A limit on drinks per occasion on days when you do ) Tj -125.25 -14.25 TD -0.2155 Tc 0.7155 Tw (drink is good. ) (PDF) Moderation in Management Research: What, Why, When, and How Moderation is required for all components of summative assessment, irrespective of the level of the work or the credit weighting of the assessments. But taking a quick look at ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0555 Tc 0.0555 Tw (the real extent of your problems with ) Tj 180 0 TD -0.1146 Tc 0.6979 Tw (drinking at this stage will help move you forward. ) Scripts are grouped according to bands awarded. MM is strong in its offering of such support, especially online. Tj 71.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -183 -13.5 TD ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0809 Tc 0.409 Tw (If you feel quite unready to start an abstinence period right now, don\222t force it. Tj 405.75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -405.75 -14.25 TD ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0458 Tc 0.2333 Tw (Habitual drinking at a certain time of day is another common trigger. (PDF) Moderation Analysis: Issues and Guidelines - ResearchGate Tj 43.5 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -324.75 -13.5 TD ( ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD 0.028 Tc -0.028 Tw (Group Support) Tj ET 86.25 624.75 71.25 0.75 re f BT 157.5 627 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -71.25 -13.5 TD -0.0555 Tc 0.2805 Tw (Many find contact and discussion with others working on the sa) Tj 306.75 0 TD -0.0413 Tc 0.0413 Tw (me kind of problems ) Tj -306.75 -13.5 TD 0.0013 Tc 0 Tw (extremely) Tj 47.25 0 TD -0.0905 Tc 0.5191 Tw ( helpful. So you may ) Tj -202.5 -14.25 TD -0.2265 Tc 0.2265 Tw (have ) Tj 25.5 0 TD -0.0555 Tc 0.2898 Tw (to give it a little time, and try different types of exercise, to find something that ) Tj 382.5 0 TD -0.0156 Tc 0.0156 Tw (works ) Tj -408 -13.5 TD -0.1265 Tc 0.5952 Tw (for you. The order in which you undertake these steps isn\222t critical, ) Tj -139.5 -14.25 TD -0.1319 Tc 0.5069 Tw (but it\222s a good idea to spend at least a little time ) Tj 232.5 0 TD 0.0835 Tc -0.0835 Tw (working with) Tj 63.75 0 TD -0.006 Tc 0.006 Tw ( each of them:) Tj 68.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -364.5 -13.5 TD ( ) Tj 36 -13.5 TD -0.0762 Tc 0.3262 Tw (1. Despite differences between self-help organizations, all have certain universal features, including the coming together of people with a common problem, reliance on experiential knowledge, a program for change, an emphasis on reciprocal BT 86.25 39 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf -0.0492 Tc 0.1742 Tw (Guide to Moderation Management Steps of Change) Tj ET 86.25 36.75 248.25 0.75 re f BT 334.5 39 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 186.75 0 TD (9) Tj 6 0 TD ( ) Tj -441 684.75 TD -0.107 Tc 0.4532 Tw (can get a little slack while you\222re working on it, so that the spous) Tj 312 0 TD -0.0347 Tc 0.2847 Tw (e doesn\222t go ballistic) Tj 99.75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -411.75 -13.5 TD -0.1024 Tc 0.4774 Tw (every time there\222s a glass in your hand. ) Giving yourself ) Tj -273.75 -14.25 TD -0.0963 Tc 0.5249 Tw (rewards for good work on moderation can be helpful, including modest things like a DVD) Tj 432 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (,) Tj 3 0 TD ( ) Tj -435 -13.5 TD -0.123 Tc 0.123 Tw (or ) Tj 12.75 0 TD -0.078 Tc 0 Tw (a) Tj 5.25 0 TD 0 Tc ( ) Tj 3 0 TD (book) Tj 24 0 TD (,) Tj 3 0 TD -0.123 Tc 0.123 Tw ( or ) Tj 15.75 0 TD 0.0075 Tc -0.0075 Tw (eating out, or ) Tj 66.75 0 TD -0.0533 Tc 0 Tw (whatever.) Tj 84.75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 3 0 TD ( ) Tj -51.75 -13.5 TD -0.0475 Tc 0.2475 Tw (4. Tj 364.5 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -364.5 -13.5 TD ( ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.0738 Tc 0.4488 Tw (Managing Your Triggers) Tj ET 86.25 652.5 119.25 0.75 re f BT 205.5 654.75 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -119.25 -13.5 TD ( ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.1316 Tc 0.5602 Tw (Now we come to a most important step) Tj 187.5 0 TD -0.0835 Tc 0.271 Tw (, coming up with ) Tj 84.75 0 TD -0.0713 Tc 0 Tw (specific) Tj 36.75 0 TD -0.166 Tc 0.666 Tw ( ways to ) Tj 44.25 0 TD -0.095 Tc 0 Tw (manage) Tj 36.75 0 TD -0.08 Tc -0.17 Tw ( each of ) Tj -390 -13.5 TD -0.1435 Tc 0.8935 Tw (your importa) Tj 62.25 0 TD -0.0177 Tc 0.0177 Tw (nt trigger situations) Tj 93 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (.) Recovery, Moderation Management - each with its own unique emphasis, scope, and philosophy. Tj 3 0 TD ( ) Tj -378 -14.25 TD /F3 12 Tf -0.27 Tc (\267) Tj 5.25 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.336 Tw ( ) Tj 12.75 0 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.1875 Tc 0 Tw (Self) Tj 18 0 TD -0.246 Tc (-) Tj 3.75 0 TD -0.084 Tc (Talk) Tj 21.75 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.0769 Tc 0.4178 Tw ( during drinking about your limits, how well you are managing, etc.) Learn skills for avoiding drinking ) Tj 175.5 0 TD -0.0142 Tc 0.0142 Tw (on occasions ) Tj 65.25 0 TD -0.123 Tc -0.627 Tw (when ) Tj 29.25 0 TD -0.1247 Tc 0.3122 Tw (you choose not to ) Tj -270 -13.5 TD -0.097 Tc 0 Tw (drink.) Full Time Professor of strategy, management & entrepreneurship at IAE Lyon In charge of Entrepreneurship at University Lyon 3 12h PDF Moderation in management research: What, why, when and how. University of Edinburgh regulations for moderation are flexible and recognise that moderation should be appropriate to the subject area, the type of work being produced, and the credit weighting of . Keep ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.1367 Tc 0.6367 Tw (mulling the idea over in your mind) Tj 166.5 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (,) Tj 3 0 TD -0.0906 Tc 0.4656 Tw ( and most likely at some point you will feel ready. Tj 59.25 0 TD -0.1075 Tc 0.4825 Tw (Your \223Feelings at the Time\224 are ) Tj -260.25 -14.25 TD -0.1667 Tc 0.6667 Tw (likely to be important) Tj 102.75 0 TD -0.097 Tc 0.597 Tw (, so note those) Tj 69 0 TD -0.0885 Tc 0.4635 Tw ( And, as discussed later, \223Positive Activities\224 may ) Tj -171.75 -13.5 TD -0.0758 Tc 0.5258 Tw (include your drinking management tools. ) BT 86.25 39 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf -0.0492 Tc 0.1742 Tw (Guide to Moderation Management Steps of Change) Tj ET 86.25 36.75 248.25 0.75 re f BT 334.5 39 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 186.75 0 TD (7) Tj 6 0 TD ( ) Tj -441 684.75 TD -0.0561 Tc 0.2561 Tw (\223Distraction\224 involves having a set of activities you can get into quickly that will draw ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.1175 Tc 0.6332 Tw (your attention away from the urge. (White, 2000 a,b,c). Moderation in management research 2 Abstract Many theories in management, psychology and other disciplines rely on moderating variables: those which affect the strength or nature of the relationship between two other variables. Improving Our Understanding of Moderation and Mediation in Strategic Tj 191.25 0 TD -0.0562 Tc 0.3374 Tw (Sharing your list of triggers and strategies for ) Tj -191.25 -14.25 TD -0.0947 Tc 0.5447 Tw (dealing with them may be helpful.) Tj 54 0 TD -0.078 Tc (\224) Tj 4.5 0 TD 0 Tc ( ) Tj 3 0 TD ( ) Tj -230.25 -14.25 TD ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0747 Tc 0.5033 Tw (\223Avoidance\224 involves keeping away from things that ) Tj 258.75 0 TD -0.0591 Tc 0.8091 Tw (give you) Tj 40.5 0 TD -0.0136 Tc 0.1636 Tw ( drinking urges. The majority of programs are web-based and rely heavily on motivating people to take responsibility for creating change in their own lives. Tj 66.75 0 TD 0.021 Tc -0.021 Tw (Maintain ) Tj 46.5 0 TD -0.0877 Tc 0.0877 Tw (a high degree of ) Tj -339 -13.5 TD -0.0333 Tc 0.1404 Tw (attention to your drinking during this period, ) Tj 217.5 0 TD -0.0681 Tc 0.0681 Tw (including keeping a diary.) For women, 8 or more drinks per week For men, 15 or more drinks per week Any alcohol use by pregnant women Any alcohol use by people younger than 21 If you choose to drink, do so in moderation. A check) Tj 320.25 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.1185 Tc 0.4935 Tw (list includes ) Tj -350.25 -14.25 TD -0.0278 Tc 0.1432 Tw (timing \(time of day, day of week, seasons, etc\), places, activities, particular people, ) Tj 402 0 TD -0.015 Tc 0 Tw (things) Tj 29.25 0 TD 0 Tc ( ) Tj -431.25 -13.5 TD -0.0375 Tc 0.4125 Tw (directly or indirectly related to work, money) Tj 212.25 0 TD -0.153 Tc 0.903 Tw ( issues) Tj 31.5 0 TD -0.0117 Tc 0.3867 Tw (, your physical state, r) Tj 106.5 0 TD -0.0765 Tc 0.0765 Tw (elations with ) Tj -350.25 -13.5 TD -0.0145 Tc 0.1645 Tw (others \(including spouse/significant other, parents, in) Tj 254.25 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD -0.0471 Tc 0.0471 Tw (laws, and children\), p) Tj 102.75 0 TD -0.0818 Tc 0.0818 Tw (articular feeling ) Tj -362.25 -14.25 TD 0.056 Tc 0 Tw (states) Tj 26.25 0 TD -0.1062 Tc 0.5228 Tw (, and major life events. A tool for doing that is the ) Tj 270.75 0 TD -0.0606 Tc 0.3106 Tw (diary at the end of this ) Tj -318 -14.25 TD -0.114 Tc 0 Tw (piece) Tj 24.75 0 TD -0.0195 Tc -0.3555 Tw (. And see if your ) Tj -269.25 -14.25 TD -0.1753 Tc 0.5503 Tw (pattern is ) Tj 47.25 0 TD -0.0671 Tc 0.3398 Tw (generally for fun, or generally to relieve stress or bad feelings. ) Like Alcoholics Anonymous, Moderation Management is made up of loosely-affiliated fellowship support groups for people struggling with maintaining their sobriety. Moderation Management allows members to set their own drinking goals as they feel appropriate. MM's program for change is based primarily on cognitive restructuring and behavioral self-control . Social imitation is) Tj 398.25 0 TD -0.138 Tc 0.513 Tw ( the ) Tj -398.25 -13.5 TD -0.0825 Tc 0.3638 Tw (easiest form not only of flattery but of self) Tj 202.5 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 5.25 0 TD 0.0328 Tc (improvement.\224) Tj 71.25 0 TD 0 Tc ( ) Tj -279 -13.5 TD ( ) Tj 3 0 TD ( ) Tj -3 -14.25 TD -0.0959 Tc 0.442 Tw (Regular exercise works for a lot of people. TikTok video from anuoluwapoodesany (@anuoluwapoodesany): "*Bible Memorization MADE EASY for Children (Vol.1)* _Get the; Twenty (20) Scriptures in songs on love, wisdom, patience, anger management, faith, humility, honour, moderation, patience holiness and more.._ *Order for the;* 20 Videos.MP4 20 Audios.MP3 20 Teaching outlines.PDF *Discount price* (Videos + Audios + PDF)@N10,000 . Tj 96 0 TD 0 Tc ( ) Tj -96 -13.5 TD ( ) Tj 164.25 -13.5 TD -0.1242 Tc 0.8742 Tw (Support for Abstinence) Tj ET 250.5 183.75 111 0.75 re f BT 361.5 186 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -254.25 -15 TD /F3 12 Tf -0.27 Tc (\267) Tj 5.25 