To provide a forum for Council to work with the local community to promote the retention, protection and enhancement of Brimbank's heritage. A message from the Mayor, Cr Jasmine Nguyen - Brimbank News CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Finally, please keep an eye out for our quarterly Brimbank News printed newsletter. Its time for Brimbank to get fresh perspectives and create progressive change. Now in her second year and first term as a Councillor, Cr Nguyen was first elected in 2020. Alice Zeng - Customer Experience Specialist - Xero | LinkedIn Ten Mayors representing a mix of urban, regional and rural Victorian communities have been selected and will meet with Minister Leane four times this year to provide advice on a range of matters that impact local government. Merry Christmas to everyone, I wish you all a safe and happy New Year. This is a win for multicultural diverse Australia.. As Brimbanks first Vietnamese and youngest mayor I hope to set a precedent. I want to make sure Brimbank becomes a transformed city that is beautiful, thriving, healthy and connected. Cr Jasmine Nguyen has set a very high standard for this role. There are eight incumbent Asian Australian parliamentarians as of 2022. Copperfield College on Instagram: "On Wednesday Student Leaders met Alumna Jasmine Nguyen, 24, broke another record, becoming the youngest mayor of Brimbank Council, in the city's outer west, last week. According to Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission (VGCCC) data, $15.38 million was lost on EGMs in Brimbank during August, while the losses recorded in July were $15.55 million - a 1.06 per cent reduction. Where are they now? - Issue 22 - SAGSE In this month's video update from the Mayor, Cr Jasmine Nguyen talks:- We Are Brimbank Awards 2022- Food and Organics bin- Brimbank Aquatic and Wellness Cent. An update from the most recent Council Meeting that took place on 21 March 2023. I want us to all work together to respond to the climate change emergency by protecting and enhancing our green spaces and getting to net zero by 2030. To provide advice and recommendations to Council on implementation of the Brooklyn Evolution Strategy in Brooklyn. 20 Asian Australian people have been members of the Parliament of Australia (the Federal Parliament), including ten each in the Senate and the House of Representatives. Cr Anthony Tran, a commerce and law student at La Trobe University, said young people of diverse backgrounds didnt often see people like themselves in positions of power, and he hoped his success breaking the bamboo ceiling would help inspire others. Tara Murray. Jasmine Nguyen Brimbank City Council's youngest Councillor and first Vietnamese-Australian Mayor | Striving for better outcomes for youth, CALD communities, employment, mental health and a smart sustainable City Sunshine, Victoria, Australia. Get to know your Councillors - Cr Jasmine Nguyen. Fears affordable housing project in Melbourne's west will entrench I would like to thank Cr Ranka Rasic for her huge efforts during the last year including advocating to Federal and State governments to fund critical projects to improve our city. I am very proud to be leading the Council and community as we respond and recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Jasmine Nguyen becomes Brimbank's youngest mayor Phone: 03 9249 4000. I was born in Sunshine Hospital and proudly attended . Together we can do it., Some of the critical changes needed to progress womens equality and rights are violence against women, and the multiple forms of gender violence must end.. Its not lost on Jasmine Nguyen that her parents, who met on a boat to Australia, left Vietnam because they couldnt see a future in an undemocratic country, and now she had been democratically elected in their chosen home. As the daughter of Vietnamese refugees, I have been lucky enough to call Brimbank my home for over 20 years. An update from the most recent Council Meeting that took place on 21 March 2023. Minster Leane said, The Panel will provide feedback and advice on a range of topics that are important to local communities right across Victoria., The mayors on the 2022 panel will be able to share their ideas and initiatives to build a stronger local government sector.. Lets bounce Brimbank Back! Louise is the Acting Director of Gender Equity and Head of Evidence and Impact at GenWest. Portfolio: Innovation . Cr Nguyen was Deputy Mayor for 2020-21. As the daughter of Vietnamese refugees, I have been lucky enough to call Brimbank my home for over 20 years. If I can just pave a pathway for anyone who identifies with me, to let them see that it is possible that would be an achievement.. Lets bounce Brimbank Back!. The Fund is intended to support local sustainability projects, which will benefit the community or local environment. Alumna Jasmine Nguyen, 24, broke another record, becoming the youngest mayor of Brimbank Council, in the citys outer west, last week. Brimbank Mayor Jasmine Nguyen on why we must #BreakTheBias this International Womens Day, Jobs Victoria Advocates help Sue find work, Sorting it out Recycling our way to a more sustainable future, Brimbank Young Citizen of the YearDevika Chaudhary, Designing neighbourhoods for a changing community, How to start and maintain a school food garden: TEN Event, Comm Unity Plus Services Ltd CEO Tracey Gaudry. Im a woman, Im queer, and rarely do I walk into a room and feel like I belong, she said. People from different cultural