HJ Smith, borough councillor, Grimsby: corresp and papers, NRA 21349 Peter Dixon & Co, papermakers, Oughtibridge and Grimsby, NRA 35605 on September 22, 2021, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1917, There are no reviews yet. Anglian Water Authority: Lincoln Water Division, NRA 36688 Arcona Fishing Co Ltd, Grimsby, NRA 41010 Grimsby Independent 1885-2005 Assessment Rolls 1875-1976 North Grimsby Assessment Rolls 1932-1969 Grimsby Public Library Board Minutes 1900-1979 Township Minutes 1790-1947 Town of Grimsby Council Minutes 1974-2003 Census Rolls 1851-1901 Rev. Shipping and trawling companies, including British United Trawlers, Consolidated Fisheries and Sir Thomas Robinson and Son. Grimsby District Chamber of Trade and Commerce, NRA 33095 Provincial Tramways Co Ltd, London, NRA 33954 Opening times:Monday to Thursday9.30am to 12.30pm and 1pm to 4pmMay Bank Holidays, LINCS INSPIRE LIMITED The entrance to North East Lincolnshire Archives is through a side door on the east side of the building and not through the main entrance. We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. archive update form Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Grimsby Independent, 15 Feb 1945 . Headline in Grimsby Independent Newspaper, Sept. 23, 1914 . In 1999, the GHS Archives committee was established to organize and preserve the material collected by the GHS and make it accessible to the public. privacy policy. Grimsby Independent, 22 Feb 1945 . Grimsby Historical Society Archives | Grimsby ON 10 were here. Grimsby Independent, 24 May 1945 . The GHS Archives can be found on the main level of the Carnegie Building located at 25 Adelaide Street in Grimsby, Ontario. Baxter's (Corn and Seeds) Ltd, seedsmen, bulb importers and seed potato merchants, Grimsby, NRA 40715 Registers of Grimsby fishing apprentices,1879-1937. This land is steeped in the rich history of the First Nations such as the Hatiwendaronk, the Haudenosaunee, and the Anishinaabe, including the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. Singleton Birch Ltd, lime burners, Barnetby, NRA 21347 Wilkin & Chapman, solicitors, Barton-upon-Humber: deeds and probate papers, NRA 40117 Search the history of over 806 billion A digitization of microfilm copies of the Grimsby Independent. Scunthorpe Borough, NRA 33051 Grimsby Independent, 16 Jul 1930, p. 1 Struck in rapid succession by two cars, Nicholas Crauchoe, Winona, was fatally injured at Vineland Sunday night. Subscribe now for regular news, updates and priority booking for events, All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, Baxter's (Corn and Seeds) Ltd, seedsmen, bulb importers and seed potato merchants, Bellavie Fishing Co Ltd, fishing vessel owners, Bicol (Lincoln) Ltd, fertilizer producers, Brown & Buttrick, architects, Scunthorpe and Winterton, Consolidated Steam Fishing & Ice Co (Swansea) Ltd, Duckering of East Barkwith, seed merchants, E Bacon & Co Ltd, general engineers, Grimsby, Edwin Piercy & Co Ltd, fertilizer manufacturers, Elsham Lime Products Co Ltd, lime merchants, Elswick-Hopper Cycle & Motor Co Ltd, cycle and motor car mfrs, Goole Tillage Ltd, fertilizer manufacturers, Great Grimsby & East Coast Steam Fishing Co Ltd, Great Grimsby Hide, Skin & Fat Market Co Ltd, hide and skin merchants, Great Grimsby Ice Co & Grimsby Co-operative Ice Co Ltd, Grimsby Merchants Amalgamated Trawling Co Ltd, Hagerup Doughty Ice Factory & Cold Storage Co Ltd, Hall's Barton Ropery Ltd, rope manufacturers, Harper, Phillips & Co Ltd, Albion foundry, Grimsby, Hart Brothers & Co Ltd, fertilizer manufacturers, Hawthorne Gardens (Goxhill) Ltd, horticulturalists and market gardeners, Hewins & Goodhand Ltd, building contractors, Heys Bros, carting agents and furniture removers, Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, shiprepairers, Isaac & Joseph Burkhill, spirit merchants, J S Doig Ltd, shipbuilders, engineers and boilermakers, John Deheer Ltd, tug owners, ship chandlers and marine salvage contractors, John Lysaght Ltd, iron ore proprietors, ironmasters, steel mfrs and constructional engineers, Bristol and Scunthorpe, Johnsons, gentlemen's