Due to SPC Doe's outstanding knowledge of the MSRs, choke points, and tactics for Deliberate Combat Logistical Patrols he successfully navigated the most challenging roads in Iraq regardless of illumination or weather conditions, without loss or damage to equipment. His leadership characteristics, combined with his ability to improve the potential of others, played a vital role in the success of the organization. He has done a phenomenal job while assigned to the unit, training Soldiers, NCOs, coordinating and executing plans. His professionalism and flexibility contributed to the Brigade recognizing the Transportation Detachment as the go-to transportation element for combat and base support operations. His ability to react to the local security situation and adjust his team from a COIN-centric posture to a Kinetic posture is an outstanding asset to the squad. SGT --- served as the TISA section NCOIC while assigned to --- Branch; she was directly responsible for 3 Soldiers and personally inspected -- million dollars worth of subsistence. New NCOER Develops bullets and Performance Measures; Did Not Meet Standard; Met Standard; Exceeded Standard; Far Exceeded Standard . SGT XXXXXX's squad conducted over 1,900 hours of combat patrols within the Baghdad area. SPC XXXXXX was selected to serve as the enlisted aide to the Command Sergeant Major of Regional Health Command-Pacific. These devices enhanced the accessibility, range and effectiveness of communication for key leaders while deployed. This dramatically improved operational awareness of the deploying and redeploying of 300 Soldiers, procuring and size testing of vital PPE for 28 COVID Test Teams and planning for and scheduling with civilian providers COVID testing for Soldiers. . SGT Lizyness was adament about motorcycle safety and took it upon himself to mentor younger motorcycle riders on the dangers of operating a motorcycle. She took the lead in training her peers in preparation for OP Tomadachi. He distinguished himself by ensuring that maneuver forces had timely and accurate information on insurgent activities in the Brigade Area of Responsibility. If the tolerance is exceeded and the component is scrapped, the company suffers a $ 20 \$ 20 $20 cost. The Army Achievement Medal: Example Citations & History His proficiency as a Team Leader enabled the platoon to receive excellent ratings during the last company external evaluation, which directly reflected SGT SoSo's leadership potential, attention to detail, and dedication to duty. He superbly managed all Soldier transactions, personnel actions, and developed tracking systems which ensured that the Battery exceeded established standards for timely submission of personnel actions. Shannon Gates, far left, Company A, 106th Brigade Support Battalion . His ability to read the situation allowed his squad leader to constantly leave his team the farthest from the rest of the squad and platoon. His enthusiasm and willingness to help during the Regimental transformation to the Force on Force fight was invaluable. CPL Martin also volunteered over 10 hours to bring a modern atmosphere to the USA Club. SPC Doe ensured that his team maintained zero losses during three command inspections by diligently tracking his assigned equipment. Supervised over 100 Afghan military personnel and ensured all were trained to standard. HIS ARRANGEMENT WAS PERFORMED AT ALL EXTENDED-COMBAT TRAINING CONCERTS, AND CONTINUES TO BE POPULAR WITH AUDIENCES. Commandant's Leadership Award Winner He retained a cumulative GPA of 4.0 and was a six time Dean's list nominee over a three year period. Write an Army Achievement Medal - ArmyWriter.com His assurance to the mission set the perfect model for fellow Soldiers to emulate. She executes extremely well and with unfaltering reliability; utilizes self motivation to successfully accomplish the most challenging of tasks. The award recognizes scholarship and leadership, pays homage to one of America's most honored soldiers and serves as a lasting incentive to officers attending the college. This responsibility included parts to support 6 PMI 2s and 3 PMI 1 with all repair parts needed. SPC Randolph was also responsible for the equipment readiness and serviceability of 75 tents at Camp Roberts. As a result, the company maintained active and fluid communications with senior and subordinate units while participating in 2HBCTs rotation at the Joint Readiness Training Center. His unwavering skill significantly contributed to the success of his unit's mission. SPC House, with his FLA crew, assisted Weed Army Community Hospital's Emergency Department during a real world MASCAL. He processed all forms requesting personnel action. Chaplain Leiter completed resident and online courses while staying fully devoted to Soldiers and family members, keeping himself available during unexpected crisis and family issues. Soldier worked numerous on and off-duty hours planning and coordinating the operational, logistical and administrative requirements for small arms readiness missions. SPC Alvarado's outstanding dedication to duty and focus towards mission accomplishment was instrumental in the