Then he bursts into the room. Two geeky monsters, Needleman and Smitty, straighten one of them.). (Sulley heads off after Boo. ), (Randall snaps to attention and disappears. Outside the factory, The CDA agents shut Waternoose into the back of the van and drive away. She is the one! Ooh, the love boat is about to set sail! One, two (The posing couple sees Boo pop up over the photographer's shoulder. A newscaster talks to the camera.). Mike and Sulley retreat in fear. Look at those numbers! Later at the curbside, Mike approaches a shiny new convertible and holds up a set of keys.). ), (Sulley cowers on a bench, backed into a corner of the room. Mr. Waternoose: Aaah! (beat) Does anyone else know about this? Do you have one-nineteen? Sulley tickles her chin. Fungus looks around, confused. (George looks around, confused. (Screen flashes to Mike and Sulley taking behind a menu). Celia: Oh, Michael! Did she disappear? We gotta shut down for a half-hour and reset the system. Sulley: (over-selling) Where did she go? Of course, I did learn from the best. Sulley deposits Boo on top of her bed. You have your own climate. Can anyone tell me Mr. Bile's big mistake? Mr. Waternoose: Say, I could use your help with something. "We"? (George is taken down. You're making him lose his focus. 2 GmingScout5572 3 yr. ago The bloopers are in the extras tab 2 Ajs1004 3 yr. ago I have no memory of that. And the fact that laughter is ten times more powerful than scream had nothing to do with it. The boy looks around the room, nervously, eyes growing wide. Mike: (nervously looking around) Kid? (Waternoose closes in on Sulley, rising up on his legs intimidatingly.). Sulley: (after hiding Mary behind his back again) Top of the morning, fellas. Ready, Sulley opens her door. Ah, sure we put the factory in the toilet, and gee, hundreds of people will be out of work now. Sulley: (sobbing) I can still hear her little voice. She picks up the bear and hugs it. You'll make him lose his focus. (Sulley swings at Randall and misses. Mike: I bet it's just waiting for us to fall asleep, and then, WHAM!! What kid? (to phone) Ha-ha, what can I say? The lead article, "MONSTERS, INC. BACK ON TOP!" Outtakes | Disney Wiki | Fandom (A horrible scream gets Mike's attention. Mike: I'm telling you, pal, when that wall went up, you should've seen the look on Waternoose's face. ), (Mike rolls into a garbage can and bumps into a shelf, sending a stack of books into his mouth. DR. Mike: Big deal. He climbs aboard a door being ejected and sails up onto the track several door behind Sulley, Mike and Boo. The lights in the apartment glow even brighter than before. Mike: Look, Sulley, you wanted her door, and there it is. Fungus: Aah! Smitty: (calling after) Go get 'em, Mr. Soloman! (The Scare Floor is dark and empty; everyone is still at lunch.). Mike: (annoyed) Hey, Sulley, I am baring my soul here. A horn sounds, and each scarer rushes up to their door. Text appears on the screen: "Simulation-Not Actual Child."). This has gone too far.). (Sulley closes the door and sits in front of the closet. ), (Randall's door switches onto yet another track. Randall: Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. A graph on Sulley's clipboard shows first year profits going through the roof. (The machine's suction pulls Mike's lips closer, then suddenly stops, powering down with a whir. None of it matters? ), (The curtain flies open. She grabs Mike's leg, and so is dragged after him.). Go to sleep. Waternoose yells at him from behind the machine.). (Waternoose flips the switch and the simulator door and ejects, just like the Scare Floor. Sulley awkwardly does his best to comfort her. Monsters, Inc./Trailer transcripts | Moviepedia | Fandom Machine gun fire, explosions, etc. ), (Sulley activates Boo's door. Sulley makes his way to the end of the hall. Mike: Hey! ), (Randall uncamoflages in front of the door, and opens it. Celia: (o.s., over P.A. Something about a village! Sulley just barely gets a hand-hold on the lip of the door.) Mike: I like everything about you. I bet they put the original master through the 4K restoration. But Boo's in trouble. Mike: Where'd it go? Sulley scoops up Boo and her door and heads for the Simulation Room.). 4:42. (Sulley's yelling frightens the kid, who starts crying again. Bye-bye. You! Enchanted (2007) Bloopers Outtakes Gag Reel. The 2012 3D re-release and 2013 DVD, Blu-Ray, and Blu-Ray 3D versions use the 2009 3D version of the Pixar logo. Crazed with pain, Bile runs around the room, squealing and holding his backside.). Sulley lies motionless in the snow, the wind howling through his fur. Just the other day, someone asked me who I thought the most beautiful monster was in all of Monstropolis, and you know what I said? (Mike closes the door on his face, squishing it and making a goofy face. (The lead CDA agent shows the charred remains of the M.I. Sulley: (nervous) Uh, well uh er, uh Mike: No! Charlie, Waxford and Frank: That was awesome! (SLAM! The loose eyestalk rests atop the garbage pile, making it look like Boo is in amongst the trash. The door slams in his face. He shuts the door and shimmies up toward Sulley), (Mike's hand slips from Sulley's grasp, but he grabs Mike's foot. Mr. Waternoose pours himself a cup of the thick gooey liquid.). Mike: To drive it! (Mike hits a button on his keypad. Do you hear me? ), (Screen flashes, the piece of cereal lands in front of her. The lights surge. Sulley: Yup. We scare because we care. Mike: Good! Tiny Monster Wife: Have a good day, sweetie. Sulley: Guys, I told