S. Ibn Hasan Najafi, born 1928 in Lucknow, had learned in Najaf during his childhood and moved to Lahore in 1953, where he was a close collaborator of the weekly Razkr. On the committee and its recommendations see Malik, Islamisierung, pp. Its biggest advantage will be that no more sectarian passions can be aroused between Sunnis and Shias, because each Pakistani will understand that we have one God, one Prophet, and one Koran 322Close, The last part of his argument may not look entirely convincing, but Dihlavis views on dnyt were shared in principle even by the Deobandi scholar Mufti Muhammad Shafi (see below). Ibid. 12-Jul-96 Punjab Mailsi Shia Majlis attacked 10. Neither has such a separation caused so much extra expenses or work that it would have been impractical.374Close, According to General Muhammad Musa, Ayub Khan himself held similar views and had instructed him to have the problem solved as soon as possible.375Close However, faced with increasing pressure from the opposition parties in that year,376Close the government was not ready to offer radical Sunnis another issue for attacks on itself, and it continued to temporise. In this way these doctrines and beliefs became gradually accepted, and the genuine doctrines of the Shia mazhab became hidden from sight 289Close, The book closed with a short account of the doctrines of the Shaikhiya on matters such as tafwz, omnipresence and omniscience of the Imams, etc.290Close With his new accusation, Dhakko had once more raised the stakes in the conflict between Shia orthodoxy and populism in Pakistan, pursuing his mission with stubborn self-righteousness.291Close Until the time of the second edition of Usl al-shara in 1972, rejoinders to the book had been written by Muhammad Hasnain Sabiqi,292Close Muhammad Bashir Ansari,293Close Mirza Yusuf Husain,294Close S. Muhammad Arif Naqvi,295Close and some other ulam.296Close Most radical in the rejection of Dhakkos views was Maulana Ansari. Translated from Razkr 29/3435:2 (18 September 1966). #28. One early example of open defiance of the orders quoted above was the publication of the book, S. Abid Husain, the head of a branch of the Shah Jiwna, A good account of Ayub Khans attitude towards the religious leaders is given, Among the tasks of the commission were named to examine the progressive failure of parliamentary government in Pakistan and to determine the causes and the nature of the failure; see, See Articles 1012 on freedom of religion of Part II (Fundamental Rights) in, They were also blamed for indulging in mutual rivalries; see, Muzaffar Ali Shamsi was later reviled for having publicly insulted and threatened Hafiz Kifayat Husain; see, Interview with the author, 6 January 2001, See his keynote speech at the 1961 ITHS convention in. Section 144 PPC (ban on assemblies) was imposed in the entire Khairpur District thereafter. Ayub Khan himself had made clear his aversion against any political role for the Mullahs from the start of his rule,23Close and he did not shrink back from antagonising the religious lobby in order to implement some secularist reforms. In December 1963, under heavy pressure from the Sunni ulam, Pakistan was renamed an Islamic Republic and all existing as well as future laws were brought within the purview of the principle barring legislation repugnant to the Koran and the Sunna; see Shaukat Ali, Pakistan, pp. On that occasion, Mushtaq Husain pressed fervently for more radical steps to achieve the objectives of the movement, and it was decided to start country-wide agitation from 1 November if the government would not yield to the Shia demands by 1 October, including the appointment of commissions necessary for implementation.386Close, In the following four months a fierce propaganda campaign was waged by the SMCs, directed against the traitors of Lahore as much as against the temporising of the government. He is noted for his calming presence and delivering speeches in a soothing manner, and mostly focusing on the importance of respecting and loving one's parents. General Musa mentioned the meeting (without giving the exact date) in his autobiography Jawan to General, p. 206. See for example his speech on d al-Fitr 1379H (29 March 1960) in Razkr 23/15:3. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. Its leading members were Sufi Muhammad Anwar, Hajji Muhammad Husain Rizvan, Hajji Sharif Husain, Hajji Amir Ali, Seth Nawazish Ali, Khwaja Muhammad Ashraf, and Khallu Karamat Ali (Misbh ul-Qurn, 1/1990, pp. Razkr 26/22:3 (8 June 1963) mentioned only incidents in Narowal, Chiniot and Quetta apart from Lahore and Theri. 136Close. They were challenged by Kausar Niyazi, (then still a member of the Jamat-i Islm), to say words in praise for the khulaf-i rshidn there and then in order to convince the Sunnis in the audience of their good intentions.103Close. 