As someone who loves greek mythology and hadesXpersephone i was hooked. Lore Olympus,on the other hand,develops their relationship before Persephone becomes a queen, which is hinted to happen in the future, and both parties consent from the start. Lore Olympus: Volume One|Paperback - Barnes & Noble Hardcover - October 11, 2022. Also i feel like the dialogue falls flat sometimes, but thats fine lol. Persephone's story dominates this book, which collects episodes 1-25 (the webcomic is now on episode 178). Along with the contemporary take on the Underworld and Mount Olympus, Smythe re-examines the original stories . like. Season 1 deals with Persephone navigating both the freedom and danger that Olympus presents, as well as her growing feelings for Hades, and her conflicted feelings regarding her TGOEM scholarship, which requires her to remain abstinent. I hate that this comic is basically just Greek Fifty Shades of Grey. Here are some webtoons to read if you liked Lore Olympus: 1. With that, a mature teen could likely . Like I understand that feminist media tends to focus and value female representation of minorities above male . Lore Olympus is a romance webcomic created by Rachel Smythe and published by the webcomic platform Line WEBTOON. Just like you, the same as you. However, it is a beautiful story with many nuances, and it takes a more mature understanding to enjoy and comprehend. Because it turns out, the gods aren't so different from us after all, especially when it comes to their problems. I don't just hate Lore Olympus but I resent the comics author. Apollo, on the other hand, continues to harass her after Persephone firmly rejects him several times. He called Persephone to her apartment so she could deliver the kid, because he doesn't want his family in Olympus to find out. reimagining the classic characters and legends, challenge the more problematic aspects of the myths, How Lore Olympus Became One of the World's Most Popular Comics, Science Fiction Is the Ultimate Queer Space in Comics, Percy Jackson: How the Films Went Wrong - and How Disney+ Can Get It Right, Hercules is the PERFECT Disney Film for a Live-Action Remake. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! I hate that she used serious subject matter such as sexual assault and abuse as very blatant plot devices. And it feels like a significant stopping point for a chapter to end. Zeus and Poseidon groan, expressing their belief that he can do so much better. RELATED: Lore Olympus: 10 Cosplays Fit For the Gods. RELATED: How Lore Olympus Became One of the World's Most Popular Comics. 2. the modern take of LO isnt necessarily bad, but i dont think its handled well. Sometimes she inserts deliberate anachronisms to remind the reader that this isn't just the modern world with gods in it, but a world that's both ancient and modern at once. Cookie Notice Readers tune into Lore Olympus weekly because of the beautiful visuals, the gripping arcs, and because Smythe has her finger on the pulse of what it means to be in love in 2020: wanting something you don't think you can or deserve to have. Lore Olympus is a romance webcomic created by Rachel Smythe and published by the webcomic platform Line WEBTOON. When the nymph Minthe wants to manipulate Hades, she ghosts his texts; Hades, meanwhile, ignores texts from Persephone because they're headed "User Unknown." Hades and Hera in a scene from Lore Olympus. Zeus had Asclepius put the baby in his leg and incubated it there for a few years. Hades's emendation to his therapeutic letter to Persephone marks a decisive shift away from his early feelings of apprehension and doubt. Withthis season wrappedfor the summer, here are the biggest mythsLore Olympusreimagines so far. And week after week after week, i started to feel differently about Lore Olympus. PomegraNet | Lore Olympians When shesneaks up onEros in his sleep, she discovers he is a god, and the betrayal leads to his broken heart. The pilot version of the comic was originally published in the "Discover" category of the platform (now . We're told that twentysomethings are playing first-gen video games, reminiscing about Beanie Babies and decorating their apartments in grandmillenial style. I honestly hope that Rachel Smythe takes a couple classes on basic creative writing and plot structure and I hope she learns that just because she was taught some things about Geek Mythology, that doesnt give her the right to go around making a mockery of it because she wanted to be director (or whatever she said in her interview). hide caption. Witness what the gods doafter dark. There are sexual nuances throughout the story- the act is implied, but there is no nudity or explicit scenes. These gods play the same interpersonal games that dominate today's sexually frank, cell-phone-mediated social world. Later, readers will learn that Persephone not only has never driven a car, but she also doesn't even have a license, living a sheltered existence under the shadow of her overprotective mother Demeter. NEXT: Lore Olympus: Persephone's Top 10 Outfits, Ranked. Easily one of, and in fact, the most popular title on the platform is Lore Olympus by Rachel Smythe. This event has haunted Hades ever since. Lore Olympus is currently the most popular comic on Webtoon; as of April 2023, it has 1.2 billion views and 6.3 