Jessica could not come within three hundred yards of Matthew or her children. On a shelf by her head was the notebook documenting Matthews infidelity. A key piece of evidence was photographed inside the kitchen after officers arrived on the scene. Jessica still has occasional migraines, weakness in her left foot, and lingering amnesia about the night of her shooting. (Matthews lawyer said, in an e-mail, The ultimate aim of both the GBIs investigation and the grand jurys inquiry was to find the truth. Willey contacted Jessica on Facebook and warned her that Matthew was not taking good care of the children; they were subsisting, she said, on cheese puffs, Fudge Rounds, corn dogs, and Mountain Dew, and sleeping at odd hours. He hears a baby crying as he carefully steps into the bedroom where a dark brown crib is situated. Mathew, a then police officer raced home only to hear 2 consecutive gunshots. They had wiped stuff off the computers, Dix said. Something had happened to the mama lions cubs, Kathy said. ), After several months, a male officer told a captain in Internal Affairs that he didnt understand why Whitehouses complaint had been ignored. Unnerved, she went out to the porch, where she heard another. New Columns From Your Class Correspondents - Cornellians | Cornell The subsequent investigation was short-lived, with it having been deemed a "civil matter.". I guarantee you he wont a hundred per cent say what happened, he said. Jessica Boynton was found shot in th. Matthew called a Griffin police lieutenant for advice. You know you cant give a sworn statement and lie on it. Crying, Matthew set his body armor, badge, and police radio on the table in front of him, and agreed to resign from the department. Take care of the children. Sanders said that he no longer goes anywhere unarmed. He calls out for Jessica, but no answer. He's asked me to go get it out before. He grabs his police radio, stationed and charging on top of the white microwave in the kitchen, and leaves his phone on the counter. You cant force her into the truck. (Matthew refused to comment for this story.). I hugged her and said, Its going to be O.K. And she said, No, and looked at her husband. (Amy did not want to comment for this article, explaining in an e-mail, I have tried to remain neutral in this very serious situation.). She now works for 6ABC Action News. When female officers told him that they were afraid of the patrol-division captain, David Gibson, whom Beam had promoted, he did nothing. Her family wondered if this was her way of escaping the relationship. Her DNA had been found on the gun, which was to be expectedshe had been lying on it. Difference between non-contested & adultery divorce? she wrote. But there are almost no empirical studies examining the prevalence of this sort of abuse today. The notification was made following an April 15, 2016, shooting incident - ruled by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to be a suicide attempt - at the home of Jessica Boynton and her now-estranged husband, Griffin Police Department Officer Matthew Boynton. The July 29 arrest of former Griffin Police Department Officer Matthew Boynton stemmed from a theft report filed Dec. 19, 2016, by his former wife, Jessica Lester. Theres no second shot. For a time, Sanders thought that the source of Gibsons power might be connected to the Dixie Mafia (a gang based in the South), or a gambling ring, or some hidden knowledge that afforded him a lifetime of leverage over Beam. And in both instances, he was cleared of wrongdoing.), That Matthew had found himself in a troubled relationship did not surprise Dix. Who shot Jessica Boynton? A new podcast investigates - KHOU If that's what you want to do. Matthew is challenging the ruling in court. Matthews father and stepmother visited the next week. In December, 2014, Jessica had a brief affair and got pregnant again. He was charged with theft a year later but was released on bail and has never been in jail. I mean you can't prove that," DeMarco. The shooting occurred on the evening of April 14, 2016. Then he would handcuff me and put me on the hood of his patrol car and have oral sex with me, she wrote in a statement. But did something else happen that spring night in 2016? She could now recall that after she returned from Walmart she went to her closet to put her shoes on, because she needed to walk the dog. On a hospital-admission form, Jessica was described as a 19 year old reported to have shot herself in the right skull. But Vernon Henderson, a trauma surgeon for more than two decades, who treated Jessica, wrote that her injury did not fit with that description; neither of her hands had any evidence of any gunpowder stippling. And her wound was on the top of her skull, which suggested that she would have had to hold the gun above her head, pointing downwarda very unusual direction in which to point the gun at ones self with the intention of committing suicide, Henderson wrote. "How did his phone get in there? 