Thus, for a variety of reasons, public works was also, in part, a construction force. Do you have DANANG VIET NAM, DEEP WATER PIERS Reunion information you'd like to share, "When I Joined VetFriends, I read about the email locator service, and sent an email to my old friend. Navy and Marine forces were deployed in country for months before adequate planning elements were developed. However, the Commanding General of the 3rd Marine Amphibious Force, Lieutenant General L. W. Walt, as the commander in I Corps, in consonance with ComNavForV, made the decision not to place the FEG under the Seabee commander, and the combined use of all engineer elements never did take place. The Public Works and CBMU Seabees reported to the Naval Support Activity Commanders at Da Nang and Saigon, and the Amphibious Construction Battalion Seabees were part of the Amphibious Force.) Also called. In the late summer when the new Brigade Commander, Rear Admiral J. V. Bartlett, CEC, United States Navy, arrived in Da Nang the 30th Naval Construction Regiment was split into two regiments, each under a Captain (C. W. Turner and J. M. Hill). Email It is expected that the plan is expected to be in 2030 with the goal of becoming an international seaport, receiving ships of up to 10,000 DWT as well as meeting the import and export needs of Nghe An province and neighboring provinces. In August 1858, again ostensibly on grounds of alleged persecution of Catholic missionariesthis time by Emperor T cFrench troops led by Admiral Charles Rigault de Genouilly seized Nng Port as part of the punitive Cochinchina Campaign. going to assign a tug boat to pull him off of the berth. The major ports in Central Vietnam are the Quy Nhon and Da Nang ports, the latter being a deep-water port. operations office. . attack. Similarly, though the battalions were led and predominantly staffed by Civil Engineer Corps (CEC) officers (17 of the 24), also included were officers of the Line and Supply (two each), and one each from the Medical, Dental, and Chaplain CorpsSeabees all. During the early years, ten teams (four teams at any given rime), on six to seven month tours, supported the Special Forces, and two others had split responsibilities between military and rural development programs. The Navys Headquarters Support Activity in Saigon was being phased out, being replaced by the Armys 1st Logistics Command, and the general assumption in Navy circles seemed to be that the Army would henceforth provide logistic support ashore throughout Vietnam. The port has a total surface area of 154,700m2; total warehouse reaches 5400m2 and container yard up to 49000m2. In June, 1970, Captain Merdinger will become President of Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland. They were an outstanding group of young men, and without them the Seabee effort in Vietnam would have been severely curtailed. Information on the released Vietnamese workers is sparse, but many carried their newly developed skills into the Vietnamese Army, Vietnamese enterprises of various sorts, and the growing maintenance organizations supporting the U. S. forces. North Central region, attracting a part of Laos and Northeast Thailand. Similarly many military construction troop units were able to work under relatively peaceful conditions. A few months later when it came time for the chief staff officer, Colonel W. R. Gould, to be relieved, he was replaced by a CEC officer. (4) Joint service planning standards should lead to compatible systems among services, of what the Navy has called Advanced Base Functional Components. returning home. Its first project was to administer an architectural and engineering contract for the layout of a runway at Bien Hoa. Their officersCivil Engineer Corpswho had reached a high of 10,000 during the war now numbered less than 1,700. I returned to Ft. down there to become the operations officer, but at the last minute, actually Untitled . Navy Lt. and I both went out to the LST, which was now tying up. prior to the mine sweeper making a pass thru the channel in order to off load the only trouble with your Seabees is that I don't have enough of them.". A few 1968 figures may help to put Seabee costs in perspective. ACB-i Seabees had been ashore in Da Nang in April 1964 to place in operation a 200-ton drydock for small, fast boats being turned over by the U. S. to the Vietnamese Navy. In the case of P.A. Ultimately every Seabee unit went to Vietnam except CBU-201, which was a small force serving the Antarctic research program. I departed Danang immediately following What have we learned about those areas which are vital to our military posture, and which affect or are affected by the naval civil engineer? The cooks, yeomen, medical corpsmen, and other men in essential support roles generally comprised about 15 to 20 per cent of a battalions complement. The first year total cost of a battalion was estimated to be $13,476,000 (including $3,184,000 for operating costs). The port controlled 900,000 square feet of supply depot space, 2.7 million square feet of open-air storage space, and 500,000 cubic feet of refrigerated storage space. a very sweet, usu. Located close to international routes