She tells Steve that he looks very handsome as she buttons up his jacket. She hands it to Steve who sees that it's a medical alert id, the victim was Kyle Russo and he was secret service. Catherine corrects them, mentioning that the two computers are connected and she just needs to use one to get to the other. Catherine says she promises and Aunt Deb thanks her. Catherine was seen working in Operations on a Navy warship (potentially the U.S.S. He tried to pretend that he wasnt but he was suffering in silence. He told Catherine to go outside quickly, as the Taliban were coming. Hey, sailor, said Catherine Rollins, Steves onetime almost-fiance. She was thinking about resigning but she hasn't even submitted her letter yet. Catherine Rollins | Hawaii Five-O Wiki | Fandom Steve asks way she's so sure they take that road when they move out. [Laughs] Look, heres the thing: I know the characters best, in my opinion. Nabushi trails after her. A body was found in a barrel filled with lye. Steve asked Catherine out to the Army-Navy Gala at West Point. She then opens up the back of the pickup and helps the children escape. As Hawaii prepares to celebrate Christmas, Steve McGarrett and Catherine Rollins have . Catherine points out where they and says shes not downplaying how serious the Gabriel situation is, but Gabriel can wait a few more hours. They kiss and she tells him that's way better than chocolates. Hawaii Five-O is an American television series produced by CBS Productions, and set in Hawaii. Later in the day, she is seen exiting the surf with her surfboard in hand, Kono is waiting for her on the beach. And I fell that Catherine, like a good soldier, has always put God and country and her duty first and foremost, and there were decisions she had to make which were hard decisions that affected people that she loved, that have always come because of her soldier-first mentality. She apologizes for waking him up so early but he says hes glad she did. Catherine says it's got to be the kidnappers. Catherine then remarks on how he must be since Steve gave him the keys to Danno's car. Danny says he didnt know what Steve was like before he met him, but Steve is the best version of himself when Catherine is around. Gutches greets Rollins with a big hug. Catherine doesnt know and asks Steve how long does he want her to stay. Catherine takes Aunt Deb to a beautiful deserted beach. Billy says he's not going anywhere and that she got the excitement he promised. CBS books a new version of the classic "Hawaii Five-0" series, with Alex O'Loughlin in the lead role as Detective Steve McGarrett and Scott Caan portraying Danno. Catherine, Steve and Danny meet back up with Chin before getting surrounded by HPD SWAT. In "Aloha' Goodbye, Catherine is mentioned during a conversation between Steve and Lincoln while they were on their way to meet Lincoln's NSA contact to help crack the cipher left by Doris McGarrett. She has two younger brothers. And she knows that he wants out of Satos crew. As Danny calls a timeout to talk to Grace, Catherine calls out to ask if they're going to keeping talking or are they going to play some ball. You cracked the cipher? he asked. And that was a decision she had to make on her own. She walks up to him and holds out her hand. Steve tells her that with Gabriel out there and now that theyve lost Duclair theres no way he could go home and just sleep, Catherine says she thought he might say something like that, the job always comes first. She needs to stop carrying the weight of that night, stop reimagining the situation in all the ways she could have done something different. She walks up to him and asks what he is doing. Catherine says she wants to but she doesn't know how to do so. Again Sato won't talk. Actress. Catherine later tells the team that she got a location on Sato and a full surveillance package from Nabushi that includes addresses structural blueprints, security system, and activity logs for his staff. Catherine has managed to get Billy into the van and drives him to the hospital, yelling at him to stay with her. And Baby Makes Chapter 1, a hawaii five-0 fanfic | FanFiction Catherine says the client has a packed schedule for the next day and Billy has asked Catherine to run some threat assessments on the people the client is meeting with. He tells not to forget but forgive herself and give herself a chance to move on. Like Steve, her military service record remains vague. Before CBS Hawaii Five-0 entirely wrapped up its 10-season run on Friday night, it had one last little surprise to spring on viewers. Michelle Borth Says Aloha To 'Hawaii Five-0' - HuffPost Despite her actions, he knew that she truly loved McGarrett and he reciprocatedthe same amount. Her whole life was the Navy, she had a purpose and now that's all gone. Steve say that would be very