But family members were, ultimately, disqualified for reasons they still dont understand. }); !function(n){if(!window.cnx){window.cnx={},window.cnx.cmd=[];var t=n.createElement('iframe');t.display='none',t.onload=function(){var n=t.contentWindow.document,c=n.createElement('script');c.src='//cd.connatix.com/connatix.player.js',c.setAttribute('async','1'),c.setAttribute('type','text/javascript'),n.body.appendChild(c)},n.head.appendChild(t)}}(document); } div_id: 'div-gpt-ad-rightrail-2', Two former south Florida police officers handcuffed a homeless man last month and drove him to an isolated area where they beat him unconscious, prosecutors alleged Thursday. We want to say thank you. The prosecution is looking at this case from the outside in when they should be looking at it from the inside out, Gootnick said. tag: 'mandc,kim-kardashian,syeesha-mercado', Medical Kidnapping & Child Trafficking - Florida Now Top US State For This Tyranny? You cant write off the whole family, said Anna DaCosta and her husband. divId: 'div-gpt-ad-rightrail-3', The actions of these officers fails to meet these expectations," Hialeah Mayor Esteban Bovo Jr. said. Medical Kidnapping, Fraud and Homicide are not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the . As the head of the Pinellas County child protection team, Smith examines virtually every child funneled to All Children's Hospital with suspicious injuries. This is how we help to make money so we can continue to bring you amazing content. As the world changes at an unprecedented pace, we need ethical, independent news more than ever before. It takes less than 30 seconds to give, so if you value a free and independent press, please make a tax-deductible donation today! In March, the Florida Board of Medicine enacted a rule that banned gender-affirming care for transgender youth who had not yet started puberty blockers or hormone therapy, making it the eighth state to restrict gender-affirming care for trans youth. She was accused of inflicting countless fractures on her 6-week-old infants, but the charges were expunged after another doctor diagnosed them with a rare bone disorder. Medical kidnapping happens when a child is taken to the hospital for an injury, a psychological problem, or an ailment, and the doctors and parents disagree over the medical care the child should receive. Bruises dotted his face and shoulders. But I had a feeling she [Smith] just signed off everybody as child abuse. (Full Story here.). Contact }).render('3811c1c9bba941ecb6c4a456cf0ac0f7'); Less than two hours later, William was born in a torrent of blood, his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, his face blue. Medical kidnapping is what occurs when a child is forcibly separated from her parents because the parent refused dangerous or risky medical treatments for the child. the 61-year-old pediatrician [who] is one of the most powerful figures in the child welfare system along Florida's Gulf Coast. Here is the video with some of the family members she interviewed. The 34-year-old shared a heartbreaking video to . It has been quite a harrowing week for former American Idol contestant Syesha Mercado who was battling against . BLACK ENTERPRISE is the premier business, investing, and wealth-building resource for African Americans. Since 1970, BLACK ENTERPRISE has provided essential business information and advice to professionals, corporate executives, entrepreneurs, and decision makers. When defense attorneys asked whether birth trauma could have explained Williams injuries, Smith admitted she had only partially examined the birth records. "I want to reiterate my support of Chief Fuente and his efforts to revitalize our Police Department. Escape from the Mayo Clinic: Teen accuses world-famous hospital of 'medical kidnapping'. See: Health Impact News has learned that Gov. The U.S. Foster Care System: Modern Day Slavery and Child Trafficking, Child Kidnapping and Trafficking: A Lucrative U.S. Business Funded by Taxpayers, Foster Care Children are Worse Off than Children in Troubled Homes The Child Trafficking Business, Study: Children from Poor Parents, Even if they have a Drug Problem, do Worse if Put into Foster Care, reported on a lawsuit with multiple families suing Gov. They are a big part of Florida's economy, but sadly many of them are also medically kidnapped by the State through the "guardianship" program where all of their life savings are then seized by the medical system. and FREE CONSULTATION. cat: 'news', Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The series of shocking events prompted celebrity Kim Kardashian to jump into the fray and urge her 70 million followers to take notice of the dire circumstances involving Mercado. page_type: 'article', Police in High Springs, 20 miles northwest of Gainesville, said they located Adrian Gilley, 12, sister . Als u uw keuzes wilt aanpassen, klik dan op 'Privacyinstellingen beheren'. Two weeks after Smiths cryptic visit, an investigator from the Department of Children and Families escorted the Kushnirs out of the hospital where they had kept sleepless vigil for weeks. window.tude = window.tude || { cmd: [] }; Privacy Policy Human Trafficking: A Public Health Crisis | Baptist Health CME When they [system staff] come in with these false stories or they come in with false allegations of caregivers having backgrounds, the judge is not going to say oh let me look into that home study or let me look into that criminal record, she explained. Jesus Christ is the Only Transhuman the World Has Ever Seen or Will Ever See, An Invitation to the Technologists to Join the Winning Side, Synagogue of Satan: Why Its Time to Leave the Corporate Christian Church, How to Determine if you are a Disciple of Jesus Christ or Not. Dr. Smith is the medical director for the Pinellas County Child Protective Services team and a contracted child abuse pediatrician at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital and Bayfront Medical. Entrepreneurs Summit It was not immediately known whether Orfila or Saleh have retained lawyers. According to the lawsuit, her daughters birth was traumatic. According to the complaint, caseworkers rejected Miller as a suitable guardian for her grandbaby because Millers bond with her daughter was too close., Instead of family, the lawsuit states the baby was placed with a stranger, system-connected.. "We will not allow rogue police officers to abuse their powers and to betray the public that they serve," Rundle said. ]); First Lady CaseyDeSantison Wednesday morning announced a new state initiative to recruit military veterans to work for the Florida Department of Children and Families. While at the hospital, it became apparent that Burton was not going . We respect your email privacy DeSantis wife, Casey DeSantis, is now working with DCF to recruit military veterans to become DCF investigators to be able to kidnap more children into Floridas corrupt Child Welfare program. The USA Today Network reportedly investigated hundreds of Dr. Smiths cases, and: found more than a dozen instances where charges were dropped, parents were acquitted or caregivers had credible claims of innocence yet suffered irredeemable damage to their lives and reputations. We have just hours left to raise $5,000 we need all our friends to help us reach this goal. According to Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle, Hialeah city officers Rafael Otano and Lorenzo Ofila, who have since been fired, were responding to a disturbance at a bakery shortly after 5 p.m. on Dec. 17, when they encountered 50-year-old Jose Ortega Gutierrez, a homeless man who often roamed the area and was familiar to the officers. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Medical Student (MS3) Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine Miami, Florida. page_type: 'article', Where is the medical licensing board? The Florida House of Representatives has approved a bill that would allow state courts to intervene in custody disputes and remove transgender children who are receiving gender-affirming care from supportive families with whom they live. Get the news you want, delivered to your inbox every day. A New Florida GOP Bill Could Make It Legal for Parents to Kidnap Their divId: 'div-gpt-ad-rightrail-3', Florida tornado flips cars, damages homes in coastal city "As Mayor I have worked closely with Chief George Fuente to create a department that is not only professional, but meets the standards that the residents of Hialeah deserve, demand, and expect. Sally Smith, the pediatrician at the hospital who examined Amen'Ra, has been investigated in the past for being quick to accuse parents of abusing their children, per the report. Wij, Yahoo, maken deel uit van de Yahoo-merkenfamilie. Yet, she still breathes. baseDivId: 'pb-slot-right-1', Amid Attacks From Right, Racial Justice Curricula Gain Momentum in Blue States, Ralph Yarl Deserves Justice Beyond What the Criminal Legal System Can Offer, Floridas Ron DeSantis Is Just a Step Behind Hungarys Fascist Viktor Orbn, NYPDs Autism Awareness Squad Car Is Nothing But a Publicity Stunt, LGBTQ and Immigrant Rights Groups Issue Travel Advisories for Florida, Florida GOP Introduces 3 New Bills to Expand DeSantiss Dont Say Gay Policies, Trans Missourians Are Losing Access to Gender-Affirming Care Due to New AG Rules, Montana Gov. Medical Kidnapping? Florida Parents Get Children Taken For Seeking She ordered William and Adele returned to their parents immediately. Just know through the people, through you all we were able to counteract this unjust system and this corruption to be able to get our baby back.. The legislation would also prohibit the use of state funds for