Is VictoriaSecret on the BDS list as well? Yes, they should be boycotted for many reasons other than support for Israeli apartheid. Any information about which U.S grown Medjool dates are supportive of Israeli terrorism? Boycott these products and companies to stop Israeli apartheid,,,,,,,, Israel-boycott movement gains traction on Gulf campuses : Gulf News,, Mic: 9 Brands You Can Boycott to Hold Israel Accountable for Its Violation of International Law, : GET INVOLVED Ideas for Action,,, Take The Boycott Home: 5 Household Products That Support Israeli Apartheid (Mint Press),, Israels Wix Buys Art Platform DeviantArt for $36 Million Haarretz,,, Canadian government attempts to end free speech and silence this list | The Fifth Column, Moroccanoil Israeli hair products that glamorize apartheid, VERSA | Sparkling NUS makes brave stand against Zionism in our soft-drinks, Boycott On Aisle Three: Avoid These 6 Products That Support Israeli Apartheid Kit OConnell/Mintpress | Plato's Guns, Boycott On Aisle Three: Avoid These 6 Products That Support Israeli Apartheid, BDS (Boycott, Divestments, Sanctions) is Free Speech | billziegler1947, Students at University of Minnesota launch divest campaign - Palestine in America, BDS LIST BOYCOTT THESE PRODUCTS AND COMPANIES | circusbuoy, Insightful BDS long read Alex Hassan on Palestine Israel, Tlaib Calls For A Boycott Of Israel But Her Campaign Website Is Built With An Israeli Web Designer - News 24 Time, Heres How to Support Palestine: Donate, Boycott, and More My Dreamy Journal. Younger food maker B&G Foods (BGS 1.10%), by comparison, takes a very different approach. Procter Nestle should also be on the list Im pretty sure. In 1996 Procter & Gamble purchased the Eagle Snacks brand line from AnheuserBusch, the United States baby wipes brand Baby Fresh, and Latin American brands Lavan San household cleaner and Magia Blanca bleach. ***Hewlett Packard and Motorola! Please advise. Are all Brooklinen products made in Israel or Occupied territory? It is a struggle that intersects with movements of oppressed populations around the world often with very active connections. These companies have sub companies e.g delta galil is 7 for all mankind (apparel, jeans etc). Is that accurate? On May 8, activists around the world will join IDA and Uncaged (a UK animal protection organization) for the 14 th annual Global Boycott Procter & Gamble Day.. What about Waze? A religious liberty newsletter that is a must-read for people of faith. Didnt SodaStream move their operations in response to the BDS pressure applied to their company? The high-end target sees the Be careful it is criminal damage and my friend got caught and now has a criminal record, Israel products are labeled in South Africa Supermarkets. Americans were comfortable seeing L.G.B.T.Q. May i know if Young Living should be boycotted as well since they own a farm in israel so they mustve contributed to israel also right? The boycott is led by pro-family groups American Family Association, Focus on the Family, and Citizens for Community Values in an effort to denounce the companys support for a homosexual activist campaign to repeal a Cincinnati ordinance and create a special victims category for homosexuals. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. I didnt see Ben and Jerrys on the list are they still selling ice cream in the settlements? This means we dont just passively stop buying Israeli goods but we join or start campaigns to raise public awareness and exert pressure on Israel and companies that deal with it. INTEL CORPORATION has a large manufacturing facility in Kiryat Gat, built on the ruins of an Arab Village taken by Israel from its inhabitants after the 1949 armistice agreement and in violation of that agreement. Top Job all-purpose cleaner merged into the, Whirl butter flavored oil (sold to ACH in 2001). I think as we speak Israel is helping India clean and the Ganges river. WebTherefore we will be officially boycotting all Procter & Gamble products, which you can see here: We await guidance from the BDS National Committee and understand that there are many considerations in determining the most effective campaigns against huge international companies. Which village is that? Yesterday, Procter & Gambles shareholders issued a clear directive to the company: stop destroying forests for your products. Totally needs to be boycotted. Procter What matters is involvement and support with Israel and its violations of international law and Palestinians human rights. Can you also provide me with a complete list of international companies doing business with Israel. Petition Boycott Crest Until They Go Cruelty-Free! They end up getting a