and school outfitters, Lancelot Foster & Sons Ltd, fertilizer manufacturers, Lincolnshire Steam Trawlers Mutual Insurance & Protecting Co Ltd, Marshall, Knott & Barker Ltd, timber merchants, Matthew Hutchinson, joiner and undertaker, Merchants' Box Co (Grimsby) Ltd, wood box manufacturers, Peter Dixon & Son Ltd, paper manufacturers, Quibell Brothers Ltd, fertilizer manufacturers, Renny Forbes & Co Ltd, fertilizer manufacturers, Roland C Bellamy Ltd, car distributor & dealer, Schofield Hagerup & Doughty Ltd, boatbuilders, Scunthorpe Mutual Glass Insurance Society, Singleton Birch Ltd, limestone quarries and lime burners, Sir Thomas Robinson & Son (Grimsby) Ltd, trawler owners, Snaith Clog Sole Manufacturing & Steam Saw Mill Co Ltd, Snowden, Cooper & Sons Ltd, saw millers and joiners, Spring & Co Ltd, lemon curd manufacturers, Steam Trawlers Coal & Trading Co Ltd, coal factors, Tomlinson & Crowder, druggists and commission agents, WA Hammond & Co Ltd, fertilizer manufacturers, Walney Fishing Co Ltd, fishing vessel owners, Walter Evans & Co Ltd, sewing cotton manufacturers, White & Willows Ltd, fish curers and merchants, Wilkinson & Houghton Ltd, builders and joiners, William Astrop Laughton, farmer and builder, Wintringham and Bennett, timber merchants, Amalgamated Engineering Union: Great Grimsby No 2 Branch, Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants: Grimsby branch, Ancient Order of Druids: Grimsby district, Ancient Order of Druids: President James Hall Lodge, Ancient Order of Foresters: Albion court 5678, Alford, Ancient Order of Foresters: Angel court 358, Hull, Ancient Order of Foresters: Bannister court 5723, Grimsby, Ancient Order of Foresters: Beverley court 653, Beverley, Ancient Order of Foresters: Children of the Forest court 3710, Grimsby, Ancient Order of Foresters: Glencoe Hill court 9372, Langtoft, Ancient Order of Foresters: Grimsby and Hull district, Ancient Order of Foresters: Harrison's Hope court 898, Kirkstead, Ancient Order of Foresters: Hotham court 719, Hutton Cranswick, Ancient Order of Foresters: Lady Heneaga court 7041, Grimsby, Ancient Order of Foresters: Sir Clifford court 721, Hull, Ancient Order of Foresters: Stanley court 6567, Grimsby, Ancient Order of Foresters: United Effort court 655, Hull, Ancient Order of Foresters: Victory's Pride court 3067, Sutton On Hull, Ancient Order of Foresters: Wellington court 9466, Lockington, Ancient Order of Foresters: Willis Pride court 6657, Hull, Barton Cycle Works Recreation Club and Institute, Barton upon Humber, Barton District National Savings Committee, Barton on Humber National Savings Committee, British Federation of University Women: Grimsby branch, British Nuclear Tests Veterans Association: Hull area, Brumby and Frodingham Urban District Council, Chelmsford School, formerly Nunsthorpe Secondary, Grimsby, Christian Endeavour Union of Great Britain and Ireland: Grimsby and North Lincolnshire, Cleethorpes and District Horticultural Society, Cleethorpes Chamber of Trade and Commerce, Cleethorpes Tuberculosis Aftercare Committee, Cleethorpes Urban District Council and Local Board, Cleethorpes with Thrunscoe Board of Health, Doncaster Road Council School, Scunthorpe, Edward Street School, Grimsby, formely Heneage School, Electrical Association for Women: Cleethorpes branch, Freeman Street Zion Baptist Church, Grimsby, Glanford and Scunthorpe Joint Sewerage Committee, Great Grimsby Coal Workers' Protective Society, Great Grimsby Junior Chamber of Commerce and Shipping, Grimsby and Cleethorpes Joint Transport Committee, Grimsby and District Allotment Holders Association, Grimsby and District Architectural Society, Grimsby and District Normandy Veterans' Association, Grimsby and District Pensioners' Alliance, Grimsby and District Productivity Association, Grimsby and District Teachers Association, Grimsby Board of Guardians, later Grimsby Public Assistance Committee, Grimsby Christian Young Mens Discussion Society, Grimsby College of Technology, Nautical Annexe, Grimsby County and Cleethorpes Petty Sessions, Grimsby District Chamber of Trade and Commerce, Grimsby