Currently, 28 states are on the quarantine list, including Florida, California, Virginia, and Maryland, plus Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. 0000001108 00000 n Yorkers who continue to deal with the practical effects of the <>/Border[0 0 0]/C[0.0 0.0 1.0]/H/N/M(D:20230427235535Z)/P 4 0 R/Rect[312.858 612.711 339.354 623.349]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> 202.67, dated October 4, 2020, the Governor announced that such tolling will end on November 3, 2020: The suspension in Executive Order 202.8, as modified and extended in subsequent Executive Orders, that tolled any specific time limit for the commencement, filing, or service of any legal action, notice, motion, or other process or proceeding as prescribed by the procedural laws of the state, including but not limited to the criminal procedure law, the family court act, the civil practice law and rules, the court of claims act, the surrogates court procedure act, and the uniform court acts, or by any statute, local law, ordinance, order, rule, or regulation, or part thereof, is hereby continued, as modified by prior executive orders, provided however, for any civil case, such suspension is only effective until November 3, 2020, and after such date any such time limit will no longer be tolled . Nassau County Administrative Code 5-16.0(b) to the extent necessary to provide a discount of one percent on payments of second half 2020-2021 school district taxes which are made on or before December 10, 2020. Rural Electric Cooperatives Law Section 17(d) to the extent necessary to eliminate the minimum in-person quorum requirements; Title 5 of Article 11 of the Real Property Tax Law, is suspended with respect to the ability of a municipality to sell liens. 2 Additional Guidance The directive contained in Executive Order 202.28, as extended, that prohibited initiation of a proceeding or enforcement of either an eviction of any residential or commercial tenant, for nonpayment of rent or a foreclosure of any residential or commercial mortgage, for nonpayment of such mortgage, is continued only insofar as it applies to a With the entire State of New York in Phase 4 of New York Forward, the courts have begun to reopen (at least virtually) and certain foreclosure proceedings have resumed. In addition, by the terms of Executive Order 202. Marks Mem. %%EOF Q?G>*|c kc C@YE 2023 Thoroughbred Title Services. 716.852.8687 | | 438 Main St., 6th Floor, Buffalo, NY 14202. 0 This is momentous news for the legal and insurance industries. On January 27, 2021, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo issued Executive Order 202.92, which continued through February 26, 2021, all directives made by Executive Order 202, which was the initial COVID-19 disaster declaration issued on March 7, 2020, and all successor orders to Executive Order 202. New York's remote notarization and document execution <>/Border[0 0 0]/C[0.0 0.0 1.0]/H/N/M(D:20230427235535Z)/P 4 0 R/Rect[399.0 485.306 519.577 495.944]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> wiM\ Now that the Governor has announced an end date for the tolling of civil and legal deadlines, attorneys statewide have been placed on notice that they will soon no longer be able to take advantage of the generous tolling these Executive Orders provided during the pandemic. The Tenant Safe Harbor Act essentially extends the eviction moratorium for COVID-affected residential tenants that had been set to expire. 4 0 obj UPDATE: Executive Orders allowing virtual witnessing have been issued monthly since the initial Executive Order, with the most recent renewal on June 5, 2021, which extends virtual witnessing through July 5, 2021. Commercial eviction proceedings commenced before March 17, 2020 are stayed through September 20, 2020 for tenants facing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 8;\`r0p9m ,q3p@D^ ?\ This extension, while anticipated, is still welcome news for New WebThat general suspension lapsed under the terms of Executive Order 202.67 (Attachment A). On November 12, 2020, by Executive Order 13959, the President declared a national emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 Here is the pertinent text of the Order: Any notarial act that is required under New York State law is authorized to be performed utilizing audio-video technology provided that the following conditions are met: The person seeking the Notary's services, if not personally known to the Notary, must present valid photo ID to the Notary during the video conference, not merely transmit it prior to or after; The video conference must allow for direct interaction between the person and the Notary (e.g. 58 0 obj <> endobj <>/Border[0 0 0]/C[0.0 0.0 1.0]/H/N/M(D:20230427235535Z)/P 4 0 R/Rect[221.999 592.712 260.825 603.349]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> Governor Andrew Cuomo has signed Executive Order 202.109, which extends the State Disaster Residential evictions and foreclosures are now addressed by legislation and the Administrative Orders from the courts. All eviction proceedings are to be conducted remotely to the extent possible. 0000001772 00000 n The Summary of NLRB Decisions is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for the opinions of the NLRB. M"ruP/ 4D8yLnA"$=pm;dH[iiU [2] Executive Order 202.28 established the stay of evictions and foreclosures resulting from non-payment of COVID-related financial hardship through June 20, 2020. Executive Order 12866: (Mail Code 6205A), Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460; telephone number: 2025640679; Competition Advocates requested that EPA revise its proposed SNAP Rule 25 use conditions to allow for an extended implementation time. \Qrqi^:7J:jApjpIN iXbU99h4t:ZZec_5YQ !QQ2PXBw]B&r$}stu7Um!=vN8!