originaltrilogy.com is not affiliated with Lucasfilm, 20th Century Fox, or Disney. Obwohl der Film geschnitten wurde, um die FSK 18 zu umgehen, gibt es dennoch etliche deftige Horrorszenen zu sehen. Kurz zum Inhalt: 2047 bricht ein Raumschiff auf zu einer geheimen Rettungsmission. When Anderson screened the film for Paramount, they were disturbed by how gruesome it was. Yeah! Paramount Pictures logoTM \u0026 Copyright by Paramount Pictures.All Rights Reserved Is it the most original film? I second this. The film was a box office disappointment, but thanks to the miracle of home video,Event Horizon has built itself a nice little fanbase, and that fanbase has been clamoring to see some of the film's long-lost footage. I really enjoyed the movie and love the combination of space sci-fi and supernatural horror. Anderson said that he's never seen the tape, as producer Lloyd Levin, who was rumored to have it, moved to Spain. The image is blurry and the sound is loud and eerie. Dr Weir struggles to find answers as to where the ship has been and what happened. You live with your choices. Anderson believes that most of the deleted footage was probably too extreme for audience and took them out of the film. The studio thought it was too drastic to get a reasonable rating from the MPAA and Paul W.S. A science fiction movie with some disturbing sequences. Pandorum is probably my fav of that kind of movie, but shout out to Alien too. A rescue crew, led byCaptain Miller (Laurence Fishburne) is sent to investigate, along with Dr.Weir (Sam Neill), the man who designed the ship and its GravityDrive, which has the power to open up a black hole in order to allow the Event Horizon to travel vast distances in the blink of an eye. Before I go off reviewing this cult classic, I'll share my personal history with this movie, which dates back nearly eleven years ago. This cut contained far more graphic violence and gore than the released version of the film. Fazit: Trotz der angesprochenen Schwche in Bezug auf die Handlung, bietet der Film ansonsten hochspannende Unterhaltung und zudem ein relativ berraschendes Ende. A sci-fi horror classic. Event Horizon was meant to be "a classic haunted house movie," as Anderson describes it to this day, only set in deep space and targeting the same sweet spot between sci-fi and horror that. Event Horizon - Event Horizon . For newcomers - jump in, it's a glorious mix of Alien, Hellraiser, The Shining, with a dash of Solaris. Another film that needs to get into this mix is Disney's The Black Hole, a movie with almost the exact same plot. Dr. William Weir Captain Miller Paul W.S. Gore Verbinski Lockhart When the crew of the ship Lewis and Clark are sent to find out what happened to the eponymous Event Horizon when it appears near Neptune, the evil within the ship shows them what one bad day really looks like. I lost them. Stephen King 1408 1408 http://www.movie-censorship.com/news_en.php?ID=3918, I hate to piss on everyone's bonfire here but those are just screencaps from the already available DVD/BD, they are the 1 frame images that appear during the hell sequences and the finale. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 27, 2022, Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon, Laurence Fishburne, Sam Neill, Kathleen Quinlan, Joely Richardson, Richard T. Jones. Ravager preview/\"Coming This March To Video Stores Everywhere\"4. where is the VHS? [Possibly spoilers} It's my understanding this movie was heavily 'inspired' by WH40k lore, very specifically it can be counted as Humanity's first encounter with the Immaterium or warp, aka as Hell, and it went about as well as one would expect. Reviewed in the United States on April 28, 2023. This scene is a reminder of what Anderson's truly capable of when in the right mood. Greek VHS (Home Video Hellas) Uncut (Vinegar Syndrome) Dec 01, 2022 00:18 Mad Monkey Kung Fu. I've seen "Event Horizon" several times now, and yet every time I watch it, the video message from hell is so jarring and gnarly that it makes me incredibly uncomfortable. Because the movie wasn't a giant theatrical hit, the studio just didn't keep the material. (Welcome to Scariest Scene Ever, a column dedicated to the most pulse-pounding moments in horror with your tour guides, horror experts Chris Evangelista and Matt Donato. Wow that's alot of good stuff left out, sure wish we could get a directors cut on blu. Searching the ship for signs of life, the rescue crew learns that the Event Horizon was responsible for testing an experimental