Fishermen's and Sailors' Almshouse Trust, Grimsby Fishing Vessel Owners Association, Grimsby Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, Grimsby Louth and District Baptist Fellowship, Grimsby Technical School (formerly Grimsby Municipal College Technical School), Grimsby United Fish Merchants and Fish Curers Association Ltd, Grimsby, Cleethorpes and District Free Church Federal Council, Grimsby, Cleethorpes and District Youth Orchestra, Hagerup Doughty United Recreation and Sports Club, Havelock School, Grimsby (formerly Carr Lane Secondary), Humberside Education Department: Scunthorpe area, Independent Order of Foresters: Great Grimsby district, Independent Order of Oddfellows, Cleethorpes Unity: Loyal Fishermans Rest Lodge, Independent Order of Oddfellows, Manchester Unity: Grimsby and Louth district, Independent Order of Oddfellows: Good Samaritan Lodge Louth, Independent Order of Oddfellows: Grimsby and Louth District, Independent Order of Oddfellows: Loyal Heart of Honesty Lodge Market Rasen, Independent Order of Oddfellows: Loyal Sovereign Lodge Grimsby, Institute of Office Management: Grimsby and Cleethorpes District, International Order of Good Templars: Grimsby and Little Coates lodges, International Order of Good Templars: Ocean Lodge 2874, Grimsby, Lincoln and Grimsby Primitive Methodist District, Lincolnshire Agricultural Show: Scunthorpe local committees, Lincolnshire Chamber of Agriculture: Grimsby branch, Lincolnshire register of duties on land values, Lord Street Mission Primitive Methodist Church, Grimsby, Methodist Local Preachers Mutual Aid Association: Cleethorpes and Grimsby branch, Middlesbrough and District Association of Foremen Engineers and Mechanical Draughtsmen, Mill Road Primitive Methodist Church, Cleethorpes, Mill Road Primitive Methodist Circuit, Cleethorpes, National Association of Head Teachers: Grimsby association, National British Womens Total Abstinence Union: Grimsby branch, National British Womens Total Abstinence Union: New Clee and Cleethorpes branch, National Federation of Old Age Pensions Associations: Grimsby and Cleethorpes branch, National Prductivity Year: Grimsby Local Productivity Committee, National Union of Teachers: Grimsby and district association, North and South Killingholme Council School, Old Winghams Amateur Dramatic Society, Grimsby, Order of the Sons of Temperance Friendly Society: Grimsby and Cleethorpes District, Providence Congregational Church, Barton upon Humber, Royal Artillery Association: Grimsby branch, Royal British Legion: Laceby and District branch, Royal Lincolnshire Regimental Association: Grimsby and District Branch, Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen, Scunthorpe and Crosby Joint Sewerage Board, Scunthorpe and District War Memorial Hospital, Scunthorpe And District Working Men's Club, Scunthorpe Divisional Executive Education Committee, Scunthorpe Urban District Council and Local Board, Sir Moses Montefiore Memorial Synagogue, Grimsby, Soroptimist International: Scunthorpe and district club, St James' School, Grimsby (Great Grimsby National School), Standing Conference of Womens Organisations: Grimsby and District, The Brigg District Committee of the National Union of Agricultural Workers, Trinity Wesleyan Methodist Church, Cleethorpes, Weelsby Road Wesleyan Methodist Church, Grimsby, Womens Co-operative Guild: Grimsby Central Branch, Womens Royal Voluntary Service: Grimsby District, Workers Educational Association: Grimsby branch, Abey, Edward, (1858-1936), railway guard and driver, Adams, Edward, (1896-1976), railway docks policeman, Alcock, Joyce E, (1966-1969), of Old Clee, Bennett, Margaret Emily, (1868-1903), Wesleyan missionary, Burton, Stephen Merceron, (1897-1966), author of Burton's Nautical Tables, Croft , Martin, (fl1988), pupil of Grimsby College of Technology, Dennett, Ernest, (b 1897), gunner, Royal Garrison Artillery, Dowling, Alan, (1950-1952), Direction Finder Operator, RAF Binbrook, Fildes, John, (1811-1875), MP for Grimsby Railway Director, Gordon, Douglas Hamilton, (1824-1901), Canon of Salisbury, Graves, Ernest, (1882-1950), of 139 Cromwell