NEW DELHI: A marriage of a Hindu woman with a Muslim man is not a "regular or valid" but the child born out of such wedlock is legitimate, the Supreme Court on Tuesday held. Hindu Man (September 2011). At these proud words of Brahma, Siva was incensed. We found that the claim Ayub Khan married his daughter has been on the internet for at least two years now. Play an active role in shaping our journalism by becoming a member. own daughter: Claims divine Sanction On her Facebook account, she shared photos of herself in a bridal costume. What ever it is just an exaggerated allegories. Lord Brahma was not a Human with some craving phallus, like what brainless Wendy Doniger would say. However, we found that the claim is false. I mean if he created Himalaya and if he created Shiva then isn't Shiva, Parvati's uncle? And I have answered in detail. The newspaper report shared in the viral post was about a Muslim man called Afazuddin, who married his daughter. Seeing the milkmaid in the bride's bower, and the priests engaged in the performance of the sacred rites, incensed with anger, she thus cursed everyone, Sarasvati (Savitri) said, 'O Brahma! The couple in the viral image is not father and daughter. Love marriage differs from arranged marriage in that the couple, rather than the parents, choose their own partner, and that the consent of their parents is not asked for before marrying. Alas wherever there is Brahm, Sarasvati One should not choose (the bride) from the same gotra or born in the line of same sage. Monogamy is counselled to men by Vatsyayana, a philosopher and an authority of the Kama Sutra, with the belief that a man is only capable of physically, psychologically, and spiritually pleasing one woman at a time. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Subscribe To Our Daily Newsletter And Get News Delivered Straight To Your Inbox. AA Ali and Sakina with their daughter (right), who is pregnant with her father's child (TOI Photo) JALPAIGURI: A 36-year-old man married his teenage daughter and made her pregnant, justifying his perverse act by claiming he had divine sanction for his incestuous lust. , 4 , #5000_Saal_Purani_Sabhyata ? Married His Own Daughter It was because of his attempting to seduce his own daughter that Siva decapitated him. People on social media claimed that a father fell in love with his own real daughter and married her. To Rudra she said: 'By the curse of the holy sages, you shall be deprived of your manhood!'. Rig veda V.79.8 states about Usha as daughter of heaven - duhitar diva. . More archived links from Facebook and Twitter can be seen here, here and here. A video which shows some youth questioning a man who married two young girls who say that they were forced to marry him is being shared on social media as a real incident. Hindu texts that permit bigamy and polygyny recommend the monogamous marriage as the most appropriate form of the concept. own daughter: Claims divine Sanction We found that the claim Ayub Khan married his daughter has been on the internet for at least two years now. Brahma, the Hindu god, married his daughter Saraswati, according to the Brahma Purana. Unless you accept the very first proposition you should not jump to your conclusion. Thus, we conclude that Ayub Khan, an imprisoned gangster and a supposed member of the Congress party, did not marry his daughter. Brahma's lust signifies the fall of humanity. [35] The Apastamba Dharmasutra allows a man to take a new wife after ten years if his present wife was judged to be barren, and could marry after thirteen or fourteen years if his wife only produced daughters, and he desired a son. We will see the vedic incidences in vedic perspective not in Islamic perspective. His Daughter And foremost we even cannot call Saraswati as daughter of Brahma, she is Prakriti(matter) and Brahma is Purusha(anti-matter), both with opposite nature. However, it was useless and finally Saraswati succumbed to Brahma's wish and became his wife. Indra proceeded accordingly; and as he passed hastily along, saw a milkmaid, young, beautiful, and of a smiling countenance, carrying a jar of butter. [37] Polyandry is viewed with contempt in India today, a practice little removed from promiscuity on the part of a woman. WebBrahma marriage holds the supreme position of the eight types of Hindu matrimony. posted on a channel named "Neha_Singh. It only takes a minute to sign up. The marriage took place in Tundla in Firozabad on December 11 and came to light when the local villagers identified the married couple as brother and sister. A digital and social media enthusiast. But He did not give up. The practice of polyandry has historically existed among the Nair community of Kerala, called Sambandam, though its practice is very rare in the modern period. On hearing this, Savitri was incensed, and thus addressed them: 'Since you now forsake me, O Lakshmi! However, what makes this image different from other weddings is the difference in their age. First of all we are not enough capable of translating each and everything