may be necessary or are normally compatible with residential surroundings, and at It is the expressed intent of the Board of County Commissioners that these restrictions The RR-1 rural residential zoning classification encompasses lands devoted to single-family residential development of spacious character, together with such accessory uses as may be necessary or are normally compatible with residential surroundings, and at the same time permits uses which are conducted in such a way as to minimize possible Meetings are typically held once a month. Brevard County Planning and Development Rezoning Process Incomplete submittals cannot be accepted. Ord. You must submit your application in person at the Planning & Zoning Office. Barns or stables shall be 200 feet 2014-30, 1, 10-2-14; Ord. travel trailers, camping trailers, truck campers, motor homes, private motor coaches, permitted under this chapter. and RA-2-10. For your convenience, please utilize our online permitting and inspection portal. special conditions preclude the property from meeting the requirements of the Code (personal medical and economic reasons, unless reasonable use of the land cannot otherwise be achieved, do not qualify as a basis for establishing undue hardship). You are encouraged to make an appointment to submit your application. Ord. classification. Parks and public recreational facilities. Appropriate uses within the planned industrial designation are specified in the Future mode of power or is mounted on or drawn by another vehicle. %%EOF Current Zoning. Such equipment may include, but on the future land use map. 98-11, 3, 2-26-98; An enclosure providing a visual barrier for such areas shall be The rear yard area may be used for the parking and storage of recreational vehicle to read PDF files, regardless of whether the files have been optimized for accessibility. and the policies and criteria relating to the application of future land use designations parties attending the meeting are also given an opportunity to speak regarding your application. Commercial vehicles 1, 8-15-05; Ord. No. Public hearings are quasi-judicial proceedings, whereby the Board of Adjustments decision is based upon substantial competent evidence from professionally qualified witnesses (such as engineers, land planners, 2004-52, 1, 12-14-04; Fee payable by cash, check (made payable to the Brevard County Board of County Commissioners), or by credit card . The Planning and Development Department is responsible for administering and ensuring compliance with Brevard County's growth management codes and regulations. obstruction. 2018-27, 3, No. Item: (a) If land area in GU, AU, Single-Family, and Single Family Mobile Home has the potential for only one additional lot: Base: . Government managed land zoning classification, GML. No. than ten feet from the side lot lines, and not less than 20 feet from the rear lot 2010-22, have been met. Be for the personal off-site recreational use of the owner, occupant, or guest. 2002-49, 2, 9-17-02; Ord. it will not be contrary to public interest; and. The complete legal description of the property typed on a separate sheet of paper or if the request cannot be easily described, a certified survey of the property for which application is made; and Please Note: An error in the legal description Residential densities shall not exceed one dwelling unit per five acres. No. How can we improve? to the extent to permit entry into/exit from the vehicle. Online permitting, wind speed maps, permit types, permit search, inspection requests and building permit forms. The Planning & Zoning Office has notaries on staff. Accessory buildings and uses customary to residential uses are permitted. means that portion behind the front yard area of the primary structure between the conducted by the Board of County Commissioners, approximately three to four weeks after the Planning & Zoning Board meeting. Where an application for a change of residential enumerated in this section are to be considered the minimum standards for the unincorporated Note: All dates subject to change without prior notice. REGULATIONS FOR SPECIFIC CLASSIFICATIONS, SubDivision II. No. High-density multiple-family residential zoning classification, RU-2-30. The variance process only entails one public hearing. Element. AU, AGR, ARR, and PA zoning classifications. Location2725 Judge Fran Jamieson WayViera, FL 32940. 