helpful and thanks her. still from Hawaii Five-0, CBS Productions et al., YouTube, When is Black Lightning season 4 out on Netflix? She smiles and hugs him, Billy tells her that he is retiring from the Navy. Catherine can then only watch as Steve is injured by a grenade and captured. Danny and Steve meet Catherine at the crime scene and them what she knows so far. Catherine finds the correct computer at the computer science building of Oahu State. In Mai ho`oni i ka wai lana mlie, Catherine is at Kono and Adams wedding reception, with the rest of Five-O. Steve and Catherine engage in gun fire, Catherine manages to shoot down another kidnapper and calls from Steve. As she goes to leave Steve tells her that when she gets some leave time in the next few months they should meet halfway like in Mumbai. Critics have called the film "pure of . The mission was partially outreach and part intelligence gathering. She eats Steves popcorn while Danny explains to Steve the third act of a movie. He clarifies that they wouldnt be going as friends, that this was him asking her out on a date. She quickly does that. Catherine is watching a couple make out through with a window with binoculars while Billy listens to the audio. When the team figures out Ian's plan, Steve tells Catherine to call the security department to tell them their systems been hacked. Steve sits down beside her and asks if she going back to Afghanistan, Catherine says she going to Nepal to run supply drops to areas that need it the most after the earthquake. Steve asks how she could do that, as she's not on active duty anymore. shes always been the endgame for me There are fans that love her and fans that dont love her, but with the fans that dont love her, I think theres a little bit of not understanding her motivation, he said. After dropping Aunt Deb back at Steve's, Catherine is back at headquarters. Catherine replies it's because she's really happy right now and things are good between her and Steve. Catherine enters the computer science building and searches the computers. That friendship will always be there, those two guys will grow old together., As for Steves fate, he included: But the idea of Steve having a family for himself, being a grandfather, being all the things that his father and grandfather was, that was always in the cards for him.. LuckyStar Pham 7.75K subscribers I dedicated this vid for my favorite couple in Hawaii Five-0: Steve McGarrett & Catherine Rollins, played by Alex O'loughlin & Michelle Borth. She later tells Steve and Grover that they made the right decision by putting Ian on that plane in the first places even if he got away. She asks Kono if she alone, before emailing Kono a full Intel package on Riku Sato. Catherine says things change. Billy drops Catherine at Steves home after work. She spots Steve running after the driver as he heads towards the helicopter. She says she's got nothing on the prisoner that was being transferred and nothing on the bloody fingerprints that were found. Later in the day, Steve calls Catherine down to headquarters. The FBI wanted to talk to her, but instead she went into hiding. Their morning gets interrupted when Governor Jameson calls and ruins Steve's day off. Steve tells her not to do that to herself and hugs her as she cries. Borth was born and grew up in New York City. Her captors demand that they get their people back or Catherine will never be seen again. One child falls down, alerting the driver, who exits the front of the pickup with his gun. Catherine helps Steve walk away and asks him how he managed to catch up with the helicopter, she listens in fascination as Steve spins his story. Catherine tells him it took him long enough, they then join everyone thats dancing to the song We Are Family. She tells him she needs a rain check on dinner because orders came in and she's being sent to the gulf that night. Though the reasons for the actress Michelle Borth's departure remain unknown, many have assumed that it might be because her character didn't sit well with the fans. They hear gunshots and make their way closer to the house. The conservation leads Campbell to believe that they now have a threat to the president. Surprise Chapter 2, a hawaii five-0 fanfic | FanFiction But as he sat on a plane, awaiting take-off, a very familiar face asked if the seat next to him was free. She then asks where Amir is. The man gets to his car and fires off a few more rounds, this time hitting Billy in the stomach and he goes down. Gabby moves to the seat next to Catherine and they both sigh in relief as both men leave the movie theater. Nabushi and Catherine make flirty small talk on the way up, Catherine also manages to see which floor he is staying on. Season Eight Fire Will Never Say that It Has Had Enough Dog Days Your Knife, My Back. Steve asks her if