Every evil revival of wasters in my domain stop by fire in Jesus name. These wasters must be dealt with for they are responsible for destroying Gods plans for individuals. Father I thank You for grace to be alive and well today in the name of Jesus. Unfortunately, the man did not have the knowledge that that name needed to be changed; because anytime you say Job! What you are saying is afflicted and he will say yes?. So any time that name is called, they are making a prophetic proclamation into your life. I return to the sender every evil arrow shot against my destiny in Jesus Christ name7. Gods plan for us is to give us hope and a future, He does not want any of His children to live a frustrated life. Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website, Just as the case of the unbelievers spoken of in, Lord I ask that you forgive me in all ways I have sinned against you in Jesus name, Father I plead for your mercy in all ways I have spoken against your will in Jesus mighty name, Father in all ways I have not been sensitive to the leading of your Holy SPIRIT please forgive me and show me mercy in Jesus name, Lord please forgive me in all ways I have not enquired your will before setting out on any endeavor in Jesus name, Father please expose every time waster around my life in Jesus name, Lord arise and expose everyone who is acting to be my friend but is actually close to me for the wrong reasons, expose and disgrace them in Jesus mighty name, Lord frustrate every activity of time wasters in my life and family in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Every curse of disappointment placed upon my life, I command it to be destroyed by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Everyone who has sworn that I will not have my desired job and relationship, I command their evil thoughts to kill them in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I decree and declare that my opportunities shall no longer be wasted in life, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I receive all the knowledge I need to be able to make good use of the opportunities I have in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Businesses shall no longer fail in my hands in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I decree that nothing shall die in my hands henceforth in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I shall not be frustrated in life and destiny in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I command great divine prosperity upon my life and family now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I reject time wasting enterprises in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I shall spend my time on opportunities that will bring God glory henceforth in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I refuse to act according to the dictates of the enemies for my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I refuse to be the devils puppet in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Every power of hell turning my efforts into futility, I command you to catch fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I shall no longer invest wrongly in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I receive the knowledge and skills needed to make good use of opportunities, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Oh Lord please expose every pretender around me in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Father please destroy every activity of the devil around my life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Every satanic spell making me to work in vain, I command it to expire now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Every household enemy that has sworn that no good opportunity will come my way, I command you to die by fire now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Every altar of darkness established against my greatness, I bring you down by fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, My life is surrounded by the fire of the Holy Ghost, opportunity wasters shall not gain access to my destiny in Jesus name, Father please make your will for my life plain to me that I may know what opportunities to look out for, in Jesus mighty name, Father please open my eyes to see the great future you have for me that I may engage in endeavors that will help me align with your purpose in Jesus name, I receive opportunities that will lead me to the global stage in Jesus name, I receive opportunities that will make me leave this next to a higher one financially in Jesus name, I receive good opportunities that will eradicate poverty from my life in Jesus mighty name of Jesus Christ, I receive opportunities to share the wonders of God in my life with others in Jesus mighty name, I receive great opportunity that will bring me all round rest in Jesus mighty name, I receive great opportunity that will lead me to greater assignments in ministry in Jesus name, Thank you Jesus for the mind-blowing opportunities you are bringing my way, blessed be your name Lord. My miracles will not stop on the way in the name of Jesus. Today, we shall be engaging in prayer points against wasters and emptiers. And when they got to a place where they would rest, Moses would raise his voice and say Return O Lord unto the many thousands of Israel. To have an abundant life, is to live a fulfilled life, anyone living a fulfilled life will not be living a wasted effort life. O Lord, . O Lord, let Prayer Points Against Wasters And Emptiers. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. 49:16 17 They are bases in Lagos State of Nigeria, West Africa. A cry for changing your level, territory, for a fresh touch or move of God, a cry to the God of possibilities, a cry to arise above the minimum. O Lord, send every destiny pollutant, in the name of Jesus. O God arise, let the emptiers scatter, in the name of Jesus. Prayer Points Against Wasters And Emptiers. 21 Prayer Points For Supernatural Breakthrough (901,339) Warfare: Total Deliverance from Spiritual Spouse (319,190) The NUMBER 9 (NINE): Prophetic Meaning in the bible (257,330) Atomic power of prayer words transcribed PART 1 (244,045) Deliverance Scriptures Against Spiritual Spouses (220,053) One of the most powerful prayers in scriptures is what you find in Psalms 68:1. Fill the following form: You have entered an incorrect email address! Portuguese products available Online we mail to all lower 48 states. ii. My efforts will not be wasted in the land of the living in the name of Jesus. Hence, we must pray against wasted efforts, the bible says in John 10:10 that, The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. Battle Against the Wasters D K Olukoya - Read online for free. this mountain must be removed - prayer points 191 views; be fruitful! Every virtue of my life that the enemy is sitting upon, come to me by fire, in the name of Jesus. but he desires that you stay with him and live for him. " Every evil associations assigned to empty my purpose and destiny scatter by fire in the name of Jesus. He greeted the chief and preached the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to him. 4. You have entered an incorrect email address! The emptiers are destiny wasters, time wasters, resources wasters. It can bring you death or blessing. They never have peace when they prosper. But you, be strong and do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded!. 24. Avoid both rigorous physical and mental tasks. Hence, we must pray against wasted efforts, the bible says in, The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. One of the spirits that strips people of their beauty but leaves them alive and undecorated is the spirit of the emptiers. 1. 2. You can send in your GOSPEL MUSIC, ARTICLES/MESSAGES to flatimesng@gmail.com, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, OPEN HEAVEN FOR TEENS 2 AUGUST 2021 Grow In The Spirit, PRAYER POINTS ON OPEN HEAVENS 2 AUGUST 2021, Open Heaven 1 May 2023 God Can Promote Anyone, Winners Chapel Live Service With David Oyedepo, Dangerous Enemies, Dangerous Prayers by Pastor Olukoya, Prayers To Cross Over Into The New Year 2023, MFM Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional Saturday, 10 March 2018 Your Spiritual Identity, MFM Devotional 3 February 2023 Benefits Of Giving First Fruit Offering, MFM Daily Devotional 7 May 2020 I Reject Satanic Traps, Anglican Devotional 1 May 2023 Break Your Spiritual Ignorance, Open Heaven For Teens 1 May 2023 Push Forward, Open Heaven For Today 2023 Open Heavens 1 May. Oh God my father, show me the way and lead me to the end in the name of Jesus. The spirits of the emptiers cause loss of decoration. PRAYERS AGAINST THE WASTER/EMPTIER SPIRITS 1.I refuse to be wasted in Jesus Name 2.Every waster of my prosperity, fall and down and die in the Name Jesus Christ 3.Every hidden devourer be bound in the Name of Jesus. Turn to 7 people and say: My friend - Every obstacle on your way to greatness shall die!!! May those that wants to empty me become emptied in my place in Jesus name Father Lord, forgive me of any sin that may cause blockage to my prayers, in the name of Jesus. Father today arise and deliver my life from the hands of emptiers in Jesus name. (LogOut/ Let the power of resurrection fall upon everything that looks dead in my life in the name of Jesus. Anything spread over my head to waste my rain of blessing dissolve by fire in Jesus name. They reduce the person to dust and ashes. Agenda of disgrace, agenda of mockery assigned against my progress, backfire in the name of Jesus. 60:12, Ezek. I pursue , overtake and recover all my profits, rewards, entitlement and possession that has been emptied by the emptiers in Jesus name. AMEN.God bless you if you have prayed this prayer, you are welcome to the household of God, ensureyou remain committed to living for God and build a solid personal fellowship with God byreading the bible and spend time praying. This morning, we have a strange spirit to deal with, and it is good that you listen to me carefully. Let the joy of wasters come to an end in my life in Jesus name. . trying to remove my name from the mind of my helpers, fall down and die, in the People will say when brother so so and so was brother so so and so or when sister so so and so was sister so so and so because of those powers. Once they are operating in ones life, crying is not the answer. He knows that you have a glorious destiny in life and He will stop at nothing to stop you. ANNOUCEMENTJoin the WhatsApp Group of Thus Saith The Lord for 24 hours Prayer AlertOrJOIN THE DAILY VIGIL LIVE by 11.45pm 12.15am ONZOOM PRAYER ROOMMeeting ID: 6409116982 Password: zS8Q16ORFreeConferenceCall.com PRAYER ROOMDial-in number (NG) 01 227 9424 Access Code: 4699235#International dial-in numbers https://fccdl.in/i/yemienioladavidOnline meeting ID: yemienioladavidJoin the online