Rangelands are places of great beauty and inspiration that cover more than a third of all land on the planet, and most of this land is managed by pastoralists. Confidentiality is also the ethical and often legal responsibility to safeguard congregation members from unauthorized disclosures of information given in the context of a confidential . This work is about people how staff work together and how they can support students. RHEBs will want to ensure that relevant . Non-compliance with the PREVENT obligations, alongside the need to comply with other statutory obligations has been included in the College's risk register. The aim of the Prevent strategy is to reduce the threat to the UK from terrorism by stopping people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. Learners and staff at St learning, pastoral support and care for both pupils and school personnel, training for school personnel and with working with parents. Pastoral Care 10.1 Pastoral care is a key way of safeguarding student and staff welfare, particularly those who This is known as the Prevent Duty (Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015). Text Module 5 - Prevent, a student and staff well-being issue (safeguarding, pastoral care and student support) The University has a statutory duty to have 'due regard to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism'. What is Prevent and what are my responsibilities as a teacher under the Prevent duty? Prevent - Safeguard people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. If after vetting the views expressed constitute views that risk drawing people into terrorism, or are shared by a terrorist group, permission must be sought by the booking officer. The Guidance interprets the term due regard as meaning that authorities should place an appropriate amount of weight on the need to prevent people being drawn into terrorism when they consider all the other factors relevant to how they carry out their usual functions. By the third stage, it is apparent that temporary exclusion, suspension or withdrawal may be the appropriate outcome. Publishing.TEAM@education.gsi.gov.uk Takes, Service provider: The Key Support Services Limited, The Key Support Services Limited, 2007 - In accordance with the Prevent Duty Guidance for England and Wales and Channel Duty Guidance: Protecting vulnerable people from being drawn into terrorism (2015) the DSL has the following responsibilities: acting as the first point of contact for parents, pupils, teaching and support staff and external agencies in all matters relating to Within universities, the term Prevent [ refers to measures . The guidance recognises that schools should be safe spaces in which children and young people can understand and discuss sensitive topics, including terrorism and extremist ideas, and learn how to challenge these ideas. 1. Reindeer pastoralism (Prevent strategy para. Jointly with herders, local partners and national authorities, the project studies the impacts of land-use change and climate change on reindeer pastoralists, and further assesses the herders adaptation options and opportunities. Save the planet. The College has in place a range of services for welfare and a pastoral support system provided centrally. Materials to support use of the Pathways videos: PREVENT - PPT OPTION 1 - Facilitator Guide Notes. To comply with this Duty, further education institutions will have to have to: Work in partnership with, and actively engage with Governors, Principals, managers and leaders, (from community or mosques etc), and other partners including the police, local support agencies, Prevent, college staff and liaison officers. Compliance with PREVENT duty to be included in the College's risk register and reviewed annually by Governing Body when . risk' and duty of care to support vulnerable students. There are no specific statutory requirements for this role, so we've based it on the most common features that other schools include. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides an opportunity to work globally towards this transformation because it recognizes the importance of supporting smallholder and pastoral systems while also increasing productivity in the agriculture sector and protecting biological diversity, managing waste, and reducing greenhouse gases. Send your school leader an email with information about The Key Leaders and show your interest in renewing the membership. 1.2 Responsibility for Prevent sits at a senior level University has created a Prevent focal point within the Office of the Vice-Chancellor with a Prevent Lead and Prevent Officer under the chairmanship of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience. uuid:e78bc5d7-d599-4ca1-9768-facd7f646660 In accordance with the Prevent Duty Guidance for England and Wales and Channel Duty Guidance: Protecting vulnerable people from being drawn into terrorism (2015) the DSL has the following responsibilities: acting as the first point of contact for parents, pupils, teaching and support staff and external agencies in all matters relating to E-LEARNING TRAINING ON PREVENT. The University of Greenwich has integrated its Prevent obligations into the wider wellbeing support package. . PREVENT - Option 2 - PATHWAYS FACILITATOR NOTES. Prevent Duty Risk Assessment Compliance Requirements High Low Any action required The risk of our pupils being drawn into terrorism has been assessed and considered to be: X . This means investing in the dual roles of pastoralism by improving market access and incentivizing environmental stewardship, for example through certification, fair trade, or payments for ecosystem services. The use or threat must be designed to . This is introductory training. Amendment of PDF/A standard Prevent Duty V3.2 . Prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support. The government issued specific guidance that clarifies what it expects further education providers to deliver to comply with this duty.1 The 'Prevent' duty guidance makes clear the important role of further education leaders in stopping This is commonly referred to as Prevent, or the Prevent Duty, and also applies to 7 Those specified include local government authorities, education and child care providers, health and social care providers, and the police. School leader's email *. Teach a broad and balanced curriculum. This is known as the Prevent Duty (Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015). The Prevent Duty is NOT about the following The Prevent duty for FE support staff. Which