What Are The Best Weed Strains For Nausea. While its true that smoke contains carbon dioxide, breathing around your plants is better than smoking around them. So, unfortunately, that is where I will leave it. May have a negative impact on the taste and quality of fruits and vegetables grown using bong water as fertilizer. Is Bong Water Good for Plants? Can you Use Bong Water in a Compost Pile? Patents issued and pending. fire is remarkably efficent when breaking down substance into more basic compounds. Bong water is also a great way to recycle water. On the other hand, science about the harmful compounds contained in smoke--whether cannabis or tobacco--is plentiful. Privacy Policy. i hate to say it but everyone that thought bong water doesnt help then they are wrong. While theres little evidence to support that drinking bong water can kill you, it can make you extremely sick. The bacteria build-up in the water will be harmful to plants. If drinking bong water is a bad idea for people, it is bad for plants. Despite the fact that bong water may contain decomposing plant matter, its also loaded with the kinds of germs and bacteria that could kill your plants dead. Though it contains natural plant material and desirable cannabinoids, it also carries harmful elements, germs, and bacteria that could damage or kill your plant. This filtration process removes some toxins and tar from the smoke. Chances are you have been using the same dirty water for the last 10-12 days. Unfortunately, its pretty much the same story for your plants health as it is for your own. The perfect amountof sunlight, water, and other nutrients from the soil will make a plant very healthy. Not only is the high bacterial and mold content bad for plants, old bong water usually has an acidic pH balance and, according to the gardening website plantea.com, water that is too acidic or too basic can lock some nutrients up and make them unavailable to the plant. A device that people often use to smoke cannabis is called a bong. This is because its properties restrict the ability of the soil structure to behave naturally, which in turn can inhibit the level of nutrient uptake by the plants. The logic is there: because of the decomposing plant material, your bong almost seems like it could be a mini composting bin. Its also why youll frequently encounter those who say theres really nothing wrong with drinking dirty bong water. Quick fix solution for plants in need of a quick boost of nutrients. During the bong-smoking process, the water in your chamber filters through carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and other acidic compounds contained in the smoke. While this idea might seem intriguing, the reality is that bong water is a controversial topic among gardening experts and plant enthusiasts. Grow Big :). Unfortunately, I have no video to share here, so you will just have to take my word for it or do additional outside investigation Or you could just go smell your bong and see if youd ever truly consider drinking it. Reclaimed water is highly treated and disinfected but still contains some constituents at levels outside the desirable range for drinking water. All Rights Reserved. The bacteria that grow in stagnant water with decaying plant matter are harmful to nearly all living things. To sum it up Bong water acts as the main filtration system in your bong. This is why its not uncommon for seasoned stoners to spend time (and quite rightly) scraping every scrap of the sticky residue out of their pipes and bongs for recycling purposes. in humans. Discover the top weed strains that can help alleviate nausea symptoms in this comprehensive guide to medical marijuana. Smoke from marijuana produces harmful toxins like naphthalene, acrylamide and acrylonitrile that then become trapped in your bong water. Ideally, you should use clean, fresh water for every bong session. Bong Water may be comprised of the following: Well, if you are asking Is Bong Water Good for Plants, then the answer is NO. Some plants, like holly and azaleas, prefer acidic soil conditions. Copyright 2023 For obvious reasons, you should never pour juice or alcohol into your plants. What do plants need to survive and grow healthy and strong? These cannabinoids have potential beneficial health effects in humans. As the user lights up the dry material, they (the smoker) inhales the smoke from the water. Bong water is not good for plants. Its best to use fresh water every time you use your bong. The water contains the waste products of fish, which provide plants with essential nutrients and promote healthy growth. Mold, resin, ash, and more are not elements that plants seek to grow healthy and robust. Doing this too often will only make your plants' soil pH more acidic and you will end up having to correct it, which is not only an additional expense, but is often a time-consuming process. when smoking through your bong all that burnt plant material is caught in the water and is there broken down. Still, its best not to pour bong water in plants. These harmful substances include. Check "Remember Me" to access your shopping cart on this computer even if you are not signed in. Fairly suitable for drinking. Pouring bong water on plants is generally not helpful, and it may kill your plants. After all, bong water does contain some natural cannabinoids from the cannabis plant, such as THC and CBD. Reclaimed water has been safely used for non-drinking . Simply put, bong water is not good for plants. In fact, bong water can actually be good for plants. Manure is another natural fertilizer that is made from the waste of domesticated animals, such as cows, horses, and