meeting: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/yemienioladavid, CONTACTFor Prayer, Counseling, Prayer Requests and other information, call +234 803 718 4410To have the Audio Copy of this Message on your Smartphone send WhatsApp/Telegram Message to: +234 818 746 6169Follow me on twitter @yemieniolaJoin Thus Saith The Lord facebook groupVisit: http://www.thussaiththelordofhost.wordpress.com, OPEYEMI ENIOLA DAVID is an Evangelist (Prophet) ordained by the Almighty God. I decree in the name of Jesus, that my enemies will not laugh last over my destiny in the name of Jesus. Try, If The Preacher Is Dead, The Sermon Will Be Dead, Chasing The Dream, Preaching Greatness, And Knowing Your Audience. It is seen in the bible that Gods plan for every pregnant woman is to give birth, but the devil is the author of wasted effort. 34. There are prostitutes working hand in hand with these native doctors to transfer these things to them. The forces of emptiers can empty lives, unction, dreams, efforts etc. 2. The antidotes are the Word of God and the Blood of Jesus (Galatians 3:13-14, Revelation 12:11). 6. 11. *Those chosen as channel by wasters to be used against our lives, shall die, in the name Jesus. Every hole in my pocket be sealed by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Wasters and emptiers are spirits in men that causes them to scatter instead of gather. 12. A. Babalola and his team of aggressive prayer warriors entered forbidden forests . Linda means serpent. Thank You Lord for saving me, in Jesus name Amen. 10. The forces of emptiers can empty lives, unction, dreams, efforts etc. Failure at the edge of breakthrough. I command every blockage in my spiritual pipe to be cleared, in the name of Jesus. However, his plan to waste the life of David turned against him and further established David. Also, a Pastor can be emitting fire, gifted with the spirit of prophecy and healing, but if he is not given invitation to minister in places that matter, his gifts will only benefit the local people around him, and his ministry will remain unrecognized. They are the powers ensured to make a person history while he is still living. 14. I close every door that is opened for the operations of the emptiers and wasters in my life today in Jesus name.10. 4: . live below my divine standard, in the name of Jesus. Your hunters deal with witchcraft in my foundation, in the name of Jesus. He changes peoples names when He finds out that that name is affecting them. 9.Father Lord, I command the house hold wasters and emptiers by the power in the Name of Jesus, I terminate all your contracts in my life in Jesus Name 10.Father,arise and dismantle every curse, spell, declaration and incantations of the wasters over my life in Jesus Name 11.Evil covenants made on my behalf, you are canceled by the blood of Jesus 11. That is where He brought them out. Accept Jesus as your Lord and personal savior 2. Whether you have been long in church or you are just coming, this is something you cannot be playing with, at all. My prayer is that every spirit of faithlessness must be bound, in Jesus' name. I separate myself by fire from every evil powers working against my destiny in Jesus Christ name5. Every operations of emptiers in my destiny, be arrested in Jesus name2. A cry that without God, you cannot do anything. Every operations of emptiers in my destiny, be arrested in Jesus name, 2. the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, scatter, in the name of Jesus. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. 19. Your glory speak for me today, in the name of Jesus. Emptiers are powers that replace head anointing with anointing of the tail. Just as the case of the unbelievers spoken of in 2 Corinthians 4:4, it was said of them that the god of this world has blinded their minds from seeing the light of the gospel, in order words, the gods of this world has block them from seeing the opportunity to be saved that is been made available to them, and even though, many around them are getting saved, the demonic agents hindering them from recognizing opportunities will not allow them to be saved. *If you truly desire sudden end to the strange things moving about in your body, say the pray with the spirit of enough is enough. 12. The man of God asked them whether they were the ones that got to the location before the river and they said that the river got there before them. These demonic forces can make a mans life miserable and terrible. 2. Many would not have become experts in the school of prayer if they had no enemies pursuing them. It is the powers of the emptiers that glue a person to a destiny killing name. Any power anywhere, any wicked personality anywhere, delegated by satan to waste my efforts in life, be wasted by fire, in the name of Jesus. My life, jump out from every cage of emptiness, where the emptiers have kept you, manifest speedily in Jesus name. It speaks about your character. Emptiers and wasters hear the word of the Lord, your time of operation is over in my life today in Jesus name.11. Where ever I have been knocked down by the power of the wasters, mighty hand of The Lord lift me up, in the name of Jesus. I am telling you this, this morning so that you know how to war when the time comes. 