backgrounds dont have the [same] opportunities, she said. I want to deliver better outcomes for youth, more jobs, mental health support and create a sustainable and smart city. Jasmine Nguyen becomes Brimbanks youngest mayor, Power bonus applications top 28,000 in Brimbank, Cat with partially incinerated body found in Sunshine West. To assist in the implementation of the State Governments Waste and Resource Recovery Policy Getting Full Value and management and administration of waste disposal contracts. The Dual Identity Leadership Program, founded by Victorian Multicultural Commission chair Vivienne Nguyen in 2014, with former prime minister Malcolm Fraser as its inaugural patron, is fast forming a blueprint for how migrant communities achieve better representation in political and public life. She was also the councils first Vietnamese-Australian mayor. Committee is to provide a direct engagement channel for Council to receive feedback from members during the implementation of the Sydenham Park Master Plan. The 2022 panel will meet for the first time on Wednesday 27 April 2021. Merry Christmas to everyone, I wish you all a safe and happy New Year. Now in her second year and first term as a Councillor, Cr Nguyen was first elected in 2020. Home > A message from the Mayor, Cr Jasmine Nguyen. Im passionate about forging a more inclusive society.. External group, independently facilitated with support from the EPA, and Brimbank, Hobsons Bay and Maribyrnong City Councils. TVTS interviews six second generation Vietnamese-Australian candidates With the support of my Councillors, we will work as a team to make Brimbank even better. Now in her second year and first term as a Councillor, Cr Nguyen was first elected in 2020. My parents are Vietnamese refugees who made Brimbank our home for over 20 years and instilled in me the importance of showing our gratitude to our lucky country. Being an active volunteer, I saw the role of councillor as a great opportunity to have a wider and more substantial impact on the community I am so lucky to call home. Aa Mayor, I hope to empower others Councillors, the staff of the organisation and most importantly of all the Brimbank community. Its a wonderful salute to women says Cr Jasmine Nguyen. Come along on Saturday 3 December, from 9am and you can conveniently drop off unwanted household items. Brimbank mayor Jasmine Nguyen, Maribyrnong mayor Anthony Tran and Yarra councillor Claudia Nguyen. Cleanaway Community Benefit Fund Review Panel. metaphors in oedipus the king To bring together strategic safety partners to collaborate and coordinate efforts to achieve greater community safety outcomes in Brimbank. Brimbank's youngest ever mayor | Brimbank & North West They includea joint delegated committee, advisory committees andexternal committees. I look forward to working alongside the other councillors to bring fresh perspectives to Brimbank and to create real and progressive change for this great municipality. To support the local government sector to fulfil its various roles in relation to public health and wellbeing. Im looking forward to work with you madam mayor and all the councillors for a better stronger Brimbank.. My vision for Brimbank is to transform it into a sustainable smart city - lets make Brimbank the powerhouse of the West! I hope to drive better outcomes for the future generations of Brimbank and transform Brimbank into a sustainable smart city. Cr Jasmine Nguyen: Brimbank Councillors are really excited about these pop-up events and we . "This effect can raise the average summer temperature in Brimbank up to 10 degrees higher than surrounding rural areas due to less tree coverage and surfaces that are impermeable and less heat-resistant. jasmine nguyen and pranav jasmine nguyen and pranav 1 Local Government Mayoral Taskforce Supporting People Seeking Asylum Executive Meeting No. Cr Jasmine Nguyen said, As a young person of colour and Brimbank Councils first Vietnamese-Australiam Mayor I want to be a role model for future generations. 23/11/2021. Meet the 2023 Brimbank Australia Day Awards Young Citizen of the Year winner, Kayla Parker. Lets make Brimbank the powerhouse of the West! I hope I inspire other young people to step up, particularly young people of colour from multicultural communities. I was born in Sunshine Hospital and proudly attended schools in [] Cr Nguyen, who was deputy mayor over the past year, will lead the council with Cr Thuy Dang named her deputy. linda mccartney funeral pictures; del frisco's boston restaurant week menu; raman bhardwaj celtic fan; moorage on lake washington; antler buyers in texas; who killed wo fat's father; restoration hardware apothecary; Radovi i Usluge. What is your favourite thing to do in Brimbank? As the current Mayor of Brimbank she serves and represents almost 211,000 people. My vision for Brimbank is to transform it into a sustainable smart city lets make Brimbank the powerhouse of the West! Brimbank City Council respectfully acknowledges and recognises the Wurundjeri and Bunurong Peoples as the Traditional Custodians of this land and pays respect to their Elders, past, present and future. This is my passion and you can be sure Ill be looking to explore all the many ways we can Bounce Brimbank Back! Cr Nguyen said she was hoping to help Brimbank bounce back and see the west get the same infrastructure as the east. Cr Dang is also Vietnamese. We also need to address our youth disengagement and unemployment, and take stronger action on