Road, Grimsby, Hamilton-Gordon, George, (1784-1860), 4th Earl of Aberdeen, statesman, Henthorn, Frank, (fl 1990), Grimsby Local Historian, Hutchinson, John Henry, (1858-1890), Clergyman, Marsden, Sir John Denton, (1873-1944), 1st Baronet, businessman, Moore, Arthur, (1660-1730), Economist and Politician, Parkinson, John, (1754-1840), Anglican clergyman, Pender, Sir John, (1815-1896), Knight, pioneer of submarine telegraphy, Rayner, Len, (fl 1960-2015), police constable, Russell, Rex, (fl 1800-2000), local historian and tutor, Salisbury, Enoch Robert Gibbon, (1819-1890), MP for Chester, Strang, John, (1897-1980), wireless engineer, Tennyson D'Eyncourt, Charles, (1784-1861), politician. They were surroun, Gooseneck, 1, of Jesse's House passed away unexpectedly on Janua. Website by Legend Leisure Services. Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). Grimsby Local History Library. This website uses cookies to enhance your ability to browse and load content. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Get death information, see service details and more. The Annals are known as a go-to source for researchers. National British Women's Total Abstinence Union: New Clee and Cleethorpes branch, NRA 21350 Grimsby and Immingham Docks, NRA 23540 Charity No: 1169071. Hewins & Goodhand Ltd, building contractors, Grimsby, NRA 36649 Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1917. Grimsby Home of Help for Girls, NRA 26421 Find them in the non-fiction section around971.351. Humberside County Council, NRA 32349 Working for and with our communities Grimsby Port Missioner, Humberside, NRA 21339 2018 Grimsby Public Library, 18 Carnegie Ln Grimsby, ON, L3M 1Y1, Ph: 905.945.5142. Andrew Noradoski, Beamsville, who was with Crauchoe, escaped with minor injuries. Grimsby Rural District Council, NRA 26414 Worlaby and Elsham Dividend Society. Lincs Inspire . We place some essential cookies on your device to make this website work. Grimsby and Lincoln Primitive Methodist District, NRA 34997 The selection of books is keeping with the GHS approach in its earliest works The Annals of the Forty. The two men were waiting at Vineland corner for a bus and for some unknown reason wandered onto the . Copies can be made for personal use and research purposes. Cleethorpes Borough, NRA 31682 The library has the following documents on microfilm: Research your family tree and historical local news articles, images and documents online using the following library resources. Please contact the Grimsby Museum, Grimsby Historical Society, Town Hall and Nelles Manor for more community history resources. Grimsby: Old Winghams' Amateur Dramatic Society, NRA 23533 Working for and with our communities Grimsby Baptist Church, NRA 21338 on the Internet. Humberston: Matthew Humberstone Charity, NRA 36837 Registered address: Bradley Football Development Centre, Bradley Road, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN37 0AG. Grimsby Library Grimsby Headteachers Association, NRA 33128 John Wintringham, Grimsby solicitor: corresp and misc papers, NRA 33050 Grimsby Health District, NRA 36838 Olivier Plancke . Grimsby Town HallTown Hall SquareGrimsbyEnglandDN31 1HX, Due to limited space visitors are advised to make an appointment to view the archives, If you are an archivist or custodian of this archive you can use the They include Barton UDC, Brigg UDC, Cleethorpes borough, Glanford Brigg RDC, Grimsby borough, Grimsby RDC, Roxby-with-Risby RDC, Scunthorpe UDC and Scunthorpe borough, Winterton UDC, and the four Humberside Borough Councils (1974-96) of Cleethorpes, Glanford, Grimsby and Scunthorpe. Grimsby Borough, NRA 33053 Grimsby Independent, 17 May 1945 . Lincs Inspire Libraries, Grimsby Library, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, DN31 1HG, Email: libraries@lincsinspire.com. Company Registration Number: 08293679. Independent Consultant NOVASTOCK EUROPE May 2022 - Present 1 year. Architects plans for buildings in Cleethorpes, Grimsby, Humberston, Immingham and Scartho. All available research and reproduction services are outlined in the Grimsby Historical Society