You can't hurt them until you suck the rocks off their heads with the Gust Jar. The small Minish path on the northern wall here will lead to the hidden room 27, where you can resize yourself and start digging through the walls. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Walkthrough Dungeon 2: Cave of Flames Journey to Mt. One of the vines is not fully grown, and will require players to use the empty bottle to get some water and pour it onto the seed. Instead of going in there, though, head left and dig through the sand cave to find another Piece. The Peril Beam: If you head to the left of the Mayors cabin and climb the steps and ladder there, youll find Waveblade in a hut there. You can also grab a red Kinstone from the chest here. These cloud sharks can only be hit when they jump up out of the cloud surface. Check our walk-through for tips on how to get to room #22. Head left and then south, and you'll see three bricks that can be destroyed with your shiny new Bombs. You can purchase a bigger wallet from Stockwell for 80 rupees. If you walk to the warp and jump onto it, youll find yourself in an odd building with a few treasure chests, but without any exits. See the walkthrough for the Cave of Flames here. Super Secret Ultra Money Trick: This isnt actually in Hyrule Town, but were going to mention it here because itll help you out while youre running around here. Move on and use the nearby door to go outside. After the turtles are dead, youll be able to pass onto the eastern half of the room. Its darkened, but if you maneuver through it, youll find a chest with a red Kinstone in it. Faries restore your health upon use. Nice. The roly-poly enemies here are unkillable, but are useful nonetheless; when struck with your sword, they become makeshift boulders, and can be inserted into the slots on the floor to allow you to walk over them. If you head out to the Lon Lon Ranch area, you should be able to access the Ranch itself at this point in the game. Hyrule Castle is to the north of your current position, but before you can reach it, youll have to deal with a Business Scrub which is spitting nuts out at passersby. However, thanks to the Cane of Pacci and some changes to the landscape, youll also be able to explore around a bit more and obtain some new items. Head through the door at the bottom of the room, and you'll see another shrink stone when you get outside. [ ] Head one room right from the Maderpillar and clear off the dust with the Gust Jar. This will let you get to room 28, where youll find the stairs leading up to the second floor, which has a floorplan that should intimidate you. Sand Cave: The Sand Cave in the northwestern corner of the zone can now be opened. Deflect his attack with your shield, and he will sell you an Empty Bottle for 20 Rupees. At the bottom of room 11, youll find another switch, so tap it, read the nearby inscription, then swim right to room 12. Take the stairs up again to reach one of the four Small Keys you need. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. From there, you can wrap your way around into the forest between Hyrule Town and Hyrule Castle until you find an explodable block on the left side; this will lead to a multi-storied set of caves. In order to pass through, youll have to shoot the four targets along the northern wall with arrows; thisll let you into room 46. If you head one screen south to Master Smiths house, youll be able to find a limitless amount of money by digging up the ground one space to the left of the door to the house with your Mole Mitts. Inhabitants Mount Crenel is home to the Mountain Minish, among whom is the Minish metal smith Melari and his seven apprentices. Youll know its nearly dead when it starts jumping repeatedly; if you get whacked a few times yourself, you can destroy one of the barrels in the corner of the room for a heart. Lake Hylia. The seedling will grow, allowing you to climb it. To begin with, head to the left end of the room and push the block there down and to the left so that it covers one of the three switches along the western wall. The Cuccoo Game: Now that you have the Pegasus Boots and the Flippers, you can theoretically finish off the cuccoo collection game given by the girl in the southeastern corner of town. To do so, wait until he shoots boulders at you from his nose, then attempt to deflect them back towards him with your sword. Piece of Heart: If you head towards the home of the Hyrule Town shopkeeper (where you fed his dog to receive the second bottle), you can dive into the pool of water nearby to find a hidden Piece of Heart. The other chest contains a Kinstone. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Walkthrough - GameSpot You can arrest your momentum pretty quickly by doing this. At the end of the room, split-Link to push the block out of the way to reach room three, where youll have to dodge flying bomb-like enemies as the moving platform here wends its way north. There isnt much to see or do here save talk with Melani, wholl take the broken Picoli Blade from you and start reforging it. To your left is a stone that can be pushed into the hole beside it so you can walk over it. If you want to know how many fusions youve performed, you can talk to any of the Tingle brothers when they appear around the game world; theres one that will appear next to the east of your house in the South Hyrule Fields, for instance. The girl isnt home at the moment; shes actually next door, in said purple house. [ ] If you complete the collecting cuccoos mini-game that the girl in the southeastern corner of the zone gives you, youll earn another Piece. Youll have to push your way through the blocks you find on the top of the platform, then jump over the spikes to reach another gust machine. Another difficulty here lies in the odd bounciness of the eyes electricity; you wont always be able to reflect it back so that it hits all of them simultaneously, even if youre correctly positioned and hit them all at the same time. Red Kinstone: If you shrink yourself down at the Minish portal near the Mayors cabin, you can swim back north until you find the small cave in the northwestern corner of the water. On Mt. After you have both of those, you can enter Hyrule Castle and attempt to track down the Elemental Sanctuary. While youre still minaturized, find the small path leading to the seed, pick it up (you can do so even though its ten times as big as you), then bring it back to the overworld map and drop it into the hold in the ground near the cliff wall. Below the rock you used to shrink is a ledge you can jump off instead of going back down the ladder. Youll need to have extra equipment before attempting them, so well