Government sources claim that all commercial activity in the United States and other countries fall under the legislated (Administrative) Law which is also called the Uniform Commercial Code. The Department of the Treasury admits that there are millions of UCC filings by secured parties which have been diverted to the Analysis and Control Division of the IRS in Washington D.C. Nobody that I am aware of has ever had criminal charges brought against them that resulted in a prosecution. In the case of an adult that consents to this arrangement, I see no problem. Every time you spend a dollar you are acknowledging and creating more debt unless you write VOID on each and every dollar you spend. I payed a lawyer but have a bad back ground. This means there are funds borrowed against these accounts. Make sure the top two areas say MUTUAL FUND and FUND NUMBER BEFORE You do the search to find out who is trading on the FUND for the Birth Certificate. XRPGlobalConsultant on February 09, 2019: Interesting read, but it all came crashing down as soon as I saw that clip with David Icke. The language can be confusing until you learn the terms and understand that everything is written in legalese. They will endorse as to their witnessing the creation of both the child, and a commercial document. There has been information supposedly received from several government agencies which state that the filed Certificate of Live Birth documents have actual instructions on the reverse of the certificate stating who, and in what time frame the document should be created and delivered. When a child is born, a document is prepared which is an authorization to produce a Certificate of Live Birth. There is an account produced which we know as the Social Security Number. Great information,. It wants to be God so it has to create this little mini-world that it can temporarily control because God has the ultimate dominion over all Creation. It does not deal with the title at all. I hope this clarified any questions you had. The credit approved on paper is then invested in stocks and bonds. You can do this via the common law court website, this is very much a 3D process and par for the course, however what I have discovered is that when you energetically embody the vibration of Sovereign SELF that is where you enter the realm of 5D! Thanks for sharing in the spirit of helping to end this mess through knowledge. This simple action transfers the asset from the person who made the Deposit into an IRS TTL account. We simply share Patricks information, documents, audios, calls, and files. Copyright 2006-2023 A.W.A.R.E | All Rights Reserved, Without Prejudice, U.C.C 1-308, You Are The Beneficiary of Your Birth Certificate Trust, [ON SALE] The Strawman LLC & Copyrighting Your NAME - $999.99, CUAL ES LA DIFERENCIA DE UN 501(c)(3) Y 508(c)(1)(A), No Espere Hasta Que Sea Demasiado Tarde Para Proteger Sus Activos, Banking Tips For Opening Up A Bank Account, Business Credit Cards To Apply with Bad Credit, Bankruptcy Should Not Be Reported On Your Credit Report, MUST READ! Be careful and think for yourselves. Your birth certificate is not a bond worth millions of dollars. You will notice recently printed social security cards are now also printed with the bond number on the back in red ink. This is all false and will only end tragically for those who try it. Minors cannot be party to a contract. ,credit cards,bank loans,mortage loans,school loans,money barrowed,bank,c.c etc then YOU CANNOT MAKE MONEY OFF OF THE U.S ITS ILLEGAL. The final copy is received by the Department of Commerce even though the documents themselves are not kept in their offices. I have read one would need a National passport and/or a certificate of live Birth to file out the UCC-1. Instruction 7 - What will appear next is a page that says BOND RESULTS. They use the FBI to aid them in their attempts to admonish and stop the presentments of any Bill of Exchange documents delivered by the secured party to the secretary. A sovereign citizen avoids inadvertent subjection to this false government, and avoids being MR JOHN SMITH), these documents are not sent to you, the man or woman, but to the LEGAL FICTION, this is how the deception works.Try going to court as a man or a woman, simple you would think, but no. Treasury direct calculation on your birth certificate bond - YouTube 0:00 / 3:23 Treasury direct calculation on your birth certificate bond CULLEN MAC 8.37K subscribers Subscribe. are aware of this..there must be some human being out there that has a procedure for the UKPlease forward as this is the only way of bring down the banks-- as they have enslaved many nations through the IMF. mid-14c., pre-eminence, from Anglo-Frenchsovereynete, Old Frenchsouverainete, fromsoverain(seesovereign(adj.)). as registered securities. on January 07, 2012: I have an article on being a Sovereign Individual. I am choosing to do this as an aware and empowered living person. Treasury direct calculation