chickens. While the idea of using bong water for plants might seem appealing, the reality is that it is not recommended due to the high levels of harmful chemicals that it contains. They can be a useful addition to the compost pile by balancing some of the more nitrogen-heavy additions that are made over time. For those who dont know what bong water is, you first need to know what a bong is and how it works. Rainwater contains the perfect amount of minerals needed for plant growth, with few amounts of harmful chemicals in it. Clean water should be a part of every bong session. Overall, bong water is good for plants because it is rich in essential nutrients and minerals, and it also contains high levels of oxygen. Its time to change your bong water. By adding bong water, you can incorporate the leftover plant matter into the compost. Unfortunately, there are not many uses for old bong water. Contrary to what some people believe, you wont get any higher from reusing old bong water. The information and recommendations on our site do not constitute a medical consultation and are for educational purposes only. does bong water for your plants make them more dank, actually i find it very disqusting. Youve paid good money for your weed, so it simply makes sense to put it to the best possible use. Step 1: Save your banana peels. Saratoga Springs, NY 12866, A bong is a device that people use to smoke cannabis, People think that bong water is good for houseplants. Join us for an interactive business event like no other! No, it isn't. Perhaps you could use a little if your plants are really desperate, but it's not going to have the best effect on their health. Welcome to our website. It is possible that you would use the bong water on indoor . Although there is some logic to it because it contains decomposing plant matter, and the bong looks like a mini compost bin that contains tea. Particularly, many smokers over time have asked the age-old question: is bong water good for plants? Depending on what kind of plant you plan to water with your bong water, this acidity could potentially add to the water's harmfulness. When a plant is being grown in a soil bed that does not have the required pH levels, in practice, this means that the soils acidity is not conducive to the nutritional requirements that the soil has. Certainly the differences are clear when compared to rainwater. The water that you smoke out of a bong is not good for plants. In addition, dirty and stagnant bong water is a breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria, viruses, and other nasties. In conclusion, it is not a good idea to use bong water on plants. As the old bong water sits for an extended period, it becomes stagnant water, which means excess bacteria grow at the bottom. It isnt great. These toxins are made even more harmful by the fungus, bacteria, and germs that can grow in your stagnant bong water. Fish tank water is a nutrient-rich alternative to bong water that can be used for plant fertilization. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional legal advice, professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. These liquids are also highly acidic and harmful. Some say that you might benefit from mixing it with your compost pile simply because it contains plant matter, however, there is no scientific evidence that this is true. Not a consistent source of fertilization, as the nutrient content and quality of bong water can vary greatly. While bong water might be terrible for the garden, what about the ash that comes from the burning of cannabis? First up, we recently dedicated an entire article to this one question alone. My independent research was pretty conclusive on this topic. Even in times of pure desperation, under no circumstances should you ever resort to drinking bong water - even as a dare. But it's not the same as bong water. As with any standing body of water that contains biodegrading gunk, mold begins to grow in order to decompose the material. The drawing of the smoke through the water not only allows the water to cool the water down, making the ultimate inhalation more comfortable for the user, but the water also serves to trap heavy and water-soluble molecules. Youve been using the same water for the last week or two. . The ash that is used more frequently is wood ash, but all ash from plant material shares many properties. Is Bong Water Good For Plants. Known as biofilm, this murky layer could be hiding pathogens such as Strep, E. coli, and black mildew. If you know of any practical uses for old bong water please write them in the comments below and we can discuss! Dont experiment with drinking bong water. Be sure to clean your water pipe quickly and thoroughly after using any juice to avoid stains and bacteria. For decades, stoners have wondered whether pouring the water into your plants can act as a sustainable (and free!) In conclusion, I was unable to find any real, credible evidence or data that suggests you should do anything other than dump your old bong water down the drain. It means excess bacteria grow at the bottom. Bong Water Alternatives, For those who dont know what bong water is, you first need to know what a bong is and how it works. Long-standing standing water can contain a lot of bacteria and germs. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. You could try adding it to your. Plant small. TDS level is perfect for those areas where the water is polluted due to industrial waste and sewage. Several experts and growers have shown that pouring bong water on plants will not give positive results, on the contrary watering plants with bong water is a lousy idea! If you dump bong water directly on plants, the toxic chemicals in it could harm them severely. The bottom line is that whether for a plant or a human, bong water simply isnt safe to consume. Little Leafy is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com and affiliate programs with other sites. Bong water is the water that is used in a bong or water pipe to cool and filter smoke. You may be right in how long it takes to break down. As far as we know, plants do not experience consciousness. Since bong water includes several toxic gases, compounds, and hydrocarbons, it is not at all a good idea to use it to water plants. It needs a good amount of decaying plant matter to balance the acidity. (Unless, of course, your plant is an epiphyte without soil.) So once again, we thought wed tackle the issue head-on by answering a couple of important questions on if and how you can put dirty bong water to good use. It is technically possible to extract the THC. And this is not ideal for your plants. Specifically, reclaimed water may have higher levels of salts, nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus), and pathogens (e.g., bacteria and viruses). It would probably knock a buzzard off a shit wagon! This website is exclusively for adults ages 21+ and provides content related to marijuana seeds. Water bongs date as far back as 2,400 years ago, with the waterpipe being documented in 17th century India by a physician named Hakim Abul Fath, who believed that smoking tobacco through water would remove any dangerous properties. Not only is rainwater great for plants, but you can also collect that water for a later time, which means you can . The plant matter, combined with toxins, tar, and ash, generally turns your bong water a rusty brown color--a great indicator that your bong water should be changed. Unless a plant is severely dehydrated, most plants will not benefit from bong water. Again, however, science paints an entirely different picture - one that shows, Realistically, the beneficial practical applications for bong water are minimal. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. While this feature makes bongs a bit healthier for users than a dry pipe or joint, your bong water gets pretty icky as a result. Not to mention again that it does contain natural cannabinoids like THC and CBD from the cannabis plant. They are available in a variety of forms, including granular, liquid, and slow-release options. Additionally, the bacteria and fungi can easily become a problem for your plant, causing infections. As a result, you should never apply bong water on or around a plant if you want it to grow effectively. On the other hand, science about the harmful compounds contained in smoke--whether cannabis or tobacco--is plentiful. Thus, your bong water contains germs and bacteria that are harmful for consumption--whether by a plant or human. Plants do not have brains or cannabinoid receptors. The main reason why bong water is not good for plants is a result of all of the different things that end up in the water over time. Not to mention, it smells and tastes nasty. While the residual smoke might contain some essential nutrients for plants, the concentration of these nutrients is likely to be low and inconsistent. My name is Greg Kristan, and I'm the owner of Plant Legend. You may have also heard that smoking around your plants or exhaling onto them is good for them. In fact, the bong water will stop plants from growing altogether. With that being said, it is easy to see why a Californian-stoner might feel guilty about dumping their old bong water out and begin to search for utilization of the discarded water; because, after all, every drop counts.. The reason why is because the smoke will burn certain plants and their leaves. The trace amounts of CBD and THC are not concentrated enough to make you feel high. As the user smokes up the dry material, they inhale the smoke from this water. Bong water is often full of debris and looks brown and dirty. From a purely scientific perspective, it is impossible for the water in your bong to soak up enough THC to have any discernible effect whatsoever. Trace amounts of essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which are necessary for plant growth and development. Bong water is often full of debris and looks brown and dirty. Not to mention again that it does contain natural cannabinoids like THC and CBD from the cannabis plant. This is, My independent research was pretty conclusive on this topic. Slowly pour the water into the ash catcher, being careful not to overfill it. Commercial fertilizers are formulated to provide plants with the essential nutrients that they need to grow. Its time to learn all about using your bong water for plants. However, if you wanted to experiment using bong water on weeds to see if it will remove them faster, it is worth a try. Again, however, science paints an entirely different picture - one that shows watering plants with bong water to be a terrible idea. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Next, carefully remove the ash catcher from the bong and hold it over the sink. There are some benefits in which the smoke can help with growth, but this is not because of the water in the bong. After you eat a banana, don't throw out the peel. Yes bong water is verry verry good for it and blowing smoke on them too helps anlt they like to be stoned they grow faster. Learn how to build your own grow-room from scratch and save tons of money. Additionally, burnt plant particles, ash, and other debris from your bowl contribute to an environment that spawns bacteria, fungus, and other germs. Less acceptable. Unfortunately it is not something you can control and therefore will not be available every time you need it. It does dry out in the heat of summer. Finally, after a smoke session, you might think that bong water on plants is an excellent way to reduce waste that might go down the drain. Learn how you can stay safe and have a great time while traveling with cannabis! 