correctly, but if you go through all the Puranas you will find one thing in common, the Param Brahma in creation divided itself into two parts, Purusha and Prakriti, the Purusha itself is the Tridev, the Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. Yes. So, we can conclude that there is no HEAVENLY INCEST as thought of modern translators, but it is only DIVINE knowledge ONE gets (child - kumara) through SELF REALISATION (Ushas - dawn) with the help of the God (prajapati). In India, when a Hindu and a non-Hindu marry under the Hindu Marriage Act and for the Hindu marriage to be valid, both partners must be Hindu amongst other conditions that also need to be fulfilled, and the non-Hindu partner must convert to Hinduism. Though it has secondary meaning for human beings, it has primary meaning for Vishnu, Brahma, and Mahesh. A specific kind of ancient ritual is performed before the Hindu marriage called Shuddhikaran which is also practised by members of the Arya Samaj community who started the socio-political Shuddhi Movement that was derived from this ancient rite. Which puranas/upapuranas mention about marriage between Brahma and Saraswati? own daughter: Claims divine Sanction Advance your career with IITK e-Masters Degree, 10 cops, 1 civilian killed in blast carried out by Maoists in Chhattisgarh's Dantewada, Why no FIR against Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, Supreme Court asks Delhi police, Yogi Adityanath receives death threat, police register FIR, Kharge says PM like a 'poisonous snake', later defends remark; BJP demands apology, Parkash Singh Badal cremated in Punjab with full state honours, Why India's No. Having pronounced these curses, Savitri left the assembly, and was accompanied for a short distance by Lakshmi and the other goddesses, when they all declared their intention of returning. Sarasvati. Independent fact-checkers in 2020 called out a social media influencer, Tharnum Khan, for circulating the hoax. Vedas, similarly, Gyatri in the form of Satarp is said to have been An archive of the tweet can be seen here. (Photo: India Today/Dheeshma Puzhakkal). The following is the translation of Stephanie W. Jamison and Joel P. Brereton. She is also known as the goddess of music and education because she is a teacher. Saraswati was not born from Bramha's relationship with any other woman. At the present time Brahma is not largely worshipped by the Hindus. married his own daughter A jatakam or kundali chart is drawn based on the placement of the stars and planets at the time of one's birth. After Savitri's angry departure from the assembly, Gayatri modified the curses that had been pronounced. Clearly, a scripted video is being shared on social media with a false claim that it shows a Hindu man marrying his own daughters. Read on. You are called the great father of gods and holy sages, and yet you here publicly act in a manner which must excite the derision of the three worlds. Mehaboob Masali took guardianship of Puja at the age of 7-years after her parents died. of the Dwelling Place, protector of commandments. Sarasvati, by the standard mythological authorities, is the wife of Brahma. Last thing most of English translation are invalid, so don't give a lot of emphasis on them, I have read an altogether different story which says. Scientifically speaking, there must have been incest at some point of time in human evolution. @HaripriyaDas Devi Bhagwatam has condemned Brahma's lust for His own daughter Saraswati at many places. is bound to be there and wherever there is Sarasvati, Brahm must be A Hindu male or female, married under the special marriage Act, 1954, or whose parents have married under special marriage, can also adopt child. You will be very surprised to know that his daughter-in-law also did not refuse her father-in-law to marry her father-in-law. the Lord According to the report, a young woman named Sheetal from Surendranagar fell in love with a man of her father's age. Does the 500-table limit still apply to the latest version of Cassandra? While most Hindus of the Indian subcontinent predominantly practise monogamy today, polygamous marriages have also characterised Hindu society for millennia. The man was identified as Dineshbhai from Botad district of Gujarat. He said, "Since you have badly When a man stealthily rapes a woman who is asleep, intoxicated, or mentally challenged, it is regarded to be a marriage, though only to preserve the honour of the woman. AFWA investigated the post and found it to be misleading. A picture is going viral on social media in which a newly married couple wearing garlands can be seen. But his Facebook profile was later deleted. Did Lord Brahma marry his own daughter That she was produced from the sperm of Brahma is a trash story without any evidence. [36], Polyandry refers to a marriage where a woman is married to more than one man during the same period of time. This mention has a forerunner in Rig Veda. Also, you say it's not incest, but in the Shatapatha Brahmana of the Yajur Veda the gods condemn