she needed to make it on her own or with Billy. Steve asks when did she get in, Catherine tells him only that morning and she had come straight from the airport. Steve was just joking and tells her to relax. Speaking with Entertainment Weekly, Showrunner Peter M. Lenkov explained why he brought back Catherine for the finale. Billy struggles to stay awake, while Catherine tells him he's not going to die tonight. Catherine laughs, hugs Steve and pulls him into a kiss. Danny says that great because Steve likes it when Catherine is happy. She needs to get back to the house. During her tenure on the team, Catherine wore a shoulder leather holster. Billy correctly guesses that she is with Steve, and says that he thought that was over. She asks if everything is okay, Steve says it is. Catherine says that's impossible as Umar Hassan was killed two years prior in a drone strike. Catherine hugs Kono before she leaves and says she'll miss her. She is seen opening fire on the terrorists overturned car when it's found heading towards their stolen helicopter. never been so happy to see Catherine . Catherine goes to him and tries to wake him up. Danny says that Steve has been really happy since shes been back, Catherine says she has too. Catherine asks if theyre going to do this and Steve say yes, before leaning over and kissing her in the middle of the dance floor. Also Read -'Dirty Harry' Actor Reni Santoni Passes Away At 81; Writer Tracy Newman Confirms News, Also Read -Did Penelope Leave 'Criminal Minds'? Borth wrote that she was called numerous unsavory names. Catherine goes to headquarters and puts a file on Chins desk. Catherine asks him what he'll be doing with his next, and he offers to tell her over dinner. That night Catherine is at the docks to see Adam off as he goes into hiding. In A Make Kua, Catherine surprises Steve when he gets out of the water from his morning swim, holding his towel she asks him if this was what he was looking for. In 2008, she wrapped the independent film TiMER with Emma Caulfield and Desmond Harrington, and appeared in the Endgame Productions comedy film, A Good Old Fashioned Orgy with Leslie Bibb, Lake Bell, and Jason Sudeikis. Steve tells her that since their weekend was ruined, he put in a request to do his reserve duty on her ship. Billy asks if she going to quit on him. She herself joined the Navy and is a former intelligence officer. Kaia Ryan, daughter of Steve McGarrett and Vivian Ryan. She wants to go home and shower, and maybe bleach her brain on what they saw. Sitting in that chair with Danny is a great way to sort of end their own journey together, but I think hes got to be fulfilled in other ways. They find Amir at the base of a tree, unconscious and badly wounded. Catherine tells Steve he's like the good-looking guy from high school who knows how cute he is and just won't take no for an answer. When Sato doesn't answer, Kono presses a gun to his head and asks if Adam is dead. Catherine says its big change but in a good way, Steve says that's good. Catherine thanks him, but says it sounds like he's congratulating himself. Amir replies that it was a splinter group under the command of Umar Hassan. Hawaii Five-O Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. A machine was brought over to get the soccer ball back safety. Explaining her absence, we learn that she would remain in Afghanistan, devoting her time to search for the son of the man who saved her life. Catherine is at headquarters with the rest of Five-O as they try and find the nuclear weapon hidden somewhere on the island. When Steve lands the helicopter in the parking lot, Catherine runs over to him. Though the reasons for the actress Michelle Borth'sdeparture remainunknown, many have assumed that it mightbe because her character didn't sitwell with the fans. She puts on a shirt and leaves the bedroom. 2023 TVLine Media, LLC. She mentions that Billy has already gotten them another gig and she they're going to be busy. Everyone is shocked when Sato reveals that out of respect to Adams father, he helped Adam fake his death and disappear. Aunt Deb doesn't believe that for a second and they both laugh. Catherine Rollins was originally supposed to make her debut appearance in the pilot episode, but her first appearance didn't occur until episode 4. He's also not alone, as Catherine Rollins (Michelle Borth) showed up in the closing seconds to help send him off. Michelle Borth is an American actress who has portrayed characters on The Forgotten and the HBO series Tell Me You Love Me. 