The only way how to prove that a synchronicity (coincidence that is manipulative) is taking place, as far as I can tell, is to guess at the logic behind it and then try to predict not necessarily what specific coincidence will happen, but at least the incidence aspect that it will happen, or the time or rate at which coincidences will be happening in relation to a particular person or phenomenon. Its not crazy talk, its a genius speculation of one of the sci-fi greats. Anything to do with poop may be inherently silly, but as recent advances in medical science show, gut microbiome is essential for our physical health and it interacts with our brain, affecting our mood. Anything that makes you more visible from a longer distance by default makes you an easier target for any kind of predator, animal, human, or otherwise. For that reason, what you need to focus on are any exceptional, unique, or odd attributes that ideally didnt have to show up at all, or that would make someone a logical target for a predator, even if you dont fully understand what that predator is getting out of it. This is one of the profile points that may have a completely mundane explanation, which could be proven. And even if the issue was some natural phenomenon, state of mind or mentality can affect awareness and behavioral responses. As for the specific weird scenarios that were reported, assuming the reports were accurate, they seem to be consistent with there being an organized perpetrator. I have never heard of a single case in the history of my country of anyone going missing mysteriously while picking mushrooms. How do you keep getting bodies into water without it being seen, ever? This is another strong profile point, given that the most likely explanations are the body being dropped there to be found, or perhaps a temporal displacement. The ability of any perpetrator to remotely confuse, lure, or in some sense mind control targeted people would also be consistent with the victims leaving essential items behind it would just be an induced brain fart. 189 ratings20 reviews. Especially if youre an expert with answers. In case youve never heard of this series of books written by an American ex-detective David Paulides, I believe theres eight of them at the moment, plus two documentary movies. If a criminal group with the same unusual means and methods of abducting people in a forest setting is taking advantage of bad weather to kidnap and do god knows what with people in the same unusual ways, then the bad weather compromising searches should correlate more often with cases that contain other unusual elements to them than with normal cases of people going missing in a forest. Dave have made some comments over the years that indicate that he initially didnt believe that paradoxical undressing is an actual thing that happens, but after he got predictably criticized for it, he appears to understand it better now. This is why it seems very suspicious to me that in Missing 411 cases, the majority of people who are found alive have amnesia and only a minority reports something strange happening. In the documentary Missing 411 The Hunted, about Hunters who vanish he mentions how the FBI may show up to document the cases but as they don't investigate missing persons cases they are doing something in which they won't reveal. Like his idea of a probability-based engine many macroscopic physical laws are only aggregates of chaotic movements and interactions going on at the subatomic level. Former . If that could be scaled up or turned into a realiable technology, then who knows, maybe it could be possible to cause coincidences, or they could be a side effect of some type of probability-based technology being used. Dave Paulides investigates cases of elk hunters who've gone missing from specific regions of North America, and explores the theory that there could be a connection between these disappearances and sightings of UFOs. With all the insults out of the way, lets look at the profile points. Thats what Dave was doing regarding Bigfoot. Yeah, thats a weird one, which probably makes it a good profile point. While phenomena of this type are not strictly speaking ruled out by theoretical physicists, they would at the very least expect them to be substantially more rare, if they were to occur strictly naturally. This is a fairly strong profile point, given that there is no good explanation, conventional or otherwise, for why or how any of this should happen at all. Whats weird is that this is not happening in all of the parks equally, suggesting that a thorough comparison should be made. Missing 411- The Hunted Canam Missing Project 410K subscribers Subscribe 3.9K 214K views 3 years ago Premier- June 22, 2019 Pre-Order Now! Watch on. Which makes you think what could have happened to those who were not returned. Among these (for this case) are canine units are unable to track, a sudden weather event, disability or illness, time of disappearance, and near water. Which brings me to some practical reasons why you would undress a person that you have kidnapped. Some have their remains found miles away from where they disappeared from, others are gone without a trace. This doc also covers the 12 most common things that tie all these and other missing 411 cases . For the first three-fourths or so of the documentary, we're under the impression that they seem to be easy targets for killers or maybe incredibly accident prone. This profile point doesnt sound necessarily unusual to me, since in any scenario, it has to be much more likely that a missing persons case will remain unexplained when the person disappeared while being alone and out of sight, while any intelligent perpetrator would wait for that moment. Beyond a mere lack of explanation, Paulides has put together a profile which includes a specific list of factors, most of which tend to be present in all of these cases. At the same time, if we ignore abject cruelty, when some major injuries were identified as the cause of death, those might have been done to cover up an invasive medical procedure. As a person from the Czech Republic, where picking mushrooms is a national pastime more so than in most other countries, this is puzzling to me. On the other hand, there are some data points that indicate that theres something unusual going on during the disappearances with the dogs. When we go do that with