11Alive - BREAKING | Matthew Boynton, who was under - Facebook Am I recording it? By then, Beams reputation had been muddied by the Gibson investigation, and he had been voted out of office. Her marriage had been crumbling, and she and her husband of six months Matthew Boynton, 20 . Police investigate further and find a gun underneath Jessicas limp body. Matthew claims this was around 1 a.m, but the neighbors . The shooting occurred on the evening of April 14, 2016. "Well listen, if you're going to start quoting, you gonna start recording these things, you need to let me know ahead of time before you do, before I'm starting answering questions," DeMarco ordered the reporter. It doesn't sound like anything I would say. Petition Justice For Jessica Boynton When Willey asked Matthew about it, she said, he told her he intended to burn the bag, which Jessica had packed one night when she was planning to leave him. The secretary whom hed slapped in the head was asked to type his resignation letter. But according to Mathews, that was not the last number dialed, so it could not have just been a redial accidently called through the evidence bag. Hahaha you about have me a heart attack freak!! Especially because of my children. Her aunt Kathy, who lives on the farm, said, With Jessicas family background, there was probably just a feeling of Oh, Ive finally found someone who loves me.. The Officer's Wife | True Crime Network This is not the first time I have had suicide thoughts. The Griffin Police Department had not received any complaints about Matthews use of force, but Darrell Dix, a former lieutenant, told me that he and some of his colleagues worried that Matthew had a domineering and one-dimensional approach to his work, which could provoke fights and scuffles. He had not learned that there is a human side of this, too, Dix said. She was told that, to prove that a crime had been committed, the district attorney needed to establish that the oath of office had been administered to Matthew. And, unfortunately it appears those questions will never be answered," Mathews said. To text back long story I'll tell you later.. Jones checks on a locked closet door between the master bedroom and hallway, across from the bathroom. They say she tried to commit suicide but, there is more to the story. Is that what you're saying?" Matthews wedding ring had a blue stripe, to signify he was in law enforcement. Furthermore, she said, there were too many errors and discrepancies for her to have sent a text like that. I hope those stories went too far, he said, referring to the notorious Wood Chipper. I'll be back there in about two minutes. He said, Sad. When asked, how come, he stated, because daddy scares me. He went on to say, Daddy was up the hill and hurt me in his house., The sheriffs department in Pike County, where Matthew was living, investigated whether there had been abuse, but Matthew denied the allegation and the department did not find any concrete evidence. Updated: 11:14 PM EDT July 28, 2017. In the police body-cam videos, the dog is still wearing his leash. A text message is sent to his phone from Jessicas phone. Justice for Jessica - Home | Facebook Griffin Police officer Matthew Boynton cleared in wife's - YouTube Martha was initially skeptical when Jessica got involved with another man who assumed the role of protector. It was retrieved from the kitchen counter in front of the microwave oven," she probed further. Get off of me! she screamed. Last summer, the sheriff of Los Angeles County, Alex Villanueva, articulated a common justification for not considering domestic violence as a concern: in defending his decision to employ a deputy who had been accused of stalking and physically abusing his ex-girlfriend, he told a local reporter that it was a private relationship between two consenting adults that went bad. The violence was seen as unrelated to job performance, an activity that could be understood only within the context of a relationship. When I asked Jessica why she never left the house when she lived with Matthew, she explained, We lived in an apartment complex with a playground. At the time of the shooting Jessica was looking to make a new start for herself and two young sons. provided images. Jessicas only diagnosis was acute stress disorder, which, the evaluator wrote, occurs when an individual is exposed to actual or threatened death. The evaluator added that her symptoms are normal and to be expected through circumstances such as hers.. GRAPHIC WARNING: Jessica Boynton, 19, was found lying in a pool of blood in a locked wardrobe in the home she shared with her husband Matthew Boynton in Griffin, Georgia back in April. The agent asked her if she had ever held her husbands service weapon. "That's the way we're gonna play