+ [l)+oOK 87K On July 19, the governor issued EO 13, which extends certain orders through September 30, 2021, and allows all other COVID-19 orders to HU]k[1}?6+e~^ek_X;H~p:W+*$xN?X N x,n;8QQd.wOSD?s=; wo&fsPBs6'\ahcRYKLq\eK4~92g1. [3] An essential worker is defined as (1) any individual employed by an entity included on the Empire State Development (ESD) Essential Business list, or (2) any individual who meets the COVID-19 testing criteria, pursuant to their status as either an individual who is employed as a health care worker, first responder, or in any position within a nursing home, long-term care facility, or other congregate care setting, or an individual who is employed as an essential employee who directly interacts with the public while working, pursuant to DOH Protocol for COVID-19 Testing, issued May 31, 2020, or (3) any other worker deemed such by the Commissioner of Health. N!"{e[w2HI_dC!! 0000005632 00000 n This Executive order shall remain in effectuntil October 4, 2020. On March 20, 2020 the governor of the state of New York, Andrew M. Cuomo, issued Executive Order No. Please continue to monitor the Departments website for updated guidance. 78 0 obj <>stream hbbd``b`Z$H4 DgAX$X@Pg1012!% Q Each of the firm's offices include partners, associates and a professional staff dedicated to meeting the challenge of providing the firm's clients with extraordinary service. Portions of this site may still be under development, so if you experience any issues or have any questions please submit a. To the extent that there are differing opinions on whether a public hearing is a public meeting for the purpose of Open Meetings Law, any outstanding WebExecutive Orders | Governor Kathy Hochul CONTINUATION OF PRIOR EXECUTIVE ORDERS View all Executive Orders that remain in effect. From: 02:00 AM to 10:00 PM Fairmont Washington, D.C., Georgetown shares a sneak peek of its Coronation Cake and offers a Coronation-themed menu from May 1-5 in the hotel's lobby. <>/Border[0 0 0]/C[0.0 0.0 1.0]/H/N/P 4 0 R/Rect[43.2 318.327 199.418 327.927]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> Attorney advertising. Immigration & Migration Barack Obama Drew DeSilver is a senior writer at Pew Research Center. WebThere are certain directives in Executive Order 202.14 that have been extended to a date earlier than May 7, 2020 and those are noted below. HVnF}WcRD_ ,) _I | T#J;KA#UG&Q1-U &2D){5[!hX*$6L*O5$ WM` LG Electronics AO/157/20. In this episode of Worth It, Proskauer partner Stephanie Heilborn and associate Dan Hatten discuss the standard estate planning documents every client needs, what those documents do, and why those documents are important to have in place. On July 13, 2021, the governor renewed the declaration through September 30, 2021, and both chambers passed resolutions approving it (HR 202 (2021) and SR 52 (2021)). Specifically, the United States CDC has recently provided clarification that the federal preemption provisions of the PREP Act authorize "qualified persons" (licensed professionals and others authorized under the Act) to continue to order and administer covered COVID countermeasures (testing, vaccination, treatment, issuance of non-patient specific standing orders, and other response measures) under the Act, despite the ending of state-level emergency authorizations. Executive Order 202 May 18, 2021 EMERGENCY EXECUTIVE ORDER WHEREAS, on March 7, 2020, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo This broad continuation includes the 38 0 obj There are many types of life insurance and many reasons people buy life insurance policies. According to July 27th remarks from Chief Justice DiFiore, bench trials have resumed in Kings County Housing Court, but are limited to matters filed before the pandemic where both parties are represented by counsel. This means that thefederalActwill authorizeindividuals to continue these actions in New York, notwithstandingstate laws that may conflict. IN ADDITION, I, Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor of the State of New York, by virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 29-a of Article 2-B of the Executive Law to temporarily suspend or modify any statute, local law, ordinance, order, rule, or regulation, or parts thereof, of any agency during a State disaster emergency, if compliance with such statute, local law, ordinance, order, rule, or regulation would prevent, hinder, or delay action necessary to cope with the disaster emergency or if necessary to assist or aid in coping with such disaster, do hereby continue the suspensions, modifications, and directives, not superseded by a subsequent directive, made by Executive Orders 202 up to and including 202.21, and 202.27, 202.28, 202.29, 202.30, 202.38, 202.39, 202.40, 202.48, 202.49, 202.50, as extended, and Executive Order 202.55 and 202.55.1 for another thirty days through October 4, 2020 and do hereby suspend or modify the following: IN ADDITION,by virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 29-a of Article 2-B of the. Sponsor must update the first year of operation, as necessary, within 30 days from the expiration of this executive order; Article 165 of the Education Law and section 58-1.3 of Title 10 of the NYCRR, to the extent necessary to allow clinical laboratory practitioners to perform testing in a clinical laboratory under remote supervision, provided a supervisor is on-site at least eight hours per week; Subdivision (a) of section 70 and subdivision (a) of section 370 of the retirement and social security law, to the extent necessary to waive the 15 day waiting period in which a service retirement application must be on file before it becomes effective, which suspension shall be deemed to have been in effect on and after the issuance of executive order 202, and shall enable any member who has died due to COVID-19 after March 7, 2020 while an application was on file, but not yet effective, shall be entitled to retirement benefits due to them pursuant to this suspension; Any skilled nursing facility, nursing home, or adult care facility licensed and regulated by the Commissioner of Health shall notify family members or next of kin if any resident tests positive for COVID-19, or if any resident suffers a COVID-19 related death, within 24 hours of such positive test result or death. 8N*[JA!#bNl9VBoQ7KK According to a recent directive from the Civil Court of the City of New York, DRP-213, there are approximately 200,000 eviction proceedings pending since before March 17, 2020. endobj 0000001460 00000 n Ak 0000002613 00000 n
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