According to an estimate, 40 million propane cylinders are sold in the US per year. 0000005598 00000 n Does your camping fun always happen in the same location? RA19798 Robinair Internal Tank Assembly : Price $ 757.58. For our family, camping trips are about the journey as much as the, Read More RV Road Trip Ideas WithUnusual Roadside AttractionsContinue, There is one aspect of camping that is much more difficult for women than it is for men. 0000006891 00000 n The unit will automatically shut down when the storage tank reaches 80% capacity if the oat cable is used correctly. Technician Training Series: How to use the Robinair 34788 Air - YouTube Carlos Perrys passion for outdoor activities can be traced back to 5 years ago when he spent a significant time to conquer beautiful pristine lands and experience different cultures with his best friends. 0000070418 00000 n Coleman tried to solve the propane tank disposal issue by introducing the Green Key tool (more on this below) but it has yet to see a wide adaptation and recognition. Automatic internal tank refill. To avail of this, you will have to make sure that the cylinder you are exchanging is fit for service and has no damages. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Not all tanks can be refilled so you have to dispose them of at some point. To properly recycle propane tanks, you have to be very considerate about how and where it ends up. See ROBINAIR Recovery Tanks under Parts and Accessories section on Page 16. 28635 Mound Road 0000108837 00000 n You are traveling/transporting your RV and your propane tanks are required to be empty (like on a ferry). Recommended Camping Gears: I have compiled a list of my favourite camping gear in one place. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'trucampers_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_14',159,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-trucampers_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0');If any propane tank has leftover gas inside, it can cause an explosion causing damage to material and even the personnel handling the trash. The selection is based on my own personal experience using them for many years camping as well as feedback from fellow campers. 0000018097 00000 n Your tank is damaged and needs to be disposed. The camping tips we are talking about today have to do with getting, Year-round tent camping IS possible, but it is not for everybody thats the good part! ROBINAIR.COM 800.533.6127 Maintenance Replace the Oxygen Sensor in the Refrigerant Identifier The refrigerant identifier in the machine contains a replaceable Remove four screws oxygen sensor that can affect the way the machine works if holding shroud . PDF Operating Manual for Model 34988 - Robinair The below list covers some of the notable retailers in the US where you can exchange your empty propane tank. An optional refrigerant charge and oil capacities database is available for North American market vehicles. Press OK. XGh=U But before you refill, make sure: But larger 5lb and 20lb cylinders have no restrictions on refilling, you can refill them yourself or from any certified refilling station and use them for a long time. Propane tanks are quite famous among campers. Press and hold the "Weight" button for three seconds until "CAL" appears on the display. They should not be within 10 feet of even a tree because propane can damage the things that come into contact with it. Scrap metal dealers will usually accept tanks that are fully emptied of all gas and vapors. Step Three: Tilt the Tank to the Side. the tank is empty,the machine will not come out of clearing in any mode.i connected a service gauge on the manifold block when entering recovery it pulls down to 20 psi and will go no lower,is the compressor failing,shouldnt it pull to 0 psi.if i close the tank valves with the unit recovering it never hits high pressure. If it is colder at the bottom, it still has gas in it. PDF Original Instructions Instrucciones originales Instrues originais Call a few experts around your area and take a hint at the current cost. You only have to pay for the gas inside. Robinair R1234yf Tank Fill Robinair 2.21K subscribers Subscribe 13K views 8 years ago This segment of the video shows you how to fill the Internal Storage Vessel (ISV) on the Robinair. 34700Z Robinair R134a Remanufactured Recovery Recycling Recharging Unit How to transfer freon from internal tank to source tank on model 34788 recovery machine? Else it can be an explosion hazard. In case if you are dealing with a huge or commercial size tank, the safest option is to call a licensed contractor to dispose of the gas and the tank. They are designed for one-time use and should not be refilled. 3 Tips For Choosing a Car For Camping: Prepare Well! 0000007465 00000 n Refilling RV and grilling tanks is an option. The remaining propane will come shooting out of the cylinder. Refrigerant Tank Test Official records and recurring tests necessary for pressurized instruments are governed by laws and/or national regulations dependent upon the country where the refrigerant tank is used. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capable (requires 80211TMP or 80211VCI master kit) Fully automatic operation - program for service, walk away and return when complete. 