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.336 Tw ( ) Tj 12.75 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.0613 Tc 0.8113 Tw (Alcoholics Anonymous) Tj ET 125.25 168.75 113.25 0.75 re f BT 238.5 171 TD -0.0982 Tc 0.5073 Tw (. Tj 90.75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -158.25 -14.25 TD ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD 0.02 Tc -0.02 Tw (Interactive Program) Tj 95.25 0 TD -0.168 Tc 0 Tw (s) Tj ET 86.25 473.25 99.75 0.75 re f BT 186 475.5 TD 0 Tc ( ) Tj -99.75 -13.5 TD 0.168 Tc (T) Tj 7.5 0 TD -0.1104 Tc 0.5389 Tw (he \223Drinker\222s Checkup\224 on the home page helps) Tj 231.75 0 TD -0.0708 Tc 0.5708 Tw ( newcomers to self) Tj 90 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD 0.0573 Tc (evaluate.) Tj 156 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -398.25 -15 TD /F3 12 Tf -0.27 Tc (\267) Tj 5.25 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.336 Tw ( ) Tj 12.75 0 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.0703 Tc 0 Tw (Delayin) Tj 37.5 0 TD 0 Tc (g) Tj 6 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.1007 Tc 0.6007 Tw ( your first drink) Tj 75.75 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( a bit) Tj 24 0 TD -0.1074 Tc 0.4824 Tw (, and/or get) Tj 54.75 0 TD 0.0195 Tc 0 Tw (ting) Tj 18 0 TD -0.0583 Tc 0.2083 Tw ( to the occasion a ) Tj 87 0 TD -0.293 Tc 0 Tw (little) Tj 21 0 TD 0.168 Tc 0.582 Tw ( late) Tj 21 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (.) Tj 3 0 TD ( ) Tj -290.25 -15 TD /F3 12 Tf -0.27 Tc (\267) Tj 5.25 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.336 Tw ( ) Tj 12.75 0 TD /F2 12 Tf -0.096 Tc 0 Tw (Sipping) Tj 36 0 TD /F0 12 Tf 0 Tc ( ) Tj 3 0 TD -0 Tc 0 Tw (small amounts slowly to k) Tj 126 0 TD -0.036 Tc 0.336 Tw (eep the pace of intake down) Tj 134.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (.) Tj 122.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -289.5 -14.25 TD ( ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0474 Tc 0.1974 Tw (So in the early stages of practicing moderation, accentuate the positive) Tj 338.25 0 TD -0.168 Tc 0 Tw (s) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.141 Tc 0.641 Tw ( to yourself ) Tj 57.75 0 TD -0.078 Tc 0 Tw (a) Tj 5.25 0 TD 0.1035 Tc -0.1035 Tw (bout ) Tj -405.75 -13.5 TD -0.0622 Tc 0.4372 Tw (the progress you\222re making. Tj 53.25 0 TD 0 Tc ( ) Tj -53.25 -13.5 TD ( ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.1133 Tc 0.4883 Tw (Negative feelings ) Tj 87 0 TD -0.134 Tc 0 Tw (are) Tj 14.25 0 TD -0.1115 Tc 0.6115 Tw ( more likely to lead to destructive levels of drinking than upbeat ) Tj -101.25 -13.5 TD -0.071 Tc 0.3925 Tw (feelings. Start on a ) Tj 54 0 TD -0.0457 Tc 0.2707 Tw (period of abstinence of 30 days or more, to experience t) Tj 268.5 0 TD 0.0273 Tc -0.0273 Tw (he positiv) Tj 46.5 0 TD 0.0645 Tc -0.0645 Tw (es of ) Tj -411 -13.5 TD 0.25 Tc 0 Tw (non) Tj 17.25 0 TD -0.246 Tc (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0265 Tc 0.0265 Tw (drinking. PDF Moderation Guidelines Summary Document - Trinity College Dublin Tj 31.5 0 TD -0.1035 Tc 0.3535 Tw ( It\222s best ) Tj -394.5 -13.5 TD -0.088 Tc 0.3643 Tw (to have a few phrases ready in mind, such as: \223No thanks, I\222m on a diet,\224 or \223No thanks, ) Tj 0 -14.25 TD -0.1079 Tc 0.4579 Tw (I\222ve got an early one tomorrow,\224 or \223No thanks, I\222m the driver tonight,\224 or just \223N) Tj 396 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (o ) Tj -396 -13.5 TD -0.0494 Tc 0.3708 Tw (thanks, not tonight.