Tax Levies and Rates can be found at the Budget Office. Find information about Pinal County, Arizona Ordinances & Codes including local law ordinances, municipal ordinances, municodes, city ordinances, and code enforcement. The Pinal County APNs usually appear as one continuous string (20049047A) but actually have 4 parts (200-49-047-A). The town or city council approval date is applied to the Valuation Year Chart for subdivisions within incorporated jurisdictions. Co-located w/Tax Collector13025 Starkey Road, Exemptions / Assessment Caps / Portability, Discuss My Notice of Proposed Property Tax (TRIM), Dispute My Property Value / File a VAB Petition, Appeal Exemption Denial / File a VAB Petition, Change Non-Homestead Property Ownership or Control, Protect My Name from Public Record Release, Declare a Manufactured Home as Real Property, Obtain Manufactured Home Registration Decal (Tag), Report Property Damage (Hurricane or Calamity), Submit Income/Expense & Limited Common Element Reports, Reason Codes / Property Transfer Definitions, Vacant Residential - lot & acreage less than 5 acres, Vacant Condo Rec Area Dev Own- w/possible XFSB, Vacant Manufactured Home Lot (Individually Owned in Platted Sub), Vacant Manufactured Home Lot (Land Condo), Manufactured Home (On Individually Owned Lot), Manufactured Home (Co-Op, Individually Owned), Manufactured Home (Land Condo, Individually Owned), Condo Conversion - Apartments to Platted Condo (Predominately Apartment Use), Condo Parking Space, Garage Space, Storage Units, Cabanas, Condo Conversion - Apartments to Platted Condo (Predominately Owner-Occupied), Interval Ownership (Fractional Ownership without Hotel Mgmt), ALF - Boarding House (less than 10 units), Single Family - more than one house per parcel, Townhouse, attached multi-story units with separate entrances, Condo Common Area Assn Own - open/green space, Subdivision common area - open/green space, assn owned. In Arizona, business personal property is generally defined as all types of property except real estate property. Archived Maps Available From the Pinal County Assessor The Cartography Division has approximately 3,000 archived parcel maps available online for free. Pinal County, Arizona. Pinal County Recorder Contact Information Address, Phone Number, Fax Number, and Hours for Pinal County Recorder, a Recorder Of Deeds, at North Pinal Street, Florence AZ. Personal property is considered to be movable and not permanently attached to real estate. For more information, please refer to the Land Use Change page. Find Pinal County, Arizona real estate and property deeds, including options for accessing records, types of records, and fees. Apache Junction; Casa Grande; Coolidge; Eloy; Maricopa; Towns. (PDF), 005 - Overhead Electrical Service Specifications (PDF), 006 - Requirements for Obtaining Patio Cover - Carport Permits (PDF), 008 - When Does a Permit Expire and Can an Active Permit Be Extended? Building Safety. The county regulates the location of all storage sheds and, in some instances, also requires the approval of permits prior to establishment of a shed on a lot. Pinal County Treasurer Property Records Click to see every zoning map and zoning code in Pinal County. Use CodesVacant Land Use CodesSingle Family Residence Use CodesMultiple Dwelling Use CodesCommercial Use CodesIndustrial Use CodesAgricultural Use CodesExempt Property Use CodesMiscellaneous Uses Use CodesNatural Resources Use CodesMore Miscellaneous Property Board of Supervisors. The splitting of property (Minor Land Division) is determined based on the zoning of the property, the acreage and any prior divisions of the parcel. Address, Phone Number, Fax Number, and Hours for Pinal County Assessor's Office, an Assessor Office, at North Pinal Street, Florence AZ. The outside boundaries of the tract are then followed by using certain surveyed measurements (metes) and reference points (bounds) until returning to the POB. Search Pinal County, Arizona building inspections, including safety reports, code violations, and liens. Refer to the Valuation Year Chart (PDF) to determine the valuation year of new or modified parcels. RU-10: Rural Zoning District: RU-5: Rural Zoning District: RU-3.3: Rural Zoning District: RU-2: Rural Zoning District: RU-1.25: Rural Zoning District: RU-C: Rural Commercial Zoning District: This is done so the taxpayer can be notified of the value and given an opportunity to appeal that value. Find information about Pinal County, Arizona Burn Permits including applying for open fire burning permits, requirements, wildfire prevention, and personal fire safety. This subdivision survey plan was then recorded with an official government record keeper. ARS42-11127 provides for an exemption from taxation up to a maximum amount of full cash value for some classifications of personal property. PINAL COUNTY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CODE; SUPPLEMENT HISTORY TABLE modified; DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CODE. Please see the parcel maps page for more information. Find Pinal County GIS maps, tax maps, and parcel viewers to search for and identify