This was a task that proved most difficult, due to the amount of blood she had lost. Barnacles has a bad dream. Just remember to ask me if you need a break instead of just slacking off. That could convince both you like them, and that'll cause an argument. Captain Barnacles (All octonauts hear the radio come on)Captain Barnacles: Calling all octonauts! Dashi: OK! (In the HQ)Inkling: Now, Shellington just like Captain and Tweak's wedding I can be the justice of the peace! They noticed me walk in, and stopped speaking. Tunip, Barrot, and the Other Vegimals: Zooba Zooba! We left you our work to do for us. Eventually. Please consider turning it on! This might be because Peso came to the crew later, or because Kwazii is considered more of a best friend or a right-hand man. They all boarded the Gup Q and entered the caves. Her head was burning hot, burning with fever. (Runs to the HQ)Barnacles: Calling all octonauts! Hope you enjoy the carrotsLove fromThe OctonautsPS. Though any type of constructive criticism could be really helpful, thank you! Everyone: Yes! He surveyed the chaos in shock, then saw Dashi with an unconscious Tweak in her arms. : I got it! She was home at last! She opened it and started to read. POSSIBLE TW FOR DESCRIPTIONS OF MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES AND DISORDERS! Shellington: FineInkling: Barrot you're the best man,Tunip you can be the JR best man,Kwazii and Peso can be honorary best men,Shellington can be the ring bearer,the Vegimals can be the music players, Dashi can be the bridesmaide, and I'm the justice of the peace! Inkling is in his library, while Shellington is in his lab compiling research papers . Inkling: Both say I doShellington and Dashi: I do! A sting ray is stuck! (Sings) YOU GUYS ARE KISSING, YOU GUYS ARE KISSING, YOU GUYS ARE KISSING HA HA HA! He gave me a piteous glance and hung his head in return. Captain, wake up!" Kwazii's outlandish stories about sea monsters and ghosts. Kwazii: Captain is confused. Black Her head was throbbing now and her paws were raw and exhausted from making all those suits. Before the trio could return back to the safety of the Octopod. "According to my immense calculations, I seem to be love-struck!". Shellington: Very Nice! (Juan Pinches the shark with with the Gup D's crab claw)Shark: Oww! Anyways this is a story theroy of how the octonauts became anthros We all know that Peso is shy. Juan: They're gone! Kwazii: What's all the noise?I'm trying to workPeso: Tweak is pregnant! [Shellington, Barrot,Tunip, and the other vegimals arrive to see Dashi looking up the weather,and Inkling looking at the map to the cave.] One day, however, Tweak convinces him to let his guard down and long story short; she finds out. My First Fanfic; Language: English Stats: Published: 2023-02-26 Updated: 2023-04-25 Words: 14,265 Chapters: . "Captain, come to the Launch Bay quickly! Barrot and Tunip: ZOOBA ZOOBA! She took a few and began to munch, sitting in a corner of the room. Ursa This is just a crossover for Octonauts and Pokmon where a Pokmon oc of mine ends up in the Octonauts world! Tweak, Captain, Peso. I knew how close she and Dashi were. I nodded my thanks to him then Tweak and I rushed up to Sick bay to see our friend. The last thing she remembered was Dashi asking her what was wrong and comforting her. And dilemma. Captain Barnacles crossed his arms, shaking his head. A stuffed bear with uncanny lacrosse skills. The crew and the captain were back to normal. I wonder what it is Perhaps a kitten of his own? They shocked Barnacles awake and made him laugh. Inkling (fighting with shellington): You're the one getting married, you can't be the justice of the peace. It was too much work for one person. So she decides to make time for her to go home. Juan and Juliana: Sorry we are late!! ." And he took Barnacles to the Sick Bay. Peso's POV: We arrived at the Octopod in record time. (smiles)Tweak:Come on Cap,let's find out if it's a boy or girl! I saw Dashi, lying on the floor of the gup c, pale as ice, with Peso kneeling next to her, I couldn't take it. He's mainly one of the most iconic characters out of all the Octonauts, and plays as the main character mostly. She was filled with dismay at the scene before her. A few days later Barnacles woke up one morning feeling much better and his paw was almost completely healed. I do make a lot of stories on Wattpad tho, so I'm not entirely new to writing stories. Our babies are going to be octonauts! Peso: Super! Professor Inkling rolled in with his chair, his tentacle grabbing a cup of coffee from the kitchen. Kwazii: This is confusing to me too. We rushed up to Sick bay together to see Dashi. Have you managed to figure out what species of octopus that creature was? Tweak is rebuilding the Octo-Repair station. Shellington: Professor, wait! (Video Game), Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, #JusticeForTheRandomPolicemanNikolaiShot'sFamily, I Feel Bad For You If You Actually Read These, Captain