867; see also below. She finished her examinations from the University of Lahore. Razkr 28/43:3 (16 November 1965). this meeting appeals to the Shias of Pakistan to completely boycott such religious journals which criticise the Qid-i Millat and do harm to the Mutlabt Movement. Speakers included Abd ul-Sattar Taunsavi, Muhammad Ali Jullundhri, Ghulamullah, Chaudhry Ghulam Rasul and Nur ul-Hasan Bukhari (ibid.). Dihlavi shortly before his death dedicated his private library to another trust headed by Hasan Ali Pirbhai (, According to his son S. Ahmad Jauhar, he even retreated from preaching to a large extent in the 1950s (, Authors interview with S. Khurshid Abbas Gardezi, (Multan, 1 March 1999), Most Pakistani Shias interviewed by the author on the subject have confirmed that. ; in that and the remaining five parts of his series Dhakko was mainly elaborating on the conditions of true zkirs as he wanted them to perform. Some 250 ulam and other Shia delegates gathered at Liaqat Bagh chaired by S. Muhammad Dihlavi, whose leadership received a boost by the event.178Close The meeting was organised by Dr S. Ajmal Husain Rizvi (d. 1997), a philanthropist who was to become an important supporter of the new movement in Rawalpindi.179Close The eight plenary sessions were presided over by renowned notables,180Close and a separate meeting of advocates and other jurists authorised Dihlavi to form an Advisory Board of the MAUSP.181Close One resolution tabled by Mufti Jafar Husain rejected a recent legislative bill of the West Pakistan Assembly concerning the inheritance of widows as an interference with Shia personal law, thus contradicting Article 10 of the 1962 constitution;182Close others repeated the demands of the Karachi Convention.183Close It was also decided that S. Muhammad Dihlavi would once more seek an audience with the President together with the Chairmen of the ITHS and the APSC and submit a memorandum, in order to make clear that these were the demands of all Shias in Pakistan.184Close, Until that time, Nawab Qizilbash and Muzaffar Ali Shamsi had not yet taken any steps disclosing their jealousy of the newly emerged Qid-i Millat. Muhammad Husain Dhakko, Islh al-majlis wal-mahfil, parts I-X, al-Muballigh 9/8910/8; also published as a book, (Sargodha: Maktabat al-Muballigh, 1967). Besides, the logic of forbidding some ulam to speak in certain districts because of alleged fanaticism or lack of knowledge, while the same persons were not considered objectionable in other parts of the country, was rightfully questioned.317Close Another complaint concerned growing obstacles for the construction of Shia mosques. In February 1960 Hafiz Kifayat Husain had still led an ITHS delegation to Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlevi of Iran; see Razkr 23/910:1 (1 March 1960). S. Ajmal Husain was a medical doctor and nephew of Justice S. Jamil Husain (see section 5.4, p. 158). On Dhakko see Naqvi, Tazkira, pp. This was obvious from an article of Muzaffar Ali Shamsi, Tanzm k nm par intishr n phailiy, in which he ridiculed such ideas and rejected accusations that ITHS had achieved nothing during the last fourteen years (Razkr 24/3940:19; 1624 October 1961). According to his own account, he had since 1956 been performing most functions of the ITHS Secretary-General in the place of Justice S. Jamil Husain Rizvi who had been elected to that post in the same year (Razkr 24/1415:11). Pakistan Times, 23 December 1963; Urdu translation and comment in Razkr 27/1:12 (1 January 1964). 2 of the Multan Convention explicitly denounced Shamsi for a press statement appearing on 28 August (Razkr 29/3435:7). The Jmiat us-Saqlain Rawalpindi, founded in 1962, was later enlarged and renamed Madrasat yatullh al-Hakm; see Fn 200 to chapter 5 (p. 413). the school of thought which believes in tafwz. These were Amjad Ali and Ghulam Ali Talpur (Aziz, Party Politics in Pakistan, p. 268). See section 4.5, pp. Ali Raza (UK) 7. Razkr 31/4243:5. Whatever the Lord of the Martyrs has endured was only for the sake of reviving Islam. The Muslims departed from religion, materialism spread fast, and morals declined. [1] She won the Nigar Award for Best Actress for her performance in film Tere Pyar . Once more the acceptance of Shia demands was promised within a short time, and once more Dihlavi proved his desire to avoid violence at all cost. It was his first and only trip to East Pakistan since starting his campaign in 1964. Razkr 23/20:3 (24 May 1960). Let the enemies of Pakistan come forward and tell us, when and where have the Shias abused the sahba? Such doctrines centred around a number of superhuman qualities attributed to the ahl al-bait, such as their creation from light instead of earth, their omnipresence and omniscience and the delegation of some of Gods powers to them (tafwz), as well as some forms of reverence for them in religious practice, like the inclusion of Al walyullh in the call for prayer, the