Separation of transported explosive material. Overcast and undercast construction (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines). The containers or storage tanks shall be, (3) Located in areas free of combustible materials or in areas where any exposed combustible materials are coated with one inch of shotcrete, one-half inch of gunite, or other noncombustible material with equivalent fire protection characteristics; and. 57.19069 Entering and leaving conveyances. (a) When persons are exposed to slushing operations, the slushers shall be equipped with rollers and drum covers and anchored securely before slushing operations are started to protect against hazardous movement before slushing operations are started. Explosives are substances classified as explosives by the Department of Transportation in 173.53, 173.88, and 173.100 of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations (1986 Edition). Portable extension lights, and other lights that by their location present a shock or burn hazard, shall be guarded. Asbestos means chrysotile, cummingtonite-grunerite asbestos (amosite), crocidolite, anthophylite asbestos, tremolite asbestos, and actinolite asbestos. If tests prove positive, appropriate control measures shall be taken. guide. A manually operated device shall be installed on each electric hoist that will allow the conveyance or counterbalance to be removed from an overtravel position. Oil recovery drill holes that penetrate oil bearing formations shall have devices to control the release of liquid hydrocarbons and hazardous gases during the drilling process. To confine or prevent the spread of toxic gases from a fire originating in an underground shop where maintenance work is routinely done on mobile equipment, one of the following measures shall be taken: use of control doors or bulkheads, routing of the mine shop air directly to an exhaust system, reversal of mechanical ventilation, or use of an automatic fire suppression system in conjunction with an alternate escape route. For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 2027416030, or go to: 57.19080 Hoisting tools, timbers, and other materials. When persons are working in a shaft Men Working in Shaft signs shall be posted at all devices controlling hoisting operations that may endanger such persons. The following definitions apply in this subpart: Competent person. 57.14100 Safety defects; examination, correction and records. Limit on exposure to diesel particulate matter. 57.9318 Getting on or off moving equipment. 22, Recommendations for the Safe Transportation of Detonators in a Vehicle with Other Explosive Materials (May 1993), and the Generic Loading Guide for the IME22 Container (October 1993). 57.16002 Bins, hoppers, silos, tanks, and surge piles. (4) Category IV applies to mines in which noncombustible ore is extracted and which liberate a concentration of methane that is not explosive nor capable of forming explosive mixtures with air based on the history of the mine or the geological area in which the mine is located. The control door shall provide protection at least equivalent to a door constructed of no less than one-quarter inch of plate steel with channel or angle-iron reinforcement to minimize warpage. Shaft means a vertical or inclined shaft, a slope, incline, or winze. Persons shall enter, ride, and leave conveyances in an orderly manner. (4) Test results shall be evaluated as follows: (i) If the initial test run is valid and the stopping distance does not exceed the corresponding stopping distance listed in Table 1, the performance of the service brakes shall be considered acceptable. Requests for a hearing shall be in writing and contain the following information: (1) Name, address, and mine identification number; (2) A concise statement of the reason why the Administrator's determination is inappropriate; and. (7) Upon written notification that the PLHCP has determined that the miner is unable to wear a respirator, including a PAPR, the miner must be transferred to work in an existing position in an area of the same mine where respiratory protection is not required. (3) Service brake tests shall be conducted under the direction of the mine operator in cooperation with and according to the instructions provided by the MSHA inspector as follows: (i) Equipment capable of traveling at least 10 miles per hour shall be tested with a typical load for that particular piece of equipment. These publications and documents may be obtained from the National Institute of Science and Technology, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 3460, Gaithersburg, MD 208993460. Areas containing major electrical installations shall be entered only by authorized persons. Activity between machinery or equipment and the highwall or bank. When utilized in shafts exceeding 100 feet in depth, such hoists shall also be provided with overspeed devices. (2) The National Board Inspection Code, a Manual for Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, 1979, published by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. A second escapeway is recommended, but not required, during the exploration or development of an ore body. Hoisting heavy equipment or material. Trailing cable and power-cable connections to junction boxes shall not be made or broken under load. 57.19107 Precautions for work in compartment affected by hoisting operation. Continuous clearance of at least 30 inches from the farthest projection of moving railroad equipment shall be provided on at least one side of the tracks