my family, we go to a place we know, or with a guide who knows the local forest like their backyard. Conventionally speaking, this should be a waste of time, since it basically amounts to following coin tosses. And oh my, is there a lot of anomalous data in the world that serious scientists tend to ignore or refuse to engage with. There is a chance that at least some perpetrators would slip up and instead of the most opportune times and dates go for a compromise between opportune times and times convenient for them. Medical emergency would then prevent you from wandering away very far, unless it was a psychotic break, but regardless, many of the missing were in excellent physical and mental health. When I say strange, what I mean is that, for starters, all of the usual suspects have been ruled out, like animal predation, human crime, voluntary disappearance, drowning, etc. The reason why foul play was suspected in this case was that there were burn marks found on the body, which has happened in at least one Missing 411 urban case that Im aware of. Overall, the cases that he selected seem to correctly rule out normal cases based on details like there not being low-enough temperatures at all, people getting undressed too quickly after disappearing (before the cold could have set in), or people traveling absurdly long distances after they removed some articles of their clothing, especially if that included shoes or boots in rough terrain. The person could have intentionally vanished. There is at least one case in which the dog was proven to have been almost certainly fed (venison), which might indicate some perpetrator may have been more respectful of the life of the dog than that of the human target, as well as there are cases of dogs likely not having spent time in the area where they got lost, like the one dehydrated dog found in a swampland, or a number of cases of dogs being found in a surprisingly good condition. But if theyre after exceptional (and therefore potentially valuable) targets, they cant hide that, or even necessarily be able to do without specific targets, however unlikely those target people are to get lost or succumb to the elements. And sure, tests have to be named something and there is a limited number of letters in the alphabet. Think of reading a missing persons newspaper section with key adjectives sprinkled in. Apart from this (the fact that a personal attack is a logical fallacy, not a counterargument), if Dave incorrectly interprets some data point or a causal relation, its an error, not a crime. Its also unusual for such high percentage of adults to remember what happened, but then not report it, to not even make anything up, which would be the only normal alternative explanation. At least not in any of the cases where the person was found. This is why it seems very suspicious to me that in Missing 411 cases, the majority of people who are found alive have amnesia and only a minority reports something strange happening. Well, apart from the stories of people who got lost suddenly in familiar territory, but only temporarily and with full memory of the event, which means that they didnt qualify as Missing 411 cases. Again without anyone seeing the body get in. Moreover, again ironically, there are many other both genetically and culturally much older groups. I certainly wouldnt be surprised if these were more common for Missing 411 cases than in the general population or among normal park visitors, though it would be interesting to see exactly how much more or less common they are for normal disappearances in the same areas. So, if theres any genetic program that deals with people who have German origins, it would have to be relatively recent and more likely to be motivated by something like Nazi mysticism, rather than any real scientific reasons. While sudden arrhythmia can account for some of the Missing 411 cases, there are just too many. The only conventional explanation for reliable amnesia is when it is induced by some sort of chemical. Given that this is perhaps the most consistent profile point, it could be a key one, but there are some nuanced considerations that should be made. Clearly, a person drunk or out of it enough to fall into water and drown is not going to take care to avoid security cameras and potential witnesses at the point of entering the water. The other type of accounts shared by children indicates the existence of facilities. Missing 411: The Hunted is based on the book by Paulides, which documents 185 cases of missing peoples from four different countries. Maybe its not used on or as effective for children, either because it would certainly kill them, or because their brains arent fully developed yet. In at least some cases, a wrong search area could have been set up or the search effort could have been otherwise insufficient (or plain unlucky). Ignoring mind control for now (which is technically doable with advanced enough technology that we are already developing), someone who can remotely scan or edit brains can probably also stop someones heart with a more advanced version of taser. A high-level analysis of patterns behind these strange disappearances. Disorientation happened to my son and I four years ago in Germany's Teutoburg Forest. On the internet. The longer this series of deaths goes on globally, the less likely it is that its all just a result of someones bad or good luck. Without that, we simply dont know if any of it is significant. I do agree with Dave that it is safe to assume that places typically get named for a reason, especially if the name sounds ominous, like Devils, Demons, or Hells something or other. One that I will totally use in some of my sci-fi or fantasy stories. So far, as far as I know, Dave made the clusters map and the table of how far away small children were found. We cant, not really, which is why this trick would be used by higher intelligences. In the case Elisa Lams death, around the time of her death, NIH was using a test called LAM-ELISA in the area to deal with a tuberculosis outbreak. Assuming that Bigfoot doesnt exist, this is still a completely reasonable activity. The stories about bigfoot tend to paint them as forest protectors, who would only hurt you if you seriously piss them off or attack and corner them, while dogmen seem to be out to hunt or scare us. Finally, being associated with Bigfoot research also