units success during Operation Enduring Freedom 2012-2013. Nominations are accepted for those forty years from graduation or greater in each given year. WHILE ASSIGNED TO THE DIVISION'S G6 SECTION, HIS IMPECCABLE PERFORMANCE HAS RESULTED IN THE SUCCESSFUL FULFILMENT OF ALL MISSION REQUIREMENTS AND THEN SOME, WHICH RELATES TO THE ESTABLISHMENT, UPKEEP AND SECURITY OF DAILY NETWORK OPERATIONS AND AUTOMATED INFORMATION SYSTEMS. Amongst these, his support of the Cultural Understanding and Language Proficiency Program during Operation Balance Torch in Thailand was particularly noteworthy. Thanks! SGT SoSo's dedication to duty, motivation, and military bearing earned him the reputation as one of the most dependable Team Leaders in the 529th Military Police Company "Honor Guard." Through accomplished organizational abilities SSG Pardon-Varde maintained 100% accountability of all Mass Casualty Decontamination Equipment with zero loss or damage by displaying an unmatched commitment to equipment readiness and accountability. PFC Land diligence in rendering up information to RCP39 patrol leader was instrumental to the 72nd MAC CO. completing its mission, contributing to a more stable Afghanistan Government. CGSC Graduation Awards. He mentored, coached, and guided Paratroopers to be the very best. SGT DOE was an instrumental part of the Recovery Section for B Company, 204th BSB from 1 December 2009 to 1 June 2011. NDLA Board honors Vietnam veteran John Lancaster '67, '74 J.D. for He was able to effectively communicate the exact needs of the company, secure desired training areas for Mass Casualty Decontamination training, and coordinate multiple training lanes to enhance combat readiness and esprit de corps. SPC Lovatto was part of the Advanced party to FOB Wilson. As team leader, she was responsible for the welfare, accountability, and mission readiness of two Soldiers, their safety and the serviceability of their weapons and all assigned equipment valued over 185,000 thousand dollars. attended many DTA opportunities in Fort Wainright and Fort Greely, illustrated and put in place a task force southeast decon plan during deployment. With his outstanding leadership, professional skills, and ceaseless efforts to ensure mission success, SSG Snuffy planned, coordinated, and conducted 15 funded events over two quarters, as well as developed an intricate and crucial network of educators in five schools that increased station production by 75%. He delivered 428 tons of critical Class I-IX cargo over the Main Supply Routes (MSRs) in Iraq servicing fourteen forward operating bases. SPC HOGNER, IN HIS ROLE AS THE S6 OFFICER, A CAPTAINS SLOT, WAS ABLE TO ACCURATELY AND IN DETAIL BRIEF THE BATTALION COMMANDER DURING ALL BATTLE UPDATE BRIEFS. SGT DOE proficiently trained and led his team in over 50 combat patrols which resulted in the security and force protection of COS Kalsu. SPC Doe displayed a high level of competence and professionalism while serving as a team leader for 1st squad. SM organized, conducted, and supervised the Bravo Company Change of Command 29 August through 13 October 2011 in the absence of a Company Executive Officer. BLC Distinguished Honor Grad Board Flashcards | Quizlet SGT Wheaton's input was instrumental in establishing a strong battle rhythm and revising the Standing Operation Procedures (SOP), which ensured a more efficient operation. The ISAP lists the course requirements the student must meet in order to graduate from this course. He also regularly led the morning platoon PT formation in Physical Readiness Training (PRT). . The Honor Graduate is the student with the second highest OML point total in the class. HELP! resulted in two Distinguished Honor Graduates; five commandant's list, and two leadership awards . I got an AAM. SGT sonso showed excellent leadership skills and superior technical knowledge, ensuring the battalion readiness rate remained above 95% during his service with the unit. SPC Greene's loyalty to military Soldiers who never had a chance to return home and the friends and families of those who have served and continue to serve showed greatly through the Camp Buehring 5k Memorial Day candle light dedication. SPC Doe provided situational awareness that informed all units of current route status, medical evacuation status, and ongoing operations during Operation Iraqi Freedom 06-08. During the 95-02 NTC rotation, the 4th FSB TOC was overran by OPFOR Forces, SGT Canman took charge of the MASCAL operation and oversaw the immediate evacuation and received several commendable comments for his actions from the 4th FSB chain of command. He personally taught Soldiers how to properly fill out the DA form 5988-E for their equipment and how to update them to document services, as well as keep them fully operational and mission ready for any task at hand. His skills and ability were essential to GREYWOLF's mission and the Government of Iraq. SPC excelled in teaching and leading his peers while assisting in the execution of 10 drivers training classes with a completion rate of 100% and over 250 soldiers being trained. Spc Doe advanced to the position of team leader as C co. 