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When Steve tells that that's crazy, she tells him she's doing it with or without his help. Michelle Borth is an American actress, best known for her portrayal of Catherine Rollins on CBS Hawaii Five-0. Steve then says hell take her out to breakfast, as theyve got a lot to catch up on. She says she needs to feel needed, which Steve points out she is, Catherine tells him not like that. Steve is in his pajamas waiting for her on the patio, he mentions that he couldn't sleep and wanted to make sure she got home okay. He says he thought she could do with some dinner and says it looks like she's been busy. Kono and Catherine help get people off the tram as Danny and Steve search for the warhead. Catherine is waiting in line to board a plane at the airport when she hears Steve call out from behind her. She asks him if he's ready, he says yes, and takes her hand; reconciling their relationship. Steve realizes that Catherine is actually serious about leaving the Navy. In "Aloha ke kahi I ke kahi", Catherine is running along Bellows Beach. As she pulls Billy out of the van, doctors and nurses come rushing out. Wo Fat's wife is arrested, and now he has a chance to move forward. In the middle of a hand, she gets a phone call. She pins him to the floor with his own baton and then punches him the face. As highlighted by Republic World, it remains uncertain why Michelle took such a significant backseat in seasons after the fourth, although they speculate it may have been influenced by the fan reaction to the character. Steve finds Catherine waiting for him in his office. Id like McGarrett to have grandkids, Id like to see him have a fuller life. However, it was always the plan, im an emotional wreck watching the Hawaii Five-0 final episode. She caught up to Najib and told him it was dangerous out there as there were landmines and if he was to step on one, he would go boom. Catherine made her debut appearance in Lanakila when Steve calls her for a favor. They break apart and apologize to everyone, the game continues. They'll need each other even if they don't admit it. Both Danny and her make fun of Steve's new haircut. Catherine and Steve are at Headquarters where Catherine tells Steve the story of Amir and his family that helped her when an op of hers went sideways. New York City, New York, U.S. Education. Later, Steve shows up at Catherine's hotel room in his fatigues bringing her chocolates for Valentine's Day. CBS' Hawaii Five 0Season 10 finale ended on a surprising note but what was even more surprising was how the fans reacted to it. When he hangs up, he says to Catherine that he was hoping that they could speak together that morning. Grace Park's Pregnancy Creates Challenges For Season 4 Filming Apparently, her being four and a half months pregnant made her a most valuable hostage. [8] However, she would return in the show's 5th-season finale as a guest star. Steve apologizes for the interruption and then tells her hell miss her in her cammies with a smiles. She asks for McGarrett's help, in going to forbidden Kahoolawe, to track down a terrorist, and retrieve depleted uranium from an old WWII bunker. After they've done speaking, Catherine and Steve take Sato to the drop point and say they'll meet Chin and Kono at the plane. April 3 2020, 6:56 PM PDT. However, on board he sits next to Catherine Rollins (played by Michelle Borth), former Navy Intelligence officer and girlfriend. Steve then asks why she turned down Billy's job offer, Catherine replies that it wasn't right for her. Catherine calls him a smartass and says she needs a favor. For me, those two being together was always the endgame. Nabushi asks her what she wants, and Catherine says she wants to know where Riku Sato is. Central Intelligence AgencyUnited States Navy. [11], Borth starred as Canadian Forces surgeon Major Rebecca Gordon on Global's 2011 Canadian drama television series Combat Hospital, which was cancelled after its first season. She then hands Steve back the 5-O badge and thanks him for it. Catherine says that's exactly what she getting paid to prevent. At the very end of the episode, Catherine reunites with Steve while on a United Airlines plane going to an unknown location. Steve asks Catherine how long is she planning on staying after the wedding. Catherine is there every step of the way to find out who killed the victim as their death resulted in Billy's. Amir then wakes up and asks about Najib, Catherine promises that their going to find him. When the other person answers they ask if the line is secure and ask about her cover. Catherine then passes out due to blood loss. Catherine and Billy both get their guns and exit the van. They both laugh, and Steve asks her if she's going to sit down, in response, she sits in the empty seat next to him. Her best bet is that Nabushi is Satos moneyman. She then says she's got a lead on where he might be, they may have taken him over the border. She says she is and Steve hugs her tightly and kisses her. He only shrugs and says that he's on duty still. Catherine says good and that she going, too. Catherine