expression Y Al madad for greeting and seeking the help of the Imams in prayers (istimdd).255Close The professional preachers were accused of spreading such doctrines among the Shia awm for the sake of popularity, because it flattered the self-esteem of the ordinary Shia believers to have the highest possible notions of their Imams powers. But after the worst anti-Shia violence in Pakistan so far took place in Muharram in 1963, the government balanced repressive action against Sunni extremists with some restrictions on Shia mourning processions. Years active. Thereafter he participated in dozens of munzart between Shia and Sunni ulam, becoming famous as the Muballigh-i Azam (Greatest Preacher). Secondly, neither did he consider himself a mujtahid entitled to give fatws nor did he have anything to do with politics, but only with the religious demands of his qaum. The Indian attack along the border with West Pakistan, concentrating on the Lahore frontline, started on 6 September. The ridiculous term of Wahhabi Shias for the so-called Dhakko group of ulam remained in use throughout the following decades, showing the low level to which the internal dispute among a section of Pakistani Shias had sunk.263Close, Starting from October 1965, Dhakkos next step was to launch a systematic all-out attack against the zkirs and those ulam who had adopted their style of preaching. The pet object of their diatribes remained azdr processions. 12731. Translated from al-Muballigh 10/2:4 (March 1966). and Razkr 26/28:2 (24 July 1963); on the 1957 precedent see section 3.5, p. 96. Literally: one who is cutting short; the word also means sinner or guilty in Urdu. 12324. He laid special emphasis on the collection of funds, which could be kept in store locally but should not be spent until no more problems for Shia religious practice were to be feared. Otherwise after three months the Shias of Pakistan will be free to take any appropriate steps to secure the acceptance of their demands, and the responsibility for that will fall on the government.347Close, Resolution No. Shia Genocide 2018: Another Summary of Loss 2018 ended the way most years have ended for Shia Muslims in Pakistan; with the loss of another valuable community leader who raised his voice against Takfirism. Among them were a number of Shia notables in the Punjab, especially in the districts of Sargodha, Jhang and Multan.30Close The Ayub Khan regime presented its new laws on auqf as complementary to a land reform started in 1961, although the latter would remain without much impact.31Close Another side-effect of them was to bring a number of dn madris under government control, but apparently none of the few Shia schools was included.32Close Both Sunni and Shia madris responded to the challenge with the formation of countrywide umbrella organisations.33Close, The most controversial issue tackled by the martial law regime was the Muslim Family Law Ordinance promulgated in 1961. 10-Sep-96 FATA Parachinar 200 . Twelver Shia) people. Razkr 31/4243:3 (1624 November 1968). He is making allusions to the way the Auqaf Department made use of the income of auqf for its own purposes; see Malik, Islamisierung, pp. So if we have nothing to do with Islam, if we flee from acting on the orders of God, then we are certainly enemies of the goals of Husain and lovers of the acts of Yazid. He insisted that merely correcting some textbooks would be no substitute for separate dnyt, and that azdr would not only concern the local authorities, but rather the government would have to make a clear statement in favour of freedom of religious practice as guaranteed by the constitution. It was organised by leaders of the TAS and the Majlis-i Ahrr like Abu Zarr Bukhari, son of Ataullah Shah Bukhari. Nawsib (sg. Therefore conflict always comes from mixed dnyt and not from separate instruction. S. Ahmad Ali Shah vitriolic speeches against Qizilbash and Shamsi reached a climax. The groups participating were JUI, TAS, Majlis-i Ahrr, Majlis-i Tahaffuz-i Khatm-i Nubbuwat, Anjuman-i Tauhd-o-Sunnat and Hizbullh (Razkr 26/24:3; 24 June 1963). Qizilbash, who was still resentful of the Minister of Interior because he was the one who had first denied his announcements about the acceptance of Shia demands earlier that year, sent S. Hadi Ali Shah and S. Murid Husain Shah, while Shamsi came himself. Zaidi, Mutlabt, pp. Thus he was anxious to give the ITHS and APSC due representation in delegations and commissions and paid all respect to their leaders.185Close For example, at the sidelines of the Rawalpindi Convention he intervened during a session of the ITHS Council and ordered Muzaffar Ali Shamsi to withdraw once more his resignation from the post of Secretary-General.186Close, In October 1964, however, the semblance of cooperation of the other Shia leaders received a first blow.
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