2-28 Spartans conducted operation Saber Dawn in Bulgaria wich consisted of rigorous training and mission lanes in the mountains of Bulgaria. Within eight weeks he transformed a substandard platoon into a cohesive, disciplined team which held the company's highest platoon record for rifle marksmanship, physical fitness testing, and common skills testing for over a one-year period. As the day-to-day unit training NCO, SGT XXXX acted efficiently for the Commander in exercising the technical planning process that takes place behind the scenes of the command. As the newest member of the Platoon, PFC Snuffy has shown a great ability to quickly adapt to new environments and new leadership contributing to the success of his team and the mission. Your extraordinary efforts and . Additionally, SPC Doe answered numerous battalion requests for information throughout the deployment proving to be an indispensable BCT asset. SPC Doe dedication and eagerness to succeed has made him a tactical proficient Soldier who is dedicated to excellence. SPC Isbell managed over 700 accounts on the CENTRIX, NIPR, and SIPR communication networks for 8 different units and agencies throughout RC South. Sergeant Doe enhanced the 119th Inland Cargo Transfer Company's image in the community by volunteering over 400 hours at the local elementary schools, actively engaging the students to assist with the lesson plans, assisting in the gym to keep the students active and orderly, and assisting the staff with everything from parent drop off at Alanton Elementary School, to helping with paperwork at John B. Dey Elementary School. HE HAS DEMONSTRATED OUTSTANDING PROFESSIONAL SKILL, KNOWLEDGE AND LEADERSHIP BY MANAGING THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE STRATEGIC NETWORK AT COB BASRAH. SGT XXX endlessly pursued strategies aimed at advancing the overall capabilities and readiness of the organization. During this time he successfully rebalanced resources to continue the daily missions of intelligence analysis and the Commander's Black Book production despite extensive force protection requirements. Recognized by peer and senior leadership for his attention to detail and pure determination which was instrumental in eliminating the insider threat and ensuring the security and safety for the Afghan Advise and Assist Element and the Afghan National Army within keeping of the high "Thunder Horse" standards. SPC WATSON'S INITIATIVE, HARD WORK, ETHIC, AND "CAN DO" ATTITUDE HAD A DIRECT IMPACT ON THE SUCCESS OF RANGE OPERATIONS. SPC Henderson tracked required training and was the Combined Federal Campaign manager for RHC-P Headquarters staff. Using a hair dryer, Honda generator and a poncho SPC Doe made sure that the parts were warmed up enough for the glue to cure properly. He volunteered over 100 hours planning, networking, and organizing 10 events that lifted the morale of the 950 Soldiers and civilians stationed at North Camp. FOR OUTSTANDING SERVICE IN SUPPORT OF 1108TH TASMG DURING IWQ AND ANNUAL TRAINING. PFC Mensah utilized his superior organization skills to completely refurbish the previously unoccupied 1-10 Attack Reconnaissance Battalion's Maintenance Facility. Her involvement in the community promoted a positive image of Soldiers being viewed as role models. She personally ensured 460 items of excess ACFT parts were turned-in. Outstanding Thesis Award. He successfully maintained and operated a $6,000,000 IT architecture that was comprised of 3 SATCOM suites, and 2 Virtual Ground Terminals. His dedication to checking out equipment ensured it was always available and training was effective. - Received Distinguished Graduate award--best profession of arms, communication, and leadership in PACAF - #2/24 ALS; earned Academic Achievement and Distinguished Graduate Awds--head & shoulders above peers! Not to mention that most ropes are forced to take the role based on rank and/or needs of the flight. Concurrent with OIF planning, CPT Doe supported a key NATO Exercise by developing the threat database, Intelligence Estimate, Order of Battle, and the Intel Annex for command and staff participation. SGT Leslie distinguished himself as a Field Crew Chief during the CAAF mission. SFC Snuffy has served as the standard bearer for all to emulate during his career. SGT Canman displayed excellent leadership skills and sound technical expertise while providing 100% reliable communications in support of the 89th Army Reserve Command at the 94-04 NTC rotation executing daily jumps covering a 14 day period. During his time in 10-30th ADA, he led by example at all times, exhibiting the highest sense of duty, integrity and moral courage. He quickly made an positive impact on the company by providing detailed hands-on classes on various communications equipment. He served as a representative to the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard which help build joint service Esprit de core for all maritime services. SGT Doe was a motivated and dedicated Noncommissioned Officer who far exceeded course standards and achieved the Distinguished Honor Graduate recognition. In certain situations when taskers came out with a