at all locations where possible or the area shall be marked conspicuously. Safety fuse, igniter cord, detonating cord, shock or gas tubing, and similar material which is kinked, bent sharply, or damaged shall not be used. (3) Take other special precautions to address the specific conditions at the mine to prevent premature detonation. Smoking or open flames shall not be permitted in a face or raise, or during release of gas from a borehole until tests have been conducted in accordance with 57.22226 and the methane level has been determined to be below 0.5 percent. (i) Seat belt maintenance. Where access is necessary, suitable clearance shall be provided at stationary electrical equipment or switchgear. (a) Only persons trained and experienced in the handling and use of explosive material shall direct blasting operations and related activities. (b) Smoking, use of open flames, or other activities that could create an ignition source shall be prohibited at the battery charging station during battery charging. (a) More than one broken wire at an attachment; (b) Improper installation of an attachment; (d) Evidence of deterioration from corrosion at an attachment. Mine opening. 57.22241 Advance face boreholes (I-C mines). (c) Load end attachment methods using splices are prohibited. Smoking shall be prohibited in all areas of a mine where exposure records are required to be kept in compliance with standard 57.5040. Tools or materials shall not be carried on top of locomotives underground except for secured rerailing devices located in a manner which does not create a hazard to persons. Gauges and regulators used with oxygen or acetylene cylinders shall be kept clean and free of oil and grease. (c) Readily available adapters capable of connecting hydrant fittings to the hose equipment of any firefighting organization relied upon by the mine. (3) Measurement of airborne asbestos fiber concentration. Valves on compressed gas cylinders shall be protected by covers when being transported or stored, and by a safe location when the cylinders are in use. If concentrations of radon daughters in excess of 0.1 WL are found in an exhaust air sample, thereafter. 17Dry-Chemical Extinguishing Systems. In the event of power failure, drill controls shall be placed in the neutral position until power is restored. Hand-held electric tools shall not be operated at high potential voltages. Man cages and skips used for hoisting or lowering employees or other persons in any vertical shaft or any incline shaft with an angle of inclination of forty-five degrees from the horizontal, shall be covered with a metal bonnet. 57.22314 Flow-control devices (V-A and V-B mines). If used as an alternative, routing the mine shop exhaust air directly to an exhaust system shall be done so that no person would be exposed to toxic gases in the event of a shop fire. Access to unattended mine openings shall be restricted by gates or doors, or the openings shall be fenced and posted. Cage doors or gates shall be closed while persons are being hoisted; they shall not be opened until the cage has come to a stop. Crossovers shall be provided where it is necessary to cross conveyors. Fixed ladders shall be anchored securely and installed to provide at least 3 inches of toe clearance. (4) Water pipes, valves, outlets, hydrants, and hoses that are part of the mine's firefighting system shall be visually inspected at least once every three months for damage or deterioration and use-tested at least once every twelve months to determine that they remain functional. 57.19072 Skips and cages in same compartment. A suitable means of protection shall be provided for the employee when lighting the burner. A legible signal code shall be posted prominently in the hoist house within easy view of the hoistmen, and at each place where signals are given or received. (a) Electric detonators shall be kept shunted until connected to the blasting line or wired into a blasting round; (b) Wired rounds shall be kept shunted until connected to the blasting line; and. 57.14112 Construction and maintenance of guards. 57.19066 Maximum riders in a conveyance. Blasting shall not be done when 1.0 percent or more methane is present. If the main fan is located underground, (A) The cable or conductors supplying power to the fan shall be routed through areas free of fire hazards; or, (B) The main fan shall be equipped with a second, independent power cable or set of conductors from the surface. (1) The materials being hoisted must be rigged to prevent unintentional displacement. This publication may be examined in any Metal and Nonmetal Mine Safety and Health District Office, Mine Safety and Health Administration, or may be obtained from the American National Standards Institute, Inc., 25 W. 