350 to 500. Bongwater generally consists of dirty water, resin, bacteria, THC, CBD, and ash. Again, it helps to think of the water in your bong like the filter tip of a cigarette; just like cigarette butts have no place in your garden, nor does bong water. By no means am I a phytologist, an arborist, or some other kind of plant scientist; but it seems simply logical that dumping old bong water on your plants will not be helpful for their growth. Pros of rainwater Rainwater is free to use by anyone. This filtration process removes some toxins and tar from the smoke. Vessel name and logo are trademarks of Vessel Brand, Inc. These plants might tolerate bong water well, but using bong water in plants still exposes them to bacteria and fungi. Products on this site are not intended for use with nicotine, e-juice, or e-liquids. This means that applying bong water to the soil, aside from the negative impact it can have on soil structure and if the plant absorbs it, will also render the soil more acidic. The small amount present in bong water will have even less effect if ingested. In summary, bong water is essentially useless. It not only contains harmful toxins from the smoke, but the stagnant water in your bong attracts fungus and bacteria. Bong water can harbor harmful bacteria and pathogens that can infect and harm plants. Do you enjoy learning about and growing plants? But will bong water get you high? Similarly, bong water and its acidic composition are often high, going by its pH scale. Bottom line, the question is bong water good for plants comes out to a no. Blue Fruit Feminized Marijuana Seeds : Blue Fruit Strain, Tangerine Feminized Marijuana Seeds : Tangerine Strain, Strawberry Cheese Marijuana Seeds (Feminized), Five Alive Auto-Flowering Marijuana Seeds : Five Alive Strain, Death Star Auto-Flowering Marijuana Seeds, Cracker Jack Auto-Flowering Marijuana Seeds : Cracker Jack Strain, Critical Purple Auto-Flowering Marijuana Seeds, Sour OG Seeds : Sour OG Strain Feminized Seeds, 7 Secrets to Growing Purple Kush Weed Seed, Agent Orange Auto-Flowering Marijuana Seeds : Agent Orange Strain, 501st OG Auto-Flowering Marijuana Seeds : 501st OG Strain, Abusive OG Auto-Flowering Marijuana Seeds, Juicy Fruit Seeds : Juicy Fruit Strain Feminized Seeds. "Just take your banana peels and put them into a container and cover two-thirds of the peels with water . In either case, it is recommended that gardeners use test kits either commercial or homemade in order to gain an accurate picture of the pH levels across the soil bed before making significant changes that could otherwise cause unforeseen problems. Toxins, tar, and ash get trapped in your bong water when it filters your smoke. Wrong. The device starts by pouring clean water at the bottom and then putting dry plant material and lighting it up. Simply put, bong water is not good for plants. Keep reading to understand more about why bong water isnt good for plants. when fire burns all the brush down in a forest, some time later there will be a explosion in growth from new plants on the ground. Learn, Find the Best Homemade Fertilizers for Plants Growing in Water. The truth is that you are better off removing the weeds manually or using boiling water to kill the roots of the weed. If this is not evident enough, just go on YouTube and watch any of the countless trending bong water drinking videos and see for yourself. The 35 mm pipes are used in a bath or shower to improve cleansing and reduce soap consumption. Furthermore, when conducting research on this topic, I found a largely believed misconception that drinking your old bong will actually get you high. Reverse osmosis, filtered or distilledwater isidealfor marijuanaplants. These cannabinoids have. yuck. Everywhere I searched it said that plants should be given: fresh, clean water, lots of sunlight, occasionally some fertilizer, and rich soil. Now that we know that bong water doesnt help grow plants, you might wonder if you can use it on your weeds. Littleleafy.com may occasionally discuss health or medical topics that affect people in the gardening space. For this reason, never use vodka, whiskey, rum, or any other alcoholic beverage in your bong. Alfalfa is perfect for improving the soil and it improves drainage thanks to its deep roots. This water is soft but still high in minerals and is good for plants. The water collects a lot of harmful materials that you wouldnt necessarily want to enter your lungs. It is important to remember that the health and growth of your plants depend on the quality of the soil and the nutrients that they receive. Bong water has been through long exposure to smoke produced by the burning of cannabis and any other substances used and is also heavily exposed to the users breath during this process, meaning it can also contain bacteria and viruses that the user themselves introduces. This article seeks to acquire the truth regarding utilization and usefulness of old bong water through the practices of testing, observation, and independent research. This is why its not uncommon for seasoned stoners to spend time (and quite rightly) scraping every scrap of the sticky residue out of their pipes and bongs for recycling purposes.
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