The Bliss stop was at the base of the Verdugo mountains, just after the Casa Verdugo stop (corner of Brand Boulevard and Mountain Street). %PDF-1.5 % It may have closed as early as the 1930s. Cucamongas dome and the other snow-capped peaks of the San Bernardino mountains rising eight thousand and nine thousand feet are discovered. The flight along the borders of Griffith Park, over the trestles spanning Los Angeles River, and through Tropico to the fine depot at Brand Boulevard and Fourth Street (today, Broadway), Glendale occupies but ten minutes., Here, midway the broad valley, its beauties and surpassing advantages are fully realized. But five minutes are required for the remainder of the trip down the center of Brand Boulevard, a thoroughfare 130 feet in width, flanked by seventy-two monoliths, eleven and one-half feet high, capped by electric lights, with the space between the broad cement walks and curbs filled by graceful palms, on to Mountain Avenue. Here at the end of the line is found the choicest residential portion of the valley, at the foothills. This is not a picture of a dissolving view, but one as eternal as the everlasting hills.^*. www.GlendaleWaterAndPower.comor call (818) 548- 3300for more information on class dates and locations. (1904)^ - Panoramic view looking north toward Glendale along the Pacific Electric line through the Edendale Cut. In the upper right window are the twin sons of George Herald: Frank and George, Jr.***^, Click HERE to see more Early Views of the Glendale Police Department (1919 +), The Glendale Bank was the first bank in Glendale. Contact them to schedule an appointment. WED (Walter E. Disney) Enterprises also rented the old terminal building during the busy years of Epcot and Disney World development. 1920s)^ - Looking across Harvard Street showing the Glendale Presbyterian Church with its spires and clock tower. The City of Glendale, Department of Water and Power (City) is proposing to repower the Grayson Power Plant (Project), located in an industrial area of the City of Glendale at 800 Air Way, Glendale, California 91201, just northeast of the Interstate 5 and Highway 134 interchange. Van Nuys CA 91401. This grant was the first and one of the largest made. 1909)^ View showing Glendale Union High School at its second location, on Harvard Street, where the Glendale Public Library stands today. The payload was increased, the service ceiling was increased, the speed was increased and even in-flight movies were introduced. 1940s)* - Glendale Central Air Terminal with passenger planes. The first Nash engine introduced in 1917 by Wahlberg had overhead valves, which Nash had learned about while working for Buick. More than 7 million Americans visited the train during its tour, while millions more stood trackside to see it go by.^. (2019)^^ View looking west at the Glendale Federal Savings Building, 401 N. Brand Boulevard. From the time of its opening in early 1905, the Casa Verdugo was a big hit. The receipt of this grant provides a significant portion of the $70M cost of the City-wide Smart Grid project. Its entire path is located within the city of Glendale. A. Robinson on an official-issue Harley Davidson motorcycle. Bob's Big Boy restaurant chain was founded by Bob Wian in Southern California in 1936, originally named Bob's Pantry. THE KIT: Between August and September 2008, every household in Pasadena received a Power of 10 Challenge energy-saving starter kit from PWP.. *^, Designed by Leslie C. Brand's brother-in-law Nathaniel Dryden, the mansion was completed in 1904 and is similar in style to that of the East Indian Pavilion built for the 1893 Columbian World Exposition held in Chicago. After the war, geographic constraints hindered the airports ability to accommodate newand largercommercial aircraft. On the left (east side of Brand) is Weber's Cafe and a side profile of the. (ca. And, planning for routine maintenance for continued energy production and safe operation of your new solar system must be considered. (1924)^ - View looking north on Brand Boulevard from Broadway showing passengers boarding a Pacific Electric streetcar heading toward downtown Los Angeles. The kiosk is open 24/7, 365 days per year and your payment will be immediately applied to your account. The Spanish-style air terminal can be seen in the background. Restoration of the historic building and the construction of other elements of the intermodal center cost approximately $6 million.^, The depot (now known as Glendale Amtrak/Metrolink Station) was added to the National Register of Historic Places on May 2, 1997 - #97000376, and has undergone an extensive renovation since then. *, The Glendale Municipal Airport was renamed "Grand Central Air Terminal" (GCAT) when it was purchased by other venture capitalists, who expanded it to 175 acres. (ca. Glendale Water & Power is the City of Glendale's utility. Click HERE to see more Early LA Drive-in Restaurants. Often this handle is painted blue or has an arrow stamped on top indicating the direction of flow. 1920s)^ - Interior view of the Glendale Union High School library. (1934)^ - An unidentified and mud-covered street in Glendale, captured after the flood of January 1, 1934. The area around it became a popular destination as evidenced by the growth of the population of Casa Verdugo area in 1910 from 1,200 to 1,500 persons.^^. $390 to get water & power turned on? (j` : $`TPAx& @c&FqGL U_1l2,?1x,f`mLc 3w .e`5Y[@ A2 He also manufactured the first government-certified aircraft engine in 1928. Horse-drawn wagons are parked along both curbs. On May 1, 1923 the original Casa Verdugo Restaurant (formerly the Sepulveda adobe), located in what is now the 1200 block of North Maryland Avenue, was demolished. The wires and tracks of the Pacific Electric Railway are visible running down the middle of the street. The first phase of installations will take place on April 8th. Southern California was the principal center for the development of drive-in markets between the mid-1910s to the early 1940s. With so many of its residents commuting into Los Angeles, many favored annexing to Los Angeles. (1940s)^*^ - A shining DC-3 parked in front of the Grand Central Airport terminal as night falls. (ca. He seemed happy and relaxed working quietly along with the mechanics. He offered a prime site at the