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036; (1) Whenever a fire or its effects could impede escape from self-propelled equipment, a fire extinguisher shall be on the equipment. Emulsion means an explosive material containing substantial amounts of oxidizers dissolved in water droplets, surrounded by an immiscible fuel. (b) After blasting, if the monitoring system indicates that methane in the mine is less than 1.0 percent, persons may enter the mine. Any person who has not had self-rescuer instruction within 12 months immediately preceding going underground shall be instructed in the use of self-rescuers before going underground. Illumination sufficient to provide safe working conditions shall be provided in and on all surface structures, paths, walkways, stairways, switch panels, loading and dumping sites, and working areas. (a) Reciprocating-type air compressors rated over 10 horsepower shall be equipped with automatic temperature-actuated shutoff mechanisms which shall be set or adjusted to the compressor when the normal operating temperature is exceeded by more than 25 percent. Such locks, signs, or preventive devices shall be removed only by the person who installed them or by authorized personnel. (e) Potable water outlets shall be posted. (b) Faces shall be examined for proper placement of holes, possible breakthrough, and water. The hardwood or equivalent shall be fastened to the vehicle or conveyance. Working platforms shall be provided with toeboards when necessary. This code is incorporated by reference and made a part of this standard. The following definitions apply to this part. (c) Atop equipment not suitable for drilling. Any substance classified as an explosive by the Department of Transportation in 49 CFR 173.53, 173.88, and 173.100. (c) The Secretary will use full-shift personal sampling for compliance determinations. 811). It may be examined at any Metal and Nonmetal Mine Safety and Health District Office of the Mine Safety and Health Administration, and may be obtained from the publisher, the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, 1055 Crupper Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43229. All seals, and those stoppings that separate main intake from main return airways, shall be of substantial construction and constructed of noncombustible materials, except that stoppings constructed of brattice materials may be used in face areas. Fuel lines shall be equipped with valves capable of stopping the flow of fuel at the source and shall be located and maintained to minimize fire hazards. (a) The burning rate of each spool of safety fuse to be used shall be measured, posted in locations which will be conspicuous to safety fuse users, and brought to the attention of all persons involved with the blasting operation. Paragraph 9.8, ANSI N13.81973, is incorporated by reference and made a part of this standard. Dumping facilities and loading pockets shall be constructed so as to minimize spillage into the shaft. A passage, walk, or haulageway regularly used or designated for persons to go from one place to another. Safety can means an approved container, of not over 5 gallons capacity, having a spring-closing lid and spout cover. An explosive material containing substantial portions of a liquid, oxidizers, and fuel, plus a thickener. Electric lamps used for personal illumination shall be approved by MSHA under the requirements of 30 CFR parts 19 or 20, as applicable. There may be times when special purpose foot protection, such as metatarsal protectors, is needed. (1) Air purifying respirators must be equipped with the following: (i) Filters certified by NIOSH under 30 CFR part 11 (appearing in the July 1, 1994 edition of 30 CFR, parts 1 to 199) as a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter; (ii) Filters certified by NIOSH under 42 CFR part 84 as 99.97% efficient; or. The controls shall be located so that spills or overruns will not endanger persons. All headframes shall be constructed with suitable design considerations to allow for all dead loads, live loads, and wind loads. Explosion-protection systems (I-C mines). 57.18002 Examination of working places. (b) The common drinking cup and containers from which drinking water must be dipped or poured are prohibited. (i) Constructed so that, once closed, it will not reopen as a result of a differential in air pressure; (ii) Constructed so that it can be opened from either side by one person or be provided with a personnel door that can be opened from either side; (iv) Provided with a means of remote or automatic closure unless a person specifically designated to close the door in the event of a fire can reach the door within three minutes. Background and more details are available in the 57.22602 Blasting from the surface (I-C mines). Air for the enclosure's ventilation system shall be provided in one of the following ways: (1) Air coursed from the surface through a borehole into the hoist enclosure directly or through a metal pipeline from such borehole; or, (2) Air coursed from the surface through metal duct work into the hoist enclosure, although this duct work shall not be located in timber-supported active workings; or. 57.16014 Operator-carrying overhead cranes. Design, installation, and maintenance of railroads. (a) The mixing of ingredients to produce explosive material shall not be conducted underground unless prior approval of the MSHA district manager is obtained. (b) Where persons are required to move around or over any facility listed in this standard, suitable walkways or passageways shall be provided. To prevent accidental release of gases from hoses and torches attached to oxygen and acetylene cylinders or to manifold systems, cylinder or manifold system valves shall be closed when, (b) The torch and hoses are left unattended; or. Ammonium nitrate blasting agents shall not be loaded into wet holes. 