Refer to Standard Drawing No. Definitions General: For the purposes of this worksection the following definition applies: Kerbs and channels (gutters): Includes all forms of concrete channels (gutters), dish drains and mountable median and barrier kerbing. This category contains miscellaneous standard drawings. Standard drawings must be referenced (quoting the drawing number and revision version) or physically included in tender and contract documents for work: Council has introduced Brisbane Standard Drawings (BSD) to replace UMS drawings. REV. [8WAO|]Ne 623AL%;8H9'] S&@` !b BSD-8001 - Minimum pipe cover - Steel reinforced concrete pipes (PDF - 199kb), BSD-8002 - Minimum pipe cover - Fibre reinforced concrete pipes (PDF - 168kb), BSD-8003 - Construction loading typical detail requirements for long section drawings (PDF - 101kb), BSD-8011 - Bedding methods for rigid and flexible drainage pipes (PDF - 180kb), BSD-8012 - Deflection joint for concrete pipes (PDF - 83kb), BSD-8021 - Storm water maintenance hole details 1050 to 1500 diameter to 3.0m deep (PDF - 126kb), BSD-8023 - Manhole roof slab 1350 to 1950 diameter (PDF - 144kb), BSD-8024 - Manhole roof slabs 1980 diameter extended 600 and 900 (PDF - 129kb), BSD-8025 - Reinforced concrete roof slabs for manhole chambers (PDF - 158kb), BSD-8031 - Manhole frame roadway and non-roadway 1050 to 1500 diameter (PDF - 112kb), BSD-8032 - Riser details roadway (PDF - 131kb), BSD-8033 - Maintenance hole cover (roadway) 1050 to 1500 diameter (PDF - 212kb), BSD-8034 - Maintenance hole cover (non-roadway) 1050 to 1500 diameter (PDF - 214kb), BSD-8035 - Maintenance hole cover concrete infill (pedestrian traffic) 1050 to 1500 diameter (PDF - 195kb), BSD-8051 - Type A gully lip in line (PDF - 387kb), BSD-8052 - Type A gully kerb in line (PDF - 394kb), BSD-8054 - Type A grate frame (PDF - 110kb), BSD-8055 - Type A gully precast concrete lintel (extended kerb inlet) (PDF - 126kb), BSD-8056 - Type A anti-ponding gully (PDF - 181kb), BSD-8057 - Type E gully city type (PDF - 118kb), BSD-8058 - Type E gully grates and frame city type (PDF - 95kb), BSD-8060 - Steel gully basket - Size 1 (large) basket assembly - Sheet 1 of 6 (PDF - 333kb), BSD-8060 - Steel gully basket - Size 1 (large) basket layout details - Sheet 2 of 6 (PDF - 290kb), BSD-8060 - Steel gully basket - Size 2 (small) basket assembly - Sheet 3 of 6 (PDF - 312kb), BSD-8060 - Steel gully basket - Size 2 (small) basket layout details - Sheet 4 of 6 (PDF - 282kb), BSD-8060 - Steel gully basket - Bracket support brackets and handle details - Sheet 5 of 6 (PDF - 90kb), BSD-8060 - Steel gully basket - Support rails and installation details - Sheet 6 of 6 (PDF - 521kb), BSD-8071 - Hydraulic capture charts lip in line gully on grade (PDF - 186kb), BSD-8072 - Hydraulic capture charts lip in line gully on grade (PDF - 186kb), BSD-8073 - Hydraulic capture charts lip in line gully on grade (PDF - 185kb), BSD-8074 - Hydraulic capture charts lip in line gully on grade (PDF - 182kb), BSD-8075 - Hydraulic capture charts lip in line gully on grade (PDF - 186kb), BSD-8076 - Hydraulic capture charts lip in line gully on grade (PDF - 165kb), BSD-8077 - Hydraulic capture charts lip in line gully sag conditions (PDF - 152kb), BSD-8078 - Hydraulic capture charts lip in line gully sag conditions (PDF - 187kb), BSD-8079 - Hydraulic capture charts kerb in line gully on grade (PDF - 176kb), BSD-8080 - Hydraulic capture charts kerb in line gully on grade (PDF - 179kb), BSD-8081 - Hydraulic capture charts kerb in line gully on grade (PDF - 168kb), BSD-8082 - Hydraulic capture charts kerb in line gully sag conditions (PDF - 196kb), BSD-8091 - Field inlets type 1 and type 