gender-affirming care, prohibit gender-affirming care for trans youth, and direct the state Board of Medicine to adopt emergency rules regarding trans youth who are already receiving gender-affirming care. baseDivId: 'pb-slot-right-1', Black Men XCEL cat: 'news', The bill would allow courts to intervene in custody disputes and remove trans children from gender-affirming parents. The state loses federal funding for Child Welfare if they do not meet certain quotas for the number of children put into the system. We still got work to get Rah back. Petition Circulating to Fire Dr. Sally Smith For Her History of Any health care practitioner who provides trans kids with gender-affirming care would be guilty of a felony under the legislation. pos: 'right_rail_3', Masthead. Get daily news, in-depth reporting and critical analysis from the journalists, activists and thinkers who are working to improve our world.. We're almost out of time to raise the $5,000 we need for groundbreaking reporting the kind that challenges the forces that prop up capitalism, white supremacy, imperialism, nationalism, and all oppressive structures. Their attorney, Derrick McBurrows, said CPS accused Mercado of not taking her son to a medical visit prior to bringing him to Johns Hopkins. American Idol alum Syesha Mercado, the third-place runner-up of Season 7 fame, has taken to social media for help in reuniting with her 15-month-old son Amen'Ra after he was "legally kidnapped" by the system. Miller is also seeking legal action and named in the suit. playerId: '31d84b62-a3ea-4274-9349-1b7ccedbd1d7' Elina and Vadim Kushnir say Smith did not introduce herself or answer the couples questions. Tara Brown, 39, underwent three grueling rounds of in vitro fertilization to conceive twins with her physician husband. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? It Has an Anti-War History Too. The Florida Legislature's insistence on targeting trans people is bizarre, unnecessary, unconstitutional, and extremely dangerous.". pos: 'right_rail_1', Economic Equity & Racial Justice Townhall Series, Elevate Black Podcast sponsored by Fifth Third Bank, 100 Founders of Change by American Express, Chasing Success Podcast by JP Morgan Chase, Black Business Month Sponsored by Nationwide, 2022 Registry Of Corporate Directors Listing, 2021 BE Registry Of Corporate Directors Listing. Elina went into labor on a scorching day in July. If you suspect child abuse, call the Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-4-A-Child or 1-800-422-4453, or go to www.childhelp.org. Among prosecutors, her word is like gold. }. What Happens When a Holy and Righteous God Gets Angry? Medical Kidnapping: A Threat to Every Family in America Today Shes part of a team of attorneys who filed the complaint. BE 100s subcat: '', Its happening all over Florida, said attorney Octavia Brown of Community Law for Families and Children. cat: 'news', Brian Shilhavy then went on to report on how the state has been doing this and doctors even making up accusations against parents. Women of Power TECH, PODCASTS USA Today Exposes Florida Doctor Medically Kidnapping - Medical Kidnap I live by my mission to Be Bold. env: 'prod', }); EVENTS Medical Kidnapping of Amen 'Ra - Hot Topics - What to Expect People said it happened to me, attorney Valentina Villalobos with Community Law for Families & Children. Florida Families File Lawsuit Against Governor DeSantis And State Over BLACK ENTERPRISE is the premier business, investing, and wealth-building resource for African Americans. But because of yall and my family weve had the proper support to get the best attorneys in the country to be able to bring justice, Deener said. "This case will be tried in a court of law and at the end of the day, it is our expectation that Mr. Otano will be exonerated and get his job back.". A total of 22 families now claim Florida's Department of Children and Families, along with its child welfare partners including Florida's governor, Florida's Surgeon General and the head of the state's Guardian Ad Litem Program, have all violated family rights by denying relatives custody of young family members who enter the state's . DeSantis and the State of Florida for medically kidnapping their children. SALON is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a trademark of Salon.com, LLC. FREE Shipping Available! The Seal and Mark of God is Far More Important than the Mark of the Beast Are You Prepared for Whats Coming? Slamming him on a bed 15 times would be another., His rib fractures, she said, were two to three weeks old, caused by someone crushing his chest, according to DCF documents. Stand Out. SB 254 would classify gender-affirming care for transgender youth as a form of serious physical harm, which could be cited during a custody enforcement hearing to allow unsupportive parents to take physical custody