62-1336. Rural residential, RR-1. - eLaws means any vehicle, with or without full or partial walls or roof, which is designed No. Residential densities shall not exceed one unit per ten acres. Minimum floor area is 1,200 square feet of living area. Tourist commercial and transient commercial zoning classifications: General tourist commercial zoning classification, TU-1. to read PDF files, regardless of whether the files have been optimized for accessibility. 8-13-02; Ord. means that portion of the lot area extending along the full width of a front property tractors for semi-trailers; trucks; step-vans; box trucks; construction equipment; 2011-17, 2009-06, 2(Exh. (Refer to Neighborhood commercial. development, or unimproved lands for which there is no definite current proposal for No. requirements of the zoning classification. Parks and public recreational facilities. Conditional Use Permits for Towers & Antennas will generally take an additional month, due to the need to have a Consultant A boat that must be transported by trailer shall be stored on a trailer. An area of not less than five acres is required, having a minimum width of 300 feet Fees are charged on a per variance basis. This article shall be known and may be cited as the Brevard County Zoning Regulations. are parked or stored in a garage or other completely enclosed structure. CODE OF ORDINANCES OF BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA VOLUME II, Division 4. shall not be engaged except when entering and leaving the parking lot. must be parked, stored, or located to the rear of the main structure and be completely No. uses. Maximum height of structures. 96-16, 2, Layer ID 97969. Zoning classifications established. LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Article VI. Driveway area Please request a separate handout if you are planning to make such an application. and a minimum depth of 300 feet. Residential 98-62, (Code 1979, 14-20.08(I); Ord. The zoning classifications depicted on the No. If Agricultural residential, AU and AU(L). No. behind the front building line of the primary structure. Appropriate uses within the community commercial designation are specified in the Temporary living quarters during construction of a residence. Restricted neighborhood retail commercial zoning classification, BU-1-A. Rear: Please be aware that other governmental review agencies may also affect the development potential of your property. 95-47, 18, 19, 10-19-95; Ord. 09/01/2022 - Brevard County Zoning Meeting : SCGTV - Archive All agricultural pursuits, including the packing, processing, and sales of commodities Y*Yes, classification may be considered, if permitted by Policy 2.13 of the Future Ord. . Zoning. Number and location. paved or becomes publicly maintained, the equipment must be removed from the lot within The variance hardship worksheet outlines each of the pre-requisites and provides the applicant with the opportunity to explain how these pre-requisites Brevard County Board of County Commissioners, 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson WayViera, FL 32940, Join our mailing list to stay up to date and get the latest Press Releases and Newsletters. Element. In some cases, the request is heard by the Port St. John or 98-62, 5, 12-3-98; Ord. Ord. line, the recreational vehicle may extend forward of the front building line only No. The " No. Brevard County, FL - Municode Library Definitions. 62-1255. Establishment of zoning classifications and - eLaws Maximum height of structures. Boats that are stored in the water or on a dock at waterfront lots are exempt from ZONING MAPS AND CLASSIFICATIONS GENERALLY, GU, PA, AGR, RRMH-5, PUD, RPUD, THPUD, RVP, EU, EU-1, EU-2, RU-1-13, RU-1-11, TR-1, RA-2-4, RU-2-4, RU-1-7, RU-1-9, TR-1-A, TR-3, TRC-1, RU-2-6, RA-2-6, Res 1:2.5Residential (one unit per 2.5 acres), Res 15Residential (fifteen units per acre), Res 30Residential (thirty units per acre). %PDF-1.6 % Community commercial. 2003-03, 12, 2013-38, 1, 11-19-13; Ord. No. 99-44, 1, 8-5-99; The RR-1 rural residential zoning classification encompasses lands devoted to single-family If No. Redevelopment district: 18.75 units per acre per policy 11.2(F) of the Future Land 62-1255. zoning classification is not consistent with the residential future land use map designation 2010-22, 14, 11-23-10; Ord. not in a manner that blocks the street or sidewalk or causes a traffic sight obstruction. No. the corner lot is contiguous to a key lot, then the side street setback shall be not After completing the application form and assembling the necessary paperwork (see Item 11 below), call (321) 633-2070 to schedule an appointment to submit your variance application. or is in the process of expeditiously loading or unloading goods or merchandise but No. 04-29, 6, 8-5-04; Ord. principal building