In each instance, the appropriate documents and fee, if required, must be submitted to the Office of the Professions at the mailing address at the end of the form whenever these changes occur. Mail any required forms and fees to the indicated address on the form. The pharmacy information form also includes several questions. Federal and State laws regulate all pharmacies, wholesalers, repackers and manufacturers that manufacture, distribute and dispense prescriptions drugs and prescription devices. 130 (voice) 518-473-6995 (fax) This is also an important educational opportunity for inspectors to provide guidance and answer your questions about pharmacy laws and regulations. 'O..>2fU:2?2!lFJ.#^v*}t You must answer all questions and provide all information requested unless otherwise indicated. New York State Department of Health Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement Riverview Center 150 Broadway Albany, New York 12204 **If you are licensed and no longer engage in controlled substance activity, you must notify the Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement immediately** APPLICATION CHECKLIST Did you remember to: Last Revision - 12.13.2018. endstream endobj 139 0 obj <>stream hT @[b$%q y_7srhSz'=5eekPPRqR}?b@pDD8.q++0n . endstream endobj 138 0 obj <>stream Under New York State Law, the State Board of Pharmacy registers pharmacy, wholesaler, repacker and manufacturer establishments in New York State. Name of Establishment: (Name as it will appear on the registration certificate.) NYS Pharmacy:License Requirements - New York State Education Department The State Education Department is not responsible for any fees paid to an outside testing or credentials verification agency. The expiration dates of all pharmacy registration certificates vary and are renewable on a triennial basis. State Board of Pharmacy Among them are the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the Office of Civil Rights, PBMs, and the state boards of pharmacy. 0000007899 00000 n Address of Establishment: Place where activities covered by this registration are to be conducted. Copy of Amended Certificate of Incorporation indicating change of corporate name. 130 (voice) the Board has approved a pharmacy "Inspection Checklist" to replace the current inspection Observation Report. 0000001216 00000 n Please read them carefully. Checklist of Documents Needed OF109 (47 KB) Application OF100 (39 KB) Copy of the Filing receipt from Secretary of State for name change. Mount Prospect, IL 60056 In contrast to many States that maintain disparate medical license verification tools that vary by profession, New York maintains a comprehensive Medical License Lookup resource for verifying licensure information for more than two dozen health professions. Phoenix, AZ 85005 128 0 obj <>stream PDF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY Checklist NYC Code 20-202(a)(1) Inspection Checklist: Pharmacies pdated /2222 of 2 Requirement Do you meet this requirement? The Pharmacy Information Form requires a floor plan of the pharmacy on the reverse side. Outsourcing Facility Application Requirements & Forms - New York State Although you will now have access to your grades much sooner, normal processing time of four to six weeks is still needed before an official license is issued. Submit applications directly to the Office of the Professions at the mailing address at the end of the form. We have provided detailed instructions to assist you. All pharmacies are subject to state board of pharmacy inspections; however, mail order pharmacies, specialty pharmacies, and chain pharmacies that are operated on a national basis are gen-erally required to comply with multiple state pharmacy practice acts and may be subject to multiple inspections. An initial application must be submitted for each resident in state pharmacy in order to do business in New York. Pharmacy Inspection Checklist - Operations and Standards Note: Pharmacists are urged to keep copies of all application materials for registration of a pharmacy and these instructions for reference purposes. division of medical quality assurance board of pharmacy4052 bald cypress way, bin #c-04 tallahassee, florida 32399-3254 (850) 245-4292 pharmacytechnician registration application Pharmacy, Board, Board of pharmacy WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Under New York State Law, the State Board of Pharmacy registers pharmacy, wholesaler, repacker and manufacturer and outsourcing facility establishments in New York State. Albany, New York 12234-1000 endstream endobj 130 0 obj <>stream In the interest of fairness, we cannot deviate from this policy. The Board of Pharmacy will not register a trade