57.22608 Secondary blasting (I-A, II-A, and V-A mines). The oxygen intake coupling on jet piercing drills shall be constructed so that only the oxygen hose can be coupled to it. (b) When firing with safety fuse ignited individually using handheld lighters, the safety fuse shall be of lengths which provide at least the minimum burning time for a particular size round, as specified in the following table: Table E1Safety FuseMinimum Burning Time. 57.9316 Notifying the equipment operator. (h) At least two persons shall be present when lighting safety fuse, and no one shall light more than 15 individual fuses. (c) Emergency hoisting facilities should conform to the extent possible to safety requirements for other hoists, and should be adequate to remove the persons from the mine with a minimum of delay. A fuse that burns progressively along its length with an external flame at the zone of burning, used for lighting a series of safety fuses in a desired sequence. 57.12065 Short circuit and lightning protection. Changes in ventilation (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines). Blasting area means the area near blasting operations in which concussion or flying material can reasonably be expected to cause injury. Following evacuation of a mine in a fire emergency, only persons wearing and trained in the use of mine rescue apparatus shall participate in rescue and firefighting operations in advance of the fresh air base. Stopping distances are computed using a constant deceleration of 9.66 FPS2 and system response times of .5.1, 1.5, 2, 2.25 and 2.5 seconds for each of increasing weight category respectively. 57.22226 Testing for methane (IV mines). Booster means any unit of explosive or blasting agent used for the purpose of perpetuating or intensifying an initial detonation. 57.6501 Nonelectric initiation systems. 57.19068 Orderly conduct in conveyances. (1) Crawler tractors and crawler loaders; (4) The tractor portion of semi-mounted scrapers, dumpers, water wagons, bottom-dump wagons, rear-dump wagons, and towed fifth wheel attachments; (b) ROPS construction. Pressure-relief systems including vents, or explosion suppression systems, shall be provided on explosive dust handling and processing equipment and on facilities housing such equipment. 57.4100 Smoking and use of open flames. Repairs or maintenance on machinery or equipment shall be performed only after the power is off, and the machinery or equipment blocked against hazardous motion. These publications may be obtained from the publishers, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 22 Law Drive, P.O. (4) A maximum speed limit is posted and observed for the elevated unbermed portions of the roadway. Each person shall be provided a minimum of 1.5 square feet of floor space. (d) The plan shall be available to an authorized representative of the Secretary and to miners or their representatives. Such flags or lights shall be attached to the end of the projection or be carried by persons walking beside or behind the projection. Vertical clearance above stair steps shall be a minimum of seven feet, or suitable warning signs or similar devices shall be provided to indicate an impaired clearance. No person shall smoke or use an open flame where flammable or combustible liquids, including greases, or flammable gases are, (a) Used or transported in a manner that could create a fire hazard; or. Doors shall be kept operable. Warning devices for restricted clearances. Storage of flammable liquids underground. (3) The term introduced does not include the transfer of engines or equipment from the inventory of one underground mine to another underground mine operated by the same mine operator. (b) Unless steering and braking are under the control of the equipment operator on the towed equipment, a safety chain or wire rope capable of withstanding the loads to which it could be subjected shall be used in conjunction with any primary rigging. Ground conditions that create a hazard to persons shall be taken down or supported before other work or travel is permitted in the affected area. Weekly testing (I-A, III, and V-A mines). (a) Waste materials, including liquids, shall not accumulate in quantities that could create a fire hazard. (a) Methane monitors shall be installed on continuous mining machines used in or beyond the last open crosscut. (b) If methane reaches 1.0 percent at a main exhaust fan, electrical power underground shall be deenergized, except power to monitoring equipment determined by MSHA to be intrinsically safe under 30 CFR part 18, and all persons shall be withdrawn from the mine. These pressure relief requirements do not apply to tanks used for storage of Class IIIB liquids that are larger than 12,000 gallons in capacity. 57.19110 Overhead protection for shaft deepening work. 3, 2006]. A means of ventilating faces shall be provided before workings are abandoned in unsealed areas, unless crosscuts are provided within 30 feet of the face. Designated railroad crossings shall be posted with warning signs or signals, or shall be guarded when trains are passing. 57.19056 Availability of hoist operator for automatic hoists. (6) The blank form entitled Record of Individual Exposure to Radon Daughters (Form 40009) may be obtained on request from any MSHA Metal and Nonmetal Mine Safety and Health district office. (3) No approval of a special extension shall exceed a period of one year from the date of approval. Safety Devices, Provisions, and Procedures for Roadways, Railroads, and Loading and Dumping Sites. Before loading, blastholes shall be checked and, wherever possible, cleared of obstructions. (c) When respiratory protection is used in atmospheres immediately harmful to life, the presence of at least one other person with backup equipment and rescue capability shall be required in the event of failure of the respiratory equipment. 57.9202 Loading and hauling large rocks. 