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. "And I do love the music. If someone sits in with The Dynamics and strikes sparks, she's been known to hire them on the spot. All rights reserved. They have the talent to perform on a major festival stage as well as smaller club venue. DB: Coby Smith, he carries all the equipment. Their Fan base ranges from age twenty to eig. "It brings the band closer together and we look at it as . SEEKING Drums. Their style ranges from Classic R&B, Soul, Rock, Blues, Jazz 70s Funk as well as Popular Dance Music. Im still a housewife a little bit. "It's really emotional," she says. But I dont think I realized it. DEBANDTHEDYNAMICS.NET Fort Myers based band DEB & THE DYNAMICS are a living proof that raw talent, ambition and honesty can still prevail in an ailing music industry. Biela had recently moved to Pine Island from Clearwater and wanted to get away from the hectic touring life. After four years of traveling she left the road and made Virginia Beach her home where she was a part of an eight piece band called the Rhythm and Blues All Stars. Deb and the Dynamics: Band in Matlacha, Florida. "They walk in, they set up and at 7:30 you can set your watch to it the show goes on.". Their style ranges from Classic R&B, Soul, Rock, Blues, Jazz 70s Funk as well as Popular Dance Music. I like the people and of course the water. They have a terrific chemistry and some impeccable musicianship. The band's line-up is constantly evolving largely because Biela keeps hearing musicians she likes and adding them to the band. He has been with the Dynamics for 11 years. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. - Deb & Dynamics "The room is just filled with vibes," says Johnson of Bert's Bar. DB: The crowd was ready. Member since: Mar 12 2010 Active over 1 month ago Level of commitment: Very Committed Years together: 9 Gigs played: Over 100 Available to gig: 4-5 nights a week Age: EVAN WILLIAMS / FLORIDA WEEKLKY, It feels like Im passing on the whole legacy to a new generation, she said. Deb & The Dynamics - Sonicbids It was the 90s. DEB & THE DYNAMICS ARE A SEVEN PIECE ROCK N SOUL BAND THAT'S BEEN ROCKN SOUTHWEST FLORIDA FOR THE PAST 20 YEARS. The band is made up of seven seasoned musicians with a knack for entertaining a crowd. Deb & The Dynamics - Facebook And the attitude, I like just the whole laid back attitude. She has seven core members. When: 6-9 p.m. today. Hes like this big dude, man. to the carefully selected song list that showcases all members, keeping the audience entertained throughout the show. Dylan Young on alto sax is a University of Central Florida graduate who studied music performance with an emphasis on jazz. Ms. Biela says she is inspired by these young bandmates. Before joining Deb & The Dynamics five years ago, Hulgas worked in three different bands to make ends meet., Our Hometown EVAN WILLIAMS / FLORIDA WEEKLKY "It feels like I'm passing on the whole legacy to a new generation," she said. But I always loved Italy. They get people dancing with a loyal following that seeks them out, be it at their usual Sunday afternoon gig at Doc Fords on Fort Myers Beach, at Cork Soakers in Cape Coral, Shortys Place in Punta Gorda or Dogtooth Sports Bar in Naples. With over 250 shows a year for the last 16 years DEB & THE DYNAMICS have proved to be the most popular band in South West Florida. Advertise on our site | There she learned the art of performing on the big stage by opening up for acts like The Beach Boys and Chuck Berry in front of thousands of people for five years she called Virginia home until moving to Florida in 2000. Search; Browse; My Account . DB: I had bacon on a roll. (This interview has been edited for length and clarity). Ch Chesterman had an amazing performance for a wedding in Santorini, Greece:). DEB & THE DYNAMICS ALWAYS BRING EXCITEMENT AND ENERGY TO EVERY PERFORMANCE! It's that simple." Upcoming Events Previous Events A natural born showman, Graham injects the Dynamics performances with spontaneity, tireless energy, and the all around goodtime vibe that fans associate with the band. Check the band's website for other shows. (She sings a couple of lines at low volume: I learned the truth at 17/ That love was meant for beauty queens). Deb & the Dynamics It is advisable to call the club ahead of your visit since musicians and club owners have plans that are sometimes subject to change. DEB AND THE DYNAMICS - To ensure only genuine musicians and bands are creating and applying to band openings. Hes very talented at blues, rock and everything else. I cant recall a harmonica player in your band. That trend continues this month with high-profile shows at Tin City in Naples today and the Bonita Springs Center for the Performing Arts on May 22. Florida Weekly Staff "It's probably as good as it's ever been right now," Cole says.
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