30. In the name of Jesus I decree the total restoration of every virtue and value of my life that has been emptied out in Jesus name, 8. O God arise in your power and strike my enemies in your wrath, in the name of Jesus. WASTING CURSES AND COVENANTSBeloved, even though, there are curses, covenant and spell that are wasting peoples opportunities, prosperity, blessings and life; we have the antidotes to them all. power with awareness of my destiny, be impotent, in the name of Jesus. Let us begin this chapter by praying the following prayer points. 8. 29. Every negative pronouncement from strange altars emptying my life of goodness, be silenced in Jesus name. => I am praying for somebody here, your star that has been stolen when you were in the womb or when you were a baby or when you were an unbeliever; by fire, by force, repossess them now in the name of Jesus! 60:12, Ezek. I declare null and void every evil plan of the enemy to attack my destiny in Jesus Christ name8. Jan 13, 2020 - Today, we shall be engaging in prayer points against wasters and emptiers. God bless you.Source: prayermandate.blogspot.com. Rebellion closes good doors while humility opens good doors . PRAYER POINTS. A man of God went to preach in a particular place and as a mark of courtesy, he first of all went to the palace of the chief of the town. Anytime God said Moses, it is time to move, all that Moses would do was to walk out and say Rise up Lord and let thine enemies be scattered and let them that hate thee flee. 3. Every power 2. Amen. Do I really know where my Gods-given prosperity lies? 118: 6 - 18 All instrument of wasters fashioned against me perish by fire in Jesus name. Father, heap mischief upon all those fighting me and send your arrow of paralysis upon them, in the mighty name of Jesus. God decorates you from your mothers womb, sent you to this earth; because there is nobody born on earth that does not come with a star; but then, they clear away the decorations. 20. -prayer points 125 views; your freedom is here - prayer points 111 views; i will manifest . Your wasters waste my enemies, in the name of Jesus. PRAYER POINTS ON I SHALL NOT BE WASTEDTags:my destiny shall not be wasted, prayer points against wasters and emptiers, mfm prayer against time waster, prayer points against the midianites, prayer points against spoilers, prayer points against wasters and emptiers. Every negative pronouncement from strange altars emptying my life of goodness, be silenced in Jesus name. Some of us spend years serving our oppressors. Let the stronghold of the destroyer be destroy by the thunder fire of God in the name of Jesus. Lord Jesus, I thank you for your love and kindness towards me and my household may your name be glorified forever in the name of Jesus. Therefore, to live above wasted efforts, you must be a true child of God, who obeys His commandments day in and day out, and also you must have a strong faith that God will always see you through in every phase and lastly, prayers is needed to be prayed fervently to possess our possessions in the land of the living. Focus my thoughts on You as the stronghold of my life. Serpents that pursued my parents and are now pursuing me, hear the word of the Lord, die in the name of Jesus. Change). Nahum 2:2 For the LORD hath turned away the excellency of Jacob, as the excellency of Israel: for the emptiers have emptied them out, and marred their vine branches.. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Every satanic spirit hiding in my body, I command you to jump out and die by fire in the name of . I refuse to 31. War against the strange woman / man in my marriage . Having trouble logging into your account? 9. My life, jump out from every cage of emptiness, where the emptiers have kept you, manifest speedily in Jesus name.7. 3. Immediately the person is now broke, health will mysteriously return. If they gave him another name apart from that one that God gave, the assignment of Jesus would not be carried out. Touch device users, explore by touch or . gates of wasters fashioned against my destiny glory, you are a liar! Watch. 20. And my mom warned me not to marry this man o, then they start praying and become prayer warriors. God bless you. Click on book to order Scripture Reading: Psalm 109 Confession: Jer. 4. Powers that have turned my certificates to useless efforts, die by fire in the name of Jesus. . Those who are rebellious to God and authorities. 23. All they do in life is to turn fullness into emptiness and causes profitless labor. Every pit of failure at the edge of the breakthrough dug for me, I command the diggers to fall into it by fire and let it close on them in the name of Jesus. Emptiers mocking my God, emptiers challenging my breakthroughs, die in the name of Jesus. Dangerous enemies assigned to rubbish my destiny your time is up die, in . enemies be electrocuted, in the name of Jesus. Make people to go beyond limits to scrap resources they do not even have, and so the person keeps going into debt. I decree upon my life and my entire family; we shall not be wasted, in the name of Jesus. Fire of the Holy Ghost make me too hot for the emptiers to attack in Jesus name. (LogOut/ All marks of wasters in my life be cancelled by the blood of Jesus Time: 7.00am 9:30am. I paralyze Olukoya, THE MOUNTAIN OF FIRE AND MIRACLE MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERSSUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICEDATE: AUGUST 1ST, 2021TOPIC: CRUSHING THE EMPTIERSANCHORED SCRIPTURES: NAHUM 2:2MINISTER: DR. DANIEL OLUKOYA (G.O MFM WORLDWIDE). Prayer points Against wasters and Emptiers Proverbs 18:9 He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster. Prayer Points Against Destiny Wasters | PRAYER POINTS - prayerguide When John was about to be born too, he said thou shall call his name John. So when you say O God arise and that voice rings like that into heavens, it is a battle cry to the host of heavens. 