gets back up and fires at the car tail lights as the man drives away, while making her way to the fallen down Billy. She takes a photo of it and saves it. Billy says it kind of did, didn't it, causing Catherine to laugh. In Ka Hana Malu, Catherine is only seen in a flashback of her and Steves time in Afghanistan, as Steve explains to Deb that Catherine had completed her mission of finding Najib. While Five-0 investigates the murder of a bounty hunter after he apprehended a fugitive hiding out in Hawaii, Rachel reveals a long-held secret to Danny that has serious ramifications. Catherine just says it practice of her surveillance skills. Catherine tells her that Steve has asked her to take her back to Steve's place, Aunt Deb asks if Steve told her anything else. In Mae Makamae Steve tells Danny he needs to go meet someone. In the Baoakhan Province, Catherine and Steve ride into the village on horseback. Star Michelle Borth Discusses Her DC Hero's Cut Scenes", "Hawaii Five-0's Catherine Returns: Get Details on Michelle Borth's Latest Visit", "Hawaii Five-0 Is Bringing Michelle Borth's Catherine Back For A Wild Episode", "Hawaii Five-0 Boss Defends the Series Finale's Very Final Scene", "Love in the time of Therapy: HBO's Tell Me You Love Me series aired Sunday. I know people will say Well, I watched the show for 248 hours, I know them. But I write them, so I know them pretty well. (Meanwhile, our main post mortem with Lenkov can be found here.). She follows Nabushi to the elevators while pretending to be on her phone. They stop at the sight of blood and they both dismount to continue on foot. Catherine and Kono then follow Steve and Danny as they chase down the tour tram the nuclear warhead is on. And Ive always felt that there was something pulling her away that was not of her own control. Pace University ( BFA) Occupation. Catherine suggests that Kono tell Steve that Adam is getting involved with the Yakuza. Billy replies that they were paid to get the true and that's what they're going to do. Catherine then says she's going to wash up, and asks if Steve could open a bottle of wine. Catherine says that Steve shouldn't have let the terrorists go, but Steve replies that they only think they've gotten away. Chin says he knows Catherine already has an idea of who that person is. Hey sailor, she says, suggesting something between them will continue. He coded on the table and the doctors couldn't revive him.. Catherine starts to cry , Steve tells her he's so sorry and kisses her head. The boy says yes and Catherine tells him to get up and out of the seat. She pulls up the back flap and finds a large group of children. They quickly make their way to Amir's house, his wife lets them in. When the prototype is finally unloaded she answers Steve's phone call to tell him he can arrest Ian now. Amir wakes and is surprised to see Catherine has come. The season ended with Steve McGarrett leaving the island and boarding a plane. She and her unit entered Baoakhan Province to speak to the local women, and when Najib went after a soccer ball that was kicked too hard, Catherine spotted him heading towards a field and yelled at him in Pashto not to go out there and chased after him. Kono asks for a favor. From action to drama and romantic comedies, Michelle Borth has become known in the entertainment industry through the charismatic and versatile characters she has brought to life on screen. Steves phone then rings, Catherine smiles and tells him hes saved by the bell. She takes off her sling and points out where the victim's body was and that the walls have got still wet paint on them. Catherine says she warned him, and suggests he could use one of the empty bottles if he really needs to go. Catherine then hands Steve a file, that has evidence of his mother hacking into the National Fingerprint Database. With some finally tucking into the Hawaii Five-0 season 10 finale, audiences are casting their mind back to consider what happened to Catherine. Catherine is shocked and asks where that comes from. Steve says he's not sure of he feels about allocating Five-O resources to a private security job. Truth Comes from the Night When the Light Goes Out, the House Is Dark. Michelle Borth is not returning to Hawaii Five-0 next season, E! But Catherine says that everyone on the island knows what Steve and the rest of 5-O look like. Fans of Hawaii Five 0 always had a love-hate relationship with Catherine Rollins. As Steve climbs out with the help of Danny she offers to buy a round beer for the tough day they're had. Catherine was able to give Najib back his ball. The doctor notices that she's injured too, but Catherine says fine. Catherine says she knows just the place. Steve says he thought she was just here to show off her new pantsuit.
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