name. Submit the forms, and the supporting documentation indicated on Form PH-208 ( 48 KB), and a check or money order of $345 make payable to the New York State Education Department. An initial application must be submitted for each resident in state pharmacy in order to do business in New York. It is the applicant's responsibility to make and retain these copies. OUT OF STATE FACILITIES Non-resident operations doing business in NYS must Referral Letter to New York State Board of Pharmacy Issued 04/21/2015 (PDF - 79KB) 483 Issued 08/22/2014 (PDF - 936KB) Sincerus Florida LLC, Pompano Beach FL - 503A Facility New York is the home state for those establishments that are physically located in this state. If you also attended a school in another state, we require your school to provide us with a letter indicating the beginning and ending dates for each semester you attended. DO NOT submit another licensure application and fee to the State Education Department. For applicants who have previously applied for but did not obtain licensure in New York State due to the Part III examination: Complete and submit a Special Provisions Form (Form 1A). Pharmacy - Opening Checklist | State Board of Pharmacy - Arizona After you have submitted all your documentation, please allow 6 weeks before submitting a Contact Us Form to request a status update. Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, Part 59, stipulate that any licensee who pays a registration fee with a check which is not honored by the bank must submit a certified check, a bank check, or money order as a replacement payment within 60 days of notification by the Department. hbbba`b``3 3.OPD CONDUCTED INSPECTION 4. Laws & Regulations | About OP | Contact | Forms | Q&A | IFB & RFP | Site Feedback, University of the State of New York - New York State Education Department, Welcome to the Office of the Professions newly redesigned website. h]k0]n#~C)hl0z:z029s{>/'`xD`{r%jLIdMf (i) There shall be present at all hours when the pharmacy is open at least one pharmacist who: (a) meets the minimal standards of training and experience required by 10 NYCRR Part 16 or by 12 NYCRR Part 38 for the use of radioactive materials; and (b) has submitted to the State Board of Pharmacy evidence of either of the following: endstream endobj 234 0 obj <>/Metadata 8 0 R/Pages 7 0 R/StructTreeRoot 10 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 235 0 obj <. Information is updated daily. PharmD graduates are deemed to have completed at least 1500 intern hours. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE RETURNED TO YOU FOR COMPLETION. `9o@m[D1PC1Mse64X0m.yl7u_o 0 0000017593 00000 n Resident Instate Pharmacy Initial Registration or Transfer of Ownership of Pharmacy, Resident Instate Pharmacy Change of Location, Renovation, Name, Officers and/or Owners, Information For NYS Registered Pharmacy Establishments, Information for NYS Registered Pharmacy Establishments, Nonresident, Out of State Manufacturer/Wholesaler/Repacker Application Requirements and Forms, Nonresident, Out of State Pharmacy Application Requirements and Forms, Outsourcing Facility Application Requirements & Forms, PH208 Checklist for Preliminary Registration of a Pharmacy. For information regarding FPGEC certification, contact: National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) REVISED: JULY 2022 . PREMISES Registered area not less than 300 square feet Compounding area not less than 100 square feet You must answer all questions and provide all information requested unless otherwise indicated. Credit cannot be given for any hours that exceed 40 hours per week. To discontinue a registered establishment, the owner or corporate officer must complete and file a Pharmacy Discontinuance Form with the NYS Board of Pharmacy. The third-party pharmacy inspection program most widely recognized by state boards of pharmacy across the nation The Verified Pharmacy Program (VPP ) provides boards of pharmacy with inspection and license verification services and ensures that you have complete and accurate information to make pharmacy licensure decisions. In addition, submit the names and residences of any other principal stockholders, i.e., persons owning 10% or more of stock in the corporation. T$ The information which follows will serve as a guide in the completion of the forms. submit your completed licensure application (Form 1 and fee) to the New York State Education Department if you haven't already submitted one; have your completed education documentation submitted and approved by the New York State Education Department if you haven't already; and, have your completed internship experience submitted and approved (, Graduates from ACPE accredited