The site dates back to 700 AD and was once home to over 25,000 people. So next time you use Google Books, cite the book, not the webpage. Venture to El Cuyo.El Cuyo is one of the most beautiful and best places in Yucatan. The Puuc region of the Yucatan has no natural water sourcesno streams, lakes, rivers, or springs. It is easy to get to Chichen Itza from Merida, Valladolid, and Cancun. Or about how cenotes are not exactly underground swimming pools? Yet it hasnt met the rigorous standards of academic peer review. 3. Is the journal indexed in academic databases? However, with excellent public transport links, it is one of the most convenient places to get to from Merida if you want a day at the beach. [For web sources]: My sources URL suggests the domain is trustworthy, e.g. The terrain is relatively flat and easy to navigate, so definitely consider renting a bike once you get to your destination! The information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge. When choosing where to stay in Merida, opt for a hotel close to the Paseo Montejo or one of the central parks (Santa Ana, Santa Lucia, or the Zocalo). The Huastec, a linguistically and geographically separated group living in Veracruz and San Luis Potos, who never were Mayan culturally, and the other Mayan peoples live in highlands across Guatemala. Can you Think of a Site Like this in Your Field?If you can think of any more websites like this that I havent mentioned, please tell me in the comments at the end of this page and Ill add it to this list. The headline, Quintana Roo backpedals mandatory proof of vaccination measures, is not true. Now, lets get back to talking about what happens in real life: everyone reads Wikipedia. Best places in Yucatan Mexico? [For academic journals]: My source is peer-reviewed and published in a reputable and established journal. We dont want to see the Mayab turned into a Disney World or plastic Mexican show. Izamals Kinich restaurant has gained international recognition for its exquisite menu. That being said, it is hugely underrated and few people are even aware of its existence.This, in part, may be due to the fact that El Cuyo is not all that easy to get to. My readers have enjoyed downloading the Mrida Visitors Guide(grab this freebie at the bottom of this article) before their trip here. Why is it Important to use Credible Sources in Research? The large temple here is known as the temple of Kukulkan. Evaluating source credibility is an important information literacy skill. My source avoids vague or grandiose claims, and writing that is too emotive or subjective. Archaeologists unearthed a rare sculpture of a powerful Mayan god near the path of a large-scale rail project in southeastern Mexico, officials say. Be careful when ascertaining purpose. 21 Surprising Things to Have on Your Mrida Mexico Itinerary, A Comprehensive Guide to the Mrida Mexico Map. The charming village of Kikil is worth stopping, Dzibilchaltun is an impressive Mayan ruin. South of Cancun, the Riviera Maya offers up a handful of smaller, but no less stunning, coastal towns and cities that are increasing in popularity, thanks to the success of Cancun and the undeniable beauty of the beaches here. Before I leave you, as usual, a quick recap of your essay sources you should never cite in an academic paper: 7 Bad Essay Sources to Avoid | Essay Guidance. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Mayas, the Sources of Their History: Dr. Whats great about this region is that you dont need to drive very far in order to get from place to place. Here Are The Real Fake News Sites - Forbes Are you directly analyzing the source itself (primary), or only using it for background information (secondary). Yucatn, Mexico Genealogy FamilySearch Ek Balam is an Ancient Maya archaeological site situated in the Temozn region. A high number of Cited By results can often be a measurement of credibility. Officials might or might not respond. Rio Lagartos in the northeastern Yucatan shares some similarities with Celestun. If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. These are sources that are not credible or reliable sources for essays. A Content Manager was appointed to lead a team of reporters and editors, updating the site daily, implementing a Social Media strategy, and designating an Editorial Board consisting of a group of 9 people of different nationalities, selected on their background and objectivity, which are based on research, analysis and individual experience to reach a concerted vision of the crucial issues of Mexico and the world. Ideally, you need to get here before the site opens if you dont want to contend with tourist hordes. However, there is some debate among archaeologists and historians about the exact date. El Cuyo is little more than an inexplicably gorgeous beach and a small scattering of restaurants and hotels. The lagoon here is UNESCO protected.It consists of 150000 acres of protected wetlands that are home to crocodiles, American flamingos, and more than 395 species of birds. Read Wikipedia. You can find them in hotels and restaurants. Enjoyed reading your tips! Taking a Colectivo: Colectivos are shared vans that serve as cheap, fast public transportation and a good alternative to taking the bus. articles meet that standard. She has produced written content for several high-profile publications across the globe - including Forbes Travel Guide, the Huffington Post, Rough Guides, and Matador Network. You need to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff. These