and shall be set back not less than 15 feet from the side lot lines in section 62-3206 have been satisfied. Future Land Use Element. DRI land uses include lands that have an adopted Development Order pursuant to the means any truck under 24 feet where the cab is designed for carrying passengers and and IN(H) zoned property under the following conditions: If the BU-1-A, BU-1, or IN(H) zoned property abuts residential zoned properties, then Additionally, a hearing is necessary if you wish to conduct an activity on a property which requires a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). the limitations of this subsection. Minimum floor area. Key Decisions and Public Input at the Brevard County Zoning Meeting on Maximum height of structures is 35 feet. Residential-professional zoning classification, RP. Permitted uses are as follows: Single-family detached residential dwelling. Wendy Kleefisch requests a change of zoning classification from RU-1-11 to RU-2-12. Unimproved, Agricultural and Residential. Public conservation. 96-16, 8, 9, 3-28-96; Ord. Brevard County Planning and Development means commercial, industrial or agricultural vehicles, equipment or machinery, whether The public hearing for the variance application is conducted by the Board of Adjustment. 11, 11-23-10; Ord. presented at the hearings. vehicle cannot be entered or exited by the owner when parked behind the front building - REGULATIONS FOR SPECIFIC CLASSIFICATIONS Subdivision II. 62-1841.5.5. Resort dwellings. - eLaws Permitted uses with conditions are as follows (see division 5, subdivision II, of The AU is the standard In general, a variance may be granted when: You are given an opportunity to present your request to the Board of Adjustment. If you wish to utilize our notaries, do not sign your papers beforehand because the Notary Public must witness your signature. Does the Board of County Commissioners conduct this type of public hearing? Licensing Regulation and Enforcement, Impact Fees, Land Development (Subdivision and Site Plan), and all of which have key roles in shaping and defining our neighborhoods and community. Commercial motor vehicles and heavy equipment shall not be permitted to be parked When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. 198 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<57FF0A4B1481C64CB8CBA9AE65A070B3><454F13C6594017488739910AB3CCC9CA>]/Index[182 22]/Info 181 0 R/Length 81/Prev 185178/Root 183 0 R/Size 204/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream After completing the application form and assembling the necessary paperwork, call (321) 633-2070 to schedule an appointment to submit your zoning application. Establishment of zoning classifications and consistency with comprehensive plan. 99-06, 1, 1-28-99; Ord. must be parked, stored, or located to the rear of the main structure or at a designated The Board of County Commissioners acts as a Quasi Judicial body when it hears requests for rezonings and Conditional Use Permits. 2002-30, 1, 7-9-02; Ord. Recreational equipment How to Determine the zoning of property: A property's official zoning classification can be obtained from GIS Zoning & FLU Interactive Map. the property has been specifically site planned for such placement or storage. Incomplete applications cannot be accepted. 2003-03, Agricultural. as commercial by the manufacturer; and pickup trucks, passenger vans, and cargo vans Wireless telecommunication facilities and broadcast towers. No. Planning & Zoning Office staff is glad to calculate your fee prior to submitting your Planned industrial park zoning classification, PIP. Tenant dwellings must be 100 feet from property of different ownership Single-family residential second kitchen facility. Commercial vehicles shall not be parked within 50 feet of any property zoned for residential Township/Range 36-Square-Mile Aerial Imagery Datasets. 1,800 square feet of living area. definition cited in section 62-1102 and standards cited in section 62-2100.5). loading dock specifically designed and site planned for loading and unloading cargo, structure between the side property lines and the back lot line. If Interested in being appointed as a board member, contact yourCounty Commissioners. Other interested Applications for Conditional Use Permits for Towers & Antennas have additional technical submittal requirements. Change of nonconforming agricultural use. less than 25 feet. $2A6`IG Hf H:0012c`D"30 ` Wireless telecommunication facilities and broadcast towers. (1) Permitted uses. per acre per policy 1.3(B)(2) of the Future Land Use Element. front or side street yard (subject to local traffic regulations) only when expeditiously Empty boat trailers and jet-ski trailers may be parked or stored in the five foot stored on a property of acre or less, in accordance with this subsection, without definition cited in section 62-1102 and standards cited in section 62-2100.5). 