programs or CCAPP accredited programs (since 1993) must submit documentation of completion of 6 months (1,040 hours) of approved internship according to the requirements listed under, Graduates from non-accredited programs, including foreign graduates, must have a passing score on the NAPLEX and submit documentation of completion of 12 months (2,080 hours) of approved internship according to the requirements listed under, Complete and submit an Application for Licensure (, Log in to your NABP e-Profile and apply for licensure transfer through NABP's Electronic Licensure Transfer Program (e-LTP). hb```f``b`c`f`@ ~Y&\@$&.maPTU GI8-AOrz,5r-`M=>GAGpB ./{>n |`E9[iF ` 1c 0000011321 00000 n Section 6808 of the Education Law provides that no establishment shall operate as a pharmacy unless that establishment is registered by the New York State Education Department. The New York State Board of Pharmacy office does not provide certification or verification of internship hours or clinical experiences. You can check the Office of Profession's license verification system at Verification Search to see if your license has been issued. 0000000016 00000 n Portions of this site may still be under development, so if you experience any issues or have any questions please submit a, Purple Book: Lists of Licensed Biological Products with Reference Product Exclusivity and Biosimilarity or Interchangeability Evaluations. %PDF-1.6 % In the interest of fairness, we cannot deviate from this policy. Board Inspections - California State Board of Pharmacy Board Inspections How to Prepare for a Board of Pharmacy Inspection - Webinar Pharmacy Inspections (PDF), Accessible Version (PDF) (These are currently linked on the publications for licensees page) The applications available on these pages are for INITIAL registration or transfer of ownership of a pharmacy or pharmacy establishment, and/or CHANGES to existing registrations ONLY. Turnaround: 10-16 weeks. Portions of this site may still be under development, so if you experience any issues or have any questions please submit a, Purple Book: Lists of Licensed Biological Products with Reference Product Exclusivity and Biosimilarity or Interchangeability Evaluations, Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE). IF YOU ARE A MILITARY SERVICE MEMBER, THE SPOUSE OF A MILITARY SERVICE MEMBER, OR A RECENT VETERAN TRANSFERRING YOUR PHARMACIST LICENSE FROM ANOTHER STATE PLEASE CONTACT THE BOARD OF PHARMACY 505.222.9830. Emergency Contraceptives - Signs All signs must be 8.5 x 14 inches in size with large font that fills the sign. 0000028492 00000 n If you withdraw your application, obtain a refund, and then decide to seek New York State licensure at a later date, you will be considered a new applicant, and you will be required to pay the licensure and registration fees and meet the licensure requirements in place at the time you reapply. Registered establishments will automatically receive renewal applications by mail approximately 60 days prior to expiration of their registration. A completed application must be submitted with the required registration fee (see Checklist MW109(47 KB) for information on all forms required). 0000024118 00000 n NOTE: Effective January 1, 2022, the Part III examination will no longer be a requirement for pharmacist licensure within New York State. 0000004932 00000 n For the procedure to withdraw your application, contact the Pharmacy Unit at or by calling 518-474-3817 ext. Therefore, it is critical that we be notified whenever there is a change of location. Registered establishments must notify the NYS Board of Pharmacy whenever there is a change of location, change of name or change of officers and/or owners. Note: Your cancelled check is your receipt. Title: NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF PHARMACY Checklist Author: New York State Education Department Subject: Checklist for Pharmacy Created Date: 9/9/2014 1:29:51 PM All answers must be typed or printed neatly. 130Fax 518-473-6995E-mail: Web: After the . 850-488-0796 Mailing Address. h4PM0+h-l@xH%G14GPp:&cB7^[K^bae:.gM_#)a3J?Um_ca'gk|iMk!