Recommended for general framing purposes. Premium and select classifications and the percentage of clear wood are appearance grades used by some mills and retailers. Structurally, an SPF #3 28 can be used to span distances of 12-4. An economical roof decking which conforms to No. The amount of moisture in the wood at the time of milling is noted. The species and grade, however, affect the spacing between supports with #1 often rated for greater spans. It has a unique broad grain cellular structure that allows for uniform and deep penetration of chemical preservatives. Borates are sodium salts used in water-based pressure treatment solutions. Some on this forum think that is a waste of time, but I think it extends the life of the lumber. CCA is comprised of arsenic, chromium and copper. SPIB performs these functions through the accreditation of the American Lumber Standard Committee (ALSC) as appointed by the Department of Commerce. Premium is usually #1 or #2 grade lumber. The two remaining designations, while not very useful to a homeowner, enable grading agencies to enforce their standards. No.2 Prime Got the ledger #2 GC from the lumber yard. Resistance to biological decay is 15-25 times higher then of untreated wood Now I must drink to work. 1s and Selects, to boot. Please keep in mind, that with the advent of prime grades, the differences between the grades of lumber have become even more defined and distinct. S;t HmM~[3`~Dl1Cj^x{}g.-GWlEu Yl[k4!42#>#13"J! 1pJ`w&Im0m/=BA!^/[xN XX=xEzGjB Recommended where a combination of economical construction and good strength is desired. Recommended for moulding and millwork applications. Both DIYers and building professionals will like these garden and outdoor living ideas and plans. Lumber may have one hole every 3 and any splits must not be bigger than the plank is wide. #1 will have less knots and is typically spec'd for joists and rafters. Larger sizes conform to Dense Structural 72 Structural Lumber except for dense grain requirement. WWPA offers a heat treatment certification program for mills to stamp qualifying lumber with the KD - HT mark. Wood is a sustainable product, making it . 2023 Southern Pine Inspection Bureau | All Rights Reserved | SitemapP.O. Dont know anything about the HT lumber, but if you are in the west, the PT is still Western Hemlock and looks pretty much the same as before. Dimension stability improves 12-17 times compared to untreated wood Recommended for general construction uses. The kinds of softwood available in different geographic regions often determine what species is available for pressure treatment. The ranking goes from Select Structural (highest strength, best appearance) to No. vX63t$i"CIdxGFG(bpX@F2@2@pGG1Z@? The type and dimension influence the strength of the timber. Treatment with preservatives protects wood that is exposed to the elements, in contact with the ground or subjected to high humidity. %PDF-1.5 % Raised floor homes look great and protect homeowners against risks from flooding and subsiding soils. It's usually stapled to the wood and isn't a requirement to be on the actual stamp. The charge is considered conforming if each component meets the minimum required retention AND the total, combined minimum retention is met. Ill suffer with pt. Both DIYers and building professionals will like these garden and outdoor living ideas and plans. Come join the discussion about tools, projects, builds, styles, scales, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Bruce, I found more info on the heat treated wood. it's primarily 2x planks. Use UC3A pressure treated lumber for above ground exterior projects. Treated wood products must meet very specific quality requirements to meet the building code. In preparation for treatment, like lumber products are grouped together onto moving trams and placed into a large cylinder for treatment of the charge. An excellent decking grade that can be used face side down for roof decking or face side up for floor decking. Southern Pine's ease of treatability has made it the preferred species when pressure treatment with wood preservatives is required. Select grade lumber may have a knothole every 4 and splits can not be longer than the board is wide. Maximum spans were calculated using design . All structural lumber used in the U.S. and Canada requires a stamp identifying it as grade SS, #1, #2, or #3. Appearance is same as C Finish for thicknesses of 4" and less and widths 12" and less. #2: When appearance is of moderate concern, this grade will contain moderate size knots and can have a considerable amount of wane. Termawood vapor-stabilization technology is a patented wood heat treatment technology, utilizing a natural thermochemical reaction and steam at temperatures of 230-240 C without ANY chemical additives. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Most is not. The unique cellular structure of Southern Pine permits deep and uniform penetration of preservatives, rendering the wood useless as a food source for fungi, termites and micro-organisms. Being 80% or more clear of defects, it is often used for cabinetry, furniture, and trim. The sampling procedures are the same as required by IQC, but re-inspection of a given charge will likely involve only a portion of the total charge. This Old House general contractor Tom Silva usually buys stacks of No. I only use ground contact when the wood is actually touching the ground. %PZqI]Hx(or3'Z1Ld8&.u$eIJ{\,a(1I4;^?dB;|+abd` wX{M\f/=#S8NS6~#|oNQ5 Lj|< W-&A^N'*6|t79Ir8:]3Y -Q/A9h.BBvX >A3s*E3_2pS\5a The greater the content of preservatives denotes the type and use of the treated wood. Treating plants that produce material under a given ESR are required to be monitored by third-party agencies approved by the International Accreditation Service (IAS). 2 grade lumber, commonly referred to as "#2 & Btr" is used where high design values are required and high appearance in not a factor. Oil-based and creosote treatments are still used but since the preservatives leach out over time and with heat, they are considered too messy or hazardous for residential use. Wood treated with water-based preservatives for saltwater immersion has significantly higher retention levels than other types and categories. PDF AC2 Pressure Treated 8:16 - Midwest Manufacturing This specific set of data for each charge is called a charge report. Superior product suitable for a wide range of uses including shelving, boxing, crating, and form lumber. In ancient times the Greeks used olive oil, the Romans tar, and others used pitch or lye. Pressure treated plywood is also available in thicknesses from 1/4 through 3/4. Pressure treated lumber is divided into different types based on the retention level or amount of preservative retained in the wood after treatment. Even if you are on the right track, you will still get run over if you just sit there. The very basic quality control attributes to evaluate the level of treatment in lumber products is the determination of the depth of preservative penetration and the analysis of preservative retention in a specified, outer assay zone. Selecting the correct type of treated wood for a project often depends on how and where it will be used. D Fir-L or Doug Fir for Douglas fir or larch (L), H-F, Hem-fir, or Hem for hemlock-fir or hemlock. It has nothing to do with the wood being pressure treated (PT) at all. Once on the drip pad, the material will stay until it is dry enough to be moved into the plants treated inventory. All rights reserved. As I understand it, the grade refers to the number of knots in a given length. o>>QS-RSnwO4piq4Szh+jkS3NQn(:;^unn^}Q8ws{7sFS The wood weathers better than untreated wood and wont gray or discolor as quickly. Recommended for general construction uses. The look of the wood is only important if it is highly visible, such as deck boards, railings, and other visible structural members. The solution protects against insects, mold, mildew, fungus, and rot, and turns the wood a light brown hue. It is stamped S-GRN for surface-green or AD for air-dried. *Load duration factors greater than 1.6 shall not apply to structural members pressure-treated with water-borne . Description & Documents #2 prime southern yellow pine with virtually no wane CA-C Above Ground pressure treated exterior wood protected by Ecolife (EL2); a stabilizing formula that repels water keeps boards straighter and looking better longer Ecolife (EL2) provides built-in water repellency that lasts for up to 3 Pressure treated lumber comes in a variety of lengths, widths, and thicknesses and from different species of softwood. Recommended for construction where high strength, stiffness and good appearance are desired. Douglas fir, fir, and hemlock dominate in the western U.S. and Canada, with Douglas fir ranking the strongest of the commonly milled and treated softwoods, while the fir and hemlock are slightly stronger than SPF. Prime Dimension: 2" to 4" thick, 2" to 12" wide; See Table 1 for design values: Grade: Grade Characteristics