website. We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. Addeddate 2021-11-18 00:30:20 Foldoutcount 0 Identifier 1947-12-18 Identifier-ark The GHS Archives is open at the following times: Monday 9:00am-3:00pm, Wednesday 9:00am-3:00pm, Friday 9:00am-noon and every third Saturday of the month from 9:00am-noon. Hawthorne Gardens (Goxhill) Ltd, horticulturalists and market gardeners, NRA 23543 Local Boards of Health and Urban or Rural Sanitary Authorities: Barton (1863-94), Brigg (1863-94), Clee with Weelsby (1878-89), Cleethorpes with Thrunscoe (1873-94), Glanford Brigg (1892-94), Grimsby (1851-1913), Roxby with Risby (1880-94) and Winterton (1863-85). Grant Thorold of Weelsby House: deeds and misc family papers, NRA 33165 Council voted at the administration/finance/fire committee meeting on April 17 that Sunday hunting is permitted within the guidelines of the Townships regulation of the discharge of guns or other firearms bylaw. The Archives maintains an expanding collection of books pertaining to items of regional interest. Freeman Street Zion Baptist Church, Grimsby, NRA 21835 Grimsby Co-operative Society, NRA 41470 International Order of Good Templars: Grimsby and Little Coates, NRA 39972 Wilkinson & Houghton Ltd, builders and joiners, Grimsby, NRA 35000 grimsby-independent Mediatype collection Publicdate 2022-01-31 21:52:25 Storage_size 12.6 GB (in 7,959 files) Subject Grimsby Independent; Grimsby Ontario; Grimsby; Grimsby Library Title Grimsby Library Newspaper Collection Created on January 31 2022 Grimsby Library Archivist VIEWS Total Views 4,980 ( Older Stats ) loading graph ITEMS The Grimsby Public library has a small collection of local Grimsby/Niagara history books. Add them Subscribe to new obituaries Gooseneck Kettle Apr 20, 2021 Jan 1, 2022 Grimsby, ON, Canada Telephone: 01472 323650. Registered in England and Wales. J Barnard & Son, farmer and seed merchant, Owston Ferry, NRA 41822 to add or update the details in Discovery, Subscribe now for regular news, updates and priority booking for events, All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, Grimsby News Co Ltd, newspaper publishers, About our Trail expected to become more accessible with potential upgrades. Archives of Grimsby Borough (1227-1996), including Ainslie Street Cemetery (1855-1943), Scartho Road Cemetery from 1889, Grimsby Poor Law Union and Scartho Road Institution (1890-1930), Brighowgate Childrens Home (1913-58) and Grimsby Borough Police and Watch Committee (1846-1966). Grimsby Independent, 22 Mar 1945 . From parades and plowing matches to gardens and the legion, a number of community events and organizations in West Lincoln are receiving financial support through the townships community sponsorship grants. Enrolled Freemen of Grimsby, NRA 33162 Parish Councils and / or Burial Authorities: Alkborough, Althorpe, Amcotts, Appleby, Ashby cum Fenby, Barnoldby le Beck, Barton Town, Bottesford, Brigsley, Cadney cum Howsham, Cleethorpes, Great Coates, Humberston, Irby upon Humber, Keadby and Althorpe, Laceby, Little Coates, Scartho, Scawby, Stallingborough, Thornton Curtis, Waltham, Winteringham. Boroughs, Urban Districts (UDC) and Rural Districts (RDC) in North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire. Uploaded by Copyright 2023 Metroland Media Group Ltd. All Rights Reserved "It takes a commitment," says Bench Brewing founder. w perc CTZEN rom en. Humber Graving Dock & Engineering Co Ltd, shiprepairers, Immingham, NRA 23535 on the Internet. to add or update the details in Discovery. Address: Grimsby Town Hall, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HX. Motor Vehicle Taxation Office (Grimsby Borough, EE and JV, only). Grimsby General Hospital, NRA 21345 View recent online obituaries and memorials websites for people who lived in Grimsby, Ontario. Stephen Merceron Burton, author of 'Burton's Nautical Tables': corresp and papers, NRA 41821 Opening times: Monday to Thursday 9.30am to 12.30pm and 1pm to 4pm View Easter opening hours Records Online Catalogue Archives catalogue . Humberside schools, NRA 23541 Town Hall SquareGrimsbyGrimsbyEnglandDN31 1HG, Open: Monday-Friday 8.30-7.30, Saturday 9-1, Reprographics: available but subject to copyright restrictions and condition, If you are an archivist or custodian of this archive you can use the The Grimsby Historical Society (GHS) was founded in 1913 with the key objective of promoting interest in and study of matters of local historical interest. GYL1 4: 1826-2002: directories . More Info. Th, Gooseneck, 1, of Jesse's House passed away unexpectedly on January 1, 2022 after a tragic event. Gi Grimsby News is a member of the Independent Press Standards Organisation, which regulates the UK Scunthorpe And District Working Mens Club, NRA 21352 British United Trawlers (Grimsby) Ltd, NRA 34995 Grimsby crew lists and agreements, 1864-1914. We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! British Steel Corporation: Scunthorpe ore mines, NRA 21351 County Motors (Grimsby) Ltd, NRA 10038 Total Views 5,168 (Older Stats), Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1916, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1949, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1942, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1945, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1946, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1948, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1943, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1944, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1936, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1935, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1925, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1921, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1913, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1918, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1917, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1937, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1934, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1930, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1890, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1938, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1922, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1923, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1947, Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1886. archive update form Registered in England and Wales. web pages The Grimsby Historical Society (GHS) was founded in 1913 with the key objective of promoting interest in and study of matters of local historical interest. Scunthorpe Mutual Glass Insurance Society, NRA 33164 Grimsby fishing apprentice registers, NRA 26420 nd is a charter member of the Grimsby Optimist capably as the chairman of the is also the secretary-treasurer Grimsby Recreational Committee. Uploaded by Lincolnshire Adult Schools Union, NRA 39971 The collections held by the GHS Archives are a rich resource for the study of the history, places and people of Grimsby. The National Archives is the UK government's official archive. The Grimsby-Lincoln News services Grimsby, Lincoln, and West Lincoln with a full-colour newspaper delivered every Thursday. 5,320 talking about this. Is there . Grimsby Local Medical Committee, NRA 33166 Providence Congregational Church, Barton upon Humber, NRA 38076 <br>Next, Kristel worked for . Professeur-relais chez Archives dpartementales de Seine-et-Marne Thomery. New volunteers are always welcome. Thornton, Beatrice , (b1907), of Grimsby. Surviving Copies Of The Grimsby Independent From 1885. The Grimsby Public Library stands with all Indigenous people, past and present, in promoting the wise stewardship of the lands on which we live. The GHS Archives consists of 10 dedicated volunteers, including two of the founding volunteers, Dorothy Turcotte and Lyndsay Dobson. Gi Grimsby News is a member of the Independent Press Standards Organisation, which regulates the UK Gi Grimsby News Fund recipients approved at April 11 council meeting. About Lincs Inspire. We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! (ONTARIO PEACHES endent Community Service $2.50 Per Year, $3.00 In U.S.A., AIR--- Sc Per Copy GO BY