of [the] child. The amended bill, which originally passed on April 4 by a vote of 27 to 12, now returns to the Senate. kw: 'mandc,dr-sally-smith,syesha-mercado', We still gotta get Ra back.. All Rights Reserved. tude.cmd.push(function() { Child Abuse Pediatricians: An Ethically Bankrupt Profession that Destroys Families, History of Shaken Baby Theories Exposed: How an Elite Group of Pediatric Radiologists Started Medical Kidnapping in the 1940s, Elite Medical Doctors Seek to Control the Media and Publics Perception of Child Abuse Specialists, Pediatric Child Abuse Experts are NOT Experts in Anything, Legal Experts: Shaken Baby Diagnosis Leads to Destruction of Families Beyond Anything Comparable in the Modern History of the American Justice System, Attorney: Child Abuse Pediatricians Aligned with Child Protective Services Destroy Innocent Families, Exposing How Child Abuse Pediatricians Medically Kidnap Children: A Guide for Parents, Study: In 96% of Shaken Baby Syndrome Cases Analyzed Infants Had Metabolic Bone Disorders. Medical Kidnapping When A Misdiagnosis Causes Kids To Be Taken Away What is Medical Kidnapping? Fact Check: Christianity and the Christian Religion is NOT Found in the Bible The Person Jesus Christ Is. Florida is rapidly becoming the go-to State for people fleeing the rapidly decaying mega urban centers in the U.S., and that includes some of the richest and most famous billionaires who have recently moved their residency to Florida, such as former President Donald Trump and Oracle founder Larry Ellison, among others. Check into that. Brown is also a former insider who worked as an attorney for DCF and other agencies representing Floridas foster care system. aid: '740668', Prosecutors dropped the charges after a neuropathologist contradicted Smiths findings, according to internal memos. The call came in on January 20 around 4:55 p.m. DeStefano had just pulled up outside the dance studio in Scottsdale, near Phoenix. The babys birth also resulted in bruising, noted by the familys pediatrician, court records show. kw: 'mandc,dr-sally-smith,syesha-mercado', Smith testified that the head injuries on an infant boy in Pasco County were inflicted by his father. What makes you think it is illegal? Then, when William was 33 days old, Elina noticed him twitching. This is fascist.. div_id: 'div-gpt-ad-rightrail-3', Order here! She is pure evil. pos: 'right_rail_2', Three months after Investigative Reporter Katie LaGrone and photojournalist Matthew Apthorp were the first journalists to share anew lawsuitaccusing Floridas child welfare system of going out of its way to break families apart, 18 additional families have now joined the suit. The police officers made them pull over, and two of the deputies gave them a court order to turn over the newborn infant for a checkup at the hospital. subcat: '', The Kansas City council is also considering requests to make the city a safe haven for trans Missourians seeking care. Hialeah Police Chief George Fuente added: "Let these arrests send a clear message to everyone who wears a badge, that swears to uphold the oath, that we will not accept anything less than an unblemished integrity from those that entrust us to serve and protect.". A recent lawsuit alleges that Florida's government is complicit in the medical kidnapping of children and there's more that indicates children are being trafficked in Florida under the watchful eye of people like Governor Ron DeSantis. At Johns Hopkins All Childrens Hospital in St. Petersburg, doctors found bleeding in Williams brain and two rib fractures. For two weeks, he cried every time he was touched. tude.cmd.push(function() { An off-duty Hialeah officer walking his dog noticed Gutierrez walking back after the incident and called 911, as was described during a press conference. url: 'petition,circulating,to,fire,dr,sally,smith,for,her,history,of,facilitating,medical,kidnapping,of,children', Reporter Daphne Chen discusses other cases that involved Dr. Smith: Beata Kowalski, a 43-year-old mother of two, died by suicide in 2017 after Smith accused her of Munchausen syndrome by proxy a rare disorder in which a parent fakes a childs illness for sympathy or gain. kidnapped by their mother 11 months ago from their home in Missouri have been found by police in a grocery store in Florida. subcat: '', divId: 'div-gpt-ad-rightrail-1', In her report, Gootnick argued Williams rib fractures were closer to six weeks old right around the time of his birth. Photo by Elina Kushnir Source. the person is willfully transported in interstate or foreign commerce, regardless of whether the person was alive when transported across a State boundary, or the offender travels in interstate or foreign commerce or uses the mail or any means, facility, or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce in . SistersInc. DeSantis said