on your birth certificate bond After a secured party files a UCC form, it becomes part of the public record, that a secured and vested interest is holding a superior claim over any and all other parties who have an interest, but all who file after the secured party must acknowledge the preexisting position. Contact the Treasury: You'll need to contact the Treasury to request the necessary forms and to get more information on the process. It is also sent to the IRS Technical Support Division (TSD) within the state in which the Secured Party started the discharge. The Human Trafficking via traded birth certificates bonds must be stopped now and the Commonwealth election must be stopped now so that the, COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA CONSTITUTION ACT SECT 80. What the secured party accomplishes with this is to put themselves on the same level as the Secretary of the Treasury and this will lead to taking back the control over their own assets. I have published quite a lot of articles and videos related to people and rights. if so what was our value at birth? Federal criminal convictions have occurred in several cases. on January 18, 2012: VICTOR JERMAN LIPFORD You have asked a question that I am not qualified to answer. By the very nature that when you turn a commodity into money, in a world of competing resources to get it, you automatically reduce the amount of natural resources we need to maintain harmony and balance, which means we will always have conflict, war and violence and ultimately what we see now and why they want to reduce the population of the planet because of it, and the fact every living system on this planet is in a state of rapid decline. What does this mean? Yet these folks are nowhere to be found! It is not the birth certificate that has value. The owner's age will be determined from the date of birth shown on the face of the bond, provided, however, that the Secretary of the Treasury . You can then use your bond number to apply for a CUSIP number from Social Security bonds will always say this because you cannot collect until maturity, which is retirement or disability. just want to do it right the 1st time. jinlei123 from I was in China on June 28, 2011: Wow! Donate To A.W.A.R.E Where Is Patrick Devine Files? Is it a transactional instrument? Sorry about your lack of comprehension. Freedom does not exist if the people are apathetic concerning their status in society. Apostle Javita McKinney on July 20, 2017: Maybe those who have the motives preferred will get this taken care of and those who are not attempting to make a good success of this procedure will see the benefits? The International Monetary Fund using the Secretary of the Treasury as its representative, and using the Federal Reserve and the ability of the IRS to collect revenue has virtual control over every single citizens assets. The documents are known at the analysis and control division as "UCC contract trusts. This is why, taking control of your strawman such as authenticating your birth certificate and becoming a secure party creditor are very powerful steps to taking back beneficiaryship over your ESTATE. This information is then disseminated throughout the various federal, state, and county district levels. Within Australia because of this concealed suspension of all Constitutions, all Supreme Courts inclusive of the High Court of Australia pay no judicial attention or notice to any purported breach of allegiance or breach of any constitutions, in effect the United Nation Order has taken control of all Constitutions within Australia, since the 6th November 1999, but, the illusion/fraud of having a constitution in position within Australia must be maintained ,which is the sole reason why another Commonwealth Election is about to be held. Is it a negotiable instrument? Make the search by Mutual Fund and Fund Number. Don't get me wrong, I thank you a lot for all this information, but each and every piece of information available online only explains the situation, not a single one explains how to actually do it. If you take your Social Security card and turn it over it starts out with a letter followed by 8 digits. For the most part, the majority of the commercial rules and procedures will be the same globally. I have read the rule of civil procedure as well as state UCC and a bit of USCode UCC so I knew I would find the root if I just kept looking. There is verification that this process has come from the Special Procedure Handling Offices of the IRS. When you obtain a bank account, a driving license or a passport, it is issued to your STRAWMAN (e.g. The reason that this prison we find ourselves in, is actually valid, is because there is a long decided "LAW OF NATIONS", which states roughly, that "he who has the money, must pay the bills". Because of this, IRS reconstruction the Technical Support Manager (TSM) in every State Divisional Office of the IRS has been given the same authority once