2 (PDF - 119kb), BSD-8092 - Field inlet dome top cover (PDF - 214kb), BSD-8094 - Drain - Inlet pit with grate (PDF - 91kb), BSD-8101 - Inlets and outlets concrete stormwater drains (PDF - 281kb), BSD-8102 - Inlets and outlets stone pitched stormwater drains (PDF - 207kb), BSD-8103 - Expansion and contraction joints (PDF - 77kb), BSD-8104 - Quantities for inlets and outlets (PDF - 144kb), BSD-8111 - Roofwater drainage for low density residential subdivisions (PDF - 100kb), BSD-8112 - Roofwater inspection manholes for low density (PDF - 145kb), BSD-8113 - Roof and surface water drainage for site developments (PDF - 178kb), BSD-8114 - Roofwater drainage connection kerb adaptor installation (PDF - 150kb), BSD-8115 - Kerb adaptor testing jig construction details (PDF - 144kb), BSD-8301 - Roadside swale types and typical sections (PDF - 146kb), BSD-8302 - Grass swale verge type - Typical layout (PDF - 85kb), BSD-8305 - Grass swale - Underdrain details (PDF - 155kb), BSD-8306 - Grass swale - Field inlet details (PDF - 262kb), BSD-8307 - Bioretention swale - Underdrain details (PDF - 198kb), BSD-8308 - Bioretention swale - Field inlet details (PDF - 220kb), BSD-8309 - Bioretention swale median type - Field inlet details (PDF - 167kb), BSD-8310 - Swale - Carpark bio-retention (PDF - 80kb), BSD-8311 - Swale - Carpark bio-retention with landscaping (PDF - 80kb), BSD-8312 - Swale - Turf gravel and dry creek (PDF - 113kb), BSD-8331 - WSUD bioretention pod verge type - layout (PDF - 683kb), BSD-8332 - WSUD bioretention pod verge type - typical details (PDF - 471kb), BSD-8333 - WSUD bioretention pod kerb buildout type - layout (PDF - 817kb), BSD-8334 - WSUD bioretention pod kerb buildout type - typical details (PDF - 901kb). GS-010 | Street Tree planting details including root barriers, GS-011 | Street Tree planting details wide median, GS-012 | Street Tree planting details narrow median, GS-040 | Rural | 4 & 6 strand barbed wire fence. 820 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<7C874FF7BA10844DBEDF67BCBF409DC5><3162E6517B2C3B41BD26036E4E42DDBA>]/Index[804 27]/Info 803 0 R/Length 92/Prev 272809/Root 805 0 R/Size 831/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. WebS207 SemiMountable Kerb And Apron SM3 N:\Standard Drawings post Jan 2004\Standard Drawings Index.doc fManningham City Council Revised January 2004 S208 Mountable Kerb Only M1 S209 Mountable Kerb And Channel M2 S210 Mountable Kerb And Apron M3 S211 Barrier Kerb Only B1 S212 Barrier Kerb And Channel B2 S213 /2%Wq YH BSD-3001- Typical manoeuvring areas - residential streets - sheet 1 of 2 (PDF - 97kb), BSD-3001- Typical manoeuvring areas - residential streets - sheet 2 of 2 (PDF - 97kb), BSD-3002 - Turning provisions for Industrial areas (PDF - 86kb), BSD-3003 - Minor road to major road intersection - Minor road connection detail - Sheet 1 of 3(PDF - 495kb), BSD-3003 - Minor road to major road intersection - Typical passing lane treatments - Without right-turn lanes - Sheet 2 of 3 (PDF - 869kb), BSD-3003 - Minor road to major road intersection - Typical passing lane treatments - With right-turn lanes - Sheet 3 of 3 (PDF - 911kb), BSD-3004 - Turning template Acco 2350 side lift refuse truck (PDF - 127kb), BSD-3005 - Turning template Scania 194ub cr221 bus (PDF - 81kb), BSD-3006 - Turning template Volvo 10b bus (PDF - 73kb), BSD-3007 - Turning template Volvo b12 ble 14.5m bus (PDF - 155kb), BSD-3008- Turning template Acco 2350 rear loading PUP refuse vehicle - Sheet 1 of 2 (PDF - 124kb), BSD-3008- Turning template Acco 2350 rear loading RORO refuse vehicle - Sheet 1 of 2 (PDF - 128kb), BSD-3009 - Turning template Acco 2350 front loading refuse vehicle (PDF - 