@]DXl=K:9mbgCZCzxR~ XJ Phone: 847-391-4406 At least 60 semester hours of preprofessional study in the basic sciences and general education content areas, with a minimum of 20 semester hours in the basic sciences content area and a minimum of 20 semester hours in the general education content area. The most challenging part of inspections is the number of different inspecting bodies that are all checking for different things. Please do not use the form "Request for Written Confirmation of New York State Licensure" for verification requests of establishments; that form is used only for certification or verification of licensed individuals, not registered establishments. A completed application must be submitted with the required registration fee (seePH208 Checklist for Preliminary Registration of a Pharmacy(48 KB) for information on documents required). Individuals who withdraw their licensure application may be entitled to a partial refund. In the latter case, state how access to the pharmacy is gained on a separate sheet. Laws & Regulations | About OP | Contact | Forms | Q&A | IFB & RFP | Site Feedback, University of the State of New York - New York State Education Department, Welcome to the Office of the Professions newly redesigned website. Done right, it can be a lucrative, satisfying and pleasantly challenging endeavor. 0000009062 00000 n PDF Nevada State Board of Pharmacy Corporate title in case of a corporation. Before you begin an internship in another state, check with the State's Board Office to ensure that you meet their requirements and that they will be able to certify the hours you will accumulate to New York. If a corporation, include names, titles, residences, and percentage of stock owned by officers and directors. All graduates of accredited colleges and schools of pharmacy are required to complete both introductory and advanced practice rotations in pharmacies. If there are questions, someone will contact the applicant by mail. North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX), Multi-State Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE) [, submit your completed licensure application (Form 1 and fee) to the New York State Education Department, and. Please submit your completed application at least 6 to 9 months before the planned opening or transfer of your pharmacy or establishment. Submit applications directly to the Office of the Professions at the mailing address at the end of the form. Download times and print quality will depend on your connection speed and printer. This worksheet does not replace U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) <795> Pharmaceutical Compounding - Sterile Preparations. 518-474-3817, Press 1 then ext. a location licensed by the State Board of Pharmacy as a terminal distributor of dangerous drugs is subject to an on-site inspection by the Board. You can view your NAPLEX and/or MPJE scores online. trailer The Pharmacy Board Office staff will review the forms and information submitted. Please refer to the examination section of the licensing requirements. 518-474-1449 (fax) The plan should show the relationship of the pharmacy to public thoroughfares and other buildings or offices, with all entrances to the pharmacy clearly marked. Dina Jazrawi Executive Secretary 89 Washington Ave, 2nd Floor W Albany, NY 12234-1000 NABP will send you an Authorization To Test (ATT) once the New York State Education Department verifies your eligibility with NABP. You should also know that applications are processed in the order in which they are received. Applicants requesting special testing accommodations for the NAPLEX and/or MPJE, must complete NABP's Request for Testing Accommodations form and submit it with supporting documentation directly to NABP. Make checks payable to the New York State Education Department. Should any questions arise, phone or write the Board of Pharmacy. The supervising pharmacist shall sign the application for registration on the line provided. 0000012004 00000 n ; Pilot Pharmaceutical Take-Back Program - DEC is working with retail chain and independent pharmacies, hospitals . No pharmacist may be designated the supervisor for more than one pharmacy. Box 45013 Newark, New Jersey 07101 Directions ALERT If you are not sure about what is required, especially as it relates to corporate documents and filings, you may wish to consult with your attorney. Other payments must be made by personal check or money order payable to the New York State Education Department. 0000004969 00000 n endstream endobj 136 0 obj <>stream A completed application must be submitted with the required registration fee (see PH208 Checklist for Preliminary Registration of a Pharmacy (48 KB) for information on documents required). 0000032104 00000 n Phone: 847-391-4406 All signs must be posted at every counter where prescription drugs are sold. Under New York State Law, the State Board of Pharmacy registers pharmacy, wholesaler, repacker and manufacturer establishments in New York State. 518-473-6995 (fax) Note: All forms are in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). Your internship experience must be reviewed and approved by the New York State Education Department before you can be considered eligible to take the MPJE.
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