with the shortest distance across the Pacific compared to Hong Kong and Singapore, Van Phong port has the potential to become an international transshipment port in Vietnam. One year tours and rotation of individuals, not units as in the case of the NMCBs, was the case for both PW and CBMU officers and men. Despite the handicaps of weather and terrain, the "Men of Ten had put enough of the airfield in place (3,500 feet) to enable Marine jet planes to operate from it 23 days after the initial landing. At the same time, the largest vessel can receive 40,000 DWT at Lan Ha transshipment area and the lowest with 700 DWT at Bach Dang buoy. Every year, the number of cargo handled through the Port is about 0.6 million tons, the number of vessels docked an average of 150 ships / year. Generally speaking, they operated in II, III, and IV Corps, but when Army units moved into I Corps to reinforce the Marines in 1967-68 four Army engineer battalions accompanied them. These two groups were officers who had come up through the enlisted ranks and were top managers in their trades. Though the two modes of construction were difficult to compare, the best evidence seemed to indicate that from the governments standpoint the ultimate costs were about the same. Because it could barely handle the regular commercial commerce and with the heavy volume of additional They did, however, in the next month, install a number of fuel systems, provide causeways for off-loading LSTs, and establish camp support ashore in Da Nang. One other statistic is also worthy of note; at the time of this report team hospital corpsmen had treated well over 150,000 Vietnamese at sick call. arrival in country and assignment to the 5th Transportation Command. When the Marines next landed, at Chu Lai, some 50 miles south of Da Nang, during the period 7-10 May 1965, elements of ACB-i, under Lieutenant Commander R. T. Field, went ashore with the third assault wave. Essentially the Seabees of Public Works and the CBMUs attached to them had the same basic missionto come in behind the construction forces and maintain and operate the bases already built. Terminal Yes Productivity and the cost of doing work loomed large in the eyes of Pentagon analysts who sought to determine whether civilian contractors or troops should carry the burden of the construction effort. [3]:33, In mid-October 1968 the Deep Water Pier complex (160712N 1081250E / 16.12N 108.214E / 16.12; 108.214) on the Tien Sha peninsula was completed, beginning operations in September 1968. With the projected assignment of a second CEC Flag Officer to Vietnam, the OICC shed his brigade responsibilities and the Regimental Commander in Da Nang, Captain A. R. Marschall, took command of the brigade as well, briefly during the summer of 1967. As the seaport with the largest traffic volume in the North of Vietnam, Hai Phong Port is capable of receiving about 10 million tons / year, of which, Hoang Dieu Port Branch accounts for nearly 60% of the loading and unloading cargo. They worked 60-to 90- hour weeks with little complaint under the most adverse conditions. The original $22 million worth of work had grown to a total of more than $150 million over the three years. For the most part, they tended to concentrate on work of a temporary or emergency nature at scattered Air Force sites. NSA, first under Captain K. P. Huff, U. S. Naval Reserve, then under Rear Admiral T. R. Weschler, U. S. Navy, and his successor, Rear Admiral P. L. Lacy, expanded rapidly. Following the confusion of the explosion, while we The M Sn ruins are the former worship grounds for the kingdom and is a famous tourist destination in the Atlantic battalions, in the meantime, were recalled to Davisville, increased in strength, and then flown directly to Vietnam. Relocation of graves from construction sites with appropriate ceremony and compensation was a problem of unbelievable proportions.2 Our bases were not necessarily shaped by military or economic reasons but rather by the efficacy of our real estate negotiations. In time, procedures were developed which brought the deadline figure under five percent for all battalions then in country. WebThe Deep-Water Piers were turned over to the U.S. Army on July 30th, and the U.S. Navy no longer provided logistical support in I Corps. On 5 June 1965, CinCPacFlt cancelled and superseded his message of 22 May, now stating that NSA would not be established in the immediate future and that the Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific, should provide and arrange for all shoreside capability required. Personnel in public works and the CBMU were shifted as circumstances dictated. I decided to resign my Commission in November 1975 and have been teaching In February 1966 the Directorate of Construction, U. S. Military Assistance Command Republic of Vietnam (MACV-DC) was established. Southeast Asia became Navy responsibility. Port Type Seaport. English. It might be noted that about four per cent of the Corps was composed of limited duty officers and another three per cent of warrant officers. The port handled 320,000 tons of cargo In addition, they also turned out final designs and let small construction contracts. To