suspense date, it was either swim or sink; not only did SSG Acevedo swim, he also carried others on his shoulders to safety. Your head and motivation are in the right place. Specialist Smith's willingness to step up to the plate and share his detection asset knowledge and experience was instrumental in the initial instruction of the detection assets to the new soldiers of 2nd platoon, providing them with the standard skills necessary to operate the equipment, resulting in the success of the mission. Distinguished honor graduate Stock Photos and Images SPC Beaver's extreme attention to detail ensured the Chain of Command was provided with up to date information of Soldiers' status. SPC XXXX's hard work and professionalism has reinforced him as the new standard in which other Soldiers will be measured against in the future. SPC Ramos trained many Soldiers in the platoon on various types of equipment. SPC Rue while still performing all of his duties as M915A3 Driver, still found the time to also complete a 40 hour Combat Lifesaver Course. SPC Doe drove 3,495 miles over the dangerous Main Supply Routes (MSRs) in Iraq demonstrating his commitment to mission accomplishment and dedication to selfless service. Kristine Koch, a member of the North Carolina Air National Guard, is now part of that percentage as a distinguished graduate of Airman Leadership School. He also taught the class Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services and how to properly carry out a lubrication order to standard to the Platoon. Commandant Presents Coin to Distinguished Honor Graduate As a Senior Information Systems Specialist SGT _______ performed the duties of the Group Support BN S6, Senior IT Specialist. XXX Doe's involvement with the Honor Guard has left a positive and lasting imprint with the Families of deceased Veterans, showing great admiration and honor to the United States military. The Distinguished Graduate Award is the Senior Award that a graduate can receive. His exceptional skills on a Light Equipment Transporter (LET) resulted in successfully hauling over 200,000 dollars worth of equipment. Honor Graduate, Pathfinder Course. Thru his efforts the helicopter was repaired and returned to service ahead of schedule. SPC Doe's outstanding performance and dedication to duty was a major factor to the success of the Brigade Tactical Operations Center. SPC Doe lived the Warrior Ethos by placing the mission first. SPC GRAHAM, DISTINGUISHED HIMSELF BY EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE DURING OPERATION NEW DAWN. These missions were performed by mobile training teams traveling to several CONUS and OCONUS locations. Only add a subsequent number to the existing update) In the "Decoration" section input the code for the decoration . She took charge over three peers to ensure communication systems, tactical and automations, were established with 2 Brigade Combat Team. During three command inspections, SPC Doe maintained zero shortages of his equipment. SPC Henderson showed sound tactical awareness during all operations by acclimating correct security posture, individual movement techniques, and proper escalation of force. During this time the 1-119th was called twice to SAD in which MAJ Mason played a crucial role in communicating with the BN the 272d RSG and JFHQ capabilities of the battalion while maintaining current COVID operations within the AA. Provide defense-focused graduate education, including classified studies and interdisciplinary research, to advance the operational effectiveness, technological leadership and warfighting advantage of the Naval service. SSG Doe served as the Tech Supply NCOIC for B Co. 248th Aviation Support Company (ASC) throughout the deployment to Kosovo in support of KFOR 18. Heavily involved with the planning process, SFC Cox skillfully assisted every element in the 348th EN CO to establish their respective reporting and recording procedures. Through his attention to detail, PFC Does's vehicle often was singled out as the best in the fleet. SPC Rue contributed to the 1086th Transportation Company's succes. SPC McQueen's influential initiative motivated other members in her section to continue their college education. As a lower enlisted soldier in the Mortar Section SPC Mitchell consistantly carried out his tasks in a very proficient manner and not only met the standards set forth by the Mortar Section but exceeded them. The upgrades greatly increased the squad's ability to perform logistics operations. Due to a shortage of personnel at the unit, Staff Sergeant Jose Acevedorosario took on additional responsibilities to keep the unit afloat. SPC Floyd and his team was recognized by the 501st Signal Battalion Commander and First Sergeant for efficiency in communication operations. During his time with the section, he trained and certified 10 Soldiers and four NCO's in welding and recovery techniques that included multiple variants of the MRAP prior to the units deployment to Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). As a team member, he was responsible for the welfare and accountability of over 15000 transitioning military servicemembers