57.19003 Driving mechanism connections. During the approach and progress of an electrical storm, (a) Surface blasting operations shall be suspended and persons withdrawn from the blast area or to a safe location; or. When explosive material is hauled by trolley locomotive, covered, electrically insulated cars shall be used. Also, copies of the plan and revisions thereof shall be posted at locations convenient to all persons on the surface and underground. (b) A record of each examination shall be made before the end of the shift for which the examination was conducted. These procedures shall be coordinated in advance with available firefighting organizations. This record shall be retained until the rope is retired from service. The constant speed shall be maintained up to the point when the equipment operator receives the signal to apply the brakes. (iii) Filters certified by NIOSH for DPM. Prior to secondary breakage operations, the material to be broken, other than hanging material, shall be positioned or blocked to prevent movement which would endanger persons in the work area. P17-IV-01 | Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) (d) If the monitoring system is inoperable or malfunctions, the mine shall be ventilated for at least 45 minutes and the mine power shall be deenergized before persons enter the mine. Before welding, cutting, or applying heat with an open flame to pipelines or containers that have contained flammable or combustible liquids, flammable gases, or explosive solids, the pipelines or containers shall be. (a) When there has been a main ventilation failure, such as stoppage of main fans or failure of other components of the main ventilation system, tests for methane shall be conducted in affected active workings until normal air flow has resumed. (a) Guards shall be constructed and maintained to, (1) Withstand the vibration, shock, and wear to which they will be subjected during normal operation; and. (3) Equipped with starting and stopping controls located at the fan and at another accessible remote location. Approved application for extension of time to comply with exposure limits, 2. 57.4203 Extinguisher recharging or replacement. Support of power cables in shafts and boreholes. Suitable warning signs shall be posted by the individuals who are to do the work. Main fans shall be operated continuously while ore production is in progress. Initiation systems shall be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The quantity of air coursed through the last open crosscut in pairs or sets of entries, or through other ventilation openings nearest the face, shall be at least 6,000 cubic feet per minute, or 9,000 cubic feet per minute in longwall and continuous miner sections. Persons experienced in examining and testing for loose ground shall be designated by the mine operator. (3) The mine operator must provide a confidential medical evaluation by a physician or other licensed health care professional (PLHCP), at no cost to the miner, to determine the miner's ability to use a respirator before the miner is required to be fit tested or to use a respirator at the mine. All persons shall wear suitable protective footwear when in or around an area of a mine or plant where a hazard exists which could cause an injury to the feet. The overtravel by-pass switch shall return automatically to the open position when released by the hoistman. Precautions for work in compartment affected by hoisting operation. Only a decision by the Assistant Secretary shall be considered final Agency action for purposes of judicial review. Actions at 2.0 percent methane (IV mines). Suitable warning notices shall be posted at the power switch and signed by the individuals who are to do the work. 57.14109 Unguarded conveyors with adjacent travelways. Using an open flame to bend or heat materials. 57.17001 Illumination of surface working areas. When a train is under the direction of a brakeman and the train operator cannot clearly recognize the brakeman's signals, the train operator shall bring the train to a stop. (3) Located in areas free of combustible materials or in areas where any exposed combustible materials are coated with one inch of shotcrete, one-half inch of gunite, or other noncombustible material with equivalent fire protection characteristics. (4) At drum crossover and change-of-layer regions. Until such changes are achieved. (2) Only development related to making a primary ventilation connection may be performed beyond 250 feet of the shaft. Section 75.1400 (e) requires that when persons are transported into or out of a mine by a hoist, a qualified hoisting engineer shall be on duty while any person is underground. If methane reaches 2.0 percent in the mine atmosphere, all persons other than competent persons necessary to make ventilation changes shall be withdrawn from affected areas until methane is reduced to less than 1.0 percent. 57.22233 Actions at 0.5 percent methane (I-C mines). [53 FR 32526, Aug. 25, 1988, as amended at 55 FR 37218, Sept. 7, 1990]. Permanent splices and repairs made in power cables, including the ground conductor where provided, shall be. (b) The operator shall maintain the form entitled Record of Individual Exposure to Radon Daughters (Form 40009), or equivalent forms that are acceptable to the Administrator, Metal and Nonmetal Mine Safety and Health, Mine Safety and Health Administration, on which there shall be recorded the specific information required by the form with respect to each person's time-weighted current and cumulative exposure to concentrations of radon daughters.
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