turn (a craft) or make a shift to the port side: To hold or carry (a weapon) diagonally across the body, with the muzzle or blade near the left shoulder. Many of the crews were a mixture of all three nationalities, the aim being ultimately to train the Vietnamese to take over from the more skilled Koreans and Seabees. One month later, on 17 July, a Secretary of the Navy Notice established NSA Da Nang. 86-111. Like the Army, the Marines had two types of engineering units in the fieldthe Division Engineer Battalions (1st and 3rd) and Force Engineer Battalions (7th, 9th, and 11th), all of whom operated, of course, in I Corps. In the course of their duties the Seabee construction forces were involved in just about every kind of job imaginable. The idea of one-service support in an area was pushed by top command and began to make some headway. According to the Government's plan, a port area in My Han Bay in the future will become part of Dung Quat port. Phone 84 511 821 114. The VCNO indicated that CinCPacFlt could do the job temporarily, that he would seek additional assets from the Secretary of Defense to do the job if the Army Logistics Command were not to be assigned long range responsibility, and that the Navy would seek an authoritative interpretation of policy to determine "whose responsibility it is. It turned out to be the Navys. It is the third largest port system in Vietnam (after Saigon Port in H Ch Minh City and the port of Hi Phng). Seven of the Seabees were wounded and two of them killed. WebUser Review - Flag as inappropriate It shows some of what life there was like, it does not, can not show the blood, sweat, and tears that went into each day. Service is designed for determination of shipping lines whose vessels put in chosen port or direction. RMK-BRJ took care of itself but did not appear to have the capability to overhaul Seabee equipment on top of its own work load, so pieces were sent for overhaul primarily to the U. S. but also to Japan, Okinawa, the Philippines, or Guam. Obsolescence of this kind was more of a nuisance than a major problem, however, and upgrading of equipment was a continuous process the longer a facility remained in existence. The one hundred and fifty battalions of World War II had dwindled to two shortly thereafter, were rebuilt to eleven during the Korean War, and returned to ten from that point until the Vietnam build-up in 1965. Port Size Medium. Their effectiveness was due in part, of course, to the officers who led them. The Navys answer to this problem was to import CBMU-302, a slightly smaller (200 and later 300 men) version of the CBMU which went to I Corps about the same time. ammunition ship being off loaded while at anchor. the radio to inform me that an LST which had been at anchor, was attempting to Naturally, all Seabee materials were not in the stored components. Thank you so much again for helping me It was, in addition, the city engineers office, a contracting agent, the bus company, the taxi company, a trucking corporation, the local garage, the power and light company, the telephone company, the plumbing, heating, and air conditioning contractor, the roofing contractor, the real estate agent, and a host of other service organizations all rolled into one. G. Meade in Maryland to enable me to be close to home. Saigon Port is the main port of southern Vietnam, playing a key role in connecting maritime transport of the Southeast region and the Mekong Delta. Supply Corps officers and rates attached to the battalions working with the Seabee oriented Construction Battalion Center supply departments played a major role in accomplishing this support through various routes of the Navy supply system. port the helm; ported sharply to avoid a shoal. Join now and never hit a limit. This peak number was short-lived, however, for it looked as though military construction troops would take over and finish the job. Even more significant were the combined cost-plus-fixed-fee contracts for repair and utility functions at Army facilities negotiated between the Army and Pacific Architects and Engineers, Inc. Now that the Marines were ashoreapparently for a protracted periodthey would need support of engineers. to 0800hrs Similarly, the five Atlantic battalions were in various stages of deployment off the East coast of the U. S., in the Caribbean, in Europe, and in Africa. Sign up to receive our newsletter regarding Veterans, Reunions, Military, Veteran Benefits, Military Pictures, Jokes, Military History, Certainly the top deep water sailors of the Navy had no intention of committing large numbers of Navy men ashore in a place like Vietnam. [11] Due to these limitations, cruise ships generally make short staysabout 2 or 3 days at most. Net progress has been minimal since during one period 22 bridges were built while 21 were destroyed by sabotage." The terminal has five berths in total: four berths, located along two finger piers of 185m (607ft) each, and one 225m (738ft) berth on a wharf along the shore, for a total of 965m (3,166ft) Throughput capacity at this terminal is over 4.5 million tons per year. Though completed, this project was unique. Some observers have attempted to