doesnt disqualify everything that you say about anything. Or at least not any more mysteriously than provably falling off a cliff, and thats the only case I could find. On this note, I like Daves more recent approach of looking for almost-Missing 411 cases that are substantiated with hard evidence, like those included in the most recent documentary (featuring the Bigfoot audio recording and the predator photo). Even if the name was selected purely on the basis of bad feelings, it may indicate that dangerous terrain, gases, radiation, or infrasound can be found in the area. And even if the name is just related to the remoteness, more remote and hard-to-get areas would mean the most difficult search environments. All 185 cases fit a narrowly defined profile that was refined after researching thousands of missing person reports; these cases are the most difficult, defy common sense, challenge conventional wisdom and remain . What I can speculate on is why any type of perpetrator would have an operational range centered around large bodies of water or rock formations, or national forests and parks for that matter. This means that this profile point is only interesting in combination with other data points that involve positive evidence. After that, the entities could have panicked, tried and failed to save him, did their best to dress him without his help (as normally, they would perhaps make him dress himself), and dumped him from the air to the top of the nearest pile, perhaps because of the absence of local natural peaks or mountains. This is a tough one because on one hand, I would like to believe Dave that trackers are by and large good enough to always find things like signs of struggle, but on the other hand, no one is perfect. Which sort of plays into the possibility that Dave often mentions of people dying essentially of fear, like when being kidnapped and burned by what may seem like aliens, even if it were human agents. Taken together, it is safe to assume that the men in question have something going on with their appearance, like advanced camouflage or perception-altering ability. Watch Missing 411 here free: on the books series written by David Paulides Missing 411 chronicles the unsolved yet eerily s. The people who were disappeared while on the phone would only be different in the sense that they must have been targeted after they were already outside. At the very least, it would require a vast, perfect conspiracy, and thats never a good go-to explanation. Missing 411: The Hunted, movie reviews . However, statistically speaking, the remaining cases of storms which didnt ultimately cause the search to fail or during which the missing person ended up doing impossible things will still only be interesting as profile points if they keep being too frequent in comparison to how often storms follow non-mysterious cases of people going missing, or if they at least are individually unexpected instances of bad weather. If you couple it with the fact that dogs fail (or refuse) to track the victims in most of these cases, theres some slight amusing possibility that I personally like to call dogspiracy. If you want to get added as an author, contact me via my Twitter handle @Nartimar. Open for submissions from anyone with something to say about where were headed or the nature of time or history. If some sort of targeted infrasound, microwave, or EM-based device is used, I bet you can make someone feel unwell at a distance, or make them hallucinate, or start behaving irrationally. In case you were wondering what Ive been doing for the last couple of months instead of writing articles here, I guess you could call it research. Scientists do this all the time. Some of the cases that meet the profile criteria do hint at abduction by neither an animal, nor a human, but others do not. Documentary. The forests that are not protected have much less regulated traffic, much lower biodiversity, are much more likely to be randomly cut down or otherwise messed with, and likely lack continuity to ancient times. Errors can be corrected. No, the evidence is the only thing that matters. How odd is enough? There are no stretches of known science required for someone to be able to create an underground or underwater base. Especially if its only about taking advantage of naturally forming bad weather, as that would then maintain its normal, statistically insignificant rate of incidence. This leaves a sudden medical emergency, or an animal or human attack, that either quickly render you unconscious, or force you to be quiet. When a Smith family runs into a Smith family, its probably no big deal. This means that in order for this profile point to mean something more interesting, the person would have to be found despite the bad weather, in a place they shouldnt have been, and either alive when they should have died of exposure, or dead with no clear cause of death when they should have still been alive. It has many of the Missing 411 hallmarks Adamski disappeared while on a walk and was last seen in the afternoon, only to turn up five days later, dead, on top of a coal pile located in a town twenty miles away. We were lost for better part of an afternoon in spring after foolishly diving into the thick forest. Especially since weird perception and memory issues are common among the Missing 411 cases. Or to put it another way, a pattern of correlations is when the same things keep happening more frequently than they should by chance, while a pattern of coincidences is when unique, extremely unlikely events keep happening in connection to a person, event, phenomenon, etc. There are also plenty of weird, and weirdly specific, clothing-related instructions in the fairy lore, like that in order to ward them off, you should turn your clothing inside out. Then again, at this point, its not much more than entertaining fiction. Its also unusual that it seems that its young children who much more often tend to remember and report anything, as opposed to adults. At the risk or irritating the given god. After all, thats how a sudden health crisis or mental break would start. Upon reading the Eastern book, it is really simplistic and pretty cut and dry. In other words, youd expect these two things to correlate. Somebody must have done their research and observed their daily routine for some time.
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