0000157025 00000 n Download Sensormatic Intellex Troubleshooting guide 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >< Transcript English Intellex Digital Video Management System Quick Reference Guide and Troubleshooting Guide Part Number 8200-0331-01 A0 Quick Reference Guide and Troubleshooting Guide Notice The information in this manual was current when published. Setting the Cap Board Address Set the address switch S2 (Figure 2) to address 0. This aluminum frame pedestal provides an open, clean look at store entrances and can be spaced up to 2.0m (6ft 6in) apart to accommodate different storefront. 0000005513 00000 n Its thin, narrow, open-frame design is constructed of high-quality acrylic, preserving store aesthetics and delivering the right look for virtually any retail setting. Retail Technology Solutions - Sensormatic I'll PM you my email for that program. Copyright 2003 - 2022 CCTVForum.com 0000147836 00000 n Sensormatic representative will supply this information separately. are you using an I/O board? 0000092010 00000 n We have solutions that can that can help protect your employees, customers and assets. m}U ~YI. 231 0 obj <>stream 0000004576 00000 n 0000002418 00000 n 0000157254 00000 n 2 or 4. Sensormatic Solutions connects you to your shoppers, tapping into their journey and giving you actionable insights. %%EOF Sensormatic | Sensormatic System only detects a tag if it is close. 0000000016 00000 n Thats why we create the tools to help you harness dataand the guidance to turn it into actionable insights and strategic next steps. Detection systems provide the most value when devices are network connected in an EAS system, so data can be captured and leveraged in your fight against shrink. They also do not support auxiliary receivers. We help you maximize them, converting as many shoppers as possible, with the right tools and data-driven insights to create the most seamless, unique shopping experience. @s/N,Ii"M5f8r"W7jiwT(>&-qx/wZ. d63q|?JCh A~];[N)/P -12/R 2/U(Q-l>g> endobj 56 0 obj<> endobj 57 0 obj<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 58 0 obj[59 0 R 60 0 R 61 0 R 62 0 R 63 0 R 64 0 R 65 0 R 66 0 R 67 0 R 68 0 R 69 0 R 70 0 R 71 0 R 72 0 R 73 0 R 74 0 R] endobj 59 0 obj<>/A 102 0 R/H/I/Border[0 0 0]/Type/Annot>> endobj 60 0 obj<>/A 103 0 R/H/I/Border[0 0 0]/Type/Annot>> endobj 61 0 obj<>/A 104 0 R/H/I/Border[0 0 0]/Type/Annot>> endobj 62 0 obj<>/A 105 0 R/H/I/Border[0 0 0]/Type/Annot>> endobj 63 0 obj<>/A 106 0 R/H/I/Border[0 0 0]/Type/Annot>> endobj 64 0 obj<>/A 107 0 R/H/I/Border[0 0 0]/Type/Annot>> endobj 65 0 obj<>/A 108 0 R/H/I/Border[0 0 0]/Type/Annot>> endobj 66 0 obj<>/A 109 0 R/H/I/Border[0 0 0]/Type/Annot>> endobj 67 0 obj<>/A 110 0 R/H/I/Border[0 0 0]/Type/Annot>> endobj 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Retrofit Panelprovides an easy, cost-effectivemigration path to advanced RFIDfunctionality to provideinventory andshrink visibility, Consistent 2.5m (8ft 2in) globaldetection performance protectscritical assets, Embedded people-counting sensorsprovide Traffic Intelligence anddirectionality to calculate conversionrates and maximize store performance, Designed to withstand exposure to outdoor temperatures and splashing waterideal for outdoor installations such as garden centers, Contemporary open frame style provides a consistent look and feel across the entire store environment, Full suite of features combines durability and superior detection performance including built-in people counting sensors, customizable alarm tones and lighting, and jammer detection, Includes a service connection port for full software control at any antenna which helps reduce in-store service time, Optional network plug-in carddelivers store-front alarm event andTraffic Intelligence to enhance lossprevention efforts andincreaseshopper visibility, Provides a simple, cost-effective RFIDupgrade to compatible AM pedestals, Protects EAS infrastructure investmentand delivers advanced RFIDfunctionality, Complements proven, reliable AMEAS technology with advanced RFIDcapabilities for item-level intelligence, Provides true directional sensing ofRFID tag movement using beamsteeringtechnology at exits, transitionareas, or zones, Mounts on pedestal for a direct line of sight into real-time alarm events, Enables easy identification of unique loss events with alarm time stamp, Improves real-time response to shrinkage control, Delivers HD quality images of potential theft events in real time to improve associate response times, Electronics are located in the primary pedestal to help reduce install and maintenance costs, Provides shoplifting coverage up to 1.5m (5ft) between pedestals to protect critical assets, High-impact ABS construction provides long-term durability for virtually any retail setting, Integrated audible and visual indicators immediately notify store associates of alarm events, Consumes up to 40% less power out-of-the-box than previous Ultra-Post systems, without sacrificing performance, Consistent 1.8m (6ft) global detection performance protects critical assets, Integrated traffic counting option provides Traffic Intelligence and directionality to calculate conversion rates and maximize store performance, EAS Intelligence option allows delivery of in-store operational information to better manage loss prevention and store operation efforts, Ideal for protecting exits up to 7.2m (23.7ft), Modern, transparent design compliments any store setting, A unique blue illumination light to provide visual notification of alarm events, Integrated audible alarm notifies store associates of alarm events, Provides shoplifting coverage up to 1.8m (6 ft) between pedestals to protect critical assets, Delivers