million subscribers. In Lore Olympus, Persephone is the youngest goddess, a character best poised to modernize the Underworld much like the historical evolution of belief and practice. We're still the same people. WARNING: The following contains mentions of rape, abuse and sexual harassment, as well as spoilers for Lore Olympus, by Rachel Smythe, available now on Webtoons. But Smythe's take on classic myth is anything but hidebound. You can be upset at me, thats fine but please be upset at me for the right reasons not just because this is your favorite comic and you think that because I hate it you should too, just maybe be more critical of the media you consume. And she wants to raise a child while she's fumbling around hiring old sexists to judge shades. This is a powerful quote that reflectsLore Olympus's mature handling of its themes. ", Lore Olympus: 10 Cosplays Fit For the Gods, Lore Olympus: 10 Details About The Main Characters You Didn't Know, The 5 Most Underrated Characters in Lore Olympus (& The 5 Most Overrated), 10 Lore Olympus Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words, Lore Olympus: Persephone's Top 10 Outfits, Ranked. The issues with lore Olympus : r/webtoons - Reddit I know thats a strong word and thats fine if you want be upset with me but honestly I do hate this comic. Along with her work for CBR, she edits the in-development comic series Half-Dragon, and she read her short story, "The Kabbalist and the Golem," at the 2021 National Queer Arts Festival. Contrary to this, however, the two instantly click after their encounter and begin a flirtatious friendship that promises to bloom into something more. This agenda appears most clearly in the book's art. Fastpass Spoilers! Lore Olympus Episode 243 Discussion Thread! Lore Olympus Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. The Webtoon is full of references to classic mythology, with several characters embodying their ancient counterparts' strengths and weaknesses, as well as manyclassic stories being reinvented and integrated into Season 1. [deleted] 2 yr. ago. She can be contacted at, and her social is @comiccookbook. is lore olympus intentionally bad? : r/UnpopularLoreOlympus - Reddit And week after week after week, i started to feel differently about Lore Olympus. To not make it too long Ill just talk about the one that made me look at lore Olympus differently is the age gap and how the main characters respond to it. Welcome to r/UnpopularLoreOlympus, a safe place to talk about Lore Olympus theories, opinions, and criticism that would generally generate a lot of hate and downvotes! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Overhearing this, Aphrodite plots to get the two to dislike each other by sneaking an intoxicated Persephone into the backseat of Hades' car. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. These gods play the same interpersonal games that dominate today's sexually frank, cell-phone-mediated social world. Lore Olympus | WEBTOON She tweets at @EtelkaL. We already cannot wait for book two. Here are the webcomic's best quotes. Rachel Smythe's writing in the ultra-popular webcomic Lore Olympus contains elements of tragedy and comedy that suit modern sensibilities through the medium of classical themes. Cookie Notice Most creatives struggle to build and keep their audience because that, more than anything, affects their earning potential. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He's delivered conference papers on non-verbal decision-making in Seneca and Sandman. The second season of Lore Olympus began on August 2nd, 2020. As someone who loves greek mythology and hadesXpersephone i was hooked. It is currently the most popular webcomic on the platform, with over 300 million views and 3.9 million subscribers as of May 2020. This is an adult graphic novel that I would not recommend for teens. After his mother, Aphrodite, grows jealous of how beautiful Psyche is, she demands Eros make her fall in love with a beast, however, he becomes smittenby Psyche. Full quote: "being optimistic doesn't make you nave. Prior to Hades kidnapping Persephone,several Gods, including Ares, Apollo, and Hermes, all asked for Persephone's hand, but they were rejected. Lore Olympus Part 1: Style Over Substance (Intro & Episodes 1-70 RELATED: Lore Olympus: 10 Details About The Main Characters You Didn't Know. Rachel Smythe's Lore Olympus is a powerful tale focusing on the relationship between Persephone and Hades. I hate the fact that she wrote Nymphs as some kind of allegory or parallel for the working class yet the two main nymphs that we see are 1. It can be read here. Aphrodite sees through Hades's chaste monitions against interfering with Persephone and asks him if all of her tricks led to something positive. Later when the story shifts to Minthe's perspective,audiences see how apparent the Olympians' derision impacts her self-esteem, but for now, it feels like the brotherly pep talk Hades needs to imagine better opportunities. I dont just hate Lore Olympus but I resent the comics author. Persephone shows herself to be headstrong and plucky enough not to put up with any criticism from the God of the Underworld in this scene, which makes an impression on him. Smythe's Greek translations with an assist from a Twitter fan are not strictly good Attic