land and property records. Pinal County Ordinances & Codes City of Casa Grande Crime Map Pinal County Recorder County Records Search City of Casa Grande crime map by data, property, violence or per square mile crimes. Pinal County Property Records are real estate documents that contain information related to real property in Pinal County, Arizona. Pinal County GIS data approved for distribution is made available to government agencies and the public. boat dock, boathouse, Sewage Disposal, Solid Waste (private) borrow pit, marsh, mangrove, sand dune, swamp, waste land, Condo Rec Area Dev Own - sewage disposal, solid waste, borrow pit, drainage reservoir, waste land, Park Land or Recreation Area (Non-Gov't owned), Railroad Property - State Comptroller assessed, Raw Acreage Tract Not Zoned for Agriculture or Commercial Purpose. 31 N. Pinal Assessor, Recorder, Treasurer & Voter Registration . What do I do if I think I am being billed for the wrong tax authorities? Subdivision common area - right-of-way, road, irrigation channel, ditch, etc. Departments. A Site Plan Review is the process for reviewing plans for commercial sites to ensure proper parking, safe access, landscaping, lighting, etc. Legal descriptions must comply with the Arizona Department of Revenue's Mapping and Parceling Standards (PDF). For updated/correct figures, please refer to the Treasurer's Office website. These records can include land deeds, mortgages, land grants, and other important property-related documents. Business Personal Property Statements are mailed by February 1st. How do I know if the Assessors Office has my Residential Rental Property Form on file? Subdivisions within unincorporated Pinal County are added to the tax roll by applying the Public Report issue date to the Valuation Year Chart. Search Pinal County Assessor parcel records by book, map, parcel or split. A Tax Authority District is a self-governing subdivision of the state created to provide services that are not already provided by another district or jurisdiction. There are certain criteria that must be met in order to combine properties in Pinal County. View Pinal County Treasurer tax lien sale information, including a list of properties and an interactive map. Review time shall start once application has been accepted online. This non-legal property description should not be used for legal transference of property. 2022 - Pinal County All rights reserved. The survey required for the minor land division process will not split the property. There are no items in your shopping cart right now. If you need to apply for a Special Use Permit or Industrial Use Permit, refer to the instructions on the Land Use Change page. These four sections are given the following designation: A map of each parcel is created by our Cartography Division and saved on the Pinal County Assessor website. Florence; Marana; CODES AND ORDINANCES PINAL COUNTY ARIZONA Codified through Ordinance No. Find information about Pinal County, Arizona Property Tax Payments including paying and viewing your tax bills, school, county, and town tax information. Pinal County Zoning Codes & Ordinances 400 to 411. View Pinal County Treasurer tax lien sales page, including information about county held tax certificates. View Pinal County, Arizona codes, ordinances, laws, and statutes. the group reviews and evaluates all zoning requests that are referred to the Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment. These are usually the smallest unit of division in this system. Property use codes and land use codes listed on the tax roll are established pursuant to Florida law and reflect the actual use of the property as of the January 1 assessment date each year; they arenotzoning designations, do not reflect allowed uses of, or use restriction on the property. The Motor Vehicle Division no longer notifies the assessor of title transfers (ownership changes) on manufactured homes. You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. Or, if an asset list is not available, make a list of all the business equipment including a description of the equipment, year it was purchased and the original acquisition cost (including any freight, installation, special support, special wiring, special plumbing and sales tax paid). Travel Reduction. Find Pinal County GIS maps, tax maps, and parcel viewers to search for and identify land and property records. Click the Tax Area Code value to view rates. Vacant Manufactured Home Lot (Co-Op) 0062. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE . Find information about Pinal County, Arizona Zoning Codes & Ordinances including planning, development, subdivisions, zoning regulations, land use codes, and revisions. Pinal County GIS Maps Please call the Assessors Office at 520-866-6361 to verify if form is on file. Information found on is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal, financial or medical advice. Assessment History Year Property class Market value Assessment value Total tax rate Property tax ; 2022 : Single Family Residence (Graded 010-3), Urban, Subdivided : $191,298 : $11,581 : Search Pinal County Assessor parcel records by book, map, parcel or split. The zoning of your property depends on the properties location. Occasionally, a tax district that had not previously assessed taxes to properties will begin to assess taxes for the current tax year. Pinal County Delinquent Tax Sales & Auctions, Pinal County Property Forms & Applications, Pinal County Treasurer Property Records (Arizona), Pinal County Treasurer Tax Records (Arizona), Where to get free Pinal County Property Records online, How to search for property titles and deeds, What property information is available for Pinal County, AZ records searches, Where to find Pinal County Clerk, Tax Assessor & Recorder of Deeds records. Please search for your parcel either by address or parcel number (no spaces or dashes between the numbers) and activate the Zoning Layer on the drop-down menu on the left. Land values are determined by collecting sales within a range of time in a certain locale. If your request has been denied, you may file an appeal with the County Board of Equalization. Alternative Work Schedules. This can be done by contacting the original owner to pay your portion of the tax bill, or by making a payment towards the parent parcel at the Treasurer's Office. Vacant Manufactured Home Lot (Land Condo) 0090. No 3) Perform a free Pinal County, AZ public property records search, including property appraisals, unclaimed property, ownership searches, lookups, tax records, titles, deeds, and liens. What if I disagree with the Notice of Value? Pinal County Housing Resources A parcel number, abbreviated as APN (Assessor Parcel Number), is a unique descriptor used to identify assessed property within Pinal County. A final division is of each ten-acre quarter-quarter-quarter section into four equal parts, each consisting of two and one-half acres. Any incorrect applications received in error will not be processed.Thank you for allowing us to serve you. Phone: 520-509-3555 Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311. Also, each year the Assessor reviews properties in relation to the districts and corrects any discrepancies or boundary changes submitted by the districts. Find information about Pinal County, Arizona Zoning Codes & Ordinances including planning, development, subdivisions, zoning regulations, land use codes, and revisions. What are the restrictions on the placement of sheds in residential yards? The values then can be applied to like properties in the market area. Also a deed must be recorded that describes the parcels to be combined in one legal description. I need my Privilege Tax for my rental property, can you provide me with that information? The Lot and Block system is perhaps the simplest and the most recently developed of the three main survey systems to understand. Notification of Arizona Residential Rental Property Form (PDF), email the Pinal County Assessor's Personal Property Division, Community Development Planning Department, Arizona Department of Revenue's Mapping and Parceling Standards (PDF). Appraiser may enter and examine any property in this state to determine its Full Cash Value. It is the responsibility of the new owner and prior owner to notify the assessor of the change in ownership once the title has been transferred. Full Cash Value is a reflection of the market value of a property and consists of land and improvements. Limited Value is the basis for computing primary taxes for the maintenance and operation of school districts cities, community college districts, counties and the state. Find information about Pinal County, Arizona Ordinances & Codes including local law ordinances, municipal ordinances, municodes, city ordinances, and code enforcement. New subdivisions are added to the tax rolls using much of the same valuation year criteria as a standard land division. (PDF), 009 - What Are the Residential Gas Piping Installation Requirements? Pinal County Property Forms & Applications Pinal County31 N Pinal StreetFlorence, AZ 85132, Phone:520-509-3555Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311, A reference to the subdivision name as dedicated on the plat, A reference to the cited plat map, by the official Recorder number, A description of the plat map's place of official recording, i.e. Previous year valuations are subject to change as prescribed in the Arizona Revised Statutes. A survey does not split property. Search Pinal County Treasurer parcel records by owner name or mailing address. Pursuant to ARS42-19051, you may file a Petition for Review (DOR form 82530) with the Assessor's Office within 30 days from the mail date of the notice of value. Find information about Pinal County, Arizona Divorce Forms & Applications including petitions for dissolution, uncontested divorce forms, and situational forms. Find information about Pinal County, Arizona Burn Permits including applying for open fire burning permits, requirements, wildfire prevention, and personal fire safety. The Limited Value is a statutory calculation, mandated by the Arizona State Legislature. Assessor property descriptions may be condensed and/or abbreviated. Find Pinal County GIS