0000020786 00000 n How to Empty a Propane Tank | Hunker My name is Ahmed and I am an outdoor enthusiast and have been camping since my school days. Propane is a widely used heating and energy source. The new design features a larger graphical display, automatic features including leak testing, automatic refrigerant refill and oil drain/inject - putting A/C lubricant back into the . They are not accurate enough to tell you if the tank is safe for disposal and totally empty of all liquid and residual vapor fumes. Close the valve and you are done with the propane dumping. You can refill and reuse the 20lb tanks over and over again. If youre looking for awesome ideas for yummy camping food, youre in the right place! Cool-Tech 34288 A/C Recover, Recycle, Recharge Machine - Robinair So, you should take some precautions before starting the dumping process: >> You may also like:RV Propane Detector Keeps Going Off: Causes and Solutions. Can You Sleep On A Memory Foam Mattress On The First Night? 5. 0000025604 00000 n Use only Robinair tank p/n 17990 with this machine. All these DOT Propane cylinders are either made from seam welded stainless steel alloy or aluminum. AmeriGas is the largest propane supplier in the United States. A lot of people are looking for used propane tanks for sale. When you take a tank to an open-air location and let the gas drain, you cant see it so you have no idea where it is settling. Most of these gas retailers accept all brands. They can be used in all seasons to heat your tent or cook your food and can power a variety of equipment like camping stoves, open flame heaters, or even catalytic heaters but propane tank disposal is a tricky job. This serves as a precautionary step and will make emptying the gas out of the tank much easier to manage. Most RV-ers use propane for everything from cooking to cleaning, heating and generating power for appliances. Each cylinder has a certain time period, after which it must be recertified for service. Robinair Repair Questions & Solutions, Tips & Guides - Fixya Now, disconnect your propane tank and insert your Green Key tool (you can buy them. Similarly, you have to buy a new tank if the old one leaks and dissipates gas. Open the valve and let the liquid propane flow out (Dont do this). You can usually find recycling events in local communities too. Thats why you may be required to show proof that your tanks are entirely empty and no longer pressurized. Propane tanks are a very versatile energy source for camping. How much does it cost to recertify a propane cylinder? Qty: Description Prop65 They often have hazardous waste collection events and may have instructions that allow you to throw them in the garbage with local household pickup. 0000070489 00000 n The Robinair 34788NI-H machines recover, recycle, evacuate, leak-test and recharge R-134a with improved 98.5% efficiency - unmatched by any competitor. Robinair AC690 Pro - Tank Filling - YouTube 34788NI Robinair Premier R-134A Refrigerant Recovery Recycling Here are simple ideas to enjoy Halloween camping no matter where you spend this spooktacular, Read More Halloween Camping Is A Spooktacular Holiday Experience With These Simple Tips!Continue. Put your hand on top of the tank surface and slowly move down, feeling the temperature of the metal surface. 0000012955 00000 n Calling a professional service every time is not the solution because you might be traveling and they are not available in the area where you have camped or the service is expensive. hb```b``]|Ab, Xs TLo>H;800$=If,,oeTKLdNX.%[t;3$6$qZSE644H^3dMB`%d18HX/1(PY9F9Yy"3t8TVNZ!cKf>! Because of the gas residue inside, these tanks are a possible explosion hazard. It recovers, recycles, evacuates, and recharges R-134A quickly and accurately. If you only have a few pounds of propane, you can do 1 pound camping propane cylinder refills for your camping equipment. You can easily refill them from a bigger propane tank using an adaptor. Thats why a tank should be emptied, purged and filled with an inert gas to ensure it is inexplosive. 3. Its pretty helpful and can tell you exactly where to take empty propane tanks for recycling. Another thing to remember is not to use propane when driving and not to install the canisters inside the vehicle. Fully-Automatic Function: Program to recover, vacuum, leak test and charge without operating panel valves.Automatic Oil Drain: A display reminds you to empty the graduated container to show the amount of oil to replace.Oil Inject: Automatically inject oil back into the vehicles A/C systems.Refrigerant \u0026 Oil Database: A/C system capacities for North American market vehicles (Optional not included with the machine)Save \u0026 print before and after service data: Allows the user to store before and after service information by vehicle and print this information to provide to a customer.Visual \u0026 Audible Alarm: Notifies the user when service is complete, or if a problem has occurred.Vacuum Leak Test: Monitors level after evacuation, informs of possible leak.Automatic Air Purge: Eliminates system-damaging air without monitoring gauges or opening valves.Automatic Refrigerant Refill: Maintains a user-selectable amount of refrigerant in an internal vessel and signals when its time to change supply tank, no monitoring required.Vacuum Feature: Defaults to 15 mins, programmable up to 99 mins. 0000082782 00000 n 4. The small Propane cylinders we use on camping are based on DOT (US Department of Transportation) specifications. In this video we cover the