ya, call me Sulley. Sulley opens he door and motions for Mike to jump in. Mike: Hey, thanks a lot! Yeti: Kids? Sulley motions for her to stay quiet. ), (They nearly bump into a group of CDA agents, inspecting a trash can.). Monsters, Inc. (2001) Bloopers Outtakes Gag Reel - YouTube Does that matter? To Sulley, she is like a diseased rat. , Mike and Sulley: (v.o.) (Sulley replaces the simulator door with Boo's door. ), (Smitty has a hard time pulling the lever, which appears to be jammed. ), (From the other end of the tunnel of doors, Randall jumps onto a door and rides it towards them. (Pushes Smitty), Smitty: (worried) Oh, let me do it over! Mike: Oh! Jerry: (to camera) I'm Monsters Incorporated! Feel the burn! Randall grabs Mike's arms, using them as a visual aid to drive home his point.). Monsters, Inc. is the fourth animated film produced by Pixar.It is directed by Pete Docter, with the screenplay by Andrew Stanton and Daniel Gerson, and the story by Docter, Jill Culton, Jeff Pidgeon and Ralph Eggleston.It was released on November 2, 2001. She sent me to my room. (to Sulley) All right, then, I'll see you this afternoon, James. (Mike fits an empty can onto his door station. Mike: None of it matters? He backs away and slips on a soccer ball, which ricochets off the wall and beans him squarely on the face. superimposed over it. Sulley: Great job, Mikey. She whimpers as Waternoose looks on.). A cleaver chops through a piece of raw monster fish. That was weird. Hey, hey, hey! Mike: Sulley, I've had enough. Sulley slowly lifted his head. (Sulley sits at the mouth of the cave, staring at his hands.). All the doors are being returned to the vault. Sulley: Now, look, what if we just put her back in her door? (he steps out. Second of all, you're nuts if you think kidnapping me is gonna help you cheat your way to the top! , (Luxo Jr.'s light turns off on the last note), Scene 1: Monsters in the Closet/Mr. Jerry: We may actually make our quota today, sir. He sneezes and continues on. Is this one yours? Mike: Scary feet, scary feet, scary feet-- Oop! Take care of yourself and be a good girl, okay? He's wearing mittens on his horns, his hands, and his feet.). (Mary runs carefree through the chaos in the restaurant, babbling. Randall collapses to the ground, becoming visible again. Laughter emanates from all the doors. WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No, no! Both know it's true. She's seen too much. Keep it up! Sulley, Mike and Boo follow Boo's door down a long corridor.). ), (Sulley tiptoes down the dark passageway, carrying Boo. Holding the bag at arms length, he runs out of the room. Suddenly Boo slips and falls forward with a noise. Boo's door will not reach their station before Randall. Mike: I could use the exercise? ), (Mike looks back and sees Randall approaching. CDA Agent: (to fellow agent) Careful with that. A CDA agent presses a button. He can't see where it's coming from. She nods and goes quiet. No. (Mike and Sulley have a good chuckle about this and the screen flashes to Sulley talking to Boo, who can't sleep because of Randall.). Mike: (singing like a Drill Sergeant) I don't know, but it's been said. (Sulley grabs Randall by the neck, wrestling him like an alligator. That was worse than the last joke. This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Monsters Inc.. Through! Sulley: You think he's gonna come through the closet and scare you. ), (Before Charlie can finish, George grabs him by the throat, stuffs the sock in his mouth, and tosses him in the door. Mike: That's it. There's no "we" this time, pal. He closes the locker. Come on, enough. Randall takes off angrily. Sulley: (stopping) Randall? Come on, get lost, you two. You know, I hadn't even noticed. So help me! ), Sulley: (v.o.) Randall practices camouflaging by blending into various background patterns: wood, brick, wallpaper. Celia: (o.s., over P.A. Mike : Look, it's not that I don't care about the kid. The lights overhead glow intensely, then burst. No exceptions! Mr. Waternoose: We're MI, Monsters Incorporated. [Outtake 1] [Ryan and Sulley are standing near a chair] Ryantransformer: Speed. In fear, she calls out for Sulley. You guys seen Sulley anywhere? Sulley is hit in the face with a snowball. Mike: Hey, look at that, it's Randall. George: (to CDA agents) Hey, thanks, guys, that was a close one. (One of the pupils loses it, leaping into the lap of the monster next to him. Monster's Inc bloopers end credits - YouTube Mike walks in.). I'm on a roll today. Mike follows, jumping onto the door behind him. You're in kindergarten, right? 'Cause I got a really nice car. Milking a yak ain't exactly a picnic, but you know, once you pick the hairs out, it's very nutritious. This is the men's room. Sulley: Mike, what are you thinking? I need scarers like like James P. Sullivan! He turns and pushes the toboggan out of the cave. ), (Needleman tapes a yellow "X" across the door.). , (We cut to Claws crying in the back of the audience, moved by Mike's solo. It scares little kids and little monsters. (Behind the geeks, Boo climbs out of the garbage. You had a lift? ), Mike: Oh, hey! Computer voice: (over P.A.) Every time you turn something on, Mike watches him go, smoldering.). Move it! By now Randall is almost upon them. Smitty: (calling after) Go get 'em, Mr. Sullivan! Mike: Uh, do I ever. Mike: (calling back) I love you, Schmoopsie-Poo! Betty! Waternoose: I hope you're happy, Sullivan. Suddenly, from the utility hallway, he hears a noise.
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