For 1964 and beyond, it rode on a bushing between it and the mainshaft. I don't think we can identify the tranny from that. This can add confusion to what you've found. 6. Other than the shape of the fluid pan, another key way to identify the Turbo 350 is by the vacuum modulator. The identification problems mostly happen with the older 4-speed manual models. 1993 and Newer (4L60E), 1980-1991 (AOD) Never underestimate the mighty post-war Powerglide. We promise not to use your email address for anything but exclusive updates from the Power Automedia Network. There are different ways to determine the transmission type of a GM vehicle. The "kick down" switch locations for the Turbo 400. 1991 and Newer GM Turbo 2004R (2004R Transmission) Overdrive Transmission. Note the single groove, meaning an M21 close-ratio. 2023 Power Automedia. Show More Show Less. Vehicles leaving the factory with an axle ratio of 3.55 and numerically lower gears, typically incorporated a wide-ratio transmission. FORD (336) BORG-WARNER T-10, GM AS-3 (410) *MUNCIE Shaft Identification:. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. The cases offer a broad range of interchangeability. Input the VIN in a decoder and search. Powered by, Badges | In the early 90s, GM introduced its electronic Hydra-Matic transmission systems. SECOND TRANSMISSION. The M22 was designed as a road race transmission, and the straighter angle of the gear teeth produced less heat and less end-loading of the gears. 1. Powered by UBB.threads PHP Forum Software 7.7.5. This machined flat area has serial numbers There are at least nine different known Muncie main case numbers, not including ones from the aftermarket according to the crew at Anaheim Gear. The early GM Hydra-Matic transmission served the 1940-1968 Oldsmobile models. The muncie reverse lever is in the extention housing, and the cover has 7 bolts. Use the owners manual to find information such as the transmission pan length, shape, and more. You can use a variety of stock and aftermarket shifters on any of the Muncie tailshaft housings. Others have a tag rivited to the case. 20. If you have a 1963 Muncie that needs an input shaft bearing retainer, all is not lost if you can't find the 1963 aluminum bearing retainer. Examine the input and output shafts to see if you've found the box you want. 8. This modulator is stationed at the transmissions side, and there will be a vacuum line connected to it. THM200 - Light duty, "metric" 3 speed transmission. Thediscussion about whether to use a four-speed or an automatic transmission has been going on for as long as anyone can remember, and we see no end in sight. Above is the transmission ID tag on a 1970 Corvette. Many GM trannys had the VIN stamped on the maincase on the flange where it attaches to the tailshaft, but some of the later Saginaws had a pad machined into the case just for stamping the number. Because the Muncie has so much in common with the T-10 and even similar Saginaw boxes, it is easy to get this guy mixed up with non-Muncie units. . If you do happen to stumble across Chevy four-speed at a swap meet, do you know what you are actually looking at? M33 This standard Turbo 350 code identifies it as a standard Turbo 350. When repairing or restoring your Chevrolet car or truck, identifying the transmission youre running is a key element to avoid the automotive version of quicksand. Trust us to steer you in the right direction, when you choose to DIY. On the THM200-R4 the VIN is stamped onto the housing towards the rear of the pan, on the drivers side. And keep in mind that not all will sport these grooves. This is a large reason why some guys will not rely on transmission identification by the input shaft grooves. The bearing bore size was also one year only with a #6207-style input shaft bearing, according to Cangialosi. When looking at a Saginaw transmission, the front input shaft will likely have oneor multiple grooves cut around its diameter. 3925658 does not match any casting numbers in my books. Apart from numbers, General Motors transmission ID tag has codes. Images courtesy The 4 cylinder models have 4 large cooling holes near the torque converter, while on the "bigger cars" there are no cooling holes. We want to make your transmission search as simple as possible. The early production Muncie four-speed case is the small-bore unit and can be identified by the GM casting number 3831704 (see Muncie M20/M21/M22 Main Case Identification chart). He tells us both the M20 wide-ratio and M21 close-ratio transmissions were first offered in 1963 . 1976 through 1981 model years. Need a little help in the ID of a GM 3 speed trans I picked up. The numbers 3831707 and the shifter linkage being attached with studs and nuts make this a side cover for an early Muncie. All rights reserved. According to Cangialosi, GM took the basic T-10 design and beefed it up to conceive the Muncie M20 and M21 four-speed transmissions, which arrived in 1963. For 1971-'74, a larger diameter, 32-spline mainshaft was employed along with the corresponding yoke. The constants in decoding the trans ID number are the date the transmission was produced. One more way to identify the Muncie is via stamped codes in the case, which indicate when the transmission was built at Muncie (see How To Read Muncie Build Date Codes chart). Two are early style side covers. GM Turbo 350 and 350C (TH350 Transmission) 3 Speed Transmission. Glean the basics and use them in your research. Cast iron case, believe