Greek, but the sentiment in English succinctly captures the dynamic of Hades and Persephone's relationship. Feel free to discuss webtoon series and chapters as well as collaborate with other artists and writers to make your own webtoon. As such, the unspoken theme that lurks in Lore and, when you think about it, lurks in any work that updates a classic story is a conservative one. Semele gave birth prematurely and died. I have read so many beautiful, fascinating Webtoons and am obsessed. While these aspects are seen in the Webtoon, Minthe is still alive, unlike her classical counterpart, who is punished by Demeter for speaking ill of her daughter. I would say this is a book for YA readers rather than teen readers. her friend Artemis tells her. or ask your favorite author a question with Lore Olympus has become the most popular Webtoon to date. Anyways i hope that made sense! Minthe gaslights, belittles, and emotionally abuses Hades,even whenhe tries to salvage their relationship. Witness what the gods doafter dark. 7 Reasons Why Everyone Loves Lore Olympus - Sociomix If you needed further proof that a sentimental vibe is thrumming through the zeitgeist, you'll find it in the smash hit webcomic Lore Olympus. All rights reserved. For Hades, it's hispriorrelationship with Minthe, as well as the fact that Persephone is significantly younger than him and his employee. Rachel Smythe's writing in the ultra-popular webcomic Lore Olympus contains elements of tragedy and comedy that suit modern sensibilities through the medium of classical themes. It's like couples that adopt a baby to fix their marriage. I know that Rachel credits art assistants, and she does profit off her story, so i dont feel super bad about critiquing her. It's the idea that, no matter how much society has changed, classic stories are still relevant. His late arrival in the first season presents Zeus with an emotional counterbalance and Persephone with yet another complicated piece to her backstory. Stylish and immersive, this is one of mythologys greatest stories -- The Taking of Persephone -- as its never been told before. And the way the author responded to those critics..didnt sit well with me. But in this moment, she seems perfectly capable of handling Hades's fancy car during a drive on the morning after their meet-cute. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Hades drives Persephone home after her first day of work, giving them yet another chance to have a heart-to-heart in a car. "What you want is an excellent queen of the Underworld, not an 'ok' one. I've never really heard of it and the art looks really pretty, but I've tried to research on it and not able to find out any source that pointed out what the story is. After allowing her sisters to visit, they convince Psyche that Eros is a monster, who she should kill. Beyond writing and editing, she was the Film School Director at River Way Ranch Camp and the Assistant Director on the play Famous. When he's not reenacting the first half of Blast From the Past in his apartment on loop, he's been teaching an infant to read The Butter Battle. The line also hints at the fact that there are more confidence and adventure to Persephone than first impressions suggest. At one point two gods call one another using corded phones. For more information, please see our I binged as far as i could and reread it too. It's hard to imagine that anyone could ever receive good life advice while having brunch with their brothers in a strip club, but Zeus's line is one of the first times that Hades is confronted with the idea that he deserves better than settling for someone who tolerates him. Some of Smythe's updates are about what you'd expect, like when she casts the brothers Zeus, Poseidon and Hades as club-hopping party boys and has Artemis describe Persephone's mom Demeter as a "helicopter." The story was relaunched on March 4th, 2018. WARNING: The following contains mentions of rape, abuse and sexual harassment, as well as spoilers for Lore Olympus, by Rachel Smythe, available now on Webtoons.. Lore Olympus has been one of the biggest comics on Webtoons thanks to creator Rachel Smythe's reimagining of Greek myths. and our No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher. Stylish and immersive, this is one of mythology's greatest stories -- The Taking of Persephone -- as it's never been told before. But though the Persephone-Hades relationship is at its center, Smythe ponders and plays with virtually every other god and mortal we know from ancient mythology. Before Hades knew Persephone, he had a toxic relationship with Minthe, a nymph. I think the storyline is generally for adults but a young adult reading this wouldnt be exposed to anything explicitly inappropriate in my opinion. In October 2019, the Jim Henson Company announced a partnership with Line WEBTOON to create an animated Lore Olympus series. Here are the lines that changed relationships in Lore Olympus and perfectly encapsulated this moment. It is getting its own animated series (made by the Jim Henson Company), and always manages to stay number 1 in the weekly rankings on the app. I wish the content warning had been stronger and more clear--I would not have read it. So I download Webtoon a few weeks earlier due to boredom, and immediately fell in love. The final confrontation between Aphrodite and Hades is unexpectedly sweet. Lore Olympus was the first webtoon i read. Lore Olympus does portray Persephone as a child, if not physically, then perhaps mentally. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. So i started reading other webtoons while waiting between episodes. I resent that she employed the May December romance and had the guts to think no one would notice. Zeus has never been the nicest god, in mythology or in Lore Olympus. KEEP READING: 10 LGBTQ Webcomics to Read During Pride. Smythe probably doesn't intend this, but part of the idea of sameness in her story is a big deal in Platonic philosophy called "assimilation to the divine" or homoitheosis (Republic 10.613ff, Laws 4.716, and Theatetus, "Escape [from a world of evils], Socrates says, "is to become like a God," 176b1. And yes Im no longer reading it and Im no longer attached to the fandom but I can still somehow hear the echos of plot points so outrageously toxic and vile I feel as though Ill never escape it. Apollo, after being struck by Eros' arrow, falls in love with Daphne, however, she rejectsApollo's advances and begs her father to turn her into a tree, so she willbe free of him. RELATED: Percy Jackson: How the Films Went Wrong - and How Disney+ Can Get It Right. I say she's mentally a child due to several reasons. Images excerpted from LORE OLYMPUS: Volume One by Rachel Smythe, copyright 2021 by Rachel Smythe. She says that finding true love is a journey like climbing the rungs of a ladder from the recognition of pretty people to pretty ideas. Please read it . Persephone's past history with the father of Eros shows her to be a little less innocent than readers are initially led to believe. After meeting at Zeus' party, Hades and Persephonedevelop feelings for one another, however, each of them have obstacles in their way. Smythe's take on classic myth is anything but hidebound. The diverse, subtle ways Smythe reiterates her central question which can be summed up as something like, "How have we changed in the past two millennia? and our After several rejections from Persephone, Apollo decides to pursue Daphne, a nymph. I resent the way she writes her story so poorly and yet it appeals to so many unsuspecting people. Feel free to discuss webtoon series and chapters as well as collaborate with other artists and writers to make your own webtoon. You can pose questions to the Goodreads community with Persephone also is the perpetrator of an Act of Wrath, more accidental (buildings and ground collapsing) than intentional. Welcome back. Along with Hades being head over heels for Persephone, several other Gods long to be with her, includingAres and Apollo. In Greek mythology, this is the opposite. Lore Olympus is subject to a lot of scrutiny- i try to expand on whymy socials: zine preorders and info:https://castle. When Persephone sees him with her friend, she threatens to tell Daphne the truth, and if she does, this could be what causes Daphne to reject Apollo in the future if Smythe decides to pull more inspiration from the original myth. An earlier version of this story referred to Artemis as Persephone's sister. The pilot version of the comic was originally published in the "Discover" category of the platform (now known as Webtoon Canvas) in 2017. 6 Anti LO Asks - Send in your LO Critiques The story follows Persephone, the Goddess of Spring, who has been raised in the mortal realm by her overprotective mother, Demeter. The childhood of Hades is only told through dreams and flashbacks, butit is revealed in one of these nightmares what his father did to him. I hate that she spends so much time attempting to flesh out a character only for her to make her unsympathetic, like seriously what was the FUCKING POINT?! Reader Q&A, Instead, Aphrodite has Eros a flighty guy with a shopping addiction get Persephone drunk and hide the passed-out girl in the backseat of Hades' sports car. This colorful take on the rather ubiquitous tales of Greek mythology offers a look at one of the Western world's most misunderstood gods, as well as the unlikely romance between him and Persephone. Lore Olympus continues the long tradition of Greek mythology, reimagining the classic characters and legends, so they bettersuit contemporary audiences, challenge the more problematic aspects of the myths and make an overall engaging story that is unpredictable despite being based on lore centuries old. Lore Olympus: Volume Three - Scan this QR code to download the app now. While the Webtoonchanges how the Gods attempt to woo Persephone, it captures the essence of this part ofher myth. There's a trigger warning at the beginning of the book for sexual assault/rape. When Hermes and cool-guy Apollo stop by, the quartet play a board game and heat up dinner in a Crock-Pot. Del Rey ; Adaptational Expansion: In the original myths, she is just some minor . Why You Should Read: LORE OLYMPUS | Forever Young Adult 10 Questions That Lore Olympus Still Needs To Answer - CBR Lore Olympus is subject to a lot of scrutiny i try to expand on whymy socials: zine preorders and info: Olympus by Rachel Smythe:\u0026page=1music:The following music was used for this media project:Music: Elevator Music by Tim KuligFree download: (CC BY 4.0): website:
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