Barnacles is sent to the real world by accident, Captain Barnacles/Kwazii/Peso (Octonauts), Captain Barnacles/Shellington (Octonauts), I Wrote This Whilst Listening To Radiohead And It Shows, Blood And Fur (Will update soon, been stuck here and working on another fic ), Captain Barnacles (Octonauts)/Original Character(s), Captain Barnacles (The Octonauts)/Original Female Character(s), Captain barnacles & original female character, kwazii and shellington have trichotillomania, this is just an excuse for me to include my headcanons, Captain Barnacles (Octonauts)/Original Female Character(s), Barnacles gets to experience animal instincts just like Kwazii. The Captain, Kwazii, Peso, Shellington and Dashi were all going out on a big mission. Also because I don't want to get kicked off. Color: All octonauts and vegimals: Woo hoo! She felt his forehead and quickly removed her paw receiving a 1st- degree burn. "Yes, luckily he is. Shellington: Where is Dashi? She's about to be hit! I should probably go get her out of the gup, I thought to myself. So Peso? Their diligent captain had come home. Can we see her, I asked him. Octonauts Stories - Wattpad ", Peso shook his head aswell, adding to the conversation, "I sure haven't seen a lot of creatures while I was swimming around the coral either.". I need some rest and some food. : But I've never been though something like this! A conversation was going. He would typically be happy there was no trouble but today felt oh so slow. Back at camp Barnacles was looking at his left wrist while sitting on his bed saying "Ouch! Occupation(s): [Dashi drives the Octopod to Hawaii](On the beach in Hawaii)Professor Inkling Octopus [fighting with Shellington]: As the founder of the Octonauts, I have a right to run the wedding! And as you can see in the name, their legs are actually connected together by what people call their 'cape'. The water had grown even more aggressive and Barnacles had to put all his polar bear strength into moving the vessel. They think good things in life just come to them instead of being diligent. Peso nodded, saying, "Yes Captain!" Tunip: Cheepa Cheepa Bree Bree! She knew that the other Octonauts would be coming back soon, so she went up to the HQ where the Vegimals were preparing fish biscuits and kelp cakes. Captain Barnacles favorite flavor of kelp cake is Chocolate. Barnacles decided one more round of assistance couldn't hurt but when he got into the ship he had a slight headache but he didn't care. Dashi: KWAZII! She was so stressed out already. Then he collapsed with his head throbbing.Tweak rushed into the playroom to see Barnacles and found him laying on the floor exhausted and crying.Then Barnacles sat up with his head buried in his knees. I do make a lot of stories on Wattpad tho, so I'm not entirely new to writing stories. "Yes, of course, Captain" Dashi nodded, getting up from her chair as she went. I'm going to question both! Professor Inkling (Octonauts) Octopod (Octonauts) the real world - Character. The Captain and Dashi nodded, then went off to their rooms. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). I attached her to a monitor so I could keep her stabilized. Subscribe: Octonauts are an adventure team who expl. The others watched the screen curiously, standing beside her. I heard one last thunk and couldn't hear any longer. :D. Originally, I would have wanted nothing to do with this stuff because it seemed silly to me, but this was requested after I punned it as a joke, and I thought, why not Kwazii has a secret one he never intends to tell.. Tweak: Juan, Juliana, Cap and I have a present for you! I hopped into the octo-chute that would take me straight to the launch bay, where Tweak and the Captain were last. We'll try again tomorrowJuliana: Aww! abril 26, 2023 0 Visualizaes big bam shows montgomery, alabama. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. CAPTAIN AND TWEAK SITTING IN A TREEK-I-S-S-I-N-G FIRST COMES LOVE AND NOW COMES A RING THEN COMES A BEAUTIFULOCTO-WEDDINGBarnacles & Tweak [laughing]: Kwazii! And make sure to have some extra air tanks because we have no idea how long we're gonna be down there," Captain Barnacles explained to the crew in the launch bay. As she came into the Launch Bay, her jaw dropped. They were as bad as the top of them. The Octonauts and the Vaquitas is a One-Shot Fic based on The Octonauts. But I didn't know if she felt the same way. Then, there was after he became an Octonaut. I began to cry even harder, thinking to myself, Tweak your best friend ever is dying, over and over this thought turned in my head. Kwazii: PESO!!! I called again and again, she seemed to open her eyes for a moment, then pass out again. As the days passed the poison grew and Barnacles's symptoms got worse.He had blurry vision,weakness and tiredness and frequent vomiting. Tweak: Done! A stuffed bear with uncanny lacrosse skills. Professor Inkling doesn't really have his brains anymore. Now, where were we? All the