cookies do not store any personal information. Your email address will not be published. Locals will advise you to do the same. Theyre not supposed to be the final word on a topic, or even an authoritative and credible essay source. As I mentioned earlier, more than 30 Mayan dialects still exist and are spoken here, though the most prevalent in this region is Yucatec Maya. Just wander around the museums, restaurants, or festivals in Merida (the cultural capital of the peninsula) to see why. The corporate values established by this local news source speak to their high level of communication and integrity. Excellent sources of information for both locals and visitors is found in Mrida. These lakes are actually part of a private salt farm and indeed, when you stop by, you will probably see local workers in action, harvesting the salt from the water. When you reach out to him or her, you will need the page title, URL, and the date you accessed the resource. We are an online news platform that targets the English-speaking community in the Yucatan Peninsula, the rest of Mexico, and English speakers worldwide who are looking at the Yucatan region as their next travel destination or place of residence. It sits just 36km east of Merida, encompassed by beautifully manicured gardens and tropical woodlands. The name sisal is actually that of a plant that is native to Southern Mexico and used for making rope and other fabric items. It is better to order cabs using apps like Didi and Uber in Merida than to hail them on the street. While there is a very subtle option to donate to the site, all content is available for any user without any membership or subscription. Why Wikipedia Isn't as Credible as You Might Think - MUO began operations on December 4, 2010, created by Raul Curmina and his wife Silvia as an English-language news website with weekly updates. What are you most excited to do, or see? For a web source, the URL and layout should signify that it is trustworthy. It has only risen in popularity in recent years, with day-trippers from Cancun and Tulum stopping in Valladolid the night before visiting Chichen Itza. Mr. Raul Curmina Ponce de Len and his wife, Silvia, created The Yucatan Times as an English news website and launched on December 4, 2010. in your field as a cheat sheet? Are the journals policies on copyright and peer review easily available? Back pain is a common issue that affects many people at some point in their. This is a great place to kick off your research. Depending on where you travel in the Yucatn, withdrawing money and finding ATMs can prove to be a challenge. This is an essential step in maintaining sound research ethics . But is it worth the effort to get to? So, even if you plan on posting up at a resort in Cancun or Tulum, you can and should get out for at least a day or two and explore! statement. Public transport in the Yucatan leaves a lot to be desired. But, find higher quality sources to cite in your essays. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Outside of these two cities, taxis will be your best bet. Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. The Yucatan Times' content is protected by intellectual property rights, its re-publication, distribution, or retransmission is prohibited without the company's prior authorization. Tip Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the Wikipedia article. I only stayed in an airbnb on my last trip to the Yucatan, so I havent had a chance to do extensive research on lodging in the area yet. Open Educational Resources, or OERs, are materials that have been licensed for free use in educational settings. But every region within the Yucatn Peninsula has something special to offer. Alternatively, continue up the coast to El Cuyo. The present-day result of this is a series of cities with unique colonial architecture and colorful streets. We help English speakers worldwide, in the Yucatan Peninsula and Mexico, better understand our culture and tradition based on our firm belief that great journalism can make society more robust and more just. 2-3 days is enough for an initial Merida itinerary. Perhaps an obvious Yucatn travel tip, the official language of Mexico is Spanish, and it is widely spoken in the Yucatn. Progreso sits on the Gulf of Mexico and the soft, powdery white sand and crystal-clear turquoise waters here would rival those in the Mexican Caribbean. The beach at Sisal is stunning and, owing to the towns proximity to Celestun, you can often see flamingos flying overhead here as they migrate east toward Rio Lagartos. This is one of the most colorful streets in town and it exudes Cartagena vibes. Youve made a great choice! a .edu address. If youre writing about nurses bedside manner, dont cite Jesus. This is charged at no additional cost to you. ADO buses and Noreste are two major companies that you are likely to use if you decide to explore the Yucatan by public transport. Compare your paper to billions of pages and articles with Scribbrs Turnitin-powered plagiarism checker. A failable offense. It can be very unclear (often by design!) Drinking Water Quality in Merida and Yucatan | Surviving Yucatan Weve had the time to cover it all.. This article was updated in February of 2023. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Inspirational quotes are rarely if ever, used well in essays. In every field theres a series of well-designed, engaging, and informative websites that every student reads: Sparknotes, you got me through high school English. When the site was excavated, seven figures of clay in human form were found inside. This is a fitting name as the site is surrounded by lakes and lagoons. You may not need to rent a car if you plan on staying in Cancun to enjoy the all-inclusive experience, but if you visit the Riviera Maya, renting a car is the best way to get around and explore! Together, these criteria form what is known as the CRAAP test. 61% of adults said NBC is credible. So it remained for two and a half years when a group of investors decided to purchase the online newspaper. There are a few criteria to look at right away when assessing a source. YouTube videos dont. Mexico has much less factual news and government sources should be used for such information. a book) says I read books to conduct my research.. Expanding their team of editors, they are now able to update information daily on their website and social media platforms. The boats take you close to the flamingos while maintaining a respectful distance. (2022, December 07). They became excellent managers of rainwater, using massive systems of cisterns called chultuns to collect and store rainwater. Has the author of the article published other articles? Sisal is little more than a fishing village but it is the natural beauty of the area that makes it special.Lovely Sisal is surrounded by dense woodlands and fauna, natural springs, and mangroves. They found a high concentration of chemical compounds, 40 times greater than in other samples taken nearby. Flavors of achiote, sour orange, citrus, and habanero chili are staples in Yucatecan cuisine. It is 200 pesos to have a guide for several hours and guides are available in English, Spanish, and several other languages. Read more in our Privacy Policy. The restaurant at Hacienda San Jose boasts a menu that has been lovingly prepared by an acclaimed local chef. Was the source created by someone directly involved in the events youre studying (primary), or by another researcher (secondary)? Yucatan food is distinctly different from general Mexican food. You can also consider using an academic database like LexisNexis or government open data to get started. All Rights Reserved The Yucatan Times 2023. When you do withdraw money, be sure to do so in Mexican Pesos rather than your home currency, so you dont run the risk of having the bank jack up the exchange rate on you without you knowing. Even if you cannot speak a word of Spanish, it is easy enough to understand how to buy a ticket.Noreste buses and other Yucatan bus companies have buses that are not as modern/comfortable as ADO. Their Mission: To serve the English-speaking community in the Yucatan Peninsula with information and advertising services that exceed the expectations of both readers and customers.. Relegate Sparknotes,, and any other informative, excellent websites to the Great source, cant cite pile. Even though it appears new content has not been added for a few months, you will still find an amazing amount of information on their website. One of the best ways to get to know whats happening is by keeping up with current events, history, and publications you may or may not know about. Its a good source to go to if you dont have a textbook at hand. Even more surprising is that, even two decades later, you won't even find ads on their page at all. San Servacio is the imposing catholic church found in Valladolid town center. Mayans flourished and established one of their greatest cities, Chichn Itz, in what is now Yucatn. You can find great hotels in the central square for as little as $25 a night. The app and website are only displayed in Spanish. Gone Girl is a psychological thriller movie released in 2014, directed by David Fincher and. Fascinatingly, it still remains largely unexcavated so who can imagine what other wonders await beneath the surface of the ground. Looking for some tips for your first trip to Yucatn? 1. The boat is 1800 pesos and can seat up to 8 travelers. It is estimated that over 6,000 structures once existed here. Okay, so heres the deal. The cities in Riviera Maya include Puerto Morelos, Playa del Carmen, Puerto Aventuras, Xpu-Ha, Akumal, Solimans Bay, Tank Ha Bay, and Tulum, and whereas Cancuns hotel zone is quite isolated from the main city center hub, each city and town in Riviera Maya offers up a more even distribution of local life and tourism. Cite this Article in your Essay (APA Style), Privacy PolicyTerms and ConditionsDisclaimerAccessibility StatementVideo Transcripts. * (See below for instructions on inspecting your home water system quality.) Okay, lets get straight into it. There are a lot of sources out there, and it can be hard to tell whats credible and what isnt at first glance. Read the sections of textbooks that are available to you, and paraphrase and/or quote that information in your essays. Homun has its charm. How Yucatan has Managed to Increase Tourism in 2022 - The Yucatan Times Technology, Rainwater, and Survival of the Maya A credible source should pass the CRAAP testand follow these guidelines: Peer review is a process of evaluating submissions to an academic journal. As an American ex-pat that has moved here, I can offer a ton of guidance on every aspect of Mridas life. No ones checked to make sure theyre right. Newspapers can be a great way to glean first-hand information about a historical event or situate your research topic within a broader context. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.
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