it is a Saginaw three speed, but not sure. You will have to decipher the numbers on the ID tag in order to properly tell exactly what kind of transmission you have. If the case, side cover, and tail housings are made solely of aluminum, well my friend, that would be a Muncie. It was used on large displacement, high . Four are late model. THM200-R4 - Used in GM rear wheel drive cars with the 3.8 V6, 305 & 350 Olds and 301 pontiac from 1981 to 1989. Vehicles leaving the factory with an axle ratio of 3.55 and numerically lower gears, typically incorporated a wide-ratio transmission. There are six known Muncie side covers. Evolutionary designs came with unique pan shapes, which are clear indicators of which transmission you are dealing with. You need to look . ~David PS ..I would think pictures of all 3 could help us if you could post some. GM's goal with the Muncie four-speed was to produce a better shift employing larger synchro cones. There are no members with birthdays on this day. Tailshaft housings will vary based on original application. In 1974, the two-speed box then went to the great scrap heap in the sky. The close ratio gearboxs generally came with 3.73+ gear ratio'ed cars. Muncie 4-speed or TH400 were the only transmission options available. The Muncie four-speed was produced in two ratios: the wide ratio (M20) and the close-ratio (M21). thoughts? That is why we offer multiple ways for you to search for your transmission. Identifying the transmission on your project car ensures that you have the right parts and avoid any errors during the restoration process. Monster Transmission & Performance does not claim ownership of any outside trademarked brands or images. Many enthusiasts feel that for a car to be a true muscle car it must have a four-speed transmission. Muncie M62/M64 3-speed longitudinal transmission made by GM Muncie SM420 transmission 4-speed manual used up to 1967, very similar to sm 465 except small changes to gear ratios and location of reverse. The trailing letters denote what the engine was installed in. Part of the problem with GM 4-speed systems is that theres a lot of variety. Check through the information for your transmission identification. THM700-R4 - 4 Speed transmission used in GM cars and light trucks with the 2.8, 3.1, 4.3, V6, Chevrolet built 305, 350 and 454 engines from 1982 to 1992. Generally able to handle up to 400 foot pounds of torque. Whether youre trying to repair your transmission or rebuilding a project car, its crucial to identify the transmission type. You can find the exact transmission you have. We have salvaged more than one Saginaw from cars like the Vega and Monza. Main cases manufactured prior to May 7, 1963, will say Patent Pending. The source serial number is from the CAR the transmission originally went into, NOT the assembly plant. Author: Alan L. Colvin. After identifying the transmission pan, you have to count the number of bolts. According to Cangialosi, the date was based on model year, not necessarily the calendar year. Before you can identify the transmission pan, you have to access it from under the car. Tweet severely powerful (high torque) big-block engines. The basic design and operation theory of the gearbox changed little during that time, though several design upgrades and modifications were made during the total production run. The transmission pan is a wealth of knowledge because it has various inscriptions concerning the transmission. Anything after that time period will say US Patent No 3088336. If you have a project car from Chevrolet, Buick, Pontiac, or any other GM brand, youll want to identify the transmission. Come join the discussion about restoration, builds, performance, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! Serif is a seasoned automotive enthusiast with a passion for cars. numbers here that I can prove, so this is a short list. On the Turbo 350, the VIN will be stamped on either the drivers side housing (near the shifter), on the right side of the housing just above the pan, or on a boss behind the bell housing flange on the passenger side of the transmission. Cangialosi explains there were two basic mainshafts produced for the M20, M21, and M22 transmissions (see Input Shaft Identification chart). When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Just because you've found a 26-spline input shaft does not mean you've found an M22 input shaft, which is made of a stronger alloy. Due to the wide combination of id's, stampings, numbers, etc varied and even GM couldn't keep There are a couple of different debates that typically occur when a bunch of car guys get together. Yes, there is a serial number on a transmission. 