corner of Lexington and Brand, and Sarmiento delivered a dynamic design that would prove to be an icon of Southern California Modernism. Youll make metering choices for monthly or annual billing, and you will want to understand Net Energy Metering. All rights reserved. In 1909, L. C. Brand invested heavily in the Home Telephone Company and installed new switchboards in company office at the Central Hotel Building on Brand Boulevard. Transcontinental flights consisted of four legs from New York (Newark) to Chicago, Kansas City, Albuquerque and Los Angeles. Parts of the building were adapted into an event center and a business office for use by current tenants. The school has been the setting for several television programs and movies, most notably "Because They're Young", which was filmed at the campus during the summer recess in 1959. The Glendale Federal Savings Building was completed in 1959. (1937)* - View of an American Airlines DST (Douglas Sleeper Transport - an early version of a DC-3) prop plane carrying mail on the landing at the Grand Central Air Terminal, located at 1310 Air Way in Glendale. Wattier said Long Beach has seen water usage decrease on a case-by-case basis for customers with smart meters. In October 1784, Jos Mara Verdugo petitioned Pedro Fages, Governor of Alta California, for a grant of land. Tropico was just a sleepy little village in the early 1900s. In 1918, the neighborhood formally succeeded in becoming an independent entity for a short time. The airfield consisted of a 1,200' rolled dirt runway, with a white hangar at one end and a putting green on the other. The railroad train, "Los Angeles line" makes its way up Brand. When Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7, 1941, Grand Central Airport (like all other west coast airports) was immediately closed to private aviation. Various cars and trucks have stopped at the intersection. Sontag Drug Stores was one of the largest drug store chains in the U.S. in the 1930s & 1940s. It was also one of the first to allow customers to browse and choose their own products rather than requesting them from a clerk behind a counter., All in all, there were 16 Sontag Drugs located in Los Angeles, and another 32 in other locations for a total of 48 stores. Their Los Angeles headquarters was located at the corner of Wilshire Blvd. The Glendale train station is located at 400 Cerritos Avenue.^. (ca. *^, The area just south of Montrose was mostly orchards and vineyards owned by William Sparr. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Nash Motors was founded in 1916 by former General Motors president Charles W. Nash who acquired the Thomas B. Jeffery Company. This included land adjacent to the Casa Verdugo restaurant property and lots sold as home sites to individuals. The NE corner of Brand and Broadway was the site of the Glendale depot of the Los Angeles Interurban railway, 1904-1923. (Early 1900s)+^^ - Old rail map showing the Bliss Station located om north Glendale, today's intersection of Brand Boulevard and Mountain Street (concrete base is still there). (1895)* - View showing the Glendale Hotel, shown here when it was a school for girls. Although its setting was charming in the extreme, Casa Verdugos true success was the result of its exceptional proprietress, Piedad Yorba de Sowl, whom Huntington and Brand had wisely granted a five-year lease to run the property upon its opening in 1905. Also visible are a newspaper rack, dictionary stand, shelving behind the information desk, magazine rack, wooden file cabinet, and tables and chairs. The boom busted too fast, and the hotel became a school (St. Hilda's Hall, School for Girls). The Glendale store, located at 236 North Central Avenue, is still standing today although it has been remodeled.^x*. A 1906 San Rafael Investment Co. and Pacific Electric Railway promotional brochure reads: The fame of this ride, decidedly the most picturesque to any suburb, attracts thousands of tourists, requiring many additional cars on Sundays and holidays, while the hundreds of commuters going daily to and from business and home are rapidly increasing in numbers., The passage through the city, passing Central Park, traversing Figueroa Street, Lake Shore Drive (today, Glendale Blvd. On June 29, 1903, Brand received a franchise from the Los Angeles City Council for an electric railway line starting at the Southern Pacific's Arcade Station at Fifth, Central & Ceres Street in Los Angeles via Ceres, Sixth, Olive, Seventh, Figueroa, Second, Lake Shore Ave. (Glendale Boulevard) to Sunset Boulevard, and then northerly to the city limits. Resident companies include the Alex Film Society, Glendale Youth Orchestra, Musical Theatre Guild, and the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra. Between 1906 and 1918, the San Fernando Valley Home Telephone Company and Sunset Telephone both operated in the Glendale area. (ca. Many businesses may be seen on both sides of the street including railroad tracks which run down the middle of this wide street. The name succeeded The Baskin-Robbins Partnership and was eventually changed back to Baskin-Robbins in 1962., Baskin-Robbins was owned by its founders until it was acquired in 1967 (just prior to Burt Baskin's death) by the United Brands Company (United Fruit). Additionally, Fitch has assessed GWP's water system (the system) Standalone Credit Profile . The architecture is considered Saracenic, with crenellated arches, bulbous domes and minars combining characteristics of Spanish, Moorish, and Indian styles.^, Leslie C. Brand helped develop the city of Glendale. The line crossed Fletcher Drive over a viaduct before continuing along a hillside ledge to the Monte Sano stop at Glendale Blvd. Water and Power Associates Informing the Public about Critical Water and . Water meters are less complex than the electric meters, and utilize much of the same technology that GWP is putting in place for its electric meters The Alex Theatre Performing Arts and Entertainment Center has been the centerpiece of the Glendale's arts, culture and community events since it originally opened. 1906)^ - Early view of the Pacific Electric station in Glendale with car on track. First National Bank of Glendale, the first brick building in town, is seen behind the depot.
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