need to come back later. You can also gain another Piece of Heart in his quarters. Mercenaries mode is a special mode in Resident Evil 4 Remake that challenges players to survive and score as many points as they can against waves of enemies, with all sorts of ways to extend time, gain score multipliers, and more. After he shrugs off the stunning effect, though, Gleerok will withdraw into the lava, causing it to expand while rocks drop from the ceiling. Head for the chest first, as itll containa blue Kinstone, then flip the switch nearby to open the southern door before heading for it. [ ] After beating the Maderpillar and obtaining the Gust Jar, use it to head south and grab the Piece of Heart there. A simple switch puzzle is all thats here, so hit them with your cloned swords and make your way to room 37, where a pair of mace-wielding knights awaits you. This will let you through the path and into the Royal Valley. Leave from the left, go back to your size, then go down, climb down the wall until the bottom of Mt. Unfortunately, no one in the village can actually speak your language save for Festari, who lives in the ostentatious blue house on the northern side of the area. He'll let you pass, giving you access to leave. You cant pull boulders, so if you get it stuck in a corner, youll have to shrink yourself back down and enter the pathway again to reset their positions. Thankfully, theres a sign on each screen that will point you towards your next destination. After youre done with the smith, return to Festari, wholl show you the path to the Deepwood Shrine, which is the first major dungeon of the game. Dont worry about rushing across the bridge, though; pulling the cord out of the wall appears to extend it permanently. You will come across a rocky cave which you can bomb through to find some more Mysterious Shells, though. You can use it on the locked door in room 41, but in order to reach it, youll need to stand on some of the broken bits of floor in room 45 and wait for one of them to fall out from under you. [ ] After obtaining the Rocs Cape in the Palace of Wind, return to town and Minishize yourself in the Carpenters house. In later rounds, youll also have to contend with smaller flying projectiles while you do this; you can slash at these with your sword to prevent them from hitting you. A second, shadow Link will appear. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap is the Perfect Choice for a New Remake, The Legend of Zelda Fan Art Envisions Minish Cap Sequel, The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Should Get the Link's Awakening Treatment, 7 Best Villains In Bethesda's Games, Ranked, After Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Being a Slow-Burner Paints a Clear Pattern, 6 Video Game Characters With Rare Real-Life Conditions. Yay! Now that you have your bow, youll be able to shoot the cyclopean statues in the area and force them to move. Its perhaps easiest to wait for him to pause before jumping up and down to hit him; you might also want to try getting charging up your spirit Link and hitting three of the four panels, then using your "real" Link to dodge Vaatis fire while waiting for an opportune moment to strike. Crenel from the Wind Crest and go left, then climb to the top of the wall. It can take a lot of hits, but it is vulnerable. Go downstairs and kill the Iron Mask enemies by slashing their backsides. Flipping the switch in 36 will open up the red portal back to the entrance of the dungeon, indicating that this would be a good time to save your game. The eastern set are easy enough to burn; just climb the stairs beneath the eastern platform and hit the button to set them alight. Lots of good itll do you now that youve beaten the game, but hey. 5: Fuse with a Mysterious Wall in the sand cave that led to the Mayors cabin, near Syrups hut. [ ] If you jump into the water above the southernmost waterfall (youll need to enter from the North Hyrule Field), youll be able to grab another Piece. He gives you the White Sword! Fusing these pieces will grant you rewards such as special items to help you on your quest, rupees, mysterious shells, and will even further the story at specific intervals. Your quest? Room 19 is similarly invisible on the dungeon map, but youll find a chest containing a red Kinstone if you dig through the rock, as well as a ladder leading upwards to room 20. Go up it to enter a new area. Note that youll be miniaturized to enter it, which means that you wont have any size puzzles to deal with while youre inside. The Crenel Hermit resides within it, having come to the Cave in search of quiet reflection. Ezlo will tell players that he can be used as a parachute whenever there is a gust of wind. Squirm around and tap your buttons until you break free, then whack the monster with your sword until it dies. If you equip them and dig your way to the right, youll find a chest with 100 rupees in it. Ascend the vine, and you will reach Mount Crenel at last. Anyway, you dont actually have to talk to the masks, just destroy them; if you run into the wall while being boosted by your Pegasus Boots, youll blast the masks off of the wall and onto the ground. After the knights are dead, youll gain a Small Key. If you want to find all of them, then, youll need to kill everything you see! For example, in the tutorial for Kinstones, players will unlock the tree near the house at the start of the game. Swim off the dock and head to your right, where there is a Minish house with a pink room Fuse. Actually, before you head out, you might want to check out the central vendor area and see if the Dhalsim-like Picolyte vendor has appeared. Defeating the electrified Chu Chu will net you your next Small Key. This will allow someone to open a shop later on in your adventure. Head up to the roof of the castle to reach the whirlwind leading up. Room 17 features numerous mushroom launchers that are seemingly impossible to reach; all you need to do to use them is to suck them in with your Gust Jar, though. In room 12, make sure the rail tracks are laid so that youll be able to make it to the spike traps after you smallify yourself. In this room there is a Piece of Heart, Kinstone piece, and a chest with 50 rupees. Luckily, when you perform a Kinstone fusion, the effects will be marked on your map, allowing you to check back after completing a few fusions and know which ones you havent followed up on yet. In this game, the sword techniques are learnt throughout the quest from different swordmasters . Room 48 is a large puzzle/maze; in order to get around, youll need to use your Rocs Cape to jump over the numerous spike traps.
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