held by the District Director. Do not fall victim to their schemes. The UCC deals with secured, vested interest, and/or the possession of the property. Legal Information Institute. I suggest that you stay away from undocumented, unproven schemes. Thats why there has to be a loophole, aka remedy. That is the reason that this deception has endured for so long. We are a private organization and offer no refunds on any of our services. David Icke? If you are interested in acquiring loan from this wonderful company, all you need to do is contact then via email: or you can even visit their site Frequently Asked Questions Hey Dario, great job my man. 1) When a live birth is recorded in the registrars books, is a bond then created to that certificate that represents an account for the use of that child on reaching adulthood? Because people care only about their own butt, and that came from a steady diet fed to them by corporate mass media to turn everyone into a parasitic cockroach, who put more value on worthless IOU promise to pay FIAT money, than they do about their own life and the life of planet earth. One shall checkout Dean Clifford's work on you tube; well worth your time class A Misdemeanor because according to the state you are contracting with yourself. More on this later. I am starting my quest to become sovereign, though I no longer reside in Australia. Once you get the authenticated BC you never let it out of your hands again. Courts will only deal with LEGAL FICTIONS. THINK ABOUT ITWhen you were born, your parents gifted you a name. This is human trafficking conducted by people within the government structure. The value of the bond is based on the power of the state to tax the future wealth, and property, of the human being named on the document. It is a strawman that is created to be used in all legal and financial matters. ~. W-8? These provisions were scattered throughout various legislative acts, joint resolutions and executive orders, many in 1933, as well as in the Congressional Record based on Public Policy HJR-192, codified in Public Law 73-10 and confirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1939. Hey, great hub. Sure, the system is crooked. The Department of the Treasury employees make it quite clear that they will not accept or perform any actions to faxed orders, telephoned or wired instructions. Contact Us Click on Quote. Thanks email is It might help to read the UCC a few times, being careful to apply words as they are defined in the UCC sections and in legal dictionaries, to study contract law, and maybe read some of Reality Bytes other hubs. The truth is that UCC is legislated by administrative law that systematizes the rules for all commercial transactions between nations, states, and even between individuals. Make purchases that will be charged to a "Exemption Account" (perhaps identified by your social security number or EIN), or Request savings bonds held by the government in your name and owed to you. I believe that most people will do nothing to redeem themselves simply because they believe they are better off being property of the state and that being held responsible for a government-created strawman is just fine with them. What do one do when one go to the bank after filing the ucc? but only for those serious about seeking the truth. I Searched My Birth Certificate Bond through Fidelity - YouTube That averages out to over three hundred and fifty seven thousand people who found a way around this ruse every year. Kudos to the time and effort you put in my friend to speak the truth of how every man woman and child on this planet, has been fleeced to the point of being nothing more that a parasitic energy being people like the Satanic and vile piece of cow dung Rothschild family have been getting away with ecocide and genocide along with his side kick the Bush and Clinton family. And if anyone cannot see it, they are either brain dead, sick state of insanity, or live on another planetary body, which btw, this one is flat. There is no legal way you can obtain the millions of dollars of value your birth certificate does . The answer to each of these questions is NO, or at least it should be! The banks are scoundrels. The process is listed here: Capitis Diminutio (meaning thediminishing of statusthrough the use of capitalization) In Roman law. I have not heard of one state that has sought prosecution for any filing as being illegal, civil or criminal. I think the chaos has to play itself out. 3. Make sure the top two areas say MUTUAL FUND and FUND NUMBER BEFORE You do the search to find out who is trading on the FUND for the Birth Certificate. This document was created when you were an infant. Thanks for this information. Type in the Birth Number on the Birth Certificate, the first three numbers then dash, next 2 #'s then dash and then the final numbers. Bogus Sight Drafts/Bills of Exchange Drawn on the Treasury scam.
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