superior pick rates in all environments, Jammer detection combats organized retail crime, Sleek, modern antenna compliments any store entrance, Built-in visual and audible indicators immediately notify store associates of alarm events, When connected to a compatible data management device, this system provides in-store EAS and Traffic Intelligence to better manage store operations, Slim antenna is ideal for checkout lanes and narrow doorways, High-impact construction protects against damage in high-traffic zones, Provides discreet and scalable anti-theft protection for non-pedestal based applications, Protects a variety of store entrances, can be cascaded from a single door to any width exit, Addresses all store exit variations including options for ceiling mounting, suspended mounting and hidden behind ceilings, Compliments store appearances with premium acrylic covers; ideal for open ceilings, curved architecture and clean-line storefronts, Delivers exceptional protection for wider exits to help maximize flow and optimize floor space, Enhances loss prevention efforts and increases shopper visibility through network connected store-front alarms and Traffic Intelligence, Eliminates costly excavations by installing flooring material directly over thin antenna, Provides an invisible, yet effective, AM EAS solution where pedestal systems are unwanted or prohibited, Protects merchandise from sophisticated shoplifters by identifying foil-lined bags or clothing as it enters or exits the store, Easily plugs into compatible AMS9060 Controller for a system upgrade, Requires no additional antennas to help provide optimal retail floor space for shopper traffic and merchandise displays, Provides full directional alarm flexibility when used withtraffic counting, 10% smaller and over 50% lighter than prior Sensormatic controllers, Uses 25% less power than prior Sensormatic controllers without sacrificing performance, Built-in 4kV surge protection minimizes service and maintenance costs, Improved synchronization reduces install time and false alarms caused by interferences, Provides data comparing people counting information to sales transaction data to determine conversion rates and effectiveness of marketing campaigns, Helps optimise staffing based on customer traffic, Provides visibility to directionality of potential shoplifting events, Helps to deliver accurate alarm management, The high-volume audible alarm makes it easier for store personnel to hear over ambient noise, Traffic-counting option helps identify shopping peaks, gauge marketing effectiveness and more, Unique alarm sequence for the Tags-too-Close feature aids in merchandising products near store entrance/exits, Jammer Device indicator includes visual and audible feedback for quicker response and more effective event management, Reach a large number of shoppers on-the-move where most purchasing decisions are made, Generate additional marketing co-op profit by bidding out advertising space to vendors, Change out poster inserts easily with slide-release clamps, Connects Sensormatic EAS devices through a star network via wireless secure propriety protocols, Provides synchronisation of EAS deactivation and detection devices to reduce failed deactivation at point-of-sale and minimises nuisance alarms at the exit for an improved shopper experience, Enables remote device management and monitoring of connected Sensormatic EAS devices to help retailers ensure equipment is running effectively, Weather-tight construction allows EAS detection in any retail outdoor environment, Thermostat control manages internal temperatures to prevent condensation that can damage the systems electronic components, Reduces detection field behind the UltraPost pedestal, Enables store associates to better manage merchandising of tagged goods at the front of the store, Ideal for protecting fitting room entrance up to 1.4m (4.6ft) from incoming detachers and magnets, Helps safeguard merchandise in the fitting room, a place for would-be thieves to conceal and steal items, Store associates can be notified of incoming magnets or magnetic detachers via alarm, CCTV or optional pager device, Helps safeguard merchandise in the fitting room which presents an opportunity for would-be thieves to conceal and steal items, Consistent 2m (6ft 6in) globaldetection performance protectscritical assets, Helps lower cost of ownership with limited floor cutting at time of install, Enhances the shopper experience and maximizes storefront floor space with Tags-too-Close feature, For minimal impact on store operations, the AMS3030-A/AL antenna install eliminates costly, large-scale excavations, Helps protect detection antennas against possible interference if metal or rebar are discovered during construction installation for optimal system performance (AMS3031-A/AL only), Store associates can be notified of incoming booster bags via alarm, CCTV or optional pager device, Reduce false alarms caused by metal shopping carts or moving metal doors. 0000018107 00000 n 0000006499 00000 n System only detects a tag if it is close. The Sensormatic Synergy 2.5 Acrylic Pedestal is a key element of the Sensormatic Synergy suite. trailer (> 0000006541 00000 n controller is expected to be 3m (9.8ft), or 6m. Check the Sensormatic ScanMaxTM Pro Controller for being turned on. The Sensormatic device deactivates security tags when an item is scanned. PFAFF CREATIVE 2.0 OWNER'S MANUAL Pdf Download Select your retail segment and get ready to future-proof your daily operations. Fit for a Range of Environments and Applications. 0000003642 00000 n AMK-1000/AMK-1010 SuperTag Detacher Trennapparat - Johnson Controls
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