and Typical Uses: No.1 Prime: Recommended where appearance and strength are a consideration. Lumber that is KD (kiln-dried) or S-DRY (surface-dry) has a moisture content that is lower, between 16% and 19%. The International Code Council Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) similarly approves preservative systems through its Evaluation Service Reports (ESRs). Like all lumber, the fewer knots, blemishes, or defects, the higher the grade. For demanding applications, such as interior load-bearing walls, hell pay extra for these stronger grades. This service is intended to assist mills in supplying products that meet the standards for wood packaging Then I worked to live. By the end of the article, youll have a better understanding of what different pressure treatments mean, and how to select the grade and type for the use you intend. Here is another good link a guy posted over on Ins News The preservatives provide protection against rot, insects, mold, and fungi, so the wood lasts longer. Most lumber in my area is listed as Prime or Premium depending on the box store and is stamped #2 or #2 & BTR. The best pressure treated wood for decks is Select, #1 or #2 grade wood. I'm redoing my deck surface and the lumber yard stocks only prime lumber. Suitable for use as individual laminations for structural glued laminated timbers. Hi Raymond, it looks like this 2 in. Provides good appearance with some of, Maximum recommended support spacing is 24" on center (16" on center for Imported Southern Pine), High-quality product, recommended where smallest knots are, Slightly less restrictive than premium grade. HD and Lowe's only had lower grade. WestWood Heat Treated Lumber Production Corporation is unique technology that uses heat treatment instead of chemicals for timber processing to significantly improve various characteristics of wood. Locations Products. PDF Strength Treatability Beauty - Teague Lumber %\dbZ!1T09 F.#3s3+VdIr9f>LQOL7-1K)s+}OY'\awt_D FfhWnK8R5 @^L;@e\;7&8/O_PL;V@SqqZEy?9S=Z_{uh@fx:DSs=8! b+! Pressure-treated wood can dry in about 1 month, whereas fresh wood provides an environment where fungi and bacteria produce rot and insects infest. We've downsized and im already overimproved. has the outer 0-0.6 removed while lumber thicker than 2 (44, 46, 66) has the outer 0-1.0 removed for assay. It is a very strong and stiff softwood, and dense too. The size, location, and the number of knots and other defects, and the slope of the wood grain affect the structural strength of lumber. When pressure treated it is resistant to decay and termites. Wood packaging material made of unprocessed raw wood is recognized as a pathway for the introduction and spread of pests. Treated wood is made from strong evergreen species making it suitable for most building projects. outdoor deck question. heat treated vs pressure treated wood ehV$W'A Review this helpful illustration showing the proper application of pressure-treated Southern Pine materials for a variety of projects around the home. #2 Prime/Appearance Grade (APG): A step up from #2 in appearance, this grade will have characteristics . Im not going to struggle with huge bows and twisting. Used for such purposes as studding, blocking, plates, bracing and rafters. No 4x or 6x stuff that you might use for skids. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled,, PDF Reference Design Values for Visually Graded Southern Pine Dimension Tel: 843-236-9399. Research shows that Southern Pine can be expected to last for many decades when properly treated and installed for its intended use. Preservative Treatment When pressure-treated lumber is required, it should be treated according to appropriate American Wood Protection Association (AWPA) Standards or through the product evaluation process of the International Code Council (ICC) Evaluation Service. Tell us how were doing! For appearance, it must be 29% clear of defects. Douglas fir has a tight close grain cell structure making it stronger and less prone to warping and twisting than pine. Advances in preservative treatments, environmental management and sustainable forestry practices make treated wood an ecologically sound building material. End-glued, face-glued, and edge-glued Southern Pine in glued assemblies, including stress-rated grades of finger-jointed 2" Dimension Lumber. The cores are then dried and ground for the purpose of analyzing the dust by x-ray, titration or gas chromatography methods. Unseasoned or green lumber has a moisture content of 19% or greater and subject to shrinkage and warping as it dries. Research shows that . Re-inspection of plant production is performed on a routine frequency by the agency. The plant is required to keep very specific information for each charge treated in its records system. 