issues such as climate change and mental health. The council was lacking a voice for the youth and I felt that we needed a stronger representation of our vulnerable CALD communities. Cr David selected first and picked out the defeated token, ruling him out of the election. A regional local government committee whose objective is to ensure the continued upgrading of the Calder Highway. Emilia Lisa Sterjova made headlines in 2019 when she elected mayor of Whittlesea on the eve of her 23rd birthday. Cr David, Cr Trung Luu, Cr Jae Papalia, Cr Bruce Lancashire and Cr Ranka Rasic voted for Cr Nguyen, along with herself. With the support of my Councillors, we will work as a team to make Brimbank even better. Role is to advocate, coordinate and promote events and industry development for tourism in the western metropolitan region. I will also work to deliver much needed infrastructure and services, and to advocate for investment on behalf of all our community in all wards. For more information about Brimbank Mayor and Councillors visit What do you think is the greatest strength of the Brimbank Community? To oversee the operational aspects of the Brimbank Arts Collection Policy Guidelines. Media update - Council Notices of Motion October 2022 | Brimbank City Brimbank mayor Jasmine Nguyen said it was "very concerning" that gambling losses and gambling expenditure remained high . I stand here representing the entire Brimbank, she said. Hi everyone, I'm Cr Jasmine Nguyen and I'm the newly elected Mayor of Brimbank. Work to develop strategies on how best to develop Brimbanks residential areas for a growing and changing city over the next 20 years are progressing. Cr Jasmine Nguyen elected as Mayor of Brimbank, Designing neighbourhoods for a changing community, How to start and maintain a school food garden: TEN Event. Three councillors, Cr Nguyen, Cr Virginia Tachos and Cr Sam David, were nominated for the position of mayor during last nights mayoral election. Cr Dang received six votes in the first round of voting to be elected deputy mayor. Georgie Hill on LinkedIn: This week I started a new role at Brimbank Council has joined forces with Cooinda Community Group to pilot a culturally safe and welcoming space that offers programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in Brimbank. Home | Your Say Brimbank Were working to restore it. As the daughter of Vietnamese refugees, I have been lucky enough to call Brimbank my home for over 20 years. Brimbank Council, led by Mayor Jasmine Nguyen, has been steadfast in their vision for the precinct. 18 November 2021 - Cr Jasmine Nguyen is the 2021-2022 Mayor after being elected by her fellow Councillors at a special Council meeting on 17 November. Add articles to your saved list and come back to them any time. Twelve years living in Brimbank is not too long, but long enough to fall in love and dedicate my heart to the brimbank community, I can see that in 12 years, Brimbank has changed a lot. Im Brimbank born and bred. Curious Conversations | Victorian Multicultural Commission . Speaking on Friday, Cr Nguyen said she . Our Councillors serve on several committees. One of my favourite ways to experience the authentic Brimbank is eating a bnh m from the local deli and taking my dog to Brimbank Park. Cr Tran is two weeks younger than the next youngest mayor, David Eden, who was elected to lead Kingston Council in 2016 at the age of 22. The dangerous and congested level crossing at Mt Derrimut Road is gone for good, and the new Deer Park Station now open. To oversee and guide the implementation, monitoring and review of the Brimbank Disability Action Plan, and advise Council on a range of matters affecting people with disability, their families and carers. Issue 22 - Jasmine Nguyen. Tuesday 23 March - Youth . Analytical Services; Analytical Method Development and Validation You can contact Cr Nguyen phone 0437 740 042. Cr Nguyen was Deputy Mayor for 2020-21. An update from the most recent Council Meeting that took place on 18 April 2023. Vivienne Nguyen said the program was designed to instil pride in Vietnamese culture, while teaching participants how to access Australian networks. Brimbank councillor Trung Luu, Tarneit MP Sarah Connolly, Brimbank mayor Jasmine Nguyen, Fraser MP Dr Daniel Mulino and Brimbank deputy mayor Thuy Dang visited the Kororoit Creek Neighbourhood House on Friday, May 6 to celebrate the announcement that an Albanese Labor government would fund a community battery for Brimbank. Through my leadership I aim to demonstrate what can be achieved with a willingness to have a go, take every opportunity as a learning opportunity and collaborate with others who are passionate about building resilient and sustainable communities, she said. Cr Jasmine Nguyen named on Mayoral Advisory Panel - Brimbank News Hear a keynote address from Louise Falconer on Gender-based biases and how to break them. The next round of Let's Talk Brimbank sessions are ready to kick off on 10 September, offering the community an opportunity to meet their local Councillors, ask questions and find out more about what Council is doing in the community. It's time for Brimbank to get fresh perspectives and create progressive change. Elle Phan on LinkedIn: Melbourne Student Careers Event - Accounting August 4, 2022 - 177 likes, 0 comments - Copperfield College (@copperfieldcollege) on Instagram: "On Wednesday Student Leaders met with the Mayor of Brimbank Jasmine .
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