recovery, recycle, evacuation of system, leak testing, and recharging. Bernzomatic has a dedicated page to find your nearest waste management facility using your zip code. The propane gas inside does not break down but it is possible for the rubber sealing of the valve to degrade and leak propane slowly over time. To calibrate the scale on Robinair 34288, follow these steps: Turn off the machine and make sure that the scale is empty. No stopping to fill the internal tank during service, or before service. Prompts appear when 1/3 of filter life remains.Optional PrinterOptional Refrigerant Identifier- See more at: 0000001096 00000 n How to Empty a Propane Tank - A Safe Guide for Rvers trailer <]/Prev 727617/XRefStm 1792>> startxref 0 %%EOF 1082 0 obj <>stream However, make sure the cylinder is in good condition and has no rusting or deformation. %PDF-1.6 % To solve this problem and give waste pick-up company personnel some confidence, Coleman introduced their Green Key Tool back in 2008. Keep your machine operating with 34724 replacement filters, Robinair high vacuum pump oil . How To Dispose of Small Propane Tanks? [5 EASY Ways] The remaining propane will come shooting out of the cylinder. If its a 5- or 10-gallon tank, you can safely dispose of it by following the steps mentioned above. System Flush A method of removing oil by forcing liquid refrigerant through an A/C system or components. hYYo7+|w &v].6B)oVkY>vf0{0THaUPt*:p}4BUN(+>H4JEDQjNxq5t6~>>^9knMsn/Lt\?K!I\KUz. PDF USER'S OPERATING MANUAL 25176B - Robinair Refilling a single cylinder multiple times makes them very economical because each time you refill, you are only paying for the gas and not the steel cylinder. The Cool-Tech 34288 combines simple operation with superior accuracy. You can return your unwanted propane tanks to retailers across the US. The new design features a larger graphical display, automatic features including leak testing, automatic refrigerant refill and oil drain/inject putting A/C lubricant back into the system. Robinair AC1234-4 - Premier R-1234yf Recover, Recycle, and Recharge Machine. Disposal of propane tanks requires much more consideration than your average household waste. Propane is a highly volatile gas. 1234YF Recover, Recycle, Recharge Machine | Robinair The important thing to note is to refill and NOT transport them across borders. You need to empty the tanks when the gas level runs too low. It is basically a small plastic key that goes into the nozzle of one-time-use propane canisters and makes sure the tank drains completely. 2# verify Robinair A/C Machine Comparison Chart (Document # 16-74), SDS high vacuum pump oil Document # 552184). Empty propane canisters can be harmful to the environment. 4. All those small 1lb propane tanks we take camping are DOT-39 cylinders. Outdoor Fact is a website reviewing a wide range of necessary outdoor gears along with ratings & comparisons by testing all of them and collect reviews from experts in USA to help outdoor lovers to find the best products for their needs. You must replace the regulator when it fails. Invert the propane cylinder so the bottom of the tank is facing upwards and the handles are on the ground (Dont do this). If the metal surface is uniformly hot from top to bottom, it is empty. In the US, all LPG (liquid petroleum gas) cylinders are made according to ASTM or DOT standards. The new design features a larger graphical display, automatic features including leak testing, automatic refrigerant refill and oil drain/inject - putting A/C lubricant back . PDF Original Instructions Instrucciones originales Consignes - Robinair 0000002647 00000 n 0000023094 00000 n Premier R-134A Refrigerant Recovery, Recycling, and - Robinair DW;jT)qUS+RP9_0JRw(/YYp8zT14+W KbR&_. . Once the tank is empty they will inert it with nitrogen. You can use a gas compressor for pumping gas from one bottle to another. Hook up your tank to a propane burning appliance. 0000106977 00000 n These tanks are commonly used for camping and outdoor grilling. If youve never done it before, we have a complete blog post and printable instructions to show you how to refill 1lb propane tanks. Both of these materials can be melted and reused and should therefore never go to a landfill or remained buried in your storage room.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'trucampers_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_9',155,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-trucampers_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Apart from the steel construction of the tank, the gas residues inside make it hazardous waste as per the EPA classification. In depth training on the operation of the Robinair 34788NI recovery machine. Warren, MI 48092 Psst were compensatedsee our disclosures. So, even if your gauge is reading zero there could be liquid fuel that is not showing on the float. PDF Refrigerant Recovery Machine - Robinair Outdoor fact may earn a commission when you buy through links on our site. For 20-pound propane barbecue cylinders, dont forget about the convenient exchange options through AmeriGas and Blue Rhino we mentioned earlier. These compressors are not used at the industrial level but they are more than perfect for emptying the tank used in your RV. Place a weight of known mass (such as a 50-pound weight) onto the scale and press the "Weight" button.
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