\224 You\222ll be pleasantly surprised how little most people are concern) Tj 419.25 0 TD -0.039 Tc 0 Tw (ed) Tj 11.25 0 TD 0 Tc (. ) Tj 75.75 0 TD -0.053 Tc 0.2138 Tw ( It\222s helpful at this point to make a written list of those key ) Tj -138.75 -13.5 TD -0.0417 Tc 0.0417 Tw (trigger situations.) T) Tj 61.5 0 TD -0.2484 Tc 0.2484 Tw (he bet) Tj 28.5 0 TD -0.22 Tc 0 Tw (ter) Tj 12 0 TD -0.0303 Tc 0.1666 Tw ( approach is to break the change process down into a ) Tj -177.75 -14.25 TD -0.0726 Tc 0.2868 Tw (number of smaller, more manageable steps. Tj 211.5 0 TD -0.078 Tc 0 Tw (\224) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.0728 Tc 0.287 Tw ( Lastly, you can bring to mind ) Tj -290.25 -13.5 TD 0.8227 Tw (your long) Tj 45.75 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1084 Tc 0.4084 Tw (term objective of getting your ove) Tj 163.5 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (r) Tj 3.75 0 TD (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD 0 Tc 0.3744 Tw (drinking under control) Tj 107.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (,) Tj 3 0 TD ( ) Tj 3.75 0 TD -0.168 Tc (to) Tj 9 0 TD -0.082 Tc 0.2695 Tw ( enjoy a healthier ) Tj -345 -14.25 TD -0.0524 Tc 0.5524 Tw (and more satisfying life.) Your appearance will doubtless improve without the stress of over) Tj 357.75 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.024 Tc (drinkin) Tj 34.5 0 TD 0 Tc (g) Tj 5.25 0 TD (. ) The "butterfly effect" in strategic human capital: Mitigating the endogeneity concern about the relationship between turnover and performance. If you can, describe the MM program to your spouse ) Tj 360 0 TD -0.1576 Tc 0.3451 Tw (and see if you ) Tj ET endstream endobj 39 0 obj 8872 endobj 37 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 34 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 38 0 R >> endobj 41 0 obj << /Length 42 0 R >> stream A straightforward test of a linear relationship Tj 90 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj -108 -14.25 TD /F3 12 Tf -0.27 Tc (\267) Tj 5.25 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.336 Tw ( ) Tj 12.75 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.097 Tc 0.097 Tw (You\222ll ) Tj 33.75 0 TD -0.0927 Tc 0.5927 Tw (see while cold sober how people reall) Tj 180.75 0 TD -0.0946 Tc 0.3446 Tw (y act while over) Tj 76.5 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD 0.0728 Tc (drinking) Tj 40.5 0 TD 0 Tc (.) But) Tj 111.75 0 TD -0.0605 Tc 0.2105 Tw ( as you can see, ) Tj 78.75 0 TD -0.0549 Tc 0.162 Tw (there are very powerful advantages for an ) Tj -190.5 -14.25 TD -0.0279 Tc 0.0279 Tw (abstinence period of 30) Tj 111.75 0 TD -0.1047 Tc 0.2922 Tw ( days or more. ) This is normal. Tj 6 0 TD 0.0835 Tc 0.6665 Tw (Not religion) Tj 58.5 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 4.5 0 TD -0.1463 Tc 0.5213 Tw (based, as is AA. ) PDF BtC5 Quality Assurance and Moderation - Education Scotland Champion Partner Try the new app that's already a favorite among Moderation Management users. Moderate or "controlled" drinking is a harm reduction approach tailored toward people with a drinking problem who do not exhibit the symptoms of physical dependence on alcohol. But there several important differences: MM is made up of members who don't want to give up alcohol - they want to practice "controlled drinking" within strict guidelines . Many people find that ) Tj -303 -14.25 TD -0.0582 Tc 0 Tw (activities) Tj 42.75 0 TD -0.0254 Tc 0.3067 Tw ( involving service to others are especially rewarding. ) For dealing with stress, there are a number of books and ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0405 Tc 0.4155 Tw (online resources t) Tj 84.75 0 TD -0.0904 Tc 0.4118 Tw (hat can give you coping strategies. The urge ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.0611 Tc 0.4702 Tw (might say, for instance, that tonight is a special occasion and y) Tj 300 0 TD -0.0623 Tc 0.1694 Tw (ou can just have a drink or ) Tj -300 -14.25 TD -0.1347 Tc 0.4159 Tw (two and then go back to your \22330.