4L60 - Early 1990's saw the 700R4 renamed to the 4L60, and "electronic" models were named 4L60E. After 1967, GM switched things up and changed the code structure. The 17-character number is a form of code that identifies the vehicle's specifications. Effective October 21, 1968, an additional letter was added to the plant prefix number to help identify the gear ratios in Muncie transmissions. gross weight. The casting number 3925660 denotes this as a 1968 1970 Muncie with a 1-inch cluster shaft. Many enthusiasts mistakenly refer to all Muncies as Rock Crushers, and this is just not appropriate. The most common GM 4-speed transmission types or groups are Muncie, Saginaw, and Borg-Warner. I would expect the insides could have some of the same parts Good Luck! The Muncie utilized seven different input shafts. If you have looked very carefully and find no numbers there, chances are your block is classified as a Replacement Block While casting numbers are a definite guideline for identification, a quick, somewhat accurate way to quickly identify Muncie transmissions involves the input shafts. Still hoping for some casting number identification assistance, if someone is willing to help. See partial VIN stamped on housing as well as the date code on the fluid pan. Manufactured from 76 through 81. Borg Warner once again started supplying four speeds to GM in the early 70s with the release of the Super T10. Note partial VIN stamped at the bottom. Transmissions with a suffix of "C" on the end of the type (THM200C) indicate the transmission has a lock up torque converter. The SM465 is an outstanding, heavy-duty truck transmission designed and used in , 3/4 and 1+ ton trucks. During the run of General Motors inclusion of four speeds in their cars, there were three variations possible. We are dedicated to giving you the technical support you need, when you need it! WE ARE READY TO SUPPORT YOUMon - Fri 9:00am - 6:00pm EST. I promise you that the next transmission I have to replace or any other person I hear of needing a transmission I will be heavily promoting Monster Transmission and tell them that I personally use Monster Transmission. Off of the left side of trans: GM 3845122 H254 Thanks. A forum community dedicated to hot rod owners and enthusiasts. What you will find in your search for the right Muncie four-speed is conflicting information from different sources. This page covers automatic trannies. Youll need a pictorial representation of these groups to identify the 4-speed transmission correctly. The pan contains several stamped numbers and codes informing readers about the transmission system. The Muncie has probably been the most popular transmission among the hot rodding set since its inception in 1963. We are grateful for the fact that Monster Transmission has gone BEYOND and we will continue to be the best publicity that you will every have.. The transmission codes are found on the Protect-O-Plate and in the following locations: . and traction is enhanced, you can figure on eventually breaking the transmission. Older vehicles are quite different because theres a lot of variety when it comes to transmission systems. GM manual transmission identification. Not only were they both popular transmissions in muscle cars and Corvettes, but many were even used after the muscle car era. The constants in decoding the trans ID number are the date the transmission was produced. When properly identifying a Saginaw transmission, the casting numbers are a surefire way to know for certain what youre looking at. Some early 1969 transmissions did not have this code. What makes the small-bore and large-bore case Muncies different is the input shaft bearing size and first gear, which rode on the mainshaft void of a bushing for 1963. Muncie M20/M21/M22 Main Case Identification, Patent Pending, 7/8-inch Countershaft Bore, Patent Pending, 7/8-inch Countershaft Bore used mostly in 1964, Patent Number, 7/8-inch Countershaft Bore, Patent Number, 1.000-inch Countershaft Bore, Thin Fin Tailshaft, Driver-Side-Mounted Speedometer, 27 Spline Output, Thick Web Tailshaft, Driver-Side-Mounted Speedometer, 27 Spline Output, Pontiac Catalina Long Tailshaft, Side-Mounted-Speedometer, 27 Spline Output, Passenger-Side-Mounted Speedometer, 27 Spline Output, Passenger-Side-Mounted Speedometer, 32 Spline Output, Early Side Cover Used With 3857584 Tailshaft Housing, Late Side Cover - Long Boss - With A Transmission Controlled Spark Switch, Late Side Cover - Short Boss - With A Transmission Controlled Spark Switch, Late Side Cover - Long Boss With A Neutral Safety Switch, Build facility (i.e., P = Muncie Transmission Plant), Month code it was assembled (i.e., 05 = May), Day code it was assembled (i.e., 25 = 25th Day), Month code it was assembled (i.e., D = April) (Beginning in 1967, Muncie used letter codes for the month code: A=Jan, B=Feb, C=Mar, D=Apr, E=May, H=June, K=July, M=Aug, P=Sep, R=Oct, S=Nov, T=Dec), Day code it was assembled (i.e., 12 = 12th Day), Month code it was assembled (i.e., M = August), Day code it was assembled (i.e., 03 = 3rd Day), Gear ratio set (i.e., A=M20) (This code was added to identify ratios. Typical Turbo 350 fluid pan. The easiest way of knowing your GM transmission is by using a VIN decoder. Transmission Stuff * Manual 3-speed transmissions * Muncie 4-speed Casting Numbers/Decoding/Identification * Powerglide * Turbo Hydramatic 350 * Turbo Hydramatic 400 * 200-4R/700R4 Overdrive * GM Transmission lengths & oil pan * Automatic transmission operating temps * TH350/TH400 Speedometer Gears Frames * Chevelle Frames Trim Tags Looking Up The 17-Digit Vehicle Identification Number. The two transmission systems manual and automatic, have different working principles. The vacuum modulator is also a way of identifying GM transmission type after checking the pan and counting the bolts. Good, solid, rugged construction makes it a terrific drop-in for around $100. Once you identify the pan, count the number of pan bolts for confirmation. If you prefer official decoders, you can check the National Highway Traffic Safety Administrations website. Unlike the Turbo 350, instead of a kick down cable, it uses an electrical slide switch, which is controlled by the throttle linkage.
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