2 Dimension Lumber characteristics. The stapled on label will have w/CE to indicate with color enhancement, she is correct. A forum community dedicated to Do it yourself-ers and home improvement enthusiasts. Lumber structurally graded #1 or #1 & BTR (#1 and better) has a wood grain slope of 1 in 10. hb```"/VI ealR]2L 7] u~m>^;+g=ll&Cv)!N&%5g~IK1 };hax{Hk[qMkhpcge/*b7_W?!r*uEkGhKZS$_~Zuzrxx xo)>kf}sgn^k4$=!i[*5X,y-ZrZ1 I% I?S?C# M7nsp:{&|nn1###M&d lB6-M&d lB6M&d ; IS)VY23xe@YY_Q_Y_Q_Y_Q_Y_Q_Y_Q_u_BNt/;(.? Reasonably clear, but permits limited number of surface checks and small tight knots. I am finding lots of info about how HT (heat treated lumber) is required for packaging, pallets etc to prevent the spread of some WDO across the world but can not find anything concrete on whether or not it is suitable for a deck. (@ 2=h/jO,,5rB G 5~7 ol}E|Cf6zg/I !^ endstream endobj 144 0 obj <>stream Treated wood is made from strong evergreen species making it suitable for most building projects. {Vzgil=ecQ*Q\o[lb[9X^gZyzzxzxxxyO`}@}(% m6@93 gx$?yV7`{x"?W@_} s Ground contact means anything within 6-inches of the ground or in contact with the ground, foliage, grasses, or over water or wet areas. Eugene has been a DIY enthusiast for most of his life and loves being creative while inspiring creativity in others. The table below identifies the types and their use based on the level of retention of preservatives. The grade mark can include "1W" or "2W" if visually graded to the wane requirements for No.1 or No.2 dimension lumber, respectively. Recommended for same purposes as Construction grade. Design values only apply to utility lumber that is 4 wide. High utility value where appearance is. Grademarks | SPIB | Southern Pine Inspection Bureau My 2-Story Addition Build in Progress Link . Tags: None The Duke Ground contact level treatment (.15 pcf) has more than double the preservative of above ground level treated wood (.07 pcf) Lighter, more natural wood appearance for improved staining qualities. t|]UE)@Whi`_@z>'}8/p}8c HWW&)@@vaU\P}qtyneG@@x7]Ia8QNoW%T"HH zB-rJ(TG?e)-3"kzvdkMwTXcfb`UML||d]/t@Q1~Q#|30LQA RG vy_rfazhfx NL+XEB7Hb%Y5?_9_h4}EZ^R Z}'a1+&z&j+m}b? z[TWL*baKq @NO{CHpXa2 PkHX%W!AH0aP1 bB z%Oev+Yh!UL$(MJ \N I guess it is just a regional thing. This website is presented by SFPA members, including: 2023 Southern Forest Products Association. Follow the link here to complete our Treated Division and Laboratory Customer Satisfaction Survey. Many pieces included in this grade would qualify as No.2 except for a single limiting characteristic. Im building a deck and am getting conflicting info on the difference between #1 and #2 PT. A high-pressure period is then undergone to push the preservative deep into the wood. CCA is a mixture of chromium, copper, and arsenic that turns wood green. The wood then is dried naturally or in a kiln to evaporate the water out, leaving the preservatives behind. While each charge is evaluated on its own merit, it is important to note that overall evaluation of plant performance is done over the most recent 20 samples. Georgia-Pacific pressure treated lumber is an economical building material that offers all the benefits of wood, plus built-in resistance to decay and termite damage. Suitable for stud uses including use in load-bearing walls. 2 x 6 x 16' Prime Pressure Treated #2 Lumber *BUY IN BULK* AND SAVE 1, No. The main difference between #1 and #2 is the slope of the wood grain, size, spacing, and the number of knots and holes, and the length of any splits. Both can be used for load-bearing purposes or other outdoor applications. Minimum retention values are specified in the AWPA BOS for those preservative systems listed under AWPA and in the various Quality Manuals for those systems specified by a given ESR. Free of pitch pockets, pitch streaks and medium pitch on one wide face, but otherwise conforms to No.1 Dense or No.1 Dimension Lumber. Lumber, posts, and ties range from 8 to 16 in length, although longer may be ordered. r Home Derpo person said that #2 is ground contact and stronger. MSR Scaffold Plank is available 2"-thick only. Largest hole permitted is 1/16". Pressure treated lumber is available in 1, 5/4, 2, 4, and 6 nominal thicknesses, and widths up to 