This shows the critical meta-lesson again: those in power have no interest in high performance. On connections between quantum physics, computation and information theory. Some of the unpublished stuff in Gdels Collected Works is extraordinary, e.g his secret search for the truth about Leibniz. Cited by many professional mathematicians as an inspiration. Civil servants are told to read up on Dominic Cummings as overhaul looms Im reading this summer. Perhaps America has elections every four years, power supply is ~100% reliable in the First World, Europe wont see millions killed in wars again, nobody lives happily/normally to 200, robots cant escape control and kill vast numbers of humans, children should study curricula controlled by the state, I support policies that undermine traditional ideas about the family will seem as quaint in 2052 as Bertrand Russell being taught by a grandfather whod met Napoleon that British naval dominance is a fact of life. (NB. Most of the world is not like this! Useful introduction to some fundamentals, from Pythagoras to Newton to e and complex numbers. He had promised to resign if there was any finding against and kept his word. David wrote some of the breakthrough papers on quantum computers. They have insurgent energy and feed on grievance. Much (mis)quoted, rarely read. A good biography of Dirac. Some of the. Youll understand more of how SW1 really works than from all PM memoirs of the last 30 years combined (PMs never face why they dont control much of Whitehall even after theyve gone). My blog with other books HERE. The Nazis did indeed think they were creating a new world beyond good and evil, so did Stalin. Also. I know some of them. . Now It Can Be Told, General Groves. On typical problems dealing with statistics, Bayes Theory, and how to improve understanding of probability. E.g Introduction to Strategic History, Modern Strategy, Strategy and Defence Planning (reading now). If one could observe a discussion between Bismarck and one politician from the 20th Century, he might be the most interesting choice. If you want to stop Trump in 2024 you should figure out what you could offer Plouffes wife to let him do it. He did not try to influence todays arguments but instead tried to prepare the future, an approach of great power partly because, as Monnet said, theres almost no competition. Jean Monnet created the ECSC and EEC/EU. E.g Around 1848 nationalism was an elite opinion held by educated liberals who thought of liberalism and nationalism as naturally, and morally, connected, while uneducated peasants were less nationalistic. SW1 suffers such extremely powerful wilful blindness even an event as big as covid doesnt puncture consciousness in many important ways. If you really are interested in policy and how someone tries to bring principles of high performance to government, this is essential. Intoxicating, insidery and infuriating: everything I learned about While some lessons are specific to time/place (e.g how the Senate works in 1950) the most important lessons from all such books are quite abstract and common and I assume this will be true of these classics. Re George Mueller, the man who managed the Apollo program. We look back on history and abstract over decades or centuries, judging the ideas that held sway for a few decades and sneering at how formerly all the world was mad as Nietzsche put it. He was a mathematician who got interested in how markets work. About Robert Mosess grip on NYC. As the craziness of 2024 approaches his ideas will be much more influential in some circles than you will realise from the media. He was a mathematician who got interested in how markets work. Groves (fired), Bob Taylor (fired), George Mueller (not funded to push on to Mars after the moon), Renoir The list goes on and on. If you read Boyd youll see how lessons recur across Alexander, Nelson, Groves et al. Never At Rest, Westfall. The classic Cummings campaign is in the Star Wars rebel-alliance mould. The peacetime bureaucracy knew what it valued. Vast amounts of what you read on this is rubbish. He did not however go quietly or in apologetic mode. Those who think very fast timetables are plausible, because (partly) they worry about the effects of their comments. I will publish soon a chronology of 1862-67 following the twists and turns of Schleswig-Holstein, the escalating conflict with Austria, the domestic conflict running through the period. We can now test fertilised eggs for common risk factors such as mental disorders and heart attacks and choose which egg to use for IVF. You often read versions of those really at the edge of this research do not predict fast timetables. (Also note that the oversight for Groves was a group of just four who met with no secretariat and no formal records.) Like all the best political advice you dont need to be clever to understand it. Retweets. It was night, bombs were exploding, and mothers were covering their children with whatever bedding they had, and then they would lie on top of them. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Beautiful Evidence, and Seeing With Fresh Eyes, by Edward Tufte are classics about the presentation of information by the worlds leading expert. , Sipser (2005 edition). A modern version of Polya for children, by aFields Medalist. It would be ridiculous to be bitter about Hollywood. , Terence Tao. If one could observe a discussion between Bismarck and one politician from the 20th Century, he might be the most interesting choice. (NB. Pearl led a revolution in thinking about causation from inside the then tiny field of AI. How to Solve It, Polya. Also you cant understand our world unless you have a sense of Nietzsches profound influence on 20th Century artists, thinkers, and politics. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth. On digital fabrication. Six months later tens of thousands died for the lack of such skills. One of Britains most senior and respected civil servants, Michael Quinlan, wrote this paper after retiring, Thinking About Nuclear Weapons, on nuclear strategy. Caitlyn Scott-Lee is said to have been found in a forested area next to a playing field at the 44,000-per-year Wycombe Abbey School on Friday night. The philosophising Tolstoy fought against the picture of an infinitely complex system in which most thoughts and actions fade to zero significance quickly but a few connect to others with highly non-linear effects. Its crucial to remember both aspects of this genius-monster without whom probably no World War I, Lenin, Hitler etc summed up by Salisburys two comments: One misses the extraordinary penetration of the old man and he will do things of which it would be absurd to suspect any other statesman in Europe. Why it's in AOC's interests to challenge Old Joe. But this also means theres always billion dollar bills on the pavement sometimes even trillion dollar bills, like do vaccines much faster and smarter than usual in spring 2020, and like now with 2024 approaching People, ideas, machines in that order! Robert Coram wrote a biography. Will. I started reading him around 1999 when I first got involved in politics. Dominic Cummings's Odyssean reading list might make you smarter. , Gigerenzer. Some supported this approach but as youd expect the worst hated it. In Pursuit of the Travelling Salesman, Cook. Almost the only good business book I have read on strategy. Considered by many in Silicon Valley to be the best book on the details of management. are classics about the presentation of information by the worlds leading expert. How to predict news? If youre thinking of doing a startup or just curious about how to do hard things you should read Paul Grahams essays. , Nietzsche. Whenever and. I'll post final LKY notes tomorrow. Again the meta-lesson: while everybody wants to know what are they investing in? almost nobody pays any attention to how do they organise Berkshire, why is it so different, how does this relate to extreme performance?. The insider account of the Manhattan Project by its legendary leader. The media laughed and many said its so boring. one of my terrorist demands when Boris asked me to go to No10, 21 July 2019). Most educated people remain unaware of how little home environment affects IQ/education nor that modern analysis of DNA has confirmed the data from decades of twin/adoption studies. The greatest deeds are thoughts (Some confusion about his ideas is a result of his sister who was a Nazi supporter and edited things he wrote to distort his actual views. Its fascinating both for getting hard things done and how to reform science funding. Like LKY, crucial if you really are interested in practical planning for high performance government. Re Clintons 1992 campaign which influenced the Blair 1997 campaign. (Ive recently read some of the media commentary about 2019 that I ignored at the time and its amazing how many hacks thought I was trying to use vNs game theory. The philosophising Tolstoy fought against the picture of an infinitely complex system in which most thoughts and actions fade to zero significance quickly but a few connect to others with highly non-linear effects. I googled recently after getting no reply to an email and learned to my dismay that he died of cancer last year. (Ive recently read some of the media commentary about 2019 that I ignored at the time and its amazing how many hacks thought I was trying to use vNs game theory. For us its often seen as high level political philosophy but it was bashed out by Hamilton et al as part of a brutal political struggle including many dirty tricks on both sides. The Power Broker, Robert Caro. Some Thoughts on Education and Political Priorities - Goodreads How Roger Ailes packaged Nixon with actual campaign memos reproduced at the back. The cynicism/realism remains shocking. Pearl led a revolution in thinking about causation from inside the then tiny field of AI. . NB. , Klein. A remarkable 19th Century book about propaganda and politics that influenced Lenin, Hitler and PR pioneers like Bernays. I found his Nobel lecture fascinating and I suspect it would be one of the most useful things to force politicians and senior officials to read. Review of the disintegration of the Tories in the context of Brexit, SW1 vs Vote Leave perspectives on risks of Brexit/Remain, and why some of the VL team decided to go to No10 in 2019 and save the trolley to Get Brexit Done despite our reservations. If you havent read it dont read another modern book until you have. Theres no question about this. His Art of Doing Science and Engineering is considered a classic but Ive not read. Although Nietzsche despised nothing more than the radical left, he became extremely influential on it, perhaps because nobody else so thoroughly demolishes the foundations of liberal democracy, although, in a further twist, few of the left realise the extent to which they are influenced by him. He regarded the universe as a cryptogram set by the Almighty. Click repeat), , Hamming. The story of Turing, von Neumann and the computer.
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