RE BERMUDA MARKETS YOUR TAG PURCHASE WILL HELP THE BLIND Company Registration Number: 08293679. Winn family, Barons St Oswald: estate papers, NRA 21343 Marshall, Knott & Barker, timber merchants, Grimsby, NRA 21341 web pages The library has a microfilm reader available for public use in the media lab. This information will help us make improvements to the website. Solicitors, land agents, estate agents and farmers. In 1928, W.P.Ryan, a former winery owner from Toronto and James Livingston, owner and publisher of The Grimsby Independent, started a winery on the site of the former Cypress Inn. The GHS Archives is located in a fully accessible facility. Information on North East Lincolnshire Archives can be found on the Lincs Inspire . The Grimsby Public Library has a variety of resources for your local history research. Francis James Lundy Diaries 1849-1867 West Niagara News 2006-2012 Grimsby News Now 2014-current Grimsby Independent, 1 Feb 1945 . . Now amalgamated into the West Niagara News . Grimsby Mariners Guild, NRA 34996 Grimsby and District Clerical Society, NRA 21344 As a result, parts of the site may not function properly for you. Get death information, see service details and more. All reproductions for publication purposes must go through archives staff. Hagerup Doughty & Co Ltd, trawler owners, Grimsby, NRA 36647 Grimsby Independent, 1 Mar 1945 . Cleethorpes and District Horticultural Society, NRA 26413 Microfilm are reels of filmwith scaled-down reproductions of documents. Arthur Moore, economist and politician: misc corresp, NRA 33168 LINCS INSPIRE LIMITED Archives. Restrictions may apply based on a number of reasons including: fragility of records, donation agreements, applicable copyright and privacy legislation. Twidale , Freda , (fl1939), Junior Boys' Attendant at Brighowgate Children's Home, Winfield, Hugh, (fl 1946-2001), archaeologist, Wintringham, John, (1840-1897), Grimsby Solicitor and Liberal Agent, Benjamin, Joe, (d 1995), Community Worker, Birch, (fl 1949-1988), local maritime historian, Broomhead, Reynolds, (fl 1910-1946), fishing skipper, Cartwright, George, (19th cent), Surveyor Of Highways, Clarke, W J, (fl 1940-1945), fire service officer, Cresswell, Thomas, (fl1943-1947), soldier, Dale, James H., (fl 1949-1965), Humber fishery officer, Ellis, Ernest Watson, (1900-1944), seaman, Finucane, (fl 1900-2000), local historian, Flinders, Frank, Local Government Officer, Gale, Thomas John, (fl 1914-1916), private, 10th Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment, Gibbon, Joshua, Collector Of Music Memorabilia, Gillett, Edward, (20th cent), Local Historian, Green, Adam, (20th cent), Archivist And Local Historian, Harrison, Henry, (fl 1876-1930), alderman, Hart, Margaret, (20thcent), Local Historian, Holliday, Herbert, (fl 1914-1918), soldier, Horn, Charles, (fl 1915-1929), trawler skipper, Kirkby, A, (fl 1900-1999), local historian, Lyons, Nick, (fl 1950-1990), local historian, Newberry, J., (20th cent), History Teacher, Oxley, William, (fl 1874-1877), Fisherman, Paddison, Ivan James, (1914-1984), photographer, Priestley, Jack, (20th cent), Trawler Skipper, Ramster, J W, Soldier Royal Army Service Corps, Rawson, William, (20th cent), Soldier And Engineer, Redgrave, Raymond, (fl 1961-2003), Eel Fisherman, Richardson, Thomas, (fl 1839), schoolteacher, Ricketts, Charles, (fl 1980), schoolteacher, Ross, John Carl, (1901-1986), Businessman, Shaw, Peter James, (1929-2007), archive conservator and calligrapher, Sheardown, Charles, (20th cent), School Teacher, Trevitt, Edward, (20th cent), Borough Librarian, Walshaw, G., (20th cent), Local Historian, Weiss, Sam, (20th cent), Businessman, Boxing Promoter, Cafe Owner, Whitchurch, Leslie, (20th cent), Timber Worker, Whitmarsh, Frank, (20th cent), Journalist, Willcox, Samuel, (fl 1875-1884), fishing skipper, Wilson, John, (fl.1830-50), Anglican Clergyman, Winter, Archibald, (20th cent), Merchant Seaman, Wintringham, John, (19th cent), Solicitor, Sheffield family, baronets, of Normanby Hall, Tennyson D'Eyncourt family of Bayons Manor, About our
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