compare the Armys P.A. Included in the bulky items were some 250 pieces of tactical automotive and construction equipment such as bulldozers, tractors, and mobile cranes. This transfer of expertise to the Vietnamese in the building tradesalso accomplished under the RMK-BRJ contractorsgives promise of being in the long run the greatest legacy the U. S. will leave in Vietnam. [10], The approach to Sng Hn Terminal is 12 nautical miles (22km) long with a navigation depth of 6-7m. As more units moved into Vietnam, it became impractical for the OICC to preside over every bit of construction, even that accomplished by contract. During the dry season the sand and laterite dust caused problems, and there was more of the same from the soupy laterite during the wet season. U.S. Furthermore, battalion strengths differed. Here they were concerned, along with the contractor, with erecting buildings, installing pipe lines, grading roadsall phases of construction necessary to create these major logistics bases. De Faria was one of the first Westerners to write about the area, and through his influence Portuguese ships began to call regularly at Hi An, which was then a far more important port than Nng. Yet another element of the Civil Engineer Corps was in Vietnam long before the 1965 buildup. The district invests in IT infrastructure. Currently, Chan May port has Ben 1 and 2 berths and Ben 3 will be completed in 2018. One good example of a component was the 400-bed quonset hospital erected swiftly in Da Nang by one of the earliest battalions in country. Since its first opening in 1860 under French colonial rule, Saigon Port today has become an international port. Container tracking service provides a very convenient and easy to use way of tracking the current location of containers with your cargo by container number. Statistics have, of course, changed rapidly, but some idea of the contribution of the teams may be gained from these figures gathered at Seabee headquarters in Hawaii (ComCBPac) in mid-1968: "Pioneered or upgraded to all-weather standards over three hundred and fifty miles of provincial roads and highways; planned and built four 'New Life Hamlets; planned and laid out six Refugee Villages; built three provincial and four local district market places; built sixteen Special Forces Camps; constructed thirty hospitals and dispensaries; added sixty school houses to the Vietnamese educational system; placed over 286,000 cubic yards of fill; provided on-the-job training to more than five thousand Vietnamese refugees, villagers, public works personnel, and "Chieu Hoi returnees (ex-Viet Cong) (more than half of these in 1967 alone); built over 4,000 feet of bridges (12 to 400 feet in length) and laid over two hundred culverts; constructed over eight miles of airfields; added 865 one-family housing units to various refugee villages; placed over fifty fresh water wells; and, constructed 168 civic and public buildings for the Vietnamese Government." And, of course, there was a significant amount of "self help construction by non-engineer troops who were furnished materials and plans and left largely to their own devices. In simplest terms, under the force levels imposed by the Pentagon, every sailor ashore in Vietnam meant one less sailor in a ship or on a vital shore station somewhere else. We may not have a contractor there next time. Apart from sand, rock, and gravel which were available in Vietnam, most of their materials such as lumber, pipe, and fittings came from the U. S., largely by ship but some by air. Like This Movie Trailer? Its head, also a CEC Captain, now carried the title of Deputy, though the Saigon office became increasingly independent of the main office in Bangkok. With facilities including advanced network system, modern equipment technology, 200 CCTV and information and personnel management system, Hai Phong port is always a convenient location, ensuring safety and suitable for transport purposes international commercial transactions. Like the majority of regulars, they did not all have degrees in civil engineering; they entered the Corps with a wide variety of scientific, architectural, and engineering degrees as well. On the other hand, CBMU-301 at times provided a number of supervisors and skilled hands for some of the main public works shops in Da Nang. (2) Much greater emphasis on base development planning for contingency operations must be made. Vietnam 0 (+84) 989 383 767 Culture & Arts Ho Chi Minh City Hanoi Attractions Hoi An Halong Bay Sapa Hue Da Nang Nha Trang Phu Quoc Island Mekong Delta More Home Cruises Special Tours Honeymoon Tours Helicopter Tours Shore Excursions Veteran who became our Harbormaster. [9], Nng Port consists of two main terminals (Tin Sa Seaport and Song Hn Terminal) and an additional freight warehouse, Tho Quang Station. in town that I can not remember the name of and Tien Sha Ramp, which was very In May 1966 they awarded a cost-plus-incentive-fee "Turn-Key" contract (a complete package, including design and construction) to Walter Kidde Constructors, a subsidiary of Electric Bond and Share Company, at an estimated cost of $52 million.
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