bonus BOOST in business (Basically an economic Streisand effect (Google it), Ive seen it happen time & time again. Banner, Summit, and White Cloud toilet tissues were merged with the company's best known bathroom tissue, Charmin. *doing business directly involved in the Occupied Territories and illegal settlements. I might be able to help with this. Theyre in most computers and it would be great if everyone stopped using their processors altogether. Should we boycott WhatApp? A campaign against the series Dig bought by USA Network successfully drew attention to the way tv shows can be used to promote Israels military occupation and illegal colonization. Religion is always irrelevant to the selection of targets and campaigning by BDS. This should not be about any religion. As stated above, the boycott is a strategy, not a principle. Knowing that we will not be able to stop all companies/brands that test on animals altogether at the same time, let us zoom in and focus on popular brands, such as Crest. Focus on the Family and AFA Call for Procter & Gamble Boycott Can you make this downloadable on google docs or as a pdf or something? Please enlighten me in the recent brutal act of the Zionist invaders. The Procter and Gamble Towers Entrance photographed on Wednesday, July 21, 2021. DeviantArt is owned by the Israeli web site company WIX. We encourage boycotting all Israeli companies until the goals of BDS have been achieved. Theyre hurting from the Galaxy 7 issue. Targets for boycott are selected for a variety of reasons including complicity in the occupation and depending on the local context of the campaign the overall leadership is always from the Palestinian BDS National Committee and theyve not issued any advice regarding Apple. Drene (a.k.a. It is vital to check the label. Amazon is currently offering free delivery to illegal settlements for orders over $49, while charging full delivery for Palestinians in the West Bank unless they erase their national identity with the falsehood that their address is in Israel. Why is Stanley Black & Decker is in the boycott list? DeSheli is an Israeli brand of hygiene products, please add them! While there has been interest in boycotting international companies doing business with Israel, we feel the emphasis on Israeli companies better serves to bring attention to the illegal and unethical actions of the Israeli government. No | Maybe | Yes =========================== Wix | SquareSpace | ?????? Procter & Gamble (PG 3.46%) is a prime example of this view of the sector. I would like to ask about Medjool dates grown in California U.S.A. Can someone come to their senses to realize that they are hurting an innocent being whose life matters no less than that person themself? WebNASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)--A boycott of Procter & Gamble has been launched by Focus on the Family and the American Family Association, targeting such products as Crest Can their be some elobration on what to bycott (not in brands) but the things that are from such brands , so that everyone can easily refrain him/her self from such things and also can share with their friends, followers easily ! WebP&G products have made a name for themselves by combining whats needed with whats possiblemaking laundry rooms, living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, nurseries, and bathrooms a little more enjoyable for over 181 years. They provide the hardware, software and systems for checkpoints, prisons and other forms of population control involved in Israeli apartheid. Should this be boycotted?? This site is proving a remarkably useful resource for people around the world, with hundreds of unique visitors daily. As far as i know they invested money into Israel and received Jubilee Award for their investment. The list is focussed on companies that have active campaigns directed towards them Please let us know if you write an email or take further action and well certainly add them to the list. Procter & Gamble is one of the largest companies in the world. Tempo, brand of dry wipes, produced from 2000 to 2010. Procter & Gamble boycott lifted as company changes ad practices Cant buy too much that isnt supporting Israel. suggest me some brands which have greater ties with Israeli government it isnt necessary they havent direct link in genocide, What about (;^) , some things are easy to avoid,and boycott,,,,like BLACK and DECKER,,,,,,,,I do not buy their products,,,,,TEVA from a medical stand point is also as easy since their are other products in the market,,,,,,these are some things,,,,I do write to companies and tell the about hte BDS.
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