maps, tax maps, and parcel viewers to search for and identify land and property records. - Validity of zoning clearance or county permit. (Supp. than one use is evident on a parcel. These four sections are given the following designation: Book: 200; Map: 49; Parcel: 047; Split: A; A map of each parcel is created by our Cartography Division and saved on the Pinal County Assessor website. Search Pinal County Assessor parcel map by parcel number, owner name, or property address. By submitting this form you agree to our Privacy Policy & Terms. If the property is 10 acres or less and within un-incorporated Pinal County, the split needs to be approved through the Minor Land Division application process at the Community Development Planning Department. To establish a property use code, first select the general type of property use as indicated by the first two digits of the use code choices. Each Township is further divided into 36 Sections each approximately being a mile square. Find Pinal County residential property records by address, including property owners, sales & transfer history, deeds & titles, property taxes, valuations, land, zoning records & more. All requirements are described on the application form. 2018 Building Code Ordinance & Amendments (PDF) . Full Cash Value is synonymous to market value. Privacy Policy If I rent my home do I need to notify the Assessors Office? The most accurate way to find property lines and corners is to have the property surveyed. Every Parcel in Pinal County is within a specific Tax Area Code. Pinal County Delinquent Tax Sales & Auctions Condo Common Area Assn Own - river, lake, submerged land. It became widely employed in the United States in the 19th century when Americans began to move away from an agrarian society towards an industrialized society and cities began to expand into the surrounding farmland. The Treasurer department has provided an example bill with an explanation of how the amount was calculated and what the various tax rates are for primary, and secondary property taxes, special district tax, and PRM reductions. Search Pinal County Recorder recorded documents database by name, fee number, book/page, section/township/range and plat. Pinal County Noise Ordinances & Codes It is the responsibility of the owner(s) to insure that taxes are paid on their portion of the parent parcel up to the valuation year of the new parcels. To schedule a Site Plan Review, please contact the Department or refer to our Applications page. Pinal County Recorder County Records The primary Pinal County property tax rate is $3.69 per $100 of assessed value. If you have an asset list you can attach a copy to the statement and return it to the Assessor's Office. Pinal County31 N Pinal StreetFlorence, AZ 85132, Phone:520-509-3555Toll-Free Phone: 888-431-1311. View Pinal County, Arizona property tax exemption information, including homestead exemptions, low income assistance, senior and veteran exemptions, applications, and program details. Pinal County Treasurer Tax Records (Arizona) Search Pinal County Treasurer parcel records by owner name or property address. There are about 200 individual Taxing Authorities and 500 different Tax Area Codes within Pinal County. Please refer to Guidelines for Re-Recording a Document. Businesses are required to complete the form and return to the Assessor by April 1st. The Tax Area Code for a parcel can be found by completing a look-up at Assessor Parcel Search or Assessor Parcel Viewer. 0040. Find information about Pinal County, Arizona Ordinances & Codes including local law ordinances, municipal ordinances, municodes, city ordinances, and code enforcement. Protecting & enhancing Arizona's water supplies for current and future generations. The Planning Division provides administration of the Pinal County land use regulations which includes Comprehensive Plans and Amendments, Zoning, Subdivision, Site Plan, Minor Land Division, Addressing, Specific Plans and Amendments, and Variances. Pinal County, Arizona - General County Info Pinal County, Arizona Home Page General information about Pinal County Population: 214,359 Area: 5,370 sq. 200 to 211. Current Adopted Codes 2018 International Building Code 2018 International Residential Code 2018 International Mechanical Code 2018 International Plumbing Code 2017 National Electrical Code 2018 International Fuel Gas Code 2018 International Fire Code Search Pinal County property assessments by tax roll, parcel number, property owner, address, and taxable value. does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Contact the person or organization that prepared the document and have them make the necessary changes and re-record the document(s). County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. View Pinal County Treasurer tax lien sales page, including information about county held tax certificates. Look through the process thoroughly before completing the forms. Where can I request for a special permit? Pinal County Treasurer Tax Records Quick Links. What is a Site Plan Review and how do I schedule?
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