125kb), BSD-3101 - Brisbane city kerbside allocation sign codes - Sheet 1 of 2(PDF - 114kb), BSD-3101 - Brisbane city kerbside allocation sign codes - Sheet 2of 2(PDF - 255kb), BSD-3102 - Street name plate setout (sign code G5-2) (PDF - 187kb), BSD-3103 - Brisbane City Council special sign code A (PDF - 113kb), BSD-3104 - Bus stop marker J Pole post - Details - Sheet 1 of 2(PDF - 113kb), BSD-3104 - Bus stop marker J Pole post - Installation - Sheet 2 of 2(PDF - 110kb), BSD-3105 - Parking regulation signs - Sign codes 91BtD/1L & 91StD/1R (PDF - 118kb), BSD-3106 - Parking regulation signs - Sign codes 91Q+D/1D & 91Q+tD/20EL/1R (PDF - 132kb), BSD-3107 - Parking regulation signs - Sign codes 41FD/61AL.1SR & 91Q+D/61EL.1R (PDF - 147kb), BSD-3108 - Parking regulation signs - Sign codes 20L.1QR & 21L.1R (PDF - 123kb), BSD-3109 - Parking regulation signs - Sign codes 6L.1R & 62L.1R (PDF - 105kb), BSD-3110 - Parking regulation signs - Sign codes 52EZ1L.1R & 62NL.1R (PDF - 134kb), BSD-3111 - Parking regulation signs - Sign codes 41Z1R/52Z2L & 1ER/62NL (PDF - 159kb), BSD-3112 - Parking regulation signs - Sign codes 43 & 45 and bottom panels (PDF - 170kb), BSD-3113 - Parking regulation signs - Sign codes 41Z1L.1Z2R, 43DyD & 1GD/21WR (PDF - 185kb), BSD-3114 - Enhanced loading zone signs - Commercial and passenger & commercial loading zones - Sheet 1 of 2 (PDF - 197kb), BSD-3114 - Enhanced loading zone signs - Passenger and school loading zones - Sheet 2 of 2 (PDF - 171kb), BSD-3151 - Pavement marking - longitudinal lines (PDF - 70kb), BSD-3152 - Pavement marking - transverse lines (PDF - 77kb), BSD-3153 - Pavement marking, typical minor road non-signalised intersection (PDF - 109kb), BSD-3154 - Raised pavement markers, standard installation for traffic lanes (PDF - 100kb), BSD-3155 - Raised pavement markers,standard installation for painted tails (PDF - 125kb), BSD-3156 - Raised pavement markers, standard installation for painted islands and medians (PDF - 129kb), BSD-3157 - Pavement markings, pavement arrows and give way symbol (PDF - 98kb), BSD-3161 - Pavement markings, parallel parking, bus stop and loading/taxi zone (PDF - 111kb), BSD-3163 - Pavement marking centrelines on dual to single carriageways (PDF - 95kb), BSD-3164 - Pavement marking signalised pedestrian crossing (PDF - 105kb), BSD-3165 - Pavement markings signalised intersection crossing (PDF - 254kb), BSD-3166 - Coloured pavement threshold treatment - general design and specification (PDF - 121kb), BSD-3167 - Pavement marking - school zone enhancement treatment (PDF - 133kb), BSD-3201 - Local traffic area - Brisbane City - General design criteria(PDF - 129kb), BSD-3211 - Local traffic area - Roundabout - Central island with concrete apron(PDF - 145kb), BSD-3212 - Local traffic area - Roundabout- fully mountable AC plateau (PDF - 173kb), BSD-3213 - Local traffic area - Intersection priority change - General design criteria (PDF - 129kb), BSD-3214 - Local traffic area - Modified T-junction - General design criteria (PDF - 121kb), BSD-3216 - Local traffic area - Speed platform - Mid block - General design criteria (PDF - 119kb), BSD-3217 - Local traffic area - Speed platform - Intersection - General design criteria (PDF - 116kb), BSD-3218 - Local traffic area - Diamond slow way - General design criteria (PDF - 113kb), BSD-3219 - Local traffic area - Angled slow way single lane - twoway - Retrofit sites - General design criteria (PDF - 111kb), BSD-3220 - Local traffic area - Angled slow way two lane - two way - General design criteria(PDF - 116kb), BSD-3221 - Local traffic area - Perimeter gateway - General design criteria (PDF - 125kb).
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