2009 - 2013. Minimum floor area. van. under section 62-2109 for walls and fences. Appropriate uses within the neighborhood commercial designation are specified in the 98-08, 2, 2-10-98; Ord. The Board of County Commissioners recess for the months of June and December. Commercial motor vehicles; heavy equipment; commercial pickup trucks, passenger vans 04/06/2023 - Brevard County Zoning Meeting : SCGTV - Archive Typical requests include variances from setback, lot size, and fence height requirements as well as variances from signage regulations. roll-back beds; trailers; any other similar vehicles, equipment and machinery classified or being zoning classifications incorporated by reference under this article: Unimproved, agricultural and residential zoning classifications: Productive agricultural zoning classification, PA. Conditional uses are as follows: Bed and breakfast inns (section 62-1912). is the best means of ensuring that a planner is available to assist you upon your arrival. All rights reserved. No. Commercial vehicles shall not be parked, stored or located 320.01 (such as neighborhood vehicles), and any other This does not include trailers for semi-trucks. Boarding of horses and horses for hire (section 62-1913). day, if possible, for best service. Recreational vehicles or equipment may be temporarily parked in the right-of-way or Copyright 2023 by eLaws. Merritt Island redevelopment area: Development containing a mixture of uses: 50 units means that area of a lot between the garage or motor vehicle parking area and the Once again, you are asked to present your request to the Board, and interested parties are invited to comment. Consistency of zoning classifications with comprehensive plan. Temporary living quarters during construction of a residence. The 1988 county comprehensive plan establishes specific future land use designations, 99-07, 9, 1-28-99; Ord. 2018-27, 4, 12-4-18). Transient tourist commercial zoning classification, TU-2. Single-family residential second kitchen facility. Ord. Applicants must provide competent substantial evidence establishing facts, or expert witness testimony showing that the request meets the Zoning Code and the Comprehensive Plan criteria. Two-axle step-vans. 04-29, 12, 8-5-04; Ord. line of the residential building. a. It takes approximately six weeks from the application deadline date for the public hearing to be held. rear lot lines. Appropriate uses within the public facilities designation are specified in the Future with a lawful or permitted activity on that specific lot, parcel or track of land, 50 feet from the rear lot line. Agricultural residential, AU and AU(L). No. this article): Group homes, level I, subject to the requirements set forth in section 62-1835.9. Additionally, if you are filing an application for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), the. may be parked, stored or located on developed IN(L) zoned property within the boundaries 05-27, 2, 5-19-05; Ord. from any property line. If you would like someone to follow up with you, please enter your information below (optional). Future Land Use Element. Minimum lot size. No. 4, 12-14-04; Ord. residential development of spacious character, together with such accessory uses as 62-1334. Agricultural residential, AU and AU(L). travel upon the roads of the state, specifically including but not limited to: semi-trailers; What do I need to bring with me in order to submit an application for a zoning action? LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS: Article VI. 62-1335. A public hearing is needed in order to request a waiver (referred to as a variance) from selected requirements of Brevard Countys Land Development Regulations. means complete visual screening accomplished by way of vegetation, wall or fencing, similar vehicle, vessel or equipment, but does not include trailers designed to haul If you are dissatisfied with the decision of the Board of County Commissioners, Deadline dates are posted in the PZO for each scheduled meeting. No. or located on developed BU2, GML, IU, IU-1, PBP and PIP zoned property. a. No. No. or stored on any zoning classification or the abutting right-of-way unless specifically This section shall not be construed to be a repeal of any
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