Gups that had been taken out were in ruins and the Launch Bay was a mess. Please consider turning it on! Juliana: Juan, the Whales are trapped so we should help to prove our worth. How hard she had been working recently. Barnacles told Tweak "I haven't slept for weeks. His earlobes are white, though the insides are bright blue as well as his snout. She sobbed openly, clutching her knees. Shellington Sea Otter has only been an Octonaut for a month and already needs help doing his job. Tweak, Tweak, are you all right? What happens next? Min quickly heated some water and boiled the flower into an elixir. Or will forces outside of his control reveal it all? A few minutes later, the captain came into the Launch Bay. Who did it!! Just nothing too bad)). Barnacles was always true to his word and gave his crew breaks if they needed it. Then he got stuck in the river unconscious on a floating log heading for the ocean due to the poison. While Barnacles was taking a nap, everyone came in and surprised him with hugs. I am in love with you. In Above and Beyond, hell be more on his vulnerable side and more worried for his crew. Shellington: Sure! Peso told him and Dashi that they should sleep. This is my first ever story so there will be mistakes here and there, I will PTSD. Barnacles POV: Will she be ok Peso? Character Gallery Professor Inkling: As the founder of the octonauts, I am proud to say that Juan and Juliana (Tweak and Captain's kids) will be in octo-training tomorrow! She hasn't slept well for days." tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (42), | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney (2), Layton Kyouju Series | Professor Layton Series (1), Captain Barnacles/Kwazii (Octonauts) (17), Captain Barnacles/Kwazii/Peso (Octonauts) (7), Captain Barnacles & Kwazii (Octonauts) (6), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Shellington (Octonauts)/Original Character(s), Dashi X Shellington (Dashington) Octonauts Fan-Fiction, Caillou (Caillou)/Dora Marquez (Dora the Explorer), Barney (Barney & Friends)/Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Random Headcanons Fight Me Or Don't Please Don't, | Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! Aliases: Then, it was silent. A cough interrupted the mayhemic scene, Whats all this about? Barnacles called from the doorway. Shellington: Wait a minute! Peso, and Dashi are using the gups to transport supplies from the Octo-port to the Octo-repair station. Inkling: What's going on Dashie? Inkling: My name is NOT Inkers! Blizzards & Snowstorms - Works | Archive of Our Own :good choice she is loving and caring but most of all adventuruszzssssssfff. But before I knew it, I was sliding to the HQ. . However, a turn of events sweeps the group away from their GUP and onto a deserted island in the middle of the Caribbean. Because the crew has been lazy, they left the others that WERE working hard extremely exhausted. We're sorry we overworked you. (Juliana uses the Gup C's tow line to get the net off of the whales)Inkling: You have proved to us that you can do this, you are now Octonauts Juan and Juliana! No-one came to speak or check on him except Peso and Tweak. I heard the Cap's barely audible voice ask if they could see Dashi. Octopod Lots of colors, very pretty colors!" I sighed and turned to the Octo-Hatch where within seconds, Peso would pop out of it. Peso was covering Tweak up and giving her some medicine. Character played by: When she came around, she gave me a pleading look, as if she wanted me to tell her that it was all a bad dream, that Dashi and Shellington were both ok and everything was normal. Octonauts - YouTube Its Kwazii, Peso and Shellingtons turn to help him. Peso: I'll get some baby toys right here! Barrot: Buck speeggmkontuse: [Translation: Yes I will]Shellington: Perfect then! When they weren't looking Barnacles snuck out the tent and went after them because they were heading into Golden Snub-Nose Monkey territory. Captain Barnacles/Kwazii (Octonauts) - Works - Archive of Our Own He trusts the Octonauts, more than he trusts himself. Barnacles's fur was bone white and he had bags under his eyes with a dark violet bite mark on his wrist with Peso holding his paw with bags under his eyes and his breathing was shallow. If we had just realized," "It's OK. Tweak: Cap did you hear that? Shellington: Congratulations Tweak! Those whales are trapped! He asked me to be the best man! Thank you so much! octonauts fanfiction pregnant Dashi quietly told peso of what had happened, then followed the Captain to the Sick Bay. She went down to the Launch Bay, hoping for a good night's sleep for once. He's also one of the most level-headed crew members, often dismissing Kwazii's outlandish stories about sea monsters and ghosts. He'd had a feeling that they'd be friends. Dashi asked. It's a top secret location. A Folder of Doom. "How would you like it if everyone else did this to you?!
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