and civilians. He spent the entire night prior setting up over 1000 candles and assisted with the execution of the event, guiding Soldiers to the lit field. He exemplified all of the leader attributes and competencies during countless hours spent planning, organizing, and communicating with participants in order to make this event a success. His enthusiasm and dedication to the section greatly improved the combat effectiveness of the "Bulldog" battery. To contribute examples, please enter them below and click Submit. As the Task Force high time pilot his vast experience, maturity, and proficiency were vital to not only the success of Bravo Company, but across the entire Task Force (Name). Basic Combat trainee earns three individual awards While servicing fourteen forward operating bases he earned the recognition of Soldier high miler of the detachment for the first quarter of FY 09. His commitment to the mission, as well as his own self improvement, set the example for fellow Soldiers to emulate. SGT Doe deployed in OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM 08-09 and OPERATION NEW DAWN where he completed a wide variety of missions ranging from conducting mounted combat patrols to Company Intelligence Support Team lead analyst. CPL Martin desire to share knowledge and experience expanded the operational capacity of his section while increasing patient's access to diagnostic tests. In this role, he was responsible for over $25,000.00 worth of equipment, the issuance and accountability along with the proper functionality of each device. Her guidance and attention to detail contributed greatly to the overall success of each mission that followed and fostered an environment of mission and equipment readiness. SGT Smith demonstrated exceptional capability while deployed as the Satellite Communications Systems Operator (25S) for CIT 1. The Graduate and Professional School and The Association of Former Students have selected 15 Aggies as Distinguished Graduate Students for 2023. His presence, unquestionable devotion, and solid work ethic was crucial in establishing a lasting bond between the Thailand Forces and the U.S military. She was responsible for the food safety, security, and quality assurance programs in support of -- DFACs, -- AAFES facilities, and -- MWR facilities totaling ---- facility inspections. CPL Martin served as the Morale, Welfare, and Recreation representative for the Medical Company. SGT DOE displayed a high level of competence and professionalism while serving as a team leader, M240 gunner, and truck commander for CBRN/Security platoon 1BSTB. Her capacity to adapt, adjust, and overcome allowed her to resolve issues and stressors throughout the exercise. Sergeant Page was assigned the additional duty of communications specialist for Bravo Company. The successful deployment of Microsoft Teams served as a great advantage for the unit and its mission during the turbulent times of being impacted by COVID-19. Course Outcome . While operating over 800 miles from the nearest support facility, Sgt Deez's duties included NCO in charge of camp over watch positions, entry control points, random antiterrorism vehicle patrols, Airfield Security Operations, and as a quick reaction response force team leader. On short notice and with little assistance, he developed the key intelligence products for the extensive Intelligence Estimate Briefing presented to the senior foreign commander in charge of the exercise. SPC Walker developed the training schedules. Due to his diligence, there have been no fire safety hazards on the Primary Care Clinic. SPC C's expertise as a Petroleum Supply Specialist (92F) was a key function for the Division Tactical Command Post (DTAC) training exercise from 01 September to 10 October 2015. He taught them to proficiently operate and troubleshoot the equipment independently. SSG Snuff was responsible for hundreds of thousands of dollars of supply during deployments and abroad. During the successful performance of his duties, SGT --- maintained a 100 percent free accident record contributing to the unit accident-free running total of -- days. His incomparable performance and cutting edge approach to training has brought prodigious respect and value to the United States Army Reserves, as well as the XXXD EN CO (MRB) (DET 1). SGT Delaney is the example of the NCO Creed and the Army Core Values. Specialist Snuffy inherited duties and responsibilities far above his rank and completed all required tasks with proficiency. The Distinguished Honor Graduate, which was awarded to the candidate with the highest academic percentage, went to Spc. PFC Love assisted in over 15 tower maintenance details, ensuring that the $1.5 million system was fully operational. His extensive knowledge of various Army topics, attention to detail, and impeccable military bearing set him ahead of his peers and was instrumental in him winning the board over seven other Soldiers from the Squadron. SPC Hend was among the few in the Cold Steel Company that was allotted to work with a seven hundred million dollar piece of equipment.
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