\224 ) Tj 171.75 0 TD -0.12 Tc 0.495 Tw (Answer the urge back with the statement) Tj 195.75 0 TD -0.336 Tc 0 Tw (:) Tj 3 0 TD 0 Tc ( ) Tj 3.75 0 TD -0.078 Tc (\223) Tj 4.5 0 TD 0 Tc ( ) Tj 3.75 0 TD 0.168 Tc (E) Tj 6.75 0 TD -0.0703 Tc 0.0703 Tw (ach time ) Tj 44.25 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (I) Tj 3.75 0 TD 0 Tc ( ) Tj -437.25 -13.5 TD -0.1015 Tc 0.3515 Tw (refuse an urge ) Tj 70.5 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (I) Tj 3.75 0 TD -0.0674 Tc 0.4424 Tw ( get stronger and stronger in dealing with it.) The) Tj 159 0 TD -0.0866 Tc 0.5366 Tw ( list of helpful techniques ) Tj 126 0 TD -0.2197 Tc 0.2197 Tw (is so long ) Tj -384.75 -13.5 TD -0.0898 Tc 0.3661 Tw (that you probably can\222t keep them all in mind. You can doubtless think of a number of other pros and cons. ) Tj 209.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 3 0 TD ( ) Tj -404.25 -14.25 TD /F3 12 Tf -0.27 Tc (\267) Tj 5.25 0 TD /F4 12 Tf 0 Tc -0.336 Tw ( ) Tj 12.75 0 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.074 Tc 0.374 Tw (Generally has something to eat before, during, or soon after drinking.) Moderation Management is a lay-led non-profit dedicated to reducing the harm caused by the misuse of alcohol. You may be surprised to find how drinking has invaded and caused some harms ) Tj 0 -13.5 TD -0.168 Tc 0.918 Tw (in s) Tj 16.5 0 TD -0.0828 Tc 0.8328 Tw (o many) Tj 35.25 0 TD -0.0913 Tc 0.3913 Tw ( aspects of your life. ) Tj 23.25 0 TD -0.0353 Tc 0.2853 Tw (\(More about triggers later\).) Tj 89.25 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw ( ) Tj 3.75 0 TD -0.0954 Tc 0.4704 Tw (However, if it doesn\222t ) Tj -316.5 -13.5 TD -0.0912 Tc 0.3412 Tw (feel right to start drinking again on day 31, jus) Tj 222 0 TD -0.0555 Tc 0.3555 Tw (t keep abstinent until it doe) Tj 130.5 0 TD -0.1074 Tc 0.4824 Tw (s feel right) Tj 51 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (.) It\222s vital to obey your state\222s driving blood alcohol l) Tj 315 0 TD -0.1188 Tc 0.1188 Tw (imit, ) Tj -412.5 -14.25 TD -0.15 Tc 0.525 Tw (and the safest practice is) Tj 116.25 0 TD -0.0065 Tc 0.1136 Tw ( not to drink and drive at all.) But it may give you an inkling that abstinence, your fall) Tj 423.75 0 TD -0.246 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj -423.75 -13.5 TD -0.0426 Tc 0.5426 Tw (back if moderation doesn) Tj 121.5 0 TD -0.0771 Tc 0.2914 Tw (\222t work down the line, is not such a bad thing after all. ) Tj 3 0 TD ( ) Tj ET endstream endobj 48 0 obj 8758 endobj 46 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 34 0 R /Resources << /Font << /F0 6 0 R /F2 16 0 R /F3 20 0 R /F4 22 0 R >> /ProcSet 2 0 R >> /Contents 47 0 R >> endobj 6 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /Name /F0 /BaseFont /TimesNewRoman /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 255 /Widths [ 250 333 408 500 500 833 778 180 333 333 500 564 250 333 250 278 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 278 278 564 564 564 444 921 722 667 667 722 611 556 722 722 333 389 722 611 889 722 722 556 722 667 556 611 722 722 944 722 722 611 333 278 333 469 500 333 444 500 444 500 444 333 500 500 278 278 500 278 778 500 500 500 500 333 389 278 500 500 722 500 500 444 480 200 480 541 778 500 778 333 500 444 1000 500 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