this game, Sheila. In the past thirty years, the criminal-justice system has become more responsive to domestic violence, but family courts have been largely insulated from this cultural change. Matthews case was presented to a grand jury in July, 2018. Police departments have become more attentive to officers use of excessive force on the job, but that concern rarely extends to the home. Matthew and the boys temporarily moved in with Courtney Callaway, the dispatcher he was dating. A male sergeant saw the exchange and told Beam, who provided Gibson with what he called undocumented counselling. Two years later, Gibson slapped a secretary on the back of the head, telling a male officer, Im gonna show you how we take care of these secretaries. Although the secretary complained to Beam about Gibsons behavior, Gibson was never disciplined. A G.B.I. They're saying it was self-inflicted, she said. Dusty and her husband drove to Jessicas apartment. When Jessica graduated from high school, her grandparents held a party for her and projected a movie on the side of their barn. Ive always been such a firm believer in our justice system, she said. One, investigators said penetrated Jessica's head and the other the wall. SHEILA A. MATHEWS ::: The July 29 arrest of former Griffin Police Department Officer Matthew Boynton stemmed from a theft report filed Dec. 19, 2016, by his former wife, Jessica Lester. She wanted to elaborate on what shed witnessed, but the agents left after eight minutes and never came back. If you do wear makeup and fix your hair, youre a whore., Beam asked Whitehouse to meet him at a park on the outskirts of Griffin. Like, he talks about her as if shes nothing., As Willey was moving out of Matthews house, she again came across the gym bag of Jessicas clothes. A message to Matthews phone is received and marked as read, from his girlfriend--from inside the evidence bag. But Griffin Police Chief Michael Yates said, Officer Boynton was not the shooter and trusts the investigations outcome. Matthew Boynton arrested | to say that he had the original document. The babys muffled cry echoes, getting louder as the officers sweep their guns back and forth, searching for the shooter. Sanders deleted his Facebook account, his primary method of communicating with sources and reporting his findings. Thats what I told yourThats what I told the sheriff today, he said. The police asked for assistance from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. Her marriage had been crumbling, and she and her husband of six months Matthew Boynton, 20 . And Jessicas trauma surgeon was not interviewed by the GBI until July 20. The inability to pinpoint the source of Gibsons dominanceand of Beams capacity to shield other menseemed only to feed the drama and paranoia. She told the agent, they were at home when they argued about his girlfriend and the photo that Jessica found on his phone that night. She wore hand-me-downs and liked to take nature photographs. I figured out what happened. That phone never got back into the officer's hand. There are too many useless words thrown in, she said. Now itsa twenty-two-billion-dollar industry plagued by exploitation. summary of an interview with King, the neurosurgeon, noted that he called the circumstances of her injury suspicious, but the agent who conducted the interview failed to record the conversation; he hadnt charged his audio recorder. Four months later, he was hired as a reserve officer in Braswell, Georgia, a community of four hundred people. There is no public record of the proceeding, but the grand jury chose not to indict Matthew either for making false statements or for violating his oath. I was scared to death, because I couldnt find [Tyler]that she would shoot me, I mean shoot him, shoot me, and then kill herself.. I didnt try to wash my handsnothing. He sounded like an eager student. My mama told me stories about going to lunch with my father and his friends in the sixties, he said to me. "You know, you're trying to match up times of where he is getting these text messages or how he's responding to them, that he has to be in the kitchen. DeMarco pressed Mathews. underwear and dental retainer belonging to his now-former wife, Jessica Lester, . The "Sex and the City" alum, 56, took . Most important to me. So I'm trying to hurry and get back home just to make sure that nothing's going to happen to them.. Jessica Lester's friends persuaded her to date Matthew Boynton, a boy in the eleventh grade, by saying, "If you don't like him, you can always break up . Because if you go to the photographs that are part of your investigative case file, there's a photograph after the evidence report for his cell phone" she said. Its a question 11Alive investigators asked a few months ago, when Griffin Police Officer Matthew Boyntons wife, Jessica, allegedly shot herself in the head with his service