If you have some info on that wed love to hear it! Thank you You can either ask them to run a check before you apply, or contact the courthouse that this took place in and request a copy of the paperwork. Id recommend contacting your attorney and see what they think about this. When asked about convictions I have none but what do i put down for arrests? Now another question I served probation and was not incarcerated would that make a difference because it was not a violence, oui, or drug offense, Oh I forgot to mention my probation that I served was over almost 10 years ago and I have had no trouble since. I talked to a couple lawyers. My sister and brother-in-law applied about a week or so AFTER I did. Somebody will say the wrong thing to her some day then its too late. Hello, Jeff. My interview consisted of a little information chit chat, fingerprints and pictures. I was arrested before in 2009 but was able to have my record sealed. Leave us a comment below and we will answer them! Being that they wiped my suspended record from the data base in order to give me my FID ? I am planning to speak with someone at the PD in my town about what they may be looking for, but was wondering if you had any ideas. State law doesnt prohibit someone from getting licenses while holding a medical marijuana card. Things that will prevent you from getting your license to carry in Massachusetts: I hope that it is pretty clear already as to what you need to do but heres a quick recap: It really is pretty straightforward but like all of the simple things in life we humans tend to make things complicated. Now, the marijuana usage is illegal on a federal level, and the firearms purchasing form 4473 does specifically ask about marijuana use. It's just that some animals are more equal. 4 months is in the middle of the current wait times as we are seeing them, so I wouldnt say its a cause for concern yet. They said if I want one to do the class fill the application out and have my interview just be honest and if they deny me they said to contact them right when I find out for an appeal in the 90days. Against my better judgment I brought my child to my parents and that was frowned upon. Nothing personal. MIRCS is a computer-based application used to manage, process, and monitor firearms licensing statewide. If my town (Hudson) wont let me say For All Lawful Purposes on unrestricted, what do I say Im looking for self defense. I will appreciate any information you have in helping me obtain my LTC. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); USE OF FORCE: KNOW YOUR RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES! The beauty of this post is you are getting information directly from me a full time police officer. Maine and MA have different processes, so it wont make a difference here. I am looking into buying a home in another town on the south coast but I am concerned about running into a town that is opposed to carrying. The simple deterrent is a Drug test. You wont get the license until the PD and state have run background checks. Will I need to replace my drivers license with a new address or simply use my current one with the new address written in the back? At any rate, contact them quickly and explain the issue. Hi I have my interview for my LTC this Saturday and Tips? Getting my FID was smooth sailing but I was told the LTC will be tough. I was just curious how theyd know if we were being honest about it, or not? They needed to contact Boston in order for them to erase my revoked license in order to issue FID . Harold Kushner, author of 'When Bad Things Happen to Good People - NPR One bullet 2 victims ? Thanks. If you go to buy a firearm from the store and answer incorrectly to the marijuana question on the transfer form, youd be breaking federal law. Is this accurate. If my LTC expired 3 years ago will I need a new safety course? If it never went to court or had any other sort of outcome, you might be alright. She called me a wimp. Can you get an LTC with a misdemeanor possession with intent to distribute marijuana charge that you had a CWOF for ? Thanks. Im good for quite a few more years as I just renewed my LTC this year but eventually itll be up for Renewal again and I dont want to find out that I bought a house in a town that is difficult. For anyone with any experience, is it pretty casual or An interrogation style grilling? Hello Thomas. I recently applied and was denied an ltc in Waltham for being unsuitable. I honest to friggin GOD hope it takes 91 days. Hello. But if you arent truthful on the application, they can deny you the license because of it. if i obtain my ltc in ma as a resident do i need a seperate license for hunting in ma. Depending on the disposition of the case, it likely wont impact the application process. Good Day, he's a NON resident. My son attends college in Massachusetts but is a resident of another state. Since this is updated by users, its not 100% but theres nothing more official so its the best we have. put down? So Id recommend you take additional training if you think it will help your cause. I would contact them anyways and just get clarification because the background check also goes up to the state level which is where that felony might stop you. I have a dwi from 1999 on my record in NH. If you enjoy the forum please consider supporting it by signing up for aNES Membership The benefits pay for the membership many times over. LTC in MA Questions | USA Carry - Concealed Carry Forum Thanks. See below: e. Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? That is all it is in many towns including my own. I want to get a concealed carry so called the SPD and asked what I needed to do. There still might be an issue since its likely left their hands at this point and it at the state for the background check. I tried to call and ask but after 10 phone calls still have yet to have someone pick up. I am waiting for reply for my ltc I been waiting for three months since fingerprints . I know its not an automatic disqualifier but any chance it could be used to deny me? I guess my question is what do you think of my chances . Good luck.. Getting unrestricted in Boston is supperrrrrrr hard and time consuming. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. My other question is in regards to the Marijuana/meds topic. One of the questions that you will have to answer will be if you have EVER been arrested ANYWHERE. Obviously triggered you to reply to it. And if the case ended up with you being a convicted felon, you will not be able to get a license. Hello. Sometimes when something like this happens its because there is someone with a similar name in the system and they have to verify who is applying. Im about to sign up for the class, but I was wondering how much info they can get, regarding the Dept of Mental Health? Your best step would be to consult an attorney and see if you can get your record expunged. Good luck! do I need it? That can assist with the process, but other than that you are pretty much guaranteed a restricted license. I believe that automatically disqualifies her. I'm a former LEO. If we are in a car together I would never allow her to drive. Thank you for replying to my previous question. Will I be able to obtain my LtC? As I said in my (edited) comment -- some animals get preferential treatment, and the rest of us don't like it. Hello Rob! Just get the license to carry. Though we have been hearing that theyve suspended that requirement recently due to COVID. I have a copy of the CORI report showing the dismissal. Im currently a FL resident, and have my concealed carry permit for the state. Thanks. Beginning August 1st, 2009, all new and renewal non-resident temporary licenses to carry firearms (LTC) in Massachusetts will be issued through the Massachusetts Instant Record Check System (MIRCS). My sister got hers a few weeks later.. 1. I want to be completely truthful but it was so long ago i dont remember ..how can i get this information..i thought the background check would bring everything up? Thanks for the input. Could this be a factor Im 85 physically and mentally active if they gave me a test physical or mental Id pass it. LOL. GOAL - Non Resident License Information At this point youd need to contact a firearms attorney and get the process going for an appeal. Unrestricted includes all those categories, as well as concealed carry. If im denied again is there some kind of procedure for me to defend my character and speak to my past? The procedure may be different. Hi there, It's just that some animals are more equal. You should get in touch with the department doing the licensing. In 2019 I was arrested for having a shotgun in my car. Thanks. Nothing changes. LTMOM will allow us to create additional fields and customization fields in the source structure and, mapped to the target structure. No. Do you have any questions on getting your Massachusetts License to Carry? young and took the license to carry course with Boston Firearms w/ live fire. Some people have reported that the LO was "another gun guy" and the "interview" consisted of mutually geeking out about guns. I was interested in applying for my LTC. I will only be here for another year is it worth attempting to apply for LTC? Do I assume that unrestricted means all of these categories? 2 I have an Drunk Driving charge in 1993 California will that charge prevent me from obtaining a LTC? If I have a good lawyer do I stand a chance at winning an appeal? Good luck! I just wanted to finish school and move with my life. Itll likely be more of an informal conversation. When I got the the station he took my picture and had me sign some papers (apparently they had my fingerprints on file from when I applied for my FID card two years ago). What does former leo have to do with anything? From NH. Dont worry too much about it! I recommend contacting them first to see if theyd be willing to proceed with the license process provided you take the course. Thick skin is a requirement here. I do not own any guns. what would be my best recourse to get the LTC ? Nobody really does that but if it is signed there it would be the officer/clerk you hand the form to. Also do i need to have a reason to carry? If you did, then you have to disclose that on the license application. Possibly. Should I Wear Headphones While at a Shooting Range? I am a Massachusetts resident since 2001. You need to disclose this arrest on the application where it asks if youve every appeared as a defendant in a criminal case. i have my license but it is restricted to just target and sportsman. Her friends just buy the Marijuana & Candies for her. Good Afternoon. As the police department told my lawyer. I'm just making sure I'm prepared. Very efficient! You could try, but since you have previously been denied they may decide that you are unsuitable for a license. Hello. Can I just use my maiden name and not mention I was married. They could potentially deem you unsuitable for a license and point to the charges as a reason. OVER 21 YEARS OLD:Apply for the License to Carry, Class A. AGES 15-20:You will be stuck with a FID card, but can upgrade to a License to Carry at age 21. I was arrest twice for a/b over 20 years ago for try to stop my wife when she turn violent after a patty with friend, I dint hit her or fitting never convicted of any crime..do that record put me on the no-no list ? References should be from friends or other associates. Is this something you would recommend? They take your application and firearm safety certificate. Its something for those issuing the licenses should think about. I do not drink, smoke, or use drugs. Thank you. I am a Boston resident, and possess an FID which