engine that opened a rift in the space time continuum, allowing a hostile entity to board the ship.this is a movie that has reached cult like status and one of the questions many people know is that this film has LOTS of deleted scenes and the hope of a directors cut is sadly, not likely. In an interview at Toronto Underground Cinema in 2011, director Paul W.S. "At that point, the audience turned away from the screen. Not the point of thread: look at those pics in the link . The original cut of the movie was actually so gory and graphic that it allegedly made test audiences sick. The film looks pristine with clear, sharp, natural film detail and perfectly judged use of hdr. (^^,), Sadly my projects are lost due to an HDD crash | [Fundamental Collection] thread | blog.spoRv.com | fan preservation forum: fanres.com. In the year 2040, a space ship called the Event Horizon was launched to reach Proxima Centauri (Earth's nearest star) by using an artificial dimensional gateway to create a black hole, bridging the two points in space to drastically reduce journey time. The team boards the ship but the crew is (mostly) missing, and all is not right on theEvent Horizon. Event Horizon Director Has Disappointing Update on a Director's Cut By Patrick Cavanaugh - December 18, 2020 06:31 pm EST 0 Before helping bring the Resident Evil series of movies to life, fans. Alien Ridley Scott The director also offered some insight into why the film ended up with so many deleted scenes: "Bits and pieces of a lost cut of Event Horizon turn up, like on different VHS tapes there will be bits of scenes that are slightly different from earlier cuts. Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them. Auf unerklrliche Weise mutierte dabei die "Event Horizon" in eine Art intelligentes, aber hchst bsartiges Wesen, das die teuflische Fhigkeit besitzt, die schlimmsten ngste eines jeden Besatzungsmitglieds real werden zu lassen. If I have well understood, dvdmike wants to use the uncut VHS as reference, while using the BD and/or DVD deleted scenes as actual footage, right? Years later, the ship has reappeared nearNeptune. You will be happy. The science-fiction horror extravaganza wasn't a winner at the box office, making only $42 million on a $60 million budget. what i still don't get is why they trash footage into the garbage bin. Most notable among the missing footage? This is still the best it has looked. Dr Weir struggles to find answers as to where the ship has been and what happened. "In the original cut screened for test audiences, she looks down at the withered legs and we cut back to Kathleen. A lot of the footage related to Hell was cut entirely, with Anderson recalling "endless amounts of orgies and blood." Sam Neill was always an odd Kiwi. The Paramount Collection promo3. Saw this movie once in the middle of the night when I couldnt sleep, surfing around and came across what I thought was a sci-fi movie. That's because it's sadly missing production materials to make such a release a reality. Sicherlich hat der Film Logik Fehler und die Handlung mag etwas weit daher geholt zu sein, aber davon abgesehen bietet der Film Hochspannung pur. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on August 1, 2022. 1996-2023, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates, Select a location to see product availability, Hell is only a word. So instead of the space station turing in 2001,it was this tooth!The gore was also cut down though was'nt a major issue for the diretor who felt that shortening cutting away really fast has a stronger impact. Event Horizon Event Horizon - R Yeah that is an easy fix, but need to find sources first. Reviewed in the United States on April 23, 2023, Great film. OK big pie in the sky here, but anyone have nay links to this: http://www.dreadcentral.com/news/69459/take-look-event-horizon-you-didnt-see, I do not think we will get a Directors cut but a transfer from VHS tidied up a bit may work. Event Horizon (1997) HD IMDb: 6.7 : Paul W.S. This is a cult classic now. But the version currently available to everyone wasn't Anderson's original cut. Are you hoping to get the director's cut of the original film released? Anderson's film was reportedly even gorier than its theatrical version, and he had to trim some stuff down to get an R-rating. Event Horizon, the 1997 sci-fi horror flick about a spaceship that rips the space-time continuum straight to Hell, had a hellish initial entry. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); BigBoss The Weinstein Company . A vast improvement on the blu ray, which was perfectly adequate anyway given it's status, but someone over at paramount has finally given this the love it deserves. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. Event Horizon was a 1997 sci-fi horror film directed by Paul W. S. Anderson. Back in 2019, Amazon and Paramount Television did announce the development of an "Event Horizon" television series. However, the more the audio is cleaned up, the clearer the message becomes, and D.J. btw, on the dvd there are some deleted scenes, that show more of the lost hell footage. "I think, unfortunately, the bulk of what was taken out of the movie has been lost. "Event Horizon" was never intended to be a tentpole film. Event Horizon ending explained video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IjAg8qyQKIEvent Horizon is a 1997 science fiction horror film directed by Paul W. S. Anderson and written by Philip Eisner. Comparison BBFC 15 Uncut. As you can guess, things get progressively worse from there, and the main characters start getting bumped off in nasty ways. ago. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on October 14, 2018. "When we delivered the first cut to Paramount, they were just horrified by the movie," the filmmaker admitted. Anderson was like "I may have gone too far in a few places", and so they agreed to seal the abomination of a movie reel in an abandoned salt mine deep in the vampire and werewolf lands. Event Horizon - Deleted Scenes - Sam Neill DaneTheConquerer 8.02K subscribers Subscribe 1.9K Save 602K views 12 years ago Notice Age-restricted video (based on Community Guidelines) Movie. Greek VHS (Home Video Hellas) Uncut (Vinegar Syndrome) Dec 01, 2022 00:18 Mad Monkey Kung Fu. Reviewed in the United States on April 20, 2023. The ship seems to have a sinister energy that gets inside the minds of the crew. this has happen on so many movie and we'll never see the original version of many movies because of this stupidity. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZK1debnXYlA, http://forum.lddb.com/viewtopic.php?p=36964#p36964, http://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?t=226222, http://collider.com/paul-w-s-anderson-resident-evil-5-retribution-interview/181527/. He did Mouth of Madness too- which was also great and he did Dead Ringer. Initially, the film ran for at least 130 minutes. No need to review, movie is old and I'm sure you have already seen it/ know what it is. Is VHS the only way to get these scenes? You will be happy. Read our extensive list of rules for more information on other types of posts like fan-art and self-promotion, or message the moderators if you have any questions. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5oCQGhzMwXIOSW6UfB6wbA, *. Even so, the film is still plenty bloody, and this scene in particular always gives me the creeps. And it also features an all-time-great scene of horror that has the power to give you the creeps no matter how many times you've watched the movie. Copyright 2023 ComicBook.com. Meanwhile the individual crew members start to experience hallucinations relating to their personal lives. . the uncut editions of the movie have been lost. ", The original plan was to release the Blu-ray in September of 2020 but the release got pushed back to March of 2021. Things turn ugly once they board the ship an engineer Justin gets pulled into the gravity drive causing a wave that A sci-fi horror classic. Now, Anderson himself has weighed in, and he doesn't sound very optimistic about that happening. Erst auf dem Flug klrt der mitgereiste Wissenschaftler Dr. Weir die Besatzung ber das Ziel auf: Es soll das von ihm erbaute Raumschiff "Event Horizon", das seit 2040 verschollen ist, Kurz zum Inhalt: 2047 bricht ein Raumschiff auf zu einer geheimen Rettungsmission. All I need is a few million dollars and buckets of blood.". 1408 , 1408 , Paranormal Activity 3 FBI Warning screen . Paramount \"Feature Presentation\"7. "Event Horizon" manages to disgust and traumatize in a matter of seconds, and that's just a nauseating taste. ", Anderson went on to joke about recreating the missing scenes now, comparing the idea to Zack Snyder's "Snyder Cut" of Justice League, which is getting a release on HBO Max next year: "Who knows, in the world of the Snyder Cut of Justice League, maybe there's the Anderson Cut of Event Horizon. Nachdem dies der Bergungsmannschaft klar wurde und schon Tote in den eigenen Reihen zu beklagen sind, wollen sie wieder zu ihrem eigenen Schiff zurck und den Ort des Grauens verlassen. Then, this summer, Scream Factory announced they'd be putting out a special edition Blu-ray of the film and added: "New extras are in progress and will be announced on a later date. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Babylon A.DRAW AND UNCUT.DVD at the best online prices at eBay! Amazon has encountered an error. Der Flug durch das schwarze Loch, so die Hypothese, soll das Schiff in ein Paralleluniversum transportiert haben. Nov 29, 2022 15:22 Free Hand for a Tough Cop. Event Horizon is a 1997 science fiction horror film directed by Paul W. S. Anderson and Show more Show more Shop the Mr H Reviews store Pandorum YouTube Movies & TV Science fiction 2009 Pay to. So I bought the movie to share with friends. They asked me if I wanted to do a director's cut. Not the point of thread: look at those pics in the link. Dr Weir has been sent to the Lewis & Clark to investigate the disappearance and reappearance of the Event Horizon beyond Neptune. Anderson isn't exactly critically acclaimed, it seems that most people agree thatEvent Horizon is one of his better films. Watch Event Horizon on Amazon. I know the film is 25 years old but have seen better 4k presentations in older films. It only made $27 million off a $60 million. Several scenes many of which were considered too graphic and gory were removed from the flick, and while there has been talk of restoring them, the scenes themselves are believed to be lost. Soundtrack is good but would have been better in Atmos. Point of thread: Uncut VHS found, can we get hold of it to make an uncut version? Event Horizon $3.99 $14.99 Available at a lower price from other sellers that may not offer free Prime shipping. In the not-too-distant future (the year 2047, to be precise), a cutting-edge starship known as the Event Horizon vanished with its crew. saw this twice at the cinema and was blown away by the audio mix for it. Even though this is an older movie, it holds up well. The reality is much, much worse. Anderson admitted that it only got a Summer release because James Cameron had to delay "Titanic." Rings The Ring Paramount Feature Presentation bumper 2. Sam Neill was always an odd Kiwi. Earlier this year, boutique Blu-ray label Scream Factory announced they'd be releasing a special edition ofEvent Horizon, Paul W.S. I'm a fan ofEvent Horizon, and I'd love to see these deleted scenes, but it definitely sounds like we're never going to get a full-fledged director's cut. What's a few nightmares for the sake of a good movie?? Mr HPO Box 955TAUNTONTA1 9NSfollow me on twitter to interact with me and suggest future videos - https://twitter.com/MrHreviewsFor business and general inquiries - mrhreviews@gmail.comlike, comment, share and subscribe :) thank you! too vertically stretched as seen here http://forum.lddb.com/viewtopic.php?p=36964#p36964. Point of thread: Uncut VHS found, can we get hold of it to make an uncut version? One scene in the finished film has Medical Technician Peters (played by Kathleen Quinlan) seeing a hallucination of her son's mangled legs. Paranormal Activity Katie Micha The Star Trek Collection promo6. Comparison UK Blu-ray German Blu-ray. I remember finishing up the forth grade back in June of 1998 and my brother rented Event Horizon from the local video store at Before I go off reviewing this cult classic, I'll share my personal history with this movie, which dates back nearly eleven years ago. We Star Wars and give it all the moneys. At a Toronto Underground Cinema Q&A, he said that the studio stopped watching the dailies after the initial footage of the crew exploring the ship, so the production team was able to go wild after that. (PA wanted to"skirt" over these issues with some charecters so it would'nt become "pedantic")Justin also had some backstory + a stronger explanation for why he enters the strange vortex.The feelings that Starck has for Capt. Instead, it appeared as though the ship inadvertently opened up a portal directly to Hell. As shown here where membersthought it was screencaps from the uncut version until it was pointed out-> http://forum.blu-ray.com/showthread.php?t=226222, doubt that uncut VHS will beleaked as it's in the hands of the producer as noted in this inteview -> http://collider.com/paul-w-s-anderson-resident-evil-5-retribution-interview/181527/, I LOVE "Event Horizon" ("Punto di non ritorno" in italian, that means "Point of no return" why they change titles in that way, it's a mystery to me).
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