weapon, inside the master bedroom closetlocked from the inside. Custody (full? I didnt try to brush off anything. Had she attempted suicide, it would have been standard for the hospital to provide psychiatric care. But asking those questions resulted in a threat. At the store, they got into a fight, and when they left Jessica said she didnt want to get into the car. One witnessJessicas neighbor Megan Browningwould like to speak to you anonymously in chambers, because she is afraid., Judge Hankinson seemed to find the idea so novel as to be humorous. So there was really no need for me to leave. I hold up the white flag., Jessicas older son often cried and clung to her when Matthew picked him up on Fridays, and in the summer of 2018 he complained that his father had hurt him. After getting home around 10:45 PM, a neighbor heard a gunshot from the Boynton home. And that's all I needed, so I was on cloud nine.". Wheres my baby? Jessica asked, once her breathing tubes were removed. Can you please dispatch a unit out to my location? he said calmly. He drove to a nearby Waffle House to have a late dinner with a fellow Griffin police officer. I made sure that I had another party with me, to insure the accusations wouldnt be made, Matthew said later. Im only concerned with the G.B.I. Until recently, Matthew's grandfather, Wendell Beam, reigned as Spalding County sheriff. FOLLOW THE EVIDENCE FOR YOURSELF, CLICK HERE. Like, how hours after the shooting, the phone was put into an evidence bag, sealed and logged into GBI evidence, it was still calling Matthew's girlfriend. Matthew makes it home, jumps out of his truck, races through the breezeway of his apartment building and bolts up the stairs. "That was when approximately 24 minutes into the conversation, his demeanor changed and everything flipped," she recalled. When I asked about her mother, who lived nearby, she said, mildly, that she had tried to reconnect with her several times over the years, but her mother didnt seem interested. After Jessica had been in the hospital for a month, her doctors tried to transfer her to a rehabilitation program, but she didnt have insurance, so she was discharged to the care of her grandparents. That question lingers--but not for Georgia Bureau of Investigations, who said the case is closed--repeatedly stating that they are satisfied with their findings. My kids are at home with her, so I'm trying to hurry up and get back there., I'm driving. I hope he goes to jail for this shit, she said. He had a reputation for being kind and personable but also passive, indecisive, and resistant to change. At the judges recommendation, they also arranged for a psychological evaluation. He later tells investigators that he heard Tyler crying, and then, POP-POP!. I know that hes a police officer, and Im not really anybody, she said. (Through his lawyer, Gibson told me that the headlock-and-Taser incident was all in good fun; most of the other allegations were untrue and are otherwise embellished.). The police were notified of said "shooting" by Jessica's then husband Matthew Boynton. At the time of the shooting Jessica was looking to make a new start for herself and two young sons. After you got on the radio and you were outside communicating on the radio, you never went back in to actually check, check on the kids, the agent questioned Matthew about once he removed himself from the apartment. 9,226 people follow this. This blows my mind.. RELATED: Who shot the officer's wife? Jessica Boynton was found in a closet bleeding out. King told me, Youd think it would have been simple enough to put bags on her hands and test them for gunshot residue. She felt she needed men in power on her side if she were to challenge a culture in which men let other men get away with what they please. 13 talking about this. It was the first time anyone had spoken with her at length about the night of her injury. Matthew, who had been restored to patrol duty, carried a new service gun and wore his uniform, and was accompanied by Beam. "What you're saying to me, that's not, you know, I don't see anything he did wrong by saying that," Fred Mays told Mathews. Then-Griffin Police Department officer Matthew Boynton was arrested on July 28, 2017, for giving a false statement to his own department stating he was not i. He spoke about how he gambled with a mythical figure known in the sheriffs office as the Wood Chipper, because, supposedly, he had used such a device to kill a woman. A few months after the wedding, Denise and Amy went out for lunch. She's having suicidal thoughts," he calmly says about Jessica to the dispatcher. They wanted me to come back Friday for orientation for the job, she said. According to a police report, Jessica was very reserved and appeared to be upset. She said that the officers recommended that she not yell at Matthew.
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