14. Wasted efforts can also be said to be failing at the edge of breakthroughs. Exodus 23:26 When a woman is pregnant, it is expected of the woman to give birth but when otherwise happens, it will be called wasted effort. In the name of Jesus, I receive divine empowerment to rise above every operations of emptiers in Jesus name. Oh Lord my father, grant me speed over my plans and purpose for my life in the name of Jesus. We are talking about the power of the wasters. Jesus. 12365 BISSONNET STREET, HOUSTON, TX 77099, TEL They use it to gather away mens virtues. What a man sometimes needs to get ahead is a powerful enemy. Emptiers are powers that bring you from top to bottom. Do NOT allow them to waste your destiny for fun! Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. 4. In those tents, their families and materials were there. They make people to be removed suddenly from a place of honour to a place of disgrace. I cut off from the root, every seed of wasted effort planted in my life in the name of Jesus. 118: 6 18 Your email address will not be published. AGENDA OF SAUL TO WASTE DAVIDBeloved, despite the fact that David rescued Israel from shame by defeating Goliath and he behaved himself wisely wherever King Saul sent him, yet the King set agenda to waste his life in 1 Samuel 18:5. Posted by blessinggraceandmercy in Deliverance from foundational bondage, Deliverance prayers against evil covenants, Destroying evil curses., Prayer against Witchcraft Powers. 15. All instruments of wasters lurking in my body go out by fire in Jesus name. They clear away virtues and empty a person completely. the name of Jesus. wicked by fire, in the name of Jesus. I stand against the powers of the wasters in the name of Jesus. 5. The only way out is to fight and defeat them. My destiny reject destruction, in the name of Jesus. 35. 1. => I am praying for a sister here, the power that has stolen your beauty and your glory, if they do not return it within 24 hours, they shall die violently in the name of Jesus. SCRIPTURES: 1 Samuel 17; Luke 11:21, Matthew 12:29, Isaiah 49:24-26. 13. Family bondage challenging my life, die in the name of Jesus. Every force of life assigned to empty me of my divine portion & entitlement , scatter in Jesus name3. Every power saying no to God's yes for my life, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. The fact that a name is a white mans name does not mean it is a good name. I reject weak financial breakthrough. Follow koinoniaandpraise on WordPress.com. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. There are spirits behind names. Every arrow of emptiers fired into my life be uprooted now by fire in Jesus name. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. 7. The spirit of the waster is the most terrible demon that has demoted the black man. 8. Inherited storm of my father and mothers house affecting my greatness I command you to be ceased now in Jesus name . 17. => I am praying for somebody here that the serpentine siren blowing your possessions away shall backfire in the name of Jesus. Every law If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. John 8:36One of the most important prayers to pray is the prayer of surrendering your life to Jesus. - prayer points 127 views; this gate will open! 2. Let my blood reject the spirit of infirmity in Jesus Name. Let the fire Knowledge 5. Any power, evil authority, wicked personality, smiling with me in the day time, wasting my efforts at night time, your time us over fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. satanic rearrangement of my destiny, in the name of Jesus. Every force of life assigned to empty me of my divine portion & entitlement , scatter in Jesus name, 3. We will like to be part of your new found faith, get in touch with us via the contact link on this apps. 17. Every power that wants me to be a laughingstock to my enemies, fall down and die in the name of Jesus. Every arrow of emptiers fired into my life be uprooted now by fire in Jesus name. 13. In the presence of my enemies O God, arise, advertise your power in my life, in the name of Jesus. Let the strongmen from both sides of my family destroy themselves, in the name of Jesus. Flatimes Notice Board: Until you are born again, God ever abiding presence will never be with you. Household wasters wasting my efforts and labour paralyse in Jesus name WASTERS . 45 Prayers Against Wasted Efforts. I decree today that my destiny is secured today in Jesus Christ name10. A lot of men are being wasted everyday because they never find out what God wants them to do. When you are told to forsake prayers and holiness. Isaiah 54:16, Isaiah 54:17, Psalm 18:45, Sermon Topics: Organisation of wasters assigned to waste my destiny scatter by fire in Jesus name Crisis after crisis. I believe in my heart You died and rose from the dead to save me. Any power using the seed of my womb to waste my efforts, be wasted by thunder, in the name of Jesus. Prayer: I empty emptiers, and waste wasting powers in Jesus name. Get yourself ready because warfare is inevitable in the spirit.
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