Brahma's actions as sinful; see my answer here: My sources are Wikipedia and Devdutt Pattanaik's 7 secrets of Devi. Is there a scriptural definition of leela ()? Brahma as Creator is supposed to have finished his work; hence, excepting in one place, viz. Has depleted uranium been considered for radiation shielding in crewed spacecraft beyond LEO? Thank you for improvment, for more improvement on answering please refer. A shocking Facebook post about a supposed Congress Party member has been making the rounds. Lord Matsya, fish incarnation of Lord Vishnu, clarifies this in Matsya Purana. This puts the claims about him marrying his daughter to rest. And They are not even energies or mass, or force. According to Diwan Jarmani Das, Maharaja Bhupinder Singh had 83 children from ten wives out of which only 53 were able to survive. All rights reserved. He is dressed in white raiment, and rides upon a goose. Hence there is no question of incest at all. Later, she ran away from her home and married Dinesh. Also, per MyNeta, Shaik Mohd Kalemmuddin was the Congress candidate in Bahadurpura in 2019. When Brahma expressed his desire to marry her, Saraswati opposed Brahma arguing that he was like a father to her since it was he who created her. Hence, the viral claim is false. Karnataka: Muslim man marries off - Should marriages be registered? Please read the full article with patience. Nobody has given any parameter to explain why Saraswati was a daughter of Brahma. Since you cite a Pura, I'm giving verses from another Pura to attest the claim of iva Pura, Chapter 2, Section 3 - Badarikrama-mhtmya, Skandamahpuram. Another local website Mojilo Gujarati, D-Light News also reported the same. At length she sprang into the sky; and as Brahma was anxious to gaze after her there, a fifth head was immediately formed. This, assuredly, was a sin in the eyes of the gods. 1:7:4:22. - If a Hindu wishes to marry a person who is not a Hindu, under what law can they do so? In a Prajapatya marriage, the bride's father goes in search of a groom, rather than the other way around, which makes it inferior to a Brahma marriage. Sarasvati turned to the right side from his gaze; but as Brahma wished to look after her, a second head issued from his body. indulging in such a manner, how could the lotus born Brahm not earn It refers to the marriage of one's daughter to a man of good conduct, learned in the Vedas, and invited by oneself. No one's feeling would be hurt now.). How is white allowed to castle 0-0-0 in this position? ', "On hearing these words, Savitri exclaimed, 'By the powers which I have obtained by the performance of tapas, may Brahma never be worshipped in temple or sacred place, except one day in each year. jivas alone and not to humans. WebIn fact, a man living in Bihar whose age is 65 years, got married to his own daughter-in-law who is 21 years old. On her Facebook account, she shared photos of herself in a bridal costume. Yami want to fornicate with Yama but Yama refused saying siblings should not be doing it. The Aitareya Brahmana prohibits a woman from having two husbands. The Quint's WebQoof team has debunked many such scripted videos which are being shared with misleading, and often communal claims. ), (At The Quint, we are answerable only to our audience. [38], Monogamy refers to a marriage where a man is married to only one woman during a given period of time. He whose (penis,) which performs the virile work, stretched out, discharging (the semen)(that one,) the manly one, then pulled away ", (Translation: One daughter is 20 years old, the other is 19. [4], In Hinduism, the four goals of life (Purusarthas) are regarded to be righteousness (dharma), wealth (artha), pleasure (kama), and liberation (moksha). After one's wedding, one is believed to have entered the second stage of life, the grihastha ashrama, performing the duties of a householder. Everything is created from Lord Brahma. The ladies disagreed, Sarasvati, like the other type of learned ladies, Minerva, being something of a termagant; and Vishnu, finding that one wife was as much as even a god could manage, transferred Sarasvati to Brahma and Gang to Siva, and contented himself with Lakshmi alone. What does 'They're at four. In modern times, this is classified as a form of date rape, and is a crime in most countries. Viral image shows a father fell in love with his own daughter and married her. The Prakriti is the universe, everything as the part of universe i.e. BEST HEALING, EVEN CONQUEROR OF DEATH MANTRA, "The Mahamrityunjay Mantra" from the Rig Veda, 16 Practices of Self-Compassion, " Meditating on Self-Love", Fifty motivational beautiful memorable pics from twitter Pt 4. They are inconceivable. I think Gayatri-Hridaya revealed toYajnavalka which is a part of the Sandhya-vandana seems much more reliable than these Puranic tales. All three came into creation by same physical word if you go deeper into Brahma's Creation. If someone asks why did he try to commit incest, then it maybe answered that it was part of the Divine Pastimes i.e., his "ll". Lakshmi, and Bhavni, and Gang, and Svha, and Indrni, and the wives of the other gods and of the holy sages, have not yet arrived, and how therefore can I enter the assembly alone?' Marriage in Hinduism In our investigation, the claim of Father marrying her own daughter turned out to be false. She is also known as the goddess of music and education because she is a teacher. It was and in some places, still is thought that ones daughter is only temporary, and that she is meant to be her husbands. apart, the two left behind a little semen sprinkled down on the back Brahma marriage holds the supreme position of the eight types of Hindu matrimony. You will be very surprised to know that his daughter-in-law also did not refuse her father-in-law to marry her father-in-law. wounded my mind with your arrows, therefore, lord Rudra will soon burn It was because of his attempting to seduce his own daughter that Siva decapitated him. Karnataka: Muslim man marries off The girl seen in the image looks much younger than the man. The man, guardian of the 18-year-old Hindu got her hitched with a boy of her religion and caste. These atoms then manifest as matter or physical universe. Man marries daughter, claims divine sanction thus (thinking) he united with her. Hearing this, she descended, and Brahma having espoused her, they withdrew to a secluded spot where they dwelt together for one hundred divine years; at the expiration of which time was born Manu, who is also called Swayambhuva and Viraj.". ", The video (archive here) was posted on 26 June and had over eight lakh views at the time of writing this article. When the parents of a boy seek a suitable bride, they consider her family background, and the girl's father would ensure that his daughter's prospective groom is a scholar, one who is well-versed in the Vedas. We found a video from 2018 where Khan announced contesting the 2019 Telangana Assembly Election from Bahadurpura on a Congress ticket. (his penis, which had been) attending on (her). [26][27], The Rakshasavivaha is a non-righteous form of marriage. you to ashes.". He did not marry his daughter. the oldest version is from shatapatha brahmana,, "1. Which Indian king had maximum wives? Both were in love with each other so they ran away and got married. ', referring to the nuclear power plant in Ignalina, mean? daughter,--either the Sky or the Dawn 1. Jalpauguri: A 36-year-old man married his teenage daughter and made her pregnant, justifying his perverse act by claiming he had divine sanction for his incestuous lust. If Brahma were Not guilty of possessing incestuous desire in the eyes of Lord Shiva, the latter would Not cut off his fifth head and ban the worship of Brahma on the earth. The video posted by a freelance journalist named Mohammed Tanvir on 12 July has over 73,000 views at the time of writing this article. The presiding deity is Hari himself. As a form of marriage performed by paying a bride price, it is generally stated to be forbidden, though it is sometimes cited to be allowed for members of the Vaishya and Shudra varnas. [9] Love marriages are sometimes seen as imposition of the younger generation's will over the older generation's wishes.[1][10]. Finally, unable to control Her anger, the Goddess cursed Brahma that He would not be worshipped by any being on Earth. Web@HaripriyaDas Devi Bhagwatam has condemned Brahma's lust for His own daughter Saraswati at many places. The Hindu marriage (Sanskrit: , romanized:Vivha, lit. Brahma, the Hindu god, married his daughter Saraswati, according to the Brahma Purana. Originally intended only for the Brahmins, a Brahma marriage is where a boy is able to get married once he has completed his education in the first stage of life, the Brahmacharya. Foreign Secretary assures no Indian will be left behind in conflict-hit Sudan, How radical preacher Amritpal Singh was arrested, PM Modi to inaugurate Indias first Water Metro in Kerala on April 25, Rain brings respite from heat in north India, some other parts of country, Umesh Pal to Atiq Ahmad: A chronology of killings in UP, Maharashtra heatwave: These places are among hottest in country, Rebellion, resignation & tears: Miffed over Karnataka poll list, many leaders exit BJP, UN hints Indias population worlds largest, Mumbai & Delhi top list of cities, Copyright 2023 Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. The man, guardian of the 18-year-old Hindu got her hitched with a boy of her religion and caste. The king had also built a 'swimming pool' outside the palace. If both parties consent, an auspicious time is chosen for the wedding to take place. He hit their bike and Suddenly a wondrous effulgence filling the heavens and earth appeared between Brahma and Vishnu. Are there any canonical examples of the Prime Directive being broken that aren't shown on screen? One who projected/injected this story is just the best ignorant. The man, guardian of the 18-year-old Hindu got her hitched with a boy of her religion and caste.
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