Ive had for over 6 years. Not even a speeding ticket). Mine was a few days over plus transit time for a renewal without the visit. The application asks me to to list reasons below. TRY BEFORE YOU BUY Many new gun owners often find themselves completely overwhelmed when deciding what handgun they want to purchase when they are first starting out in the gun world. The hard disqualification for DUI/OUI is 1994, so you have some wiggle room. In 2009 I came back from Iraq and was a little messed up and started drinking too much. You dont have to do the basic safety course, but we recommend it so that you can learn and abide by MA gun laws. A free community for all things Massachusetts. To get in touch with us for any outstanding questions, please dont hesitate to call 855-276-5730 or fill out a contact form on our website! I held a targeting and hunting license in Springfield ma for a few years. J R. Hello. They will still see the case when they run your background, even with a sealed record. Have held the mass ltc for many years without any issues and currently have a nh non resident license. All told I mailed my application in March and received my non-res in September. She says she needs one year without her Medical Card and she is clear. Heres a link to the list that we use. Held a Massachusetts non-resident LTC or Massachusetts resident LTC on or after June 1, 1998, or 2) Are a current . Stuff like legal courses, use of force rules, and the like are typically looked at better than additional range-style courses. Any recommendations? I pulled a CORI report and brought it with me to the interview, I had had a couple of (non-disqualifying) things in the early '90s, and I wanted everything to be on the table from the start. A restricted license prevents you from being able to carry a firearm in public, but you can still have one at home for self defense. I have no idea how he managed that since he was the violent one, not her, but anyhow. Hi and thanks for your help. This sounds very involved. I would contact your local veterans agent in your town and they should be able to help you out with this. I tried to set up appt with local police to drop off application and get fingerprints. I have never been arrested, had any run-ins with the law, etc. Good luck. Id recommend contacting your local department and ask them the question. The Personal Protection Outside the Home is an NRA course. Only thing you can do to help is get NRA Instructor credentials. What to expect in my firearms license interview : r/massachusetts - Reddit Hi I just completed my course and am looking over the application, How does a person answer the question to indicate the reasons you are requesting the license? MA Non-Resident LTC Application Process. Good luck. I completed a basic firearms safety course, but it was about 4 years ago, and I never applied in the town I formerly resided in. The procedure requires all applicants to make an appointment, then appear in person on the day of the appointment at the Dept. Any recommendations in case this comes up at the interview? Hey thanks for being able to ask a question . You should ask for better clarification on the reasoning behind the 100 days. The interview was in a hotel because they were coming from a client meeting. If you are denied, they do have to inform you via a letter, so dont lose hope. May have signed his last name on things here and there. The next day I was called in for fingerprinting. Hello Rob, What to expect in my firearms license interview, Scan this QR code to download the app now. Then I got a call from the licensing officer to schedule the interview portion. Hi! MIRCS is a computer based application used to manage, process and monitor firearms licensing statewide. With the way our gun rights are getting stripped away, Im glad I got my concealed carry permit this year. My wife and I have taken a few of your classes and really enjoyed them. 30 years ago I was very briefly married. It will show up when they run a background check on you through the NICS system. You will have to mention the A&B charges on your application since they are felony charges. I no longer have it. and was restricted to hunting and target only. They should be able to offer some guidance as well. Youd be best to contact your local PD to see if theyll accept the certificate. Interview processes can vary greatly from town to town. The Gun Owners Action League has a good article about how the non-resident process works. However, you may want to check with your local police department and talk to them about this since theyll be making the determination for your license. Your mileage will almost certainly vary. MA doesnt hold a history of mental illness against you unless treatment was involuntary, i.e. As far as we understand it, Boston does require a shooting qualification with Boston PD. I doubt that there are any medical records in existence today, since the practice has since closed, but I dont want to be accused of lying or trying to hide anything, either. They all said pretty much same thing that the charges were dismissed so no Im not a prohibited person but they might deny me on unsuitability. Hope this helps and thank you for your service! Tips from a Cop: How to Get Your Massachusetts License to Carry Its unlikely that they will hold your age against you. The only thing I can recommend is keep attempting to contact the PD. Since you will basically be applying for a fresh license, the fact that you used to have an FID wont mean much. Hope that helps. This is also true with the Massachusetts License to Carry process but we should be good to go now. Is there another organization that can deny it? I was a security officer for 10 years after high school. I know one to be Tramadol 4 times a day. All Forms of License to Carry (LTC) | Lowell, MA When questioned further, she said