12. No.1 Prime No.2 Prime H ighqu al ty, m ed nc r sfo . There is no structural premium grade, it is strictly a term for bright looking wood free of blemishes or knots. hbbd``b`i@i`}{" s@BHpE ^ !RHp@00 30 . endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 162 0 obj <>stream SYP holds almost 85% of the U.S. pressure treated market. The main tree species used in the manufacture of pressure treated lumber are softwoods that regionally predominate in the mill area. Plant inspections are required to be performed at least once per month, but may be increased due to production and/or performance. Exciting stuffyou wont want to miss that! The ALSC also accredits third-party agencies, like SPIB, to inspect treating plants that produce treated lumber products with preservative systems listed in the American Wood Protection Association (AWPA) Book of Standards (BOS). Listed spans are for wet-service conditions, pressure-treated Southern Pine floor/deck joists, MC > 19%. The molecular changes in wood composition result in unique features: We work together with our subscribers to provide consistent, accurate inspection data for their use to improve product quality, meet Building Code specifications, enhance service life, and promote industry sustainability. IMO when buying PT for above ground use, quality and appearance is what counts. As the wood dries, the preservative is left behind to protect against insects, mold, mildew, fungal growth, and rot. Treated Wood | SPIB | Southern Pine Inspection Bureau All lumber must identify the association or agency accredited with overseeing the grading MLB is the Maritime Lumber Bureau. SPIB is committed to assisting our customers meet their treatment goals in the most cost-effective means possible. You Save $3.39 with Mail-In Rebate. s Inspection Practices for Treated Lumber Products. Lumber with more checks, splits, wane, well-spaced larger knots and holes, and a grain slope of 1 in 4 are stamped #3 or construction grade. Walking into a lumberyard or store can be a daunting experience. All Scaffold Plank design values are calculated using ASTM Standards D245 and D2555. SPIB is a not-for-profit company that serves as the rules-writing agency for the Standard Grade Rules in Southern pine lumber. Machine Evaluated Lumber is also required to meet certain visual requirements. SPIB is committed to assisting our customers meet their treatment goals in the most cost-effective means possible. Dense Select Structural Select Structural. KD HT lumber vs PT lumber for deck - InterNACHI Forum #1 is better. Similar to MCA, the treated wood shouldnt be used in contact with food or animal feed. ACQ is another environmentally safe preservative composed of soluble copper and either quaternary ammonium alkyl or substitute compounds. No.1 Prime No.2 Prime Size inches ( actu l) Spacing inches on center 12.0 16.0 24.0 12.0 16.0 24.0 12.0 24.0 16.0 24.0 TREATED FLOOR /D . Some wood goes through a machine that incises small cuts into the surfaces for deeper chemical protection. There are many questions about the different treated wood products in our market today. Ultimately, our program provides an economically sound and standardized method of treatment, evaluation, labeling and certification for producers, specifiers and end users of pressure treated wood products. ? x 8 ft. #2 Prime or Better Ground Contact Pressure-Treated Lumber is a . The treating process includes an initial vacuum to remove the excess moisture and air to aid in the absorption process. The wood should be at least 6-inches above the ground, have good air circulation and drainage, and the components can easily be replaced. A final vacuum removes the excess preservative from the woods surface before the charge is removed from the cylinder and placed on the drip pad. Different types of treated lumber are used in many aspects of residential, commercial, and industrial construction where moisture or ground exposure may occur. To qualify for a SPIB grade-marking license, a mill must have verified credentials in the manufacturing, seasoning, and grading of Southern Pine lumber. Pressure treatment of lumber has come a long way in the past 100 years. Combination for B&B and C grades; satisfies requirements for. maple, oak, birch, etc. Non-stress rated, but economical for general utility purposes such as bracing, blocking, bulkheading, etc. But using bigger joists of a cheaper species might save you money without loss of strength.
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