organisations have to comply with the Prevent Duty? by David O. Middlebrook. This has helped to build staff confidence in their ability to manage these situations, reassuring them that they are expected only to act in line with their existing pastoral capacity. The schools show their complete responsibilities regarding child care and safeguarding. It involves a case review panel, consisting of staff and with student participation encouraged, The final stage is a fitness to study panel, incorporating a wider range of expert staff, and always including the students union. This guidance does not prescribe what appropriate decisions would be - this will be up to institutions to determine, having considered all the factors of the case. Call us. Where pastoralism is practised in accordance with traditional practices, and where indigenous knowledge and institutions are strong, the environmental outcomes are positive: biological diversity is enhanced and ecosystem integrity and resilience are maintained. xmpMM 13.05.2021 - SRS compliance are running Prevent training sessions for any staff with a student facing role, who have completed the online training. The removal of the obligation for lessees to comply with the Landscape South Australia Act Help centre. This article examines Prevent, the flagship counter-extremism programme, through a state-theoretical lens. At the core of this is the software solution to support pastoral care in schools. Pastoral system in place to support children. To find out more about how to help someone close to you visit ACT Early. Published 24 October 2022 Applies to England The Prevent duty requires all education providers 'to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism'. Help centre. As part of this, your school should promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs A pastoral system to support the Prevent Duty and GIRFEC guidelines This has created a clear point of contact for Prevent operational matters. external speakers/visitors are vetted by this Policy alongside the Safeguarding/Prevent Policy to ensure compliance. When an authority has failed to discharge the duty, the Secretary of State has the power under section 30 of the Act to make directions to enforce performance of the duty. Compliance with this duty will reflect existing best practice and should not add significant new burdens on institutions. Prevent Duty policies and guidance across UKHE providers. The University's 'Prevent' Duty What is Prevent? Other training modules are available for those staff with specific areas of responsibilities such as pastoral and student support. Sustainable pastoralism, which is centred on organized herd movements, contributes to food and water security, supports resilient livelihoods and national economies, and provides environmental services including carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, and protection of land and ecosystems. It states that Local Authorities and staff . Please check email format is correct ( example@schoolname.com) The main purpose of the policy is to prevent all children and youngsters from misbehaving and one example is Harrow international school, where the safety and well-being of children is a top priority, as you can find out more here.Moreover, the policy defines how schools protect the students and how . Illegal wildlife trade is the fourth largest transnational crime after drugs, weapons and human trafficking. Advice template 0800 061 4500. Prevent Duty Risk Assessment 2020-2021 - REVIEWED JULY 2021 Ensure understanding and compliance with regard to the 'Prevent Duty' in order to further develop effective systems to keep pupils safe from the dangers of radicalisation and extremism at Bourne Abbey & Bourne Elsea Park Church of England Primary Academies This is known as the Prevent Duty (Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015). The Prevent duty requires schools to have due regard to the need to prevent people being drawn into terrorism," as describedinHome Office guidance. E-LEARNING TRAINING ON PREVENT. This is part of a holistic approach to welfare and support. Counter-extremism is the most dynamic part of UK counterterrorism policy. Specified authorities include local authorities, NHS trusts, schools and also providers of certain services to those authorities. In addition to the guidance on the Prevent duty, the following DfE guidance applies: In Wales, the applicable guidance is, Keeping learners safe. Pastoral system in place to support children. Sustainable pastoralism, which is centred on organized herd movements, contributes to food and water security, supports resilient livelihoods and national economies, and provides environmental services including carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, and protection of land and ecosystems. There are no mandatory reporting requirements under the Prevent duty. Prevent Duty: Seven points for independent training providers to consider. In March 2015, the government published Prevent duty guidance for England and Wales, and separate guidance for Scotland. compliance with the Prevent Duty Low Governing Body has nominated Key Individuals to take primary responsibility for the Prevent Duty, whose names and contact details are included in the Prevent Duty Policy. Our website www.preventforfeandtraining.org.uk has materials to support ILPs in adopting the Duty. Higher education. An Ethical and Legal Responsibility. You'll need to adapt it to suit your school's . Has relevant policies that reflect the requirements (seeour section on policies below) have been created to help providers across all parts of the FE and training sector to fulfil their duty to comply . URI 1 0 obj <>/Metadata 2 0 R/OutputIntents 6 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 3 0 R/StructTreeRoot 7 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 2 0 obj <>stream It presents the route to extremism for two young men, one in terms of extreme right activity and one in terms of Islamic extremism. At the core of this is the software solution to support pastoral care in schools. However, as independent learning providers (ILPs) will know, Ofsted has been inspecting for compliance with the Prevent duty for several months. HEFCE's role does not extend to investigating terrorism-related incidents on campus. That policy should be reviewed annually by the governing body, which has a supervisory role. The sooner you reach out, the quicker the person you care about can be protected from being groomed and exploited by