there is a lot of turnover in the position because of how difficult the job can be. According to the lawsuit, the case was closed with no criminal charges filed. tag: 'mandc,kim-kardashian,syeesha-mercado', However, due to the laws in Florida, children under 18 are required to undergo the full recommended treatment plan of the pediatric oncologist, which is typically 2-4 years, regardless of the progress or desire for . tude.refreshAdsViaDivMappings([ { The bill allows Florida courts to interfere with custody agreements from other states if a child is present in Florida. Some other accusations that Smith made, according to USA Today Network: window.tude = window.tude || { cmd: [] }; The first lady also said the state was looking to give opportunities to military spouses and former law enforcement officers. Economic Equity & Racial Justice Townhall Series, Elevate Black Podcast sponsored by Fifth Third Bank, 100 Founders of Change by American Express, Chasing Success Podcast by JP Morgan Chase, Black Business Month Sponsored by Nationwide, 2022 Registry Of Corporate Directors Listing, 2021 BE Registry Of Corporate Directors Listing. This article originally appeared on Truthout. Dr. Smith is the medical director for the Pinellas County Child Protective Services team and a contracted child abuse pediatrician at Johns Hopkins All Childrens Hospital and Bayfront Medical Center in St. Petersburg, FL, according to a USA Today investigative report. "I will continue to advocate for our kidsno matter what harassment or intimidation comes my way," Sen. Hunt said. PALM BEACH GARDENS, Fla. -- A tornado touched down in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, on Saturday as a powerful storm system brought intense rain and . env: 'prod', Burton, a married mother of two toddlers, contacted her obstetrician in March 2009 -- during her twenty-fifth week of pregnancy -- when she became concerned that she might be going into premature labor. Tragically, one thing that seems to follow the rich and famous in this country is the problem of human trafficking, and specifically child sex trafficking, as even Jeffrey Epstein ran a major portion of his child sex trafficking operation through South Florida. Title XLVI Crimes. "There's been a horrible miscarriage of justice," Michael Pizzi, Otano's attorney, told ABC affiliate WPLG. Since the 1970s, its flagship product Black Enterprise magazine has covered African-American businesses with a readership of 3.7 million. Even the imaging findings were in question. aid: '740668', And this is the man they are positioning to ask for your vote to go to the White House! On the day investigative reporter Katie LaGrone, and her photographer, Matthew Apthorp, met Taniyah and Rodney Williams, they also met more than a half dozen members who said they were each ready, willing, and able to take custody of the Williams daughter. B.E. Florida Uber Eats murder: Roommate recalls fleeing in fear after 'loud See: While most parents would probably agree that taking children to these drag shows is not appropriate, neither is the State threatening to take children away from their parents, when neither the parents nor the children are requesting it, appropriate either. } Published in the Torn Apart section of GateHouseNews.com, this article is reportedly the first in a series investigating Floridas child welfare system. The American Idol finalist has since been reunited with her daughter but is still waiting to get her toddler son back, NBC News reported. Our posts contain affiliate links and we earn a small commission from those links. DeSantis and the State of Florida, Christian Churches Redefine the Meaning of Orphan to Justify Participating in Child Trafficking, Casey DeSantis launches program to recruit veterans to become DCF investigators, Year 2023: Will America Fulfill Its Destiny? Join my Locals community for exclusive content at. We ask that the Pinellas County Child Protective Services and her affiliated hospitals strongly consider terminating her contract due to her actions. baseDivId: 'pb-slot-right-1', Ast is back. playerId: 'be5717b5-2a7b-4fde-8c19-21cbbff0cd95' 1 Book 228 pages Grab This Bucket Of Heirloom Seeds & Get Free Shipping With Promo Code TIM, Heres A Way You Can Stockpile Food For The Future, Stockpile Your Ammo & Save $15 On Your First Order, Save Up To 66% Off MyPillow with Promo Code TIMBROWN, Make Your Own Fulvic/Humic Acid Use Promo Code TIM Youll Save $$$, Gain Cell Phone Freedom With Volta Wireless and Get Your First Month For Just $9.99 With Promo Code USA1. It is shameful that our Florida Legislature continues to pass dangerous bills designed to silence, harm, and erase trans people in Florida, Kara Gross, the legislative director and senior policy counsel of the ACLU in Florida, said in a statement.
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