it should be quicker but that they want to set the furthest expectations. Thats why Id recommend reaching out to them before coming to the class to see how theyll approach this were you to apply. This class will Use of Force Home Defense Concealed Carry, https://goal.org/non-resident-license-info/#:~:text=The%20procedure%20requires%20all%20applicants,them, Use of Force / Home Defense / Concealed Carry 4/30/23 9AM, Use of Force / Home Defense / Concealed Carry 5/21/23 1PM, Range Etiquette: Safety Tips and Rules to Follow at the Shooting Range. CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE TO SEE AVAILABLE CLASSES. I have heard nothing. Perhaps see if you can be directed to the Chief. People in my town dont know that little bit about me. The record may be sealed but the denial will still be on the record and theyll need an explanation. Hello. A background check will show the arrest, but you want to be up-front about it on your application before they run the check. When I read and signed the "Acknowledgement of Limits on the Use of Deadly Force" nonsense the licensing officer was the witness. Hello Stephen. It is actually illegal for you to even touch a firearm with the guilty conviction on your record. Good luck. I asked a simple question and get attacked. (Im 43 now, & havent had any problems since.) My town PD had me drop my application for an LTC off a few weeks in advance. Do I need to complete this since I am renewing my license, and Im not sure what I should list. The medical marijuana card and firearms rules remains a bit of a grey area in MA. Now in my defense, I was an ahole back then and the company I kept was not a good influence on me. They said I needed to take a Personal Protection Outside the Home course, then apply. What if I was applying for an armoured truck guard with Loomis? MA LTC/FID Application Process | Northeastshooters.com Forums That doesnt make any sense from our perspective. I have two questions: 1 I took and completed a firearms safety course 12/2018. And the rest of the process will take as long as it takes. The 5 years has come will that incident hurt my chances of obtaining a license to carry? Step 4: Receive an email confirmation of the receipt of your application along with an interview date and time that you need to appear in Chelsea, MA. 25 years have passed and I have not had any problems. Wow - so glad my town isn't as obnoxious as some mentioned. I did not fill out my application for LTC until 02/23/21, and went to local police station to submit the application the same day. Its dependent upon the town as to how long things will take. Does holding the prior mass ltc make the process any easier for getting a mass non resident ltc without restrictions? It has now been over 90 days since I applied and no word. It costs the same as the FID card. I went and took the classes in 2013 too and pass but never went to the police station to get my license and i know its been 6years of that do i have to go get the classes again? So can I apply in the future for the LTC . No range time. Hi! Now moving back to MA. Good luck! For me, the interview was literally the police officer reading through the State Application, asking if you had any questions, then taking my fingerprints. He recently submitted his completed paperwork to the local MA PD for processing. If you were to ask me if I have a history of mental illness, I would say NO without even thinking about it because it was so long ago. Would I qualify? It depends on how your town will treat the charge. Thank you for your time! Will that disqualify me from obtaining a license? Try to stay away from family. It really depends. This will show you the list of fields already added to the migration template. Hi i will like to know 1 1/2yrs ago i had a case of domestic violence with my ex step sister but the case was dismissed because she never went to the court days she never show up will that stop me from getting the license? Yes. After your class you will receive a basic firearms safety course certificate that will show that you have met all of the state requirements for your license to carry. Hi, I will be completing a Massachusetts Basic Firearms Safety Coarse August 1st. Hello, The certificates technically dont expire, but if the PD wants to they can ask you to retake the course. BASIC FIREARMS SAFETY Our MA Firearms Safety course covers all that you need in order to get your Massachusetts license to carry in one easy class. In other towns people have reported that the process was highly adversarial, especially if someone was trying to get an unrestricted LTC in a town not noted for issuing them to just any qualified applicant. Ok I applied for my ltc and I was going to go into the army and I put down that I was going to go but never went well I called my town hall and the place I went when I was going to go and they said there is no history at all on me so I never swore into the army and I made the mistake of telling the local pd and they want a letter from the military saying I never went so when I called the vets office they told me to have them call and verify that I never went so I went back to the pd and told them and they keep telling me I need paperwork that doesnt exist. Ron I do not but simply explain in reasonable and logical terms why you wish to carry a concealed firearm and you will be good to go. Let us know in the comments. they have a very pro gun attitude and will help you each step of the way, they will even take your picture there and on electronic fingerprint. To apply/upgrade/renew for License to Carry/Firearms Identification Card, you must contact the Firearms Record Bureau at 978-674-1879 between the hours of 7am-3pm M-F to schedule an interview. I am attending a Massachusetts LTC Basic Safety Training course this week.
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