extremists. l Ensure sufficient chaplaincy and pastoral support available for all students. The project provides a unique example of how UNEP and the Arctic Council are supporting both environmental issues and indigenous peoples at the community level. "One is seats, one is . Our investigation into whether the student had been radicalised at Greenwich informed our approach to complying with the governments Prevent duty, the legal obligation for universities to keep their students from being drawn into terrorism. Please note some courses are invitation only, or require you to provide further information and create an account to . Prevent is one of four strands of the government's counter-terrorism strategy. Help centre. It also makes . Are you sure you want to print? The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a duty on all relevant higher education bodies (RHEB's) to "have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism". The initiative started in 2010 with funding from Norway and has now become a UNEP/Arctic Council international-coordinated indigenous peoples project in Sakha-Yakutia, Eastern Siberia, and northern Mongolia. Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play and this advice sets out clearly the principles and key areas of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. Confidentiality is also the ethical and often legal responsibility to safeguard congregation members from unauthorized disclosures of information given in the context of a confidential . School leader's name *. Identify any vulnerabilities or worrying changes in behaviour. The project also has linkages to Smi reindeer herding and institutions in Fennoscandia; one of its aims is to replicate the project in other reindeer-herding communities in the North. The approach is academically-led and is very gentle, with the aim of engaging the student. The Children Acts of 1989 and 2004 set out specific duties of the local authority to undertake enquiries if they believe a child has suffered or is likely to suffer significant harm. Education sector specific aspects of the duty In the education sector, the Prevent Duty's requirement to "have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism" is based on the premise that "schools can help protect children from extremism and violent views in the same way they help safeguard A pastoral system to support the Prevent Duty and GIRFEC guidelines that activities undertaken in its name comply with the Prevent duty. 3. The Prevent duty: departmental advice for schools and childcare providers offers guidance on this. There are many misconceptions about Prevent, you can read more in our Prevent mythbuster. What the aim of Prevent is. As a governor, your role is one of oversight. The policy should describe procedures that are in accordance with government guidance and refer to locally agreed inter-agency procedures put in place by the Local Safeguarding Children Board. The guidance interprets the statutory duty as comprising three essential elements. Submit request. In the local government context, the government may also use existing mechanisms to enforce performance, such as sections 10 and 15 of the Local Government Act 1999 which empower the Secretary of State to appoint an inspector to assess the authoritys compliance with its best value duty, and to directly intervene in the running of the authority, for example by appointing commissioner to take on some of the authoritys functions. They are here to listen and offer help and advice. Prevent Duty V3.2 . Compliance with the Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) guidelines and the Prevent Duty is crucial for any school in today's world. UNEP Terms of Use PrivacyReport Project Concern Report Scam Contact Us. How does the duty apply to local authorities and schools? Section 26 (1) of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 ("the Act") imposes a duty on "specified authorities", when exercising their functions, to have due regard to the need to . It has been estimated that pastoralism is practised on approximately 25 per cent of the global land area, providing on average 10 per cent of the worlds meat production. The Prevent duty is explicitly recognised in the College [s risk register and College will comply with reporting requirements. Ofsted will expect to see Prevent compliance in all areas of the country How is the Prevent duty relevant to the local authority lawyer? Use our model job description and person specification to recruit your next pastoral manager/lead. Confidentiality places a duty on clergy not to disclose information shared with them in private. Submit request. The Prevent duty is explicitly recognised in the College [s risk register and College will comply with reporting requirements. Submit request. Key contacts. Follow us on Twitter @gdnhighered. Friends and family are best placed to spot the signs, so trust your instincts and share your concerns in confidence. School leader's name *. BIS Prevent co-ordinator and others as necessary (EFA and the police) and develop a Prevent action plan to set out the actions they will take to mitigate the risks. The government issued specific guidance that clarifies what it expects further education providers to deliver to comply with this duty.1 The 'Prevent' duty guidance makes clear the. Specific authorities have a statutory duty under section 29 of the Act to have regard to Guidance in carrying out their duty. RHEBs have a duty of care to students and staff - especially for those who might be "vulnerable", including those who might be vulnerable to being drawn towards terrorism. Take a look at Guardian Jobs, the higher education specialist, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning, 2023 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies. We are not responsible for external content linked on this site. Early education settings risk having their funding for the early years entitlement from local authorities cut if they fail to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs. Having procedures and policies in place which match the general expectations set out in this guidance will mean that institutions are well placed to comply with the Prevent duty. Higher education. What training is available for the Prevent duty? The Prevent Duty Guidance for England and Wales emphasises that the duty to have due regard for the need to prevent children from being drawn into terrorism is an aspect of safeguarding.
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